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Pa-ra-shut-naya si-ste-ma sp-tsi-al-no-go on-sign-of "Forest-nik-2" pre-on-sign-che-on for jumping pa- ra-shyu-ti-stov-in-fire on open areas and sections of the forest for extinguishing forest fires. Pri-me-nya-et-sya in a set with a spare pa-ra-shyu-th “3-5”.

Ku-floor pa-ra-shyu-ta two-ho-bo-loch-to-vy area of ​​​​26.5 m2 has a rectangular shape in plan. Provides-pe-chi-va-et average vertical speed reduction of no more than 5 m / s with a flying weight pa-ra-shyu- ti-hundred 100 kg.

Dia-pa-zones of application:

  • you-so-ta - 600-2000 m,
  • speed - 140-300 km / h.
  • mass-sa si-ste-we are not more than 14 kg. (with a para-shut-ny in a lu-av-to-ma-tom, without a re-nose bag)
  • ga-ba-rit-nye times-measures ulo-female pa-ra-shut-noy si-ste-we are no more:
  • length - 0.57 m,
  • shi-ri-na - 0.29 m,
  • you-so-ta - 0.225 m.

Pa-ra-shut "Forest-nik-3"

Pa-ra-shut-naya si-ste-ma sp-tsi-al-no-go on-zna-che "Forest-nik-3" pre-na-zna-che-na for co-ver-she -niya tre-no-ro-voch-nyh and pro-of-water jumps of pa-ra-shyu-ti-hundreds of different specialties, including pa-ra-shyu-ti-hundred-mi-po-zhar-ny-mi, to open areas and plots of the forest as in special-tsi-al -nom sleep-ry-zhe-ni SPP-2 and SPP-3, and without it, from sa-mo-le-t and ver-to-le-t, ob-ru-to-van-ny for you -half of non-niya pa-ra-shut-ny jumps with a hundred-bee-li-zi-ru-yu-shi-mi pa-ra-shyu-ta-mi.

Dia-pa-zones of application:

  • you-so-ta - 1200-4000 m,
  • speed - 140-350 km / h.
  • max-si-small summer weight -150 kg.
  • mass-sa pa-ra-shut-noy si-ste-we are not more than -18 kg.
  • ga-ba-rit-nye times-measures ulo-female pa-ra-shut-noy si-ste-we:
  • length - 615 ... 630mm;
  • shi-ri-na- 395...410mm;
  • you-so-ta- 205 ... 225mm.

The set of pa-ra-shyu-tov includes the basic-new and spare pa-ra-shyu-you, as well as protective sleep for jumps on the forest, it consists of a com-bi-not-zone, a layer-mas-so-go helmet with a steel net-mask and a satchel . The backpack includes a device for descending from de-re-view, la-zy for climbing up the trunk, fear-y-shchy-yas, tu-ri-sti-che- sky to-po-rik.

Para-chute PTL-72


Pa-ra-shut tre-ni-ro-voch-ny years-chi-ka PTL-72 pre-on-sign-chen for the completion of educational-but-tre-ni-ro-voch-ny jumps of years-chi-ka-mi, pa-ra-shyu-ti-hundred-mi -de-sant-ni-ka-mi and na-chi-na-yu-shi-mi pa-ra-shyu-ti-sta-mi-sports-me-na-mi from vo-en-no-trans- port-sa-mo-le-tov and vert-to-le-tov. Pri-me-nya-et-sya in a set with spares for pa-ra-shyu-ta-mi ty-pa Z-5 and Z-6P. Control when lowering under the ku-po-lom is carried out with the help of two control lines. The presence in the design of the para-shut-noy system of two locks of the KZU provides it with the possibility of instant-vein-no-go from-connecting-not-niya basics-new-no-go pa-ra-shyu-ta from the under-weight system-ste-we, both in the air-spirit-he, and after- earth-le-tion.

