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To get a better understanding of the technique of speed reading, sign up for face-to-face courses, however, you can learn to read faster and on your own.

Improve your reading technique and you can spend less time reading documents that you used to spend a lot of time on. Follow these tips and you'll save time reading.

If you want to evaluate a child's reading speed, this can be done using a metronome and a small instruction.
  1. First, select a text unfamiliar to your child.
  2. First turn on the metronome at low speed.
  3. Aim for the child to read one word with each beat of the metronome.
  4. Increase the speed of the metronome gradually until the child begins to stutter. There is certain limit speed..

If you decide to teach your child speed reading, do not forget that such activities can harm the child. Until the age of 14, it is advisable not to be too zealous in speed reading classes. The most important thing at first is to teach the child to clearly and clearly pronounce the words. The speed with which the child perceives information is as close as possible to colloquial speech. If you hurry, then most likely most of the information will not be remembered or will be perceived incorrectly.

Expanding the angle of view

Types of Reading Regular Literature

  • Leisurely reading - for example, stories.
  • Pre-reading. When do you need to submit a document?
  • Speed ​​reading.
  • Slow reading. Close study of the text is persecuted - for example, the study of legal documents.

How to quickly read a book in speed reading mode

  • Study the introduction to each chapter, read the last page of each chapter.
  • View the table of contents. Get an idea of ​​the content of the book before reading it.
  • Read the chapters that interest you from the fifth to the tenth. Pay attention to the examples and highlights in the text.
  • View the subject index. Understand the thesaurus and concepts covered in the document. Decide how much the content of the document copies the content of previously read books
  • Study the author's examples. How many examples are repeated? Do you get the impression that the author stole the contents of the book
  • Write a review for a book or a review for an author.
  • Look at the passages of the text that you found to be particularly important.
  • Read the introduction.

If you are studying a reference book, then you need to read selected passages. Therefore, this strategy of reading the text is quite useful.

How to read documents

First of all, look at the places in the text where conclusions are defined. And then read the document. Don't waste your time.

  • Study the presentation of the text, the first few paragraphs of the review, the introductory part, .
  • Read the conclusion or a few final paragraphs.
  • Review carefully the sections that seemed to you the most important.

Scanning reading. Using the subconscious during speed reading.

When a person reads quickly, he understands not individual words, but whole phrases.

scan the page with a diagonal eye movement. As soon as you feel that you have found something interesting, then move on to thoughtful reading.

Field notes.

Take notes. Formulate questions to the author of the document. You do not waste time, but rather use it wisely. Thanks to the notes and formulated questions, the read text is fixed in the mind. If the text and new information has been revised, then it is no longer necessary to return to it.

In the process of studying the document, mark important places with a marker, underline key phrases.

Reading is a truly essential skill for life, and it is not for nothing that it is given such attention in elementary school. Now that you are a businessman, a manager, a leader, a father, a mother, or just an adult, your ability to read effectively is even more important for success than in elementary school. We suggest testing your reading speed, and then discussing ways to increase it.

Most likely, your income mainly depends on intellectual labor, and not physical labor, that is, the brain is more important to you than the muscles. And your main competitive advantage- the acquisition of new knowledge: the ability not only to keep up with the rest, but to get ahead of them. However, if you are like 99% of our clients, then you are reading these words the same way you read books in sixth grade. Your method, reading speed, and reading comprehension percentage have remained the same since then.

It's not your fault. It's not laziness or lack of ability; it's just that you haven't been taught how to use reading tools in a very long time. You may have had literature classes in high school or college, but they mostly consisted of discussing books you read on your own. You were not taught to read correctly. Let's see what this led to.

Reading speed: test

It's time to do a little exercise to assess your starting reading speed. Copy the text of any article, select a part of it, consisting of 500 words, and print it. You will also need a pen and a device for measuring time - any stopwatch will do. Set it to 0, then go to the beginning of the article. Don't race; read as you read these words now. Reade set Go!

Use the table to determine your reading speed.

