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If you are thinking about how to arrange a fun family holiday in the company of close friends, colleagues and relatives, then this scenario is for you. Presented by the talented author A. Zaitseva, it is designed to hold a holiday in a close circle and on its own, without the involvement of professionals, which means that even a beginner can take up its preparation, and the holiday itself can be arranged at home.

The program is conceived in such a way that in any competition or auction one or another prize is raffled off, albeit small, but pleasant, for which a “loud” comic name has been invented. Entertainment program of the birthday (anniversary) "Holiday with your own hands"- universal, if desired, it can be changed or supplemented with other games, contests, congratulatory moments, toasts and jokes.

During the evening, for example, prizes with the following names can be drawn:

Traveling art exhibition of unpainted paintings by future artists from the Art Doodle Gallery - (album for drawing).

Grinding machine with a manual drive from the company "Chic and Shine" "- (toothbrush).

An old means of organizing leisure and facilitating the wallet from the company "Lopukhoff and Chaynikoff" - (playing cards).

Universal neutral Western-European-East-Asian horoscope from the company "Zodiac and coffee grounds" - (calendar).

Anti-parrot measuring device for boas from the Russian Size company - (ruler).

Terminator for bacteria, bacilli and microbes from the company "Double Impact" - (washcloth (sponge) and soap).

Sewing-embroidery-stitching machine from the company "Shey yes pory" - (a set of needles and threads).

Pocket music center from the company "Rattle - make people laugh" - (rattle).

Auto alarm pneumatic action from the company "Atas!" - (whistle).

Entertainment program for guests "Holiday with their own hands"

The owners of the house greet the guests with the words: “We are glad to see the guests as good news!”, “Welcome!” Each guest is invited to a table with an aperitif and offered to choose a drink and one of the notes prepared in advance with a comic toast. When all the guests are assembled, they are invited to the table.

Leading. Hello! People have many ways to greet each other, so I want to greet everyone on our holiday in a special way.

(The host shakes hands with someone, hugs someone, kisses someone, pats someone on the shoulder, waves to someone, blows a kiss to someone, etc.)

Leading. My first toast - for the meeting!

Dear guests! Which of you can add something to what has been said about the hero of the day?

Who can illuminate other aspects of the outstanding nature of our birthday boy?

I propose to choose among the guests to choose an analyst. The one who will say: "And pour?" *

- (Turns to one of the guests.) And we will call you "lad" because you clap your hands the loudest.

Comic characterization of the hero of the day

Leading. I have in my hands a testimonial for our hero of the occasion (is reading):


His garments delight the eye.

His diligence deserves the highest praise.

Honest as an ATM.

Mobile like a phone.

As beautiful as a rare diamond.

Brave as a furious lion.

If you agree with this, let me know with applause (Guests applaud.)

Banquet break

Board game "Stable expression"

Leading. For our holiday, I prepared a list of set expressions. For example, Indian ... summer, scarecrow ... garden, etc. The one who exactly continues the set expression receives a token. The guest with the highest number of tokens is awarded a prize. We start the game.

Frost ... red nose, permafrost ... eternal, cow ... God's, king ... naked, orphan ... Kazan, cat ... March, tears ... crocodiles, sausage ... business, caviar ... black, wagon ... blue, Kashchei ... Immortal, conscience ... clean, pepper ... old, cult ... personality, horse ... in a coat, gelding ... gray, fly ... Tsokotuha, Miracle - Yudo ... filthy, hare ... oblique, tablecloth ... road, later ... sleeves, bear ... clubfoot, faceted ... glass, whirlwinds ... hostile, Rostov - ... On - Don, a trifle ... pot-bellied.

(Tokens are being counted.)

Leading. The winner receives a surreal prize, abbreviated as "surprise". (The winner gets a prize. The host gives pocket calendars to all guests.)

Fun for guests "Get a prize"

Leading. Prizes are up for grabs!

1. Manual air conditioner from the Japanese company "Mashisama"! It will be received by the one who quickly counts all Tuesdays of the year. (The competition is underway. The winner receives a fan - a hand-held air conditioner from the Japanese company "Mashisama".) I think that you will appreciate this fan after a dance break.

2. (The host hands several tear-off calendars to the guests.) The one who plucks Fridays from the calendar faster than others will receive a prize that fits any car brand. (A competition is underway. The winner gets a keychain that fits any brand of car. The host takes tear-off calendars from the players, gives out several piles of old newspapers.)

3. Now you need to find newspapers in a pile - one for Tuesday. (A contest is underway. The winner receives a prize - a means to broaden one's horizons - a peephole.)

Auction "Drinks of the world".

Leading. Attention! Auction "Drinks of the World". I ask you to remember the drink and the country where it is made. For example, rum - Cuba or wine - Spain ... Now - you.

(Guests participate in the World Drinks auction. Vodka - Russia, tequila - Mexico, whiskey - America, beer - Czech Republic, vodka - Ukraine, sake - Japan, cognac - France ...)

(The hero of the day fills the glass with his own hands.)

Toast- for the people who surround the birthday man.

Outdoor games "Rope competitions"

If you want to congratulate a woman on her birthday in an original way, then prepare a festive scenario in which all the guests will take part in the skits. So that the anniversary does not become a standard occasion for joint boring gatherings, we offer a ready-made entertainment program which includes not only competitions and toasts, but also sketches.

