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This Halloween scenario is designed for a company of different ages. There are games, contests, animated dances, flashes, as well as special effects - elements of the bubble show

The holiday was held in a youth cafe. A week before this event, the room was decorated thematically, and placed on the wall giant coloring book, and next to it are colored wax crayons.

Visitors (especially small ones) took part in joint creativity with pleasure. Thus, by the beginning of the holiday, the panel was painted and became part of the design.

We were happy to take pictures against its backdrop. For us, the organizers, it was not only pleasant, but also useful, because we unobtrusively introduced our advertising into the coloring book.

A few words should be said about the holiday itself. I must admit that I am saddened by the abundance of foreign holidays, while their own holidays, fairy tales and traditions are forgotten, forced out, mixed with "imported" ones. But what can you do? Don't notice it? Ignore? Fight?

In my work, I promote my native culture in every possible way and introduce elements of folk art, Russian fairy tales on holidays. So on Halloween, I tell the audience that this holiday is not completely alien to us.

In ancient times, there was a similar holiday and it took place around the same time as Halloween. You can read more about this in these articles. Feast of the Goddess Mokosh, Veles night.

Is it a bad holiday?

So, we found out that this holiday is not alien to us. Is it harmful? I personally consulted with a Catholic priest. My good childhood friend, now living in Germany. Considering that this is a professor, author of many works in the field of psychology and PR, and now a clergyman, his opinion is very valuable.

Halloween is a pagan holiday and the church is definitely against it. But the harm from him is no more than from Maslenitsa.

Considered in this context, then Shrovetide is even scarier- after all, on Forgiveness Sunday, most Orthodox indulge in pagan festivities, gluttony, burn an effigy and dress up in such costumes that Halloween will seem like a childish prank to you.

Halloween scenes

Characters: 2 witches
The main character and host of the holiday is me, the second witch basically acts as my assistant

Work with the audience before the start of the holiday

Guests gather in a cafe, show tickets, go into the hall. Most of the bottom are unfamiliar with each other, they are squeezed, feel uncomfortable. Work in the name of a common cause will help relieve tension and unite them. We immediately inform you that we did not have time to properly decorate the hall, therefore we need the help of children (and teenagers)

They are offered blanks of small ghosts, who need to draw eyes, a mouth and stick it on a garland, or place it on the walls

Holiday start

Hello. We introduce ourselves. We ask the audience to clap the hands of those who are ready to have fun, who are ready to be scared, who are not afraid of anything at all. And now let's stop chaotic clapping and do it technically: stomp our feet 2 times - once clapping over our heads

Phonogram 001. "I came to the holiday"
(author Daria Zaitseva)

Let's check your readiness.

Game: Make a scream:

  • the most formidable
  • creepiest
  • the most frightened
  • the most cowardly screech
  • the most terrible roar

LEADING WITCH: Tonight, on Halloween night, we will move into the unknown new, meet the winter. Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming. According to ancient belief, it is tonight that the door to the other world will open. Are you ready to go there? Then join hands and let's go.

holding a chain or a train, we walk around the hall, raising our legs high and repeating the movements after the leader

We are entering dark forest(we take a few sneaking steps forward), Where are the trees to the sky (we pull our hands up)!

Let's walk along the path (a few more steps),

We will wander into the thicket of the forest (we spread our fingers so that it looks like tree branches).

We reach the ravine (sneaking),

Oh, we will suffer fear (we tremble):

Rumble everywhere, howl everywhere (stomp and make scary sounds) -In an hour we will come home (let go of our hands)

P od cheerful music, children crawl into the tunnel

We divide the children into 2 teams.

WITCH: Now we will fly to Bald Mountain. Did you bring brooms with you? Whoa?!?!? And now what i can do? Okay, I have 2 brooms lying around here, but they won’t be able to fly - they need to be charged with energy.

Halloween games, contests for children, teenagers and youth

2-3 people are selected from the team.
In turn and together they dance with a broom

RELAY COMPETITION: the first participant sits astride a chalk,
runs along the route, while overcoming obstacles: run around a mountain (chair), jump over a lake (bowls of water), fly over a skyscraper (tower of cubes or paper cups),
return to the team and pass the broom to another

making a voodoo doll
1 person from the team stand at a distance. They have orange balloons in their hands. One person from the team in turn runs up and turns the ball into a talisman: One person draws an eye, the other the second eye, etc. Next, we put a wig, a hat, something else on the ball, depending on the number of participants.
With the help of applause, we decide whose doll is better

Hidden around the hall the bats from fabric. They must be found and tied to a rope. Thus it turned out limbo.
Limbo game


What was the name of a character in a famous horror movie - a vampire hunter who was himself half a vampire? (BEID).

From which movie are the words of the next children's rhyme: “One, two, Freddy is coming for you, three or four, he is already here. Five-six, close the windows and doors"? ("A Nightmare on Elm Street")

Name the first, most famous and main vampire. (Count Dracula). Homeland of Count Dracula? (Transylvania).

