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Full information on the topic "where to find a beard in the stalker call of Pripyat" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

stalker cleanup walkthrough where to find a beard

In chapter Other to the question Stalker. Call of Pripyat. Who passed "Dark business"? Where to look for stalkers with a Svarog detector? given by the author Jane the best answer is: One Veles is given to us for the quest "Lair of bloodsuckers", the other two can be bought from an owl or removed from corpses in Pripyat. After we got three detectors, we take them to Novikov in the camp of scientists at the Jupiter location and wait until Novikov hands over the goods to Sych through guides. When we come to him, he reports that Beard does not pay his share, and sends to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they do not get along with each other, so the information dealer offers to contact the Sultan to deal with the Beard. Here you need to make a choice - to collect your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now, we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits, we get the "Dark Business" quest, with the ability to break the affairs of the Beard.

Quest Giver: Sultan

Svarog must be earned.

One Veles is given to us for the quest "Lair of bloodsuckers", the other two can be bought from an owl or removed from corpses in Pripyat. After we got three detectors, we take them to Novikov in the camp of scientists at the Jupiter location and wait until Novikov hands over the goods to Sych through guides. When we come to him, he reports that Beard does not pay his share, and sends to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they do not get along with each other, so the information dealer offers to contact the Sultan to deal with the Beard. Here you need to make a choice - to collect your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now, we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits, we get the "Dark Business" quest, with the ability to break the affairs of the Beard.

Description: Work for the Sultan, make Beard pay interest.

Quest Giver: Sultan

Issue conditions: Tempting business completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 Svarog detectors

Passage: We learn for the Sultan about the last affairs of the Beard. On the this moment he had an order for a rare artifact "Compass". You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. That one’s roof went completely on the flood and he gives the artifact away just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he says that you need to start working for the Beard and get the detectors that he distributes to his stalkers. We take a task from the Beard to extract an artifact, we wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the marks, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it's up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. It remains only to make Beard work for the Sultan.

Tips: This quest ruins your relationship with Beard, so think twice before doing it.

Stalker Leaf

Beard Good-natured-looking man selling food in Skadovsk

strange phenomenon

This task will become available only if you helped the stalkers from the Shevchenko ship repulse the bandits' attack on the Sultan's "Attack" task.

The beard will tell you that the bandits have decided to buy a batch of weapons, and that they need to be prevented. Move forward to the Forestry. At the main gate you will meet a group of free stalkers. Talk to the chief. He will offer to sneak up unnoticed and find out what is happening. Having made your way to the main workshop, you learn that the deal was organized by some kind of merchant selling weapons of the Duty group. After that, the firing will begin. Get everyone down. After searching the body of the merchant Morgan and take away his PDA, he will still come in handy. After taking a partial reward from the commander of the freestyle detachment Spartak (2500 RU and the coordinates of the cache), return to Beard. He presents another 3500 RU.

Lair of bloodsuckers

This task will begin at the moment of passing the task of the free stalker Glukhar "Disappearance of stalkers".

So, having examined the VNZ "Circle" you found a nest of suckers. Something needs to be done about this. This quest can be completed in two ways. The first one is more extended, but at the same time interesting and monetary. The second is fast and practical.

Secret documents can be sold to Sych. For a set of x3 copies of “Internal Directive No. 423” and one “Order No. 562” found during a search of a military convoy, the merchant will lay out 2400 RU.

Find artifacts

Beard buys rare and very rare artifacts:

Firefly – 24 000 RU

Bubble - 18 000 RU

Goldfish – 24 000 RU

Eye – 18 000 RU

Dummy – 18 000 RU

Flame - 24 000 RU

Snowflake – 24 000 RU

This quest will become available after completing Owl's "Tempting Business" quest.

Beard has an order for an extremely rare Compass artifact. He directs us to Noah, as if he knows something about him. Noah will give the artifact without even thinking ... Get out of the "ark" and after ten meters come back and ask for another copy. Now run to the Beard and hand over the received artifact. As a reward, you will receive 10,000 RU, two clues to caches and a new achievement "Your Boyfriend" (now Beard will pay 20% more for all artifacts brought).

Stalker. Call of Pripyat. Who passed "Dark business"? Where to look for stalkers with a Svarog detector?

Quest Giver: Sultan

Issue conditions: Tempting business completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Tips: This quest ruins your relationship with Beard, so think twice before doing it.

Quest Giver: Sultan

Issue conditions: Tempting business completed, with the choice of the desired option.

Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 “Svarog” detectors

Passage: We learn for the Sultan about the last affairs of the Beard. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact “Compass”. You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. That one’s roof went completely on the flood and he gives the artifact away just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he says that you need to start working for the Beard and get the detectors that he distributes to his stalkers. We take a task from the Beard to extract an artifact, we wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the marks, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it's up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. It remains only to make Beard work for the Sultan.

Tips: This quest ruins your relationship with Beard, so think twice before doing it.