Ideas for a woman's anniversary

Fun games and contests can be of any plan. They can be dance, poetic and the most ordinary. A very interesting dance competition. Anniversaries are always attended by many guests of different ages. All those present must participate. People who are under 40 years old are pushed in one direction, and those who are over 40 - on the contrary.

We turn on modern youth music for the youth, hits of the 80s for the rest of the participants. Each team takes turns dancing to their own music. All this must happen very quickly. And the last song needs to be included in a common one, where all the guests will dance together. It will turn out a lot of fun, in the end friendship will win, and all the guests will be satisfied.

You can come up with various contests with the presentation of comic gifts. It is also interesting to use balloons, they are very fond of bursting. Guests respond well to different scenes with disguised guests.

You can give each invitee, including the hero of the day, a toy heart and ask them to go to the middle and dance to the music. The heart will mean that on this moment what is going on in your soul and in what mood the guest arrives. Its motive can be anything: slow or fast. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that the guests have fun.

The hero of the day may want to celebrate her 50th birthday not at home, and not even in a restaurant. If the birthday takes place in the summer, then a great offer would be to go all together to nature. There certainly will be where to roam.

In nature, near the river, all guests will have a good rest. On a hot day, you can make barbecue and go swimming in the river. To make it even more fun, you can pre-compile a script for the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the woman's cool with competitions in nature. You can take a tape recorder with you and listen to different music.

Guests will congratulate and give gifts to the birthday girl. There are many beautiful places in nature where relatives and friends can take pictures as a keepsake. Can you think of interesting contests Moreover, there is plenty of space outside.

You can make a surprise for the hero of the day and present a pre-ordered cake with candles at the end of the celebration. The birthday girl will remember her childhood, make a wish and blow out the candles. It is great to go to nature if there are many children among the guests. Since the kids at home would be bored, but here they have expanse. They can play ball, hide and seek, splash in the river and play board games.

Children can make a separate sweet table where they will spend time and play in their own way. Adults will sit at their table and remember some moments from life. You can organize an anniversary in nature outside the city.

Scenes and competitions for a woman's birthday

"Glass of water"

For example, the next competition is always fun. You need to select several participants, blindfold them. Give two glasses of water to your hands. Then write down the phrases that the participants will pronounce from the moment they are preparing for the competition. At the end, you need to voice these phrases and say that it was them that our hero of the day uttered on their wedding night.

"Man and cosmetics"

Three men and three women are invited to participate in this competition. Men sit with their backs to the guests, and women are given a standard set of cosmetics. As soon as the host gives the command to count the time, they will have to apply makeup to their men. When the time is up, the men are turned to the guests and only the strength of their applause can determine who the makeup suits the most.

"Kitchen Worker"

As many people as they show interest can take part in this competition. Each contestant is given a chair, a knife and a plate with potatoes, as well as a bowl of water and a plate where the peeled potatoes will be placed. The essence of the competition is extremely simple: you need to peel the potatoes, then rinse them and put them on a clean plate. It is clear that the winner will be the one who can peel more potato tubers in a minute (but not forgetting about quality). A great gift in this competition would be a pack of potato chips.

Scene "Gift for the anniversary"

A man (Sergey) enters the hall, he is nervous, looks at his watch
Sergey: So... so, so, so... the money is here, the ring is here... it remains to choose a table...
(the waiter accidentally pours the contents of the glass on him)
Sergei: What are you doing, now my wife will come, she has an anniversary, I prepared a surprise for her!

Waiter: Excuse me… Take off your jacket, dry cleaning is at our expense.

Sergey: What a dry-cleaner… How could I be without a jacket… Listen, lend me your jacket, just for a couple of minutes, I’ll congratulate my wife on her anniversary, and return it if it’s not difficult for you. (takes jacket) Thank you.
Inna's wife enters the hall, Sergey, dressed in a waiter's jacket, goes to meet her
Vera: Dear, what a beautiful place.
Sergei: Yes...
Vera: This is the first time we meet in such a chic place.
Sergey: The institution is chic, because today is your birthday.
Vera: Do you remember, it's so sweet... And what did you cook for me?
Sergei: I ... (reaches into his pocket) another jacket ...
Vera: Do you want to give me a jacket?
Sergey: No, what are you ... I want to give you ... (takes out a check from his pocket)
Vera: Printer cartridge, printer ink, printer ink, printer ink, printer paper, printer ink, chocolate bar…for printer…cartridge refill… Haven't you come up with a gift for me?

Sergey: How did you not come up with this. I figured it all out… here (takes out keys from their pocket)…
Vera: Car keys... are you really giving me a car?
Sergey: Yes, I give you a car ...
Vera: I love you so much.
Sergey: And I love you so much… it turns out.
Vera: Thank you dear, but let's order something ...
Sergey: Come on (takes out a purse from his pocket, opens it) ... Will you have coffee?
Vera: Are you kidding?
Sergey: (finds a credit card) I'm joking. But my credit card is no joke. (Hallelujah)

Vera: I can't wait to see your gift. And where does she stand?

Sergey: I think so… on the street.