One of the legendary fighters with evil spirits who defeated Dracula. (Van Helsing)

A three-letter word, there is a letter Y - this is a famous character in the first Russian horror film. (VII)

The question is difficult. What is the name of the people who revive the dead (not to be confused with the resurrection of people)? (Necromancers)

Whose blood did Anton Gorodetsky drink in the movie Night Watch? (Pigs).

Name the means to fight vampires. (Aspen stake, garlic, silver bullets, sunlight, sometimes a cross, holy water).

What is another name for the walking dead? (Zombie).

Game LETTERS REFRAME. Participants are given letters. They stand in one line. The host reads the sticks or makes riddles. The answer should not be said, but shown by composing a word from letters

  1. Viscous slurry at the bottom of a pond or lake. IL
  2. Small particles that carry an electrical charge. AND HE

3. Herbaceous plant with a fibrous stem and oil-rich seeds. LINEN

  1. Not quite smart and lucky person in modern slang LOH
  2. Unidentified UFO flying object
  3. simpleton, simpleton, simpleton, rotozey; sluggish, stupid, rude, ignorant. BORT
  4. Body Part EAR
  5. large hall (lobby) in English. HALL

9 Hello

10 Large river in Africa-Nile

11 President Clinton's name is HILL

12. All Saints' Day. HALLOWEEN


Defile of participants who came in costumes

scary halloween contests

The participants take their seats. The special effects block begins. Who will participate? Only the smartest. Who can answer the questions:

1. Is there a Slavic Halloween? (yeah) Who answered comes on stage

2. On this day, there is a "closure of land and water" for the winter (land and water were covered with snow and ice). The goddess does it. Old East Slavic goddess of family, well-being, patroness of women. It is very similar to the Roman Venus. Her name? (Makosha)

We hold a competition with them: with the help of a foam tube, we turn children into animals. We make them ears, ponytails. On the handle - a foam cake.

3. Now we need the most courageous He must eat these pills » We asked the children who wants to do it. Everyone raised their hands. and then I in a stern voice she said that never and nowhere should children swallow pills. These are all leprosy of evil spirits - throwing all sorts of nasty things at us. Only a mother, grandmother or a doctor should give permission for this. Who wants to swallow them? Nobody raised their hand. And then we put these pills in the fire. After a few seconds, snakes began to appear from them and dance (experiment with calcium gluconate). The children are in shock. After a few minutes of action (it can last a long time), we doused the fire with water

4. If on a full moon you are drawn to howl at the moon, and the hairline of your body grows violently, then you are turning ... (Into a werewolf).

October 31 - the day of the goddess Makoshi makoshe the Slavs are filled with the same meaning and rituals. Remembrance of deceased ancestors, requests for patronage and communication with the dead were important spiritual practices for the ancients. But the evil forces put out the spark that ignites ... the sun?

6. Where do they fly to? (ON the bald mountain).

7. What is the name of their party? (Sabbath).

With them we perform tricks - we light soap bubble on a pumpkin, on a hand, on a head

You can also play familiar games: a ball of soda on a bottle of water, etc.

Competition for teenagers "SELFI"

participants take out their phones or make their hand as if they were holding a phone. Song cuts are played. Hearing what is sung in the song, they must take a selfie with this object or person.
For example: the song of the Zveri group - “Bright yellow glasses, two hearts on a keychain” ... - we take pictures with those who have glasses
“A gloomy day is brighter from a smile” - we smile into the phone
"Natural blond" - taking a picture with a blond, etc.

The final

An excellent end to the holiday will be breaking the piñata.

Pinata for halloween

Piñata is best made by hand. It's not difficult at all, but very exciting.

A simple piñata - we glue the box with paper, glue the eyes to it. By all means, it is necessary to flash the piñata with braid - a rope for which the lna will be hung

A more complicated and more interesting option is to glue a balloon over papier-mâché. Five layers at least. Then, after drying, we sew with braid and paste over with paper, leaving a small window for sweets.

Presentation of prizes and certificates

Group photo


The holiday turned out to be not so scary. A little educational. Everyone made friends and left very happy.

If you want to get musical accompaniment for free - write to me on social networks. I will be happy to share with you if you write three comments on the site and make three reposts of any articles. Or you can purchase music cuts from me for a reasonable fee.

All the best and happy holidays!

It is important to take care of the decorations and the room. It is better to spend a holiday in the assembly hall or gym, in order to accommodate a sufficient number of students. The script is suitable for students in grades 9 and 11. If the budget allows, you can equip several photo zones, in accordance with the theme of the event. Also, do not forget about the musical accompaniment, which will become a guarantee Have a good mood. The scenario is suitable for both grade 1 students and for several.

What you need:
several sets of paints, brushes, prizes, colored paper, threads, paper clips, markers.

Leader and Leader, students, teachers.

