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Natalia Sotskaya
Scenario for the anniversary of the Center 20 years - Inseparable friends - Adults and children.


(Screensaver plays "Before the start of the holiday left")

Watching a video while guests are gathering

(Fanfares sound and screensaver on the screen "WITH anniversary» )

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear colleagues, Friends! Good afternoon, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to anniversary celebration on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of our Center"Volzhanka"! - (Slide - 20 years old).

Presenter 1:

(Background music sounds)

Volzhanka birthday girl, dear, dear,

How many lived together.

Not lived in vain.

On this solemn day, of course, worries

All of our huge

Friendly family.

Lead 2:If suddenly you ask: Why are we worried?

We will answer easily, not melting in our thoughts,

On the road difficult creativity and knowledge

Together they did good deeds

(Intro « Anniversary» )

Leading: Awarded in Cannes "Palm Branch",

The actors follow her along the path,

And in Volsk they defile beautifully

lovely adults, girls and boys!

They will pass with dignity on it,

Giving happy smiles.

We have a nice one today anniversary -

We are 20! And there is no mistake in this!

Today we turn back time

Let's watch film footage together

About the life of the team for all 20!

And all his happy moments.

We will see the movie

art and documentary.

For an event like this

Prepare seriously and fundamentally.

(Intro "We begin" or with anniversary)

presenter: Step aside Friends, step aside,

Smile heartily at this moment

Skip ahead without a doubt

You are the one who has a birthday!

(The Director walks along the path - in the hands of 5 gel stars)

(Intro "Balls")

Vedas: Spinning, spinning ball of the earth

Years fly by like birds

All with came to congratulate you on your anniversary

They brought balloons with them as a gift.

(deputies exit)

Expression of love in red balloons (throw)

We brought them with us now

Friendship and fidelity fiery sign

We brought it in our hearts.

(Heads of departments come out)

Blue dreams in blue balloons (throw)

To keep dreaming,

We sincerely wish you beauty.

Light, warmth on a cold winter day!

(Educators and Narrow specialists and Nannies come out)

Yellow ball - it's for good luck -

Let the envious cry!

Let dreams come true!

Happy Our center, you will! (throw)

(Personnel and accounting come out)

The ball is green - it is for money,

Bring us good luck

To in a wallet for business

And rustled and rang! (throw)

(Secretary comes out, etc.)

We don’t give a purple ball in vain -

Let them be with you Friends

Share the joy, share the troubles

Just visit more often! (throw)

(Medics exit)

White ball - with a wish of health,

Bright joy, beauty,

Optimism, good spirits,

Reach any height!

(Chefs and Specialists exit)

Pink ball - our bright thoughts:

Let it be our The center is very rich

Smiles, laughter, enthusiasm, fun

Happy, beloved our guys.

Leading: And here it is, our today's hero of the day- friendly staff and nice people children who send you their greetings and give you happy smiles!

Song: "Fanfares have resounded" or "We are one"

(Background music playing)

Leading: When the stars in the sky light up,

So someone needs it...

Very rarely so many stars gather.

Let's answer all in unison and amicably:

Did everyone come with a good heart?

Wishes of the heart in store?

(Fanfare and Headpiece "WITH anniversary)

Well? The holiday is solemnly opened!

And we invite Elena Ivanovna to us.

Anniversary We reward her with a ribbon! (Or Anniversary ribbon handed out)

And the concert begins!

The word is given (From the ministry)

(background music playing)

(Leaders take 3 big stars from the ceiling)

Presenter1. Look how many stars!

Presenter2. What a beauty!

Presenter1. Look what a big star! This is the star of love. I really want to give the team this star. My dear ones, let your love be like a light drizzle, coming gently but filling entire rivers.

Presenter2. And this star is the star of kindness. Our colleagues are always very kind to children. Their kind words leave a wonderful trace in the children's souls. They soften, comfort and fill the hearts of children with peace and confidence.

Presenter1. And this star is special. This is the star of beauty. She is like our women! She needs to be very protected.

Presenter2. We gave the stars, now what?

Presenter1. And now let's take our holiday and cleanse it of grief, indifference.

Presenter2. Let's add three spoonfuls of optimism, a big handful of faith, a spoonful of patience, a few grains of tolerance.

Presenter1. Pour the whole mixture on top with our love.

Presenter2. Now that everything is ready, decorate with flower petals of kindness and attention.

Presenter1. And we will give it to everyone under the friendly applause of all those present in this hall!