Competition for the birthday of a woman "Auction for the birthday girl"

The host invites men present at the celebration to participate in the auction. "On horseback":

  • a bottle of champagne from the table of the hero of the day;
  • an invitation to the next birthday of the birthday girl, the first piece of birthday cake, etc.

Task for men - to name everything good qualities birthday girls in turn, and not repeating. At first, the task seems simple, but when the usual epithets run out, the players have to show eloquence and ingenuity, and this is not easy. The man who wins the contest is given a kiss and an invitation to the next birthday by the hero of the day, and the rest of the prizes are given to the two “finalists”.

The original scene "Old Man Hottabych" with the participation of the hero of the day

We need a Hottabych costume: a dressing gown, a turban, a beard, a rug and a bag. The old man will sit on the rug, and the leaves with tasks should be put in the bag. Hottabych comes in, bows, spreads out his rug, sits down on it and begins to talk.

Text by Hottabych: I greet you, honorable guests, and you, the most beautiful of the heroes of the day! I flew to you from a distant country to fulfill the wishes of a precious birthday girl. But first, I must ascertain your wisdom and resourcefulness. I'll ask you tough questions. Listen, oh light of my eyes.

Is it possible to celebrate a holiday for two days? No, the night separates them!

What do you have that other people often use? Your name!

All right, I will grant wishes, and honorable guests will help me.

My dears, I ask you to help me fulfill the desires of the beautiful lady. Pull tasks from the bag and grant wishes.

Tasks are like this:

  • sing;
  • drink;
  • take the pose of a swallow;
  • make a toast
  • give a compliment;
  • hug the hero of the day;
  • kiss the hero of the day;
  • tell a joke.

When the guests completed the tasks, Hottabych should say: “Oh, precious birthday girl. I have another gift, a wonderful oriental dance! But it will not be me who will dance it, but your guests.

The music turns on, the guests dance.

Cool scene for the birthday of a woman "Three sisters"

The hosts take part in the skits, and for example, three girlfriends of the birthday girl.

Leading: Three girls under the window Were spinning late in the evening, And not so much they were spinning, How much they were grinding with their tongues!

1st girl: Something has become boring for us! Do not go, girls, We are guests today?

Host: Then the second picked up ...

2nd girl: Drinking would not be a sin! But where would we go To take us all?

Host: The third did not guess for a long time, Eyes became more cheerful ...

3rd girl: Shouldn't you girls go together for the anniversary?!

Leading: And everyone went to celebrate your birthday. And now do not be surprised - They will congratulate you.

1st girl: Congratulations to the anniversaries from the bottom of our hearts. We have gifts for you. They are very good!

2nd maiden: So that the illness does not take you - We present this salt. As a seasoning, do not hold, But lie on the crown of the head. From diseases of everyone Helps, they say! (hands over a pack of salt)

3rd maiden: You are with this very gift. Do not grieve, do not be discouraged! Slowly rub every place in your bath! (hand over a washcloth or sponge)

1st girl: On this bright, glorious day, we congratulate you! And with all our hearts we dedicate the Dance!

Cool scene for the wife's birthday "Medical Examination"

One of the guests plays the roles of a doctor and an assistant, and the birthday girl, of course, is a patient. After a little inspection flavored with funny jokes, " medical staff” is deleted “to the meeting”.

A few minutes later, the "health workers" return, and the "doctor" in the hands of List with a diagnosis. The doctor announces medical indications:

  • Age: blooms and smells.
  • Pulse: over the edge, difficult to measure.
  • Blood group: red bodies in excess, real blood with milk.
  • Heart rate: sometimes calm, from time to time freezes with excitement or delight, at the moment indicates complete happiness.
  • Hearing: versatile, suitable for everyday use.
  • Vision: helps to notice the positive even in small things.
  • Sense of smell: helps to accurately determine where the wind is blowing from, but the nose reacts only to the representatives of the stronger sex.
  • Diseases: for a strange reason, can hibernate after a hearty lunch or dinner.
  • The same symptoms are observed while watching TV.
  • Recommended regimen: rest more and strain less.
  • The final conclusion of the doctor: the patient has just begun to live, it is urgent to get everything from life that has so far passed by, and also learn to enjoy everyday activities.

Cool script for a woman's birthday at home

In order for a cool birthday script for a woman to play at home, you can’t do without a presenter. It is not necessary to hire a professional toastmaster, especially since it will look out of place within a standard apartment. But, you can agree in advance with your friend or relative, who agree to take on the role of leader.

What you need for the celebration

In addition to the necessary leader already described, some more preparation will be required. It will be necessary to send out invitations to guests, where they indicate what they need to take with them or wear something yellow for the holiday.

Decorate the room where the birthday will take place balloons, posters with photographs of the hero of the occasion, garlands. All decoration, of course, should be yellow. Roll up a birthday cake in advance, prepare everything you need for the games, as well as prizes for participants in games and quizzes.

Moderator (after gathering invitees):

“Our birthday girl loves yellow. Therefore, it was decided to choose a birthday scenario for a woman, cool at home (you can download the text by simply copying it), which includes everything that is within or around this color. Here is the sun (make in advance from a yellow piece of paper in the center stick a photo of the hero of the occasion, and also make rays according to the number of invited guests).