Brownies, devils, witches,
Hello everyone now
At a ball so beautiful
We will dance with you!

This holiday is ours, period
We waited for him all year,
Let's fool around a bit
And let's dance!

I hear, I hear, our guests,
They want to dance for a long time
I'm starting a beautiful ball
It's time to light the candles!

(The lights turn on. The presenters are standing in suits)

You are all so interesting
Images, well, just a class,
Makeup is cool
And everyone's eyes are on fire!

Evil gathered together
The holiday celebrates
And Happy Halloween everyone
Congratulations today!

(The presenter announces the dance "Unclean". It is preliminarily agreed with the students and prepared by them)

The evil spirits can surprise
Can ignite evil spirits
I offer you urgently
Start dancing!

Halloween is a very mystical, mysterious, intriguing and exciting holiday that allows you to walk around in costumes and overeat with sweets.

And in general, receive various gifts, prizes, surprises.

Speaking of which. Dear students, I am happy to announce a competition for the most beautiful costume. The winner will be determined after the dance and will receive an intriguing present. It's easy to vote - just write the name of the owner of that very suit and put it in a special ballot box. Important, you can not write your last name! There will be several nominations, respectively, someone will be able not only to have fun, but also to go home with a small prize!

I want to clarify that there will be a separate nomination "The most creative teacher", you can vote according to the same principle, dropping your ballot into a special box.

(About the competition, you need to agree in advance with the teachers whether they want to take part in such a thing)

Good luck and good mood everyone! So, evil spirits, dancing!

(The presenter announces 10 minutes of dancing)

Everyone here, hurry up here
There is some useful info
We'll play a little
Our ball, in general, we continue!

Do you know what year it was customary to celebrate Halloween? What is this holiday dedicated to, what customs should be observed?

And now we will find out!

The hosts announce a mini-quiz.
Approximate list of questions:
1. How old is Halloween?
2. Who invented it?
3. What does evil spirits do this night?
4. Halloween symbol?
5. What country did it all start from?
6. Why does everyone wear costumes on Halloween?
7. What traditions should be observed?

(For the correct answer, you can give a candy)

I want to say,
You need to dance
Our ball continues today,
I announce white dance!

(slow dance announced)

No Halloween is complete without makeup.

Makeup is an integral part of a masquerade, and therefore now, we offer you to try yourself as a make-up artist!

Vampire Competition.
Students are divided into several teams, depending on the number of participants. Those who wish to be reincarnated as a vampire are selected. Each team is given the same sets, consisting of white, red, black gouache and a brush. The task is to depict the make-up of a vampire. The participant is given only 15 seconds. The team that completes the task best will receive a symbolic prize.

I wonder if evil spirits are synchronous?

What are you on about now?

I mean, can they move at the same time?

Let's check, because everything is possible at the ball!

Competition "Together more fun."
The students stand in front of the leaders, who show different movements, and they repeat.

What a wonderful evening we have
I propose to dance
I'm with you with me
Unclean, give freedom!

(Announced 20 minutes of dancing)

I remind you that there is not much time left until the end of our ball, hurry up to vote!

Do not forget that such a ball happens once a year, and the most creative costume deserves an award!

It is known that no Halloween is complete without a pumpkin!

Ours is no exception!

Competition "Make a pumpkin."
Participants are divided into teams. Each of the teams receives a set consisting of colored paper, paper clips, threads, a marker. The task is to collect a pumpkin from the received items. The most beautiful pumpkin will win a prize.

I continue our ball in a moment,
I announce dances again!

(Announced 15 minutes of dance)

Time is coming to an end
We will announce the results.

Will have to wait
We just need to count
You can dance
This evening is very friendly!

The host announces the results. As nominations, you can choose:
1. The most creative costume;
2. The most brilliant;
3. The most interesting and most textured;
4. The most accurate.

In addition, if you wish, you can hold a small fashion show, but if there is one, then you need to slightly reduce the time for dancing. In any case, about the nominations, about the show and other nuances, it will be necessary to notify the students and teachers in advance. The script can also be supplemented with several

Catching apples with teeth from a bucket of water

To do this, fill a large clean container almost completely with water (it is better to use wide rectangular household containers, not buckets). Children take turns putting their heads into the container and trying to catch the apple with their teeth. You cannot help yourself. You can set the condition that the first one to catch the apple is the winner, or that the game does without winners, just each participant must catch his own apple from the water. The game must take place in the presence of adults.

"Pumpkin Blast" Halloween Game

Want to start Halloween off with a bang, not a boom? Then make such a playful wall decoration. Any participant in the party can come up and blow up a part of the pumpkin-ball and get a candy from there.

Tools and materials for creating the game "Pumpkin Blast": a piece of foam, 2 meters of burlap or other fabric, double-sided adhesive tape, removable hooks (for hanging the board, but you can just put it on the floor), thirty-five orange balloons, confetti, green paper, ribbon (string), latches (pen with a sharp nib or darts for large children), funnel.