Lead 2:

Anniversary - what is the word!

It's a holiday, it's a celebration!

Today on the faces and joy, and pride!

Today, in the gait of our children, firmness!

Today "Volzhanka" all in bright posters!

Today we have - anniversary date!

Let the music play louder today

Let the light of smiles burn brighter

"Volzhanka" native hosts guests

In your anniversary - we are 20 years old»!

(Noise outside the door, a film crew enters the hall)

(Intro - Film Reel)

Director: So, we carefully bring in the equipment, the operator center. Free the central part of the hall. Are the artists ready?

Presenter1. What's the matter? Who invited you here?

Director R: How is who? Here I have (takes out papers ... Here is an order for a short film about the history of Center"Volzhanka".

Presenter2. How's the shooting? But we have a solemn event here dedicated to anniversary of the Center, we are presenters, we have a program, look here.

Director: I don't know anything, I have all the documents signed, and we start filming. Well, you ... you can be the announcers in our film. So, everything, time does not wait, we begin. Movie title - " Inseparable friends - adults and children". Episode one - "We remember how it all began."

Clapperboard Assistant: Episode one - "We remember how it all began." Double first. (clapping)

Presenter 1:

(show presentation)

We remember how it all began

Everything was for the first time and again.

We made plans

Wrote programs

And he led us forward - the captain!

How difficult it was for us to name,

But together they agreed on one

What's better "Volzhanki" unlikely

We will choose a name.

"Volzhanka" we think is the best!

Always and at all times!

"Volzhanka" brought us to the people

Brought us to the master!

Clip: "N. F. Speech"

(Photo of directors)

Presenter 1: Natalya Fedorovna Malkina led us along the path of patience, kindness and wisdom. In 2008, she passed the baton to Elena Ivanovna Kozyrkova. It was these charming women who gave and give strength, mind, energy and love to their institution.

Song: "Dreams" - Slideshow.

Presenter 1: This is how we live

Let the days and years fly over us

Noisy rains, it's snowing -

Presenter 2: But in our Center always good weather!

Today, tomorrow and always!

Director: Taken! All just great. Everything goes according to plan. We shoot further. Episode two - "Life of a Moment priceless".

Clapperboard Assistant: Episode two - "The life of a moment priceless".

double second (clapping)

(Screensaver "20th anniversary")

Presenter 1:

20 years? - very few years

But how many joys and troubles have been experienced here!

Meetings, partings, victories over yourself,

And how many joyful and bitter tears shed!

And in this anniversary day

We gathered to remember again

Those who have gone down in history now

And who will fill this day with labor.

There are many of them - old and young,

Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,

Who, not sparing his strength,

It grows the future, and there is no rest for it.


Not thinking proud light to amuse,

With all my heart Our loving center,

Gathered here to congratulate him

Big friendly family.

We will not flatter, darken, dissemble,

And together, not concealing the truth,

We will try to present

The whole team from "A" to "Z".

Presentation "Here Center in which everyone is comfortable…”

1. Here is the House,

Where everyone is comfortable.

2. And this is the director

Both wise and strict

who leads us on the right path,

Keeping from various adversities and problems.

A home where everyone is comfortable.

3. And these are our heads and deputies -

In anxiety, in care.

In services, as well as favorite work

They do not find shortcomings, gaps ...

Help the director in word and deed.

4. But there is a large detachment of specialists!

Everyone in our "Volzhanka" is glad to see you!

Teach for sure, it can't be "All of a sudden"!

After all, each of you is a doctor of children's sciences!

5. But social workers

hardworking and original.

They know their work for five,

They don't need experience.

6. And now -

The caretaker looks with concern.

She is carrying a heavy household cart.

No caretaker anywhere

She knows what she needs

What to buy for the House,

What's broken, fix it.

7. And here -

a row of educators lined up,

And next to them are assistants.

They surround the guys with love:

She is for mom

She's for dad!

For their children -

At least to the monster in the paws!

8. Here are the nurses in white coats in a hurry

They really want to see everyone healthy

And if diseases overtook suddenly

That doctor is undoubtedly our best friend.

9. And here is our beloved secretary,

Indispensable at work:

Sends faxes quickly

Answers all calls

Prepares documents

Knows the finer points.

11. But those who cook meals skillfully

Cutlets, compotes - everything is very tasty!

Borscht, vinaigrettes, sausage in the dough,

Every calorie has its place.