I suggest that all guests take one ray from our sun and find out what exactly the birthday girl wishes you in the new year. Yes, we will still congratulate the hero of the occasion. But, before the start of the birthday, she would like to congratulate you (on the rays should be written "happiness", "health", "love", etc.).

The game "Who is faster"

For the competition you need five players, four stools and fun music. When the host turns on the music, the contestants start the race around the stools. As soon as the music stops, you will need to sit on a chair and take a seat. Whoever does not have enough space is eliminated from the game, taking one stool with him. The winner receives a prize: a sun-shaped magnet.

Competition "One lemon and two halves"

Six people take part in the competition. It will be necessary to give them cheerful hats made in advance from yellow paper. Participants are divided into pairs. Someone sits on a chair, and the second player becomes behind him. Each is given half a lemon. You need to come up with a sound signal for your fruit. Questions are asked on a topic related to yellow citrus fruit, three answers are given. Those who are ready to answer should press the shoulders of the first half of the couple and emit a sound signal. The second person from the team voices the answer.

Possible questions:

  1. What is the place in the world industry of lemon in terms of production among all citrus fruits: Answer: This is exclusively the second place, after the orange, of course.
  2. What country is the birthplace of the lemon? Answer: This is Southeast Asia.
  3. When did people in Russia first learn about the existence of a lemon? Answer: during the reign of Peter the Great.
  4. How does lemon affect the stomach? Answer: reduces stomach acidity.
  5. What vitamin is in lemon the most. Answer: vitamin C.
  6. Describe the best lemons in terms of useful characteristics? Answer: small fruits with a thin skin.

The couple that wins the competition gets, of course, a whole kilogram of ripe, fresh and sour lemons as a prize. Well, he says congratulations.

Competition "Active balls"

If the birthday boy's favorite color is not yellow, then the whole scenario can be replayed according to the color scheme. It will be easy to navigate here: gifts should be replaced with orange options and the main characters of the competitions should be orange or other items in color.

The script for the anniversary of 50 years for a woman is comic

“At the very beginning of our evening, I would like to test the mental abilities of the hero of the day. The years are still young, but whether this is really the case will show an ordinary matchbox. We stick one match into it, and the hero of the occasion gets the second match. Now I will ask prepared questions. If the hero of the day does not know how to answer, you will have to light a protruding match.

The essence of the competition is that at first the presenter asks simple questions, to which each person knows the answer. Then you will need to ask a strange question: "When is the birthday of the elephant." It is clear that the hero of the day will not know this and will light a match. Then the presenter, and after him all the guests, should sing the current song “Happy Birthday to you!”.

“Dear, Name of the Anniversary. Congratulations on this wonderful day. This day is joyful and important, therefore, let me present you with this wonderful lace (a bucket is taken out, from which the laces peek out). Next, the hero of the day must pull the string and pull out a bottle of delicious alcohol or another surprise from there, depending on what exactly the birthday man loves and expects as a gift.

“Now I offer everyone a competition that will tell us how much the guests know the hero of the day. After all, it’s not in vain that we all gathered here today: like important relatives and close friends. Who will be the first to answer the question will receive a candy. At the end of the competition, the number of sweets for everyone will be counted, and the winner will receive a photo of the birthday boy with his personal autograph. But that's not all! With the birthday boy, you can have a drink on brotherhood!”.

Approximate list of questions:

  • On what day of the week was the hero of the day born?
  • What was the baby's weight at birth?
  • Where was the hero of the occasion born?
  • What time of day was the birth recorded?
  • What was the name of the first teacher kindergarten(primary school teacher)
  • What was your favorite first book?
  • The name of your best friend since high school?
  • Year of purchase and brand of the first car?
  • Where did the hero of the day vacation abroad in the last year?
  • Where did you meet your husband?
  • The exact number and age of children;
  • Favorite food and drink?
  • Favorite book or movie?
  • Foot size;
  • If there is a dacha, how many floors is the house there and how much area does the plot itself occupy?

It is necessary to prepare simple questions, to which, of course, the birthday man himself must first answer the presenter. When holding this competition, it is not necessary to recognize the intellectual characteristics of the guests, to divide everyone into teams. The competition should be held in a light, relaxed atmosphere.

To write a script for a 50th anniversary for a woman, funny, funny for mom, do not be shy to consult with her. As a rule, at this age, women already have clear ideas of what they want to do during the holiday, and what it is better to refuse. Verses of various kinds and riddles in poetic form will always be relevant.

The cool birthday script “Everything for You” is designed to be celebrated at home with family and friends. Suitable for a woman of any age and is designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny greetings from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.


It is important to pay special attention to decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. A banner “Happy Birthday” hangs on the wall, from the photos of the birthday girl you can add an application in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. It will be interesting for guests to see how the birthday girl changed with age.

You can entertain guests with a photo zone, which is easy to do with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers of different sizes or decorate with balloons. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large format print.


plays important role on any holiday. The repertoire must be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps to tune in to the celebration, so it’s better to turn it on immediately when guests arrive. In anticipation of latecomers, the music lifts the mood.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • a broom with a bow;
  • photo frame with a family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup "The best mother";
  • task bag;
  • photo frame 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • chopsticks for sushi or pencils to make a hairstyle.


