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Barbecue houses are traditionally popular among Russians: they always have a good time or just have a snack, enjoying the aroma of meat “with smoke” and watching the masterly work of the cook. A small cafe with a menu consisting mainly of grilled meat dishes is sure to attract customers and bring considerable income to the owners.

How to open a barbecue business? It’s worth starting with a business plan and cost calculations, then finding a suitable premises and starting to process all the necessary documents and permits - for the type of activity, raw materials and products, staff compliance with certain requirements. The next stage is the purchase and installation of equipment, the search for suppliers, the hiring of workers and the development of the menu. After that, it remains only to get to work, reach the planned turnover and get a well-deserved profit.

Obtaining permissions from the authorities

It will take some time to complete the necessary paperwork. Although the time limits for issuing permits are regulated, Just in case, add about 20% to them, taking into account the well-known human factor.

A novice entrepreneur will need to register with the tax office: either individual activity, or OOO ( entity). Choose code 55.30 under the name "Activities of restaurants and cafes" and a simplified tax payment scheme of 15% of profits. In both cases, you will need a passport and a receipt; for LLC the list of documents is expanded. The duty is 800 rub. for individual entrepreneurs and 4000 rubles. for LLC.

Rospotrebnadzor issues a permit for entrepreneurial activity after the san.-epid. service (SES) will draw up a conclusion about the products and the premises, issuing a hygiene certificate within 60 days (free of charge), valid for 1 to 5 years. On the vehicles to transport meat, you also need a certificate from the SES.

If alcohol is sold in the barbecue, then a license for the right to trade in these goods will be required. All employees are required to have valid health books.

Business features

Firstly, the shish kebab belongs to the category of “one-dish” establishments, where the priority place on the menu belongs to shish kebab and its variants - for example, grilled meat or fish. Means, the cafe is unlikely to attract gourmets and it is worth paying attention to simpler customers, choosing a location for a barbecue.

Second, count on the vegetarian and adherents healthy lifestyle life is also not worth it, and taking into account the price, schoolchildren and students “fall out” of the ranks of customers.

The third feature: if your cafe is open and the chef works on the street, then the seasonality factor of services comes into force. Indeed, in winter, hardly anyone will agree to freeze while waiting for an order.

But the weakest point when opening a barbecue is the bureaucratic stage: a catering company, even the smallest one, cannot be opened without all sorts of certificates, eventually allowing you to feed visitors.


Barbecue area about 100 sq. m. pays off in one and a half to two years. Let's calculate the approximate costs: the purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles, a communal apartment - up to 3 thousand rubles per month, it will take from 15 thousand rubles for staff salaries, renting premises - about 50 thousand rubles. plus the cost of purchasing raw materials.

Production: for a working day (12 hours), one cook will be able to use two barbecues cook 50 kg of meat or 170 servings. In the season from May to September, this is normal attendance for a small cafe, but from October to April, the numbers are at least halved. With a serving cost of 150 rubles. we receive revenue of about a million rubles per year, including 30% of the income from the sale of drinks and other offers on the menu.

The total cost of raw materials and other goods will be about 450 thousand rubles. in year; turnover, taking into account seasonality - 11,880,000 rubles, gross income 6,504,000 rubles, net profit RUB 2,487,000 The profitability of the barbecue house is 21%, the payback of the enterprise is 2 years.

Where to open?

The main thing is that the chosen premises must comply with fire safety requirements, otherwise there will be no work permit. Operating water supply and sewerage, electricity, ventilation in the kitchen are prerequisites for obtaining a certificate from the SES.

The best location for a barbecue - next to a large stream of people who are not particularly picky about food and who have time to wait, until the order is ready. It can be stations and bus stations, markets or a busy highway, embankments with a promenade area and beaches.

When choosing a place for a cafe, it is worth considering that not everyone likes the smoke from the barbecue, and neighboring enterprises may not be happy with you; so try to find a spot within a few tens of meters from the nearest fellow entrepreneur, whatever he does.


