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In a modern success-oriented company today, one often has to make managerial decisions related to the selection, application and evaluation of the effectiveness of certain information technologies, since today technologies can become a significant competitive advantage or, conversely, lead to the collapse of a business. Which modern, proven IT solutions and systems are right for my business? How to organize the work of internal IT services? How to assess the feasibility of purchasing a particular IT equipment or software? How to choose an IT vendor? These and other questions require us to consider management decisions, approaches/paths to their adoption and will be the subject of discussion of this course

This seminar is for you if you:

  • CIO or leader of a small or medium business
  • the head of the department, which is faced with the task of improving the IT infrastructure, aimed at increasing the efficiency of operations
  • An IT specialist who wants to grow to the position of CIO and take a more systematic approach to solving the problems he faces

As a result of training you:

  • Familiarize yourself with modern tools / systems for automating activities
  • develop the skill of a balanced choice of IT solutions
  • learn how to assess the risks associated with the use of IT technologies, assess the total cost of ownership of IT infrastructure
  • learn how to organize the work of IT departments in accordance with the best world practices

Seminar program:

Day 1

General approaches to the formation of an IT strategy and the development of tactical IT solutions in a modern company

  • Business goals and IT strategy
  • IT as a business within a business
  • Modern approaches to the formation of an IT strategy
  • Practical examples, analysis of examples from the professional life of students

Functionality of modern IT solutions

  • The history of the development of standards for managing and building IT systems (MRPI, MRPII, CRP)
  • ERP solutions
  • Tasks and opportunities of modern CRM-systems
  • BI solutions
  • Data analysis tools. Stages of the Data Mining Cycle
  • Use of electronic document management systems (EDMS)
  • Content Management Systems (ECM)
  • Supply chain management systems (SCM systems)
  • RMS retail management systems
  • WMS warehouse management systems
  • Space management systems-systems for merchandising
  • IT solutions for state structures
  • HR systems
  • Approaches to the choice of ready-made IT solutions for business. Buy or "write for yourself"?
  • Practical examples, analysis of situations from the practice of students

IT environment and IT infrastructure of a modern company

  • Corporate Computer Networks: Risks and Opportunities
  • Wireless Information Technology
  • Approaches to the choice of IT equipment
  • The practice of setting up the work of a corporate call center
  • Estimating the Total Cost of Ownership of IT Infrastructure: Methodology from Gartner, et al.

Technical aspects of e-business organization

  • Electronic payment systems and gateways
  • Usage electronic money
  • Solutions for the formation of electronic storefronts.
  • Illustrative examples and case studies

Day 2

IT outsourcing: approaches to making a decision to outsource IT

  • History of IT outsourcing development
  • Approaches to making a decision on outsourcing
  • Freelance market in the field of IT and approaches to working with "free IT workers"
  • Cloud technologies: how to choose a provider and minimize risks?

Standardization of the activities of the IT department in a modern company

  • Project and process approach to organizing the activities of IT structures
  • International standards in the IT field (ITIL, Сobit and a number of others)
  • The role of a service level agreement (SLA) in IT operations
  • Development of an IT service library for the IT department: best practices
  • Practical examples and analysis of situations from the practice of students

Modern tools for ensuring IT security in the organization

  • The market of IT security tools in the Russian Federation
  • External and internal IT threats and tools for working with them: file-level protection, access control tools, anti-virus prevention, etc.
  • Approaches to choosing a package of funds information protection in accordance with the latest legislative initiatives (FZ 52)
  • Practical examples and analysis of situations from the practice of students

Project management for the implementation of IT solutions in the organization

  • Provider choice: tender or no tender?
  • Description of automated business processes: from AsIsk ToBe
  • What documents do users need to work with new information systems?
  • Psychological support of users during implementation
  • Analysis of cases / real projects and situations from the practice of students

Conducting an IT audit in an organization

  • Plan and approaches to auditing the IT infrastructure in the organization
  • ROI in Information Technology
  • Evaluation of the effect of the implementation of IT solutions
  • Financial and non-financial performance indicators of IT solutions
  • Examples, analysis of situations from the practice of students

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Currently, information technology is one of the main tools for creating competitive advantage. Information technologies make it possible to organize such processes as management at a qualitatively new level. project activities, operations management, risk management, sales management, financial management and other business processes.

The high-quality, timely and efficient performance of daily business functions by the Company's employees is largely determined by the reliability and functionality of the corporate systems used, and the operational activity depends on and is fully built on the capabilities of information systems.

