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How long rabbits live depends on what species and breed they belong to, the conditions of detention. The nature of the diet and the susceptibility of the animal to seasonal diseases are also important. We can say that rabbits live on average for about 5-6 years. With adequate care, proper selection of cages, organization of living space, attentive attitude and timely veterinary care, the period that the pet will live increases to 9 years.

What determines the life span of rabbits

There are a number of interrelated factors that affect how long these cute little animals live. Among them are the following:

  • heredity. One of the main factors affecting the lifespan of a rabbit is its pedigree, i.e. genetic component. It is important that the breeding process is properly organized in the breeder's estate or nursery. A responsible breeder separates the families of pets and monitors the purity of the mating in order to obtain strong, viable offspring without deviations in development.
  • immunity and breed diseases. The next important condition, on the observance of which the quality and life time of rabbits greatly depends, is the timely vaccination of animals and the prevention of myxomatosis in combination with viral hemorrhagic disease. Decorative rabbits are vaccinated with multifunctional vaccines. This is due to the fact that throughout their lives they are in direct contact with people. Vaccines allow you to protect animals immediately from a complex of diseases. Usually one vaccine can protect pets from pasteurellosis, rabies, paraphyte and listeriosis.
  • care and prompt care. Despite preventive measures, rabbits still remain very sensitive to any pathologies and can die even from a mild infection. Therefore, the timely start of treatment is the first step to increasing the life of a pet. In case of any deviation from normal behavior, lethargy or abnormal condition of the animal, acute or mild symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, try to get advice from a specialist by phone or online and take initial measures. This moment especially affects how many years ornamental rabbits live.
  • microclimate. The quality of the existence of the animal is significantly influenced by climatic conditions. Central heating radiators, air conditioners installed on heating, microwave ovens have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of rabbits. In a room, barn, any other room where a cage or an animal pen is located, it is imperative to install a thermometer and control the temperature. For species that live outdoors, it is important to avoid excessive exposure to direct sunlight and frost. It is advisable to consult with the breeder from whom the pet was purchased regarding his usual conditions of detention and temperatures.
  • freedom of movement. Sufficient personal space is another important factor in extending the life of animals. The animal must be provided with the opportunity not only to freely move around the space of a corral, aviary or cage, this space must be bright and well-equipped, since these animals are oppressed by excessive restriction of area and activity. Decorative rabbits can be let out for a walk under the supervision of the apartment, and even better - in the open air.
  • psychological condition. Another important point- communication. Rabbits need company, and not only their owners, but also their own kind or other friendly pets. According to statistics, animals that have contact with other animals live much longer. If the owners do not have the financial or housing ability to have another animal, they should take care to establish communication between the rabbit and other friendly animals from time to time.

How many years do rabbits live: wild, ordinary domestic and decorative

A wild rabbit that lives in northern Africa, southern Europe, Australia and New Zealand is able to live 10-12 years. However, in fact, such a life expectancy is found only in individuals living in Australia, where the animals have no natural enemies. In other regions, animals in the wild can live up to 3-4 years. The reason for such a noticeable difference is the presence of predators in the middle climatic zone and southern latitudes, breed diseases and a regular decrease in numbers due to hunting and the possibility of adverse weather conditions. Thus, how many years rabbits live in such circumstances is difficult to say unequivocally, this is determined by external circumstances.

wild rabbit

An ordinary average pet, an inhabitant of a dacha or a plot near a private house and farmstead, the breed of which was obtained by selection from a wild European or Australian rabbit, lives up to 4-5 years. Such a figure stands out given the fact that representatives of the so-called meat breed of hare-like animals predominate in nurseries and villages, which are simply not kept longer. It is known that if such an animal is not slaughtered, the rabbit is able to live 8 years. Castrated individuals live longer - up to 12 years.

On a note! Decorative rabbits - a special conversation. Regarding their life spans vary greatly due to the possible species, country of origin and breed.

So, how many years do decorative rabbits live at home? The oldest and most common - lop-eared sheep and rex - live about 7-8 years. They are unpretentious, well-selected (bred in the first quarter of the twentieth century), rarely get spontaneous injuries. But the animals of the colored dwarf rabbit breed are more tender: they were finally formed by selection in 1945-1950. Short legs and torso, combined with a cute asymmetry towards the weighting of the rear half of the body and a short neck, look very miniature, but increase the likelihood of injury, even if the rabbit lives in an apartment. They are also able to live up to 7 years, but in practice their average lifespan is 4-5 years.

Rabbit lop-eared ram

How long do rabbits live depending on their habitat

In domestic rabbits, even those living in a private house, immunity is much weaker. However, human care, timely treatment and sufficient care allow the animals to live 6-7 years. There are even record holders.

Interesting! On one of the English farms, Flippy the rabbit lived for 18 years.

However, do not forget that a standing-eared rabbit that lives in a country house or plot is usually intended for household needs. Such animals are most often allowed for meat at 3-4 years.

How long decorative rabbits live at home, when most of the time they live in a cage or a special aviary, depends on a number of factors. The specificity of selection and restriction of movement reduce the average life expectancy. In standing-eared rabbits, it reaches 7 years, in lop-eared breeds it is about 5 years. Dwarf species usually live 6 years.

Decorative rabbit in a cage

How to extend the life of a pet

So, if the owner wants his pet to live and please the whole family for as long as possible, some rules should be followed.

If the owners take care of the observance of all the conditions listed above, you can count on the fact that the new friend will fully live the time he has measured.

This section describes the most popular meat breeds of rabbits, you can go to a specific article by clicking on the name of the breed or photo. In the texts, we tried to set out all the features of meat breeds and the requirements for their breeding and keeping rabbits. In each article you will find pictures of rabbits.