Your time Words/min
0:10 3125
0:20 1515
0:30 1000
0:40 750
0:50 600
1:00 500
1:10 470
1:20 375
1:30 333
1:40 300
1:50 272
2:00 250
2:10 230
2:20 215
2:30 200
2:40 187
2:50 177
3:00 167
3:10 158
3:20 150
3:30 143
3:40 136
3:50 130
4:00 125
4:10 120
4:20 115
4:30 111
4:40 107
4:50 103
5:00 100

What does your score mean

Let's figure out what speed says about your ability to read. Please remember that this indicator does not reflect your character or intelligence. If your reading speed is below average, it does not mean that you are worse than the average person. You just read slowly. I want to please you: whatever your initial data turns out to be, you can significantly improve it. So let's see what your score means.

Less than 200 wpm- speed below average; It means that your reading is accompanied by pronunciation. At that speed, you're like reading aloud to yourself. You mentally pronounce each word. Your lips are probably moving, even if you don't notice it. This has its upside: you read very carefully and believe that understanding is much more important than speed. But there is a downside: it takes a lot of time to read, and slow reading does not necessarily improve understanding.

200-300 wpm— the average speed for both adults and sixth graders. You have learned well to read one word at a time. It would seem logical, but the way your eyes move as you read is such that this method limits your speed. Plus, you probably have a couple of other undesirable habits that tire your eyes and brain faster than reading faster.

300-450 wpm- the speed is above average, and two conclusions can be drawn here. First, you as a reader can be called a thinker. You don't have to mentally spell every word, your eyes move a little faster, and you're probably thinking about what you're reading. You make connections between ideas and/or actively recycle material. In addition, you probably read a lot - out of love or out of necessity. It is only through this extensive practice that you read a little faster than the average person.

Over 450 wpm considered to be "adjusted" indicator. You consciously or unconsciously use techniques that allow you to perceive two or more words at the same time, and / or do not try to read each word separately.

The fastest readers in the world have a constant rate of 5-10 thousand words per minute, and understanding is almost perfect. I know it sounds crazy; but the potential of human thought is truly amazing. Do you need to read 10,000 words per minute? Probably not. But imagine how your efficiency would change if you just doubled your reading speed while maintaining the same level of comprehension.

The Concept of “Gears” in “Reasonable Reading”

There is a useful idea of ​​"gears" when reading, just like driving a car. Sometimes you need to read very methodically and in detail: for example, you have a report or an agreement in front of you that you need to understand. Sometimes you need to get more general information: for example, if you are already well versed in the topic.

To read like an adult, you need the ability to improve your reading speed depending on the situation. When you're driving, a low gear is ideal for passing school at 20 km/h, but on the motorway, it can break you down. Starting from the sixth grade, the majority reads only in one "transmission" - the first. By learning how to use higher "gears" when reading, you will create new opportunities for yourself.

Three Reading Habits You Can Break

To provide higher gears, you first need to be aware of what is slowing you down. If you can read anything at all, you are doing three habitual actions in the process, sometimes without realizing it. By reducing any (or all) of these habits, you will greatly increase your attention, speed, and reading comprehension.

  1. Distraction (thought wandering). Have you ever realized at the end of a page or chapter that you don’t remember anything from what you read? The reason is that you are distracted. Strange: the eyes moved across the page, but the brain was busy with ... what? Who knows! The problem is that reading comprehension turned out to be zero, and you had to read again!

In some cases, this habit is useful. When your mind finds a connection in the reading with another topic, which it then moves on to, this is actually very good. When, while reading, thoughts simply wander somewhere far away, there is nothing good.

The main “cure” for this habit is simple: move faster! Your mind is distracted mainly due to boredom. If he is able to easily absorb, say, twice as much as now (and this is true), then he will find additional use for these reserves. The brain will really like it if you challenge it to increase speed, and it will be more attentive. This will dramatically increase the understanding of the material.

  1. Regression (return). When reading any material, almost everyone regularly goes back and reread what they have just learned. This can be seen by following the eyes of the reader. Most of the time we don't even realize it! Naturally, the regression process greatly slows down reading and is usually not needed.
  2. Subvocalization (mental pronunciation). The third habit to correct is called subvocalization. It is the pronunciation of each word in the mind. The reading speed does not exceed the speed of oral speech: about 150 words / min.