Leading: I can't put into words how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birth, we want to wish you many sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and female happiness. Get ready to receive congratulations all day long!
Dear guests, the rules of today's holiday are simple, please read:

1. Put away sadness and sadness.
2. No need to be shy, dance until you drop.
3. Don't get too drunk, don't meet under the table, don't kiss with salad.
4. Raise toasts more often for the birthday girl.
5. Do not forget to give gifts.

Violators will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes addressed to the birthday girl. Each of you, I know, has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. May this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest, most cheerful. We are here for you. Happy birthday!

(A short break for a snack after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink standing up for women?

(Guests give their guesses)

Leading: good options, but in fact, men drink standing up so as not to hear the phrase “Stop, you have enough” from the ladies sitting next to you. So, men, I will ask you to stand up and drink for the ladies present here - friends and relatives for the women's birthday!

Leading: I hope you managed to have a bite to eat, talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He flew not alone, but with an interpreter, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to receive congratulations?

Japanese congratulations

We need two: a Japanese and an interpreter. It is advisable to change clothes: a bathrobe, a wide belt, a hairstyle will do. A broom is hidden in the hands of the Japanese - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau dobroduli mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Watashi shine in Japonidze's eye.
Translator: I am a representative of the country of the rising sun - Japan.
Japanese: For some reason, a Japanese mother is a mother.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: Shine lyka, do not change the dignity of a mare.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Do not trump snot, do not break dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Fuck the euro, loosen the lotus head.
Translator: A lot of money in my wallet, pure thoughts in my head.
Japanese: Nahlebazza autumn hochezza.
Translator: I am glad to be present today at this wonderful holiday.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: I want to give this idleness away.
Translator: Allow me to give you this expensive gift.
Japanese: Get rid of the whining.
Translator: May he keep your house from sadness and adversity.
Japanese: Blossom like sakura!
Translator: Happy birthday!

Leading: In my opinion, a very good congratulations. (Name), let's invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and drink for friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. There are family, friends, and work colleagues. Each of you knows about (name) something that the others do not know. It's time to reveal the cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase "I know that (name of the birthday girl) ...". For example, I know that (name) is celebrating a birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the birthday girl as much as possible).

Leading: Our beloved (name), you heard so much about yourself, revealed all your secrets. Tell me, do you regret that you invited us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, the most senior representative of your family will say it. Attention, the floor is given to the grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(Sounds toast)

Leading: A lot has already been said today good wishes, but after all, a birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Darling, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the presentation of which is accompanied by poems.

Congratulations from children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save your best moments, mom. (Photo frame with photo)

Our beloved mother
Only the best flowers.
Be always so beautiful
Let dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you mommy for everything
Care, tenderness and love.
Responsible for your words
We are the children of the best mother in the world. (Medal or Cup "The Best Mom")

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl modest chants. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairy tale heroes

Before leaving, the host gives 3 guests a helium balloon. You need to draw in air so that your voice becomes high. The heroes perform a song-alteration to the motive "Here is someone who went down the hill":

Came to say happy birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never be discouraged.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also (name) good.
Keep blooming like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Good health and money
Love mutual and great
And many, many birthdays
Another note is young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, imaginary and lies,
And in conclusion we wanted
Say "Blossom, (name), bloom!"

Leading: For the birthday girl today we raised our glasses. Wishing you a lot of good things. And to make it more fun, I propose to drink for the guests!

(Pause for a snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only gatherings at the table, but also movement, fun, laughter. I suggest to warm up a little and dance.

(dancing starts)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? And that's not true! You can't fool the leader. The host knows everything and will bring anyone to "clean water". I have magic cards in my hands that can read people's minds!

I came for my birthday because...

The host selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card, on which the true reason for the guest's presence at the holiday will be written.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. You had to hide from your wife/husband.
3. Not a single holiday can do without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed shut, but the keys were left inside.
6. I want to find a soul mate here.
7. I am a secret agent and I collect dirt on everyone.
8. They forced me.
9. The food here is delicious.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Do not rush to get bored, we continue to play.

The game "Special bag"

The guests are seated at the table. Music plays, they pass each other a bag with tasks in any order. On whom the music stops, he takes out the task from the bag and completes it. If someone refuses to complete the task, he should make a good toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

Birthday is not a sad holiday at all, as is sung in the well-known song by Igor Nikolaev. A very fun event, especially when you spent quite a bit of time preparing it. Funny productions and mini-sketches for a birthday will help you entertain your guests, especially since we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you. After reading our recommendations, you, as a professional presenter, will be able to please your loved ones and friends with an entertainment program prepared by you.

Types of productions and mini scenes for a birthday man or woman

There are a lot of humorous games and contests. No need to rack your brains to come up with them yourself. It is enough to go to the Internet, to holiday sites where you can choose what you like. Our comic scenes are suitable for an anniversary and for any feast. But I want to draw your attention to how to properly organize the order of showing skits as the event goes on.

Let's remember that any holiday has:

  • introductory part (arrival of guests)
  • official dinner part (congratulations, gifts)
  • intermission (dancing, entertainment)

It follows from this that to choose funny scenes and staging, you need to proceed from this order.

Performances and skits for the birthday for the introductory part of the holiday

Even a meeting of guests can be organized very cheerfully. Recall such an example as the meeting "Bread, salt." The owner greets his guests with jokes, says funny jokes, giving them a bite of bread or a pie.