12. These are the ones we cannot do without.

Let's tell them: "Thank you!", Friends,

For daily, hard work,

For creating comfort for us.

13. We congratulations on the anniversary,

We wish you health, good luck, prosperity!

Live, work without knowing problems,

In a House where everyone is comfortable!

Presenter 1: Let's remember the brightest moments in our lives.

video film: "Chronicle of our Center".

(Intro - Film Reel)

Director: Stop, filmed! Weird, weird! So let's move on to the next episode! Let's take something from the lives of wonderful people. Well, For example: "Have a heart, have a soul and you will be a man for all time." We're filming! I ask the operator to capture the guests, their faces - close-up.

Clapperboard Assistant: Episode three - "Have a heart, have a soul and be a man for all time", take the third. (clapping)

Presenter 1: Happy day - well, just a dream!

A little passed, and every day is brighter!

At Center ours is not just a birthday,

And youth is bright anniversary!

Presenter 2: Now we will talk about all those

Who left a particle of the heart here,

Everyone who is within these walls without measure and rules

He did not spare himself, dissolving in work,

I did not think about glory, awards, honor.

Whose work poured in drop by drop,

Who tried to give his heart to children!

(Slide show of employees working first opening Center and working now)

Presenter 1: And we are especially pleased to see at our holiday the most persistent, devoted people of our Center. These people have been working since the day of its foundation and devoted many years to educating the younger generation. Tried to children

Presenter2 2:Presenter 1 Center children grew up worthy people, found their place in life.

Lead 2:

Presenter 1: We are especially pleased to see at our holiday the most persistent, devoted people of our Center. These people have been working since the day of its foundation and have devoted many years to educating the younger generation. Tried to children grew up worthy people, found their place in life.

Lead 2:

How many children have passed through their hands and heart.

How much they gave warmth and affection to each child!

Presenter 1: We are especially pleased to see at our holiday the most persistent, devoted people of our Center. These people have been working since the day of its foundation and have devoted many years to educating the younger generation. Tried to children grew up worthy people, found their place in life.

Lead 2:

How many children have passed through their hands and heart.

How much they gave warmth and affection to each child!

How many children have passed through their hands and heart.

How much they gave warmth and affection to each child!

Thank you all and kudos to you.

Song: "I will remember" - Slides

(Intro - Film Reel)

Director: All the third filmed! What do we have there scenario! So, so, so - now we will shoot the best episode in life. The most ineresting! Episode four - " Inseparable friends - adults and children". Cameraman - attention! Camera on the presenters! Started!

Clapperboard Assistant: Episode Four - " Inseparable friends - adults and children", take the fourth (clapping)

Presenter 1: Children are happiness, children are joy,

Children- this is a fresh breeze in life!

They can not be earned, this is not a reward,

Them by grace God gives adults.

Lead 2: Children These are angels from heaven!

You can't live without them, they are beautiful.

They are the beginning of all worldly miracles,

Like the sun in a clear sky.

Presenter 1: For 20 years they have been growing and developing in our beautiful Center for our children. Over the years, 2928 graduates have been rehabilitated within our walls! Just think about this number! Many of our students have found peace of mind and confidence in the future.

(photo of children - graduates)

Lead 2: Life does not stand still. Our employees fall in love, create strong families. Raise and educate their children. Smart, beautiful and talented.

Presenter 1: So today, on this joyful holiday, our children made a request to speak. And since the young people are dear to us, we invite them to scene!

Reader 1: At this moment we are very worried,

So much to wish

To everyone with congratulations on the anniversary

Reader 2: First, of course, we wish you health

Educators definitely can not get sick,

Immediately there will be groups without a mother

There are no simpletons to sit with us.

Reader 3:

It would not be bad for you to add a salary,

Family problems will be easier to solve

What to feed, what to wear, how to deliver,

ABOUT new job stop dreaming.

Reader 4:

In general, of course, we dreamed,

But what can't you think of anniversary.

And we can only add

That you are not closer and dearer.

Presenter 1: We are not always dressed by Versace,

And it doesn't always take us "Mercedes",

But we solve important problems,

We can't imagine progress in society without us.

And speech, such, I, Friends, interpret

I'll tell you colleagues, not melting,

We don't need another profession

We are proud to be one family!

Song « Inseparable Friends - Adult Children» - Clip "Fidgets"

(Intro - with anniversary)

Director: Stop, filmed! (rubs hands) Don't relax, keep working! I ask for everyone's attention! Preparing the next frame - "Directors of Baby Showers".