In fact, subvocalization is convenient when reading works in a genre where it is necessary to “hear” the words. This category includes Scripture, dialogues and poetry. Other times, subvocalization slows down the reading and you waste a lot of extra effort.

The best way to eliminate this habit (and all three) is to use your eyes and/or hands (the tools of "intelligent reading") more actively and more consciously, learn to use the visual centers of the brain more than the auditory ones. We will tell you how to do this.

Comment on the article "Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits"

Section: Education (copying habits). Copying bad habits. Greetings to all forum members. I really ask for your advice. I'm already down. There are two main ways to do this. Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits.

Reading speed - for work and not only. Reading speed: test. It's time to do a little exercise to evaluate your We have an educational center for elementary school, there is a reading technique program, but the main emphasis is not only on speed ...

How to improve reading speed? How to learn to read fast. In the gymnasium where my friend's son studied, tables were used to practice reading teaching Teaching reading: where to start if the child is 3-5 years old. Mom's tricks: how to teach a child to read.

How to learn to read fast. Speed ​​reading or read quickly. Now, in 1 month, the reading speed has increased from 80 words to 100, English has become easier to read, and I began to read with pleasure. Reading technique - normal? How to learn to read fast. Discussion.

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Adult reading speed test: test. How to learn speed reading: the possibilities of the brain and bad habits. You will also need a pen and a device for measuring time - suitable ...

Slow reading speed affects everything else. On the speed of preparation of lessons, on understanding, on writing too (because so when did your children begin to read quickly (not in syllables)? At what age? Did they read at the time they entered school and how fluently?

I myself was interested in checking how fast a preschool daughter reads, in order to understand whether it is normal or not. Compared with the norms of class 1. True, for the purity of the experiment, it would be nice to take the texts the same as in grade 1, otherwise we took the first book that came across - about ...

Reading speed is not checked. The main thing is to read a LOT and WITH PLEASURE! I didn’t check my reading speed at the age of 5, but she read children’s texts almost at the level of an adult. Mine read and read just as quickly, and just from the age of 5, but there are no problems and ...

Test and three bad habits. About reading. I suppose that to scare and send to the head teacher - they can hardly leave it for the second year. This applies not only to reading, but everyone reads A differently, in our class there are those who read 14 words, my son reads 40, there are several children who ...

Speed ​​reading or read quickly. Now, in 1 month, the reading speed has increased from 80 words to 100, English has become easier to read, and I began to read with pleasure. speed reading. I learned speed reading at the age of 10, I use it only if I need to quickly run through a boring Discussion.

Before the upcoming admission to school, I decided to check the child's reading speed. I took reading tests and forced Natasha to read. the first text is 79 words per minute, the second is 81 words. See other discussions: 3 reasons to learn to read quickly.

at school, 2 types of reading are checked: expressive - this is when with feeling, sensibly, with speed reading or we read quickly. Now, in 1 month, the reading speed has increased from 80 words to Pro reading speed. Reading technique according to the norm of 100 words. The girl wants to learn...

We are in high school, 2nd grade. Reading technique according to the norm of 100 words. But we now check not only the speed of reading, but also the perception of the text How to learn to read quickly. In the gymnasium where my friend's son studied, tables were used to practice reading techniques ...

Test and three bad habits. The reading standard is grade 1 and what will happen if you do not pass. Here the teacher gave us the standards, at the end of the year For 5 it is more than 40 words For 4 it is 31-40 words For 3 it is 25-30 words For 2 it is less than 25 words. About reading speed. Reading technique according to the norm 100 ...

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Use the table to determine your reading speed. I learned speed reading at the age of 10, I use it only if I need to quickly run through a boring Discussion. We have a second class of 70 words and more than 5.

Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. The concept of "transmissions" in "reasonable reading". To content. Reading speed: test. It's time to do a little exercise to assess your starting reading speed.

reading speed in grade 1. The teacher checked the speed of the class. 3 reasons to learn to read quickly. For adults and children from 13 years old. Usually, by the end of elementary school, children develop a stable basic reading skill one word at a time.

Test and three bad habits. I read (with my first child) about methods of teaching reading in whole words. And once I complained that in the first grade he had a reading speed of 2-3 words per minute. :) It did not fit into any standards.