Where to find a beard in the stalker call of pripyat

The Guiders Mod LA Changes 1.0.3 Lost Alpha localization Patch 1.3003 for STALKER Lost Alpha Clear Sky – Remake Time for change 3.0 Old Story Cold blood (mod) Golden Ball. Completion Game of Souls: Beginning “Omega 2” variant MBT Darkest Time 1.1 Link of times Winter sniper Spatial anomaly (update 4.1) Call of Chernobyl 1.4.22
New files

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Notes on the wall

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Encyclopedia Stalker Call of Pripyat

A good-natured-looking man selling food at Skadovsk.

After receiving the task, we leave Skadovsk and move east, to the Dredger. We carefully make our way through the anomalies and radiation to the captain's bridge. You can navigate by the indicators of the detector to the artifact. We pick up the strange semi-artifact "Changed Steering Wheel" and go to the exit.

Before leaving the ship for air, stop and think.

There are three ways to solve the situation: to give, not to give, and using a "gap" in the game scripts - how to give the artifact, but not quite ... So:

You can do otherwise - first give the artifact, and then, after following Vobla a little, shoot him.

This task will become available only if you helped the stalkers from the Shevchenko ship repulse the bandits' attack on the Sultan's "Attack" task. (not working on patch)

This task will begin at the moment of passing the task of the free stalker Glukhar "Disappearance of stalkers".

After examining Zaton in the east, you can find the bridge to them. Preobrazhensky, on which this convoy is just standing. After examining the cabin of the military ZIL, you can find the secret document "Internal Order No. 423", which refers to two keys to the box with gas "Perin B3". The keys, according to the document, were supposed to be in the vehicles escorting dangerous goods. This means at the beginning and at the end of the column. Key "A" is in the "goat" at the northern end of the bridge, in a box with two more secret documents. Key "B" is also in the "goat", which fell into a failure, at the southern end of the bridge, formed either from an explosion, or from the impact of an anomaly. We return to the truck and open the box in the back and take the gas cylinder. Now you need to find the VNZ “Krug” ventilation system, to which you need to connect this cylinder with nerve gas. It is located just north of the main building. We focus on the marker on the map.

After connecting the cylinder to the distribution system, turn the valve on the pipe nearby. The timer will start. Immediately, two flukes will come running. After their death and the end of the countdown, all bloodsuckers in the underground lair will be dead. It’s not worth checking down - everything underground is now infected with featherbed. Return to Beard with a report. The reward will be 5000 RU, the Veles detector and a hint at the cache.

After talking with the Beard, or even at the stage of the initial visit to the VZ "Circle", after discovering the lair of bloodsuckers, shoot the monsters and then return to the Beard for a reward. Find artifacts Beard buys rare and very rare artifacts:

Bubble - 18 000 RU

Goldfish – 24 000 RU

Eye – 18 000 RU

Dummy – 18 000 RU

Flame - 24 000 RU

Snowflake - 24,000 RU Compass This quest will become available after completing the Owl quest "Tempting Business".

Local gangster godfather at "Skadovsk".

As soon as you get to Skadovsk, to the left of the entrance, a bandyuk will call you to him and offer you a job. A group of stalkers decided to become a gang and rob their own stalkers. It is necessary to decide what to do: to take part in the raid, to warn the stalkers, or not to interfere.

2500 RU and aiming at the cache, which is located in the lower left corner (relative to the location map) of the Iron Forest anomaly.

1.2. Betray the bandits. After starting the attack on the neutrals, shoot the bandits in the back. After that, go to the main neutral for a reward.

2500 RU, Antirad x5, Vodka x4, First aid kit x2, Bandage x4. 2. Warn stalkers. After receiving the assignment from the Sultan, we immediately tell everything to the Beard. He proposes to set a trap for the bandits. We wait (sleep) until 23:00. We run to the collection point and give consent to the bandits to attack. After the shooting starts, we bring down the gopniks in the back and then we take the award from the neutral commander.

2500 RU, Antirad x2, First aid kit x2, Bandage x10, Vodka x4 and a tip on the hiding place in the Emerald village. 2.1. Betray the stalkers. After the start of the attack, we still help the bandits to fill up all the neutrals who are in ambush.

2500 RU and aiming at a cache near the perimeter of the Iron Forest anomaly. 3. Don't interfere. After talking with Brass Knuckles, we go to Beard. We refuse to Beard's offer to help free stalkers with the words "No, you're on your own somehow."

By the morning of the next day, the task will be canceled. Deal After shooting free stalkers at Shevchenok, return to the Sultan. He will offer you to earn extra money in one small business.

If suddenly it does not turn on, go around all the archanomalies in search of this stalker.

Intimidate him with the death of Sledgehammer, and he himself will give us the detector we need. Now return to the Sultan. He will send to Beard, inform that the power on the ship is changing.

You will have to get a new achievement "Authority".

An alcoholic technician from the Skadovsk ship.

At the very first conversation, the colorful “kulibin” Cardan asks you to bring him tools with which he can carry out a deeper modernization of any weapon or body armor.