Approximate costs for equipment for a barbecue area up to 100 sq. meters - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. You will need:

  • barbecues and skewers;
  • oven and microwave oven;
  • separate refrigerators for storing meat and a refrigerator for other goods;
  • powerful hood for the kitchen;
  • cutting tables;
  • kitchen utensils, crockery;
  • distribution rack;
  • tables and chairs.

You can save money by offering kebabs to go: then you won’t need furniture for the hall, and ordinary dishes can be replaced with disposable ones, made of cheap cardboard or plastic.

Menu development and supplier search

Shashlik is the main dish on the menu, but You can make it from almost any food. Meat of various varieties and from different parts of the carcass, chicken, fish and shrimp, shellfish (including snails), vegetables, even fruits and marshmallows on a skewer as a dessert, and toasted bread (of course, several varieties) with cheese ... Delicious! Add all sorts of cakes, polenta toasted on fire - in general, turn on your imagination or look on the Internet for recipes from craftsmen. The main thing is to be different from competitors by offering something original and inexpensive, and good word of mouth will do everything to attract new customers without advertising costs.

Additional dishes in the form of pastries, desserts and drinks can bring up to 30% of the total profit! Do not neglect the range of juices and sodas, tea and coffee, and frozen desserts - buns, pies - are easy to prepare and have a long shelf life. Think about the children's menu, because children always bring their parents and their friends, also with their parents, and so on.

Side dishes and salads, sauces and marinades, herbs and pita bread are a great decoration for barbecue and additional income. "Free applications" to the main course in the form of mini cuts of vegetables or a couple of pieces of pita bread will surely please guests and increase orders, and they can cost you a penny.

The wine list and cognacs are classic barbecues, which perfectly fit modern cocktails, beer of different varieties. It is more profitable to buy alcohol in bulk and only from official dealers who guarantee quality.

The search for suppliers of raw materials is better to start on the recommendation, otherwise problems from the category of possible ones will turn into inevitability. A reputable butcher with a reputation, of course, will charge more for his products than a beginner, but the quality of the meat and the availability of real certificates are a clear plus. If you want to save money, look for a farmer who personally raises livestock or poultry, and is very interested in regular customers. Retail chains are also suitable for the role of a supplier, but they are essentially resellers, and the price will definitely be higher than that of manufacturers or a large wholesaler.

The main rule for everything edible that gets into your barbecue: it must comply with all standards (sanitary, veterinary) and, as a result, be liked by visitors.


There are always problems, where without them ... The main trouble of a novice entrepreneur lies in wait at the start: obtaining all kinds of permits and certificates can take a long time, so be patient and treat everything philosophically.

To protect your nervous system, before deciding to open your own business, be sure to consult with people who have practical experience in business. You will learn a lot of interesting and necessary things, but to save time, make a list of questions that interest you in advance.

The second problem is find normal workers, and the key figure is the cook. If this is a beginner, then he has a lot of energy and optimism, but not enough experience. A professional can be a champion barbecue cook, but if he has a quarrelsome character ... Ideal options are rare, so you have to work hard at interviews with applicants to create your team.

The search for a supplier, the seasonality of the business - this has already been discussed. Force majeure circumstances are always possible, no one is insured against them, but many problems can be solved if there are financial resources and time.

Summing up, we can confidently say that a barbecue is profitable business. Its main advantages are low start-up costs, quick payback and positive traditions that are supported by the majority of the population, which forms a constant demand for a delicious dish.

No matter how much you feed a Russian person with sushi and "burgers", his love for fragrant steaming juicy shish kebab will not decrease. It is this circumstance that can be turned into an excellent business idea - to think about how to open a barbecue and get the maximum income from it. And valuable recommendations from those who have already become a venerable "catering guru" will help in both.

Business specifics

Like any “one-dish establishment”, a barbecue is a place where barbecue is presented in the largest assortment (grilled meat can complement the menu). Despite the fact that “in the first approximation” such a business seems to be seasonal, it is not at all like that: in most large Russian cities, you can find barbecue houses, the flow of customers in which does not dry out throughout the year. Therefore, it is almost equally profitable as opening summer cafe-barbecue, and to create a year-round functioning business in this area.

