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The Netherlands Post (NL Post, PostNL) is a better shipping method than China Post and also allows you to send packages with batteries without any problems. Also, the Dutch Post is not overloaded with shipments, which allows you to receive the parcel in a faster time.

This method has gained particular popularity due to the absence of problems with the delivery of batteries and devices containing them.

The GearBest store sends packages with batteries mainly through PostNL and does it without any extra charge.

PostNL operates in the Netherlands. There are several parcel collection points in China. The seller does not take the package to PostNL himself, but the courier picks it up. After that, all parcels are sent to the parcel collection center, and then loaded onto the plane to be sent to the sorting center in the Netherlands.

PostNL tracking in Russian

The PostNL website does not support tracking in Russian, fortunately we have translated all PostNL statuses, and you can track PostNL in Russian using our mail tracker.

In addition, our mail tracker will show you the approximate delivery times of the Netherlands Post to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus and check the websites of the Russian Post, UkrPoshta, BelPoshta.

PostNL delivery times

Delivery times for PostNL parcels vary greatly, it all depends on your city of residence. For Western Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, PostNL's average delivery time is about 20-22 days. The fastest delivery takes about 9 days, the longest about 30, but the vast majority of PostNL packages arrive somewhere around 20 days from the moment the goods were actually shipped from Aliexpress or GearBest

Translation of PostNL statuses

See the table below to find out the translation of all PostNL statuses, such statuses as are translated: The item is at the shippers warehouse translation, The item is pre-advised translation, The item is at the PostNL sorting center translation.

Many people order goods from free shipping from China and by chance use the exotic services of such Asian mail as China Post Air Mail, Hong Kong Post, Singapore Post etc., where often stores and sellers provide a track code (tracking number) by which you can track the package and more or less predict when it will fucking arrive. The postal statuses of China's mail are essentially a Chinese letter and a mere mortal is unlikely to figure out how to decipher it all. To do this, below I will try to explain what the statuses in China post mean, which you see when tracking a parcel by track number.

Tracking statuses of a parcel from China (statuses of postal items - China)

Status Collection收寄局收寄 or Acceptance (Acceptance) - means that the parcel has arrived at the China Post.
Status Opening出口总包互封开拆 (The parcel arrived at the transit point) - this status means that it arrived at the transit point (nothing to do with opening or opening the parcel)
Status Dispatching出口总包互封封发 (Arrival at MMPO, Processing) - the parcel is sent from one transit point to another
Status Departure from outward office of exchange出口总包直封封发 (Export, Total Export) - the actual sending of a postal item outside of China, that is, the parcel flew out of China and after some time will arrive in the country of the recipient of the parcel. But the nuance is that such a status can be repeated many times until the parcel is actually loaded and sent.
Status NULL交航 - no exact information, most often means that the parcel has passed customs and left China, in rare cases it may mean that it has been returned to the sender.
Status: The item is pre-advised- means that the track number was ordered/purchased electronically (online pre-order), and the parcel has not yet been given away, that is, it has not arrived at the post office (the sender has not yet brought the parcel to the post office and it has not been sent).

Parcel type status Russian Federation: Unknown attribute when tracking a parcel from Aliexpress, this is just the most common status that could not be automatically translated into English or Russian. To understand where the package is and what is happening with the package, track without translation so that the statuses are displayed in Chinese (for example) and then insert these hieroglyphs into Google translator and translate into English, then you will get a normal status with an adequate translation. In short, this is just an error in the translation of the status of the package, and everything is fine with the package itself, so don't worry ..

There are also three-letter designations (Loacation), these are airport codes, often this CAN(Guangzhou), PEK (Beijing) or PVG(Shanghai), although there are others .. To decrypt them, enter in the browser where instead of ABC enter your 3-character code or the second method, go to the IATA website (international aviation office) and in the middle of the site you will see a search form, where in the drop-down list select Location code, and in the empty field enter your three-digit code and click on the Search button, in general, as in the picture:

Parcel statuses in destination country

Upon arrival in the country of destination (for example, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine), the statuses of the parcels are more clear. By the way, sometimes the package does not immediately reach your city or locality, but goes in transit through other cities, in the same way, when sent from China, the package can even go through neighboring countries, so you should not panic or worry, everything is fine, this is mail. So let's look at the typical statuses of parcels upon arrival in the country of destination, for most countries everything is about the same:

Import(Import) - the parcel has arrived (arrived) in the country of destination, it is being processed for transfer to customs.
Reception at customs– is being transferred to customs for clearance.
Customs clearance. Customs Release– the parcel has passed all the necessary customs clearance and is being prepared for release from the sorting point MMPO(Site of the International Moal Exchange)
Left the place of international exchange MMPO- the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further dispatch.
Left sorting center- the parcel is sorted and sent to its destination.
Came to the place of delivery- the parcel has arrived at the post office, which means that the parcel has arrived at your local post office and you can already go to receive it even without notification, or you can wait for a notification (usually they bring it to the mailbox, the one in your mailbox).
Delivery to the addressee(Product Delivered) - the package has already been delivered to the recipient, the receipt of the package is confirmed by the recipient.