1. Tools for rough work are in the attic of a small house in the Sawmill area. Be careful - this area was chosen by zombies. Cardan will write out 1000 RU for them.

This quest becomes available and executable under certain conditions.

Returning to Skadovsk, it is necessary to give Cardan two bottles of vodka to drink so that the technician's tongue is completely softened for conversation. Now place one (or both) PDAs from the inventory, for example on the floor (hold LMB and move it outside the inventory). After that, talk to Cardan again and ask him about his friends - Barge and Joker. Being intoxicated, the techie will tell that he regrets the rubbish that happened and that if the opportunity arises, he will definitely apologize to them.

Now offer him your help in providing such a difficult task - to convey apologies to his friends (if you do not get rid of the CCP, this conversation thread will not appear). Pick up the PDA (or find a second one) and show the technique. Cardan will be very upset, but still thank you - now all equipment repairs will be 20% cheaper. Mission completed.

Procurement and supplier of weapons, armor, ammunition, as well as information. Bandit character.

In addition to the fact that this task can be completed for the Beard and the Sultan, it can also be completed for the Owl.

But still, here are the prices for some of them:

Order No. 562 - 1000 RU

PDA of one of the founders of "Debt" General Tachenko - 2500 RU

PDA of one of the Sultan's people - 1000 RU

PDA of the Sultan's envoy - 500 RU

PDA Nov – 1000 RU

PDA Morgan - 4000 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Destined for Ghost - 500 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Destined to Fang - 500 RU

Note from the Strelka group. Destined Arrow - 500 RU

UAV memory module - 500 RU

Monolith Fighter PDA – 5000 RU

After some time, Sych will offer a job - to find and take three Veles detectors to scientists in the Jupiter location. According to him, they will start to make a profit.

2. The second can be taken from the cache in the village of Kopachi. It lies in the cab of the excavator, location "Jupiter".

3. The third is given by Herman, a scientist from the Scientists' bunker, for the task of guarding the Poplar team during measurements.

4. Also, though very rarely, such detectors are found in dead stalker masters.

Beard will say the opposite: the contract was that he would pay money for the provided Svarog detectors. For two he has already given money, but for the third he will refuse and give it to us.

Along the way, he will hint at a job: an order has appeared for a very rare Compass artifact. The task is not worth taking yet (if you have, then see Beard's tasks). We return to Sych. He is angry and offers to rein in the "bearded goat" and directs us to the Sultan (then see the task of the Sultan "Dark Deeds").

A freestyle stalker supplying custom-made unique weapons and standard armor. It can be found on the third floor of the Skadovsk ship.

Pistol for 3 500 RU / advance payment 700 RU / term - day:

"Steppe Eagle" (variation "Black Hawk")

"March" (variation of UDP "Compact")

"Alpine" (variation "SIPt-M200")

machine. shotgun ” Chipper “

submachine gun "Frezer" (variation Viper-5)

machine. shotgun "Carabiner" (SPSA-14 variation)

storm. rifle "GP37"

storm. rifle "FT-200M"

storm. rifle "Storm" (Grom-S14 variation)

"Surf" (Vintar-VS variation)

"SVU2-A" (variation of SVUmk-2)

"Lynx" (variation of SVDm-2)

Armor "CHN-3a" + Tactical helmet

This task will become available after you order at least one barrel from Shustroy and accidentally stumble with him on the novice stalker Koryaga at the exit from Skadovsk.

On the way, bandits will meet you and kindly offer to give them EVERYTHING. The question is to give or not to give.

A suspicious newcomer stalker at the exit from Skadovsk.

The newcomer asks you to bring a container from the "constipation" that has fallen underground.

We are heading to the anomaly "Claw" (we are guided by the map). There are two ways to get to the car: through a hole in the ground just southwest of the anomaly itself, or through caves leading from the “Claw” anomaly. Be sure to take good weapons and medicines with you - there will be snorks and radiation underground. After you pick up the container, return to Skadovsk.

Now there are two options for the outcome: honest and vile. So:

* If you are a noble and honest stalker, and you do not take anything from what Koryaga offers you, then at the end of the division, he will still give you a reward - Handicap-12+ (fire rate + 10% and weight -0.33 kg.).

The "dolgovtsy" accuse the "svobodovtsy", the "svobodovtsy" accuse the "debtovtsy". Trader Hawaiian believes that "Duty" has strict discipline, but "Svobodovites" don't even need our junk, but doctor Kostoprav will tell a strange story about some suspicious type. When asked about his name, we find out that Koryaga. In business. This little bastard has already tried to set us up on Zaton once.

The chiropractor refers us to the Zulu, a reclusive debtor who lives nearby in a tower. Perhaps he knows where Koryaga went.

The Zulu will tell you that there was some kind of gathering under his tower not very long ago. He scared away the punks with a machine gun and they rushed to the Polustanok - most likely, Koryaga was figured out by the people of the Sultan.