Assistant: Episode five - "Directors of baby showers", take fifth! (clapping)

Presenter 1: Friends collected our warm home!

How good it is when we are together

Where there is no place for envy or flattery,

And where everyone's hearts are filled with goodness!

We invite you to this scene.

Lead 2: And now your finest hour has come!

We applaud you all!

Room "Lozhkari"

Lead 2: Thank you for your active and sincere participation in the life of our Center and most importantly - thank you for your wonderful and talented students!

(Intro - Film Reel)

Director: Ready! (rubs hands) We work, we work further! We remove the award in the nomination "Best motto Center"Prize - close-up! Then the camera - on the main character! And hold on longer! Let's start!" Assistant: Episode six - "The best motto Center", take the sixth! (clapping)

(Intro - Fanfare - Rewarding - N. V. Laukhina)

(Intro - Film Reel)

Director: Stop, filmed! Great! Here it is, the poignant moment! Episode seven - final - "We wish you happiness!".

Assistant: Episode seven - final - "We wish you happiness!". double seventh!

Presenter1: Our Center!

You are the eternal companion of childhood,

In which there is no place for boredom and despondency.

Your warmth is kept with all my heart.

Live and prosper, our Center, another 100 years!

(Show Video - Postcards)

Director: Great! Taken! Camera on the hosts!

Presenter1: Not invented, not embellished,

These shots are important to us

After all, history the center of our,

Part of the history of our country!

Lead 2: And now it's a special turn

bring into the hall anniversary cake!

(Fanfare sounds)

(Takeaway Cake, show Clip - Cake)

Presenter 1: So that luck always awaits on the way,

And the meetings were only joyful,

Let's go Friends, for luck

We will blow out Candles on the cake!

The honorable right to blow out anniversary candles are provided to Elena Ivanovna.

(The director comes out and blows out the candles)

Director: Stop! Taken! Thanks to all! And me a cup of coffee. (Bring out coffee).

(Intro - End of Movie)

Lead 2: Our film is children!

Our film is happiness!

Our film is a ray of sunshine in bad weather!

Lead 2:We have been creating it for many years.:

And there were victories, and there were hardships!

And so It's time for the anniversary,

Our Shout Hooray to the center!

Presenter 1: Finished Movie!

Approaching the conclusion

Our solemn part.

We believe that this holiday anniversary

Will remain in our hearts!

Lead 2: So light the rays and stars

You are in every little soul!

Don't let it cool, don't let it freeze

Good you never, nowhere!

(Intro - Salute)

Song: "Anniversary gathers friends and guests!".

The association is 15 years old. For a person - the age is young, but for a club at the library - not enough! The celebration went off in a big way! The library was decorated with welcome posters (thanks for the help Tatyana Sergeevna- head. Children's Library No. 2), wall newspaper "15 years is not age", balloons and flowers.

Retirement age is considered to be the end of active life. In the understanding of many, being a pensioner means sitting on a bench, complaining about health and discussing the young. But there are people who do not want to grow old “like everyone else”, they are active in every sense, build Napoleonic plans and, most importantly, implement them. These are the people who gathered in our club "Golden Age".

On this moment There are 15 people in the list of the club. Who is he, the average member of the club? Despite his age, he is an energetic, resilient person who wants to learn new things, and not for the sake of the process itself, but for the benefit of himself. He lived an interesting, eventful life, held both as a person, and as a specialist, and as a parent, and as a person who already has grandchildren. And at the same time, he managed to sip a lot from the vicissitudes of fate. In our case, these are women who do not want to put up with age. They adequately look at the essence of things, and are not afraid to call themselves an active pensioner. Because this is not a status, but a title that must be carried with dignity. What they do.

Head library T.E. Nazarova, who concurrently is the chairman of the club "Golden Age", offered guests a fun and rich program. The main point of her opening speech was the sentence:

"Oh you, dear guests,

Sing, have fun

Well, who came out of sorts,

Better leave."

The first meeting of the club took place in 2002. At its origins were our dear Elena Alexandrovna Nagornova And Valentina Moiseevna Barsukova. Elena Alexandrovna shared her memories of how it all began. In recognition of her merits, a self-organized committee represented by members of the club V.A. Pento And T. Nasonova made a proposal to confer on Elena Alesandrovna the honorary title of "founder mother" and to award her with the badge "Best Leader". Which is what was done. Then the club relay passed to Tatyana Evgenievna Nazarova, who has been running the club for over 14 years. The self-organized committee, on behalf of all members of the club, awarded her with a certificate of honor, a medal “For Forms and Content” (I hope it’s about work!), and a badge “Success in all matters!” and a commemorative gold plate with the motto of the club.