The main feature of the opening of the barbecue is the fact that this is a public catering enterprise, moreover, a domestic one. Why is the last factor so important? The fact is that the state is extremely reluctant to allow people to feed - and therefore, without first collecting an impressive package of certificates and documents, you cannot open a barbecue house. In a word, it is from the bureaucratic stage that it is worth starting an enterprise.

What kind of documents are needed for a "barbecue" business?

The first thing to do is to register as a business entity. If you want to open one (and not immediately a network of them) barbecue, it is better to become with the corresponding 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes." As for the choice of the taxation regime (“imputation” or “simplification”), then you should not hesitate with this, otherwise the state agency will impute OSNO, and this is far from the most convenient and profitable way to settle with the state. The ideal option is with the payment of a single tax, which is 15% of the difference between income and expenses: an entrepreneur who chooses such a regime will not be able to go at a loss even in the most unfavorable scenarios.

After registration - time to collect documents. Their list is small, but the procedure for obtaining each paper is far from fleeting. Here is what you will need to present to the government agency:

  • licenses for the right to trade in certain categories of goods, in particular, wine and vodka products;
  • medical books for each employee of the institution;
  • permission to locate a catering establishment in a specific place;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (hygienic certificate) SES.

If you want to deal with the transportation of meat for the institution on your own, you also need to take care of the sanitary and epidemiological document for transport.

If at the start stage there are no clear ideas about how many staff will subsequently work in the barbecue, you should not postpone the collection of documents: of all the procedures preceding the submission of papers to government agencies, issuing medical books is the fastest. Unlike the process of collecting other permits.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment for a barbecue

What do you need to know before you start looking for the perfect premises for a future catering establishment? There are two objective criteria that it must satisfy:

  • compliance with all fire safety requirements;
  • availability of all necessary conditions for the operation of the kitchen (electricity and water supply).

Well, from the point of view of profitability, the barbecue should also be located in a place with high human traffic. Even if we are talking about how to open a very small barbecue on the highway, it should be a full-fledged highway with several lanes. A restaurant with shish kebab as the main course is most appropriate to be located in the city center (if the city is small) or district (in metropolitan areas).

An interesting and attractive interior concept of the institution is one of the key success factors. It is extremely difficult to give advice here: everyone has their own ideas about beauty. However, the concept should be - and its implementation should be given increased attention.

Whatever the barbecue, you will need the following equipment to open it:

  • refrigerated cabinets (at least two - for meat, and preferably three);
  • cutting tables;
  • distributing rack;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils, including barbecue and skewers;
  • hood (the higher its power, the better).

If the business idea is how to open a takeaway kebab shop, then this is an exhaustive list. Otherwise, you will also need a wardrobe and furniture for the hall (bar stools and counter, tables, chairs).

"grocery" question

The fact that it is the choice of meat supplier that will determine all further fate establishments is unlikely to come as a surprise statement. And it is best to look for one among local farmers. At the start-up stage, with a small size of the institution, you can also make purchases on the market, and reach the level of cooperation with recognized large suppliers - as the business develops.

The main criterion is the compliance of meat with all existing sanitary and veterinary standards. However, this also applies to the rest of the products from which the menu dishes will be prepared, albeit to a lesser extent.

As for the menu itself, it is advisable to pay maximum attention to its “protagonist” - barbecue. The greatest demand is for pork neck shish kebab, a little less (but also high) - from chicken, lamb, red fish. However, one should not forget about other dishes (salads, side dishes, desserts): their composition must be carefully considered. Separately, it is worth considering the serving of the main course, taking care of bonuses that are attractive to the client, for example, sauces and fresh herbs. It is hardly worth mentioning how much attention should be paid to compiling a wine list. But the fact that each table should be decorated and equipped with napkins, a salt and pepper shaker, toothpicks, perhaps it makes sense to recall, because all this must be purchased in advance.