At the Polustanka, a performance is waiting for us - a bandit in a raincoat and with a Black hawk cripples the poor fellow-Koryaga. Noticing us, the “horse” in the cloak begins to bull. We blow his brains out and take the message to the Sultan on the PDA.

Give Koryaga a first-aid kit and find out where he put our things. It turns out that he hid everything in the sewers nearby. In the safe, we will find the Zarya armored suit, two Steel helmets, the Veles detector, a bunch of medicines and all sorts of junk. Mission completed.

The leader of a group of hunters from Skadovsk.

In Search of the Magpie (Part 1)

When you visit a doctor at Skadovsk for the first time, you will definitely meet Gaunt, a free stalker preoccupied with finding a certain Magpie, a bad and mean stalker.

Questions from the locals about Soroka do not give anything - no one knows him.

Hunting for a chimera

This quest will become available after talking with St. John's Wort at Yanov Station. As soon as you return to Zaton, talk to Gonta.

Quietly and carefully move towards the marker on the map. As soon as you reach the stage you should see a sleeping creature. Wait for Gonta and his sidekick to pull up to you. On command, begin to bring down the beast. To surprise and disappointment, the chimera turned out to be very untenable (very!).

After the death of the clawed “pseudo-cat”, talk to Gaunt. He, for the assistance provided, will present you with SPSA-14 and advise you to tell St. John's wort about what happened. So let's do it.

We return to the station "Yanov" in the location of Jupiter. Having told the master hunter about the completion of the task, he will thank us with 2000 RU and the task will be completed.

Former cop, and now a free stalker from Skadovsk.

Disappearance of stalkers (part 1)

Strange story. Stalkers disappear. They are found dead and completely drained of blood. Apparently the work of bloodsuckers.

Going a little further you will find yourself in the "rest room" of nasty suckers. On the "tsidly", without making too much noise, follow the stalker through the room. You will activate a new task (“Lair of bloodsuckers”, you must turn to Beard), which can be completed in two different ways- fast-uninteresting and vice versa. If you don't want to waste time (the second way), just shoot the creatures or throw them with grenades. The task will be updated and all that remains is to collect the reward from the Beard.

If you want to get maximum pleasure, leave the tentacles until the "best" time. After jumping into the hole, you will find yourself in a tunnel that will lead outside. Capercaillie will remain dissatisfied with the search for Danila and decide to check one more place, after which he will contact you. Well, you need to tell the news about the bloodsuckers Beard. Something needs to be done with them. Disappearance of stalkers (part 2) Having wandered around, you can stumble upon a strange building near the Port Cranes. Prior to the beginning of the first part of this quest, the door to this shack was closed. Now it is open...

He will tell that he is ill with a rare disease - hemoglobin dependence, and that the only substance that inhibits the development of the disease is blood. After the conversation, Tremor will shoot off his head.

If you enter the room without trial and conversation, shoot the vampire Tremor, then do not forget to take his PDA from the carcass of the unfortunate one, in which he confesses to his deed. Now the terrible news must be told at Skadovsk.

The beard will sincerely thank you for the investigation and present two tips on caches and 10,000 RU as a bonus. In addition, you will receive the Investigator status perk.

Stalker-guide from Skadovsk.

This task is activated after inspecting the Skat-2 helicopter.

The commander of a group of mercenaries from the workshops of substations.

If you accidentally stumble upon the Substation Workshop, you will be met by a nervous, as it turns out, hungry mercenary. The game will offer to complete the quest to deliver food to the starving.

Free stalker from the Yanov station.

This task can be taken from a free stalker in an exoskeleton by visiting the Yanov station in the Jupiter location. Only there is a small feature - after a few in-game days of your presence, the task may no longer be available, so do not put it off for later.

1. Peaceful. Agree with Torba and resolve everything peacefully.

2. Power. Shoot the bandits, and do not follow their lead.

3. Hero-spy-force. Quietly and alone, "pacify" gopota.

So, the Bear will warn you that you need to meet with a group of fighters after one in the morning at a designated place. At the appointed place, talk to the free stalker and start the assault. After freeing Mityai, return to the station. After talking with the Bear, you will receive a bunch of thanks, two tips on the cache and a bonus of 5000 RU.

Radio technician from Yanov station.

When you get to the Yanov station for the first time in the Jupiter location, you will be met and greeted by a local technician and radio amateur part-time stalker Azot. He will tell you that he is engaged in repairs and other similar business.

1. Coil of copper wire - x2

2. A jar of rosin - x2

3. Textolite plate - x3

4. Box of transistors - 1

5. A box of capacitors -1

1. Tools for rough work. Exit the station and move along railway South. After a while you will reach the bridge, under which there will be an electric train with several passenger cars. A mysterious anomaly "Tesla" moves inside the cars. Climb up the bridge and jump onto the train. Go to the far end and jump into the open hatch of the car. Once inside, watch the movement of the anomaly. It is necessary to go through several cars in the opposite direction, hiding from the electric ball in the niches of the car. As a rule, they are at the beginning and at the end of each car. Eventually, you will reach a dead end. Next to the seat will be a box of tools. You can get out through the broken window here. Azoth will pay 1000 RU for rough tools.

