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» Fundamentals of self-presentation

10. Preparing for an interview.
Fundamentals of self-presentation.

Many of us fear the job interview the most. And absolutely in vain. After all, an interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer. An interview is a much more flexible form of checking an employee than, for example, questioning or testing. You need to use this flexibility to your advantage.

However, fear of interviews is common among most candidates. The reasons are clear. Indeed, most often we are afraid of the unknown - and what awaits us there behind this terrible door? I approve : that's all right! In most cases, a polite and friendly person will be waiting for you there, who just wants to know about your ability to perform a particular job. And nothing more!

If you are feeling anxious before an interview, try to bring yourself into a more or less stable balance. You absolutely need this to save strength and nerves. Fear should never be oppressive. After all, constant anxiety introduces various kinds of restrictions into our lives, causes a feeling of depression, and destroys self-confidence. And then, not to appear before the bright eyes of the employer as a gloomy, unbelieving sufferer. It is unlikely that you will be interested in anyone then.

Also remember that the attitude of the interviewer towards you is not at all reduced to the position: “Let's find out what this mug is incompetent in?” Rather, he will strive to find out: “What if this is really the person we need?”

And one more tip : don't take failure too seriously. They are inevitable. Take them for granted. Remember that the average ratio of unsuccessful and successful interviews is 20 to 1 (a successful interview is understood as such an interview, after which you will be offered a job). This should be treated absolutely normally. Prepare yourself for the fact that out of 20 interviews you attend, there will be only one successful one. And the faster you get 20 failures, the sooner you get to your success. “The road will be mastered by the walking one,” the ancients said.

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety is to prepare well for the interview. Find out more about the company you are applying for. Do a couple of workout sessions with friends. Let them play the role of vicious and predatory employers. Prepare answers to the most likely questions in advance.

The advice seems to be simple and banal. However, my experience shows : very many candidates completely forget the old truth that the best impromptu is a pre-prepared impromptu. Going for an interview, they often rely on the age-old Russian “maybe”. Like, lucky - very good, unlucky - they all went ... At the same time, the list of questions most frequently encountered in the interview is not so great. It is not at all difficult to prepare the answers to them in advance in order to feel calm and confident during the interview.

Questions that you will meet in every interview:

  • Tell us a little about yourself.
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Tell us about your last job.
  • Tell us about your former boss.
  • Reason for leaving previous job.
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What attracts you to our company?
  • Why do you want to work with us?
  • How does your education or work experience relate to this job?
  • How can you be useful to our company?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your main weaknesses?
  • What type of work do you most like (dislike) doing?
  • What did you like most and what least about your previous job?
  • What was your biggest mistake at your previous job?
  • What are your interests outside of work?
  • What are your goals in life?
  • How do you plan to achieve them?
  • What would you like to change about your past?
  • What salary do you expect?
  • What will you do if... (then usually follows a description of some critical situation from your activity)?

Sometimes you may be faced with unexpected and seemingly innocuous questions, such as "What did you do last night?" Thus, they may want to know your lifestyle and how you spend your time.

There is a category of particularly cunning interviewers. They are well aware that trained and experienced candidates who have passed more than one interview always have homework for the most common questions. Therefore, they will not ask you directly, for example, “Why did you leave your previous job?”, But they will prefer a detour:

“What needs to change in your previous workplace for you to agree to return there?”

Such a question allows you to find out the true, and not declared, reasons for your departure from your previous position. You must prepare for similar traps as well.

It is important that the strategy of all your responses be as focused as possible on the job you are looking for and your ability to handle it, no matter what questions you will be faced with in the interview. But in answering them, try not to embellish your merits too much, ranting in a boastful manner, what a wonderful worker you are. It is important to observe the measure.

If you are asked about your strengths, talk about what is directly related to the proposed work. If asked about weaknesses, mention only those shortcomings that are an extension of your strengths, again related to work (for example, you are used to working too hard, you are worried that you pay too much attention to detail in the process of work, etc. )

If you are asked about what you could not cope with in the past, or about some particularly unpleasant episode in your biography (dismissal, criminal record, academic failure), be prepared to show what lesson you have learned from all this. Tell us that this lesson has worked for you, that you have learned to overcome obstacles in your path and your own shortcomings, that today you feel ready for more difficult work.

When preparing your answers, be sure to pay attention to the manner of your speech. You must speak calmly and confidently - like an experienced specialist who knows his own worth. An indecisive person can be recognized by his hesitant statements, replete with euphemisms that “soften” speech: “achieve some success” instead of “became a leader”, “not very happy” instead of “angry”, etc. They create the impression of uncertainty and so-called. qualifiers - "as if", "only", "a little", "apparently". A candidate who speaks like this is given the impression of being weak and unfit for serious and responsible work.

Self-deprecating statements such as “I am not a speaker”, “I am still an inexperienced specialist”, “I am a new person” also lower the impression.

If you want, test yourself on the subject of how you know how to present yourself. Record your "self-presentation" on a tape recorder, and then listen to the recording. I always do this, for example, during training seminars. Usually, even the strongest top managers, when listening to their self-presentations, wrinkle their foreheads in annoyance. And what about us mere mortals? If necessary, adjust your speech in the direction of greater decisiveness and certainty.

So far, we have considered only the questions of the employer. But any interview is always a dialogue. Don't be afraid to ask your interviewer questions. First, you really need to know more about the nature of the job ahead of you if you want to get it. Secondly, correctly formulated questions testify to your competence and demonstrate your interest in getting a job. Try to ask questions that speak in favor of your hiring. Think about them ahead of time. Here are a few questions that are wise to ask the person who will be interviewing you.

  • What will my working day look like?
  • To whom will I report directly? Can I meet him?
  • Will there be someone subordinate to me? Can I meet them?
  • Why did the previous employee leave this place?
  • How important is this work for the firm?
  • What is the main problem of this work?
  • What are the opportunities for career and professional growth?

Listen carefully to the interlocutor's answers, and then be sure to mention something from your professional or life experience that is directly related to this.

You may have noticed that questions about wages not included in the above list. Remember the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov? “Never ask them for anything. Those who are stronger than you. They will offer everything themselves and give everything themselves ... ". If you are of interest to the employer, he will want to discuss the issue of payment with you. Your questions and answers should focus on what you can do for the firm, not how much you will be paid.

Naturally, one should not strive to ask all these questions at an interview at any cost, interrupting the interviewer in mid-sentence: “Have you finished? And then I also want to ask something ... ". Especially if you are not asked to. Sometimes interviewers themselves invite candidates to ask questions: “What else would you like to know?”. If this does not happen, it is best to ask your questions just before the end of the interview, something like this: “Before we end our conversation, can I ask a few questions that are important to me about the job offer? I would also like to talk in more detail about the previous experience ... ". Do not forget to thank the interlocutor for the information provided.

Self-feeding techniques.

Now let's look at how various factors influence the creation of the image of a business person, what the ability to "apply yourself" consists of. Psychological experiments have shown that 50% of a stable opinion about a person is formed during the first minute of communication. The study of conversations in hiring somewhat complemented this conclusion.

So, it has been established that no matter how long the conversation lasts, a positive or negative opinion about the candidate develops during the first 3-4 minutes of the conversation. After that, the interviewer asks questions depending on the prevailing opinion. : with a positive - allowing a person to open up from the best side, with a negative - "backfilling". That is, the interviewer consciously or unconsciously creates the conditions for his initial opinion to be supported by subsequent facts. All this testifies to the exceptional importance of a favorable first impression.

It's not just your words that affect how you speak, but how you say them. Many candidates do not even realize how much information about them can be learned from non-verbal cues. : facial expressions, posture, limb movements. By the manner of behavior, a specialist can find out a lot about your personality and your adaptability to life.

When preparing for an interview, psychologist Eleri Sampson advises check your own body language. Carefully consider the following features of your behavior:

  • How do you use your smile?
  • Are you standing (or sitting) upright?
  • Do you have eye contact with the interlocutor?
  • Do you look nervous?
  • How do you use your hands?
  • How do you enter the room?
  • Is your handshake strong and businesslike?
  • Do you stand too close or too far to people when talking to them?
  • Do you touch the person when you talk to him?