1. We make a cover from foam and burlap. Fasten to the wall with double-sided tape or removable hooks.

2. Fill the balloons with confetti (using a funnel) and sweets. You can leave a few balls empty or add their wishes inside.

3. Inflate Balloons(pump makes it faster); tie a knot. Attach the pumpkin-shaped balloons with double-sided tape (you only need a little).

4. Cut out the back of a pumpkin from green paper and fasten it on top.

5. Cut off the tape and attach a dartboard pen or arrow to your pushpin to make it easier to hold (and find when dropped).

"Hit the Pumpkin" Halloween Game

Cut a pumpkin (or two, or three) and lay inside aluminum foil. Make the top hole bigger.
Place the pumpkin a couple of meters away from the player. Give each player ten to twenty kopecks. Each time a penny hits a pumpkin, a candy wins.

"Pumpkin bowling" Halloween game

Choose a small pumpkin (depending on the age of your guests).

Still need 1 - or 2-liter plastic bottles and ribbon for the bowling start line. Fill the bottles with some sand or rice if they tip over too easily. You can also decorate the bottles ominously with markers, stickers, and other art supplies.

"Undead in touch" Halloween game

A game similar to "broken phone". The players sit in a line and whisper to each other a phrase invented by the leader. The task of the participants is to convey the phrase with minimal distortion.
An interesting addition in the spirit of the holiday is that the game takes place in complete darkness and phrases such as: "I'll eat you", "Let's go drink blood", "Fresh meat", "We'll get to you" etc. .

"Spooky howl" Halloween game

Participants take turns emitting a terrible cry (howl, groan). The one who made the wildest and most terrible scream is declared the winner and receives a prize.

Will-o'-the-wisp Halloween game

You will need: a flashlight, music.

All participants sit in a circle. The light in the room is turned off, one of the players is given a burning flashlight in their hands. Soft music should play, preferably something creepy. A wandering light (flashlight) is passed from one player to another until the music breaks. The player who at this moment has a Will-o'-the-wisp is out. The game continues until there is only one player left, and he wins.

"Mummy" Halloween game

You will need: Lots of toilet paper.

This is a team game. Players are divided into teams of two. One will play the role of the Mummy, the other will be the Egyptian. On a signal, the Egyptian must wrap the Mummy with toilet paper from head to toe as quickly as possible (naturally, the eyes, mouth and nose remain “free”). The one who made the Mummy faster wins. Just be careful: if the paper is torn, the team is out of the game!

ghost hunting

You will need: a scarf.

To begin with, you must select the "ghost hunter". He needs to be blindfolded with a handkerchief. The rest of the members are now ghosts, they dance around the hunter, and the hunter tries to grab them. If he succeeded, then the captured ghost moans plaintively and wails. If the hunter recognized the ghost by his voice and called his name, they change roles. However, if the hunter did not guess correctly, he must try his luck with another caught player.

Sinister Pouch

You will need: a small bag; a number of strange or unpleasant objects (dried plums, shriveled carrots, mushroom caps, wet sponges, etc.)

First you need to put all the items in a bag (preferably before the guests arrive). Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator, in a creepy tone, tells a chilling story about where and how he found the bag (for example, in a cemetery, in a haunted house, or is it a gift from a ghost, etc.) The first player is invited to take something in the bag (look inside and you can't touch the bag!). It is prohibited to remove the item. After the player has grabbed any thing, he must invent as scary a story as possible about it. For example, a player has groped for a dried plum and assumes that it is someone's torn out shrunken eye. And invents a story about him. At the end of the story, the narrator finally pulls the thing out of the pouch, and usually marvels at how far his fantasy can take him. After that, the bag is passed to the next player, who tells his story about another item.

Blowing up a "balloon" for Halloween

An inflated balloon is placed in the middle of the table.
Two participants are blindfolded, and they sit at the table opposite each other.
They are offered to compete in blowing up the balloon.
However, as soon as the contestants begin to blow, the ball is removed and a plate filled with flour is put in its place.
Participants are amazed, and when they are unleashed, they usually have fun with everyone

"Take Care of Your Eyes" Halloween Game

You will need: a table tennis ball painted like an eyeball; tablespoon.
Participants should be divided into two groups. A small segment of the path is indicated (start and finish). Each participant, in turn, must overcome this distance, carefully carrying the "eye" in a spoon. "Eye" should not fall! If he still falls, the player returns to the start and goes through the path again. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

"Soothsayer" Halloween Game

You will need: lemon juice, pieces of paper, a thin brush, a lamp.

