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In the online business, as, indeed, in the usual one, a lot depends on the business idea. Some ideas are cut in the bud because they seem crazy and unprofitable. Below we present 10 ideas that seemed unpromising to everyone except their authors.

Only madmen could invest money in these projects. However, no matter how absurd these ideas initially seemed, their implementation made it possible to make fortunes.

1. Million Dollar Home 1,000,000 pixels, to pay one dollar per pixel is perhaps the dumbest online business idea that a person could think of. However, 21-year-old Alex Tew, who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire.

2. SantaMail. And now this is a good idea. Find a postal address in the North Pole (a city in Alaska), pretend to be Santa Claus, and charge $10 from parents who want their kids to receive a letter? And what do you think? Since starting his business in 2001, Byron Reese has sent over 200,000 letters, making him a couple of million dollars richer.

3. Doggles. Develop goggles for dogs and sell them? Dumbest business idea. And how could they become millionaires and be able to sell their developments around the world? That beats me.

4. LaserMonks This is a specialized branch of the Cistercian Abbey of the Virgin Mary - a monastery in which there are only 8 monks, located in the hills of Monroe County, 90 miles northwest of Madison. Yep, real monks refill your cartridges. Hallelujah! The level of sales for 2005 was 2.5 million dollars! Praise the Lord!

5. Antenna Balls. You will not be able to sell antenna balls online. No way. And of course it won't make you rich. However, that is exactly what Jason Wall did and is now a millionaire.

6 FitDeck. Make a deck of cards with pictures of different exercise, and start selling them for $18.95. In my opinion, not an idea, but a disaster. However, former Navy SEAL and fitness instructor Phil Black posted a $4.7 million income last year. Of course, this is more than paid in military service.

7. Would you go on a date with an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin decided they could, so last year they created an HIV dating site. Profit for 2006 amounted to 110 thousand dollars. They hope to have over 50,000 users on the site in the next two years.

8. Designer Diaper Bags Christie Rein is tired of carrying diapers in a separate portable bag. The 34-year-old mother constantly suffered from the fact that she had to fill her bag with diapers for her young son so that they would not wrinkle in her handbag. Rain wanted something compact, pretty, and stylish, so in November 2004, she and her husband sat down and decided to create a custom diaper bag that was big enough to fit the entire travel kit and 2-4 diaper. With 2005 sales of over $180,000, Christie's Diapees & Wipees designs bags in 22 different styles that can be purchased online at 120 boutiques worldwide for $14.99.

9. PickyDomains. Hire another person to come up with beautiful domain names for you? People will never pay for this. In fact, the process of looking up domain names for other people has become a booming business, especially when there is no risk involved. PickyDomains currently has a waiting list of people who are willing to pay their hard-earned money for a cool and catchy domain name. The company expects PickyDomains to hit six-figure sales this year.

10. Lucky Wishbone. Co Fake plastic "wish bones" from chicken. Looks like this stupid idea is destined to fail. What sane person would buy fake chicken bones? As it turned out, a lot of people are ready to buy it. The firm currently produces 30,000 bones a day (they cost $3 each) and founder Ken Ahroni expects 2006 sales to hit the $1 million mark.

In fact, none are stupid or stupid. They may seem stupid at first glance, but there will always be a smart guy who will implement them in life and will cut money off them. Here I will collect them for such smart people. Use it guys!

Here are the first three ideas peeped from one girl. I quote:

"When I can't sleep
at night or in the subway, but there is nothing to read,
I'm playing the game Come up with three new ones with myself!! way to get rich wildly
Today I didn’t sleep in the subway - I’m very afraid of terrorist attacks - Three ways were as follows:
- adjust pads for the rich(same but ten times more expensive)
- adjust issue of newspapers for pensioners reading in the subway(same but 10 times bigger)
- stir up something called Hall Center.
-Where do we meet?
-In the middle of Hall!
Although it is unlikely, of course, anyone wants to meet in a place that is associated with the subway.
Especially if, like me, you are very afraid of terrorist attacks."

And here is an article (whose authorship I could not establish), which vividly illustrates the postulate that the most idiotic idea can make the owner of the head into which it came rich rich. In this case, we are talking about business ideas on the Internet. Surely, these 10 ideas looked absurd and ridiculous; for sure, these ideas were laughed at or simply snorted when they heard them for the first time.

I am sure that a person, just reading the description of bright, albeit crazy, business ideas, can experience inspiration that will lead him to a new, original, stupid idea of ​​his own. Wish you success!

10 Stupid Online Business Ideas That Made Millions.

What do you think about dating an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin thought someone might need it. They made a dating site for people who tested positive for HIV. Planned sales for 2006 are $110,000, but they hope to have 50,000 registered users by their second year.