Now check out the list of negative and positive signals that influence the formation of an impression of you.

Positive Signals

  1. Sit (stand) straight, slightly leaning forward, with an expression of real interest.
  2. While talking, look calmly and confidently at the speaker.
  3. Record key points of the conversation on paper.
  4. When you listen, you have an "open posture" : hands on the table, palms outstretched forward.
  5. Use "open gestures" : hands are open or raised up, as if you are explaining some idea to your colleagues.
  6. Smile and joke to relieve stress.

negative signals.

  1. You fidget in your chair.
  2. Look not at the speaker, but look at the ceiling or signs outside the window.
  3. Draw meaningless lines.
  4. Turn away from the interlocutor and avoid meeting his gaze.
  5. Cross your arms over your chest and cross your legs (protective pose).
  6. Use closed, threatening gestures, such as waving your index finger, to defend your opinion.
  7. Sit with a blank look, grumble or smirk skeptically.

I don't know if it is necessary to explain the obvious thing, that the choice of clothes should be appropriate for the situation. After all, everyone knows that they are greeted by clothes. According to it (contrary to the well-known proverb) they often see off. This means that you should not show up for an interview at a reputable bank, dressed in wrinkled jeans and with an earring in your ear. Exactly the same bewilderment will cause a man in an expensive respectable suit, who came to get a job as a laborer at a construction site.

There is such a thing as "corporate culture". It is expressed, in particular, in the fact that bank employees and, for example, dancers of a night strip bar dress completely differently. If the style of your clothes does not correspond to the accepted in this organization, you will instantly be classified as an “outsider”, who does not comply with the norms of corporate behavior and does not share their values. A stranger is always potentially dangerous. The fact is that the division into “friend or foe” sits very deeply in people. Not without reason, in the language of many native tribes, even today the concepts of “alien” and “enemy” are denoted by the same word. Therefore, try to match the corporate style that is adopted in this organization as much as possible.

If your financial situation does not allow you to look the way you would like, do not worry. Make the main bet on modesty and neatness. This is welcomed by the vast majority of employers. Neatness in dress is often associated with neatness in business. (This is far from always true, but we will not dissuade them of this yet)

And further : many candidates believe that expensive and stylish clothes will give them extra "weight" and imposingness at the interview. This is not entirely true. Regardless of what you are wearing, an experienced interviewer usually needs less than ten questions to determine your real social status, approximate income level, education. According to the accents and manner of speech, an experienced specialist instantly recognizes not only the national geographical origin, but also more intimate things - marital status, sexual preferences, chronic diseases. He can easily distinguish, for example, a top manager who really has experience in foreign campaigns, from an impostor who came straight from the street. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is not the cost of your clothes that matters, but its compliance with the standards adopted by the organization. You should look like "your" for future colleagues. Remember Mowgli's cry: "You and I are of the same blood ...". Your clothes should show something similar.

Much more attention should be paid to shoes. Contrary to common stereotypes, it is shoes (and not clothing) that interviewers draw far-reaching conclusions and assumptions about a candidate.

Individual details in the appearance of a person can significantly influence the formation of the first impression. So, long hair in men endows their owner in the eyes of others with a certain intelligence, a penchant for mental work. On the contrary, a short haircut suggests sports activities. A haircut "under the box" unambiguously classifies its owner as a "brotherhood". A person wearing glasses appears to others as more intelligent, hardworking, reliable and at the same time less endowed with a sense of humor than he, but without glasses. The positive impact of glasses is widely used in the business world, where many business people wear non-diopter (and non-tinted) glasses just to make a better impression.

At the interview, candidates (both men and women) are often found wearing rings. If the ring is very expensive, this can be regarded as an arrogant desire to surpass others. If not very expensive - indicates vanity, but the limited financial capabilities of the owner. Both have a negative impact on the image of the candidate. Therefore, in a civilized business, the following rule has long been in effect : of jewelry, only a wedding ring is recommended.

Used quotes from the book by V. Sheinov "Hidden management of man."

