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Breathing exercises and voice training. Blow out the candle. Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle. Imagine that there are 3 candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths. Blow out each candle. Imagine that you have a birthday cake in front of you. It has a lot of small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as possible with as many short breaths as possible.

Spray your laundry with water. Deep breath and imitation of splashing water on the laundry. AT flower shop. Imagine that you have come to a flower shop and smelled the delicious aroma of flowering plants. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. (2-3 times.)

Bear cubs. Imagine that you are little bear cubs and ask mother bears eat. Words must be pronounced drawlingly, in bass, clearly pronouncing (m). Mom, honey for us, mom, milk for us. In the elevator. Imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa. We go first from the first to the ninth, and then down. Pen in teeth. Write your name silently in the air. Speak your name while holding the pen between your teeth and lips.

A set of deformed sentences. 1. carefully pass a car standing by 2. gave porridge to Masha with our manna 3. in summer one and in winter in color 4. fishermen catch fish fishing 5. my friends came to me for a holiday 6. grandfather, Frost had a beautiful light sleigh 7. favorite my tree is a white birch 8. strawberries bloomed in our garden 9. we took the train to the station 10. an icy, steep and long slide was

Search in the text for given words: 1-3 words are given, which the child must find in the text as quickly as possible. At first, these words are presented visually, later - by ear. It is desirable that the words occur several times in the text. Having found them, the child can underline or circle them.

Hide and seek: The host starts reading not from the beginning, but anywhere, naming only the page, the partner must find and adapt to the reading of the host. If several children are playing, then they are very happy when they are the first to find the paragraph that the presenter reads. Imaginary word: An adult pronounces a word incorrectly during reading, a child interrupts reading and reads a word with a correction. This type of reading is attractive in that they have the opportunity to correct an adult, which raises his own authority and gives confidence in his abilities.

Reading at the pace of a tongue twister Children work out a clear and correct, and most importantly, quick reading of the text. The endings of words should not be "swallowed by the child, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part of the text The student reads a passage of the text, then we explain to the child as follows: "Now, read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively. Your student reads the passage to the end, but the adult does not stop him. The child passes to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here a small miracle occurs. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times and has developed an increased reading rate here, continues to read it in the same increased His capacity is not enough for a long time, but if such exercises are carried out daily, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase.In two to three weeks, the child's reading will noticeably improve.

Na-us-san-sap-carried-sat No-no-her-her-nem-nim No-beggar-niv-new-leg-noy But-not-ton-toi-tor-thin Oh-boy-fights- my-might-mol Om-som-lom-tom-com-pom He-sleep-con-ton-it-they Os-ost-hundred-dos-dom-om From-lot-pot-mot-tot-mouth Ooh -moh-fly-ooh-ah-ah-mah Osh-bosh-bot-god-bok-dock

Reading single-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word (4th group of blocks): Block badge bark gaze VGIK vzhik Vlip at once doctor harm all technical college Where stupid count rook sin vulture Jazz days of days bustard friend waited Priest ringing evil sign heat nibble Cry club beak klak kma key

Reading words and phrases up to three syllables (8 group of blocks) Infernal Danishhome Action money artist Role dibazolassortment Knowledge waterfreeman Fever freeze bishop Frost swinghorses Box basketmachine Matter copperanteater Society embitterederror

Practicing diction It is useful to start with one line of the tongue twister and add a new one at each lesson. To work out a clear pronunciation, only one new line is offered, while the amount of reading material increases (2,3,4 lines). Because during 3-4 lessons, reading a tongue twister begins with a text familiar to the children, then when moving to an unfamiliar new line, the pace of reading is maintained. Such reading is called "with a running start."

From under Kostroma, from under Kostromishchi, Senka Sanka and Sonya are being carried on a sled. It’s lucky and pours in tongue twisters: they say, a black grouse was sitting on a tree, from the tree is the shadow of a black grouse; they say, don’t look for a goose’s mustache, you won’t find it; they say, what is Savva, such is the glory. He spoke quickly, spoke quickly, and so all the tongue twisters and did not over-speak.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field - a woman rides from the city, carries news from three boxes: they say, the fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese; they say, Prokop came to boil his dill; they say, the Potto spouses played loto. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Whoever brings news, that would be a day of lashes for two hundred.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter, three priests walked, three Procopius priests, three Prokopyevichs, walked, walked, suddenly in front of them a river was wide, like the Oka, but not the Oka. And on the other side there is a priest on a horse, a cap on the priest, a mop under the priest, a priest under the cap. The priests saw, the priests opened their mouths, the priests screamed, the priests ran. Fear has big eyes - a frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt, just whey from yogurt, and he told everyone that, they say, I’m a daredevil, well done, I ate jelly, and thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese, but one pie with mushrooms, but one with giblets ... He chatted, chatted, grinded, grinded, his tongue was chattering, but his head did not know

Shadow-shadow-sweat, wattle fence above the city. Listen, who is not too lazy, a fairy tale about a beautiful girl, Malanya-babbler, who chatted milk, blurted out, but didn’t blurt out, but gave Romasha whey from yogurt. But Romasha has his own mind: he didn’t eat, but he sat at the table, it flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth! Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for us!