They heard about the club's anniversary in distant China, from where a "Chinese delegation" arrived with gifts with congratulations.

With this, the official part of the holiday ended and the fun began! The guests were seated at a table set for tea. The table decoration was a magnificent cake called "We don't miss tea", which from the Kashtanov family was presented to the club by its member Valentina Anatolyevna. The cake was of excellent taste to match its beauty. Thank you Masha Kashtanova who made it!

At the richly laid table, the guests had fun until the evening. Chastushkas sounded, they played funny games “Changeling”, “Useless questions”. The game for coordination and concentration of attention "Grandma at the Bazaar" caused a special fun and laughter. A win-win lottery made it possible to acquire especially valuable items such as a package of lavrushka, a year's supply of matches, or a balloon in the form of a Chinese lantern. Unrestrained laughter was caused by "The Tale of the Life of Pensioners" and "The Tale of How Grandmother Yaga Wanted to Get Married", which Tatyana Evgenievna read. In order to take a break from laughter, the guests made a "Chamomile of Wishes" by gluing petals with good wishes club "Golden age".

At the end of the meeting, verses were sounded - a wish:

May this wonderful date

Will give joy and smiles light.

I wish you everything that life is rich in -

Good, health, happiness, long years!

October 12, 2016 in the Central District Library named after. F.M. Dostoevsky, the club "Joy" celebrated its fifth anniversary.

On October 4, 2011, our friends and neighbors in the Sorting microdistrict, people of the "silver age", united in our library. Their goal is communication of like-minded people, joint creativity, and most importantly, an active lifestyle. So there was a club of interests "Joy".

For all five years, this club has given real joy to all its members: the joy of communication, knowledge, discoveries, creativity and moving forward.

It seems that five years is a very short time, but at the anniversary evening everyone was surprised to see how much has been done during this time, how rich and interesting the life of the club was. These are joint trips, excursions, theater evenings, workshops on applied art and meetings in the library, where club members learned a lot of interesting things about writers, artists, made virtual trips around countries and continents. But most importantly, over these five years, the members of the club have united and become friends. Many have developed very close personal relationships. They became true friends, supported each other in sorrow and in joy.

Guests came to congratulate the anniversaries. The head of the department for work with the population and the development of territorial public self-government, Doronina Ekaterina Vadimovna, in her congratulations, noted that the club "Joy" is known in the Kanavinsky district and in the city Nizhny Novgorod, his activities were repeatedly covered in the press. From the administration of the Kanavinsky district, she presented the club "Joy" with a gift: a monograph on the history of the Kanavinsky district.

Pavel Korotkikh, Chairman of the Council of Public Self-Government of the Sortirovochny Microdistrict, in his speech expressed his readiness to continue to provide all possible support and assistance to the Joy club. The first chairman of the club, Ogneva Lyudmila Ivanovna, told how it all began, how the idea to create an interest club came to life.

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Director of the Centralized library system Kanavinsky district Igoshina Alla Iosifovna in her congratulations emphasized that the members of the club "Joy" are always welcome guests of the library. Therefore, our cooperation will continue.

The guests saw a multimedia presentation, which presented all the activities of the club for five years, and funny music videos with film clips and photographs of the club members.

The evening ended with tea drinking, songs and memories sounded at the table.

The anniversary is a kind of result, but not the end. Club "Joy" continues its work and is waiting for new members.

Olga Kuzmina,
chief librarian of the sector of social and cultural activities
CRH them. F.M. Dostoevsky

A birthday or anniversary is a wonderful occasion to gather friends, relatives and colleagues at the festive table, while it is not always possible or desirable to invite a professional toastmaster, in this case, one of the relatives, initiative people can take up the organization of the entertainment part of the holiday, able to take on the role of leader, too, can be found in any company. We offer script for a birthday (anniversary) without toastmaster " Congratulatory quest», which is easy to organize and conduct on your own in a cafe or even at home. This will set a good tone for the holiday, unite all the guests and be a wonderful surprise for the birthday man (thanks to the author of the idea T. Efimova). Although the "Congratulatory Quest" is declared as a variant of the scenario "without toastmaster", any presenter can take his idea as a basis for carrying out his program.