The most profitable meat breeds

If you decide to start breeding rabbits, then first of all you need to decide which breeds are right for you. Pay attention to the possibility of keeping in cages with a mesh floor, because not all rabbits can be comfortably kept in such cages. Just as important is the fertility of the breed and the number of rabbits in the litter. You should know that some meat breeds of rabbits are valued not only for a good meat yield and early maturity, but also for excellent fur, which can also be part of the profit. Such breeds include, for example, New Zealand Red Rabbit, New Zealand White Rabbit, Viennese Blue and Soviet Silver. But California rabbits are broilers in rabbit breeding, they are considered the most suitable if the farm is aimed at making a profit only from meat.

Where to buy rabbits of meat breeds?

If you are in one of the following areas:

  • Tula region;
  • Moscow region;
  • Ryazan Oblast;
  • Oryol Region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Kaluga region.

If our offer does not suit you, you can search for rabbits of meat breeds on the Internet or visit rural markets and fairs, where such a product is found quite often. However, be careful, often unverified sellers abuse trust and give out weak, substandard rabbits for breeding, thoroughbred ones.

We wish you good luck in this wonderful business - rabbit breeding!

Breeding rabbits attracts with the possibility of obtaining an early offspring, rapid weight gain and good quality fur skins. The breeds of rabbits that exist today are conditionally divided into meat, fur or fur and decorative.

By weight, domestic rabbits can be:

  • large, the weight of an adult male exceeds 6 kg;
  • medium, the weight of such animals is mainly in the range of 3 - 6 kg;
  • small, these are animals weighing from 2 to 3 kg;
  • dwarf, with a weight of 1 to 2 kg.

Rabbits differ in the length and quality of wool, color, growth rate and the number of rabbits in the offspring. Having studied the descriptions of rabbit breeds, photographs of the best representatives of breeding features, you can get an idea of ​​​​the available choice and find the best animals for your farmstead.

In the conditions of household farming, meat breeds of rabbits are most often bred. Such animals quickly build up muscle mass and, when slaughtered, have a good yield of dietary meat. Some of the animals stand out for their truly gigantic size.

Rabbit white giant

Among the giant rabbits, the most famous breed comes from Germany and Belgium, where rabbit breeders in the century before last managed to breed animals that stand out not only with absolutely white dense fur, but also with super-large sizes. The breed of rabbits, the White Giant, came to the territory of Russia long ago and over the past decades has been adapted to growing in more severe conditions than in Western Europe.

An adult gains live weight up to 7 kg, while the livestock is grown not only for meat, but also for the sake of high-quality skins.

After cutting the carcass, the rabbit breeder receives about 3–4 kg of dietary lean meat. In the courtyard, this breed of rabbits breeds well. Usually, there are up to 11 rabbits in offspring, which are ready to go for meat already 2-4 months after birth.

If one old, but not lost its relevance today, the breed of rabbits is the Flanders or the Belgian giant. Although the animals are distinguished by a heroic physique, and the breed itself belongs to meat, but thanks to the friendly disposition of the animals of these rabbits, giants are often kept in the house as a companion and pet.

The history of the Flemish rabbit shown in the photograph dates back more than four centuries. And it is impossible to name exactly the ancestors of these animals. But over the past centuries, the work of unknown breeders from Flanders has not been lost or lost, but is actively used in Europe, the USA and Russia. In modern large farms and in private farmsteads, several lines of Belgian giant rabbits are grown.

The “smallest” are animals that grow up to 6 kg, and truly gigantic representatives of the breed can weigh up to 10–12 kg.

Pedigree animals may have a different color, but the coat is always solid, thick, with a pile up to 30 mm long.

Giant rabbits from Belgium were famous and bred all over Europe, but at the end of the 19th century breeders in Germany were able to talk about the appearance of their own giant rabbits. So the breed of rabbits Risen was created, which means "giant" in translation.

These are the largest animals in existence today. The weight of a male can reach 12 kg or more, while not only meat is valued, but also thick short fur of different colors. Pedigree animals have large ears, wide paws and a massive body. Due to their weight, Risen rabbits are rather clumsy, but good-natured and smart.

The Belgian giant rabbits that appeared in the USSR after the war gave rise to new breed lines of domestic selection. The local livestock was used to obtain unpretentious, hardy and numerous offspring, and the overseas guest gave the size and weight of the rabbits. As a result, another meat breed of rabbits, the Gray Giant, was registered. This happened in 1952, and since then Russian rabbit breeders have been actively using the achievements of scientists.

Worthy breeding animals of this breed have a massive elongated body, strong paws and a large head. On average, an adult rabbit weighs from 4 to 7 kg.

The pile cannot be called thick, therefore, this breed of rabbits is not used to obtain fur. The color is grey, darker on the back than on the belly.

Old time-tested breeds include Californian rabbits. Obtained in the southern United States at the beginning of the last century, they still show good results and are bred both on an industrial scale and in private backyards. Fur meat rabbit breed was bred on the basis of complex crossing of chinchillas, white rabbits from New Zealand and Russian ermine breed. The new breed of rabbits was distinguished not only by its bright white color with contrasting spots on the ears, muzzle, paws and tail, but also by its excellent weight gain, fertility and fatness. With a short body and a harmonious skeleton, the average weight of a Californian breed rabbit reaches 4.5–5 kg.

The history of the breed of white New Zealand rabbits has more than a hundred years. Representatives of the White giants and local albino animals were used to obtain pure white meat animals. The breed, even with a relatively small weight of animals growing up to only 4.5 kg, still retains its popularity today due to the high quality of lean meat, unpretentiousness, early development and a large number of rabbits in broods. The breed characteristics of a white New Zealand rabbit include: snow-white fur without the slightest hint of spots, perfect bite, wide paws and back, silvery undercoat and red eyes.

In addition to white New Zealand rabbits, there is a red variety, also used for fur and meat. The weight of strong, well-fed animals up to half a meter long does not exceed 4.5 kg, but the relatively low weight of the carcass is compensated by the high palatability, fertility and endurance of the breed.

The peculiarity of this meat breed of rabbits is bright unusual color, which can vary from brick red to deep red.

Beautiful fur, pubescent paws, compact build - all this makes it possible to grow red New Zealand rabbits in the open air, even in fairly harsh conditions.