You can’t tell with your tongue, you can’t stick your finger, there’s nothing to argue with your hands, if God hasn’t given your mind, your mind is not red, and if you move your tongue, then speak a tongue twister after a tongue twister. It is necessary to speak all tongue twisters, re-speak, and then speak as if you were murmuring a river.

Our Filat is never to blame, our Filat is always to blame for Malanya, his forehead is like a shovel, but his mind is not rich. It will go, it won’t reach, it will sit down and take a nap, but it won’t take a nap, so at least it will snort and whistle, whistle and wake up, wake up and curl up again: they say, I’m not me, and the horse is not mine. This is how they live: they are not good for themselves, and they are not good for people either. A set of tongue twisters selected by I.T. Fedorenko: 1. The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall. 2. Speak, speak, but do not talk. 3. Geese are chirping up the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain. 4. Our head will overhead your head, overhead. 5. Our duda and back and forth. 6. The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten.

If we analyze the performance of 5th grade students, we can conclude that the best students were children who, at the end of primary education, had a reading speed within words per minute. On average, about 150 words per minute. Those who became good students had a reading technique of 100 to 140 words per minute. The average is 120 words per minute. C students had a word-per-minute reading speed—approximately, of course. Such is the pattern.

Speed ​​reading is the ability to read textual information at an accelerated pace. Usually, speed reading is considered to be an increase in reading speed of 3-10 Speed ​​reading is the ability to read text
information at an accelerated pace. Usually,
speed reading is considered an increase in speed
reading 3-10 times. This means that in one trip
in a trolley bus, a trained reader can
read a 100 page book.

Almost every text is redundant

Almost every text is redundant
Redundancy observed
at the construction level
building chapters (authors
allow repetition in
introduction, conclusion)
Redundancy of text
seen on
letter level. (For example, sl
udlt z txt glasn bkv, then
this text will
easy to read.)

Due to the redundancy in the text, speed reading is possible.

Redundancy is seen in
material delivery level.
We can see redundancy in
authors level.
Due to the redundancy in the text,
abbreviation is possible.

Deep Reading Strategy

What strategies does a fast reader use?

Search for alternative reputable
sources (not limited to the first
the book that came across).
Review reading (reading for
familiarization with the text) - book
viewed from the fifth to the tenth and
evaluated according to certain criteria.
Deep Reading
Learning information

What are the techniques and speed reading techniques?

First, as a rule, before reading,
a clear task is set: What to look for? How
it looks? How will this help in
future? What other possibilities
obtaining information exist? After all
a clear statement of the problem is 50%

Second, a fast reader
looking for clues:
Reading silently (without internal
text articulation)
Using a Wide Angle
vision (information analysis is not
only at the level of words, but also
line or paragraph level)
Proper preparation to reading
(clear statement of the problem)

What causes slow reading?

Research shows that
97% of readers put off once started
30% of people lose interest in a book and
don't go back to her.
84% of specialists do not have time
read specialized magazines.

What happens during short reading?

your brains on
sticks turn on full
You hear the author's voice. The words
illuminate brightly and convexly.
You sort through the rubble of books
You are a fast reader. You
delighted with what's the matter,
which has been put off for so long
turned out to be easy and simple.

What should be done to increase reading speed?

Have a wide enough field of view.
Read without speaking text
Read without returning eye movements.

The brain is used to working fast. He easily and simply solves charades

hmua, aumh-tsakuhoto,
oohnpcheozole grub!
boorishly plowed,
auhm every kuden lshana.
shlpoa hamu na azrba
and klupia sovaram:
<рихтподие, кыантара,
I'm asv chema whoo!>

We read not in words, but in meanings

Let's tear the text into strips and move them vertically

Try to read without vowels
In words_is_<лишние буквы>, there are some words in the text. Put
a strip of paper on the book so that the strip covers 4-6 letters, (__ es_b
You can't miss one word per line). Try to read.
Most likely, the comprehension of the text will remain at the same_level as if
You read_t_kst, not covered by a strip of paper. This example says _
that the text_about_a_aet some and_redundant_st_yu. When __enia is not at all
it is obligatory_o to enter into each letter and _every with_o__. Part _catch
can_o just op_s_at. After preparation, text_ given
training, some_words_you_can't_read, but this is not
fails to understand text. _R_l_ phology in_quick reading
_Try_ to convince_ yourself that every word has<лишние>b_kva, and in
each read has extra words, and your reading_speed
will increase. Many authors, before _zlag_t su_b, must _break
psycho_ogical ice_of_pre_deliberation_by _solution to one's_m

Shuffle letters

loTko erp, imagine that weakening the Vanyk
shortening your brains by magic
chalopki will join you in full yy listen
See the logo of the tvaora olSwa are highlighted brightly and
awareness of new opportunities you aazbirrete
Book titles and textbooks Instructions coding –
all this okvzaaetsya in semte where you fuck
read inkgi you quickly read you in
vtsorge from the fact that the case is so short
put aside akazolos easy and simple
short read - something or

Learn the secrets of speed reading! Every day one more step to be successful!!! 

