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The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Man has become the most valuable resource. Many organizations, wishing to emphasize their weight and scope, do not talk about their size. production capacity, the volume of production or sales, financial potential, etc., but the number of employees in the organization. A good organization seeks to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the most complete return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its activities. In such a situation, attention should be paid rational use all types of resources at the disposal of the company. The key to the success of the organization is its staff with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas. The constant development of personnel, the search for new approaches to its management are necessary attributes of the successful functioning of the organization.

Thus, the purpose of my work is to study innovations in work with personnel.

Innovation is an innovation, an innovation that has become the subject of development and implementation. What are innovations in human resources at the moment? First of all, it is an innovative approach to the staff as such. The staff is no longer seen as a gray mass, each employee is seen as an individual. This approach is required by the market.

The main secret of proper personnel management lies in a certain independence. Especially for understanding this, psychologists introduce the term "reflection". In other words, you need not only to do the work, but also to create a report to yourself about its implementation. In order for the conscience to be clear before the authorities, you need to be honest with yourself. It is this type of management that brings the greatest results, because it appeals to human motives within everyone. By the way, reflection in writing is useful, since any oral task does not bring the expected results. There is a risk that the employee will simply ignore it. But a written report about what has been done, what could have been done, and about what needs special encouragement (bonuses, bonuses) makes it necessary to carry out extra self-control. Such management methods are used in many progressive companies.

In order to improve the work of personnel, it is necessary to combine several frontier sciences. Psychology, sociology, medicine, philosophy will be useful. In order to make the overall effort more fruitful, it is advisable to resort to such a type of introspection as proactive cognitive modeling. The essence of this method lies in the fact that each employee himself made a model of his behavior based on the potentially greatest value for the company. If, in his opinion, he needs to change his type of activity, let him indicate this. If he is capable of more, let him say so.

The vision of each employee as an individual gives impetus to such areas in the work of HR managers as the development effective system personnel appraisal, creation of a system of employee motivation, management of an employee's business career, etc. But the most important thing is to create a special innovative atmosphere in the company.

The level of the innovation climate is assessed similarly to the innovation potential, which characterizes the ability of an enterprise to achieve the set innovation goals with the available financial, personnel, scientific, technical, organizational, managerial, information, methodological and marketing resources. The values ​​of the innovation climate of the enterprise will be in the range from 1 to 3:

3 - the state of this parameter of the external environment has a positive effect on innovation, which allows you to fully use the existing innovation potential. This state is seen as an opportunity for the enterprise;

2 - the state of this parameter is unreliable - there is no threat yet, but monitoring of its dynamics is required;

1 - the state of this component of the external environment negatively affects the innovation potential. This state is defined as a threat to the organization.

Thus, determining the level of innovative development of an enterprise, based on an assessment of the innovative climate and the potential of the organization, is the basis for developing a further innovative strategy.

There are also many important feature. For all modern organizations one common feature: the need to restructure the personnel management system, depending on the requirements of the market.

At the enterprises of the Soviet economy, there was no personnel management service, but there was only a personnel department. This division was mainly responsible for personnel documentation. Questions personnel policy received insufficient attention. There was practically no concept of personnel development, advancement, career building. In spite of this, protectionism flourished.

Of course, one cannot say that now personnel management in the organization has reached an ideal state, but in general, the approach to this type of management has changed markedly.

In my opinion, the following directions for introducing innovations in personnel work can be identified:

1. Personnel development, business career management.

Today, most organizations have taken on the main functions of training their employees. Many have established permanent staff training centers or established strong and long-term relationships with various training organizations.

Staff training is seen as a continuous process that has a direct impact on the achievement of organizational goals. The training cycle begins with the definition of needs, which consists in identifying the discrepancy between the required level of qualification of employees and their actual competence.

Based on the needs, the training budget for employees is formed. In addition, it is necessary to form criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the training provided. Since the cost of training an organization is considered as an investment in the qualifications of employees, the organization expects a return from them in the form of increasing the efficiency of their activities. They apply both an integral assessment of training and an assessment of the effectiveness of each program separately.

The development and implementation of training programs can be carried out both by the organization itself and by specialized companies.

2. Formation of corporate culture.

Human interaction is a mechanism for the transmission of culture in an organization. Culture is a set of basic hypotheses and values. To create and strengthen corporate culture, management can and should work in the following areas:

Creation of a value system;

Development of a strategy for the behavior of managers;

Personnel Management;


How effectively does the manager tie together the values ​​that guide the different systems of management?

Conflict Management;

Formation of subcultures.

Some units may choose to live up to their own traditions and values, this is perfectly acceptable as long as it is not completely overridden. corporate culture as such.

The formation of corporate culture is a complex and multifaceted process. A weak corporate culture can not only reduce the innovative spirit of employees, but also lead to a serious drop in the company's profit growth rate. A strong corporate culture can do two things: it can also become a major obstacle to all the changes that are trying to infiltrate the company, which will lead to the company turning into a fairly closed system. On the other hand, a strong corporate culture can become the main weapon in the fight against competitors.