The psychological state of people who have lost their jobs. Fight stress.
Often, the loss of a job causes a lot of hard feelings, crisis states. You must know about them. When people understand how events unfold, they can influence them, protect themselves from negative experiences Or at least mentally prepare for them. After all, the burden of what has been experienced often crushes a person, prevents him from concentrating on solving urgent problems.
Psychologists have long identified several phases in the development of specific stressful states of a person in the event of a job loss.
Phase 1- a state of uncertainty and shock. This is a very difficult experience, especially when the loss of work occurred suddenly (an unexpected layoff, a quarrel with the boss, etc.). Confusion and fear can become the breeding ground for the development of diseases or a prerequisite for accidents. Moreover, a stronger unfavorable factor is sometimes not even the loss of a job itself, but the constant threat that this will happen. As they say, the expectation of death is worse than death itself. Therefore, anticipation of this event and advance preparation can alleviate the situation.
You have to be philosophical about situations like this. Remember that in today's world, sooner or later everyone has to look for a new job. You are no exception. Although, of course, there is little pleasant in all this.
Phase 2- the onset of subjective relief and psychological adaptation to the situation. This phase usually lasts 3-4 months after job loss. Already in the first weeks, when the psychological shock passes, many people begin to experience relief and even joy. No need to rush to work every morning, the heavy load disappears professional duties, there is a lot of free time. In general, a person begins to experience a state of psychological comfort and satisfaction with life (of course, if there are savings that you can live on for some time).
Forced rest is usually beneficial. Many report an improvement in their health and mood. Having fully recovered, a person with renewed vigor takes up an active search for a new job.
There is one more interesting fact. Psychologists have found that the search for a new job, which began immediately after being fired, does not in the least increase the chances of finding one. Those who first deal with the negative effects of being fired, such as depression and low self-esteem, and only then start looking for a new job, are less nervous during interviews, behave more confidently, and make a better impression on employers. As a rule, these people are more satisfied with their new job than those who started looking for her immediately after being fired.
However, in some cases, stressful conditions are persistent and do not disappear for a long time. Then a person exaggerates the danger of his situation and then no longer perceives it as a rest. Often this is facilitated by objective reasons (limited finances, the need to take care of the family, etc.). Prolonged stress is nothing more than a consequence of our insecurity and even fear of tomorrow, resulting from financial difficulties. A person in such a situation has an anxiety that before he finds a decent job, receives enough money, he will lose, if not all, then a lot: family, friends, love.
Phase 3- worsening condition. It comes after 6-7 months of absence from work. By this time, the financial and social situation of a person usually worsens. There is a lack of activity, limited social circle, destruction of life habits, interests, goals. The forces to resist troubles are becoming less and less.
Depression intensifies with long-term unemployment, when a person does not have at least a small income from temporary or seasonal work. Particularly destructive are the constant failures in finding a job, or rather, the hesitation associated with the emergence of hope to find a job and the loss of this hope. Constant failure can lead to abandonment of the search and apathy.
Phase 4- Helplessness and reconciliation with the current situation. This difficult psychological state can be observed even in the absence of serious material difficulties. The state of apathy increases every month. The lack of at least minimal success in finding a job leads to a loss of hope. The person stops trying to change the situation and gets used to the state of inactivity.
Having weaned from the intense work rhythm, sometimes people themselves are already afraid of finding a job. Consciously or subconsciously, they begin to look for reasons and excuses, for example, not to go to an interview at the appointed time, “forget” to call the phone number indicated in the ad, etc. If you notice this behavior in yourself, remember that the sooner you can show willpower and overcome yourself, the better. In such cases, you can seek support from a psychologist. But often people become isolated, they believe that they can cope with their difficulties on their own. Remember that emotional support from your relatives, friends, acquaintances, social workers will always significantly mitigate the negative consequences of losing your job.
In addition to social support, there are other forms that can be used to alleviate the situation of the unemployed. So, it is very important to find at least some kind of work, even if it is not prestigious or casual, even if it does not satisfy and does not bring enough money. It turns out to be a powerful stress reliever. Work activity reduces susceptibility to depression. Therefore, if you have been looking for a job for a long time and in vain, use every opportunity. Let the work offered to you seem bad and unpromising - this is not the main thing. Having at least some stability, it is psychologically much easier to devote yourself to further search for a job that fully satisfies you.
By the way, many seasonal workers are quite satisfied with their lives. They use the forced break in work for rest. Only those who have not worked for more than a year cannot avoid psychological stress.
Employees with a fixed salary and a fixed working day suffer more from job loss than people in "free" professions (journalists, artists, consultants, designers, etc.), who are used to working piecework. It is more difficult for employees to find another job. For many of them, unemployment is perceived not as a temporary hardship, but as a personal catastrophe.
What do we do with our suffering psyche? Be that as it may, you need to try to overcome the difficult situation. This is where expert advice can help you.
To begin with, it is necessary to understand that very often we are most afraid of the unknown. Further, we can definitely say that neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow you will die of hunger, left without a penny of money. Don't believe? Is this the first time in your life that you have been in such a situation? Hasn't it happened before that you ran out of money almost immediately after your paycheck? Probably repeatedly. And each time, a way out of a completely hopeless situation was somehow found. Look around: are there many emaciated people on the streets?
Fear is a product of your imagination. Boldly look into his face, recognize him. And then you will discover that you and him are not the same thing. Look at your fears as if they were scenes from a movie that quickly flicker and then disappear. Fear will come and go if you yourself do not persistently delay it. Stop scrolling in your mind the depressing details of your present life, stop making up a scenario of a gloomy tomorrow and thinking that you won’t be able to find a job, and if you succeed, they won’t hire you, and if they do, you will definitely get an idiot boss , and if he’s not an idiot, then he will definitely deceive you, and if he doesn’t deceive you, then he will delay your salary, and if he doesn’t delay it, then he won’t be enough ... And so everything, right up to the funeral, to which no one will come.
Try to forget about the troubles that have "settled" you tightly. Are you the worst? You have a roof over your head, loved ones, a specialty that will sooner or later give a good income, onions and carrots in the garden, small savings, arms, legs, head. After all, if you are reading these lines, it means that you also have access to the Internet. But this is not so little!
Now try to go further. Organize your next steps. To get started, take a piece of paper, a pen and try to make a plan of the first steps. Specifically, scrupulously, point by point. In no case do not write: “On Monday, such and such a date, I will start new life and go look for a job. On Monday, this vague phrase will only cause you an attack of longing and a headache. It's better to write something like this:
1. Now I will start compiling a resume, tomorrow it may come in handy for me;
2. Tomorrow at 9.00 am I will look at all available employment publications;
3. Carefully mark suitable vacancies;
4. I will make calls, and in case of success, I will arrange a meeting;
5. I will try to find out what vacancies are available in the city employment service;
6. I will try my luck in a serious private recruitment agency.
The next day, it is important not to put this plan on the back burner, but to try to accurately fulfill your plan. You are bound to be lucky in some way.
And yet - if any opportunity arises, it is better not to argue for a long time. Take at least small steps towards the realization of your goal and see how events will develop in the future. If failures, failures, mistakes start right away, it means that this is not your path, and fate tells you not to go in this direction. If you have not done anything to take advantage of the opportunity, then you can only be offended by yourself, but not by fate. She may have given you a wonderful chance, but you did not take advantage of it.
And please don't make yourself a martyr. Don't say, "I'm so tired! I don’t have the strength to endure and fight.” We can only take as much as life throws at us. And even a little more.
Experts offer 8 strategies to improve your mental health after losing your job:
Remember: the pain will not last forever. If you were happy before you lost your job, you will definitely be happy again, says one of the authors of the study, which showed that we need about six months to recover from a layoff. Nobody cares when they lose their job. But at first, we find it hard to believe that the pain will go away. It is important to remind yourself that all difficult situations pass, and in the end, you will feel like you used to.
Protect yourself from dark thoughts and negativity. Stay away from gloomy people, negative literature, films. Choose proven and reliable tactics to improve your mood, do what you like, spend time with friends. Fight the urge to be alone: ​​Losing a job often triggers a desire for isolation, which can interfere with emotional uplift.
Take care of yourself. In a crisis situation, until everything falls into place in thoughts, it is necessary to maintain at least a physical form. Such periods - it's time to give up junk food, start running. It is highly likely that after overcoming the psychological crisis, these new good habits will remain with you for a long time, and the emotional pain will become more bearable.
Reach out your hand. Volunteering has physical and emotional benefits, it can reduce stress, and even increase life expectancy. Helping others makes us feel happier and healthier.
Keep a diary. In one study, scientists found that laid-off people who wrote 30 minutes a day about their emotions and feelings returned to work significantly faster than those who didn't. Focusing on the positive is really helpful, because it doesn't always make you feel bad, and things like that help us keep our morale up during tough times.
Communicate with your spouse. If you are the breadwinner of the family, losing your job can be especially distressing. Explain your feelings to your partner so they understand that you need support.
Join a support group. Attend seminars, read interviews with experts, write a new resume, look for a new place and a circle of like-minded people.
Open up new possibilities. Losing a job can open the door to a more fulfilling and interesting life. After being fired or leaving a job, people often change their lives and try something new. Perhaps for you this period will be the very good hour for a new take-off.

Introduce yourself and ask to be connected to the person you need.
For example:
“My name is _______ and I would like to talk to _______.
Can you tell me what his name is?" If they try to refuse a connection, or offer to talk to someone else, say, "No, I want to talk to him in person."
Introduce yourself and explain why you are calling.
For example:
"Good afternoon, _______. My name is ___________, I am _________ by profession. I would like to know about employment opportunities in your company.
“I understand that you do not have places right now, but I would still like to meet in case something appears in a few weeks.”
Give the employer time to think.
For example:
“Do you have a list of candidates where I could be included?” “Please recommend me other organizations where there may be vacancies” “Can I send you a resume in case there are unexpected vacancies?”
Agree actions for the future.
For example:
“It will be convenient for you if I come tomorrow at 10.00 to your office on the street. Petrovskaya?” or "I'm mailing you a resume today."
End the conversation politely.
6. You may be lucky and find something worthwhile after two or three days spent "on the phone." However, be prepared for the fact that this process (as well as the job search process in general) may take more than one month.
7. If you yourself decide to advertise in print, try to do it not quite standard. See what others write about themselves, which ads are the most catchy and attract attention. And make up your own: without false modesty, but also without exaggerating your capabilities.
8. You can also send a letter of inquiry to the company about the work.
The letter of inquiry is usually addressed to the manager. It can display the following blocks of information about yourself.
Full Name;
Marital status, family composition;
Place of residence
Education, specialty, qualification;
Length of service, where and how long they worked, and in what capacity;
Achievements in the professional environment (what operations they mastered, on what machines, machines, PCs they worked)
What position or workplace apply, and what ideas, what new things you can bring with you. It is not necessary that the letter consists of sequentially listed blocks. The main thing is that the appeal should be built logically and stylistically correctly.

Sample request letter:

Dear (it is desirable to know the name, patronymic of the head in advance, at least through a telephone certificate).
Natalya Konstantinovna Kazanevich is addressing you. In 1996 I graduated from the Taganrog Radio Engineering University with a degree in software engineering. She worked as a programmer in the IPP "Stroy-service". Due to the decrease in production volume, our department was laid off. I would like to meet with you and talk about the possibility of employment at your company as a programmer or assistant secretary. If necessary, I can work with irregular working hours. I admit other employment options, I will consider your proposals with attention.
I am married and have a 5 year old daughter.
I will wait for an answer at: _________________________________
Tel: _____________________
9. Be sure to leave your details in public service employment and private employment agencies. If you pay them a visit, grab a resume (you can also have a photo), and on the spot you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. If you are to telephone conversation(see above), place your resume (or list of your data) on the table in front of you.

Resume Writing Tips

Five basic requirements for the style of writing a resume

2. Concreteness.
3. Activity.
4. Selectivity.
Use energetic verbs showing activity, never write “participated”, “provided assistance”, etc.: it may seem that you stood aside or occasionally provided one-time services.
Do not assume that the more information you provide about yourself, the better. Select information based on the purpose of the resume.
Do not include false information in your resume, but put the right emphasis.
Do good resume not easy. In any case, even if you have good examples or you are helped by knowledgeable people, it will take a lot of time and more than one option until you get what you need.