Russian rabbit breeders have been familiar with the butterfly rabbit with the original coloring that gave the breed its name for more than two hundred years. It was in our country that we managed to achieve the best results during selection work. Today, rabbits weigh not three kilograms, but almost twice as much as when they arrived from Britain. In addition, they are better adapted to the content in local conditions.

If you look at the muzzle of the animal, you can see a large dark spot, shaped like a moth with spread wings. The rabbit breed depicted in the photograph owes its name to this spot. Other spots, already of arbitrary shape, can be seen on the body, around the eye sockets and on the ears. There is also a dark stripe along the spine. Claws and tail are light. The spots on a butterfly rabbit can be of different shades from black to cream.

People owe the appearance of the ram rabbit breed to a spontaneous mutation, as a result of which the ears lost their usual vertical position and sagged, making the animals look like sheep. The change in appearance was noticed and fixed by selection. And today, lop-eared rabbits are popular not only as farm meat animals, but also as pets.

The ancestor of modern breeds of rabbits with drooping ears was the English fold. The first specimens of French sheep rabbits were demonstrated in France in the middle of the century before last. Unusual large animals first spread as a curiosity in their homeland, and then migrated to neighboring countries. German breeders had a great influence on the breed, as a result of a long selection they received truly productive, fast-growing farm animals. The average weight of an adult male exceeds five kilograms, and females are only slightly lighter.

In addition to a remarkable physique and excellent fatness, lop-eared rabbits demonstrate high quality fur, and the color palette is wide enough, which only increases interest in the ram breed, and lop-eared rabbits can be seen in an increasing number of farms.

The only feature that should be known to the owners of such unusual animals is the negative impact of the mutation on the backbone of rabbits. The same gene that causes ears to droop leads to coarsening and ossification of cartilage throughout the skeleton. As a result, females after one year of age often cannot give birth, and adult animals may have joint problems.

In addition to meat breeds of rabbits, animals with thick, long or short fur, bred for fluff or skins, are popular. Angora rabbits are downy. Animals have a thick thin pile from 15 to 25 cm, and such a record length is preserved almost throughout the body, therefore long tufts of hair are not uncommon between the toes on the paws, and there are tassels on large rabbit ears. The color of rabbits can be different. Due to the abundance of honey, the animal seems large; in fact, the Angora rabbit rarely weighs more than 3.5 kg, to which it grows as early as seven months of life.

The first information about the unusual breed reached the Europeans at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The homeland of long-haired animals is Turkey, from where outlandish rabbits first came to the Old World, and then to America. If the Angora rabbits originally shown in the photograph were a rare pet, today their down is widely used for the production of warm yarn, fabrics from it and ready-made clothes.

Another downy rabbit breed was born in the USSR in the middle of the last century. Thanks to the crossing of the French Angora and local animals, the universal breed White Downy appeared. Rabbits of this breed are bred both for meat and for soft, silky fur.

Today, the selection continues, and not only white animals, but also blue, black, smoky animals have appeared at the disposal of rabbit breeders. The animals have become more hardy, adapted to growing outdoors, and the weight has increased to 4 kg. If earlier the long pile of Angora rabbits was very capricious and easily fell off, losing quality, then in current animals the fur is much more elastic and practically does not change its appearance in any conditions of detention.

The old German Rex rabbit breed stands out for its extremely thick, short fur that gives the impression of plush or sheared high-quality sheepskin. In the USSR, the history of the breed began about a century ago. Rex rabbits, despite the ban on the part of the German authorities, were secretly taken out of the country, were raised and gave birth already in the USSR.

Rabbits, famous for their soft velvety fur, also provide excellent meat. An adult grows up to 4-5 kg. And with a fairly light thin skeleton, the yield of lean dietary meat is significant.

The breed features of Rex rabbits include a large elongated torso, small rounded ears, short, downward-curved whiskers. Today, there are many solid and spotted colors that diversify the fur skins obtained from rabbits.

The Chinchilla rabbit breed shown in the photo was named after a small animal with surprisingly soft fur of the original color. As a result of selection in domestic rabbits, it was possible to repeat the appearance of this fur, obtaining a dense silver-gray pile with a dark base, a light, almost white stripe in the middle of the hair or a black tip.

The breed of rabbits, the Soviet chinchilla, obtained in the USSR in the last century, inherited valuable fur from the ancestors of French blood, but became heavier, unpretentious and prolific.

The rabbit consistently brings up to 8 rabbits, while an adult animal weighs up to 5 kg. These are strong large animals with good health and rapid weight gain.

In recent years, gaining popularity are different from those that are bred for meat and fur, smaller size, friendliness and emphasized attractive appearance. That is why in many animals the touching "childish" look of the muzzle and the body structure inherent in the rabbit remains throughout life.

Domestic rabbits are conditionally divided according to the length of the coat, size and color. Today, in city apartments, you can meet both ordinary large animals, for example, the lop-eared rabbit Baran or a representative of the Angora breed, as well as miniature or even dwarf animals.

From Belgium, dwarf rabbits came to our country, due to their peculiar mane, they earned the name lionheads. An elongated soft pile is present on the nape, crown, chest and cheeks, and sometimes on the hind legs, forming fluffy "trousers". The animals have a dense physique, a weight not exceeding 1.7 kg and a character perfectly suitable for keeping indoors.

Dwarf Rex rabbits differ from large counterparts only in size and weight. Miniature animals are covered with short, soft fur, small curved mustaches and weigh no more than one and a half kilograms. At home, decorative rabbits are easily trained, smart and trainable. Dwarf rabbits Rex can be both plain and colorful.

The unusual appearance of dwarf ram rabbits has become the reason for their incredible popularity among pet lovers. The animals retain the original shape of the ears and strong bones, but at the same time they are much smaller than the usual representatives of the French ram breed. Cute lop-eared rabbits have a calm character, do not exceed 30 cm in length and weigh about 1.5 kg. In newborn rabbits, the ears are erect, but they begin to change shape only after a couple of weeks. Among the colors of the dwarf rabbit: chinchilla, white with blue or red eyes, blue, spotted.