How much does it cost to open a barbecue and what profit can you expect?

According to statistical calculations, a barbecue area of ​​about one hundred "squares" will pay off in one and a half to two years, while its annual turnover will be about 13 million rubles. And you can enter the business with a relatively small amount - about 600 thousand rubles, while you should expect that you will have to spend about 150 thousand rubles on equipment.

Today, the so-called small business is widespread all over the world, including in Russia. This is a fairly broad concept. One of the most profitable areas in it is trading. Small restaurants, cafes bring a huge income to their owners, especially in the summer. Among such a large class of establishments, barbecue houses occupy a special place. They can also be attributed to the cafe. For many years, kebab houses have been favorite establishments among lovers of delicious food. In addition, kebab is very nutritious.

Barbecue houses are extremely in demand in Russia and start-up entrepreneurs may be interested in the question of how to open a kebab house.

The advantage of their construction is that they do not require large equipment costs, as well as skills in organizing such a business, unlike restaurants.

In addition, the entrance to such establishments is always free and does not depend on the well-being of a person and his appearance. Barbecue houses are indispensable for truckers. Some of these establishments are located right on the central highways, which is very convenient for passing drivers. You can eat at the barbecue quickly and inexpensively.

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Required documents and permits

The business plan of the institution is quite simple. It includes the choice of a place for the construction of a cafe, registration in tax office(IFTS), fee binding documents, payment of state duties and taxes, purchase of equipment and other means, arrangement of the institution, organization of the supply of raw materials, recruitment of personnel, establishment of a cafe operating mode and, of course, determination of prices for finished products. So, the first step is to determine the location of the barbecue. It is very advisable to build it right on the central highway so that passing drivers can periodically look there. After all, the track is also a busy point. Good location and close to bus station or major shopping center. The important thing here is that the place should be lively, that is, passable. It is desirable that it be the center of the city, and not the outskirts.

The second stage is the collection of documentation. A novice entrepreneur must first register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur or LLC. The latter option will be more complex and expensive. In the first option, you will need a passport, a receipt for payment of a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, and an application. When registering as an LLC, the amount will be 4,000 rubles, and the list of documents will be completely different. Among other things, a novice businessman is required to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out entrepreneurial activity. For this, certificates for products are provided to the relevant authorities. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service draws up a conclusion based on the results of a study of finished products and the enterprise itself, and issues a permit for the construction of a barbecue house and its further activities. It is issued for a period of 1-5 years and is issued up to 60 days free of charge.

During the examination, Rospotrebnadzor determines the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the cafe, namely: the availability of individual medical books for the staff, the presence of a sanitary facility in the building, the cooking technique and storage conditions for raw materials and finished products, and much more. If everything is normal, then such an institution is considered favorable.

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Purchase of equipment and inventory

It doesn’t matter where the cafe is being built, on the highway or in the city center, you need to equip it with all necessary equipment. First, you can not do without skewers and barbecues. You will need an oven, a microwave oven, refrigeration equipment for storing marinated meat, tables and chairs, a showcase for products, a distribution rack. The cost of all this will be 100-150 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the cafe. If you plan to equip a takeaway barbecue, then tables and chairs may not be needed at all. This way you can save some money.

Highly important point is the organization of the process of preparation and sale. The most important thing here is to find a permanent supplier of meat. It can be a private entrepreneur (farmer) or commercial network. The first option is the most promising and profitable. It is better to buy meat not soaked, but marinated, as it will cost much less. The assortment of dishes is an important part of the catering business.

You can start making pork or beef barbecue, and then introduce other types of meat (lamb, ribs, poultry, fish). If at the same time there will be enough buyers, then you can subsequently make something a signature dish. In addition to barbecue, it is recommended to sell other snacks, such as pastries. Drinks also play an important role.

If the institution is located on the highway, then you can equip it in the form of a tent, and in summer time cook barbecue right on the street in front of customers. You can arrange a barbecue to take away, which is very convenient.