Resume structure

A. Surname, name, patronymic.
B. Basic personal data (address, telephone, date and Place of Birth citizenship, marital status).
B. Purpose in job search. It should be clear from the statement of purpose what kind of work you can and want to do, and sometimes also under what conditions. What you claim indirectly shows what kind of specialist you consider yourself to be. The following sections of the resume should show the validity of your claim.
D. Work experience. It is given in reverse chronological order, indicating dates, places of work, main functions and achievements. For people with work experience, this part of the resume is especially important. But keep proportionality, as excessive detail in the presentation of information can be alarming.
D. Education. The more time has passed since graduation, the less space this part should take in the resume. For graduates and students, we advise you to place this item before the previous one, since work experience, if any, is less significant. You can add grades and awards, emphasize those studied disciplines that correspond to your goal, mark participation in research or any other work related to study.
E. Additional Information. We recommend that you include information about the degree of knowledge of foreign languages ​​(if it is not “I read and translate with a dictionary”), about the skills of working on personal computer(preferably with an indication of the applicable software tools), on the possession of a driver's license and on personal qualities. Generally speaking, it can include anything that adds value to your employer and that you can write about.
G. Date of summary. Indicating the date of compilation of the resume adds clarity and specificity to it. It is desirable that the summary submitted is always up-to-date.
The resume may also include:
a concise description of qualifications and work experience;
information about social activities;
a mention of a hobby (only if it is related to work or if it can be considered a serious personal achievement);
report on military service;
indication of readiness for travel and change of residence;
indication of readiness to work with an irregular working day;
information about recommendations.

Sample application form-resume

Razumikhina Alla Lvovna
Address: 347902, Taganrog, st. Freedom 21. Phone: 4-29-32. Purpose: Obtaining the position of assistant secretary in a travel company. Education: Rostov State University, Romano-Germanic Department of the Faculty of Philology (diploma with honors). During the summer holidays, she worked as a secretary-referent in the state of emergency "Spektr". Work experience: Lecturer French at school number 36 (main responsibilities: teaching taking into account individual features, the development of original game tasks for schoolchildren, the achievement of mutual understanding, both with students and with their parents, as well as with work colleagues). I have professional qualities in the field of: modern office work; psychology business communication; Computer technologies and office equipment.
Foreign languages: fluent French, good English.
Social activity: Working at school, she organized a drama club, where she staged plays with the guys based on texts composed by joint efforts.
Additional information about myself: I have a responsible and creative attitude to the task assigned, non-conflict, independent.

Visiting an organization to look for a job

Who to visit?
This approach is usually more successful when visiting small businesses, firms and organizations, where the director or owner can make a prompt decision on hiring without undue formalities. For example, in private shops, workshops, cafes, small businesses, cooperatives, etc. Plan your visit in advance - Are you targeting a specific employer? Can you visit 2-3 firms during the day?
What to take with you?
Take copies of your resume. If the opportunity presents itself, you will pass them on or simply show them to employers if there are suitable vacancies on this moment not found. Please bring a pen with you as you may be asked to complete a questionnaire. Your resume will be a useful source of data for this.
you came to the office
Arrange to meet with the recruiter. Find out his name. If asked about the reason for the visit, explain that you would like to talk to him about vacancies. If you are told that you need to make an appointment in advance, ask for an appointment.
Ability to present yourself
First - introduce yourself by name, explain what kind of work you are looking for, emphasize your positive qualities. Try to look confident and ensure that your arrival is interesting to everyone.
Second - do not lose hope when they tell you that there are no vacancies. Try other approaches - will there be something in the near future? Does your interlocutor know about vacancies in other companies? Can I leave my documents in case of vacancies? Can I call in one or two weeks?
End the conversation in a positive, polite way. Be prepared to be flexible. Be polite and friendly. Thank the employer for taking the time to meet. Following a successful visit, send a letter or call.

How to prepare for an interview so that it goes well

1. Try to provide yourself with information about the organization you are going to and about possible work.
2. Have copies of diplomas, certificates, resumes, other useful documents (characteristics, reviews, etc.) with you.
3. Accurately find out the location of the organization and the road, so as not to be late.
4.Stick business style in clothes. Men must come to interviews in a suit and tie. The best thing for women is a business suit or dress, without going to extremes when choosing the length of the skirt, colors and accessories. If you have had time to visit this organization, be guided by the style that is adopted there.
5. Make a list of expected questions and write your answers.
6. Work well on the answers to the most likely questions, doing this in the form of a business rehearsal. Prepare specifically for the discussion of wages.
7. Do not forget, when ending the conversation, to clearly agree on when and how you will learn about the results. It is desirable that the initiative remains with you, it is better to agree that you will call at the appointed time than to wait for a call.
8. A day or two after the interview, you can send a letter of thanks to the company. It is advisable to write a letter so that it is short enough and contains gratitude for the attention paid to you. Emphasize that this meeting was important for you, and you are finally convinced that the proposed work is fully consistent with your desires and capabilities. Mark your willingness to work usefully in this organization.

When is a letter of recommendation required?
A letter of recommendation is required when it is expressly stated in the job posting. Sending a letter of recommendation along with a resume is worth it only if the employer requires it. If you have a solid recommendation letter, you can note at the end of the summary the very fact of their presence and indicate who exactly makes the recommendation.
You should have these letters with you when you go to the interview. But do not rush to immediately offer the interviewer to get acquainted with it. The right moment for this comes when it comes to the reasons for leaving the last place of work.
The structure of a letter of recommendation.
Remember that a letter of recommendation is business letter, and all the rules for compiling and formatting apply to it business documents. The letter should be legible, neatly and competently written, the design is strict.
1.Heading " letter of recommendation»
2. Confirmation of the fact of the candidate's work in the company
3. Brief description official duties, career development
4. Brief description of the personality of the applicant
5. Concrete results of work
6. Reasons for leaving the company
7.Own recommendation
8. Position, surname, name, patronymic and contact person data signing a letter of recommendation.

Psychological preparation for the interview is to recognize the interviewer's techniques and his pitfalls. Being mentally prepared means staying sane in the interview no matter what the difficult questions are, in complete control of the situation. Things that can get in the way of our positive attitude to preparing for an interview are:

Fear and dislike for this procedure

The interview is not a battlefield where you either need to break the enemy, or "surrender to the mercy of the winner." This is a fundamentally wrong setup! You want to find the right job for you, no less than the employer to find the right specialist for a particular job. Otherwise, what's the point of all this? Therefore, you need to treat the interview as a regular meeting, where both parties are trying to find a common language and establish a possible cooperation.

The feeling that amateurs will communicate with you

Most often, the person who invited you to the interview is not an employee of the company, but only authorized by its boss to ask you a variety of questions - about professional experience, family life or character traits, in order to filter out the most capable candidates from all applicants. It is important to understand that he asks all these questions not to humiliate you and not out of idle curiosity - he must give an account of your behavior and your words to your future leader. Please be yourself and willingly answer all his questions, even if he is not an expert in your profession, while communicating in a language he understands. A little patience and you will definitely reach the second round of the interview, where you will already be given the attention of your immediate boss, who will certainly be on the same wavelength with you.

Weak confidence in correct answers to tricky questions

It is important to understand that there is no right answer to any question! Therefore, your task is to show in your answers exactly your personal merits, abilities, character traits, as well as everything that your employer would like to hear. Put yourself in the place of the employer and think about what kind of employee you will need? Why are these skills written in the requirements for the candidate? The employer must be sure that you are capable of doing this work, that you will be a loyal employee and that you will not create problems for him. If you are still worried about how to properly answer tricky questions, then you can find a complete list of frequently asked questions and answers to them here.

At the interview, you can be rude, ask intimate questions and show complete disrespect. Your task is to recognize the reason for these actions, which may be hiding in your future position. Perhaps this is another test in which the employer is trying to take you out of your comfort zone and see what you really are. How will you deal with a problem client? Are you confused? How do you resolve conflicts? Are you able to beat a difficult situation and emerge victorious from it?

Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again

  • Revealing areas you haven't thought of.
  • Confidence building and process control.
  • The opportunity not only to work out the answers, but also the manner of communication + gestures.
  • Listen to the opinion of your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Opportunity to reflect on what could be improved.

Rehearsal is one of the most important stages in preparation. They shouldn't be neglected. Be sure to rehearse with family and friends, but we recommend trusting professionals. If you are being interviewed by more than one company, then go first to a less interesting vacancy for you, thereby using the first interview as a rehearsal.

Just be prepared for anything and stay sane. If you are ready, then there should be no surprises!

Modern conditions in which representatives of many professions work, in particular the military personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense, law enforcement officials, vehicle drivers, train drivers, operators nuclear power plants and some others, can be fully called special, and sometimes extreme.
The author sees his task in showing interested personnel officers, primarily those with a psychological education, the possibility of using the method of ideomotor training, or the method of mental rehearsal, which does not require material costs. It is quite simple to master it, which makes it possible to raise the level of psychological readiness for professional activity associated with the performance of work in special conditions.

Special because they are accompanied by significant psycho-emotional stress caused by:

    high responsibility for the decisions made;

    sufficient complexity of the functions performed;

    accelerated pace of activity;

    combining actions that are not identical in purpose in one activity;

    processing of a significant amount of information;

    lack of time to make a decision.

In cases where this activity is also accompanied by a reasonable risk to life, it is called extreme.

After analyzing the problems that sometimes arise in the work of representatives of the above professions, we can conclude that they often remain psychologically unprepared to work in difficult conditions, so there are "failures" that can sometimes lead to tragic consequences.

The use of modern scientifically based methods and techniques of psychological preparation is an important factor contributing to an increase in the level of psychological readiness for work in these conditions. In addition, these developments should not be exclusively scientific, but, first of all, practically directed and accessible for study.

Activities that are psychogenic in nature, under special conditions, lead to psychophysiological changes in the body of the individual. This is due to the fact that this work requires the application of greater psycho-emotional forces than, say, the work of a programmer or a librarian. In this regard, an insufficiently trained specialist in extreme situations or with prolonged exposure to conditions of increased neuropsychic stress develops a kind of psychophysiological block that inhibits processes in the cerebral cortex, primarily responsible for the performance of this professional activity. There comes a stupor. Thus, the body does not allow the psyche to enter the distress mode 1 of activity associated with the use of internal reserves. Meanwhile, the fire continues to flare up, and the composition follows the red light, which will lead to disaster. This behavior of a person is due to the fact that in everyday life, relatively quiet life there are no extreme situations, and, accordingly, psychological addiction to them. So it turns out that a person is unprepared for actions on highest level mental stress.

It can be said that psychological preparation to special and extreme types of activity - this is a targeted impact on a person with the help of psychological and psychophysiological methods aimed at forming her psychological readiness for adequate actions in such situations.

Under psychological readiness implies a system of psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of the subject, ensuring the success and effectiveness of certain actions and activities.

From the point of view of psychophysiology, this process can be considered as the preparation of a number of brain systems of the body that will be involved in a particular operation. From a psychological point of view, this is the formation, with the help of the above methods and techniques, of the corresponding mobile physiological organs (according to Aleksey Alekseevich Ukhtomsky, an outstanding Soviet psychophysiologist) or new functional systems. These separate actions, among them purely mnemonic (figurative, mental), make it possible, respectively, to be included in a certain activity and engage in it. Therefore, if we consider psychological readiness exclusively from a psychological point of view, then we will talk about giving a person the opportunity to gain important knowledge, train skills and develop the necessary habits based on them.

One of these methods, which can be applied in the psychological preparation for activities in special conditions, is method of mental psychotraining. It would be correct to speak of group of mental training methods or mental methods of psychotraining. In domestic science, it is customary to refer to them autogenic training, ideomotor and role-playing training, mental imago training 2 and also auto- and hetero-suggestion 3 and meditative techniques.

The task of this work is to show interested personnel officers, first of all, those with a psychological education, the possibility of using one of the listed methods, namely - ideomotor training method, or mental rehearsal method.

Among athletes, ideomotor training became widespread in the 70s of the twentieth century. In fact, ideomotor acts have been known to scientists since the 17th century, but they began to be studied experimentally only at the end of the 19th century.

At the heart of ideomotor training is the connection between the mind's eye and movement. Psychological science knows that every movement that a person carries out mentally is accompanied by corresponding micro-movements of the muscles. Therefore, it is possible to improve the habits of actions without actually doing them.

Scientific research has shown that the more vividly and fully a person imagines the desired movement, the easier and more accurately it is reproduced in real life.

In essence, such a mental rehearsal is a replay of the anticipated actions in the imagination. The call of movement (actions consisting of separate movements), i.e. mental modeling of the image of movement, predetermines the corresponding micro-movement, which may not be fixed by the visual analyzer and which may not be realized. At the same time, micromovements are responsible for the full-fledged movement as a whole.

The principle of operation of ideomotor training, like most methods of mental psychotraining, lies in the mechanism of autosuggestion, or self-hypnosis. modern science It has been proved that any suggestion, in particular during a mental rehearsal, occurs most qualitatively if the person in respect of whom it is carried out is in a relaxed state, close in psychophysiological parameters to natural sleep.

Relaxation should maximally slow down the processes in the cerebral cortex, primarily in those parts of it that do not take part in the implementation of the actions being trained. In such a state of the cerebral cortex in the second signaling system, conditions are created that differ from the real daily activity of the brain, there is a “dominance of the second-signal processes over the real impact of the environment. The immediate result of this is the emergence of an act of autosuggestion.

Despite the obvious positive aspects of using this method of psychological preparation, namely, saving time, material costs, etc., it requires an attentive and serious attitude, the ability to concentrate, mobilize the imagination and not be distracted during the lesson.

mental rehearsal It is also interesting that it can take place both as part of a group under the guidance of a psychologist, and individually.

Ideomotor training contributes to bringing the entire psychophysiological apparatus of the personality to a state of readiness and optimizes the state of the nervous structures and anatomical substrates responsible for the implementation of purposeful motor skills reproduced during extreme actions.

It is especially important that during ideomotor training a person focuses and concretizes on the correct execution of movements at all stages of the foreseen actions, without involving the emotional side of this process. In the course of mental rehearsal, as a result of systematic ideomotor training, an optimal mental state is gradually formed. After all, excessive emotionality can lead to errors in the correct choice of actions performed. After such training, the degree of influence of psycho-emotional factors on actions is significantly reduced.

The literature provides an example of the psychological preparation of Boris Becker, who, from the age of 14, “scrolled” for hours in his imagination the plots of possible meetings with world tennis stars. What heights reached Becker, we know.

In addition, an experiment was conducted in the United States on the use of the mental training method during training of basketball players. Two groups of approximately the same level of skill specially trained for several weeks on the accuracy of hitting the ring. One group - on the court, performing numerous throws into the basketball basket, the second - 70% of the time - on the court, and 30% - under the guidance of a psychologist, mentally lying in chairs. The results of the game after training in the group that underwent imago training were higher.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that ideomotor training by itself cannot fully replace actually performed movements during real events. However, the positive thing is that, while doing them mentally, the training participants should discover possible mistakes still during training and master the movements until they perform them correctly and freely.

The process of ideomotor training can be carried out according to the following scenario:

    The psychologist offers the group (or one person) to lie down comfortably or sit down and relax.

    Relaxation is carried out according to the method described below.

    At the command of the psychologist, it is proposed to imagine yourself driving a car, a nuclear power plant remote control, etc.

    Gradually, step by step, in real time, mentally pay attention to those who “sit” nearby, “follow” the instrument readings, “the changing landscape outside the window”, “put your hand on the gear lever, press the instrument panel buttons” and etc. "Make" certain switches, adjust devices.

    “Feel” or “see” the occurrence of an emergency situation and “work out” the appropriate actions until the moment the situation normalizes.