There are two places: In the Old KBO on the second floor and in the basement of the Department Store. Azot will pay 1500 RU for calibration tools.

Mutant hunter from Yanov station. Stalker hunter. It is located in the basement of the "Dolgovsky" wing of the "Yanov" station.

Hunting for bloodsuckers

Having received the task to destroy the lair of swamp bloodsuckers, head to the north of the location to the area of ​​the "Plavni" anomaly. The lair is located a little to the east. Upon completion of the mission, return to St. John's Wort for honestly earned 3000 RU. Hunting for burers The next task will be hunting for burers.

A sad free stalker from the Yanov station.

At the station "Yanov" you will meet a saddened neutral with a southern name. He will tell you a sad story about some gopnik extorting money from him, constantly demanding interest from the amount that Vano once lent to buy an armored suit.

There are several options for the next step:

1. Give 7000 RU. The task will end and that's it.

If you do not have a “cool gun”, he will answer that he is not one of the squishy ones and will start the battle.

Leader of the group "Debt".

4000 RU, Grom-S14, 9x39 SP-6 cartridges and VOG-25 grenades.

Leader of the Freedom group.

If you completed the quest of the Beard or the Sultan called "The Deal", then you should have taken his PDA from the "debt" huckster Morgan. If not, then this task will not be available!

It is not necessary to participate in the subsequent massacre between the stalkers of the warring factions.

4000 RU, SGI-5k and 300 cartridges 5.56x45.

Having visited the Yanov station several times, you will witness suspicious stories about the heroic deeds of a Svoboda soldier nicknamed Flint.

After a while, you will hear about how he (!) took out a whole lair of bloodsuckers on Zaton (this fable is most likely activated after you complete the Beard's task to destroy the nest of suckers under the VNZ "Circle"). Not in order!

Talk to Flint and hint that he is a stray liar. He will send you "forest" and this task will become active. It is necessary to bring the asshole to clean water. To further advance on the assignment, you need to explore the Quarry area, where you will meet a dying stalker nicknamed Sliver.

Buggy-eyed "Svoboda" with SVDm-2.

For aesthetic pleasure, before completing this mission, it is not recommended to visit the village of Kopachi ...

At a meeting, Uncle Yar will give you food and immediately offer to go somewhere, help ...

Bald-headed scientist man from the scientists' bunker.

After visiting the Scientists' bunker in the Jupiter location, you will meet Professor Ozersky, upon questioning him, it turns out that he needs a little help in finding one mysterious place - the Oasis. Rumor has it that anyone who gets there will be cured of all diseases.

Ozersky believes that any information about this place will help in further exploration of the Zone.

Ozersky needs to bring some specimen of a plant from a recently formed anomalous zone on the edge of the Quarry. Following the mark on the map, we find a clearing heavily infected with the Gizirovka anomalies. In the center you can find an "anomalous flower" - the very plant that the scientist needs. After you break this miracle of the Zone, new sources of biochemical damage will appear in the clearing, so go out very carefully. If you have a Svarog detector with you, there should be no problems.

Scientist man with glasses from the Scientist bunker.

After talking with Herman, you will learn about the existence of alternating psi-radiation. Agree to help.

Anomaly Research (Part 1)

Herman has an assumption about the relationship between emissions and artifacts that appear after them. He will offer to arrange several scanners to take readings in various anomalous zones.

Anomaly Research (Part 2)

After completing the first part of the study of anomalies, Herman will offer more, but only in an accompanying-guarding role. Although if you talk to him again, he may offer to place a couple more scanners in the anomalies as a reward for information about the artifacts appearing in them.

Some time later Prof. Herman will tell you that he continues to record a strange anomaly to the north of the bunker. He proposes to study the phenomenon. But an ordinary detector will not work here, and therefore it is advised to make it a Svarog detector.

Thus, this quest becomes available for completion only if you have completed the Owl task "Tempting business", as a result of which you will receive the above detector.

Another task of a bespectacled scientist. Herman needed technical documentation the latest developments of the "Jupiter" plant and, accordingly, offers a walk to the administrative building of the latter.

After completing the "Latest Developments" task, during which it turned out for what purpose Cherny's mercenaries were guarding the scientists, and were later killed, the scientists were left without cover.

Spartak will say that there are a lot of punks around, and there is enough work here until the “Deal” task (Beard / Sultan) is completed, and then he will gladly agree to guard the camp, which he will be indescribably happy about later.

A mortally wounded free stalker in the Quarry on the "Jupiter".

This poor fellow can be found in the Quarry, right next to a huge digger (or whatever it is?).

Unfortunately, neither the first-aid kit nor the help of a doctor will help Sliver. He will die. You need to find this bastard and take revenge.