3. The use of computer technology in personnel management.

Recently, various software products, which enable companies to keep records of personnel in all its many aspects. This is very convenient, as it facilitates all types of calculations (turnover, wages, etc.), in addition, it greatly facilitates the exchange of reporting data between the management personnel of companies.

The person is the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. However, from the standpoint of management, it is impossible to talk about a person in general, since all people are different. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their duties; people have different needs, their motives for activities can differ significantly. Finally, people differently perceive the reality of the people around them and themselves in this environment. All this suggests that the management of a person in an organization is extremely complex, but at the same time an extremely responsible and important matter for the fate of the organization.

The manager needs to know how to solve problems, how to skillfully and appropriately use the appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management. And if skillfulness implies the practical mastery of the relevant skills, then relevance is understood as the adequacy of the method used in the situation in the organization.

The development and commercial implementation of new technical ideas, the introduction of innovations require a high creative spirit, initiative and dedication of each employee and the entire team as a whole.

The priority of product quality issues and ensuring its competitiveness have increased the importance creativity to work and high professionalism in management. This encourages us to look for new forms of management, to develop the potential abilities of staff, to improve it. qualification level provide high motivation for labor process. Human resource management is one of the most important activities of many organizations and is considered the main criterion for their economic success, even ahead in importance. technical process. You can have an advanced modern technology, but not the qualifications of the staff will ruin it.

Thus, a key component of the business is the management and stimulation of staff.


1. Morozov Yu.P., Gavrilov A.I., Gorodnov A.G. Innovation management. – M.: UNITI, 2003.

2. Fundamentals of social management./ Ed. V.N. Ivanova. - M., 2001.

3. Medynsky VG Innovative management. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007

4. Barancheev V.P. The study innovative activity company as its competitive force // Management today. - 2006. - No.

5. Ovchinnikova T. A new paradigm of personnel management in a transitional economy.//Personnel management. - 2001.



Introduction ……………………………………………………………………...4

Topic 1. Innovative management in personnel work.…………………4

Topic 2. Innovations in organizations…………………………………………21

Topic 3. Subjects and organizational structures of innovative processes (activities)…………………………………………………………39

Topic 4. Development and implementation of innovations in personnel work……….52
Topic 5. Management of innovative processes in enterprises and organizations……………………………………………………………………….80
Topic 6. Legal regulation innovation activity..………103

Applications …..…………………………………………………………….116


Innovative personnel management is the border area between innovative management and personnel management. In personnel work object innovation management are the processes of renewal and development, the needs and parameters of personnel and personnel systems of enterprises and other socio-economic structures; the subject of innovative management are the innovative components of the personnel and labor services of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Innovative labor management is qualitatively different from the previously dominant technocratic principles of leadership. It is based on an emphasis on maintaining intensive horizontal interactions in the organization, on intensifying creative activity, and on uniting the efforts of various groups of personnel.

Innovative strategies of enterprises and innovations in management were due to the struggle for the consumer in the face of intense competition. In this struggle, priority in the development of new technologies is given to enterprises and organizations that employ highly qualified personnel with innovative potential and the ability to quickly master new equipment, develop new production systems that are adequate to the most rational modes of its operation in a socio-psychological environment with economic and moral incentives. that encourages the personnel of the enterprise to fully realize their labor potential.

Topic 1. Innovative personnel management.

Concept, principles, tasks, methods and functions of innovative management in personnel work.

Functioning of personnel systems: innovative development, progress, regression, stagnation, crisis, stabilization.

1.1 ^ Innovation management - the process of managing innovation to meet the prospective needs of the market, covering the design, technological, material, organizational and personnel preparation of production, the introduction of innovations, the analysis of the results obtained and the introduction of adjustments to these activities. The scientific discipline "innovation management" is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovative processes, innovative activities, organizational structures engaged in this activity and their personnel.

Like any other area of ​​management, it is characterized by: setting goals and choosing a strategy; four stages of the cycle - planning, setting conditions and organizing, executing, directing.

The main attention in innovation management is given to the development of an innovation strategy and measures aimed at its implementation. The development of innovations becomes a priority direction of the company's strategy, as it determines all other directions of its development.

The implementation of innovation management in general involves:

Development of plans and programs for innovation activities;

Monitoring the development of innovations and their implementation;

consideration of projects for the creation of innovations;

holding a unified innovation policy: coordination of activities in this area in production departments;

providing finance and material resources innovation activity programs;

Providing innovative activities with qualified personnel;

Creation of temporary target groups for a comprehensive solution of innovative problems.

The choice of strategy is the key to the success of innovation. An organization may find itself in a crisis if it fails to anticipate changing circumstances and respond to them in time. The choice of strategy is the most important component of the innovation management cycle.

^ Innovative management in personnel work (innovative personnel management - ICM) is a border area of ​​​​knowledge between innovative management, personnel management and personnel management.

Innovative personnel management is the most important integral part personnel management and includes organizational and managerial forms and methods for updating and developing the personnel component of the social and economic systems countries, regions, industries and organizations.

Innovative management in personnel work is based on the provisions of personnel management aimed at developing and effective use personnel potential of the organization. In personnel management, there are several levels of management: operational (where personnel work dominates); tactical (personnel management dominates); strategic (where human resource management dominates); political level of corporate management (development and control over the implementation of personnel policy). Innovative personnel management stands out in all these levels of management.