Meat breeds of rabbits - video

Rabbits are bred all over the world, and these animals are grown not only for meat and skins, but simply for beauty. In total, there are about 60 breeds of rabbits, and in domestic open spaces - only 20.

This article will describe the main characteristics of the most productive breeds of rabbits that can be bred in household and agricultural farms.

Rabbit breeds with photos and names

A large number of rabbit breeds have no practical value, but significant economic importance possesses only 15 of them, intended for slaughter for meat, as well as for obtaining fur and down. They are divided into fur and down, as there is no clear scientific classification of animals. Furs are divided according to their hairline into short-haired and normal-haired, according to the nature of the products obtained from them into meat-skin, skin and meat.

Breeds for home breeding

In household plots, the following breeds are most often bred:

  • white giant

Includes fur animals of large sizes, which are intended for obtaining meat and skin products (Figure 1). Animals are strong and have such external differences: an elongated body, a rounded croup, a deep chest, a light oblong head of medium size, wide and long ears, long wide-set paws and a straight narrow back. Leptosome type of constitution.

Figure 1. Rabbits white giant

Representatives of this species have pure white fur without admixture of other shades, and for this reason their cultivation will be appropriate for slaughtering for the skin. The weight of animals can reach 5 kg, and the fecundity of animals during birth can reach 8 cubs. It is the white giant breed that is considered one of the most common.

This is a new highly productive species grown for meat and skin products (Fig. 2). Individuals have a strong body of the mesosomal type, tolerate various climatic conditions well. Animals have the following differences: the body is slender and wide, the head is small, and medium ears are set straight.

On the back, sides and rump there is a silver-gray-blue tone of the hairline, but on the rest of the body they are painted almost pure white with a slight darkish underfur.

Figure 2. Soviet chinchilla

Soviet chinchillas are unpretentious and hardy to a variety of conditions. The resulting skins are quite large, and the fur is thick and uniform. Animals are characterized by rapid growth and high-quality meat. Females have good maternal qualities. With the right feeding ration, they can feed up to eight young at a time.

  • Viennese blue

This fur species includes medium-sized meat-and-skin animals. They have such characteristic features: a slender, slightly elongated body, strong bones, a small head and medium-length ears. Body type - mesosomal. The hair is thick, soft and has a good shine.

Figure 3. Vienna blue rabbits

The color of the hairline can be bluish-blue (ranging from dark to light shade), and the underfur and awn are colored proportionally (Fig. 3). Females are different high level fertility, as well as good maternal qualities, and successfully lead and feed up to eight cubs at the same time. Males have high vitality and are perfectly adapted to various climatic conditions.

  • Gray giant

Animals are quite large and belong to the representatives of fur normal-haired rabbits. They have a long, large body, a wide chest with a slight dewlap, a large head of a rough shape with long ears, and short limbs that are short relative to the body. Representatives of the species belong to the leptosomal body type (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Rabbits gray giant

Meat quality is average. Animals can be hare-gray, black, dark gray and glandular gray. If they are slaughtered as adults, large skins are obtained from them. However, in terms of hair density, they are inferior to the skins of the white giant, Soviet chinchilla, black-brown and Viennese blue. Females are characterized by good milk production and high fertility (on average, about 8 rabbits are brought in for one round).

Representatives of the species are adapted to temperate and mild climatic regions of our country.

  • Silver

Representatives of this fur breed are of medium size and belong to the representatives of the meat and skin direction of productivity. Individuals are distinguished by a wide and compactly knocked down body, which expands to the rump. Representatives of this type have such characteristic differences: a small head, a deep chest, straight and short ears, a wide rounded croup, muscular and strong legs (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Silver rabbits

The hair is thick, has an unusual shade of old silver. The guiding hairs are black, the awn is white, and the underfur is slate blue. At the tip of the muzzle, ears, limbs and tail, the fur is darker, but when the animal reaches the age of 4 months, the entire fur becomes silvery, and in young animals of one month of age, the hairline is black. Females have good fertility (up to eight cubs per litter). Animals can be raised for slaughter, as they grow quickly, and the meat has good dietary qualities.

  • California and White New Zealand

These are fur breeds that were obtained by the selection work of American scientists. They have a strong physique of the eirisomal type, the body is compactly grouped and has a cylindrical shape, a deep and wide chest, and thick legs.

Figure 6. Californian (1 and 2) and New Zealand (3-4) rabbits

Representatives of these breeds have a thick and elastic hairline of white color (Figure 6). However, California rabbits have a dark tint on the tip of the muzzle, ears and tail. Young animals grow rapidly, and females have high milk production. They are recommended to be used to produce broiler rabbits of the meat direction of productivity, when kept together with the mother for up to 74 days.

  • black brown

This is a large breed that is grown not only for fur, but also for quality meat. Animals are very resistant to climatic conditions and have such characteristic properties: an elongated body shape, strong bones, a rounded head with long ears, a wide chest, long strong paws, thick and lush hairline.

Figure 7. Black-brown breed of rabbits

Upon reaching 4 months of age, the rabbits have a black hair color, and adults have a shade of black-brown foxes (Figure 7). The resulting skins are not dyed before sale. The fecundity of females in one round is eight rabbits.

  • White downy

This is a very viable domestic species, which has the following features: a thin and strong skeleton, a rounded cylindrical body, a medium head and a wide chest, and muscular legs of medium length. White down rabbits do not have tassels on their ears (a characteristic feature of angora down rabbits).

Figure 8. White down rabbits

Representatives of the white downy breed are white in color (Figure 8), but sometimes black and blue shades of fur can be observed. For one round, the female leads up to seven cubs.

You will learn about what breeds of rabbits are from the video review.


