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Composition-miniature "Letter to Grandmother"

Hello dear grandmother! How are you? How is your health?

I have everything as usual. I study, I get only good grades. I am especially successful at answering in mathematics, geography, biology and English language. Now I'm getting ready to represent my class at the competition in biology. There you will need to talk about animals and show pictures from their lives. I myself am looking for information for the competition in books and on the Internet.

How is your kitty Marquise? You already know that a kitten Kuzya lives in our house. He is white and fluffy. I'll bring it to you over the holidays if daddy allows it. He's just grown up by then. I hope that he and Marquise will play together, because Marquise is very kind and affectionate.

We often quarrel with Lisa. She began to go to dances and constantly boasts. She talks only about dancing, she is not interested in anything else. This is my ugly sister.

I missed you very much. Dad promised that soon we would go to visit you for the holidays. I will look forward to meeting you. Say hello to Aunt Katya, Uncle Vova and little Natasha! Goodbye!

On Thursday evenings, we have a Volunteer Thursday. The coordinator had the opportunity to simply forget to transfer the photo from the album. So far, no one has informed them and, probably, the grandson / granddaughter has already been discovered. Imagine how good it will be for your old woman when some of her roommates or a nurse who will read your message to her will say: What an attractive girl in the photo or something similar? Calculation of price and delivery time postal items in Russia Parcels, parcels and registered mail can be tracked by the identification number indicated on the receipt (you will receive the receipt by mail when sending, enter the number on the website without a space). Do you have to write messages by hand, or is it much better to print? 6.

If you see an oversight, select the desired text and press Ctrl + Enter in order to tell the editors about it.

How are parcels delivered to nursing homes? Since not many old women and grandfathers have every chance to go to the post office.

A good lesson in Russian in grade 3 on the topic: Writing a double consonant letter at the border of the parts of a word Introduce words in which a double consonant letter is seen at the junction of a root and a suffix; Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 4 on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense Outline plan Russian language lesson in grade 4 on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the form of the past tense in PNSh. Demonstration for a Russian language lesson in grade 4 on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense Demonstration for a Russian language lesson on the topic Writing unstressed verb suffixes in the past tense in grade 4 according to PNS: a sample petition to reduce court costs. The number of single old women / grandfathers in nursing homes exceeds the number of those who want to write, therefore we are looking for exacting 1 grandchild. More is only welcome.) When there are common questions, you can look for answers on the forum. Thank you for your kindness and love, which you generously bestow on me from birth .

It is better to send a toy 1 (do not forget about the flaw in the place to save), this volume, so that it is comfortable to pick it up and hug it (approximately 40 50 centimes in height) sample letter to grandmother from granddaughter. Here is an excerpt from our most basic coordinator, which illustrates well the difficulties that volunteers who collect greetings face: ".

  • Ready-made birthday wishes for grandma. Congratulations to the grandmother: from the grandson, from the granddaughter, great-grandmother, cool, everything. You are an example of wisdom, generosity, care.
  • Can one of the grandparents have several grandchildren by correspondence? 6. I sent a letter/parcel, but it is still on the Russian Post website.
  • From the practice of experiencing grandchildren, usually, they turn out to be useless, everything comes in time and in the appropriate form.

    Children too much prefer pictures and clear drawings, postcards, as a result of this, the emphasis can be placed on them, and the messages can be reduced to notes. Alternatively, you can write like this: Hello, I'm Lyuba from Kaluga, I would like to congratulate you with all my heart, Maria Ivanovna, on New Year holidays! I want you. It is possible to prescribe, actually watched the photo of the trip, noticed her photo and asked for an address in order to write messages and support, even though you live far from each other. Let the fate return to you all the gifted warmth and love a hundredfold. They do not think about the grief they cause their father and his parents. Young people in DI (boarding house) and PNI (psycho-neurological boarding school) are, in most cases, children over the age of 18 in childish buildings, who do not have the opportunity to live in person, and are developed as young people. We have grandchildren who write to Russian DPs as a result of a psychological barrier. But it is necessary to give a notarized permission of the guardians or a person with suitable rights, an established sample with a period of validity covering the period for which a visa is requested

    Correspondence with grandparents - help for the elderly

    Sample letter to grandmother from granddaughter. Rating: 84 / 100 Total: 34 ratings.