Innovative management in personnel work is directly related to innovative personnel marketing - a scientific concept and a complex system based on it for organizing, managing and analyzing innovations related to the search and selection of personnel, ultimately focused on updating and effective functioning of the organization's personnel potential.

^ Innovative management in personnel work (IKM) reveals the content and features of innovation management in one of the most difficult spheres from the socio-psychological standpoint - the personnel sphere. Given the specifics of its object in its study, on the one hand, it is impossible to do without some general concepts and provisions regarding the state and development of socio-economic systems, and on the other hand, the use of the conceptual apparatus of innovation, economics and sociology of labor, conflictology and other sciences is required. .

^ The object of innovative management in personnel work is the processes of renewal and development, innovative properties, needs and parameters of personnel and personnel systems of enterprises, organizations and other socio-economic structures; the subject is innovative components (departments, sectors, groups, specialists) of personnel and labor services of enterprises, organizations and other structures.

^ The main goal of innovative management in personnel work in an organization is to ensure the effective scale and pace of updating its personnel system in accordance with the current and future interests and goals of the organization, modern patterns of personnel development, requirements and standards of the state, market and trade unions to the level of development human resources. Main and main goal innovative personnel management advocates the construction of an effective system innovation management personnel within the state, region, industry, organization for the formation and effective functioning of innovative and active personnel potential.

Considering innovative personnel management from a general position in the temporal aspect, as well as in a transitional, including a crisis state Russian economy can be divided into strategic and tactical goals.

^ Strategic goal- creation on the basis of the phased deployment of a market economy of the innovative potential of the labor market and the market of educational and professional services, an effective multi-level system of innovative personnel management within the state, region, organization for the formation and effective functioning of a qualitatively new, innovatively active personnel potential.

^ The tactical goal (period of crisis and stabilization) is to preserve the best (elite), innovative and active part of the personnel potential of the country, region, enterprise through the implementation of appropriate anti-crisis innovation and personnel measures, including the restructuring of the professional and qualification structure of personnel, as well as consistent exemption from personnel ballast.

All functions of innovative personnel management can be combined into two groups:

a) functions for the implementation of personnel innovations as an object of management: organizing and conducting scientific and analytical work in the field of human resource development, identifying and solving new personnel problems of the organization (together with research organizations); evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel innovations; development of forecasts, concepts, innovation and personnel policy, plans, programs and projects of personnel innovations; their financial and resource support; organization of personnel innovations and control of their implementation; personnel motivation;

b) functions in the areas and areas of personnel management: organization of continuous education of personnel (training, retraining and advanced training of personnel); search and selection of personnel for new industries, personnel for new professions in short supply, elite and innovative personnel; certification and evaluation of the work of personnel of innovative structures, innovative qualities personnel; circuit design job development, improvement job descriptions in connection with the development of jobs, organization of labor and personnel; promotion and movement of employees through the levels of service and professional career, organization of the formation and work with the personnel reserve of management personnel; work with elite and innovative personnel; staff motivation for innovations; development of innovations in the organization of the work of the personnel service itself; ensuring new standards and improving the quality of working life.

^ Methods of innovative management in personnel work ^ Control questions and tasks
How is innovation management defined in personnel work? What are its main goals and objectives?

Consider the basic principles and methods of innovation management in personnel work.

What functions does innovative personnel management perform?

The conceptual apparatus of innovative management in personnel work. Define the concepts: innovative progress, regression, stabilization.

How is the process of innovative development characterized?

Define "crisis" from a professional point of view.

What is innovation stagnation?
Topics of reports and abstracts
The history of the development of innovative management in personnel work.

Russia is a space for innovation.

The current state of development of innovations in personnel work.

Science and innovative progress.

Scientific and technological revolution and scientific and technological progress in the light of innovative personnel management

Vishnyakov Ya., Gebhardt P., Kirsanov K. Innovation management // Russian economic journal. - 1993. - №10.

Goncharova N.P. Science and innovative progress of industry //

The meaning of the concepts of "crisis" and "lysis" //

Innovation management. Textbook / Ed. S. D. Ilyenkova, - M .: Unity, 1997

Innovative management in personnel work //

Innovation management //

Koshkin L.I., Khachaturov A.E., Bulatov I.S. Management in an industrial enterprise. Ch. 5 Innovation management, 2000 //

Mostovaya I.V., Dzybov K.M. Innovation management in modern production (Development social technologies). - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov University Press, 1998.

Nikolaev A. Innovative development and innovative culture // Problems of theory and practice of management. - 2001. - No. 5.

Poskryakov A.A. Innovation culture //

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern Economic Dictionary //

results fundamental research//

Strebkov A.I. Social crisis and conflict. Sat. materials of the conference “Social crisis and social catastrophe. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Philosophical Society, 2002.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl //

Personnel Management. Innovation management //

Encyclopedia. Regression. Stagnation. Stabilization //

Topic 2. Innovations in organizations.