Dia-pa-zones of application

Pa-ra-chute on-de-but ra-bo-ta-et at you from 300 to 3000 m at speeds from 160 to 350 km / h. Ku-pol pa-ra-shyu-ta round shape with several elongated-nen-us-mi in-lot-none-scha-mi and from-ver-sti-i-mi- there is an area of ​​​​70 m2, provides-pe-chi-va-et manages-la-e-my stable decrease with an average vertical speed 5 m / s with a summer weight of pa-ra-shyu-ti-hundred up to 120 kg. The average mountain-ri-zone-tal-naya compo-stav-la-yu-shchaya speed-of-reduction - 3.6 m / s.

  • 360 ° turn-around time - up to 10 seconds.
  • for-significant re-source - 700 applications.
  • service life - 12 years.
  • weight - no more than 15.5 kg.
  • ga-ba-rit-nye times-measures of the lay-women-noy pa-ra-shut-noy si-ste-we, no more:
  • length - 0.65 m,
  • shi-ri-na - 0.375 m,
  • you-so-ta - 0.22 m.

Types of descenders.

Descender SU-R

The SU-R descender is pre-na-know-che-but for the re-gu-li-ru-e-mo-go descent along the wind-roar. Re-gu-li-ditch-ka speed descent can be carried out from the earth. Op-ti-small-but with-spo-s-le-but for descending from the ver-to-le-com. Use-pol-zo-va-nie without pa-ra-shut-no-go de-san-ti-ro-va-nia pos-vo-la-et to deliver people and loads on neo-ru-to-bath areas.
The descent-to-ro-li-ko-voe device SU-R is a set of ro-li-kov, stationary, but fixed on metal-li-che-sky plate.

Technical characteristics of the SU-R devices:

  • you-with-that descent - no more than 45m
  • ra-bo-tea tem-pe-ra-tu-ra - -20C... +50C
  • wind speed - no more than 15m / s
  • mass-sa de-sant-ni-ka - no more than 120 kg
  • descending speed - no more than 3 m / s

Skydiving training

Jump with "Forester"

Skydiving is one of the most fun ways to get that extra dose of adrenaline and test yourself. The ability to overcome your own fears and plunge into the world of incredible sensations that arise during free fall is exactly what skydiving attracts.

The Slobodka airfield provides everyone with a great opportunity to fulfill an old dream and make an independent jump of the "Forester" type from a height of 1.5 kilometers. The duration of free flight (before opening the parachute) with such jumps is, as a rule, about 10 seconds.

Parachute systems of the Lesnik type are designed for jumps using special cargo containers weighing about 50 kg, carried out from a transport aircraft with a speed of up to 400 km/h. Thus, it is possible to ensure a safe landing not only under favorable conditions created at our airfield, but also under difficult meteorological conditions on sites that are not prepared for landing.

The Lesnik is ideal for use as a parachute training system. That is, for use by skydivers who have completed only a basic training course and have little or no jumping experience. One of the main advantages of this system is that it is very easy to manage.

Above the Lesnik parachute system, special flight tests were carried out, which showed that it has a high degree safety and ideal for both use on early stages training, and experienced skydivers. In addition, it is worth noting that it is very actively exploited in many parts Russian Army and has found multiple uses in jumping at the North Pole.

The Lesnik consists of two (main and reserve) parachute systems, each with identical glide canopies, covering an area of ​​27 square meters.

In order to ensure the most optimal position of a skydiver in a state of free fall, immediately after he left the aircraft, a special parachute designed for stabilization is activated. Its area is 1.5 square meters. At the same time, as the parachute intended for stabilization occurs, a special safety device is activated, which contributes to the trouble-free opening of the main parachute after a certain period of time has elapsed, which is set depending on the height and type of the jump being made.