SUCCESSFUL!!! summary of other presentations

"Working with gifted children on literature" - Imagination. Fantastic analogy. Presentation of didactic material. D. Diderot. Tale of the Three Giants. Fairy tale "Oil fish". Rescue of heroes. Write a story based on a given set of words. L.N. Tolstoy. symbolic analogy. Brainstorm. Changing the habitual relationship between the heroes of fairy tales. I get lucky. Stages of development of creative imagination. Metaphors. directory method. Cognitive universal learning activities.

"Working program on reading" - Reading in the years of childhood is, first of all, education with the heart. Explanatory note. "A life-affirming story" Purpose of the program. Program for 2009 - 2010 academic year. "Introduction to Educational Books" Expected results. Happy Reading School. "Meet the book of the hero of the day." "A good storyteller from Denmark." "Creativity of the poetess Yu. Moritz". Happy Reading School. Theme: "Hour of funny stories."

"Creativity on literature" - Creative thinking. Development of creative abilities. Works. Acceptance of lesson integration. Socialization. Yes, there is a fire, people are scary, but go ahead. Conditions for the development of creativity. Introduction to literature. Students learn to retell. Life skills.

"Reading Skill" - Let's teach to read. Reading. Schulte tables. Developed reading skills. Correct reading. Types of work for the formation of reading skills. Exercises for the development of reading technique. expressiveness. Exercises to understand the meaning of what is read. Optimal reading technique. Dynamic reading. Digital. Dynamics of reading speed. Methods and techniques of work on the formation of reading skills. The technical side of reading.

"Development of reading skills" - The development of conscious reading in schoolchildren. Visual dictations. Dependency of student achievement elementary school on writing speed. Reading reserves. An example of the task "Photo eye". Mutual check written works. Types of exercises. Reading before bed. Stimulation of students. Examples of assignments for the dissemination of proposals. "Agreement" for the teacher. An example of an exercise. I.T. Fedorenko system. An example of an auditory dictation.

"Productive reading" - Work with the text after reading. Name. Generalization. Experiment. Verification work. Angina. Types of lessons. Review reading. Learning reading. Work with text before reading. Introductory reading. Modern methods of memory development. Actions. Desire to read. Compare the excerpt. The study of the quality of reading. Working with text in Russian language lessons. Working with text while reading. Deep river.

Work to improve reading technique in primary grades.

There is no such teacher who is not interested in teaching all children to read well. Teaching children correct, fluent, conscious, expressive reading is one of the main tasks of primary education. And this task is extremely relevant, since reading plays a huge role in the education, upbringing and development of a person. Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves. Reading skills and abilities are formed not only as the most important type of speech and mental activity, but also as a complex set of skills and abilities of a general educational nature, used by students in the study of all academic subjects, in extracurricular and extracurricular life. According to psychologists, reading speed is the most important factor influencing academic performance. Therefore, systematic, purposeful work on the development and improvement of reading skills from class to class is necessary.

Mastering the skill of reading, children naturally go through certain stages, which differ in psychological content:

I. Mastery of sound-letter designations

On the initial stage When children learn to read, the main burden falls on the processes of decoding printed literal text into oral form. At this stage important role plays the development of the child's visual and auditory memory. The better the visual memory, the faster the child will learn to recognize the letters. The better the auditory memorization, the faster the child will learn to correlate the letter image with the sound expression.

II. By syllable reading

At this stage, an important role is played by the development of the child's analytical and synthetic abilities (analysis and synthesis of thinking). The stage of formation of synthetic reading techniques requires the child to develop mental processes and functions: analysis, synthesis, working memory, stability, switching attention, increasing the field of vision, the child’s general erudition and speech development.

III. Stage of synthetic reading

This is reading in whole words with an increase in reading speed (reading technique). This stage is impossible without the development of the above mental processes, as well as the formation of an expanded field of vision in a child, coordination of eye movements, and arbitrariness of attention. Thus, the process of formation of reading skills in children is influenced by the general mental and physical development. High degree development of attention, memory, thinking, speech can stimulate the skill of reading. Conversely, poor development of one or more mental functions can hinder the successful formation of this skill.

What are the ways and conditions in the development of basic forms, methods that affect the level of development of the reading technique of younger students.

Speed, awareness, expressiveness, as the main characteristics of reading skills, depend on the methods and techniques of work in the classroom that contribute to the development of reading skills.

The development of reading skills will be effective if you choose a system of exercises that activate the attention of students, help you easily read the text and understand what you read (creating a situation of success).

In the system, conduct exercises that contribute to the development of fluent, conscious, expressive reading skills.

Work on the development of the field of vision and RAM.

Take account of individual characteristics children.

How to achieve reading speed, awareness and expressiveness of reading?

Some recommendations have long been known, others are new, the main thing is that they are useful. It is important to creatively use various techniques, exercises, modify and combine them depending on the age and preparation of the class.

The system of training exercises for the formation of reading skills in whole words.

1. Breathing exercises and voice training.

In the book by M.R. Lvov "School of Creative Thinking" in the memo "What you need to be able to speak or read correctly" puts in the first place "the ability to breathe evenly and deeply - to control your breathing" and "the ability to speak loudly, loudly, but without shouting."