2.1 The concept of innovation, their classification and specificity.

2.2 Personnel innovations: concept and characteristics.

2.3 Innovative potential of employees and its development.

2.4 Personnel activities and personnel reforms.

2.1 The term “innovation” first appeared in scientific research culturologists back in the 19th century and literally meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another.
The main provisions of the theory of innovation were expressed back in the 1930s by the famous economist J. Schumpeter. At that time, innovation was not yet discussed, but it was about new combinations of changes in development, which he defined as a change with the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production and Vehicle, markets and forms of organization in industry. He interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination production factors, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit .

In the period from 30-60 years. 20th century the issue of innovation remained on the sidelines of the mainstream economic theory and its application in practice.

In Russia, innovation as a tool and method of socio-economic development was first discussed in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The first works were social in nature. Among the Western European researchers who developed this theory, G. Mensch, H. Freeman, J. Van Deyn, A. Klyanknecht should be noted. In the Soviet economic literature The analysis of innovation theory is most fully reflected in the works of S.P. Auctioneka.

In the 80-90s. innovation research has intensified. The term "innovation" began to be actively used in the transitional economy of Russia, both independently and to refer to a number of related concepts, such as "innovative activity", "innovative process", "innovative solution" and others.

In the scientific literature, there are more than a hundred definitions of the concept of innovation. Various authors, mostly foreign (N. Monchev, I. Perlaki, V. D. Hartman, E. Mansfield, R. Foster, B. Twist, I. Schumpeter, E. Rogers and others) interpret this concept depending on the object and the subject of your research.

Morozov Yu.P. innovation means the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial or other nature. Huchek M. considers innovation as the introduction of something new (things, novelties, reforms).

Zavlin P.N., Kazantsev A.K., Mindeli L.E. believe that innovation is the use in a particular area of ​​society of the results of intellectual (scientific and technical) activities aimed at improving the process of activity or its results. Fatkhutdinov R.A. understands innovation as the end result of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, scientific and technical effect.

In accordance with the Frascati Guidelines (a document adopted by the OECD in 1993 in the Italian city of Frascati), innovation is defined as the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product, introduced on the market, new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or in a new approach to social services.

The official Russian terms in the field of innovation are the terms used in various legal acts. So, for example, "The concept of innovation policy Russian Federation for 1998-2000 "innovation (innovation) is defined as the end result of innovative activity, realized in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice. The project contains a similar definition. federal law"On innovation activity and state policy in the Russian Federation".

Currently, there is no generally accepted terminology in the field of innovation. Key concepts are STP (scientific and technological progress), innovation, innovation and innovation. In practice, the concepts of innovation, innovation and innovation are often identified, although there are some differences between them (Table 1).

The innovation may be new order, new method, invention. Innovation means that the innovation is used (it is an innovation that is dynamically involved and has developed to a certain extent). From the moment it is accepted for dissemination, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation. The period of time from the birth of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is commonly called life cycle innovation.

The main property of innovation is novelty. It is evaluated according to various parameters and depends on the type of innovation. The dissemination of innovations, as well as their creation, is an integral part of the innovation process (IP).

An innovation is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to increase its efficiency.

Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, rationalization proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, managerial or manufacturing process, organizational, production or other structure, know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, document (standard, recommendations, methods, instructions), results marketing research and in other forms.

Innovation is the end result of introducing an innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect. It is wrong to include in the concept of "innovation" the development of innovation, its creation, implementation and diffusion. These stages refer to innovation as a process, the result of which may be innovations or innovations (or to the process of creating an innovation).

Innovation is new research and development, the introduction of new forms of labor organization, management and production technology.

^ Table 1. Innovations, innovations, innovations: characteristics.


A certain novelty, close to the concept of “invention”; a specific result of the development of a new scientific idea, which has the form of a model of new technology, a structural material for the production of any product, which differs from the previously used qualitative characteristics that make it possible to increase production efficiency (can be presented in the form of scientific, technical or other documentation, i.e. in the form of information describing technological, organizational, managerial and other processes and phenomena of an intangible nature, if it is able to effectively affect the results of material production).


the process of introducing, disseminating and using innovations in order to directly meet public needs for products, services, processes of a higher quality level;

this is such a purposeful change that introduces new relatively stable elements into the implementation environment (organization, population, society, etc.) (innovations act as a form of controlled development);

This is the process of bringing an invention or discovery to the stage of practical use, when it begins to produce an economic effect;

This is a process that characterizes the transition of a system from one state to another due to the introduction of individual innovations.


this is such a socio-technical-economic process that, through the practical use of ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties, and if an innovation is focused on economic benefits, profit, its appearance on the market can bring additional income;

this is the commercial use of the results of creative activity aimed at the development, creation and distribution of new competitive types of products, technologies, forms and methods of management, which are based on objects of intellectual property;

it is the end result of an innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced to the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services;

it is the transformation of a potential scientific and technical progress into a real one, embodied in new products and technologies;

this is a profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial, administrative and other nature.

Innovations perform three types of functions: reproductive (receiving profit from innovation and its use), investment (using profit as capital), stimulating (profit as an incentive for introducing new innovations).

The concept of "invention" and "discovery" is closely related to the term "innovation". The invention is understood as new devices, mechanisms, tools created by man. By discovery is meant the process of obtaining previously unknown data or the observation of a previously unknown phenomenon. Unlike innovation, discovery is usually made at a fundamental level and is not intended to be profitable.