Reading errors happen, but not many. Included in the third of the best, however, only in reading. There are children reading and 20 characters. They are to blame Reading speed - for work and not only. Test and three bad habits. Use the table to determine your reading speed.

Reading speed - important indicator not only for schoolchildren, who regularly check it. It is very important for an adult in the modern world to be able to navigate in huge flows of information. A reading speed test will help you determine your current level and see if you need to work on improving this skill or if you are reading fluently enough.

How to check reading speed?

The easiest way is to take a stopwatch (you can use the application on your phone), a text to check your reading speed and read it at a normal pace for one minute. It is important that the text is non-technical, does not contain highly specialized terms and concepts, and is not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The testee must see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially inflated.

But, what do you care about speed, if you don’t understand with what awareness you absorb the text? :)

Much The best way find out what your reading speed is - use the free online test. To do this, sit back, enter your name in the form above, press the button and you will immediately see the text that you need to read, slowly, trying to understand everything that is written.

When all the text is read - click on the button at the very bottom. The program will automatically determine the reading speed and prompt you to answer a few questions to understand the degree of assimilation of the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your reading speed and awareness, but also recommendations for improving your reading technique in the format of the book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask." Enter a name. Click the button and find out real speed reading. Have a good day.

An ordinary crow descended on the chimney, the same as all the other crows in March: with a mud-splattered tail and ruffled nape. Winter made her forget about self-respect, about the toilet, and by truth or by crook she hardly got her daily bread. By the way, today she was lucky. She held a large piece of bread in her beak. Sitting down, she looked around suspiciously: are there any children nearby? Then she looked around the nearest fences, trees, rooftops: there might be other crows there. But troubles, it seems, were not foreseen. So, you can eat! The crow put a chunk on the edge of the pipe, stepped on it with both paws and began to hammer. And after another blow with a beak, a large lump of crumb jumped out from under the paws and rolled along the slope of the roof. The bread did not fall to the ground; halfway through, it caught on the ribbed seam that connects the roofing sheets. Having finished pecking the remains, the crow decided to eat the fallen piece. But this turned out to be no easy task. The roof was pretty steep. Her paws slid over the iron, she rode down, braking with her outstretched tail. She did not like traveling in this way, she took off and sat on the gutter. From here the crow tried to get the bread again. Helping herself with her wings, she finally reached the middle of the ramp. But what is? The bread is gone! I looked back, looked up - the roof is empty! (E. Nosov)

The modern world is so overflowing with information, how not to drown in it and still have time to process and remember this information? will help!
Let's check how fast you are reading now:
Timed for 1 minute.

Count the number of characters read (multiply the number of characters in one line by the number of lines).

Speed ​​test:

...So I made another important discovery: his home planet is all the size of a house! However, this did not surprise me too much. I knew that in addition to such large planets as Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, there are hundreds of others, and among them are so small that it is difficult to see them even with a telescope. When an astronomer discovers such a planet, he does not give it a name, but simply a number. For example: asteroid 3251.

I have good reason to believe that the Little Prince came from a planet called Asteroid B-612. This asteroid was seen through a telescope only once, in 1909, by a Turkish astronomer.

The astronomer then reported on his remarkable discovery at the International Astronomical Congress. But no one believed him, and all because he was dressed in Turkish. Such people these adults!

Fortunately for the reputation of the asteroid B-612, the Turkish Sultan ordered his subjects to wear European dress on pain of death. In 1920, that astronomer again reported his discovery. This time he was dressed in the latest fashion, and everyone agreed with him.

I told you in such detail about the asteroid B-612 and even gave its number only because of the adults. Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognized the person. When you say to adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

In the same way, if you tell them: “Here is the evidence that the Little Prince really existed: he was very, very nice, he laughed, and he wanted to have a lamb. And whoever wants a lamb, he certainly exists, ”if you tell them so, they will only shrug their shoulders and look at you like an unintelligent baby. But if you tell them: "He came from a planet called asteroid B-612," this will convince them, and they will not bother you with questions. Such people are these adults. You shouldn't be angry with them. Children should be very indulgent towards adults ...

Have you read? Have you counted?

The norm of an average reading person = 800 characters per minute ... This speed is quite enough to read a book in a few evenings. And if you need to read very quickly and thoughtfully?