A compact cafe of a specialized type is called a barbecue, where grilled meat and vegetables are called as a priority assortment of dishes. The opening of a barbecue, dedicated to the summer season, may well bring a considerable income, subject to all the rules for creating and subsequent maintenance. this business.

Business - barbecue plan

The key to the success of any enterprise depends entirely on the development of a preliminary business plan, and the relentless pursuit of it in the future. The implementation of barbecue is one of the types of business in the field Catering, which can bring significant dividends due to the great popularity of this dish. In essence, the barbecue is a small cafe, equipped with specialized equipment, offering customers a highly specialized menu, which is dominated by meat products.

Opening a barbecue implies following a certain set of items that are mandatory. Step-by-step instruction The implementation of the above idea might look like this:

  • collection and preparation of necessary documentation;
  • registration of a catering point;
  • preliminary cost calculation;
  • choosing a suitable location;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • recruitment.

Required documents

The first step in opening a business for the sale of barbecue is the registration of the future business with the tax authorities. First you need to decide on the type of future enterprise. IP and LLC are called as a priority. The first option is the most acceptable due to the relatively low cost of the procedure. But to decide exactly what is better for an individual entrepreneur or LLC will help.

Basic documentation required to open a barbecue:

  • Agreement received from the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. This document gives the full right to place a catering point in a pre-selected place.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Documents of this kind are valid for five years from the date of receipt. In accordance with the examination carried out, the compliance with the sanitation standards of the premises, directly in which the production and subsequent sale of barbecue, equipment, products used as raw materials for cooking, which make up the main assortment of cafes, storage of semi-finished products and transportation, will be determined.
  • Medical books. This document is issued for each employee included in the official staff of the barbecue. Books are a prerequisite due to the fact that the activities of personnel are associated with direct contact with food, their storage and delivery.

Obtaining each of the above documents entails certain financial costs, the amount of which may vary somewhat depending on the method of obtaining the service. So, for example, obtaining medical books is possible after the employees of the cafe pass the necessary tests. This procedure can be carried out under the conditions medical institution, and not the territory of the cafe. The latter provides a slightly higher price.

Location selection criteria

An important aspect of the profitability of a barbecue is the choice of location. The most acceptable option directly depends on the type of cafe. The main ones are as follows:

  1. open type- the term refers to a room provided for work exclusively in the summer. Most often as open cafe summer terraces are called, equipped with a minimum set of auxiliary equipment.
  2. closed typethis species provides for the presence of a heated room, providing for the needs of a cafe, and intended for operation throughout the year, including in winter.

As already mentioned, one of the determining factors in the profitability of a business based on the sale of barbecue is the location of the point. When choosing a location, consider the following aspects:

  • passage zone. As best options locations are places such as the highway, working and industrial areas, recreation areas. In a word, it is best to place a cafe where there is always a possibility of finding potential visitors.
  • if the kebab business considers as a priority not the sale of kebabs directly in the cafe, but the delivery of dishes at home, the location does not really matter.
  • in summer, it is ideal to place a cafe in parks, near various water bodies, on beaches. The aroma of meat roasted on blazing coals will be the best advertisement in such cases.

Necessary equipment

As equipment that must be purchased first initial stage opening a barbecue, you need to name the following:

  • skewers, made of high quality metal and a brazier, on which the process of cooking meat will take place.
  • if a closed room is used as a barbecue room, it is necessary to equip it powerful hood.
  • tableware, which will be used both for the preparation of products and for serving ready meals. The second option can be excluded if you plan to use disposable tableware.
  • refrigerators and freezers. Ideally, it is necessary to equip the cafe with units in the amount of two pieces. One of them will be provided for the storage of semi-finished products and raw meat, and the other for finished products.
  • chopping tables, as well as lockers, or shelves necessary for storing cutlery and some products.
  • tables and chairs intended for visitors.
  • rack, used both for distributing ready-made dishes, and for visually separating the kitchen and the hall for visitors.
  • additional accessories necessary to create coziness and comfort in the room.