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    Fiction &rarr Letters to the grandson

    Title: Letters to a grandson

    Publisher: Sibvneshtorgizdat and samizdat

    Year: 1992, 1993

    Pages: 370

    Format: PDF, DjVu

    Size: 74.4 mb

    Description. SECRETLY 1992 The memoirs of the Siberian writer and artist, who was born and raised in the Crimea, are an artistically authentic and historically valuable document of the 1930s. The author vividly and colorfully recreated the atmosphere of life and life of the pre-war south of Russia, the peoples inhabiting it, with numerous characteristic types, customs, household items, architecture, the originality of the author's family - a mechanic-inventor father and a noblewoman-mother in tragic, but in their own way romantic pre-war years.

    Letter to my beloved grandmother


    There are many grandmothers in the whole wide world, but mine is the best. She works in kindergarten many years. My grandmother is fifty-four years old, but she looks younger.

    When I was little, my grandmother worked with me a lot. She developed my knowledge and prepared me for school.

    There is never a dull moment with my grandmother. Sometimes we have a game day. My grandmother and I play board games: Mill, uno, chess, checkers and so on. We win by turns.

    I love my grandmother very much and she loves me. All grandmothers are special, especially mine!

    Pavel Vokhmyanin, 3rd grade, Orichi settlement.

    Hello my dear grandmother! How is your health? How do you live without us? Thank you for having a great vacation! Do you remember how we used to go hiking in the summer, how we roasted sausages on a fire, how we rode our bikes down the mountain? That was fun! And how I ran to the races with the boys, and was always the first.

    And your pancakes are the best! And your bedtime stories and different stories I still remember! My birthday is coming soon, come visit us. This will be the best gift for me. Mom will bake a cake, I will make a wish. I'll just tell you a secret.

    Goodbye! Be healthy! Do not miss!

    Your grandson Dima.

    Dima Nurgalin, 2nd grade, Orichi settlement.

    I try to study well

    Hello dear grandmother! How is it going? How is your health? I'm fine. I try to study well. I have more than five ratings. I want to go mushroom picking in the forest. Come visit us. I miss you. How does the cat Busya live? Give him a big hello. I want to see him. On weekends, my mother and I baked pies with cabbage and cheesecakes. I helped my mother. She said I was doing well. In the summer I went to Sovetsk. I went swimming and sunbathing there. My sister Varya and I played funny games. Sovetsk is very beautiful. I went rollerblading and cycling in the summer. AT free time I walk or play online. Recently, my mother and I went to Kirov. Goodbye, dear grandmother.

    Your granddaughter Nastya.

    Nastya Ulanova, 3rd grade, Orichi settlement.

    I can't wait to see you

    Hello granny! I decided to write you a letter because I miss you. I can't wait for the holidays to see you again! See you. Bye. Your grandson Dima.

    Dima BELKOV, 2nd class, Orichi settlement.

    I want to take care of people

    Hello Grandma Galya. Your grandson Alyosha is writing to you. I have not seen you for a long time and decided to write you a letter. I really miss you. Write to me how you live. How is your health?

    I am fine. I'm in the 4th grade, I don't get sick. Every day I walk, I train to play basketball.

    Everything is great in our family. Mom and dad work, they come late. Polina moved to another school. In the morning we wake up early because the parrots are crying. Every morning they ask to fly. I understand them. You can’t always sit in a cage, because sooner or later you always want to look at something else. My room is the whole world for them. They live it up in their own way. They have a lot to do. Hollow the wall, gnaw notebooks and books. They have a cottage. We bought them a nest. They have rare but exciting journeys to other rooms.

    We have two fish. Guram Guramych and Guramka. He lived alone for a long time. We bought a female, but he did not like her. Guramych began to offend her. He beat her so much that she lost an eye.

    You see, grandmother, everything is like with people.