Blow out the candle. Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle. Now imagine that there are three candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths as you blow out each candle. Imagine that you have a birthday cake in front of you. It has a lot of small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as you can with as many short breaths as you can.

Spray your laundry with water(in one step, three, five).

Deep breath and imitation of splashing water on linen.

In a flower shop.

Imagine that you have come to a flower shop and smelled the delicious aroma of flowering plants. Take a noisy breath in through your nose and exhale (2-3 times).

Exhale with a count.

Take a deep breath as you exhale count loudly until the air runs out.

Use of tongue twister (in chorus):

Like on a hill on a hill

There are 33 Egorki (deep breath)

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas……(until full exhalation).

It should be noted that after a few sessions there is enough air for more Egoroks.

Bear cubs.

Imagine that you are little bear cubs and ask your mother bear to eat. Words must be pronounced in a long, bass voice, clearly pronouncing the sound m.

Mom, honey for us,

Mom, let's have some milk.

In the elevator.

Imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa. We go first from the first to the ninth,

2. Reading blocks.

This stage is mainly aimed at systemic training of the child's speech apparatus, at the early detection of speech defects, as well as at developing the skill of reading in whole words. The material for the exercises is the most common paired letter combinations in the Russian language and words with such letter combinations. It is divided into groups in such a way as to strictly consistently observe the basic principle of learning from simple to complex. The volume of material for the lesson is 20-25 letter combinations and increases according to the increase in the size of the letter combinations themselves (2, 3, 4, 5, etc.). Letter combinations or blocks are written on the board in a column or row. Various positions on the board contribute to the training of the eye muscles and the development of voluntary attention.

Blocks are written directly during the lesson with the requirement for students to read to themselves as they write. Then the block is read in unison.

3. Practicing diction.

The ability to clearly pronounce sounds and their combinations is achieved in the process of working on tongue twisters. The technique of working with tongue twisters is quite well known: from separate, distinct pronunciation to the most clear, fast. I recommend only highlighting with colored chalk in the recording of tongue twisters the letters denoting the sounds to be worked on, for example:

FROM enka with C Anya carried FROM onka on With ankh.

W la sasha by sh osse and sucked su sh ku.

A set of tongue twisters selected by I.T. Fedorenko

1. The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.

2. Speak, speak, but do not talk.

3. Geese are chirping up the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain.

4. Our head will overhead your head, overhead.

5. Our duda and back and forth.

6. The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten.

7. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

8. Near the hill on the hill stood 33 Yegorkas: one Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas, etc.

9. Three birds fly through three empty huts.

10. In one, Klim, prick a wedge.

11. What is the fiber, so is the fabric

12. He pecks at the cock, smokes the Turk's pipe.

13. Libretto "Rigoletto".

14. Have you watered the lily, have you seen Lydia?

15. The fox runs along the sixth, lick, fox, sand.

16. They tacked ships, tacked, but did not catch them.

It will be useful to start with one line of the tongue twister and add a new one at each lesson. To work out a clear pronunciation, only one new line is offered, while the amount of reading material increases (2, 3, 4 lines). Since during 3-4 lessons the reading of the tongue twister begins with a text familiar to the children. And the guys, “taking a break” (reading the familiar part of the tongue twister), prepared to read the new line at a good pace and without errors.

4. Intonation warm-up.

Often, when demanding expressive reading from the children, the teacher does not name what specific criteria this concept is determined by. Undoubtedly, the concept of "expressive reading" is multifaceted, and the ability to read expressively largely depends on the life experience of children, the formation of emotional education, and the depth of feelings. And, of course, in elementary school, work on the formation of the ability to read expressively is just beginning. I think it is right to start this work with the formation of three skills.

    Choose the desired reading pace (fast, rhythmic or smooth, measured, or a combination of them).

    Place a logical stress in a sentence.

The ability to put logical stress, highlighting a word, a phrase that determines the meaning of the whole sentence, can be practiced on almost any of the poetic texts, inviting the children to highlight the first word in the lines with their voice, then the second, third, fourth. When children learn to confidently put logical stress on the teacher's instructions, you can proceed to an independent search for a logically stressed word. To this end, I propose...

Give me wooden spoon!

How does the meaning of the sentence change?

Conclusion. The stressed vowel determines the spelling of the word, the "logically stressed" word clarifies the meaning of the whole sentence.

5. Field of vision development.

Scientists have proven that when reading, the eyes are in one of two states: stopped or moving. Perception of the text (reading) occurs only when the eyes stop. During eye movement, the text is not perceived. The pace of a child's reading largely depends on the size of the visual field, that is, on the number of words perceived by him during one eye stop and the number of stops. To read faster means to “look wider”, that is, to capture as many words as possible in the field of view. Research by scientists has shown that in order to increase reading speed, it is necessary:

    Reduce the number of eye stops;

    Increase the number of words perceived per fixation.

One of the means of developing the field of vision is game didactic material, namely, numerical and alphabetic cards that can be used in the classroom as gymnastics for the eyes. Working with them does not require much time, but gives good results. First, Schulte tables can be used to expand the field of view of children. Children will train their eyes with enthusiasm, and the results of reading technique will improve.

The main rule of working on the table is this: the eyes should not wander around the table, they look only at the selected square, letter, circle or move in a certain direction, at the same time trying to see to the right, to the left, or everything around.