The subject and object of innovation management are innovations that can be classified according to various criteria.

Depending on the technological parameters innovations are divided into:

product innovations, they include the use of new materials and components; obtaining fundamentally new products.

process innovations mean new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovations can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within the enterprise (firm).

According to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

new to the industry in the world;

new to the industry in the country;

new for this enterprise (group of enterprises).

By place in the system (at the enterprise, in the firm), we can distinguish:

innovations at the entrance of the enterprise (changes in the choice and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information and others);

innovations at the output of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

innovations of the system structure of the enterprise (management, production, technology).

Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, innovations are distinguished (by innovative potential):

radical (basic), which include the creation of fundamentally new types of products, technologies, new management methods;

improving (modified), which lead to an improvement or addition to the original structures, principles, forms - this is the most common type of innovation;

combinatorial (innovations with predictable risk), which are ideas of relatively high degree novelties that are not, as a rule, radical in nature.

According to the principle of relation to its predecessor, innovations are:

replacing, which involve the complete replacement of an obsolete product with a new one and thereby ensuring a more efficient performance of the relevant functions;

canceling, which excludes the performance of any operation or the release of any product, but does not offer anything in return;

returnable, which imply a return to some initial state in the event of failure or non-compliance of innovation with new conditions of use;

discoverers who create tools or products that have no comparable analogues or functional predecessors

According to the scope of application, there are:

point innovations;

system innovations;

strategic innovation

According to the degree of innovation efficiency, there are:

production efficiency;

management efficiency;

improvement of working conditions and others.

According to the social consequences, innovations are found:

causing social costs;

new types of monotonous labor;

harmful working conditions, etc.

According to the peculiarities of the mechanism of their implementation, innovations are divided into:

single (for one object);

diffuse (to many objects);

completed and unfinished;

successful and unsuccessful

High-performance innovations are distinguished - these are innovations that change an existing solution with the improvement of some of its characteristics or offer a solution to a previously unsolved problem.

According to the features of the innovation process, innovations are:

intra-organizational, when the developer, designer, manufacturer, user, organizer of innovation are in the same structure;

interorganizational, when all three roles are distributed among organizations specializing in the implementation of certain stages of the process

According to the source of initiative, innovations are classified:

direct social order (portable, borrowed);

as a result of invention (own, independent)

The Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has developed an extended classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. On this basis, technological innovations are distinguished; production; economic; trading; social; in the field of management.

Can be distinguished the following features social innovation compared to logistical:

Their closer connection with specific social relations and the business environment;

Large scope, tk. technical innovations are often accompanied by necessary managerial and economic innovations, while social innovations themselves do not require new technical equipment;

Strong dependence of the use of innovation on group or personal qualities;

Their implementation is characterized by less visibility of providing benefits and the complexity of calculating efficiency;

During implementation, there is no manufacturing stage (it is combined with design), which speeds up the innovation process;

Of the variety of social innovations, the innovations of human activity are of the greatest importance in the innovation process, since they are directly related to the role of a leader, an innovator.

2.2 At the present stage of development, the role of innovation has increased significantly. Innovation (from innovation - innovation, innovation) is understood as "investment in innovation" as a result of the practical development of a new product, process or service. Closely related to this concept is the concept of innovation (from Latin novation - change, renewal) is some kind of innovation that did not exist before: a new discovery, phenomenon, invention or a new method of meeting social needs.

The Human Resources Glossary defines innovation as an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of science and best practices.

^ Personnel innovations - targeted activities for the introduction of personnel innovations, aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of socio-economic structures (organizations and their divisions) in a competitive environment in the commodity markets, work force and educational (vocational) services.

Personnel innovations are one of the types of innovations and are used in the personnel work of enterprises, institutions and organizations. They are the main component of innovative management in personnel work, they are a complex process of creating, distributing and using innovations and simply innovations that are of practical interest in work. personnel services organizations .

Personnel innovations can be classified according to the following criteria:

A) by phases of participation of employees in the professional educational and labor process (cycle):

^ Vocational and Educational Innovations, i.e. innovations in vocational training personnel in universities, colleges, other educational centers. This area of ​​innovation is engaged in innovation and educational management.

^ Innovations related to the search and selection of personnel, i.e. with the formation of a new and effective human resources potential. This subgroup includes new methods of searching for personnel in the labor market and within the enterprise. These innovations are the subject of innovation-personnel marketing.

^ Personnel innovations in the labor process. This subgroup includes new methods of working with personnel during the period of mastering new technology and types of labor, certification of personnel, new distribution labor functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, methods of promotion and movement of employees, development of new job descriptions and instructions, improving work with elite personnel.

^ Innovations related to retraining and advanced training of personnel. This group includes personnel innovations in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, improvement of methods for determining the need in this area, new methods for involving personnel in the labor process after retraining and advanced training, the creation of new structures here and others.