The design of the reserve parachute is implemented in such a way that its guaranteed operation can even be mixed with a stabilizing parachute at a flight speed of up to 350 km/h. The main parachute at its front ends has a special trim system that allows you to increase the speed of movement carried out horizontally. Thanks to the improved shape of the canopies of both parachutes, a safe landing of paratroopers is guaranteed. An additional guarantee is also the ability to control a parachute and correct actions by instructors using walkie-talkies.

One of the most important conditions for making jumps of the "Forester" type at our airfield is the experience of at least five jumps on a round parachute. In addition, before proceeding directly to the jumps, it is necessary to take a theoretical course on the ground, which is conducted by experienced instructors from our airfield. Of great importance are not only the necessary skills and knowledge, but also psychological preparation, since not all beginners who find themselves on board the aircraft find the moral strength in themselves to make the first jump.

Before preparing the parachute for packing, disconnect the ball-and-socket lineless parachute from the bridle of the canopy cover. Attach the end loop of the pull rope to the bridle of the dome cover with a noose. Further preparation for packing the parachute should be carried out in the same way as indicated in paragraph 2 of the section Packing for unchecking.

3. Packing a parachute

Laying the canopy, putting on the cover on the canopy, checking and laying the lines in the honeycomb of the cover and laying the canopy in the cover on the knapsack should be carried out as indicated in paragraphs 3, 4, 5 of “Stacking for the check”. At the end of the laying of the dome, tie a broken sling to the top of the dome (Fig. 52).

4. Attachment of the exhaust link to the dome break sling and to the exhaust cable loop; tightening the knapsack

After laying the canopy with the cover on the backpack, move the parachute to the end of the table to the location of the parachute parts and accessories for packing.

To the loop of the pull link, located in the middle of the rope, attach the pull rope with a loop-noose (Fig. 53). To the loop of the exhaust link located at its end, tie both ends of the broken sling (Fig. 54, node A and B) so that in the taut state one end of the broken sling has a slack (Fig. 37, node C) equal to a quarter of the stretched broken sling slings.

Rice. 53

Rice. 54

Tighten the satchel as indicated in paragraph 6 "Stacking for unchecking", excluding the packing of an exhaust ball slingless parachute. The loop of the exhaust link, tied to the bridle of the dome cover, is placed between the right and upper valves of the knapsack so that the knot comes out from under the right valve (Fig. 55).

Rice. 55

5. Laying the exhaust link under the knapsack rubber

Pull the traction rope from the end loop to the loop with the attached traction cable under the knapsack rubber so that the bends of the rope go beyond the knapsack rubber by 40-60 mm.

Fill the exhaust link loop with the attached exhaust cable and the end of the flexible hose between the upper and right side valves (Fig. 56, A).

The section of the pull link between the loop with the pull cable and the end loop, the length of which in the folded state is not enough to tuck it under the lower knapsack rubber, tie it tightly with a two-fold locking thread at the bend of the rope with a ring located on the right side valve of the knapsack (Fig. 56, B).

Fill the rest of the exhaust link under the upper and lower knapsack rubbers. Insert the carabiner of the rope into the pocket (Fig. 56).

Rice. 56

6. Issuing a parachute passport after packing the parachute

After packing the parachute, make the necessary entries in paragraph 11 of the parachute passport in accordance with the rules for maintaining the passport set forth in it.

4.3. Reserve parachute 3-5.


Reserve parachute 3-5 (Fig. 57) is intended:

To save the parachutist in case of failure or abnormal operation of the main parachute;

For training exercises carried out for the purpose of learning how to use it.