6. Development of RAM.

Optimal reading is reading at the speed of conversational speech, i.e. at a pace of 120 to 150 words per minute. It is to this speed that the human articulatory apparatus has adapted over many centuries, it is at this speed that a better understanding of the text is achieved.

It has been established that the development of reading technique is often hampered due to poorly developed RAM. Work on its development is carried out with the help of visual dictations. I propose the following option for conducting these dictations: work on the set begins at the reading lesson - reading sentences, speaking in chorus or individually, collective clarification and correction of what was said; at the Russian language lesson, a repeated demonstration of typing on the board and writing the text in a notebook. This method of work ensures maximum literacy when writing set sentences and, as a result, forms a “success situation” in the lesson.

It is important to observe the measure in the amount of material. It is better to start by demonstrating one or two sentences at the same time and gradually increase to five or six.

When the demonstration of the set is brought to six sentences, you can use tasks of increased complexity:

Write the sentences in reverse order;

Write down only the second and fifth sentences;

Write sentences three through six.

Tests of visual dictations developed by I. T. Fedorenko and a system of training exercises for the development of working memory. The book by Vsevolod Nikolaevich Zaitsev gives recommendations on how to develop fluent reading that can work in any conditions.

Techniques and types of exercises for the development of students' reading technique.

1. It is not the duration that is important, but the frequency of training exercises.

Human memory is arranged in such a way that it is remembered not what is constantly before the eyes, but what flickers: that is, that is not. This is what creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to help children learn some skills and bring them to automatism, to the level of skill, we need to do small exercises with us every day, at certain intervals (5 minutes in small portions three times a day, than 1 -1.5 hours of meaningless work that discourages reading).

2. Buzzing reading. What is buzz reading? This is a kind of reading when all students read out loud at the same time, in an undertone, each at their own speed, some faster and some slower. If you take 5 minutes of a lesson, you can achieve certain results (in reading lessons).

3. Weekly five-minute reading.

At the beginning of each lesson, the children open the book and read for 5 minutes in the mode of buzzing reading. This type of work was borrowed from the schools of the Mongolian People's Republic.

4. Reading before bed. It gives good results. The fact is that the last events of the day are fixed by emotional memory, and those eight hours when a person sleeps, he is under their impression.

5. Gentle reading mode (if the child does not like to read).

The child reads one or two lines and after that gets a short rest.

6. Repeated reading.

Within 1 minute, students read the text in an undertone, after which they mark to which word they managed to read. Then follows, re-reading the same passage, the student again notes to which word he has read and compares with the first result. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more. Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions students, they want to read again. However, the same passage should not be read more than three times. It is better to change the task and practice the articulatory apparatus on the same passage, i.e. use the following exercises, the Fedorenko-Palchenko system (reading at the pace of a tongue twister).

7. Acceptance of stimulating students.

At the end of the lesson, leave 3-4 minutes for self-measurement of reading. Reading for one minute in an undertone, recounting and writing in a diary (daily). Useful special games that contribute to the development of memory, the development of sustained attention.

8. "Lips". To tightly compressed lips, children put the finger of their left hand (no sound). On the command "Aloud", the children remove their finger and read the text. The command is given several times.

9. "Tug 1". The teacher reads aloud to the children to himself. The teacher stops, the students show the word where the teacher stopped.

10. "Tug 2". One student runs his finger over the text, reading to himself, and the other reads aloud, trying to catch up with the student.

11. "Lightning". Alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed available to the child. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out at the command of the teacher "Lightning" and lasts up to twenty seconds.

"Jumps". Reading through a word, through two words, through three words.

12. "Filling in the gaps of words in a sentence." A printed text is presented with missing letters, syllables, words. Gaps are marked with spaces, dots, or glue words in a sentence. Filling in gaps contributes to quick reading and internal analysis of the whole word, sentence. The exercise develops the ability to take into account the context of each word in a sentence, looking ahead, which is typical of a well-formed reading skill.

13. "Hide and Seek". Finding a word with a certain attribute in the text.

14. "Scan". For 20-30 seconds, students “run through” the text with their eyes in search of important information.

16. "Trap" (a teacher or a well-read student reads a familiar text and replaces some words with synonyms; students look for a replacement)

Original text. This Vyushka is a cheerful dog, everyone likes it: ears are like horns, a tail with a ring, white teeth like garlic.

Correct. Joyful dog Curl, everyone likes: ears upright, tail in a semicircle, teeth as white as onions.

17. "Anagrams"

Lines of letters are written on the sheets, whole words are “hidden” between the letters, they need to be found. The exercise of alternate reading of words is normal and vice versa. With this reading, the first word is read from left to right, the second word is read from right to left, and so on. Example: Mama alipuk picture. During this exercise, the child develops the idea that ordinary reading is a relatively simple, feasible task.

On the example of an excerpt from the story "Upstart"

Nshaa hotoinchia cabaso, kayla came to us with Biya's gobbere, and in this case it's bisirkois kire and we call her eybi.