Returning to the Yanov station, we hear a story from one of the Svobodovites, nicknamed (who do you think.) Flint, about how he got an artifact in the Quarry! Yeah. Here is this geek who appropriates other people's merits for himself. Ask him to tell the story about the artifact in the Quarry again. Then tell him about Sliver, and what we know about his lies. He will deny the status of Svoboda and along the way tell about the story of the chimera on Zaton, like he's a stalker, like he's cool! Opa. That's who threw Gaunt's guys from Zaton. This is Soroka, his mother. After that, three tasks will be updated at once: In search of the Magpie, Other people's merit and Retribution.

Stalker-guide working for Scientists.

Contract with scientists

When meeting the inhabitants of the Scientists' bunker, you will meet Garik, a free stalker who signed a contract with scientists and is currently their guide.

If you spent enough time on Zaton in search of artifacts, then you have already found the above-mentioned jewels, and most likely more than one copy. If you do not have them with you, then return to Zaton. If you have not met them at all, then you will have to sweat. These artifacts are found in the Sosnodub and Soda anomalies.

When you find or pick up (if you didn’t have it with you), take them to Garik. As a reward, you will receive 6000 RU and two tips on caches.

In the future, when you meet him in Pripyat, he will thank you again by giving you the Bubble artifact.

The commander of the group of surviving "monoliths".

You can meet a small group of former members of the Monolith group and their commander, the Tramp, just north of the Container Warehouse, next to the bridge.

1. This is Morgan's PDA - can be obtained by completing the quest of either the Sultan or the Beard called "The Deal" (see above).

In the very northwestern part of the Jupiter location, behind the Ashes anomaly, you can find a crashed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. After examining the crash site, you will receive a locked memory module. I wonder what information is inside?

Novikov, a technician of scientists, is ready to do it at once for 2000 RU.

Azot, a technician of the Duty faction, has never done anything like this, so he is ready to take on the module for as little as 1000 RU.

Well, Cardan is no longer in the shape to delve into modern electronics - his hands are trembling ...

You can sell Sych for mere pennies (500 RU each), or you can return them to the true owner Strelok, whom you will definitely meet in the story. For the safety of information and secrets, you will be rewarded with 20 batteries and two artifacts - “Flame” and “Firefly”, as well as the achievement “Keeper of Secrets” (in the final video Strelka is waiting for a “happy end”).

Commander of the surviving military.

This quest will start after you repair the Gauss Cannon. Returning to Pripyat, talk to Garik. He will tell you that he recently led a group of mercenaries who came to Pripyat in search of laboratory-X8.

Severe "debt" loner.

In general, this is actually not a task as such. Having reached Pripyat, the Zulu will leave you and leave in an unknown direction.

1. You use the site on the principle ‘as is’- 'as it is'!

2. No claims accepted!

3. All actions performed on the site you do at your own peril and risk at your own will.

4. All consequences for actions on the site fall on the shoulders of users.

5. If something does not suit you, please do not use the resources of this site and leave it!

The achievement "Authority" (Eng. Boss) in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" opens after conspiring with the Sultan and seizing Beard's business on Zaton. The Sultan became the first bandit who managed to establish neutrality with free stalkers. He is trying to turn Skadovsk into a gangster camp, so he is in conflict with the local bartender, Beard, who opposes this. It will be possible to squeeze out Beard's business after completing five related tasks: "Attack", "Deal", "Tempting Business", "Compass" and "Dark Business".

Tasks "Attack" and "Deal" on the side of the bandits:

The meeting with the criminal authority takes place at the very beginning of the game on Skadovsk. The Sultan will offer Degtyarev to join the bandits and help deal with the stalkers on the Shevchenko dry cargo ship. The task "Attack" will appear in the journal. The test of recruits takes place at night southwest of Skadovsk. If you complete the order of the Sultan, the squad of Spartacus will die. Brass knuckles will give 1900 rubles and the coordinates of the cache as a reward. In the second order, the Sultan will ask you to attend a deal to buy weapons. The task "Deal" will appear in the journal. Brass knuckles with a detachment of bandits will be waiting for a meeting in Lesnichestvo southeast of Skadovsk. We kill all the soldiers on the arrow, take Morgan's PDA with data on the secret warehouse of "Debt" (information can later be sold to Sych -, Loki - or Shulga -), we get 5,000 rubles from Kastet for work and the coordinates of the cache.

Task "Tempting business" on the side of the bandits:

We return to Skadovsk to Sych, take the task "Tempting Business" to search for three Veles detectors for scientists from a bunker from the vicinity of Jupiter. The first "Veles" can be obtained for destruction on a tip from the Glukhar (the task is given by Beard), the second detector lies in the cab of an excavator on the Kopachi farm near the Cooling tower and the Anomaly "Ashes", where Degtyarev brings Uncle Yar from the station "Yanov", the third "Veles" sold by Herman in the scientists' bunker after successfully completing the first task with measurements (to increase the indicators of protection against psi-radiation, a tactical helmet from the Azot task from the Yanov is enough). Also, Veles detectors appear on sale at Sych after or are found on the bodies of masters from the Duty, Freedom, Loners, Zombified groups. After the Veles detectors were delivered to the scientists, we return to Skadovsk to Sych and report on the completion of the task.