Birthday script "Meeting with guests"

The host or hostess, and preferably the whole family, wearing caps, funny hats or masks, meet the guest at the door, reading greetings:

Welcome guests with Bread and Salt

We don't get bored today
We dance and sing
Today we celebrate the holiday
And invite guests!

Hello invited guests!
Hello welcome guests!
We wish you health
We offer tea!

Then they treat the visitor, put a festive cap on him, inviting him to meet the next guest with them. Imagine the surprise of the guests from such a meeting! To be honest, the boring waiting for everyone to gather will turn into fun entertainment for everyone. And you can also ask the newcomer to tell an interesting rhyme or dance a dance and only after that take him into a cheerful company of those who meet.

Of course I would like to remind you funny scenario, beautiful, gypsy production "Meeting a dear guest"

To do this, you need to prepare colored scarves, a guitar or a tambourine in advance ( musical instruments can be cut out of cardboard or improvised means). Buy a bear mask, hats, thereby arranging a whole dance show from meeting guests, dressing up and involving newcomers in the performance you have planned.

See all friends
The gypsy soul sings.
A friend came to visit us
Pour him with a mountain!
Let's sing and dance
Holiday fun to celebrate!
Came to us, came to us
Our dear friend, dear
Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up! Bottoms Up!

I want to say that using the guest meeting templates that we have given you above, you can arrange a production for your holiday, on almost any topic. They are suitable for both adults and children.

And so, we met the guests. Let's move on to the official part of our holiday. Guests dignifiedly sit at the tables, getting up from time to time, announce toasts, give gifts. I think this is the most "boring" pastime. This is where it's time to shake things up. Small musical scene with the participation of guests, will be what you need.

Short skits and performances for the official drinking part

I think that for this part of the evening, musical performances with a minimum number of participants (from 1 to 3 people) are very suitable, since most of the guests are not yet ready for action, basically everyone behaves passively.

A musical, interactive number is very suitable - congratulations on changing clothes, for example:

  • to Serduchka
  • to Alla Pugacheva
  • to the gypsies

Guests at the party

Do not forget, for such scenes you need to prepare props, as well as musical accompaniment.

But believe me, your efforts will not go unnoticed, but rather bring freshness and revitalization to the atmosphere of the holiday.

Another option is to rent special jokes - costumes for such productions. Although personally, I advise you to order a professional animator. It will definitely surprise your guests, and save you from unnecessary trouble.

The number of scenes in this part of the holiday can be determined in advance by the number of guests invited by you. For every three toasts - one scene (just a recommendation from my own experience). Then your guests will definitely not get bored.

Script for a birthday, for the intermission

Well, now let's move on to the main, active part of the event. After the guests have eaten, drunk, breathed fresh air, it's time for funny mini-sketches for a birthday, for women and men. In addition to dancing, we invite you to play a contact fairy tale with the guests. This will make your guests very happy. Don't forget to capture this "fun fun" on camera. Subsequently, by making a video, you can enjoy with friends, memories of your holiday.

As we have already said, there are a lot of scripts, fairy tales and skits on the Internet, choose, I don’t want to. Of course, the more costumes, props, and most importantly the actors, the more interesting. Let us give an example of a fairy tale familiar to everyone since childhood. This mini scene can be played on the birthday of even a woman, even a man.

Contact scene "Turnip" for a birthday

Fairy tale "Turnip" in action

- Dear guests, stop chewing pies and bones.
Let's entertain ourselves and amuse our friends.
I want to tell you a story
About how grandfather planted a turnip,
Yes, I almost broke my stomach.

This story is for children and adults. Well, first of all, we need a “Turnip”, it should be big - very big (chooses the biggest guest. You can put a headband with green leaves on your head, but it will look funnier, the pot is a small flower)

- Here she is, Turnip fodder! And now we need a grandfather, let him be a hundred years old. (we choose from the male half. For props, you can use an old hat, beard).

- Yes, and we need a grandmother, just let her be young (we choose a grandmother using the women's table. Props - an apron, glasses, a rolling pin).

- Well, people, listen to what was the turnover. Here comes the grandfather, although he is old, but well done, a rogue with a beard. But there is one problem, he is lazy. He will come out in the morning, one balalaika is dear to him. He sits on the mound all day, but spits on the wattle fence. (The guest at this time performs movements: strokes his beard, plays the balalaika, spits).

- And here the grandmother sailed, she is young at heart, and she looks like a hag. He walks, swears, clings to everything with his feet (Playing role, performs movements: stumbles, threatens someone with his fist).

Now all the words will always be spoken by the host in front of the actor, and he, in turn, will masterfully repeat them with expression and gestures)

Grandmother: - Why are you sitting grandfather doing nothing?

Grandfather: - And I'm too lazy, your foot in the wattle fence.

Grandmother: - Well, go plant a turnip, old stump, increase my wealth.

Leading: - Oh, my grandfather got up, and went to plant a turnip. He came, planted in the ground, watered from above, and went back (the actor repeats all the actions in the text).

Presenter: - Imagine friends, so the whole summer has passed! The sun is shining, it is raining, our beautiful turnip is growing, and my grandfather is sitting on the balalaika playing and not blowing his mustache. The grandmother came again, angry, angry, gritting her teeth, cracking her bones, cursing!