    Soon we will bring all the living creatures to you, as we will leave. Try to take good care of them. They really need care. I just don't understand what caring is. Kindness? A responsibility? Write. I need your answer. Ask your grandfather what he thinks about this, because I want to learn how to take care of people too.

    Goodbye. Alyosha.

    Alyosha KOSYKH, 4th grade, Orichi settlement.

    Hello my grandmother, with respect I am writing this letter to you. We are fine. They bought Fedya for my guinea pig. For reproduction, and Kesha Dasha, but he beats her. Mom also bought herself a cockerel fish. This is the name of his breed, and the name is Semyon.

    I was offered to participate in a competition in which you have to watch animals. I will write a project. That's how great we are.

    And how are you? How are your piglets and mine? How are Mukhtar and Rex? I hope Tim and Pim are well behaved? How is your health, mood? Everyone says hello to you. Sincerely, your granddaughter Lena.

    Lena Smorkalova, 4th grade, Orichi settlement.

    How to write a letter to grandma?

    In our age of progress, handwritten letters look like echoes of past centuries. Today, few people sit down at a desk, pick up paper and a pen, and write a letter. All this was replaced by a computer connected to the Internet. But there are still people in this world who are no longer trying to master the Internet, leaving it young - these are our grandparents, who would be pleased to receive a letter written by their own hands from their grandson or granddaughter. They would keep it as a keepsake and keep it as a family heirloom, especially if it was also colorfully decorated. But often the “Next” generation does not know how to write a letter to grandparents, because they mostly write letters in free form, not taking into account the rules and basic features.

    Writing a letter

    To make a letter good and “warm”, it should be written from the bottom of your heart, not limited to two dry lines, because a letter is far from an SMS message. It's best to start with an abstract introduction, such as why you decided to sit down and write a letter, what prompted you to do this. The letter should include more descriptions, your reasoning, you need to ask the grandmother various questions and ask for the grandmother's advice or her opinion. You should beware of dry, compressed phrases, as such letters can give the impression that you are reluctant to write and you are not interested in communicating with them.

    You should not write that grandmother will not be interested, and that she does not understand, because it may seem like nonsense to her. Therefore, it is important to plan the letter in advance, then it will turn out to be logical and interesting, you should also write neatly in large legible underline, without spelling errors. If you are writing a letter to your grandmother that you found on the Internet, then try not to use it every time, as it will look stamped and artificial, which will obviously alert her.

    Also, when writing a letter, you should not be distracted, otherwise it will turn out to be unrelated. In the end, a letter to grandmother from a granddaughter or grandson should be signed with your signature, and also write about how you love her, miss her and look forward to meeting you soon, and a soon letter from her. You can draw a letter with your own drawings, or make it in the form of a postcard. Such a work of art, for sure, will be kept by her for a single year, and will be proudly shown to all her friends.

    To make your letter even more joyful, you can put some of your photos in the envelope along with it. Of course, your grandparents will write you a response letter, which in no case should be left unanswered, because in this way you will show disrespect and inattention to those people who care about you. Now you know how to write a letter to your grandparents and you will often make them happy.

    Don't forget grandma and grandpa!

    Elderly people - grandparents - are especially in need of such an attitude. Today there are many opportunities for communication at a distance: telephone, Skype, electronic messages via the Internet. But not all older people have the opportunity to use these types of services.

    And even if the grandmother has the opportunity to communicate via the Internet or cellular communication, vintage through the letters contains a huge positive meaning. A letter to grandmother, written by a beloved grandson, contains not only information, but also the handwriting of his child's hand, his smell, his drawing.

    The advantage of letters on paper over other types of communication

    A telephone conversation is, of course, very good. But it can be remembered without any evidence at hand. And if we take into account the fact that older people are often forgetful, then a letter to grandmother, written on paper and stored in her dresser drawer, has a huge advantage over a phone call or SMS message. After all, you can get it, read it, hold it in your hands and feel human warmth.

    In other words, a letter to a grandmother is the attitude of grandchildren imprinted in the subject, feelings that can be touched.

    Types of letters

    AT school curriculum it is indicated that the letters belong to Distinguish and informative letters.