Problematic and unpleasant parcel statuses

Above, we described the standard statuses of parcels, they mean that the parcel is on the way and goes (eats, flies, floats) to the recipient. It happens that the package can loop or get stuck on one status, the statuses can be repeated, sometimes it can skip some statuses, this is normal and in most cases everything comes fine (sometimes with delays). But there are statuses that make you worry and mean problems:

Return. Other circumstances- this status means that something is wrong with your parcel. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong can be found out by calling on hotline mail or to your local post office and indicate the track number (tracking number), they will tell you what needs to be done and possible reasons for returning the parcel.
Return. return customs- this status means that at the customs stage, your package was turned back, most often if the address is written illegibly or some prohibited goods in the package (for example, spy stuff or something from the prohibited list), this status can also be if customs clearance was required, and the recipient refused to pay and clear the parcel.
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery- this status is most often accompanied by a clarification about the reasons for the failure. This may be Incorrect (incorrect) address, Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Recipient dropped out, etc. In such a situation, it is important to have time to pick up the parcel from the post office before the parcel storage time has expired (depending on your country, this is at least 5 and no more than 30 days, you can check this at your mail). Sometimes it happens that the postal code is incorrectly indicated and the parcel arrived, but not to your post office, but to some neighboring one (call the post office, tell them the track number and they will tell you which address to pick up the parcel). Sometimes if you don’t pick up the parcel on the first day, then such a status may also appear, so perhaps the mail notification is already lying in your mailbox.
Return. Shelf life expired- most likely you forgot or did not have time to receive the package on time and it was returned back to the sender.
Sending Sending- most likely the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected to another. Don't worry, this is not a problem and means that the package is moving on, but we recommend that you control this process and such a situation, and then ask what the problem was, so that all your subsequent packages go without such delays and nuances.

How to check the status of a parcel from China?

To do this, we recommend downloading and installing a special plug-in for your browser, which will allow you to track any international postal items:
For browser Google Chrome:
For Opera browser:
For Mozilla/Firefox browser:

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As long as it works, so many new types of delivery and other innovations appear, for example. In this case, we will not talk about a new, but recently very popular method of delivery and tracking of PostNL parcels. From the name, it is indirectly clear that we are talking about the post of the Netherlands. Today, no one is surprised by the delivery from China in transit through the Netherlands, Sweden or Finland. This method has gained particular popularity because of the devices containing them, since it is not uncommon for parcels sent by other postal services to be opened, and finding batteries there, they were returned to the sender.

A similar problem was observed not so long ago with many parcels going. Even earlier, about a year ago, I sent parcels with batteries back, recently everything seems to have stabilized, but sellers do not take risks and, out of habit, such goods are sent in transit through the Netherlands (PostNL). Even at the moment, parcels with batteries are sent mainly through PostNL, and they do it absolutely free of charge.

PostNL tracking is available at all stages of moving a parcel from to you, we will try to figure out in detail how to properly track a parcel in transit through the Netherlands.

As a rule, after payment, a few days later, the seller or store, depending on the place where the purchase was made, will give you a track code. Looking ahead a little, let’s say right away that you don’t need to try to track it on the same day, and without receiving any information, raise a panic and ask for help on all kinds of parcel tracking sites.

The issuance of a track code does not indicate the actual shipment of the goods. In most cases, the actual shipment of the goods occurs within 7 working days from the date of issue of the track code.

If after 7 days no status has appeared when tracking the PostNL parcel, then clarify for what reason it delays sending the goods. In most cases, delays in the delivery of PostNL parcels are related to the actions of the seller, and not the postal service itself.

PostNL track codes refer to the UPU (International Postal Union) format, respectively, are tracked both in the country of the sender and in the country of the recipient, up to the moment of delivery. For example, consider the track code of a typical parcel sent in transit through the Netherlands:

  • RS587711291NL

As usual, there are two letters at the beginning of the UPU track code, in this case “ RS" (there may be others), followed by a nine-digit number ensuring the uniqueness of the track code and at the very end two letters " NL”, indicating that the track code belongs to the postal service of the Netherlands (PostNL).