18. Using Schulte tables /30 seconds/

The teacher notes the time (30 seconds), and the children count from 1 to 30, while looking for the numbers in the table and showing them. With the frequent use of these tables, the time is reduced, the account can be kept in reverse order, i.e. from 30 to 1, you can exchange tables, because children learn the arrangement of numbers.

Schulte table

      19. Exercises for the development of reading technique (work on the table of words Misarenko G.G. (manual Misarenko G.G. "Didactic material for the development of reading technique in elementary school") (table attached)

The method of Misarenko G.G. is aimed at eliminating one of the main causes of difficulties in reading: insufficient formation of reading technique.

The author of the technique offers material for developing the ability to quickly and correctly read words of various syllabic structures. Systematic exercises in reading this material lead to the automation of the perception of "operational reading units". This increases the speed of reading and provides a quick understanding of the meaning. readable words.

From group to group, the structure of the word becomes more complicated.

The methodological guide can be used for individual and group work.

At the beginning of each lesson, children are offered a warm-up:

1) students read "for themselves" during the time set by the teacher;

2) students read a given number of words in a chain;

3) children unite in pairs and read words or phrases to each other in turn, 1-2 words one student, 1-2 words another;

4) children read in chorus.

5) students read "for themselves", ticking unfamiliar words, after the warm-up time, vocabulary work is carried out.

To the columns of words of the first group, the teacher offers tasks:

    Read a given number of words in a chain, for example. each 3 words.

    Pair work. Read the words to each other in turn - 1-2 words.

    Find and read among the words read family members.

    Read in a whisper, aloud only those words that end with the letter o.

20. Reception of repeated reading. Double measurement of reading technique. /Children begin to read the text from the very beginning/. When reading multiple times, keep in mind that different students in the class have different reading speeds. Therefore, one should not set the passage of the same length, it is better to focus on the same period of time.

It is done like this. After the beginning of a new story is read by the teacher and understood by the children, the teacher suggests that everyone start reading at the same time and continue it for one minute. After that, each of the students notes to what place he has read. This is followed by a second reading of the same passage of text. After that, the student again notices to which word he has read, and compares it with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more /someone for 2 words, someone for 5, and someone for 15/. Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in children, they want to read again. However, this should not be done more than three times, but it is better to exercise the articulatory apparatus on this piece of text.

    21. Reading the first and last syllables on a line. ( Exercise to develop the angle of view)

    22. Reading the same passage at the pace of a tongue twister.

When reading sentences at the pace of a tongue twister, one should not pay attention to the expressiveness of reading; one cannot set two mutually exclusive tasks at the same time. This exercise is intended only for the development of the articulatory apparatus, therefore the requirements for the expressiveness of reading are lowered here, but increased for the clarity of reading the end of words. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by the students, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

23. "Folding sentences from halves of words." (work in pairs)

This exercise develops the ability to guess from a single fragment about the whole word as a whole and immediately confirm it with the missing fragment. In addition, a setting is formed for a letter-by-letter analysis of the word .

1 What will you do with the ducklings?

2 It was here that the guys saw the children and they were wearing hats behind the seams.

3 And children, and return them all to her!

24. "Head-tail"

25. "Throw - serif"

Its goal is to develop the visual ability to navigate in the text. It consists in the following:

The child puts his hands on his knees and begins to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the “Serif” command is given, the reader takes his head off the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds, while his hands remain on his knees. On the command “Throw”, the child must find with his eyes the place in the book where he stopped and continue reading aloud.

26. Reading text with the upper part of the line covered:

There is a secret in this exercise - an exercise with a trick. The fact is that any smart child will notice that when the upper line is read in halves of letters, at that time the lower one is completely open, and will realize that it is much more profitable to have time to quickly read it while it is open, so that later, when it is closed deliver results quickly. Many children quickly switch to this strategy, and this is exactly what you need to increase your reading speed!

This exercise forms several significant learning qualities at once:

Reading to yourself (because it must be hidden);

Verbal-logical memory (since it is necessary to keep several words in memory at once and save them for several seconds).

The distribution of attention and the ability to perform at least 2 tasks simultaneously (reading a given line aloud and reading the underlying line to yourself).

28. Reading upside down text:

Normal text is flipped upside down, i.e. 180 degrees. The task of the child, moving his eyes from right to left, is to read the text. It is said that the child makes a journey through the upside down world and he urgently needs to quickly learn to read in it.

This exercise contributes to: the formation of holistic standards of letters in the child's memory; developing the ability to combine letter-by-letter analysis with semantic prediction of word endings;

If this exercise is modified in such a way that the text is rotated 90 or 270 degrees, then this exercise will be useful for improving eye coordination and processing accuracy of perceived information in the occipital cortex.

29. Solid text. The text is typed without spaces. The task of the student is to read it correctly.

On the meadow, the elk went out as a calf, the proud elk watched them.

3. Reading with bars . Didactic simulator "Lattice"

The Lattice simulator is a set of quadrangles cut out of thick paper 16x10 cm in size. Windows 6x1 cm in size are cut out in each quadrangle. Lattices differ in the width of the partition. In lattice No. 4, all partitions between the windows are 4 mm. In lattice No. 5 - the width of the partition is 5 mm, in No. 6 - 6 mm.