Depending on the size of the future barbecue, it is necessary to staff the required number of units work force. So, for the functioning of a small cafe, only three people will be enough:

  • Directly cook or barbecue, which will be engaged in the manufacture of a priority dish - shish kebab. If you plan to cook additional products, for example, salads, desserts, second courses, you should staff the staff with two chefs.
  • Cleaner, whose duties may include both cleaning the premises and washing dishes.
  • Waiter or bartender. As a rule, in small cafes, only one person combines this position due to the limited number of seats for visitors.

As additional positions it is quite possible to name the administrator. However, the activities of a small barbecue may well be successfully carried out without his participation.

Proper organization of production

Important! Without a well-thought-out and competent organization of production, a business will not bring the desired results.

For the successful functioning of the barbecue, the following points must be observed:

  • Choice reliable supplier of fresh meat, which has the necessary documentation confirming the quality of the products sold. Often, the owners of small cafes get marinated meat ready for frying. Doing this is not recommended. In order to be sure of the quality and freshness of the products, you should cut and marinate it yourself.
  • Menu development. Despite the fact that kebabs are the main dish of any barbecue, it is necessary to supplement the menu with bread products, fresh salads, herbs, and drinks. It is also possible to prepare second courses. It is unlikely that a cafe where only kebabs are sold will be profitable.
  • Nice atmosphere, cozy interior, quiet music- all these details will attract more visitors. We should not forget about the cleanliness of the premises, dirty tables with food leftovers, the floor not washed since the opening day will scare away any, even the most unpretentious client.

Expected income and preliminary cost calculation

When conducting a preliminary calculation of the estimated costs, it is necessary to distinguish two main types: monthly and one-time. Monthly investments include the following:

  • payment of wages to staff;
  • purchase of meat products;
  • purchase of additional products.

As for the one-time cost, it includes the repair of the premises, the purchase of equipment, furniture, as well as the introduction certain amounts for company registration.

In numerical terms, the costs may look like this (it should be noted that the prices are approximate, they can vary significantly depending on the region):

  • The total amount of one-time expenses, subject to the availability of a ready-made premises, is about 300,000 - 500 - 000 thousand rubles.
  • During each month, subject to payment wages for three people and the purchase of products, the costs will be about 200,000 thousand rubles.

As for income, then, in accordance with rough estimates, it is at least 500 thousand rubles during each month. Of course, this is possible if the cafe is located in a crowded place, and at least 150 - 200 servings of barbecue, or 50 kg of meat, are sold per day.

In order to visually familiarize yourself with the main stages and rules for opening and subsequent running a business based on the preparation and sale of barbecue, you can watch a video containing information about the features and intricacies of opening a cafe:

Barbecue business options

The success of the barbecue and the level of popularity of the institution among visitors directly depends on the location. The most common options for the implementation of barbecue, as well as other products cooked on the grill, are the following:

  • Barbecue indoors. A cafe of this kind operates, as a rule, throughout the year, and brings the highest profit. The main disadvantage in this case is the considerable costs associated with the preparation of the premises, as well as the purchase necessary equipment.
  • Barbecue on the track. It is also a very profitable investment. With some distance from settlements, such a barbecue, if it sells really tasty and high-quality products, will be very popular.
  • Takeaway. This type of barbecue requires minimum investment, as there is no need to prepare the hall for visitors and purchase the necessary furniture. However, the income may not be too high.
  • Barbecue delivery to your home. Currently, the popularity of the food delivery service directly to your home is gaining momentum. Barbecue in this case is far from being a priority, which implies the opportunity to take a worthy place in this area.

So, preparing and running a business based on the sale of kebabs is a very profitable enterprise that will bring considerable income, subject to all rules and regulations. As a rule, a cafe operating throughout the year allows you to fully recoup the preliminary costs within one to two years.

Barbecue for many people is associated with relaxation in friendly company, fun pastime and comfort. Thanks to such an association and a huge number of meat lovers, opening a barbecue can be a great way to earn money.