Of course, you can track the PostNL parcel after it arrives in the country of destination, on the official website of the postal service of the country where the parcel arrived, in the case of Russia, on the website of the Russian Post.

However, it is easier to track PostNL parcels, which simultaneously check the movement of your parcel, both in the country of the sender and in the country of the recipient. As an example, the result of such tracking.

As you can see, this parcel was successfully imported to Russia from the Netherlands on the 13th and began to be perfectly tracked on the Russian post website, as we are told by the information received from the mail tracker.

Let's explain a little about the status of PostNL parcels moving in the Netherlands:

  • The item has been processed in the country of destination ( The parcel arrived at the processing center of the destination country)
  • The item has arrived in the country of destination ( Parcel arrived in destination country)
  • The item is on transport to the country of destination ( Parcel on the way to destination country)
  • The item is at the PostNL sorting center ( The parcel arrived at the PostNL sorting center)
  • The item is ready for shipment (package is ready to ship))
  • The item is pre-advised ( Parcel is ready for dispatch)

After the parcel has arrived at the sorting center of the country of destination, it can be tracked on the official website of the postal service of the country of destination. As a rule, at first these will be statuses about the passage customs clearance, after which, the status of the parcel moving on the way to you.

As soon as the parcel is at your local post office, you will have to deliver a notice to the mailbox, filling out which, you can go to collect your parcel.

Try to track the PostNL package yourself using the track code, not all post offices work well. Notification, they can simply forget to send it. As a result, the parcel languishes for some time at your local post office, and then it will be sent back to the sender.

As soon as you see that the parcel has reached your local post office, wait a few days, if the notification does not arrive, then, with an identity document and a track code, go to the post office yourself and receive your parcel. Since PostNL home delivery of parcels is not provided, perhaps a very small envelope can be immediately thrown directly into the mailbox without notice.

PostNL delivery times

Delivery times for PostNL parcels are of course individual, ultimately everything will depend on your location. For Western Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, PostNL's average delivery time is about 20 days. From our experience, the fastest delivery was 9 days, the longest about 30, but the vast majority of PostNL parcels arrive somewhere around 20 days from the moment the goods were actually shipped, from or .

Another quite popular postal service on the Aliexpress mail Holland (Netherlands). A large percentage of sellers send phones to Russia and the CIS countries with this particular service, which easily accepts parcels with batteries and two batteries.

General information about the post of the Netherlands.

Average delivery time: 30-50 days
Reliability: average
Pros: accepts shipments with two batteries and lithium batteries.
Minuses: The track number begins to be tracked in 10-20 days. Poor tracking service on the official website.
Types of track numbers: RS*****NL
Official site:

Mail Netherlands- Tracking parcels, how shipments are going.

We repeat once again that the Netherlands Post has gained popularity among Aliexpress sellers due to the fact that it easily accepts shipments with two batteries and accumulators. Well, not the last role is played by the budget cost of sending this postal service.

Some time ago, the post of the Netherlands was not so in demand and loaded, so the parcels were delivered in a very fast time. But, from the moment the sellers turned their attention to it, the load increased significantly and the parcels began to arrive much more slowly. And if earlier you could receive a parcel in 20-30 days, now the terms have increased to 30-50 days. Although, there are lucky ones who still receive their parcels 3 weeks after ordering on Aliexpress.

Another disadvantage of the Netherlands Post is that information about track numbers in tracking systems is updated very slowly. Usually your goods are picked up from the seller by a courier, and the package is coming courier company to the Netherlands. Usually this way takes 5-10 days. The status in tracking, speaking about this stage, will be as follows: The item is pre-advised. But you will see this information on the track not earlier than the parcel arrives in the Netherlands and information about it gets into the database. It happens that the first status in tracking appears no earlier than 14-20 days. Of course, this delay makes buyers nervous.

Next, the parcel is sorted (tracking status The item is at the PostNL sorting center) and sent to the country of destination ( The item is on transport to the country of destination).

Further, after passing the import, the status will appear The item has arrived in the country of destination and with this moment the parcel can be tracked without problems on the website of the Russian Post or the official website of the country of destination. And there is a situation that on the website of the post of the Netherlands, the status hangs that the parcel is in sorting center or sent to the country of destination, and on the website of the Russian Post it is already clear that the parcel has passed customs and goes through Russia. Therefore, if you see that the tracking statuses do not change for a long time, just try to check the track number of the Netherlands post on the official website of the post of your country.


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