Task "Dark business" on the side of the bandits:

We leave the base of stalkers, sleep or wander within the Zaton for several hours, after receiving an e-mail we again come to Sych, who will send him to deal with the Beard. We pick up the Svarog detector from the bartender, once again we talk with Sych about our share of the deal, but we don’t demand to give the money, but we agree to talk with the Sultan. If you take the money, the task will end. The godfather will offer to punish Beard and squeeze out a profitable business from him. The task "Dark Business" will appear in the magazine. We talk with Beard about artifacts, learn about an important order for the Compass, after which the Sultan will send Degtyarev to Noah on an old barge located behind the Port warehouses south of Skadovsk. The hermit will not quarrel at the meeting and will immediately give the Compass.

The Sultan will be delighted with a valuable find and will give 10,000 rubles with the coordinates of the cache as a reward, and before parting, he will report that the free stalkers of Beard have improved detectors that need to be captured at any cost. To find out about the location of stalkers with prototype detectors, you need to complete a couple of any tasks for Beard to find and deliver artifacts for customers.

Orders for artifacts appear at Beard only after completing the task "Strange Phenomenon" to deliver a modified helm from the "Dredger" located east of "Skadovsk". The task is available throughout the game.

When the bartender's trust is earned, the necessary marks will appear on the map. The Sledgehammer squad is located near the Claw anomaly, the Crest squad is often found near the Sosnodub anomaly. Both are on Zaton southwest of Skadovsk. You can pick up improved detectors from stalkers in different ways: kill; exchange for weapons; intimidate by talking about the sad fate of the first group after the murder of stalkers; loot the bodies after they stumble upon a group of strong mutants. Regardless of the choice, we return with two improved detectors to the Sultan, who will send to Beard to say hello.

The consequences of supporting the Sultan and the bandits at Skadovsk:

As a result of the coup, Beard will refuse to leave Skadovsk, but will agree to work for the Sultan and pay tribute to Degtyarev once a day. The amount of the bribe varies within 2000 rubles. The frightened owl will also make a small discount on its goods, so as not to invite trouble. After receiving the "Authority" trophy, Degtyarev's reputation among free stalkers will greatly deteriorate, which will lead to an increase in prices when trading, but the bandits will begin to fear and respect. If you do not help free stalkers at all, Beard may stop trading. If at the very beginning you refuse the Sultan's offer and inform Boroda about the impending attack, the bartender will make a counteroffer and ask you to protect the stalkers on the Shevchenko dry cargo ship from the attack of the bandits. This act in the future will allow you to open the achievements "" and "".

The ending of the game with the choice of bandits in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat":

The law of the Sultan was finally established on Skadovsk, and the ship became the base for the bandits. Beard, not wanting to pay tribute to the boys, together with a group of stalkers moved to the uncharted parts of the Zone. Attempts by stalkers to restore the previous state of affairs quickly came to naught: demonstrative sendings for ejection did their job.

Many of us come to the idea of ​​trying to grow a beard in our own way: someone does it after looking at photos of famous bearded idols, someone decides to take part in the global flash mob "non-shave" (orig. "Movember"), and someone is forced to grow facial hair by a girl, because everyone has long known that brutal bearded guys are in great demand among the opposite sex. In any case, no matter how it develops, the first experience of growing facial hair, as a rule, comes down to the fact that the novice bearded man only refuses the usual razor, and that's probably all. As a result, it usually looks as if a person decided one day to take and “launch” his appearance. There are no clear boundaries, no density, no shine, the hair sticks out in different directions, and this is just the beginning, because in addition, in the absence of additional hygiene, skin peeling and redness may appear, in general, we’d better not continue ...

All this can be avoided, and it is also advantageous to emphasize a new image using our simple, and at the same time useful tips. So…

1. Don't forget the beard oil/balm.

The situation changes dramatically immediately after the first use of these funds. As soon as you apply, for example, oil on your facial hair for the first time, you will immediately feel like a real bearded man. An indescribable feeling - it is better to try once than to read about it 100 times. The oil has a wonderful masculine aroma and immediately gives a charge of self-confidence as a brutal male. and give moisture, shine, keep their shape, care for the skin of the face, help to avoid peeling. You will feel the result instantly. Just try and understand that there are a lot of arguments for using such tools, and without them it’s better to shave right away.

2. Comb

Do you comb your hair? The same is true with facial hair, and this applies not only to the beard but also to the mustache. It's better to use , which today can already be found in our country. Mass of materials: wood, bone, metal, synthetic materials. Combs and brushes will help not only to organize your hair, but can also become your unique, purely masculine accessory.

3. Wash

Keeping your beard clean is MOST IMPORTANT!!! Again, it is better to shave it completely than to grow a source of an unpleasant odor on your face. And believe me, if you don’t feel it, it doesn’t mean at all that your girlfriend or someone else doesn’t feel it! Now in Russia wonderful, air conditioners and , including in our men's store. It is not necessary to wash your beard daily, just choose a product for yourself and use it 2-3 times a week. I think it’s not worth specifying that a regular shower gel with coconut and vanilla flavor is not suitable for your brutal beard.