Shashlik is a meat dish cooked on the grill. Although this delicacy is not considered a dietary food, there are a lot of meat lovers with smoke. The customers of the barbecue are people of different ages and social status. This democratic institution can be visited by both students and businessmen. Thanks to this alternative concept, the barbecue is very profitable view a business that is guaranteed to bring you income and, with a competent approach, will pay back all investments in one season. Therefore, I will undoubtedly recommend to people who are looking for to take a closer look at the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening their own barbecue.

Features and business format

Barbecue is a one-dish themed establishment. This cafe prepares and serves exclusively grilled dishes. Basically it's meat. different types and cooking methods, from the traditional kebab to the rare steak. In addition, smoky sausages and sausages, as well as seasonal grilled vegetables, are often on the barbecue menu.

Before you open such an institution, you need to decide on the format. Traditionally, barbecue houses are divided into two types: open-type establishments and closed ones.

Summer barbecue on the track

This place is usually a small portable tent with an outdoor kitchen and outdoor tables for visitors. Here everyone can fully enjoy the atmosphere, feel all the delights of outdoor recreation. As a rule, barbecue and other dishes are cooked right on the street, and each visitor can watch the process of cooking.

Most of these establishments are located along the highway, outside the city. Most often, visitors to roadside barbecues are motorists passing by, truckers, as well as people who decide to relax in nature. As a rule, these cafes provide customers not only with the opportunity to buy takeaway barbecue, but also relax in comfortable gazebos or summer tents.

The only disadvantage of the summer barbecue is the seasonality of this type of income.

Stationary barbecue indoors

The second option for opening this thematic catering establishment involves renting a room with a specially equipped kitchen for cooking, as well as a place of rest for visitors to the barbecue cafe. This option is more profitable, because it is possible to sell grilled meat dishes all year round. But as a rule, the demand for such food in winter drops significantly, and not every novice entrepreneur can afford the opening of a stationary establishment. Therefore, for beginners on a limited budget, I recommend opening a summer barbecue on the street.

Business registration

Before embarking on the idea of ​​​​opening a catering establishment, you should understand organizational moments. First of all, it is necessary to submit the relevant documents for registration of activities. You have the opportunity to choose the form of activity: IP or LLC. Naturally, the registration process individual entrepreneurship much easier, faster and less expensive material terms. But it is only suitable for establishments that do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages. It is worth noting that a license is not needed for beer, and these are the most popular drinks in the warm season. Therefore, you can safely limit yourself to selling exclusively non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks in your establishment.

In the case when, you initially plan an extensive menu for your catering establishment, which involves the sale of alcohol, then you should register a legal entity (LLC).

Necessary documents for the legal activity of a barbecue

  • Coordination of the location of the barbecue with Rospotrebnadzor. You do not have the right to place a catering establishment or a retail outlet in any place convenient for you. It needs to be coordinated with local authorities authorities who will issue the appropriate permission to open an institution.
  • The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service on the compliance of food products, food preparation technology, norms and quality standards.
  • Fire department permits. This is another instance, on the conclusion of which the possibility of opening and activity depends. outlet. The premises of a barbecue, coffee shop, pizzeria or any other catering establishment must comply with fire safety standards. Namely, a fire alarm system should be installed on the territory of the institution, there should be both a main and an emergency exit in case of need to evacuate people.
  • The availability of health books for employees of the institution. Catering employees are required to have proof of their health status. To do this, they must provide a sanitary book, which indicates the passage of a scheduled medical examination.

Barbecue Equipment

Depending on the chosen format of the institution, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment for cooking barbecue and other dishes presented on the menu of your cafe.