Can you now answer the following questions regarding the content of the text:

  1. In what year was the asteroid B-612 discovered?
  2. Who discovered this asteroid?
  3. What did the Turkish sultan order his subjects under pain of death?
  4. What was the Turkish astronomer wearing?
  5. Who did the little prince want?


But the speed of reading and memorization can be increased several times, in just a few days.
To do this, you need to take several steps:

  • 1 step: You need to firmly decide how much you really want to learn this and overcome the psychological barrier “I CAN!”, “I NEED! AND I WILL DO IT!"
  • 2 step: You will understand the reasons that slow down the speed of reading:
    - Get rid of the regression.
    - Learn not to pronounce the information you read, to turn off the articulation.
  • 3 step: You will expand the boundaries of your peripheral vision, i.e. the covered page margin will increase from 20% to 80%.
  • 4 step: You already know how to read by moving your eyes along the line from left to right. And it turns out there is different ways readings that allow you to read not line by line, but diagonally, in paragraphs and completely covering the entire page.
  • 5 step: You will learn the secrets of speed reading (algorithms speed reading and concentration exercises).
  • 6 step: You will master the techniques of memorization.
  • 7 step: You will learn how to select key information from the text (and it is only 20% in any text) and concentrate all attention on it.

At the same time, learn how to make BACKGROUND SUMMARY or BRAIN MAP, which will make it easier to remember the text you read.

To complete and implement all these 7 steps, just 3 lessons are enough to understand how this technique works and learn how to use it. Further, it's all a matter of practice - the more the better ... Saving money and saving strength. And by the end of the 3rd lesson, you will be able to track and notice clearly!
SPEED READING TRAINING can be started from the age of 12.

I advise you to take speed reading trainings after completing eidetic trainings, when the brain is already ready for quick perception of information, and you already have sufficient skills to concentrate and memorize.
In total, for 10 lessons, you are a GENIUS!

Pass in the mode of 3 days in a row, in.
At the end of the training, students receive diplomas and materials with simulators for individual work.

Underline all C, circle all Ⓐ, cross out all N:

Mermaids live in water. I would also like to live in the water. I feel like I was a mermaid. But it must have been a dream.

Underline all O, circle all Ⓚ, cross out all B:


Autumn is over. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the black earth with a white fluffy carpet. How beautiful are the trees and bushes covered with snow! There is silence in the forest.
Suddenly a branch snapped. It was a hare that ran and disappeared behind a snowdrift.




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  2. Apfypandassmiteblbdzubrsamptokotlb
  3. dbusobakamoiiimvutsklinkonchsmipyrtodel
  4. evyotmpyrtlninocerosompyrtogneshekalmirzh
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  6. tolbditchyavyskaevkuksmsavpomonkeyasamcha
  7. vtktjorgnekushnkkunitsaschawmpechangesmvp
  8. Ekukozaimpaeirtabarsukschwmprietorgbyktm
  9. paekntirnebcowimpaeunrvoycrotympane
  10. rttirzayaztismamvppvotipvolktiialtil




Find the words among the letters "Animals".

  1. vfvyavpapanrecrozatioranrauunivamasti
  2. msavpverbamimthioribereandthorolodmushroom
  3. rmsavpveunichsosnaimpaitrocactustorgnla
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  5. loimpptorchamomileimparknovaolhatirpnkt
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  7. apmukhomorimpakrtiolshpogankatmrankshi
  8. ktitirshishmiaaeeeknpkedrimpartouyatirpn
  9. svchmiapirelliparkessyroezhkatirnaeksnegeg
  10. savkucysrvsageimparenchestnutirane


Trot Ichetul Tokavr Odd


Find the words among the letters "School supplies".

  1. yachsmiburpenpencilfivaproljapencils
  2. vaprolgeyachsmithbyumelfyvaproljjauke
  3. ngpenalachsmithbukleyfwaproljetenotebook
  4. ffyva
  5. pfywapropapkaytsukengshrubberfywaproll
  6. dpartafyvaproljestulfyvaproljayisis
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  9. mpimrptchessvpsiarenraranetsmsaparp
  10. aneraolemspairvoblogimrpnetalbuml


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