^ Innovations in the field of staff reduction and elimination of personnel ballast. This includes the improvement of methods for determining the inconsistency of personnel with the required level, the formation of data banks on personnel ballast, the improvement of methods for working with personnel ballast, the reduction and dismissal of personnel. At the same time, personnel ballast is understood as the least productive and least promising part of the personnel potential in the sphere of labor, lagging behind in terms of its professional and qualification qualities from the needs of the development (change) of scientific, industrial, administrative and other activities, as well as an excess of personnel in an enterprise, in an organization for compared with the needs for them at each given stage;

B) on objects of innovation and innovative management in personnel work:

^ Personnel innovations regarding individual workers(for example, working with elite specialists and innovators - they make up the personnel elite); this is elite management.

Innovations in the personnel systems of scientific, scientific, educational and innovative structures and their divisions (this is, as it were, personnel innovations "squared" - new in innovative structures).

^ Personnel innovations related to the provision (personnel support) of targeted scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects (recruitment and training of personnel for the development and implementation of a program or project).

^ Personnel innovations in operating enterprises and organizations. Personnel activity at newly created and reconstructed organizations.

Personnel innovations across the industry, region, country

Innovations in the work of personnel services.

C) according to the degree of radicalness, scale and pace of implementation, one should distinguish between:

Personnel innovations of an evolutionary and modifying nature, associated with the gradual and partial renewal of personnel systems;

Personnel innovations of a radical (reformist) nature, aimed at a radical and large-scale renewal of personnel.

^ Systemic and large-scale personnel innovations (personnel reforms are large-scale personnel innovations aimed at a fundamental change (updating) of personnel potential in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of socio-economic systems and structures).

^ Local, partial personnel innovations.

Express innovations in personnel work, carried out in a short time (usually associated with an extreme situation in personnel work, personnel system).

D) in relation to the elements of mechanization of personnel management:

Innovations in the field of personnel development assessment.

Innovations in the field of forecasting and programming of personnel development.

Innovations in the field of financial and resource support for personnel development.

Innovations in the field of personnel development motivation.

Speaking about personnel innovations, it is important to keep in mind that not every such innovation is positive, progressive and effective.

Pseudo (in Greek, false, imaginary) - means false, imaginary personnel innovations that not only do not bring benefits, but are also harmful to personnel and other systems of organizations.

^ Pseudo-innovations in personnel are innovations in personnel and personnel systems generated by subjectivism that do not provide a real increase in their level and efficiency (or do not set it as their task) and are carried out with the aim of either artificially updating outdated methods of personnel work (innovative imitation), hiding others really methods that work and suit the pseudo-innovator (innovative speculation), or discredit the progressive course of staff renewal by blocking progressive innovations and introducing obsolete or cutting-edge premature innovations (innovative discrediting).

The concept of “personnel innovation” is closely related to the concept of “management innovation”, which can be defined as any organized decision, system, procedure or method of management that differs significantly from the established practice and is used for the first time in this organization. At the same time, it should be taken into account that novelty correlates with the management practice in this particular organization.

During the implementation of personnel innovations, the time interval during which they are implemented is taken.

^ Motivation of personnel innovations - in personnel work - a system of economic, moral and social levers and incentives, a mechanism for their interaction, in which the performer is interested in both his own and personnel innovations introduced into the organization.

^ Innovation management in personnel work - ensuring an effective scale and pace of renewal in personnel work in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, modern patterns of development of scientific and technological progress, requirements and standards of the state and trade unions in the social field, market development. The main tasks of innovation management in personnel work are:

creation of innovative potential of the labor market and the market

PERSONNEL INNOVATIONS - targeted activities for the introduction of personnel innovations, aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve the problems of effective functioning and development of the social economy. structures (organizations and their divisions) in the conditions of competition in the markets of goods, labor and educational (professional) services. K. n. can be classified according to the following criteria: a) according to the phases of participation of employees in the professional educational and labor process (cycle). Vocational and educational innovations, i.e. innovations in the professional training of personnel in universities, colleges, and other educational centers. This area of ​​innovation is engaged in innovation and educational management. Innovations related to the search and selection of personnel, i.e., the formation of a new and effective personnel potential. This subgroup includes new methods of searching for personnel in the labor market and within the enterprise. These innovations are the subject of innovation-personnel marketing. K. n. in the course of labor. This subgroup includes new methods of working with personnel during the period of mastering new techniques and types of labor, certification of personnel, a new distribution of labor functions and powers in the existing personnel structure, methods for promoting and moving employees, developing new job descriptions and instructions, improving work with elite personnel . Innovations related to retraining and advanced training of personnel. This group includes K. n. in the forms and methods of retraining and advanced training of personnel, improving methods for determining the need in this area, new methods for involving personnel in the labor process after retraining and advanced training, creating new structures here, etc. Innovations in the field of staff reduction and elimination of personnel ballast. This includes the improvement of methods for determining the inconsistency of personnel with the required level, the formation of data banks on personnel ballast, the improvement of methods for working with personnel ballast, the reduction and dismissal of personnel. At the same time, personnel ballast is understood as the least productive and least promising part of the personnel potential in the sphere of labor, lagging behind in terms of its professional and qualification qualities from the needs of development (change) of scientific, industrial, administrative. and other activities, as well as an excess of personnel at the enterprise, in the organization in comparison with the needs for them at each given stage; b) on objects of innovation and innovative management in personnel work. K. n. in relation to individual workers (eg, working with elite professionals and innovators); this is elite management. Innovations in the personnel systems of scientific, scientific, educational and innovative structures and their divisions (this is, as it were, personnel innovations "squared" - new in innovative structures). Candidates of Sciences related to the provision (personnel support) of targeted scientific and scientific and technical programs and projects (recruitment and training of personnel for the development and implementation of a program or project). K. n. in operating enterprises and organizations. Personnel activity at., newly created and reconstructed organizations. K. n. industry, region, country. Innovations in the work of personnel services; c) according to the degree of radicalness, scale and pace of implementation should be distinguished. K. n. evolutionary and modifying nature, associated with the gradual and partial renewal of personnel. K. n. radical (reformist) nature, aimed at a radical and large-scale renewal of personnel. Systemic and large-scale capital reforms (personnel reforms are large-scale capital reforms aimed at radically changing (renovating) the personnel potential in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of social and economic systems and structures. Local, partial Express innovations in personnel work carried out in a short time (usually associated with an extreme situation in personnel work) d) in relation to the elements of mechanization of personnel management. Innovations in the field of personnel development assessment. Innovations in the field of forecasting and programming of personnel development. Innovations in the field of financial and resource support for personnel development. Innovations in the field of personnel motivation.