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Necessary equipment for a summer barbecue on the street

  • Barbecue and skewers for cooking meat and vegetables on the fire;
  • Microwave oven for heating food;
  • Refrigerator and freezer;
  • Cutting table;
  • Wash basin, Dishwasher, the presence of water supply and sewerage, in the case when you do not use disposable utensils for serving ready meals. But as a rule, roadside barbecues use disposable utensils and cutlery, so there is no need for extra waste;
  • Kitchen utensils (knives, plates, glasses, cutting boards, dishes, etc.);
  • Furniture for the rest of visitors. As an option, most often, roadside cafes use plastic chairs and tables with sun umbrellas. Sometimes barbecue houses equip pavilions for guests of the establishment. You can choose any option that is more affordable for you financially.

Menu and food delivery

The main feature of any barbecue is high-quality grilled meat. Consider the preferences of customers and try to diversify the menu as much as possible. For example, some religions forbid the consumption of pork, so in order not to lose customers, you can offer them tender chicken skewers.

In the menu of the establishment, there should be types of barbecue from meat of different varieties. For example, you can offer visitors a traditional pork or lamb shish kebab, tender grilled beef, baked chicken drumsticks, and even an exclusive sea composition of salmon, shrimp or snail meat. Meat is also served with vegetables. You can cook them very tasty on the grill and serve as a side dish for barbecue.

Desserts. In any institution, even in a barbecue, you can offer visitors the opportunity to taste something sweet. Traditional desserts in the warm season are ice cream with various fillings and syrups, fruit salad and chocolate-covered fruit cuts.

Don't forget about drinks too. It is advisable to sell both alcoholic and soft drinks so that each visitor can choose the one that suits his taste. The menu should contain juices, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, as well as alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, for example,.

I recommend that you don't get too carried away and create an extensive menu. The fact is that meat and vegetables in the warm season deteriorate very quickly. And the use of frozen products significantly affects the taste and appearance food. Therefore, it is better to have main dishes on the menu, but always from fresh products, which will be delivered several times a week.

Delivery of products

Opening a kebab house involves selling home-made dishes, for which you need to purchase the appropriate ingredients.

It is quite possible to conclude profitable contracts with vegetable and meat shops. The only recommendation, do not see the low cost of meat, always ask for certificates confirming its quality. Otherwise, you risk the lives of your visitors, because meat poisoning is very easy.

Want to save? Look for farmers and buy goods directly without intermediaries. With the same success, you can open a home, pigs, sheep, and then the problem with the supply of products will be solved.

Search for personnel to work in a barbecue

It should be understood that the attendance of the institution, and, accordingly, its profitability, depends on the qualifications of the staff and the quality of service. Therefore, take the selection of staff with all responsibility.

To work in a barbecue you will need:

  1. Cook. If the institution is small, then at the initial stage, one person is quite enough;
  2. Assistant cook - 1-2 people to work in shifts;
  3. Waiters. Depending on the area and attendance of the institution, recruit qualified waiters. A minimum of 4 people will be required to work in shifts. There are no special requirements for the position, the main thing is that the person be attentive, friendly to the visitor, punctual, honest and responsible. It is desirable to have work experience, but it is quite possible to accept a person without experience with a probationary period.
  4. Cleaning woman. It doesn’t matter what kind of catering establishment you open, whether it’s an elite coffee shop or a roadside barbecue, cleanliness in the premises is the key to success. Agree that few people will visit an institution that smells dirty and tasteless. Hire someone to clean and keep things clean.

Barbecue business plan

To avoid mistakes and distribute the available start-up capital efficiently, I recommend that you draw up and stick to a clear business plan.

A business plan for a barbecue should consist of the following steps:

  1. Choosing the format of the institution (stationary cafe or mobile tent);
  2. Business registration, obtaining permits and licenses;
  3. Rent a place for a barbecue;
  4. Purchase of equipment;
  5. Recruitment;
  6. Calculation of costs for the implementation of the idea, assessment of profit and payback period of the project;

Barbecue business: pros and cons

It is worth noting that opening a food business is always a profitable business, despite serious competition. As for the barbecue specifically, here, like in any other field of activity, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the seasonality of the business, in the case of opening a summer barbecue. As for the pluses, there are much more of them: the theme of the institution, small investment, great demand and the possibility of further development in the chosen direction.


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