Rice. 57. Reserve parachute 3-5. General form

Tactical and technical data

1. Reserve parachute 3-5 provides, with a total weight of a parachutist with parachutes 140, kg, reliability of action and the following performance data:

a) reliable operation at an altitude of up to 1000 m when it is put into operation at a horizontally flying aircraft speed of 350 km / h according to the instrument, with a delay in opening the knapsack of 3 or more seconds, while the maximum overloads that occur at the time of filling the parachute canopy do not exceed 16 g;

b) reliable operation in case of abnormal operation of the main sports and training parachute of the T-4, T-4 type of the 4MP, UT-15 series and the rescue parachute of the S-4U type when introduced after the main canopy is completely disconnected;

c) reliable operation in the event of abnormal operation of all types of parachutes, namely when:

Overlapping the main canopy of the parachute with lines;

d) lack of parachute canopy folding when working with fully filled parachute canopies of the T-4, D-1-5, PD-47-5, S-4U, S-4, S-3-3, T-4S series 2 canopies , "Forester", D-1-5U, D-5;

e) the minimum safe height of use from a horizontally flying aircraft at a flight speed of at least 120 km / h with the immediate introduction of a parachute into action is 100 m. At the same time, the descent time on a fully filled parachute canopy is at least 4 s;

f) the vertical rate of descent, reduced to the standard atmosphere, measured in a section of 30-35 m from the ground, with a flight weight of a parachutist with parachutes of 120 kg, not more than 7.5 m / s and with a flight weight of 140. kg - not more than 8.5 m/s;

g) putting the parachute into action with the right or left hand;

h) the force required to pull out the pull ring, not more than 16 kg;

i) fast and convenient mounting to harness systems with quick-release fastening brackets for the reserve parachute and dismantling;

j) the possibility of placing service equipment and weapons on a paratrooper, as well as an oxygen device KP-43;

k) eleven times application for:

Putting into operation at an aircraft flight speed of up to 225 km / h according to the instrument, both with the immediate introduction of the parachute into operation, and with any delay in opening the satchel;

Non-displacement of the cover from the main canopy of the parachute;

Pinching the lower edge of the main canopy of the parachute;

Overlapping the main dome with slings;

Non-disconnection of a filled working stabilizing parachute of the Lesnik type, T-4S series 2, PSN-71, PSN-74, PTL-72, D-1-5U and D-5 (when its lower edge is removed from the main parachute pack by 2, 5 m);

Or a single application when put into action at an altitude of up to 1000 m, after leaving the aircraft at a speed of up to 350 km / h according to the instrument with a delay in opening the satchel from three or more seconds;

m) an unlimited number of applications after the opening of the canopy of the main parachute.

2. The weight of the parachute without carrying bag is not more than 5.2 kg.

3. Dimensions of the packed parachute: length - 405+ 10 mm;

width - 230+10 mm; height - 180+10 mm.


The parachute complex 3-5 (Fig. 58) includes the following main parts:

Rice. 58. Parachute complex 3-5

1. Dome 50 sq. m. (1).

2 Intermediate suspension system (2).

3. Knapsack (3).

4. Pull ring with two pins (4).

5. Carrying bag (5).

Each parachute comes with a passport.


The uniformity of the Lesnik and PTL-72 parachutes made it possible to unify the training of paratroopers-firefighters and facilitate the transition from one type of parachute to another.

In 1986, the industry presented for acceptance testing a product - the Lesnik-2 parachute, the development of which was carried out in cooperation with the Central Base.

The parachute canopy area Lesnik-2 is 26.5 m 2, gliding, the maximum component of the gliding speed is at least 9.0 m / s with the control lines fully released, and when the control lines are simultaneously retracted, it decreases to 6.0 m / s. 360° turn with one of the control lines retracted - up to 6 s, descent speed 4.31 m/s, parachute weight not more than 14.5 kg. It is completed with a PZ-78, Z-5 series 4 reserve parachute and a PPK-U or PPK-1M safety device.

Simultaneously with the parachute Lesnik-2, according to the terms of reference of the Central Air Base, the equipment of the paratrooper-firefighter SPP-2 for jumping into the forest was developed and is currently being used.

For slotted parachutes, the jump height was set at 600 meters. Later, with the introduction of Lesnik-2 parachutes into production, the jump height was set at 800 meters or more.