For a family holiday in this scenario, you will need:

2 sheets of whatman paper, adhesive tape, photographs of relatives (including congratulations), 3 envelopes, paper (A4 sheets), printed images, or cut out from magazines and pasted on paper (you can also draw them). And also, at least 2 dozen balloons, a couple of scarves or chiffon scarves, 300 grams of sweets in candy wrappers, 2 large T-shirts, 2 hats or boxes, a roll of paper towels and, most importantly, felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.

All necessary preparations and props You can easily make your own hands or buy in a store. So, in order.

First- This is a greeting card, almost a poster. You can buy ready-made in the store, only you need to choose a large one. But it will be more interesting and more fun if you do it yourself, for example, by posting photographs of the congratulatory person with comic comments on a postcard. Or, in the presence of some talents, a specially drawn poster, on which the congratulation itself will appear closer to the final of the celebration. Can't draw well? It's okay: you can make an application card or a collage. For this, colored paper, fabric, wallpaper, newspaper clippings, etc. are useful. (Collages in the form of a combination of photographs and magazine clippings have proven themselves well. It is troublesome, but inexpensive and the result is worth the effort. For example, you can “photoshop” a photo of the hero of the occasion or glue her head to the figure of some celebrity. True, for a decent level of image you need to be good at the relevant computer programs, but many people do it these days.

Second- you need a bright envelope, bought ready-made or made with your own hands, from foil, cardboard, colored paper. There are stacked cards with images of different things of the same format. Suitable fruits, vegetables, cars, toys, etc. There is only one indispensable condition: that the picture is clearly visible and the object in it is easily recognizable. By the way, instead of images, you can use words or quotes.

Third- come up with something pleasant for the hero of the occasion and divide it into parts that will be assembled during the whole holiday into a single whole. In the script, the text is offered as an example, it is better to replace it with your own.

Scenario birthday (anniversary) "Congratulatory quest"

Leading begins with verse or prose, to choose from.

On this wonderful day, the beloved and respected by all was born ... (Name).

I'll tell you one secret:

There is no better day in the world!

Today is a holiday: birthday!

…(Name) so congratulations!

And immediately he starts defiantly looking for something in his pockets, but of course he doesn't find it. After the phrase "I brought the postcard here - it's gone, that's the trouble!" slaps his forehead, as if he remembered something, turns to the wall, where a poster has been posted in advance. And declaims:

- Where are the congratulations?

And birthday wishes?

My friends, right, trouble!

I must have been in such a hurry to get here.

That lost everything in the world.

Excuse me - it was an emergency.

I ask you, dear guests, help,

Find congratulations for the birthday boy!

Warm-up game "Magic Envelope"

Leading: Dear ladies and gentlemen, before we start the search and set off together on our congratulatory quest, I suggest, as is customary in Rus', to sit down for a while, at the same time and get to know each other better, do you agree? It is much easier and more exciting to complete a common task if you know your partners not only by sight. I have an envelope filled with cards in my hands. I will approach each guest, ask various questions. The task of the guest is to give his name and answer the question, but not with words, but with a picture that you will get from this envelope.

The host shows how everything will happen on the example of one of the guests. For example, the question might be: "What would you like to be called during the whole holiday?" And the guest takes out a picture, studies it and announces the answer to the rest of the guests: "Fluff".

Warm-up game - 2 "Secrets of grapes"

The essence of the game the same as the game "Magic Envelope". It allows people to get to know each other, leads to more relaxed communication.

Those sitting at the same table pass a bunch of grapes in a circle. Everyone tears off grapes as much as he wants - the more, the better. When everyone has grapes, the Host talks about the rules of the game: the guests tell as many facts about themselves as they picked berries.

Leading: So, my dears, now we are acquainted. We know a lot of curious things about everyone, tasted culinary delights and strong drinks, became braver, filled with positive and courage. It's time to start looking for congratulations. To carry out such a responsible event, I need two brave men with "golden" hands: Sir and Madam. Everyone who has excellent hands and is the owner of grasping and nimble fingers, please come to me.

Contest "Secret Mission"

There are two participants in this competition.

The players take each other with their right hands, and with their left they take the envelope from the toastmaster, hide it behind their backs and try to open it. The envelope must be opened delicately so as not to spoil the contents. Inside is a sheet with the first lines of congratulations: "On your beautiful day." This sentence is written down (or a fragment with these words is attached) in a greeting card attached to the wall.