With this game you can make a strong impression on your guests! Everything looks as if you could predict their future. First you need to prepare. Write a few words on pieces of paper with a brush dipped in lemon juice. On some write some number, on others the words: “yes”, “no” and “maybe”. Do not be discouraged that you do not see the inscription, everything is going according to plan. Put the leaves in a certain way in a pile (those with numbers - in one, and those with words - in another), just be sure to remember where you have what: where are the numbers, and where are the words. Your lamp, which you put on the table, will serve as a magic crystal ball. Now let's move on to the game itself. Ask guests to ask you a question. If the question involves yes, no, and maybe answers, then you take a piece of paper from one pile and hold it up to the lamp. After a while, the invisible font appears and your guests are delighted! If the question suggests a number as an answer (for example, what grade will I get next in math?), then just take a piece of paper from another pile and develop it.

Game "I'm Scared"

For this game, you will need felt-tip pens and inflated balls in an amount equal to the number of participants in the game. The task of the players is to draw the face of the monster on the ball. The author of the scariest balloon wins this competition.

"Witch Dance" Halloween Game

You will need: a broom (you can use a broom, mop, etc. instead), music.

Participants stand in a circle with a broom. When the music turns on, the witches begin to dance merrily and pass the broom from hand to hand. The witch who has a broom after the music stops is out of the game (of course, without a broom). The winner is the one who in the end will be left alone to dance with a broom.

"Proverbs about wickedness" Halloween game

For this competition, the following proverbs and sayings about evil spirits are suitable:
- the evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit;
- you will not be saved for every hour;
- fear is worse than death;
- frighten the one who does not understand anything;
- the fear of forces takes away;
- fear has big eyes;
- the devil is not so terrible as he is painted;
- look fear in the eyes, do not blink, but blink - you will be lost;
- fear is the first helper to the enemy;
- in the middle of nowhere;
- it would be a swamp, but there are devils
- like hell in the bosom;
- sell your soul to the devil;
- sits like a devil in a swamp
- he was possessed by the devil.

Each participant pulls a piece of paper, on the back of which one or another saying is written. Then the players must portray it, and the rest need to guess and say this proverb or saying aloud.

You can also use these sayings for another game. The host says the beginning of the saying, and the participants must continue it faster. Whoever guesses most of the sayings the fastest wins.

Picking up candy through a straw

Another easy game that children find very entertaining is to suck air through a straw to collect as many chocolate chips or colored M&Ms as possible.

"Witch's closet" Halloween game

In a room (the more spacious - the better) it is necessary to hide in the corners, under a sofa, a table or hang any “evil spirits” on the walls and ceiling: toy and rubber frogs, snakes, spiders, lizards, bats, insects, cobwebs, etc. . The lights are turned off in the room and the players are turned on, who can illuminate themselves, for example, mobile phones. Participants are asked to find as many ingredients as possible (and list all that are hidden) for a magical witch soup. It is advisable to limit the search by time, after which the winner is selected, who found the largest number of creatures in the witch's pantry.

"Scary Face" Halloween Contest

Participants take turns making terrible faces. The one who made the wildest and most terrible grimace is declared the winner and receives a prize. (The best prize in this competition will be a small mirror.)

"Get the candy" Halloween game

Flour is piled in a bowl. A candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Anyone who wants to test their skills can take part in this competition.

Competition for the best spell

When it gets dark, you have to come up with and pronounce the most terrible and chilling spell (and, of course, explain to others what this spell does).

Game "Running on chicken legs"

2 pairs of “chicken legs” are sewn from foam rubber. Two teams of 4-5 people line up at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall is a counter. On a signal, the first players of the team put on “chicken legs”, run around the rack, return to their team and pass the “chicken legs” to the next player. The team wins, the first to finish the competition.

Halloween pranks

Prank game "Mummy"

The host invites everyone to visit the crypt of the mummy in turn. The mummy's crypt is arranged in the next room. The lights in the room are turned off and a few candles are lit. A person lies down on the sofa and closes the top with a sheet. An open trough with yogurt or soft cottage cheese is placed on the face of the mummy.
The driver, having entered the “crypt” with the “victim”, begins to tell in a sepulchral voice: “This is the crypt of the mummy. This is the coffin of the mummy (pointing to the sofa). This is the leg of the mummy (at this moment the driver takes the palm of the “victim” and applies it to the leg of the person lying under the sheet). This is the hand of the mummy (the palm of the victim is applied to the hand). This is the neck of the mummy (the palm is applied to the neck). And this is the eye of the mummy (the leader, holding the victim by the finger, pokes it in a place on the sheet, covering the trough with yogurt ).
For the success of this draw, several rehearsals are necessary. Try not to play overly impressionable people.

"Pharaoh" Halloween prank

Choose a girl and blindfold her. We bring her to the table on which someone lies. Her hands are taken and applied to different parts of the lying body. At the same time, each time it is said: “here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...”, and at the end the hands fall into some kind of salad and it is said “and here are the brains of the pharaoh”. The result is unpredictable.

"Horror Room" Halloween Prank

The organizer of the holiday invites the bravest volunteer to visit the horror room. The volunteer comes with the leader into the dark bathroom. He receives the task of shouting to extinguish the burning candle there. After that, the volunteer is forbidden to tell the rest of the guests what happened in the horror room. As a result, the next contestant who heard the terrible screams goes into the horror room with some apprehension. And after several participants who have been in the room let out heart-rending "screams of horror", the rest of those present are afraid to go there.