Grandmother: - You’re sitting there again, looking at me, you’d better go look at the turnips.

Host: - Grandfather got up, brushed himself off, turned around with a beard and went to the garden, to look at turnips. Look, she’s big, round-sided and large, she sits in the ground and doesn’t want to climb out. He jumped around, let's shout, call for help.

Grandfather: - Grandma come out, take out your bones!

Host: - Here comes the grandmother, carrying her bones. She came, she looked, she said loudly:

Grandmother: - Here is this turnip !!! (grandmother throws up her hands in surprise)

The host addresses the guests: - Do not pull out the turnip. Who should be called?

Guests: - Granddaughter

Leading: - That's right, granddaughter. And here comes the granddaughter, shaking her mane, here she is, a city girl (you can choose a granddaughter in the course of the play, a younger girl is well suited for her. Props - a wig with bows or braids).

Granddaughter: Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and woman: - Help pull out the turnip.

Granddaughter: - Will you give me candy?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Let's give it.

Leading: - the granddaughter came closer, but how she squealed:

Granddaughter: - This is a turnip !!!

Leading: - Do not pull out the three of us. Who else should be called?

Guests: - Bug!

Leading: - That's right, Bug! Here she is waving her tail, there is no more beautiful than her.
(props - headband with dog ears)

Bug: - Woof-woof. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and woman: - Help pull out the turnip.

Bug: - Will you give me a bone?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Let's give it.

Leading: - The bug came closer, but spread her arms.

Bug: - This is Turnip!

Leading: - You can’t pull it out, who else should you call?

Guests: - A cat.

Leading: - Yes, friends, of course a cat. The most beautiful, very sweet. Here she comes, purrs, and sings. (Props - headband with cat ears)

Cat: - Meow-meow, mur-mur. And here I am, all good. Hello, what do you need?

Grandfather and woman: - Pull out the turnip.

Cat: - Will you give milk with sour cream?

Grandfather and grandmother: - Let's give it.

Host: - The cat came closer, purred under her breath:

Cat: - This is a turnip!

Host: - Yes, that's it, even the cat did not help. They decided to go home with the whole family, have lunch, sleep, and lie down on their sides. Like, we will gain strength, then we will defeat the turnip. (Everyone steps aside.)

- Well, while the whole family was sleeping, a little mouse came to the field. (With the mouse you need to choose the largest man or the birthday man)

- The mouse saw a turnip, as it squeaked:

Mouse: - This is a turnip! You need such a turnip yourself.

Leading: The mouse took the turnip in her arms, dragged it to her hole. (Takes the mouse aside).

- And the whole family returned to the garden and sees that there is no turnip.

All the actors together: - And where is the turnip?

Leading: - Yes, sorry ... oh, you overslept, you turnedip. You can’t even pull a turnip out of the garden without labor. Yes, yes ... But there is no morality, if only there was a delicious dinner. But you are very lucky, our mouse is very kind, she will definitely share the turnip. (Mouse comes out, takes out a turnip). That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened well done!

With these words, you can ask everyone to clap and announce a photo session.

I think dear friends, you liked our script, table games and sketches. In the future, we will post more interesting things on this topic. I would like to say only one thing, mass games, scenes for congratulations on your birthday, will only add positive to your holiday.

Whose birthday is today?
Who is the cake for?
Who is excited today
Couldn't sleep until morning?
Who is so handsome in the morning
And who are the gifts waiting for?
Guests, let's shout louder,
What is the name of the birthday girl!
For our hero of the occasion
At moments like these
We are ready to give endlessly
The birthday girl is beautiful!
How charming, beautiful!
I want now
Marina announced the order!

On this day, you united us together,
She eclipsed everyone in a place of honor.
Today you are not without reason rewarded by fate
This is the date that we call “golden” among the people.

I gladly greet
The assembled guests.
And I open with joy
Great anniversary!

Let's celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to pour glasses!

Our dear Marina!

Congratulations on your golden anniversary!
May the gold be preserved for all subsequent years of your life, which means:
- the house will be a full golden bowl;
- success in work with the largest nuggets;
- health - strong, like a gold bar!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to be
Beloved by all of us as now!
Well, guests, I ask everyone to stand up,
Raise full glasses.

Let's wish the hero of the day happiness
Let's say together three times

Let's drink a healthy toast to the bottom!
And the hero of the day - three times "Hurrah!"

We raise a toast to the hero of the day!
Let's drink to Marina and her present day


I propose a comic acquaintance of the assembled guests!
1. Today, most of all will sing __________
2. More people will dance ____________
3. Shout louder “Congratulations!” ______
4. Everyone will drink more _________________
5. ____________ will give _________ his TV with joy.
6. And ____________ will give ____________ himself.
7. After the anniversary, he will walk away _______
8. Will leave by car __________________
9. After an hour and a half, she will say that she is cool _____________
10. After 2 hours, he won’t say anything ____
11. Tomorrow he invites everyone to improve his health _____________
12. Tomorrow he will come with a box of beer and bring dried fish ____________

Who is the prettiest today?
Now let's greet each other

We raise our hands together
Let's wave our right hand.
Well, the left hand is released for now.
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.

Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Excellent!