At first, ideomotor training is carried out slowly, then faster, to the pace in real time.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the so-called centipede effect, which was studied in the 70s of the twentieth century by the modern Ukrainian psycho-and hypnotherapist Alexander Mikhailovich Morozov, academician, doctor of medical sciences, professor, on the results of applying this method to gymnasts 4 . If the activity is connected with the performance of a number of complex movements that occur one after another, they should be mastered and worked out with the help of ideomotor training gradually, in turn. Each movement must be worked out separately several times, and then move on to the next. Having worked out the following, they are combined. Driving a car, a train in an emergency situation, the actions of a fireman to deploy a fire extinguishing vehicle and other extreme activities associated with the implementation of a number of the following sequential movements. They are for the most part quite complex, they should also be worked out one by one, with a break. It is important that certain psycho-physiological reactions occur during mental rehearsal. They are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, vegetative-vascular manifestations, etc. It is imperative to learn how to make strong-willed efforts to resist such changes and regulate them - in a real situation, the use of volitional regulation will be much easier.

Particular attention in the course of practical training and ideomotor training should be given to actions in situations associated with equipment failure, the occurrence of all kinds of unforeseen accidents, precisely when special conditions become extreme. Such non-standard situations in real life are associated with even greater psycho-emotional stress, so it is especially important to be psychologically prepared for them.

As an example, let us cite repeated cases when, having made a jump, people who did it for the first time experienced such strong stressful loads that, after jumping from an airplane, they were in a state of complete inactivity until landing. Only a safety device that opened the parachute at a given height saved them from death.

In addition, ideomotor training - good base for quick assimilation of an effective method of psychological preparation - autogenic training. It can also be used as a strong psychoprophylactic agent. It should be noted that the psychologist who conducts such training must understand the intricacies of the activity for which he is preparing people. In extreme cases, he is only obliged to explain the mechanism for conducting training and teach him to relax. And the specialist conducts the mental rehearsal himself, on the basis of his own professional knowledge and skills.

For relaxation, you can use standard patterns 5 . If workers do not have the appropriate training, the first classes are conducted under the guidance of a psychologist. The psychologist explains that he will give directive commands, which the next time will be recreated by the one who will conduct training for himself in the first person. For example, a psychologist says: “You are completely calm,” and a worker, when relaxing during the next training session, says: “I am completely calm.” Training should be conducted in your native language. This is explained by the fact that at a deeper, psychological level, the perception of another language, although the one that he is fluent in, occurs in two stages - translation and awareness, and requires additional psychological efforts.

Relaxation patterns can be:

    "You are completely calm" (2-3 times);

    “Your right hand is completely relaxed” (2-3 times), “Your hand is getting heavy” (2-3 times), “Your right hand is getting warm” (2-3 times);

    "Your left hand is completely relaxed" (2-3 times), "Your left hand is getting heavy" (2-3 times), "Your left hand is getting warm" (2-3 times);

    "Your right leg is completely relaxed" (2-3 times), "Your right leg is getting heavy" (2-3 times), "Your right leg is getting warm" (2-3 times);

    Then the same phrases are repeated for the muscles of the body.

    For facial muscles, it is desirable to pronounce phrases separately for each group, for example, for the muscles of the forehead, chin, eyes, eyelids.

It is necessary to focus on the muscles of the face because they are more than other muscles of the body connected with areas of the cerebral cortex, and by relaxing them as much as possible, we assist the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which have a positive effect on further suggestion.

During the ideomotor training, greater relaxation can not be achieved. The deepening of this state is necessary during autogenic training and hetero- or auto-hypnosis.

Preparing for a mental rehearsal, you should simulate the situation of the foreseen actions. For this, the following known factors and facts are used:

    profession and occupation (of the one who will be trained);

    place and time of the event;

    details of the situation that has arisen or is expected;

    information about the result to be obtained.

The article presents general scheme application of the method of ideomotor training for the purpose of psychological preparation.

Thus, ideomotor training, or mental rehearsal, is a full-fledged method that, in combination with others or separately, can be used when conducting psychological preparation for actions in special and extreme conditions. Its use does not require material costs, it is quite simple to master it, and it makes it possible to raise the level of psychological readiness to a fundamentally new level for important aspects of professional activity related to the performance of work in such special conditions.


    Smirnov B. A., Dolgopolova E. V. Psychology of activity in extreme situations. - H.: Humanitarian Center, 2007.

    Big psychological dictionary / Comp. and general ed. B. Meshcheryakov, V. Zinchenko. - St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2003.

    Anokhin P.K. Essays on the physiology of functional systems. - M.: Medicine, 1975.

    Psychological encyclopedia /Aut. O. M. STEPANOV - K .: Academizdat, 2006.

    Shapar V. B. Modern dark psychological dictionary. - Kh.: Flag, 2005.

    Platonov K. I. The word as a physiological and therapeutic factor. 3rd ed., supplement. and rev. - M.: Medgiz, 1962.

1 Distress(from the English grief, suffering, exhaustion) is a stress that leads to serious dysfunctional and pathological disorders in the body, as well as a disorder of behavior and activity.
2 Imago(from lat. imago) - image, image.
3 suggestion(from lat. suggestio) - suggestion (impact).
4 If a centipede thinks about how she walks, from which foot and according to what algorithm, she will definitely go astray.
5 patern(lat. paternus- parent) - 1) a certain configuration according to the corresponding structure. Although the individual parts of the whole are heterogeneous, but, when combined, they form a coherent, integrated whole, which is given special meaning and which is a model; 2) model or sample.

Article provided to our portal
the editors of the magazine

A.A. Golubev

Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor, Academician of the IAPHF Rector of the Institute of Ergonomics and Socio-Economic Technologies Deputy Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Ergocenter"


The proposed publication is of purely practical importance and does not pretend to be exhaustive in the psychological preparation of senior students for independent job search. The information presented in it can be useful not only for practicing psychologists, but also for employees of the Department of Employment and Labor Exchanges for more successful employment of young people.

The psychological preparation of graduate students for independent job search is primarily aimed at personal development, the formation of effective communication skills, and the development of interpersonal interaction skills. The most significant result may be the understanding by graduates of their own psychological characteristics and the emergence of sustainable motivation for self-development. Many of the undergraduates do not possess the skills of both business and informal communication, are not capable of recognizing their own professional and personal problems, are not self-confident, and have increased anxiety. These and many other socio-psychological problems can be solved with the psychological preparation of graduate students for an independent job search.

The proposed method of preparing graduate students for independent job search is

in psychological support, in teaching the skills of business and informal communication, a real assessment of their personal and professional qualities in the classroom in a specially organized group under the guidance of a leader. The program of the method is a kind of algorithm for the actions of the leader, who must have a psychological education and experience in participating in such classes. The facilitator has the right to choose the procedures to be used; the sequence of their application depends on the leader, his experience and personal characteristics, on the goals of the group members, on the situations that arise in groups. The position of the leader is characterized by a pronounced focus on the personalities of the group members, a focus on support and assistance.

in their development.

the proposed recommendations may be useful to professional consultants for both individual and group work with clients, as well as during the presentation of specialists, as well as the “Basics of Job Search” and “Job Seekers Club” classes.

Almost all stages of the "Technology of job search" method were tested by the author on a large number of groups during 1999-2001 at the student labor exchange of Tverskoy state university, as well as from 1999 to 2005 with graduate students of the Tver branch of the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute.

Rationale for the need to introduce the "Technology of Job Search" method to prepare graduate students for independent job search

The main psychological features of the method of preparing graduate students for independent job search - the result of the analysis of domestic research (V.A. Polyakov, A.N. Stepanov, M.A. Bendyukov, I.L. Solomin, G.V. Shchekin) and foreign (B. Schwalbe, H. Schwalbe) authors.

Psychological research and analysis of the processes taking place in the labor market show that young people face the greatest life difficulties of an objective and subjective nature in the labor sphere.

Stress associated with the impossibility of employment contributes to the development of a number of diseases in young people, numerous psychological phenomena, such as anxiety, depression. In search of a way out of this situation, many young people turn to drugs.

The conflict arises when there is a contradiction between the hopes of the graduate and the inability to find a job in the acquired specialty.

Two main factors influence the solution of the problems of productive employment of young people: the imperfection of the legislative and regulatory framework and lack of economic incentives for employers to employ youth.