Text reading training begins with grid number 4. It is superimposed on the readable part of the page and gradually shifts down. When a lattice is applied to the text, perpendicular partitions overlap some parts of the text (letters, letter combinations, words).

The trainees, perceiving the elements of the texts visible in the windows, must mentally fill in the segments of the line covered by the membranes, restoring the meaning. If the logical connections of the content in some places are lost, you can allow the grid to be shifted 2-3 mm to the left or right to increase the field of the visible text area. To facilitate the restoration of overlapped sections of the text, you can proceed to reading in a low voice.

Grid reading training lasts no more than 5 minutes continuously and is replaced by reading without a grid for 2-3 minutes. Total time training no more than 10-15 minutes. Lattice number 4 should be changed to number 5 when a feeling of easy reading appears.

Thus, if you systematically carry out exercises to improve reading technique in the first half of the lessons, starting from the first grade, you can teach students to read, educating them in a love of reading.

The presentation "Reading with a grid" is intended for younger students, it helps to increase the volume of visual perception, improve reading technique, and contributes to the development of semantic conjecture.

4. Reading with hide and seek.

Using a computer also allows you to individualize the learning process. Each child can be given an individual task, which is carried out at a pace convenient for him with an appropriate level of complexity. A computer is a universal toy that has the ability to tune in to a specific child, patiently respond to any of his actions, communicate with him, providing activities in his zone of proximal development.

So, for example, you can give tasks "Type text" on the computer.

And also let students listen to audio fairy tales with subtitles. These exercises develop computer skills, memory, thinking and imagination.

You can also use in class computer games.

Read game.

On the screen is a Dinosaur holding a scroll. The scroll unfolds and it shows the word that you need to have time to read. After some time, the scroll rolls up, and you need to choose from the pictures located around the perimeter of the playing field the one whose name this word says.

Rice. Game environment "Read".

In the case of a correct answer, the word display time (which can be preset) is reduced (the current reading speed is increased by "1"), in case of an incorrect answer, it is increased (the current reading speed is decreased by "1"). After a while, the computer thus adapts to the student's reading level and forces him to work in an intensive mode. Reading speed (in conventional units) is displayed at the bottom of the playing field.

It is not necessary to wait for the scroll to be rolled up, if the player managed to read the word, then he can indicate the corresponding picture at any time.

With a minimum speed equal to zero, the word does not disappear until the corresponding picture is specified.

By clicking the "mouse" in the scroll area, you can again call up the word that was shown earlier.

The game is used in the block for the development of speed reading skills.

In order to attract the parent community, groups are created in in social networks“We read with pleasure”, where the teacher purposefully directs parents to work on the speed reading of the child. The teacher recommends keeping spider diaries, where the parent needs to monitor daily and write down in the diary the number of words read by the child in a minute. On the parent meetings the teacher, who also keeps such a diary, compares his results with the results reflected in the diaries kept by the parents.



Student's last name

Indicators of reading technique

Reading skill level

Reading comprehension level

Reading method

Number and nature of errors

Reading time

Reading speed

The school also conducts a study in action "Development of reading technique among students in elementary school." (fig 5)

It should be noted that this study does not claim to fully address the issues related to the development of the reading technique of elementary school students.
Thus, the use in teaching reading of the widest range of modern methods and educational materials based on a personal-activity approach stimulates cognitive activity, creates positive motivation and thereby contributes to the formation of reader competence, which, ultimately, allows you to fulfill the set curriculum goals and improve the quality of reading technique in schools.

Excessive attention to the development of reading speed often provokes incorrect reading. Correct reading is considered reading without distortion, replacement of letters or syllables, omission or insertion, without repetition. In order for the formation of correct reading to be effective, the teacher must determine a special reading mode: 1) daily exercises (special texts, tongue twisters, long twisters, memorizing poetry and prose). 2). Read error warnings; preparation for reading, introductory conversation, work with a split alphabet (Grade 1), analysis of a difficult word by composition, choral reading aloud of difficult words (by syllables, parts, in whole).

Also, the correctness of reading is affected by: the posture when reading, the normal distance between the eyes and the text, the preliminary reading “to oneself”, the exemplary reading of the teacher.

According to L.K. Nazarova, reading awareness is the reader's ability to clearly, deeply understand the content of the text. It consists of the meaning of individual words, the meaning of sentences, parts of the text.

The main technique that ensures the development of reading skills is repeated reference to the text, rereading it each time with a new task. .

The favorite type of reading among students is role-playing reading, which evokes a lot of feelings and emotions. In modern pedagogy, a set of exercises has been developed to form the skill of reading and understanding texts. The authors of these developments were a group of teachers and psychologists: Zaika E.V., Nechaeva N.V., Kudina G.N., Novlyanskaya Z.N., Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Simanovsky A.E.

The help of parents in teaching children is very important. Therefore, at parent meetings, you need to try to convince each parent that reading should become a daily habit of the child, while, especially at the first steps of literate reading, it is necessary to create a situation of interest for others listening to his reading. It is good when parents show a keen interest in the content of the story, passage, etc. it is very important, - I urge parents, - to be extremely restrained, patient, indulgent and friendly to the child.

Only lively, emotional, diverse in its methods of teaching reading lessons attracts and holds the attention of children, develops an interest in reading, which then does not fade in them in subsequent classes.