8. Designer Diaper Bags

Christie Rein tried to carry diapers in a refrigerator bag. The 34-year-old mother of three found herself constantly stuffing her young son's diapers into her refrigerator bag to avoid tearing them in her purse. Rein wanted something small, cool and stylish, and in November 2004, she and her husband Marcus came up with a special bag, large enough to fit a pack of tissues and 2-4 diapers. Christies, Diapees & Wipees (diapers and wipes) sells these bags in 22 designs on their website and in 120 stores worldwide. Sales for 2005 were over $180,000 (one bag costs $14.99).

9. TruGamers (real gamers)

Replacement leather cases for gaming gadgets and gel palm rests for joysticks? Nobody will buy this. Forget about it. The products have gained such popularity that they have been chosen for sale by such giants as Target. com and Walmart. com, and annual sales exceeded half a million dollars.

10 Lucky Wishbone Co. (Company “Bone of Fortune”)

Fake bones for making wishes. Certainly this idea is made to die. Who would even think of buying a fake plastic wish bone? It turns out there are a lot of people. AT this moment Producing 30,000 of these pits a day, Ken Ahroni, the company's founder, expects sales to reach a million dollars this year.

11. If you want to know about other companies that did not make it to this top, go to Uncommon Business Blog (English)

In the online business, as, indeed, in the usual one, a lot depends on the business idea. Some ideas are cut in the bud because they seem crazy and not profitable. Below we present 10 ideas that seemed unpromising to everyone except their authors. Only madmen could invest money in these projects. But, no matter how absurd these ideas initially seemed, their implementation made it possible to make fortunes.

1 place.

There are 1,000,000 pixels on a website and each pixel costs $1 - this is probably the dumbest online business idea that a person could think of. However, 21-year-old Alex Tew, who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire.

2nd place.


And now this is a good idea. Find a postal address in the North Pole (a city in Alaska), pretend to be Santa Claus, and charge $10 from parents who want their kids to receive a letter? And what do you think? Since starting his business in 2001, Byron Reese has sent over 200,000 letters, making him a couple of million dollars richer.

3rd place.

What a fantasy you need to have to think of selling designer goggles for dogs.

This stupid business idea was implemented by the creators of the site and within a year it turned into a multi-million dollar business.

4 Place.
Laser Monks is a profile branch of the Cistercian Abbey of the Virgin Mary, a monastery of only 8 monks located in the hills of Monroe County 90 miles northwest of Madison. Now these slackers can refill and light, for a modest fee, your printer cartridges! Hallelujah! And according to reports for 2005, the monks sent $ 2.5 million. Praise the Lord!

5th place.

Antenna Balls

What could be dumber than making and selling balls that cling to car antennas? Who will buy them?

But strange as it may seem, they are bought, and how! This stupid idea belongs to Jason Wall and now he is a millionaire.

6 Place.

Make a deck of exercise cards and start selling them for $18.95 a deck. In my opinion, not an idea, but a disaster. However, former Navy SEAL and fitness instructor Phil Black posted a $4.7 million income last year. Of course, this is more than paid in military service.

7 Place.

Would you go on a date with an HIV positive person? Paul Graves and Brandon Koechlin decided yes, they could, so they created an HIV dating site last year. Profit for 2006 amounted to 110 thousand dollars. They hope to have over 50,000 registered users on the site in the next two years.

8 Place.

Designer Diaper Bags

Christie Rein - 34-year-old mother constantly suffered from the fact that she had to stuff diapers for her little son in a separate bag so that they do not wrinkle in her handbag. Rain wanted something compact, pretty and stylish, so in November 2004, she and her husband decided to create a custom diaper bag that was large enough to fit the entire travel kit and 2-4 diapers. With 2005 sales of over $180,000, Christie's Diapees & Wipees designs bags in 22 different styles that can be purchased online at 120 boutiques worldwide for $14.99.

9 Place.

Hire an outsider to come up with pretty domain names for you? Yes, people will never pay for it! In fact, the process of looking up domain names for other people has become a booming business, especially when there is no risk involved. PickyDomains currently has a waiting list of people who are willing to pay their hard-earned money for a cool and catchy domain name. The company expects PickyDomains to hit six-figure sales this year.

10 Place.

Lucky Wishbone Co.

Fake plastic chicken wishbones. Looks like this stupid idea is destined to fail. What sane person would buy fake chicken bones? As it turned out, a lot of people are ready to buy it. The company currently produces 30,000 bones daily (they cost $3 each). This unusual idea comes from Ken Achronin, who literally made his first million on chicken bones in 2006.

At a certain stage of their development, many understand that working for hire until retirement is not their way, that it is time to organize their own business. And the first question that future entrepreneurs ask themselves is what to do, what to produce, what services to provide? We discussed these issues in the article " How to find a business idea where you can get a lot of useful tips for beginner traders. Today I propose to talk about a separate category of business ideas that we would call stupid, ridiculous, absurd. But, oddly enough, many of them bring their owners a considerable income.