Lesnik-2 SPS

Designed for paratroopers-firefighters jumping to open areas and forest areas to extinguish forest fires. It can be used together with the SPB parachute towing system and with reserve parachutes 3-5 and PZ-78.
The Lesnik-2 system is put into operation manually or by a device.
The two-shell parachute dome with an area of ​​26.5 m 2 has a rectangular shape in plan. Provides a vertical descent speed of not more than 5 m/s with a parachutist flight weight of 100 kg.





Square, m 2

opening mechanism,

manually or with a device

system weight, kg

no more than 14

Packed dimensions (LxWxH), cm

Operating restrictions

system service life, years (years)

flight weight, kg

application speed, km/h

application height, m

assigned resource, -

400 uses

Dynamic characteristics

vertical speed, m/s

Parachute PSN Lesnik - 2

Designed for jumping paratroopers-firefighters on open areas and areas of forest to extinguish forest fires. Can be used in conjunction with reserve parachutes 3-5 and PZ-81.

The Lesnik-2 system is put into operation manually or by a device.

The two-shell parachute dome with an area of ​​26.5 m2 has a rectangular shape in plan. Provides a vertical descent speed of not more than 5 m/s with a parachutist flight weight of 100 kg.

Application range:
- height - 600-2000 m,
- speed - 140-300 km / h.

Assigned resource - 400 uses.
Service life - 10 years.
The mass of the system is not more than 14 kg.

Overall dimensions of the stowed parachute system, not more than:
- length - 0.57 m,
- width - 0.29 m,
- height - 0.225 m.


The main dome is Arbalet-1, the spare one is Arbalet-2.

Last week, I was lucky enough to visit the Central Air Base of the FBU "Avialesookhrana" where the annual training and methodological gatherings and advanced training courses for senior instructors of the CPAP of specialized organizations of the aviation protection of forests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were held.
FBU "Avialesookhrana" - a division of the Federal Forestry Agency, which is engaged in extinguishing forest fires. Paratroopers and paratroopers of Avialesookhrana work in the most remote areas where ground equipment simply cannot reach: in the mountains, in swamps, in the impenetrable taiga.
“Air firefighters” are delivered to the place of work either by plane (in this case they land with the help of parachutes) or by helicopter (then SU-R devices are used, with which you can, by adjusting the speed, go down the cord from a height of several tens of meters) . Equipment for the camp, fire fighting equipment, products are also lowered by parachute or using the SU-R. Often a group stays on a fire for a long time - until the fire is extinguished.

2. Educational and methodological gatherings that day were held at the FINAM ferodrom (Bolshoe Gryzlovo).
The airfield "Bolshoe Gryzlovo" is a small aviation airfield, which belongs to the landing sites of general aviation and serves aircraft with a landing weight of up to 10 tons.

3. Senior instructors of parachute fire services.

4. Extra-class skydivers.

5. Jumps were performed by 60 people, 24 of them are employees of regional bases, 36 belong to the Avialesookhrana reserve.

6. Parachute "Forester-3"
Allows you to jump to limited landing areas located at altitudes up to 7100 meters above sea level, and land on them with a high degree of accuracy.

7. Structurally, "Lesnik-3" includes the main and reserve parachute systems, located in one backpack on the back and having a common suspension system.


9. The reserve of the airborne fire service is often called "forest special forces."

10. Landing in L-410.

11. Take off.


13. 9-section parachute "Forester-3", area 27 sq.m



16. Landing on the ground.


18. And so throughout the day.

19. Paratroopers in front of the An-28

20. FBU "Avialesookhrana" is part of the Unified state system prevention and liquidation of emergency situations: predicts fire danger, checks information about fire danger received from the regions; conducts an assessment of the consequences of fires; fights forest pests.





25. I thought that everything related to fires and disasters in our country is the Ministry of Emergencies, and only then I found out that Avialesokhrana is dealing with forest fires. Sometimes, in conversations, they emphasized that they did not belong to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

26. Thanks a lot to the press service of FBU "Avialesookhrana" for an interesting and informative tour.


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