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Content. The concept of the world wide web. Story. Transferring information from computer to computer. Basic concepts. World Wide Web. Creation of Web pages (HTML). Hyperstructure WWW Browser. Conclusion. Internet.

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The concept of the world wide web. The World Wide Web is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet. The word web and the abbreviation WWW are also used to refer to the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is made up of hundreds of millions of web servers. Most of the resources on the World Wide Web are based on hypertext technology. Hypertext documents hosted on the World Wide Web are called web pages. Multiple web pages linked common theme, design, as well as linked together and usually located on the same web server, is called a website. To download and view web pages, special programs are used - browsers.

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Story. The World Wide Web was originally created in the United States as a network of computers from the United States Department of Defense. The network was developed in such a way that if some sections or nodes of the network were damaged, it would remain operational. With the enlargement of the network, the increase in the speed of data transfer, the World Wide Web began to be used not only for military, government, educational and scientific, but also for commercial purposes. The World Wide Web has stepped far beyond the US.

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Transferring information from computer to computer. With the help of telephone wires, through an automatic telephone exchange; For communication between large computer networks, permanent leased communication lines are established. With the help of satellites located in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 40,000 km. over the ground.

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Basic concepts. The Internet is a single global computer network. E-mail is the sending and receiving of messages in a matter of seconds. A teleconference is the ability of the Internet to read and send messages for public discussion www is rich graphics, sound, video information, these are the most Hi-tech Providers - providers of network services. Remote access - this service allows you to use your computer to perform any actions with data located on a remote computer.

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World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a worldwide distributed Information system with hyperlinks, existing on the technical basis of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is only 22 years old. The World Wide Web (WWW) was born on August 6, 1991. On this day, Tim Berners-Lee, who worked for European center Nuclear Research in Geneva (Switzerland), published a brief description of the WWW project. Tim Berners-Lee

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Creation of Web pages (HTML). Web pages are created using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). At the heart of this language are control tags (more on that in the next chapter). Web pages may contain different kind information. Dynamic HTML uses the Document Object Model to easily update web pages on the Internet (and hyperlinks can also be created using JavaScript, VBScript, and ActiveX controls). A thematically related group of Web pages is called a Web site.

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"World Wide Web" - WWW

"World Wide Web" - WWW WWW (World Wide Web) - hypertext technology. It was with the advent of WWW technology that the rapid development of the Internet began during the 90s.

W W W The World Wide Web is a network of interconnected documents. net, ca, us com, org mil, gov, edu jp, cn, tw, au de, uk, it, pl, fr br, kr, nl unknown

Internet servers that implement WWW technology are called Web servers, and documents implemented using WWW technology are called Web pages. The World Wide Web is hundreds of millions of Internet servers containing Web pages that use hypertext technology.

The web page may contain information presented in various forms: text, graphics, video, sound, animation. Web browsing is carried out with the help of special viewer programs - browsers. Currently, the most common browsers are Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Mozilla.

Web page A web page is an independent document containing hyperlinks and having the htm (html) extension.

Hyperlink A hyperlink is a fragment of a Web document that establishes a connection between objects and allows you to navigate to other Internet objects: files, web pages or file fragments. When you move the mouse pointer over a hyperlink, the pointer turns into a pointing finger.

You can find a Web page on the Internet or make a link to it using the universal resource locator (page address). Universal Resource Locator (URL-Universal Resource Locator) includes a way to access the document, the name of the server where the document is located, and the path to the document (file).

The method of accessing a document is determined by the information transfer protocol used. Web pages are accessed using the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

For example, for the initial Internet Explorer Web page, the Uniform Resource Locator will take the form and consists of three parts: http:// - access protocol - server name /intl /ru - path to the file

Web server Web server - a server on the Internet that provides hosting - the allocation of disk space on the server to host websites and provide the ability to view them.

URL - the address of the picture

HTML Web pages are created using the html language (H yper T ext M arkup L anguage - Hypertext Markup Language). A document created using the HTML hypertext markup language contains the source text of the document, including special control characters - tags (tag).

HTML Code of the Web Page

Task 1 The server hosts the file, which is accessed via the http protocol. Fragments of the address of this file are encoded with the letters A, B ... G (see table). Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet. A test B demo C:// D / D http

Task 2 The in fo .edu server hosts the file, which is accessed via the http protocol. Fragments of the address of this file are encoded with the letters a, b, c ... g (see table). Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet. a info b / c .net d .edu e http f exam g://

Task 3 Access to the index.html file hosted on the server is carried out via the http protocol. The table shows fragments of the address of this file, denoted by letters from A to 3. Write down the sequence of these letters corresponding to the address of this file. A .html B www. C / D ftp E http W index Z://

"The role of water" - - Fluidity. -Can be cleaned with a filter (filtering). People have long chosen a place for themselves near the water, settled along the banks of rivers, lakes, where there is plenty to drink. Water faucet. -Transparent. Garbage from ships. -Build treatment facilities, -Build enterprises where there is no Wastewater, -Do not throw garbage, -Do not wash cars near water bodies.

"The role of the book"- For example, Lensky, and Tatyana, and Onegin are different people and read different books. But how did the book influence the character and worldview of the characters? The book in the life of M.V. Lomonosov. A book is a book, and move your mind. In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" characters read a lot of books. What role did the book play in the plot twists in the novel?

"The role of the media"- History of events. Main version. Preventive role Informational role Provocative role Disinformation role. Distortion of information Fabrication of facts (outright lies) Concealment Drowning the message. Practical part. Introduction. Event participants. The role of Internet technologies in the events of December 2010.

"The World Wide Web"- Example. Therefore, the URL will take the form: http:// info2000/ index.htm. Journey through the World Wide Web. The page is located on the server, in the info2000 directory in the index.htm file. Browsers are a means of access to the information resources of the World Wide Web. The URL of the title page of the Computer Science and Information Technology».

"The biological role of metals"- Zn. In modern medicine, preparations containing gold are used quite widely. general characteristics metals. Li. Science has proven that the blood of every person contains gold. Na. Mo. Ca. Since ancient times, gold has been used as a medicine. Metals in the human body. With children, the issue in each case must be resolved individually.

"Spiders"- External structure of Arachnids. Horseshoe crabs crawl along the bottom, easily digging into the ground. Silk is used by the spider for various purposes. There are four eyes on the back. From the web of animals, trapping nets, shelters and an egg cocoon are made. Spiders. Most live on land, some are aquatic. Excretory organs are Malpighian vessels.


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