Management of innovations in personnel work

Tatyana Fedorovna Plotaeva, head of department accounting, analysis and audit, associate professor, applicant for degree Candidate of Economic Sciences, professional chief accountant, Pacific State University Branch in Arsenyev

Every organization that wants to survive in a highly competitive environment must constantly look for ways to improve its activities. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the rational use of all types of resources at the disposal of the company. One of critical resources is the staff of the organization. The key to the success of the organization is its staff with their skills, abilities, qualifications and ideas.

The constant development of personnel, the search for new approaches to its management are necessary attributes of the successful functioning of the organization. Relevance modern approaches to personnel management is expressed in practice in two main directions:

1. Creating an innovative atmosphere in the company as a whole

2. Implementation of innovations in personnel work.

An innovative approach to the staff itself is very relevant today, especially during the global financial crisis, when it is necessary to optimize the structure of the enterprise.

The staff is no longer seen as a gray mass, each employee is seen as an individual. This approach is required by the market. It cannot be said that the personnel services of all enterprises have already been able to reorganize and are working in this vein, but obvious shifts in this direction are observed. The vision of each employee as an individual gives impetus to such areas in the work of HR managers as the development of an effective personnel appraisal system, the development of an employee motivation system, employee business career management, etc.

Management of innovations in personnel work - this is a purposeful activity of the heads of the organization and specialists of departments to ensure the effective pace and scale of updating personnel work based on innovations in accordance with the long-term and current goals of the organization's development.

Innovations in personnel work are managerial innovations, which are understood as any target activity, procedure or method of personnel work management that differs significantly from the current practice and is used for the first time in this organization, aimed at increasing the level and ability of personnel to solve problems. effective functioning and development of the organization in a competitive environment.

It is customary to single out effective and neutral innovations. Unlike effective innovations in personnel work, neutral innovations and innovations that lead to financial, temporary and social losses are carried out either with the aim of preserving or formally updating old methods and techniques of working with personnel, or the process of introducing innovations in personnel work.

Neutral or ineffective innovations in personnel work include the following:

1) frequent rotation of personnel without sufficiently objective reasons and in the absence of an activity program for new employees in new positions;

2) promotion to managerial positions of less professional this moment workers;

3) the use of modifying or improving innovations in personnel work instead of radical ones;

4) carrying out large-scale, systemic innovations in personnel work where it is possible to confine ourselves to partial innovations;

5) update leadership positions without a trained personnel reserve and sufficient choice;

6) carrying out such innovations in personnel work that block innovative activities in the organization (equal rights, equal pay for work, etc.);

7) replacing innovators with less creative people or introducing work methods that hinder the activities of innovative people;

8) a combination of progressive leadership and a conservative team of the organization or, conversely, the presence of a conservative leadership and a progressive team;

9) an attempt to introduce new forms of work with personnel under conservative leadership and the personnel core of the organization.

In general, the effectiveness of organization management depends on the involvement of the employees themselves in the communication process, especially those with high innovative potential.

Innovative potential of an employee - this is the ability to perceive new information, increase one's professional knowledge, put forward new competitive ideas, find solutions to non-standard problems and new methods for solving standard problems.

In other words, the success of the organization's activities depends on the presence of innovators in it - the "carriers" of the scientific, technical and commercial development of the organization. Management does not have clear boundaries for the definition of a nova-torus. The diversity of the definition of innovators reflects the real complexity of innovation processes based primarily on creativity, which is the process of creating something new.

The decision on innovations in personnel work is carried out by: the head of the organization, the head of the unit in which it is planned to implement innovations, the head of the financial service (in the event of the acquisition of innovations), the head of the personnel management service, if innovations affect the organization as a whole.

If innovations affect certain areas of intra-organizational personnel work, then the decision to implement them is made by the heads of personnel departments (HR department, labor organization and wages department, technical training department, NOT laboratory, training, retraining and advanced training department, social development department etc.), as well as managers structural divisions and those involved in the development of innovations.