Why should we discuss someone's stupid ideas - you ask? Perhaps I'll start from afar. For some, a tangible result in the form of financial growth is more important - such entrepreneurs choose well-known and working business ideas. This path has been trodden by thousands of businessmen before them, guaranteeing customer attention and profit. But he also has a downside - a huge competition that crushes many newcomers. For another category of businessmen (usually creative and ambitious individuals), this path is not suitable - they want something new and interesting, they dream of creating original business that no one else has. Of course, they will know the bitterness of trial and error, but if they find their gold mine, they will be out of competition.

It is the most stupid ideas for business, which seem unviable, sometimes become not just successful, but ingenious. Judge - who would have thought that the production of sunglasses for dogs would be profitable business bringing millions to their owners? Yes, now Doggles products are popular in a dozen and a half countries of the world, the company produces not only glasses, but also jewelry, outfits and accessories for dogs.

Another unexpected business idea is protecting golf courses from geese. Thirty years ago, David Marks was working on a golf course and noticed that large wild birds annoy the players. He also noticed that his dog perfectly disperses uninvited feathered guests with his bark. With a bit of savvy, David hired a few dogs and began offering his services to owners of golf courses, private parks, and other recreational areas. Now he is the owner of a stable and successful business bringing in $2 million annually.

How often do you say that it would be nice to buy a second sock mobile phone to call him? For those who regularly lose socks, Black Socks has developed an application that allows you not only to find a pair, but also to determine which sock is in front of you - right or left. There are other functions: sorting by shade of black, counting the number of washings, determining the age and place of purchase. True, such a pleasure costs almost two hundred dollars. And the most interesting thing is that it is popular.

The offer looks like ten pairs of socks, each with a chip embedded in it. Accordingly, a scanner is attached to them. The application is installed on the iPhone, with which the sock communicates via Bluetooth. This makes one think that in the event of a revolt of the machines, there is a possibility of being captured by their own socks ...

Now people often make money on what is right under their noses - they post photos, videos or stories about their pets, relatives and children on popular social networks. Business ideas are taken directly from life itself (on the site you can find many ideas for business), and playful pastime becomes a profitable business.

For example, someone turns family troubles into business ideas. Justin Halpern has long endured his father's caustic underwear. Unfortunately or fortunately, dad had a fairly rich vocabulary, and he spoke real pearls, which his son eventually began to write down and post on Twitter. Very soon, Justin became the hero of a popular program, wrote a book and a script for a comedy series.

American Kevin Kotter also found himself in an unpleasant family history and was able to capitalize on it. After a divorce from his beloved wife, for a long time he could not figure out where to put her wedding dress. In the end, he decided to connect humor and have fun. Kevin began to look for ways to use the dress usefully - it was used both as a hammock and as a doormat, and replaced the curtain in the shower, and even went fishing as a net. The abandoned husband took a whole series of photographs that he posted on his blog. They instantly gained popularity and spread on the Internet, Kevin wrote a humorous book, where he gave 101 ways to use his ex-wife's dress. But that's not all. After some thought, he decided that the joke could well become a business idea. After that, he began to buy the wedding dresses of their ex-wives from grief-stricken husbands and make designer crafts out of them. So that.

Speaking of breakups, it is this part of human relations that the creators of The Breakup Shop decided to make the basis of their service. Per a certain amount the text of the letter is written to the client, in which he informs about the break in relations, they are drawn up in the form beautiful postcard or even a gift. There is also a service for a personal visit to the “victim” by a service employee, and explanations can also be ordered by phone. Imagine: the doorbell rings, you open it, and there is a pretty representative of the opposite sex with a bouquet of flowers and a mournful mine on his face. “You were asked to convey that everything is over between you. My condolences. But don't be discouraged, you are young and the world is full of opportunities! Thank you, please sign for the service rendered…” Original! And it is in demand.

Well, these stupid business ideas at least involve the provision of services ... But sometimes enterprising inventors manage to sell the most ordinary nothing for good money. Among such working ideas are the sale of air and ghosts. Daniela Dorrer from Germany offered residents of gassed megacities to buy rural air. The clean air, flavored with farm animals, is sold in hermetically sealed packages and delights customers. Are on sale in a network and jars with air of the known cities - Paris, London, Berlin. Well, now we can safely twist the saying: "Smell Paris and die!"

The founders of Ghost in a Bottle make good money selling beautifully designed bottles. Inside - well, of course, a ghost. By the way, suppliers do not recommend opening or breaking the container, since they do not provide services for catching released ghosts.

Naturally, not every stupid idea can be the beginning of a successful business - many of them remain in thoughts, others fail at the very beginning. In order to implement such an idea, you need to be on the same wavelength with the consumer, to understand how this new product will be to the taste of other people. And the preferences of the crowd are sometimes quite bizarre - and you and I know this very well.

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