Fur breeds include white and gray giant, Soviet chinchilla, silver, Viennese blue and black-brown. But since they were described above, let's focus on other common fur breeds (Figure 9):

  1. Veil-silver breed most often bred for the production of fur and meat. As a result of crossing, animals with high fertility and milkiness, high meat qualities, with thick, shiny hair were obtained. The breed is adapted to being outdoors in cages in winter and summer. The main external characteristics include a long dense body, a wide chest, a rounded large head with long ears and strong straight legs. The fur is thick, dark gray on the belly. The silver color appears after the first molt, and a thick black veil covers them seven to eight months after birth, that is, after the second molt. Animals are distinguished by high fecundity, good meat qualities and medium early maturity. However, individuals with atypical fur color are often found in offspring.
  2. Butterfly- animals of white color with dark spots located symmetrically on the sides and back. Initially, they were bred as decorative, so their weight did not exceed 3 kg. As a result of crossing, it was possible to improve their qualities. The main disadvantage: animals are prone to obesity. Obese females have a low fertility, and fertilized and brooding females feed the offspring poorly.
  3. Soviet Marder- short-haired rabbits with valuable soft velvety fur. They occupy one of the first places in the beauty of the skin. The physique is proportional, the head is small and rounded. The color of the fur is heterogeneous in different animals and in each individual in different parts of the body (muzzle, ears, tail and paws are much darker). Females are of medium fertility, and the resulting skins can be used without staining. However, uneven coloring creates difficulties in tailoring fur products and reduces the quality of the skin.

Figure 9. Fur breeds: 1 - veil-silver, 2 - butterfly, 3 - Soviet Marder, 4 - Russian ermine

Small species of sandpaper destination are represented by Russian ermine. These are hardy and unpretentious animals with a strong physique, a medium head and erect ears. The color is white, and the ears, tail, paws and the end of the muzzle are black or brown. The weight of adults reaches 4 kg. Fertility is good (up to 8 individuals in a litter), and the meat is valued for its tenderness. After slaughter, skins of different sizes are obtained, which have no analogues in terms of the quality of the fur. The main disadvantage is that when trying to increase body weight, the quality of the fur deteriorated.


Breeding rabbits of meat breeds is the most profitable direction. Animals actively grow, gain weight well, have good muscles and give tasty meat.

The best meat breeds are also called broilers. These include New Zealand White, New Zealand Red, California and Burgundy (Figure 10).

Meat highest quality give animals New Zealand white and red. They have the following distinguishing features:

  • Medium in length, cylindrical body;
  • Wide and fleshy abdomen;
  • The head is broad with a slight curvature from the eye to the nose;
  • Rounded at the ends, erect, short ears;
  • The legs are straight, strong, the hind limbs are more fleshy;
  • The eyes are pink (in albino individuals);
  • Thick, shiny, soft fur;
  • The breed is precocious;
  • Animals are hardy and prolific;
  • Adults are calm and obedient;
  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes;
  • Life expectancy is on average 5-10 years;
  • The diet requires special attention.

The most unpretentious of all meat species Californian . Such individuals do not have excess fat deposits, are quite fleshy, are distinguished by innate immunity and the ability to easily adapt. Their live weight is slightly less than that of the New Zealanders, however, they gain in growth rates and are distinguished by a strong physique, thick white hair with dark spots on the muzzle, paws and tail. Animals are quite smart and friendly, and the live weight of adults can reach 5 kg. Females are highly fertile, and young animals quickly gain weight.

Figure 10. Representatives of meat types: 1 - New Zealand white, 2 - New Zealand red, 3 - Californian, 4 - Burgundy

One of the best meat breeds is the Burgundy. Its representatives already at the age of 4 months reach puberty. The body is muscular, covered with a skin with a hairline of medium density, light brown in color. Animal fur is of little value. Females are very prolific: at one time, the female can bring up to 12 cubs. Animals grow quickly, have a strong body and good immunity.

Breeds of domestic rabbits

Breeds of domestic rabbits include animals with a weight not exceeding 2 kg. Their main types with photographs and names are as follows (Figure 11):

  1. american fluffy ram is relatively young. Adult individuals of this breed have a live weight of 1.6 to 1.8 kg. Animals are smart and affectionate. A feature is an increased level of fluffiness. Therefore, animals need careful grooming. Color can have about 20 options.
  2. Representatives of the British Polish breed have a much smaller size and body weight (about 1.1 kg) and are rightfully considered the smallest among their relatives. A feature is called a temperamental disposition, so animals need specific education. Individuals of various colors are found, but white ones are most common.
  3. American Polish they are sociable, take part in children's games with pleasure, which is why illusionists like to work with them so much. Weight is 1.6 kg, color - black, gray and chocolate.
  4. dwarf angora- These are small neat animals weighing up to 1.5 kg, with fluffy hair. Animals have a calm, docile nature, get along well with other pets and people and do not require special care.
  5. Dutch pygmy one of the smallest. Its weight slightly exceeds 1 kg. The breed is widespread, but the animals have a peculiar character. That is why it is not suitable for keeping in a house where there are children.

Figure 11. Domestic breeds: 1 - American Fluffy Sheep, 2 - British Polish, 3 - American Polish, 4 - Dwarf Angora, 5 - Dutch Dwarf

Downy breeds

The group of long-haired rabbits is commonly called downy. These include: Angora downy and white downy breeds (Figure 12).

Downy breeds are of medium size. So, the mass of Angora is 3 kg, and white downy - 4 kg. Downy Angora is characterized by a short body with a large head and short ears, with fluffy tassels at their end. The coat is thick, silky, of various colors, represented mainly by long downy hair.

Figure 12. Angora Down and White Down breeds (from right to left)

For white downy, an exceptionally white color is characteristic. Animals have a strong physique, a round head with short ears, often without tassels, and muscular limbs.

Breeds of decorative rabbits - photos and names

Breeds of decorative rabbits are dwarf animals similar to domestic ones. Their distinguishing feature is their large eyes and short ears. Among the decorative ones, there are: the lionhead breed, the pygmy rex, the pygmy ram, the pygmy fox and the hermelin.