4. Trimming

You have probably heard about barbershops, where, in addition to hair, the masters also shape and shave beards. So, going to such places is a guarantee that your beard will look neat and even. You should not hope that without using a trimmer or a special razor you will not look like a New York bum. Read more about how to trim your beard

Stalker call of Pripyat HOW TO PASS THE QUEST DARK BUSINESS!!!

  1. but as you wish! Hosh for Bondyukoff Hosh for ours then they won’t say thank you in your face !!!
  2. Tempting business
    After some time, Sych will offer a job to find and take three Veles detectors to scientists in the Jupiter location. According to him, they will start to make a profit.

    When asked where you can get detectors, Sych will briefly make it clear that this is purely our headache.

    1. The first date of the Beard for the task Lair of bloodsuckers.
    2. The second can be taken from the cache in the village of Kopachi. He lies in the cab of the excavator, Jupiter location.
    3. Third date Herman, scientist from the Uchnyh bunker, for the task of guarding the Topol team during measurements.
    4. Also, though very rarely, such detectors are found in dead stalker masters.

    After you find or collect three pieces, you must take them to the scientific technician Novikov. He will take the detectors and say that he will send the result back to Sych through the conductors.

    Further continuation of the task is possible after completing a series of tasks by Professor Herman (scientist from the bunker from the Jupiter location).

    Having received new data on anomalies, the scientific Novikov technician uses them to develop a new type of detector. In a few days, Owl will contact you and hint at the problem that has arisen. It turns out that he recommended Beard, when we hired new stalkers to search for artifacts, to issue improved detectors that Novikov made. But the stalkers refused to bring Sych's share, and therefore ours, and now we are instructed to figure it out.
    Beard will say the opposite: the contract was that he would pay money for the provided Svarog detectors. For two he has already given money, but for the third he will refuse and give it to us.
    Along the way, he hints at a job: an order has appeared for a very rare Compass artifact. The task is not worth taking yet (if you have, then see the tasks of the Beard). We return to Sych. He is angry and offers to rein in the bearded goat and directs us to the Sultan (then see the task of the Sultan Dark Deeds).

    You can also refuse by demanding your share. The owl will give 1500 RU and the task will end there. After that, go to the Sultan anyway.

    Dark Deeds
    This quest will be available after completing the quest Owl Tempting Business.

    The Sultan offers to find out from Beard about what kind of business he is now twirling. Since Beard has already mentioned information about the order for the "Compass" (during the task of the Owl "Tempting Business"), we tell the Sultan about it.

    And this task is activated. You need to find out from Noah (no one gave a hint to Noah, and there was no talk with Beard about this; an oversight of the developers, approx. ed.) what he knows about the artifact. Noah will give the artifact for free (talk to Noah again and he will give another Compass). We return to the Sultan and give the resulting artifact. We get 10,000 RU and two tips on caches.

    Now the Sultan demands to take away the Svarog detectors from the stalkers, whom Beard gave out to search for artifacts. Idm to the Beard and sign up to search for any artifact (before that, put in the box the one you go looking for). The task is to update and a stalker's mark will appear on the map, from which it is necessary to take away the Svarog detector in any way. They will be a sledgehammer. It's easy to identify him - he will be in Sev's costume!

    The cunning stalker agrees to give us the detector only in exchange for a cool barrel. If you accidentally have Vintar-VS lying around, you can exchange it. But what a real kid with seeds in his pocket will go for such a not very fair exchange, and for the exchange in general? No!! ! So just shoot him and his friends. Search the Sledgehammer and take away Svarog.

    The task will be updated to search for the second detector. A new marker for the location of the second stalker should appear on the map.
    If suddenly it does not turn on, go around all the archanomalies in search of this stalker.
    Intimidate him with the death of Sledgehammer, and he himself will give us the detector we need. Now return to the Sultan. He will send to Beard, inform that the power on the ship is changing.
    You will have to get a new achievement "Authority".

  3. Svarog
  4. or they died or you have a glitch and you are looking for them in what location
  5. collect 100 thousand maneks and you will get the title of a cool buyer and you can buy from an owl, and look for zombies and they will give one for the lair of bloodsuckers.
Description: Work for the Sultan, make Beard pay interest.
Quest gives: Sultan
Issue conditions: Tempting business passed, with the choice of the desired option.
Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 "Svarog" detectors
Walkthrough: We learn for the Sultan about the latest affairs of the Beard. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact "Compass". You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. That one’s roof went completely on the flood and he gives the artifact away just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he says that you need to start working for the Beard and get the detectors that he distributes to his stalkers. We take a task from the Beard to extract an artifact, we wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the marks, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it's up to you), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. It remains only to make Beard work for the Sultan.
Tips: This task spoils relations with the Beard, so think before doing it.


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