    If a letter is sent to grandmother with the aim of congratulating her on any date, then this will be a letter of congratulations. A sent message in which the grandson thanks his grandmother for a gift, congratulations or advice is called a letter of gratitude. A letter of wish rarely exists on its own, more often wishes are contained in a letter of congratulations or in other types of messages.

    But the most common letter to a grandmother from a grandson is usually informative. In it, the author tells something about himself, is interested in the affairs of the addressee and wishes him, that is, his grandmother, health, Have a good mood, long life, or something more specific: a successful operation, a victory in a flower grower contest, a successfully knitted cardigan. It is appropriate to include in its content both words of gratitude and congratulations on any holiday, if one is foreseen in the near future.

    Appeal in a letter - beginning

    Before that, grandmother, you need to understand that this is also a literary text, the genre of which obeys its own rules, canons. It should be remembered that a letter, like all other types of literary texts, must have three parts.

    The beginning - the beginning - contains an appeal with a greeting. Since the grandmother is a dear and beloved person who is sensitive to any manifestation of tenderness, you should not skimp on kind and affectionate epithets: the words “dear”, “beloved”, “my dear”, “dear” both at the beginning of the message and in the middle , and in the end they will show an elderly woman that she is loved, remembered, missed. These words will warm her soul, brighten up the days, bring great joy.

    Then, at the very beginning of the letter, you can express gratitude for something: for the recently received message, parcel, congratulations. For example, it might look like this: “Hello, my dear, dearly beloved grandmother Lisa! I was very glad to receive a letter from you - thank you very much for it!

    The main (main) part of the letter

    Letter ending

    The final part of the letter is also important - the ending. Here you should take an interest in the affairs of the grandmother, her health, plans for the near future. Although questions can also be asked at the beginning of the letter.

    Here we should also recall such a tradition in the epistolary genre as sending greetings to mutual friends, good wishes to the addressee himself and to those to whom greetings are sent. It is also appropriate to make some requests in this part of the message. But the main thing in the end of the letter is the words of farewell and the signature with the date stamped.

    And again, it must be emphasized: in the farewell itself, tenderness and care should be seen. Therefore, it is best not just to write the word "goodbye", but to add an appeal with an epithet expressing love and affection. Let the farewell be warm and cordial, for example: “Goodbye, my most beloved and dear person, my dear grandmother! With the hope of meeting you soon - your eldest grandson Vasily Maltsev. February 22, 2014.

    My grandmother is special!

    There are many grandmothers in the whole wide world, but mine is the best. She has been working in a kindergarten for many years. My grandmother is fifty-four years old, but she looks younger.
    When I was little, my grandmother worked with me a lot. She developed my knowledge and prepared me for school.
    There is never a dull moment with my grandmother. Sometimes we have a game day. My grandmother and I play board games: Mill, UNO, chess, checkers, and so on. We win by turns.
    I love my grandmother very much and she loves me. All grandmothers are special, especially mine!
    Pavel Vokhmyanin, 3 "a" class, Orichi settlement.

    Best gift

    Hello my dear grandmother! How is your health? How do you live without us? Thank you for having a great vacation! Do you remember how we used to go hiking in the summer, how we roasted sausages on a fire, how we rode our bikes down the mountain? That was fun! And how I ran to the races with the boys, and was always the first.
    And your pancakes are the best! And I still remember your bedtime stories and different stories! My birthday is coming soon, come visit us. This will be the best gift for me. Mom will bake a cake, I will make a wish. I'll just tell you a secret.
    Goodbye! Be healthy! Do not miss!
    Your grandson Dima.
    Dima Nurgalin, 2 "a" class, Orichi settlement.

    I try to study well

    Hello dear grandmother! How is it going? How is your health? I'm fine. I try to study well. I have more "five" ratings. I want to go mushroom picking in the forest. Come visit us. I miss you. How does the cat Busya live? Give him a big hello. I want to see him. On weekends, my mother and I baked pies with cabbage and cheesecakes. I helped my mother. She said I was doing well. In the summer I went to Sovetsk. I went swimming and sunbathing there. My sister Varya and I played funny games. Sovetsk is very beautiful. I went rollerblading and cycling in the summer. In my free time, I walk or play online. Recently, my mother and I went to Kirov. Goodbye, dear grandmother.
    Your granddaughter Nastya.
    Nastya Ulanova, 3rd grade, Orichi settlement.