Figure 13. Ornamental species: 1 - lionhead, 2 - pygmy rex, 3 - pygmy ram, 4 - pygmy fox, 5 - hermelin

Breeds of decorative rabbits with photos and names are given below(picture 13):

  1. A mixture of short-haired and fluffy animals gave birth to the Lionhead breed. The animals got their name because of the resemblance of the head to a lion's mane. A thick mop of long hair covers the head and torso. The rest of the body is covered with short hair of various shades. Animals are small, their weight does not exceed 1.7 kg. They are easy to keep and care for.
  2. Short-haired individuals, the color of the skin of which is similar to the color of the beaver, belong to the pygmy rex breed. The features of dwarfism appear much clearer due to the short hairline. They have an underdeveloped, twisted mustache, which is a sign of a purebred breed. The eyes are large and close to each other. Body length 50 cm, total weight - 1.4 kg. The color is different.
  3. Giants among dwarfs can be called animals of the dwarf ram breed, which does not prevent them from having a calm and complaisant character. The body is massive, 24-27 cm long and weighing 1.5 kg. The eyes are beautiful and large. Paws of medium thickness, a small tail is pressed to the body. The skin is soft and silky. The color is varied. The peculiarity of this species is drooping ears, similar to sheep's.
  4. But the midget among dwarfs is rightfully considered a dwarf fox, because the mass of animals of this breed is only 1.3 kg. Animals are characterized by a changeable character, and their body seems to be covered with a hanging woolen cloak. The coat color can be either light tones (white, silver) or more saturated (havana, black, blue, yellow).
  5. Cute decorative pets of white color with blue eyes represent the Hermeline breed. Their weight is within 1.5 kg, and their appearance they resemble Persian cats. Hermelins are stocky, tightly knitted, with small, rounded, closely spaced ears, the neck is invisible. The front legs are short, the nails are colorless. The coat is thick and shiny. The animal does not require special attention during maintenance and care.

You will learn more details about the popular species of these animals from the video.

Rabbit breeding in Russia is gaining momentum. Many farmers breed them for skins and meat. To know which individual to choose, you need to understand the breeds and have information about the full characteristics. Each animal has certain qualities. Some are acquired only for multiplication, others are considered universal. Before buying, it is worth exploring the most popular and best types of rabbits for home living.

Popular types of rabbits

It is not always possible to determine which individual is the best. Some like animals of medium size, but quickly gaining sufficient mass. Other farmers prefer large meat and skins, but they gain slaughter weight relatively slowly.

Here is a description of the most commonly bred breeds:

  • The gray giant is dark gray in color, weighs about 5-7 kg, meat yield is 55-58%, rabbits in the litter are up to 8-11.
  • White giant - exclusively snow-colored wool, weight - 5-8 kg, meat yield - 55-56%, rabbits - 7-10.
  • Chinchilla Soviet - silver-gray or dark gray color, weight - 4.5-8 kg, slaughter yield - 55-59%, cubs 5-8.
  • New Zealand - white wool, weight 4-6.5 kg, meat yield - 54-59%, rabbits 9-11 pieces.
  • Californian - snow-white rabbit, black ears, muzzle, paws, average weight - 4.5-6 kg, slaughter yield - 56-61%, cubs - 9-12 pieces.
  • Belgian giant (Flandre) - white, black, light beige, fiery red color, weight - 6-12 kg, slaughter weight - 53-56%, rabbits in the litter 5-9.
  • Vienna blue - silver-blue or gray-blue color, average weight - 3.5-4 kg, largest individuals up to 7 kg, slaughter weight - 55-59%, cubs - 6-9.

At home, many other rabbits are bred, but it is meat, meat and skin rabbits that are ideal for a novice farmer. You should not chase after “imported” breeds, it is better to prefer those that are bred in central Russia or Ukraine - they are viable, adapt more easily to almost any environment, give a lot of meat.

The largest

The largest rabbits are meat skinned. They do not grow too fast, gain mass, they need relatively much food. These breeds are highly valued by farmers because of the good yield of meat products, the skins of the highest, average quality.

It is easy for novice breeders to work with these species, although the slaughter yield is incomparable with meat breeds, and the quality of the fur is incomparable with any skin breeds. Meat-and-skin animals are unpretentious, which means they get sick, they die much less often than others, which is beneficial compared to demanding species.

Flanders or Belgian giant

With the help of the flandra, many meat, meat-and-skin breeds were bred. The individual is classified as universal. The absolute champion in body size, weight - some individuals grow up to 12 kg, and on average an adult animal - 8-9. Such a rabbit has a very powerful, massive body, a relatively large head, the colors are monochromatic - black, creamy white, beige, sunny red. In a litter, all cubs can be of different colors.

But this type has some drawbacks. Flanders grows for a long time, reaching adult weight in 8.5-9 months. Early slaughter does not make sense, because the mass is still too small. The animal is very capricious about living conditions - it needs perfect cleanliness and a lot of space, food of the highest quality, otherwise the animals die.

Gray giant

Large rabbit meat-and-skin breed. It was bred in Ukraine in the middle of the last century. The animal is suitable for breeding by beginners, it adapts well to difficult conditions, it does not need any special care. The female of this species weighs 4.5-5.5 kg, males - 6-6.5 kg, some individuals grow over 7.5.

The skin of the gray giant is average in quality, but very extensive in area, which is also appreciated by breeders. The meat rating is slightly worse than other varieties. The animals breed very quickly, they take excellent care of their young.

Outwardly, it is very similar to a gray giant in terms of body size and fur color. It often grows larger, more in mass, lethal yield, therefore it is recommended for beginners. By 4 months, the average weight of the animal is 3.5-4 kg, it is already suitable for slaughter. The yield of this rabbit reaches 59%, which is considered a good indicator. The meat is tender, the skin and fur are also on top.