The relatively low competitiveness of young people in the labor market is due to the following factors:

Lack of professional knowledge among young people, lack of necessary qualifications and labor skills, which gives rise to employers' uncertainty in labor productivity young man applying for a job. As a result, preference in the selection of personnel is given to qualified workers, which reduces the employment opportunities of young people;

- unwillingness of entrepreneurs to bear additional financial and organizational costs associated with vocational training young people;

- infantilism of a certain part of the youth, relatively low business activity, lack of enterprise in search of work;

The need to provide a number of benefits provided for Labor Code Russian Federation in relation to youth.

The Job Search Technology method is an organizational and methodological form of assistance to graduate students in order to find them employment (hereinafter referred to as the Method). The first stages of training according to the Method have a great theoretical focus and are focused mainly on obtaining theoretical knowledge; choice professional career based on self-knowledge of personal characteristics and abilities.

After the first unsuccessful attempts at employment, a graduate student has an increasingly clear discrepancy between reality and self-image. Understanding one's "I" is the basis of the "Technology of Job Search" method. Mastering the techniques of self-knowledge and self-analysis of the personality in the lessons of the Method gives students the opportunity to correlate their inclinations and abilities with the requirements of a particular profession, outline plans for the implementation of professional intentions, and plan their career.

Personal self-realization is facilitated by a passionate desire and inner need for professional self-affirmation, awareness of one's capabilities, goal setting, self-confidence, belief in one's ideals, etc. Difficulties in self-realization are accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, a sense of the severity of life, increased self-criticism, feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself, aggression, depression, etc.

Professional self-realization requires from a person such professional psychological qualities as motivation for further professional growth, the desire for independent choice, creative solution of the tasks facing him. Value Orientations personalities, meanings, ideals determine the essence of his activity and communication: for what a person works, what goals and objectives he sets, what methods and means he chooses to achieve goals and solve problems.

most relevant in modern conditions becomes such a characteristic of personality as the presence creativity. In the sphere of a student's personality, this is self-realization based on self-awareness as a creative individuality, determination of individual ways of one's professional development, building a self-improvement program.

Most labor researchers emphasize the special importance in professional activity not so much of the methods and techniques of labor as of internal values, meanings, positions that illuminate labor, make work creative and contribute to professional and personal self-realization.

As a result of the introduction of the "Technology of Job Search" method, university students should master: professional self-determination; requirements for the preparation of a professional plan; rules for choosing a profession; requirements for writing a resume, autobiography; ability to negotiate on the phone; rules of correct behavior during an interview, building a professional career.

In group lessons, the facilitator, together with the trainees, considers the main mistakes of job seekers, and also gives examples of successful self-presentation behavior, analyzes some difficult situations that may arise during communication with the employer and tricky, unexpected questions that can be asked, gives options for effective resolution of such problems.

The method is aimed, first of all, at the development of personality, at the formation of effective communication skills, mastering the skills of interpersonal interaction. The most significant result may be the understanding by the participants of their own psychological characteristics and the emergence of a stable motivation for self-development. Between the head of the group and its members, as well as between the participants themselves, there are diverse personally significant connections.

Many of the future and already working people have a low communication culture, do not have the skills of both business and informal communication, are not capable of recognizing their own professional and personal problems, are not self-confident, and have increased anxiety.

Students also have their own specific problems. This is an overestimated self-esteem (less often - underestimated), difficulties in personal self-determination, difficult relationships with peers, increased conflict with teachers, parents.

Admission to the group, communication in it make a person feel that he is not alone with his problems. This relieves stress and helps to overcome many difficulties.

Constructive work on oneself by the participants of the method can be carried out in a cohesive, psychologically developed group. Group cohesion is affected Team work to solve problems that are personally significant for the participants. Working on improving communication methods, on improving self-perception, unites participants. Cohesion can also be influenced by the prestige of the group and its leader, rivalry with other groups. The group also needs mutual criticism, which leads to changes in the behavior of group members.

Method objective

The objective of the Job Search Technology method is to help graduate students find suitable job as soon as possible.

Purpose of the method

- Teaching students the skills of finding a job, equipping senior students with a system of concepts and ideas necessary for the psychological analysis of their personality.

- Knowing your strengths and weaknesses in interaction with other people, understanding yourself as a person and finding ways personal development, removal of intrapersonal conflicts and tensions.

- Development of reflection skills and feedback.

Method program

The proposed course on the "Technology of Job Search" method consists of 10 stages, each of which has its own purpose, procedural support and description. Each meeting includes "informing" (instructing) conducted by the facilitator. Instruction is to create a theoretical basis for the basics of behavior at different stages of preparation for a job search. All classes are provided with a set of recommended psychotechnical procedures.

There are mandatory procedures that are recommended for use in the classroom:

1) individual and group reflection at the beginning and at the end of the lesson. The significance of this work is in understanding the processes, methods and results of individual and joint activities;

2) keeping a diary by each member of the group;

3) analytical work of the leader in understanding group processes, changes in the positions of participants, in the dynamics of group work (fatigue, interest, etc.).

The program of the method is based on the principle of gradual development of the group and gradualness in a deeper understanding by each participant of himself and others. Each meeting logically follows from the previous one and is in terms of content the basis for the next one.

The role of the leader in the group

The leader, his personal characteristics, knowledge, skills are a means of development, both for the individual participant and the group as a whole.

The leader must:

- good knowledge of the labor market and modern requirements employers of different statuses (state, private and enterprises with a mixed form of government), to constantly replenish this knowledge;

- know well the actions (by steps) of a job candidate when looking for, choosing a job and when applying for it;

- have good communicative properties and be able to teach communicative communication to group listeners;

- know the basics of psychology.

The facilitator is a role model for participants.

It is desirable for the leader to have a psychological education, to undergo training using this method himself and to constantly participate in the work of such groups as a participant, since there is a high probability of professional and personal deformation as a result of prolonged communication with unemployed graduate students.

Each action of the leader in the group must be comprehended and correlated with the general context of his work. The facilitator not only realizes what, how and why he is doing, but leads and directs the work of the group.

The facilitator should help students understand themselves and learn as much as possible about the labor market, about job prospects after graduation.

Emotional support has a stabilizing positive effect on self-esteem, increases the degree of self-esteem and, thus, has a corrective emotional impact on such an important element of the relationship system as the attitude towards oneself.

The facilitator helps the group members to increase their sense of necessity and usefulness. This factor helps to overcome the painful focus on their problems, increases the sense of belonging, confidence and proper self-esteem.

The expansion of the sphere of awareness of one's problems consists of awareness of the motives of one's behavior, one's role in the origin of various conflict situations, deeper reasons for the emergence of certain relationships, ways of behavior and emotional response.

Emotional response includes the free expression of one's own emotions: understanding and disclosure of one's problems with their corresponding experiences, receiving emotional support, emotional correction of one's relationships, modification of the way of experiencing and emotional response.

The group process is summed up from the actions of the facilitator and method participants, but the facilitator is responsible for the success of the method and the well-being of each member of the group.

The method of preparing students for a job search includes two main activities of the leader in the group: work with the individual and work with the group.

The facilitator should be friendly, attentive, able to solve the student's problems. He must be attuned to the student, must keep his emotions and, if possible, disconnect from his problems. The psychological instability of the leader complicates the relationship between him and the student. The leader should not allow a biased attitude towards the student.

The communicative competence of the presenter is a complex personal characteristic, including communication

active knowledge and skills, psychological knowledge, personality traits (character and temperament), mental state, manifested in communication.

The success of the leader's activity depends on the level of communicative competence. Psychological knowledge includes the required level and complex of knowledge that form psycho-

chological culture.

Personality properties (character and temperament) influence the level of communicative competence indirectly through the mental state.

The mental state is manifested in communication - this is the reaction of the individual to the communicative stimulus of the interlocutor. The manifestation of a particular mental state in communication is determined by the parameters of mental health. Mental health means maturity, safety and activity of the mechanisms of personal self-regulation.

Communicative competence is one of the main components of the leading group. Main functions of the presenter in teaching the method "Technology of job search":

- leadership function;

- expert function - is that the facilitator helps the participants to objectively evaluate their behavior, to clearly see how it affects others;

- analytical function - is that the leader summarizes and comments on what is happening in the group;

- intermediary function - is to organize group processes.