Leading: Hurray, the first phrase of the holiday letter with congratulations has been found. The next part will help us find our nerves and ears. It is important not to flinch from ten loud shots and see as many extraordinary performances. I will ask the most brave and creative people to come out.

Pantomime with balloons

Leading or his assistant bring balloons, inside of which there are notes containing words on a solemn theme, for example, "restaurant", "fun", "gift", "holiday", "champagne", etc. One of the balls contains another phrase from greeting card: "birth" Participants to the music pass the first ball in a circle until the music stops (the DJ must be warned in advance that the music needs to be stopped). The one who has the ball in his hands becomes the center. The player must burst the balloon, read the contents of the note, and use gestures to show this word so that the others understand what it is about. Pointing at the hidden object is prohibited. As soon as the word from the card is found, the game stops. The word is written (attached) to the greeting card.

Leading: How can there be a birthday without music and songs? The next line of congratulations can be found out only by participating in a music competition. I am sure that each of those present at least once in his life sang. Therefore, everyone is automatically enrolled in musical teams. I propose to take your soul into singing and listen to a live performance.

Song Contest

(option to choose from)

First option:"Rehash"

The guests are divided into two groups and take turns singing excerpts from songs on a given topic, for example, "a bouquet of flowers", "holiday", etc. The loser is the one who runs out of songs faster, i.e., who cannot quickly figure out which song to sing.

Second option:"Signal translation"

Players are given a choice of a song that they need to sing, accompanied by movements, as in sign language translation. It is better to sing the song in chorus, and the performer of sign language translation can be one or more players.

Third option:"Remade Songs"

Guests are given hit songs with already altered texts (pre-printed on A4 sheets in accordance with the number of those present). The remade hits are performed in honor of the birthday boy and tell about his personality, interests and hobbies.

One of the sheets with songs contains another phrase of congratulations: "we want surprise!" . The words are written by one of the participants in the postcard.

Leading: For the next contest, I need two daredevils, vigilant, sharp-eyed. Are there any? So, here you are constantly looking at charming young ladies, do not take your eyes off. Surely, remember all the details and curves. You obviously have a sharp eye.

Leading invites two people to check which of the participants is more observant. The prize for winning is a bottle of champagne.

Competition for attention "What has changed?"

Participants leave the room for a few seconds. Before leaving, they should remember as best as possible: how the guests look, what they are wearing, in what positions they sat before they left. After returning, the players must tell what has changed. Leader makes changes appearance invited. For example, you can tie a scarf around your neck, put on a ring, put a fork in your pocket (objects should be a little conspicuous). One of the participants is given an envelope with a note containing the following line of congratulatory text: "Dreams to come true!".

Players return to the premises and begin to look for changes. The winner is the one who notices the most changes. During the action itself, the participants discover an envelope with a note and rewrite the phrase into a greeting card.

Leading: It turns out that among those invited there are brave and fast people, creators and singers, scouts and detectives. And what about the virtuosos of the brush? Now we will find out, and at the same time we will find the next phrase for the postcard. So, the competition of artists can be considered open.

Competition "Unknown animal"

The contestants are divided into two equal teams. The participants of each team are given a piece of drawing paper and the task is to draw a funny animal. The first participant draws only the head of the future "masterpiece" and folds a piece of paper so that the next player cannot understand what is drawn on top. Now it's time to exchange your "creations" with your rivals and give them the opportunity to continue drawing. Having drawn the neck, the teams change again, after folding the sheets again. Next, the upper half of the body, lower, tail and paws are drawn.

In the end, you need to blindly come up with a name for a new type of animal, exchange sheets and expand, demonstrating to everyone around. Whoever has fewer "cliffs" and smoother transitions between parts - he won.

"Health to be" - this part of the phrase is given to the winning participants, and they can immediately write it into the already prepared postcard.

Leading: It's time to lighten up your life a little! And therefore, the participants of the next competition will be offered sweets, but with a surprise that can help in finding the next part of the congratulations and the final victory.

Competition "Sweet task"

Each participant draws a piece of candy from the package, on the wrapper of one of them there is a simple code that needs to be deciphered. It is represented by a sequence of numbers, whoever guesses first to replace them with the corresponding letters of the alphabet wins.

The correct solution of the cryptography problem allows you to get another part of the congratulations, which sounds like this: "and great happiness has come to you," It is better not to rely on memory and immediately write the phrase into the postcard.