    I can't wait to see you

    Hello granny! I decided to write you a letter because I miss you. I can't wait for the holidays to see you again! See you. Bye. Your grandson Dima.
    Dima BELKOV, 2 "a" class, p. Orichi.

    I want to take care of people

    Hello Grandma Galya. Your grandson Alyosha is writing to you. I have not seen you for a long time and decided to write you a letter. I really miss you. Write to me how you live. How is your health?
    I am fine. I study in the 4th grade, I don't get sick. Every day I walk, I train to play basketball.
    Everything is great in our family. Mom and dad work, they come late. Polina moved to another school. In the morning we wake up early because the parrots are crying. Every morning they ask to fly. I understand them. You can’t always sit in a cage, because sooner or later you always want to look at something else. My room is their whole world. They live it up in their own way. They have a lot to do. Hollow the wall, gnaw notebooks and books. They have a "dacha". We bought them a nest. They have rare but exciting journeys to other rooms.
    We have two fish. Guram Guramych and Guramka. He lived alone for a long time. We bought a female, but he did not like her. Guramych began to offend her. He beat her so much that she lost an eye.
    You see, grandmother, everything is like with people.
    Soon we will bring all the living creatures to you, as we will leave. Try to take good care of them. They really need care. I just don't understand what caring is. Kindness? A responsibility? Write. I need your answer. Ask your grandfather what he thinks about this, because I want to learn how to take care of people too.
    Goodbye. Alyosha.
    Alyosha KOSYKH, 4th grade, Orichi village.

    Sincerely, grandma

    Hello my grandmother, with respect I am writing this letter to you. We are fine. They bought Fedya for my guinea pig. For reproduction, and Kesha Dasha, but he beats her. Mom also bought herself a cockerel fish. This is the name of his breed, and the name is Semyon.
    I was offered to participate in a competition in which you have to watch animals. I will write a project. That's how great we are.
    And how are you? How are your piglets and mine? How are Mukhtar and Rex? I hope Tim and Pim are well behaved? How is your health, mood? Everyone says hello to you. Sincerely, your granddaughter Lena.
    Lena Smorkalova, 4th grade, Orichi settlement.

    Six months ago it was ten years since my dear grandmother, Valentina Dmitrievna Lukina (May 6, 1910 - April 21, 2005), passed away. The pain still hasn't completely subsided. This story is dedicated to her.

    Ten years is long enough to understand what a person meant in your life. Although I understood this very well when she was still alive. Grandmother is not just a very beloved, close, dear person. This is the man who loved me more than anyone else in the world!

    For two weeks before her death, she called only me and repeated my name all the time. And I just couldn’t give her all my time then, because almost all of it was occupied by a nine-month-old daughter who had a lot of health problems.

    Grandmother was two weeks short of ninety-five. She was a beautiful, very strong-willed woman. She has been through many trials.

    When the war began, she was thirty-one years old. A few years before the war, her father died, and at the very beginning of the war, her husband went missing (it was very painful, because the fate of the grandfather remained unknown, and there was hope in his heart that he was alive).

    Grandfather did not return from the front. grandma more married didn't come out. By that time, she lived with an elderly mother (my great-grandmother Margarita) and an 8-year-old daughter (my mother). Grandmother took care of them as best she could. She worked in the rear and was a donor in the war (one hundred and twelve direct blood transfusions on her account) and after the war too.

    Grandmother was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, received the title of Honorary Donor twice, and had other orders and medals.

    She steadfastly held out in the most difficult life circumstances, did not lose heart, loved people very much and helped whom she could (not only relatives). Grandmother was very sociable and could find a common language with any person, no matter what position he occupied. She had a lot of friends.

    letter to grandma

    Grandmother, dear, last year was seventy years since the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. I am glad that people remembered this date and celebrated!