The longer the animal lives, the greater the yield of meat. This animal needs the freshest and highest quality food, otherwise rabbits, especially very young ones, will get sick and die.

white giant

The breed was bred by mating the Belgian with others, but exclusively thoroughbred albinos were used, which made it possible to obtain a perfectly snow-white variety with red eyes. All purebred representatives of the giants do not have impurities of other colors - individuals are culled, not allowed to breed.

The quality of the fur and skin is comparable to the Soviet chinchilla, the meat is also excellent, which allows livestock breeders to make good profits by selling skins and carcasses.

For breeding by beginners, the breed is not recommended, as it has various disadvantages. The fertility of the White Giant is small, as is the precocity, the quality of the meat is remarkable, but the growth rate is low. It makes sense to slaughter the animal at least 7.5-8.5 months. Litters are rarely numerous, and the health of the cubs leaves much to be desired - this appearance is prone to a variety of diseases.

meat breeds

The meat of animals is very tasty, healthy and dietary. The average weight of rabbits can exceed 5 kg, which is why they are popular for getting fur and fluff. For farmers, this is an excellent source of income - the product is sold quickly and at a good price.

It is important to choose a variety suitable for certain purposes - meat, meat skin, skin. More than 50 breeds of rabbits have been bred, each with its own characteristics. Common names are ram, giant, flandre.

For food purposes, almost all rabbits are used, except for decorative species. Special breeds are bred to profit from the sale of meat products.

When choosing rabbits to get the maximum amount of meat products, pay attention to the following:

  • high quality of the product - it is tasty, healthy for everyone, but for some varieties this product is the most tender, which allows it to be sold at a high price;
  • weight gain - the faster the animals gain their maximum in time, the less labor costs for them and the sooner the goods are sold, the profit is made;
  • the size of the animal certain types very large, reaching a weight of more than 7 kg, they get a lot of meat and good skins;
  • precocity - rabbits that breed quickly, produce offspring, give the breeder a significant profit;
  • disease resistance - various infections, fungi can quickly destroy up to 80% of adults, up to 95% of young animals. Some varieties have stronger immunity - the likelihood of an epidemic among them is much lower;
  • adaptability to the terrain - not all animals are able to survive, give abundant offspring, if they are forced to live in a region with a climate different from where they were born.

The main types of animals

Classic varieties are not always large. They live with breeders for a very short time: left for breeding - within 3.5 years, slaughtered for meat - 3-8 months. Their main plus is a solid slaughter yield, precocity.

These include:

  • New Zealand white, red;
  • European, Poltava silver;
  • California look.

They have less weight than meat-and-skin, but gain maximum mass by 3-6 months of their life, which makes their breeding profitable. The quality of the carcasses is also always on top. The skins are suitable for sale, but the volume is low, the area is small, it will not be possible to get a lot of money for them.

The California rabbit is bred from the New Zealand white, has many positive qualities, so it is often bred by professionals from Europe and America. He quickly gains weight up to 5 kg. The animal is ready for slaughter after 90-100 days, it is able to breed from 5-5.5 months. There are 8-10 cubs in one litter; due to the small size, the breed is kept in relatively cramped rabbitries. The growth rate of the California rabbit is amazing - at 8 weeks old it weighs 2.5 kg on average.

Due to the light skeleton, the excellent properties of the carcass, from the age of 3 months, the rabbit has a slaughter yield comparable to an adult animal. The animal is unpretentious, resistant to many diseases, the demand for rabbits of this species is very high.

New Zealand White - bred at the beginning of the last century from New Zealand Red. They are almost identical in constitution, fertility, early maturity. The second variety is more whimsical, has a bright red coat. White rabbits 4.5-5.5 kg, grow rapidly, gain weight, they have delicious dietary meat, high-quality white skin.

At 2.5-3 months, he weighs within 3 kg, many are already slaughtered at this time. New Zealanders are prolific - at least 8 cubs in one litter. The breed easily adapts to any conditions of detention, even in cold areas they are bred in cages with a mesh, slatted floor, which reduces cleaning time. The variety has good health, in case of proper vaccination it does not get sick at all.

fur pets

These creatures are distinguished by fluffy skins, which, if properly processed, will become an excellent raw material for high-quality fur products. Black-brown is a large animal bred in Tatarstan when crossing the Viennese blue, flandre, chinchilla in the 50s of the XX century. Its fur is dense, with soft color transitions, vaguely reminiscent of the color of black-brown foxes.

This is a crawl of dense build, with an elongated body - 60-65 cm, a wide chest, a straight back, a pronounced dewlap, a large head, thick even paws, ears up to 19 cm, brown eyes. An adult animal is 3.5-6.5 kg, at the age of 3 months - 2.5-3. The rabbit brings 6-8 cubs weighing 80 g at a time.

Purebred individuals have a shiny black-brown, thick coat - the color is estimated in daylight. An animal less than 55 cm long, with uneven coloration, weighing up to 4 kg, crooked legs, gray hairs, hunchbacked back is rejected. They contain black-brown rabbit in the climate of the middle zone, it tolerates cold winters very well.

Real thoroughbred rabbits are very prolific, they take good care of their offspring, since those who do not have these qualities were not allowed to breed in the future. Animals need large closets with shelves where rabbits like to sleep - this will keep good fur. There should always be water in the cage, green food in summer, juicy, coarse, artificial vitamins and minerals in winter. Chamomile tea is given twice a week to prevent disease.

Russian ermine

He is African, Egyptian, Windsor, Himalayan - medium-haired, small rabbit for meat and skin purposes, widespread. Bred by the British in the 19th century, brought to Russia 90 years ago, improved by Soviet selection specialists. The color resembles an ermine - it is used as an imitation of ermine fur, meat - for the preparation of dietary dishes. The offspring is born white, after 2-3 weeks there is light pigmentation, by 5-6 months - a full-fledged ermine color.

Ears, tail, paws are black-brown, everything else is snow-white, shiny. The animal is unpretentious, hardy enough, any living conditions, climate, simple food are suitable for it.