Methodical means

To activate the participants in a group discussion, you can use procedures such as: statements in a circle, the relay method - each passes the word to whomever he sees fit.

It is important to move away from discussing meaningless situations.

The proposed program assumes such a leader who perceives the group member as a free person, responsible for his actions and their consequences, a constantly growing, updated personality.

It is also important what methodological means the leader uses in his work.

Observing himself, his actions, thoughts, feelings, experiences, the student often encounters their ambiguity, and sometimes simply their inconsistency. Trying to decide what is true and what is false in them, what reflects his true views and intentions and what is not, the student is looking for arguments that confirm or refute this or that act, thought, etc. This search goes on in the process of dialogues.

An internal dialogue with oneself or a dialogue with someone else gives the student the opportunity to take the position of a researcher in relation to himself. In the process of such dialogues, the student develops reflection.

Reflection is the process of a person knowing himself, his inner world, analyzing his own thoughts, actions, relationships with people and experiences, thinking about himself, realizing how people around him perceive and evaluate him, as they understand.

Knowing himself, a person is increasingly freed from the thoughtless, impulsive, random fulfillment of the requirements of others. The more developed reflection, the more young men and women become able to solve the problems that confront them, become subjects, masters of their lives and activities. By choosing this or that variant of an act, this or that line of behavior, they are able to take into account more various circumstances. As a result, they undergo a transition from irresponsible, infantile behavior to responsible, oriented towards consciously developed requirements for themselves.

Group discussion- a way of organizing communication between group members, which allows you to compare opposite positions, see the problem from different angles, clarify mutual positions, which reduces resistance to the perception of new information, eliminate emotional bias. The method allows training participants to analyze real situations, instills the ability to listen and interact with other participants, shows the ambiguity of a possible solution to most problems. We can distinguish the following group discussions: biographical orientation - analyzes the difficulties of the personal or professional life of an individual participant, thematic orientation - discussion of issues and problems, the solution of which is significant for all members of the group, interaction orientation - analyzes the relationship between group members on the principle of "here and now" .

Role-playing is a method, the essence of which is “role-playing”. Participants play roles that allow them to fully express their real feelings and thoughts.

Psychodrama is a group work method in which participants play roles that simulate life situations that have personal meaning for the participants. The goals of psychodrama are the elimination of inadequate emotional reactions, the development of social perception skills, in-depth self-knowledge (S. Kratochwill, K. Rudestam).

One of the methods of psychodrama is informing (instructing) in which the facilitator prompts and helps the participants when they encounter difficulties, provides them with feedback and supports them in the process of interaction. Instruction can be provided through disclosure in an accessible form

psychological concepts and their discussion (for example, empathy, defensive behavior, feedback, etc.), through the description of cases from own practice and analysis of the material that arises "here and now", because it is visual, relevant and meaningful to the participants.

Projective drawing- an auxiliary method of group work, which provides a basis for diagnosing and interpreting difficulties in communication. The method allows you to work with thoughts and feelings that the participant is not aware of for one reason or another. Such drawing also develops or enhances attention to feelings.

Techniques used in projective drawing:

- free drawing - everyone draws what he wants;

- thematic drawing - everyone performs drawings on a topic chosen by the group or proposed by the presenter;

- additional drawing - the drawing is sent in a circle, one begins to draw the other continues;

- collaborative drawing - several people or the whole group draw something on one sheet;

- conversational drawing - group members work in tandem with a chosen partner. Each couple has one sheet of paper, and they communicate on it with the help of images, lines and colors.

List of drawing topics that can be used in working with a group:

1. Own past and present (for example, “My main problem is communicating with people”, “I am a student”, “What I like about people”, “My future job”, etc.).

2. Future or abstract concepts (for example, what would I like to be; three wishes; the meaning of my studies). 3. Relationships in the group (for example, my position in the group; what the group gives me, and what I give to the group). Pre-rehearsals(one of the psychological techniques) are used to reduce

sew stiffness and inject confidence. It is noticed that the action, repeated many times, loses its sharpness. Therefore, the future dialogue between the student and the employer is “acted out” (sometimes several times) in the classroom. Thanks to rehearsals, the student can note and eliminate his weaknesses, make his strengths more visible. Not bad are exercises in dialogue with a psychologist-consultant, as he can give practical advice regarding behaviour.

Effective behavior training consists of the following steps:

- identifying the behavior that needs training;

- instructing and training the participant in effective behavior;

- repetition of behavior;

- modeling desired behavior;

- practicing behavior during one or more classes;

- receiving feedback - information about the behavior of the participant outside the group.

Music therapy is a method of working in a group, thanks to which mutual understanding and trust arise between the participants. Music relieves tension and fatigue in students.

Homework (keeping diary entries) is a method by which the experience gained in the group is analyzed and comprehended at home. Assimilation proceeds better if it is formulated in written statements.

Lead enjoys diagnostic tests and questionnaires, in order to first form the student's need for self-understanding, then the student conducts self-diagnosis in order to better understand himself, then the test data are discussed in the group.

Group selection and diagnostics

AT The group may include boys and girls aged 20-25 years on condition of full voluntariness. The group must necessarily be of different sexes, tk. in same-sex groups, the dynamics of the development of group processes is difficult, and they differ in the specifics of the analysis, based on gender characteristics.

Young people included in the group should not have medical contraindications, mental disorders, strong character accentuations.

The quantitative composition of the group is from 7 to 12 people.

AT in the process of selecting group members, diagnostics are carried out in order to identify individual psychological characteristics, motivation for participating in the method, determining contraindications, pathologies. Diagnostics is also carried out during the work of the group, and after its completion to determine the state of the participants, assess expectations, degree of fatigue, interest, activity, performance, etc.

The purpose of diagnostics and selection of participants in the group is to:

Orientation of participants in the specifics of the method "Technology of job search"; - initial diagnosis of participants' expectations and difficulties in finding employment; - identification and correction of participants' motivation.

The recruitment of the group is preceded by the leader's story about what the "Technology of Job Search" method is, what its goals and capabilities are, what results can be obtained. In his speech, it is advisable for the presenter to appeal to those problems that are significant for these people, for this professional community. Organizational issues are also discussed: duration of work; time of one meeting; number of participants; frequency of meetings.

The next stage of group acquisition is an individual conversation with each participant. The main questions discussed in the conversation:

- What do you expect from this method?

- Do you have problems in finding employment?

- Do you want to work in a group?

Do you have any wishes regarding the direction of the work in the group, the issues that should be discussed in it?

In an individual conversation, to identify the individual psychological characteristics of the participants, it is possible to use psychological techniques such as the Cattell questionnaire (8–PF), the Luscher test, the Reizas self-confidence questionnaire, etc.

When selecting participants for a group, one should be guided by the following criteria: 1. The desire of the student and the voluntariness of joining the group.

2. Number of participants - no more than 12 people. 3. Approximately the same age.

4. It is desirable to participate in a group of students who do not know each other (from different faculties).

AT In the context of the ongoing economic reforms in Russia, the need to prepare young people for life in new political, socio-economic situation. The solution to this problem is largely determined by the success of the development of the theory of vocational guidance for young people. This is a long process of coordinating intrapersonal and socio-professional needs, which occurs throughout the life and work path.

Professional self-determination involves the choice of a career, the scope of application of self-development of personal capabilities.

AT At present, the traditional methods of vocational guidance do not justify themselves, the essence of which is to invite young people to vacant, not prestigious jobs in the national economy.

The general trend in changing the attitude of young people to work is associated with a drop in the social value of labor and a change work motivation: priority is given not to intensive, meaningful work in production, but to work with low intensity, aimed at obtaining significant material benefits in any way.

The described experience of psychological preparation of students for independent job search showed that the solution to this complex problem is possible in common system training, education and development at different stages of a person's life path.

Based on the materials of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce the "Technology of Job Search" method to prepare graduate students for independent job search.

We hope that scientific and methodological materials will help not only employees of student labor exchanges, but also social workers, to all those who are interested in the problem of youth employment.

The proposed publication does not fully reflect the solution to this problem, and we have not fully stated it, due to limitations in the volume of journal publication. More details about this material can be found in the monograph.


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