    I remember how my mother told me that on Victory Day itself, you dyed your beautiful black hair white with joy, and no one recognized you ... You were blonde only after the Victory, there was no more.

    I often remember you, especially your words: “The more difficult the circumstances, the calmer a person should behave in order not to make some kind of mistake”; “You can find a way out of any situation, just don’t rush” and so on. I am infinitely grateful to you for teaching me so many vital things!

    I especially remember one of your birthdays. After all, he was with you on the very Day of Victory - May 6th. True, you still loved Victory Day more.

    We had a lesson at school dedicated to May 9th. The teacher asked me to come with you and tell all of our first class about the war. The one and only time you came with me to school.

    It was sunny. You put on your jacket (I don’t remember what color), which was covered with orders and medals ... They sparkled so much in the sun!

    It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I walked, proud and joyful that I have such a grandmother. And then you came out in front of the whole class and began to tell us about life during the war. I listened with bated breath. You spoke very well and calmly.

    I remember the last words: “Guys, we fought so that you always have a clear sky!”. And then they gave you flowers.

    Comment on the article "Letter to grandmother. What did you mean in my life"

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    Hello mommy! I am the new universe born by you. Thank you for this. I come to this earth to know the world. I'm small and can't speak your language yet, so I have you. You are my guide on the path of knowing the world, my guardian angel. Mom, you understand that it will be difficult to remake me, but you can teach me if I let you. I have your snub nose and daddy's kind eyes, but you are wise and you know that I can not repeat your life better than you already did once ...

    My dear Bun, Recently, your mother and I were looking for some answer on Google. In the middle of the entered question, we were shown a list of the most popular search terms in the world. Highlighted at the very beginning of the list was the question "How to maintain his interest." It struck me. I skimmed through some of the countless articles on how to be sexy and attractive, when to bring him a beer and when to bring him a sandwich, and how to make him feel smart and outstanding. And I'm pissed off...

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    1 Grandmother, dear, kind, glorious, How much kindness is in you! .. Be the happiest on your birthday, Accept the cake and flowers !!! We remember how you sang songs to us at night, We remember your care. How fun it was always with you, As if in a beautiful paradise !!! Don't be embarrassed by the wrinkles around your eyes, You're young at heart. Fairy tales from your lips, dear grandmother, We will always remember! © 2 Happy birthday, grandma, Happy birthday, darling, Our dear, Just golden! She knows everything in the world, she knows everything ...

    Grandmother, dear, dear and beloved, Today I hope you are still happy! Your whole appearance, grandmother, radiates light, On your holiday, you cooked a delicious dinner, everyone loves you, happy birthday to you. You sit and gently look at me, You are now like a fluffy white kitten! You are always tender, like a ripe peach. © *** Happy birthday, grandmother, you are the most beloved, We congratulate you, you are sweet today. You always said, "you reap what you sow." You always appreciated what you have. Hunger, cold, ruin you ...

    Ships are sailing away to distant lands, Our years are also leaving. Dear grandma, don't be sad, don't cry. We wish you more success in life! Youth will not return, but you are a girl at heart. You raised us, thank you! Not a few of your tears were shed when you were worried about us. But fate gave you a hundred times. *** I came, granny, for your birthday, I worried, and God heard your prayers. You were waiting for me, you dreamed of seeing me. Now your eyes are burning, she told me a lot. Do you remember how...

    Granny, no one knows what you really are, How hard you achieve the desired goal, How you improve all the time, And how you pull the burden in your life. We love you very much, we respect you very much. We trust our children only to you, Now we wish you happiness! And happy birthday today!!! © *** Dear grandmother, congratulating you on your birthday, We say that you are always so golden with us! You are not replaceable in the family, our dear beauty, And on this festive day for you ...

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    My daughter (my mother), granddaughters (my sister and I) lived in the Crimea from time immemorial and came to visit their grandparents for winter and summer vacations. Grandmother is very active by nature, but ... she has no desire to read books, write letters, or watch TV lately ...