Females give birth to 8-10 cubs, the offspring grow quickly, since rabbits have a lot of milk. An adult creature has a dense, proportional body 50-53 cm long, a rounded head, high ears, a wide chest, a perfect back and croup, strong straight legs, weight 3.5-4 kg, thick hair with developed underfur.

For breeding, purebred animals are chosen, with strong, undeformed bones, normal muscles, neat skin, without visible defects. Rounded hard sides are a sign of excellent meat formation. A female should have a tight stomach, a wide chest, 8 nipples.

The male usually has thicker fur than the female. An animal with a low physique, bad skin, weak muscles, underdeveloped bones will not be able to give a lot of meat, good fur, and therefore is culled. Russian ermine is kept in cages ranging in size from 65 cm long, which are installed in blocks to save space. Nest boxes are made with a solid bottom. Feeders, drinkers are convenient automatic. Drafts, direct sunlight are unacceptable.

In winter, the recommended temperature is + 12-23 degrees, humidity is about 70%. From food recommended clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, various cereals, germinated grain, herbal, fish, meat and bone meal etc. To make the skin well-groomed, the animals are washed with baby or zoological shampoo, the hair is combed with special plastic brushes. Vaccinations and regular check-ups are a must.

rabbit rex

Bred in France in the 20s of the last century, brought to Russia from Germany. The fur of the animal is thick, velor, similar to sheared mink. Rabbits come in over 20 colors and are highly profitable to breed. The average weight of the animal is 3.5-4.5 kg, body length 45-55 cm, straight ears, narrow chest, females have a dewlap, small bones, a humpbacked ridge, thin, even legs. The length of the coat is 1.5-2 cm, on the back - at least 15-18 mm. In females, 5-7 rabbits are born at a time, 3-5 births per year.

At 30 days, young animals weigh 0.68 kg, at 4 months - up to 2.5 kg. Healthy has a dense hairline, the coat is even, not wavy, with the exception of the belly and head. The tail is clean, the nose is dry, the eyes are clear, the skeleton is well developed. Rex has a fast metabolism, it needs a lot of air, it easily withstands frosts of -18-20 degrees, but it does not tolerate overheating, dampness, drafts, dustiness. Recommended content at humidity up to 60%, temperature +17-19 degrees.

The following types of cages are used: single - for males, young animals, mother liquor - with a brood box. The breed should not be kept on mesh floors, as Rexes are prone to pododermatitis - fur disappears on the paws, ulcers appear, it is better to make the coating from plywood with straw bedding. Hay, sluggish grass are necessarily introduced into the diet, the cubs are vaccinated against myxomatosis and hemorrhagic virus after reaching a weight of 0.5 kg, the age of 35-37 days, and worms are poisoned.

fluffy chinchilla

down rabbit medium size the skin direction was bred by the French by crossing the Russian ermine, blue Bavernov, wild species. The fur resembles the color of a chinchilla rodent. In England, this rabbit appeared in 1915, then in Holland, Germany. In the first country, it was crossed with large breeds, which made it possible to increase the weight from 2.5 kg to 4.5. Now farmers breed small, medium, large chinchillas. The weight of the smallest is 2.5-3 kg, they have a short body, ears. Large ones weigh from 4.5 kg, the muscles are well developed.

The rabbit perfectly adapts to the conditions of the temperate climate zone, it is not picky in food, it is very prolific, therefore it is popular everywhere. 9-11 rabbits are born at a time, the females have a lot of milk, the offspring come out strong, grow rapidly. The animal is able to live in captivity for more than 9 years.

An adult chinchilla has a rounded dense body, 50-60 cm, chest girth - 35-40 cm. The skeleton is strong, the muscles are strong, the back is straight, the head is elongated, erect ears. The eyes are clear, gray-blue or brown. In females, a dewlap is developed - a fold of fat on the neck. The average weight of a male is 3.5-5 kg. The fur is most often gray-bluish with transitions to pearl white, black and brown. In the area of ​​​​the abdomen, the eyes are light-colored, on the ears - dark.

A healthy animal is mobile, cheerful, well-fed. Muscles are strong, especially in the pelvis, thighs, ears, eyes are clean, paws are straight, fluffy. The coat should shine, not have bald spots, the back should be even, but not sagging, not humpbacked. In summer, chinchillas are kept outdoors, in winter - indoors, at a temperature of + 15-19 degrees. Do not allow drafts, excessive humidity, drops, direct sunlight. In the cold season, additional lighting is needed. The floor in the cages is made cellular, in the nesting rooms - solid wood, plywood.

Food for young, adults, pregnant females will be different. Be sure to use green leaves, root crops, hay, twigs, cereals, beans, vitamin and mineral supplements. Regular veterinary inspections are mandatory - this will avoid the spread of diseases that can kill the entire livestock. To grow a chinchilla with luxurious fur, it must be combed three times a week with a wooden comb, massage brushes, and tangles should be cut out in a timely manner. It is not recommended to bathe the animal; zoo creams are used to clean the fur from dirt.

Risen or German giant

Known since the 16th century. In Russia, he is sometimes called the Russian giant. Modern rizen weighs 12-14 kg, originally it was only 6. From it they get good meat, excellent fur of various colors - gray, sand, black, blue, agouti. The animal is good-natured, smart, clumsy, recognizes its owner. He has strong muscles, straight legs, ears 16-17 cm, body - 65-75 cm, thick fur up to 4 cm.

Rabbits are born 10-12 pieces in one litter, they grow slowly, they can breed from 10 months, they eat a lot, often die from gluttony. They need spacious enclosures. Risen tolerates frosts well, almost does not get sick, but perfect cleanliness should be maintained in the cage. This species requires serious breeding costs, as its care is painstaking, space, food is needed a lot. The main diet is hay, mixed fodder, cereals, vegetables.

The grass is suitable fresh, not rotten, without dew; young oak twigs and leaves are recommended as a preventive measure. A healthy animal is well-fed, moves well, does not have much fat. His back, legs are even, strong, eyes, ears are clean, the coat is thick, without empty areas.


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