If innovations are created within the organization, then specific organizational units can be created for their development and implementation, covering the cycle of “development - implementation - support” of innovations in personnel work.

After innovations in personnel work are acquired or developed, the problem of their implementation, use and maintenance arises. To do this, determine the level of the organization's susceptibility to innovations, while the speed of response to innovations in organizations becomes an additional competitive factor.

But the main thing is to create a special innovative atmosphere in the company. Foreign experts in the field of management talk a lot about this, and now Russian managers have also come to realize this problem.

For all modern Russian organizations one common feature is characteristic - the need to restructure the personnel management system, depending on the requirements of the market.

Any innovative development is not only the main innovative process, but also the development of a system of factors and conditions necessary for its implementation, i.e., innovative potential.

Often indicators related to scientific, technical, production and technological, personnel or other components of the overall potential of an enterprise or organization are often given as characteristics of innovative potential. In such cases, the actual innovative potential of the enterprise is not singled out, not measured, and, as a result, is not purposefully developed.

Innovative potential - a set of material, financial, intellectual, labor and other resources involved in the implementation of innovative activities. This potential should be considered at all levels (federal, regional, branch, local). It can also be assessed at the level of an individual organization and even individual. It should be noted that we are talking about such activities of teams or individuals where heuristic solutions are just as relevant and necessary as other forms of creativity.

In order to create and implement innovations in personnel work, HR employees and managers must have a certain creative potential and use it in their work, in addition, they must develop and maintain this potential among the employees of the organization in every possible way.

The central problem of the psychology of innovation is the problem of theoretical and experimental substantiation of the mechanisms, forms and methods of psychological emancipation creativity personality and providing psychological comfort for productive innovation. Innovative activity is the more successful, the higher the need for new employees.

Innovative consciousness can be defined as consciousness, which includes: goals, motives, orientations, attitudes aimed at the implementation of the structural, functional, institutional, normative transformation of an object in order to modernize or completely replace it. Innovative consciousness acts as a regulator of innovative behavior (this applies to innovators). Innovative thinking that generates new knowledge directly depends on the level of professionalism of the innovator, his ability to systematically obtain new information, his psychological and active focus not on adaptation, but on development, on the search for something new.

The innovative potential of the organization's personnel is the ability of personnel to positively and critically perceive new information, to increase general and professional knowledge, put forward new competitive ideas, find solutions to non-standard problems, new methods for solving traditional problems, use knowledge for foresight, and practical materialization of innovations.

The integral assessment of the innovative potential of the organization's personnel is determined by:

  • 1. the attitude of the staff to the upcoming and ongoing changes;
  • 2. the attitude of managers to innovation and their ability to work in changing conditions;
  • 3. the state of the processes of democratization of management and information support innovation;
  • 4. the level of professional and economic training of personnel;
  • 5. the state of the socio-psychological climate of the workforce;
  • 6. the degree of satisfaction with the new conditions, content and wages.
  • 4. Personnel reforms

innovation innovation personnel

Personnel reform is a large-scale personnel innovation aimed at a fundamental change (updating) of personnel potential in accordance with qualitatively new goals and objectives for the development of socio-economic systems and structures.

The need for personnel reforms may arise as a result of a sharp change in production technology and products, changes in the external environment (the actions of competitors, decisions of government bodies, the development of scientific and technological progress). To determine its need, constant collection and analysis of information is required.

Personnel reform is always characterized by the presence of objective and subjective prerequisites.

Objective prerequisites are associated with: a qualitative change in political, socio-economic and technical and technological conditions and development needs of society, region, organization; with the presence necessary resources for reform.

The subjective prerequisites for personnel reform are related to: the persistent inability of the current personnel system (the personnel themselves and personnel management) to solve qualitatively new tasks of reforming and developing social, production, economic and other systems; with the presence of subjective positive prerequisites for the implementation of personnel reform (the presence of individuals and groups capable of implementing the reform); with the understanding of the bulk of personnel of the need for its implementation.

Personnel reform involves the development of appropriate strategic and tactical goals, priorities, a reform plan (activities, stages, results, determination of the composition of performers, necessary resources), its regulatory, methodological and motivational support.

The criteria for assessing the personnel reform at different phases of its implementation are:

  • The level of financial costs and the level of return on invested capital;
  • degree of risk and uncertainty;
  • · the speed of dissemination of information about the innovations of the reform; compliance of the reform with existing norms and values;
  • · the possibility of implementing the reform in parts and returning to the previous practice;
  • the impact of the reform on interpersonal relationships

The stages of personnel reform are as follows:

  • 1. identifying the need for personnel reform;
  • 2. collection of information on personnel innovations that are part of the personnel reform;
  • 3. preliminary analysis of the personnel reform model;
  • 4. making a decision on personnel reform;
  • 5. introduction (implementation) of personnel reform.

The implementation of personnel reform involves overcoming obstacles in its course, which are expressed in the contradiction of the goals, motives of activity, interests of participants in the innovation and personnel process, in resistance to the new, in the emergence of various bureaucratic barriers to personnel reform, in the unsatisfactory work of the developers of personnel reform and specialists organizing the process of its implementation.


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