    I advise you to write a letter to the airline in advance and ask, print the answer and take it with you. and tell me: a child flies alone to his grandmother do you need a power of attorney? They scare me, they say they won't let her out of the plane. Is it so?

    Compiling a sponsorship letter. Composition of the participants of the trip: Grandmother, Granddaughter + two great-granddaughters. I would make cards for her (especially if she works) and her grandmother, and a letter from mother to grandmother and from granddaughter to great-grandchildren.

    How to explain to grandma? Family relationships. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. ne davat babuske s poroga/ skazat "rebenka vozrast takoi chto nado priviknut k novomu" "skoro ona osvoitsya i sama poprositsya k tebe" spisivat...

    tell my grandmother, I beg the healer. Girls, I really ask for help - someone, maybe, has the address of some grandmother, healer. yes, yes, I understood that. I already sent it, it was just that during the day there was no time to write a letter. sorry. And thanks in advance!

    This is a poor letter. Tiper you are not lucky. Haha! Send it to your 20 friends and they will also be poor, and if you don’t send it, they will be happy and you will be envious. One person received this letter and sent it to 20 friends and they all got sick.

    Grandmother in the life of a child. It so happened that my children grow up without grandmothers. My mother is still young, works at full capacity and lives 1000 km away from us. I'm here. The letter has arrived. Yesterday and today I answered - check your mail.

    I also had a grandmother, not so old, only 65 years old. And somewhere from the age of 60 she has What real advice Are you expecting from us? The letter is very emotionally written Mne lichno prochitav eto pismo stalo strachno ot vachey cherstvosti, grubosti i nelubvi k babuchke!

    Letters to grandparents are often written by their loving grandchildren. In the letter, you need to ask about the health and well-being of grandparents, tell a little about yourself and your life, you can write how you miss them. Here is an example of such a letter.

    "Hello, my dear, grandma and grandpa! How do you live? Is your health failing you? I hope that you are doing well. I miss you very much. Everything is fine with us, I started to go swimming, I like it very much. I study well too, without triples. New Year, yesterday we bought a Christmas tree, and today I dressed her all day. Mom and dad say hello to you. I'm looking forward to summer and a new meeting with you. Goodbye. Your granddaughter Katya."

    Nowadays, letters are rarely written, but still they are, because the elderly do not like mass media such as the telephone, it is very difficult for them to master them. Especially modern gadgets and smartphones with many different functions that modern children and teenagers love so much. Our grandparents prefer the classics to new technologies, so the best way to contact them and make them happy is to write a letter.

    What to write a letter to grandparents about

    And so, the letter should contain such items, they can be changed at your discretion:

    • Greetings. This is a required item. Example "Hello dear grandma", "Hello grandpa".
    • Tell me how are you. Example: "I'm fine, I just came home from school."
    • Tell us about your news, achievements. Example "Tomorrow there will be an Olympiad in biology, I am participating in it," I signed up for the pool, now I go there 3 times a week, I really like it.
    • Tell me how your family is doing. It is important for grandparents to know how other relatives are doing. Example "My sister and I stopped arguing and now we go to the cinema together on Sundays", "Imagine, dad was promoted at work, we are so happy for him" .
    • Share your problems, ask for advice, because older relatives know a lot because of their life experience. Example "Grandpa, what do you think, which circle to sign up for: football or basketball," Grandma, please tell me the recipe for mom's favorite pie. I would like to bake for her birthday, make it nice.
    • Be sure to find out how your grandparents are doing, especially health. They will be pleased with such care. Example "How are you? How are you? Is everything okay?" .
    • Invite to visit or say that you yourself would like to come, express your feelings. Example "I missed you so much, when can I come to you?" , "Mom sends her regards to you and Grandpa and says that we are waiting for you to visit next weekend."
    • Parting. Example "I'm waiting for an answer soon, bye", "See you soon, kisses."

      How to please grandma and grandpa with your letter

      If you want the letter to please your relatives as much as possible, you can show a little imagination. You can decorate the letter, include a small craft or maybe a poem you wrote especially for them, as well as a small gift, preferably a handmade one.


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