Conclusion. Undoubtedly, direct reading to students should take 30-35 minutes in a lesson. This must not be forgotten. Otherwise, what kind of reading fluency can we talk about. Quick reading activates the processes of thinking, attention, memory and is one of the means of improving the educational process for a variety of levels of learning. When children begin to read with interest, fluency and meaningfulness of reading will appear, academic performance will increase in other subjects.

slide 1

The presentation was made by the teacher primary school MOU secondary school No. 1, Sim, Chelyabinsk region. Tkacheva Oksana Nikolaevna 2010

Never by any means will you force the reader to know the world through boredom. Reading should be interesting. A. N. Tolstoy.

slide 2

solid TEXT










slide 3

May snow It's snowing! Children are surprised: "Winter has returned to us again?" It's easy On the apple tree, the wind wants to count all the petals. (V.Prikhodko)

slide 4

In the field, the elk elk came out Proudly elk watched them Beautiful smart animals Hungry and cold in winter Empty all around No leaf, thread, one bitter bark And suddenly the smell of hay There is a big feeder in the fields Kind hands of the huntsmen put the fragrant hay feeder He is the owner in the forest and takes care of the trees and the birds and animals. V. Karasyova

slide 5

YOIZHK softly slapped his legs along the garden DROKOZHE. Children were walking along. "Stop, hedgehog!" - KURKINL Petya and took out a cap. From behind a stump, a SIROCHATK-forester peeked out and quietly squeaked: “Do not offend the prickly KOBOKLE, children!” The kids were quiet. On the path FARCHYL was a ball of needles, SROKOA flashed among the branches, BOCHLEKA looked out from the hollow. "Who is it?" Vasya asked. The boys got scared and ran away. And YOIZHK calmly went to DMOOY.

Unexpected meeting

slide 6


Slide 9

The lion was sleeping. The mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her in; she said: "If you let me go, and I will do you good." The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, and let it go. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, ran, gnawed through the rope and said: "Remember, you laughed, you didn't think that I could do you good, but now you see - sometimes good comes from a mouse."

Lion and mouse L.N. Tolstoy

Slide 10

V l e s u o a n m b d p i k

slide 13

The first hunt It is necessary __ puppies gon__ hens in two __. “Sing __, - thought __, - to hunt for wild __ animals __ and birds __”. Sneaking __ under the gate __ and running __ along the beam __. You see __ his wild __ stars, birds __, insects __ and think __ to every day __ about __. Bittern thinking __: "I deceive him __". Hoopoe thought __: "I surprised him __." Lizard ___ thought __: "I from ___ turned out __." Goose __, baboon __, blacksmith __ think: “We hide from him __”. “We are all for se___ perseverance__,” they think about se__. And yet __ already run up __ to the lake __ and think __: “Here I __ understand them __!” - and prepare __ already jump __... (V. Bianchi)

Slide 14

The first hunt Tired of the puppy chasing chickens around the yard. “I’ll go,” he thinks, “to hunt for wild animals and birds.” He darted under the gate and ran across the meadow. Wild animals, birds, insects saw him, and everyone thinks to himself. Bittern thinks: "I will deceive him." The hoopoe thinks: "I will surprise him." The lizard thinks: "I'll get out of it." Caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers think: "We will hide from him." “We all know how to stand up for ourselves,” they think to themselves. And the puppy has already run up to the lake and thinks: “Now I’ll catch them!” - and got ready to jump ... (V. Bianchi)

slide 15


Slide 18

The dispute of animals, and they argued among themselves which of them the owner loves more. - Of course, me, - he says, - I plow him and drag a harrow, I drive him out; he himself rides on me; He would be completely lost without me. - No, the owner loves me more, - he says, - I feed his whole family. “No, me,” he grumbles, “I will guard his good. He listened to this argument and said: "Stop arguing in an empty way: I need all of you, and each of you is good in his place." (K.D.Ushinsky)

Slide 19

SNOWDROP In the garden, where the birches crowded in a crowd, a blue eye looked at the Snowdrop. First, little by little, He put out his green leg, Then he stretched With all his little strength And quietly asked: “I see, the weather is warm and clear; Tell me, is it really spring? (P. Solovieva)

Slide 20 V. Prikhodko "May Snow", K.D. Ushinsky "Close together, but bored apart"

Vakhrusheva T.V., Poova E.V. 300 exercises in the Russian language. - Moscow: "Aquarium" 2001. (texts "Winter Day", "Squirrel") sheep sturgeon snowman cover of the book "The First Hunt" hedgehog spring morning snowdrop

slide 21 bookshelf squirrel and wolf protein tractor tamer hammer children and book bullfinch on an apple tree branch teacher moose cow garden

Literature. 1. Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N. Learn to read quickly. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. 2. Zaitsev V.N. Reserves of learning to read.- M.: Education, 1991. 3. Kornev A.N. Disorders of reading and writing in children.- St. Petersburg: ID "MiM", 1997. 4. Omorokova M.I. et al. Overcoming difficulties. - M .: Education, 1990. 5. Tikhomirova I.I. Interest in reading: how to awaken it? // School Library.- No. 6.-2001.

slide 22


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