The puzzle itself looks like this:

"10 19 25 1 19 20 30 6 →

2 16 13 30 26 16 6 → 20 6 2 6 →

17 18 10 3 1 13 10 13 16"

Game "Telephonists"

Leading: Throughout the pleasant evening, we will have to say many more congratulations and listen to many toasts from wonderful guests. So let's practice the ability to speak beautifully.

Both teams are selected by 10 people who land in two chains, both teams face to face. The host of the event approaches the first participants of each group and whispers a patter in his ear - the more difficult, the better. The task, as in a “damaged phone”, is to pass the phrase along the entire chain as quickly and accurately as possible, and the last participant must stand up and clearly repeat the tongue twister. Bonus for the winners: "Tons, that way, two hundred," , should help with drawing up a complete congratulations.

"Theatrical performance competition"

Leading: And only your imagination and love for the theater will help you get the next part of the phrase. Each of you can participate not only in writing, but also play the intended roles on our small stage. The audience will perceive you favorably, especially if you decide to include one of those present here in the action. But do not limit the flight of fantasy, the main roles can be any characters - mythical, fabulous, famous personalities. The future of the heroes you create depends only on you!

Each player receives a piece of paper and a pen. Answers the host's questions, folds what is written so that it is not visible and passes his piece of paper to any other participant. And so on until the questions run out.

A list of questions:

Who is the main character?

Time and place of unfolding events?

The main character loved someone and was friends with someone?

Where did he like to spend his mornings with friends?

What did the comrades do with the gift?

What did they see in the middle of the road?

Who did they meet?

What did they do after that?

How did the story end?

All sheets are collected and each story is read aloud. The most comic plot is chosen, and it is played out. The roles are distributed among the participants, and the audience enjoys the action.

Winners receive the following part of the phrase: "maybe more!" , Don't forget to put it on the postcard.

Competition "Fat Men"

Leading: So our competition is coming to an end. There is only one final part of the congratulations left, and to get it we need two dress-up-loving participants.

Two volunteers are led out of the crowd by assistants, they are given two T-shirts, much larger than they should be, and helped to put them on.

Leading: Show off your outfit. Look at it carefully, appreciate it. And your friends will now help you become even more beautiful and attractive with the help of the most ordinary things.

Guests are offered to inflate and scatter balloons around.

Leading: Dear participants, and now, your task is on a signal, they will be the first notes of the music, collect as many balls as possible and stuff their T-shirts with them. Remember: " Good man there must be a lot!

After starting the music, both participants try to fill their oversized T-shirts as quickly as possible. The last chord announces the end of the competition, the regime of "diet therapy" begins. The balls are drawn, counted and the winner is declared. His team gets the right to insert (insert) last part congratulations: "May you stay happy longer!"

The final part of the scenario "Congratulatory quest"

All the collected parts of the phrases are inscribed in a postcard, which is handed to the birthday man after a loud reading of the entire congratulations.. In this case, the collected congratulations sounds like this: "On your beautiful birthday, we we want surprise. Dreams to come true! Health, so that there is great happiness, it will roll on you, tons, that way, for two hundred, and maybe more. So that you stay happy longer! (But each company or organizer can come up with their own and divide it into parts for a congratulatory quest)

Leading: A lot, but not so much, years ago, our hero of the occasion was born. His life path was not always easy and cloudless, but in spite of everything he fell in love, worked, created and fought. On his life path, he met completely different people, with someone he walked hand in hand for decades, with someone he came into contact only for a few hours. But everything is real important people right here in this room. So let's raise our glasses and say everything that we have accumulated during this time. Let only the most sincere and warm congratulations sound today.

Then the holiday continues with the utterance of individual congratulations, dance entertainment, presenting gifts to the birthday man, loaf and so on.

- You can also arrange collective toast (The most active one starts, stops in the middle of a phrase, and then his neighbor continues. So, until a full circle has passed and everyone says at least something pleasant).

Or entertain guests joke forecast for the year

Two boxes are taken - in one the names of the participants in the event, and in the other - predictions. They can be prepared by guests or the presenter himself. A trendy and interesting option would be to use "Chinese fortune cookies". The name of the guest is drawn out and one of the "prophecies" is read out:

- It is worth being afraid of the same day, exactly in a year - you will have to give gifts again;

- Surprises await someone this year - will they find kids in cabbage?

- If a friend is nearby, no one will escape the fun around.


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