"Old Dead Joe's Cave" Halloween Prank Game

It's adorably "scary" fun for older kids. To organize such a game, you will have to work hard in advance to equip a special darkened room, placing various “body parts” of “Old Dead Joe” on stands or just chairs: “eyes”, “tongue”, and so on. They should be placed in vessels or containers of suitable volume, mostly filled with warm water. Each child who is brave enough to do so is blindfolded and allowed to enter the "cave" - ​​no more than one child at a time. You, as a good host, must lead the child from one terrible object to another, allowing, each time, to put your hands into the vessel and try to determine by touch what it contains. All other children at this time should sit still and, with bated breath, listen to the squeals and cries of the daredevil, who is being led through the “cave”.

Any room with tightly closed curtains or even a corridor (if the holiday takes place after sunset) can serve as a cave - just turn off the light, and terrible impressions are guaranteed to the participants :)

Here are the parts of the body of "Old Dead Joe" that you need to make and place in the "cave" in advance:
- "Bones of Old Dead Joe" - find on the street branches of trees of a suitable size and free them from knots and leaves;;
- "Old Dead Joe's Guts" - a large bowl filled with wet, slimy vermicelli;
- "Heart of Old Dead Joe" - a very large peeled tomato ;;
- "Eyes of Old Dead Joe" - a small container filled with water, in which two large grapes float;
- "Teeth of Old Dead Joe" - a metal pot or cauldron filled with small stones or hard candies;
- "Old Dead Joe's Hair" - a human hair wig stretched over a ball;
- "Old Dead Joe's Ears" - two halves of an artichoke (with sharp spines trimmed);
- "Old Dead Joe's Nose" - a raw potato cut into the shape of a nose;
- "Fingers of the Old Dead Joe" - cold sausages;
- finally, the "Blood of Old Dead Joe" - a pot or jug ​​filled with warm tomato juice.
You will need to have a towel handy to dry your child's hands after he has dipped them into the "blood".

When you leave the “cave” with a child, you can do a great job of intimidating children who have not yet visited the cave by loudly declaring: “Run and wash the blood off your hands: otherwise the whole parquet will be covered in blood!”. The squeal and delight of the participants of the holiday are guaranteed.

You'll also need a flashlight to help you navigate your way through the dark room. Of course, the child will be blindfolded, but you will need some light to lead him by the hand from vessel to vessel.
Be sure to videotape the entire party (including a visit to "Old Dead Joe's Cave"); it can be successfully demonstrated to guests closer to the end of the holiday.

We hope that the presented games and Halloween pranks will delight you, your loved ones and guests! Happy Halloween!

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October is almost over, which means that the most terribly interesting night of the year is approaching - the eve of All Saints' Day - Halloween. More recently, the holiday was celebrated only in Britain and America, and today the whole world is looking forward to October 30, it is on this night that Halloween is celebrated. Everyone, from children to adults, wants to try on the images and costumes of witches, devils, goblin, demons, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. Leaving such an occasion without everyone's attention is a huge sin, so we decided to provide you with an interesting and scary Halloween scenario for young people, students, teenagers, and children. At school, at a university or at work - it does not matter at all where you are going to celebrate such a many-sided holiday. The main thing is that you are ready for new unusual and non-standard ideas Halloween celebrations!

An interesting children's Halloween scenario at school

Halloween is a great scary-fun holiday, and there are dozens of ways to have fun at school. The celebration of the eve of All Saints' Day is considered a good way to diversify school everyday life and defuse the atmosphere in the team. And since today's educators simply have to keep up with the times, an interesting children's Halloween scenario at school should be suitable for today's students.

Ideas for a Children's Halloween Script at School

Leading the Halloween holiday at school can be:

  • Devil and Dracula
  • Good fairy and evil witch
  • Vodyanoy and Goblin
  • Baba Yaga and Kikimora
  • Two features
  • Zombie and Tooth Fairy

Everything else depends on the imagination of the organizer. The main thing is not to forget about the most important things without which Halloween is impossible:

Unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers

In spite of the fact that the triumph of cheerful evil spirits came to us recently, it managed to gather a huge staff of young fans. An unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers is prepared in advance so that the holiday is memorable and unique every year. The scenario of an event that is both scary and fun at the school requires the patience of the teachers and the free time of the participants. After all, the organization of a holiday dedicated to all evil spirits is not an easy task. Everything - from the scenery and makeup to the opening speech and pranks - should be thoughtful and harmoniously combined.

Ideas for an unusual Halloween scenario at school for teenagers

First of all, the participants of the holiday gather on Halloween in a decorated assembly hall to demonstrate and protect their costumes. The winners, determined by audience voting, receive prizes and "terrible" titles. Then the hosts in the images of Woland and Azazello appear on the stage to conduct various competitions, magic tricks, dances, and games. Woland, according to the episodes of the book and film, sits in his throne on the stage and announces the numbers of the program, while his assistant performs secondary functions at the school's Halloween party.