Rocked left and right.
You are rocking great!
Now pat your belly

Let's smile to the fullest.
Let's wink at the neighbor on the right,
We take a glass in hand
Let's pour it to the brim!

We continue the fun
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!
A glass so as not to sweat -
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with a neighbor opposite,
Support the team!
Together we get up from our places -
Let's make a toast in our thoughts!

Let's say "Congratulations!"
And we drink to the bottom!


Celebrating a birthday is always very pleasant, and celebrating an anniversary is 5 or even 10 times more pleasant!
Today in this hall there are so many relatives and friends for the hero of the day.
And I'm sure that every one of those present is ready to make a long congratulatory speech in honor of the birthday girl. And before we begin our congratulations, I propose to conduct a congratulatory warm-up, which will help you better praise the hero of the day.
I alternately name the letters of the alphabet, and you come up with a compliment for these letters.


1. A real woman is the keeper of the hearth. So we give her a box of matches.

2. A real woman is a mistress of all trades. So we give her rubber gloves so that these hands will always remain beautiful and tender, no matter how hard they manage.

3. A real woman - in addition to being the mistress of the house, she is certainly the personification of beauty. Therefore, we give her a mirror so that she can verify this at any time.

4. A real woman - no matter how old she is and no matter how many years she is married - always remains a hunter. Therefore, we give her a bow and arrows (albeit not quite real ones). But they accurately shoot at men's hearts.

5. And finally, a real woman always and everywhere feels like a queen.
Of course, Marina is the queen of tonight. And the queen of life. So let's crown her right now!
Cunning SMS

Guess who sent:
“Happy Birthday. Already on my way. I’ll be there tomorrow morning” (HANGOVER)
“Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. Therefore, accept me today as I am” (WEATHER)
“Drink, go for a walk, if only I have enough” (HEALTH)
“It’s indecent to squeeze and stroke me for so long. Finally make a decision” (GLASS OF VODKA)
“I am devastated as always on your birthday.”
"Don't drink without me." (TOAST)
“I want to snuggle up to your knees or chest”
“Happy birthday dear, I’ll be with you for three more days” (OLIVIER SALAD)
“Here you are drinking everything, but you thought of me”
“Ask your friends not to scare me like last time” (TOILET)
“Already deformed, when will the dancing begin” (BUTT)
"Oh, and I'm going to spin today" (TOILET PAPER)
“Ah, when will everyone leave, when will we be alone and you will start looking at me.”
"Be careful, we might not hold you"
“Thank you for the holiday, I will come back in a year”
“You can go crazy from such physical exertion.” (JAW)
“If I sizzle, don’t be offended, because it’s from feelings that overwhelm me.” (CHAMPAGNE)
“We report: they started work with a creak!”
"Today you will only listen to us"
“How we hate your birthday. If your friends treat us like this, you will be left without your us.” (EARS)
"Congratulations. I wish you to join me on your birthday. ”(SHASHLIK)
“I want to capture this wonderful birthday” (CAMERA)
"Ready to shed tears for your passing years."
“I want to congratulate the birthday man, no, step on my throat” (SONG)
“I allow you to get drunk today, you still won’t drink me away” (TALENT)
"I am happy for you and melt with happiness."
"Wanu compared to your charm."
“Ready to blow into your sails!” (WIND)
"Wish we come true" (DREAMS)
“Excuse me for wearing a fur coat. Help take it off ”(HERRING)
“I take over the festive illumination” (CHANDELIER)
“So you drink everything, but you thought about me?” (LIVER)
“Wishing to congratulate you interrupted me!”
“Don’t be sad that you broke up with us. Next year we promise to visit more often ”(MONEY)
"If you get drunk, then there is nothing to blame on me"
“I may be a fool, but it feels good to feel full.” (STOMACH)
“I spread with black streams of joy” (MASK FOR EYELASHES)
“You celebrate, and we will wait” (CASES)
“I promise not to wake up on your birthday”
"I forgive you that you do not notice me" (TIME)
"Forget your sorrows, give yourself to me" (FUN)
"Already ready to ignite" (CAKE)
"Knock, knock, knock, it's me! Open the door!” (HAPPINESS)
“Honey, I know that on this birthday you wanted to break up with me. Please don't leave me."

The presenter is interested in whether the volunteers are left-handed or right-handed. They offer to draw a portrait of the hero of the day with the other hand. Whoever has the best wins.


Various things are put into the bag (cap, tights, sliders, bra, bow tie, etc.). the music stops - things are taken out of the bag and put on.


Chairs are placed, participants dance while sitting on chairs. Best Participant determined by the applause of the guests.

couture show

3 men: Giani Versace, Jean Paul Gaultier, John Galliano wrap girls with toilet paper to the music.
dexterous fingers

1. Who will be the first to get through to the hero of the day.

2. Who will send SMS “Congratulations on the anniversary” to the hero of the day faster.

3. Who can calculate faster on a calculator
5784-4673+24-1053= 50

4. Using the calendar, see when the next anniversary (day of the week) will be at the hero of the day.
5. Indicate what brand the hero of the day has a phone.
The speeches were glorious
They wanted the main thing:
Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Most of all of us to collect.

For everything to come true
You tell us for mercy
What should be done?
Raise your glasses up everyone!


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