  • "Damn tail". Each participant is tied with a rope-tail with a pencil at the end. With the tip of a pencil, you need to get into the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible;
  • "Sweet Treasures" All participants need to collect sweets and goodies in the auditorium. Whose booty is the largest, he is the winner;
  • "Witch Bones" Previously, the bones are laid out in the assembly hall, which the participants must find in the minimum amount of time.

An unusual Halloween scenario for teenagers and high school students based on "The Master and Margarita" ends with a ball at Satan's with a creepy waltz of evil spirits and dancing to terrifying music. Woland at the end of the holiday chooses the king and queen of the dark forces and rewards them with terrible decorative crowns of bones and nails with spiders and bats.

Scary Halloween Scenario for Students and Youth

A scary Halloween scenario for students and youth consists of several important nuances. Weird surroundings, creepy costumes and themed entertainment are among them. At the mention of the Halloween holiday, each person has the same association - a pumpkin lantern "Jack O'Lantern". Making it is not difficult at all, having a sharp knife and minimal skill. It is important to create several such symbolic attributes for the holiday and place them at the entrance, in the corridors, on the stage and on the tables. You can also attach other decorative elements to them: artificial fog, scarecrow, cobwebs, figures of ghosts and ghosts, etc.

A suitable musical accompaniment plays an important role in preparing a scary Halloween scenario for young people. The tracklist should certainly include dark compositions ("Requiem", "Satan's Ball"), Celtic music, some crazy driving tracks for wild dances. In no case should you forget about the outfits. At the festival of dark forces, face control is important. Without creepy costumes of witches, demons, gnomes, devils and other evil spirits, the holiday will be incomplete.

Scary Halloween Scenario Ideas for Youth and Students

Any scary Halloween party should include some contests and lots of fun games. Most often, the script includes competitions for the most original costume, the funniest performance, the most terrible image, the funniest character, etc. The winners can be presented with souvenir bats, ghost-shaped lollipops, tickets to an unusual room of fear. By the way, such a room can be a good attraction. In a separate corner, you need to arrange tables in the form of a labyrinth, on which nasty exhibits will be located:

  • Dead Jack's heart is a sluggish tomato in its juice;
  • Dead Jack's Blood - thick tomato juice;
  • Dead Jack's eyes - boiled quail eggs with a painted pupil;
  • Dead Jack's tongue - raw beef liver;
  • Dead Jack's hair is a tousled wig on a ball or ball;
  • Dead Jack's intestines - raw pork intestines;
  • Dead Jack's teeth are white hard candies;
  1. "Worms and Witch's Eyes"
  2. "Pharaoh"
  3. "Horror"
  4. "Death Walks Between Us"

A special place in the scary scenario for young people and students is assigned to the dance block. The theme of the dances is the coven of witches. Girls are encouraged to dance with brooms, guys - with dummies of axes, knives, scissors, saws. Yes, so that the mood is enough until the next Halloween.

The scariest Halloween scenario at school or university - the best ideas

Today, only a set of funny and fascinating traditions remains from the ancient pagan celebration. On the eve of All Saints' Day, young people try on the images of unclean forces, dress up their homes and public places in creepy decorations, perform the rites "Dirty or a gift", "Treat or be sorry", and also organize parties according to the most terrible Halloween scenarios. Unlike the Celtic sacrifices, although today's holiday claims to be the most nightmarish of the year, it still remains cheerful and reckless.

Top Scariest Halloween Scenario Ideas:

  1. vampire party
  2. haunted house
  3. Rise of the Dead
  4. Scary Tales for Adults
  5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  6. Visiting the surgeon
  7. "Viy"
  8. werewolf time
  9. All circles of hell
  10. Sabbat: witch, goblin, water

Taking one of these themes as an idea and supplementing it with creepy dramatizations, dull music and nightmarish trials, you can create the most terrible Halloween scenario.

A Halloween script for kids, teens, students, and young people doesn't have to be the scariest, but it does have to be interesting. A high-quality scenario for a good holiday at school for children consists of a lot of important nuances that are important to remember at all stages of preliminary preparation!

Creative self-realization of students is one of the main tasks of the educational process. Having Halloween at school is a great opportunity to create necessary conditions for self-expression of the personality of pupils. Such an event is best organized in the form competitive program between multiple teams. How to spend Halloween at school so that potential participants have equal physical and intellectual capabilities? Usually such a holiday is held between classes of the same parallel, then they will not affect the level of preparation. A sample event structure is suggested below.

Halloween script at school

  1. Information block. Hosts provide viewers with information on the theme, goals and structure of the holiday.
  2. Jury presentation. The hosts list the judges who evaluate the competitive program. The organizers of the festival must first draw up a map for the jury members, which includes: information on the number of participating teams, a list of competitions and the maximum level of team performance assessment.
  3. At this stage of the script, the hosts call the teams that show their business card. It usually consists of chanting the name and a short upbeat greeting (up to 2.5 minutes).
  4. Contests. At this stage of the holiday, games are organized between the participating teams. On Halloween, the following can be held at the school: "Holiday attributes", "Best costume", "Best craft", "History of the holiday", "Best mask" and "Best newspaper". Their description is offered in the article, after the structure of the event.
  5. Summarizing. After the completion of the competition program, it is necessary to include several creative numbers in the Halloween script at the school so that the jury members have enough time to sum up. When the results are ready, certificates are awarded and the performances of the participants are commented on.

game program

  • Symbols. The participating teams are invited to certain time(one musical composition) make a list of attributes that accompany this holiday. The victory is awarded to the team whose list is larger.
  • The best mask. This competition will be more interesting to hold in the form of a master class. To do this, each team nominates an "artist" and two models (a girl and a boy) for participation. They are given a certain amount of time and necessary equipment: a set of make-up and Then a presentation of the work is carried out - a show of masks. After each team has demonstrated, it is necessary to hold a general demonstration.
  • History of the holiday. In this competition, the presenters ask questions to the participants, who reveal the topic of the event. Below is an indicative list of questions that can be supplemented and changed.


  1. What is this day called in Central America? (Day of all the dead).
  2. What is customary to give children who come to the house for this holiday? (candies).
  3. When is Halloween celebrated in Canada and the USA? (on the night of November 1).
  4. The second name of the holiday in these countries?
  5. What season began on this day among the ancient Celts? (winter).
  6. What is the symbol of the holiday? (pumpkin).
  7. What is the tradition of dressing up in unusual costumes on this day? (to scare away evil spirits).
  8. In what place in France are grandiose carnivals dedicated to the holiday held? (at Disneyland).
  9. What is this day called in China? (Day of Remembrance of the Ancestors).
  10. What are the main colors on this holiday? (orange, red and black).

Competitions requiring preliminary preparation

  • The best craft. Halloween at school cannot be held without the traditional pumpkin composition contest. Before the start of the holiday, an exhibition of works is drawn up, which will be evaluated by the jury members. It can be organized in the foyer, hall or stage. Each composition must be accompanied by information about the participant, the materials used and have a title. During the competition, representatives of the teams speak with the defense of the work - they argue its relevance for this holiday and describe the stages of the implementation of their masterpiece.

  • The best newspaper. Before the start of the event, the jury members study the newspapers published for this holiday, evaluate their content and aesthetics.

Halloween position at school

For a clear organization and holding of the holiday, a month before the planned event, classes must be familiarized with the provision, the approximate structure of which is proposed below:

  • Purpose: creative self-realization of students through the inclusion of classes in school-wide collective affairs.
  • Date of event: indicate the time and place of the organization of the event.
  • Venue: office auditorium etc., where the holiday will take place.
  • Members: Specifies the member classes.
  • Jury members: a list of teachers and leaders of circles who will take part in judging is given.
  • Terms of the event: this paragraph should contain an approximate structure of the holiday, a list of competitions, as well as the recommended number of participants in them.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Here it is recommended to indicate by what indicators the performance of the teams will be evaluated, for example:
  • artistry - 5 points;
  • aesthetics of costumes - 5 points;
  • correctness of protection - 5 points;
  • mass character - 5 points;
  • compliance of the content of the speeches with the theme of the competition - 5 points.
  • Summing up: this paragraph indicates the planned number of prizes, the list of nominations, the participation of sponsors and parents in the awarding of participants.
  • Rehearsal schedule: the regulation must indicate until what time the application for participation of the class in the event must be submitted, as well as the time and place of the installation and general rehearsals.
  • Reference information: here are the coordinates of the organizers of the competition, with whom students, parents and teachers can contact - in case of questions.
  • Note: An event such as Halloween at school requires certain ethical standards, therefore, in this paragraph, it is necessary to warn participants about the prohibition of showing scenes of violence and cruelty.


To create an appropriate festive atmosphere, it is necessary to decorate the room in which the event will take place. On lessons visual arts and technology, students can prepare masks and costumes. Participating classes publish newspapers on a given topic, which highlight the history of the holiday and its traditions. An exhibition of pumpkin lamps is arranged in the hall or on the stage. Drapery from sports nets located on the walls will serve as an original decoration of the room. Since the holiday is held in autumn, it would be appropriate to use compositions of leaves, flowers and fruits.


Since candles are one of the traditional symbols of this event, it is necessary to warn the classes in advance about the ban on the use of candles (they are replaced by flashlights) placed in pumpkins and other sources of open fire.


Halloween at school involves the participation of a large number of students. Therefore, in order to prevent hitches in the room where the event will be held, it is necessary to place a list of the order of performance of the teams and the order of the competitions.


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