The development of information systems, in turn, can only be carried out within the framework of appropriate infrastructure support. This concept includes the whole complex of interconnected systems, equipment and communication channels that unite stand-alone software and hardware systems into a single interaction environment. It is the capabilities of infrastructure support that determine the ability of applied information systems to process and transmit the required amount of information through communication channels, uniting all participants in information exchange into a single information technology space.

The uninterrupted operation and development of existing corporate information systems, as well as testing and implementation of new business applications in accordance with development plans, should be based on a reliable, modern, adaptive, flexible, functional IT infrastructure.

At the heart of the development of information systems of any organization, first of all, are the needs of the business. The requirements formed by the business are used in the analysis of the information systems market and the selection of the most appropriate solutions.

1. Strategic goals for the development of the Company's business

There is no single strategy for all companies, just as there is no single universal strategic management. Each company is unique in its own way, therefore, the strategy developed by each individual company is unique, since it depends on the position of the company in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of its goods or services, the state of the economy, the cultural environment. and many more factors. And at the same time, there are some fundamental points that allow us to talk about the generalized principles of behavioral strategies and the implementation of strategic management. Usually the main strategic goal commercial organization is to ensure profitability and growth of business capitalization.

2. Goals of informatization strategy

The relationship between the strategic goals and objectives of the Company and the informatization strategy can be expressed as follows:

  • The business strategy determines the directions for the development of the main area of ​​the Company's activity and the reasons for moving in this direction;
  • The informatization strategy identifies those information technologies that are required to support and optimize the business strategy and shows how these technologies and systems can be implemented in the Company.

Thus, the informatization strategy is designed to determine a set of priority initiatives in the field of information technology, which will allow the consistent and coordinated development of the information technology complex of the Company, with the participation of all departments, based on uniform requirements to achieve the strategic goals of the Company.

3. Analysis and assessment of the current state of the Company's IT support

Goals and objectives of diagnosing the current state of IT support

The purpose of diagnostics is to determine the current state of IT provision for its further development in accordance with the developed IT strategy.

To carry out diagnostics, the following main tasks must be performed:
Diagnostics of IT support for basic, functional business processes and management tools;
Analysis of IT infrastructure;
Characteristics of ensuring information security;
Characteristics of the organizational support of information technology;
Typology and characteristics of IT support costs;

4. Formation of the concept of IT development

Basic principles of IT development

The development of information technologies of the Company should be based on the following principles:

  • The development of information technology should be in line with strategic development Companies, and information technologies themselves, are a strategic component of the Company's business architecture;
  • In the information technology architecture, both the structure of the Company's activities and the content of the key business processes of this activity should be fixed and supported;
  • Satisfying priority business objectives: reducing costs, improving the Company's manageability, financial transparency, a single information space.
  • IT investment protection: implementation of systems that are least exposed to the risk of business strategy uncertainty;
  • End-to-End Solution: IT investments should go towards creating a “whole asset”.
  • Balance between current and strategic tasks: the implementation of long-term IT projects should not lead to blocking the current work of functional units.

The real return on the automation of the Company can only be obtained through optimization management processes in the Company, managing operational processes and managing financial funds. Therefore, the development of the IT Company should go in four main directions:

  • Consistent automation of all operational processes providing increased cost reduction and improvement key indicators the effectiveness of the company's business units;
  • Development of a corporate information system based on an integrated solution and effective procedures for collecting, processing and providing information;
  • Creation of an information technology infrastructure that satisfies modern requirements in terms of reliability and safety;
  • Improving the efficiency of users and IT staff.

5. Approach to the implementation of the concept of IT development

IT Development Concept Implementation Projects

The scope and timing of projects are determined based on the results of assessing the current state of the Company's IT support, a detailed analysis of the results and determining the direction of development of the Company's IT. The project implementation program begins with the implementation of a set of works to prepare for implementation and detailed planning of work on individual tasks of automating business functions as part of the IT development strategy.

6. Organization of work on the implementation of the concept

Roles and functions of IT departments

AT organizational structure IT department has separate subdivisions responsible for IT development - this is the IT project management department.
The activity of this division is built on a project basis. The head of this department forms the required number of project teams (according to the number of projects in their direction), in which specialists of the relevant specialization are gathered. At the same time, project teams can be formed from specialists who are administratively subordinate to other heads of departments, depending on the specifics of each specific project.

Basic principles of management and control during the implementation of the concept

Management of the implementation process of the IT Strategy and control over the progress and results of each of the projects are built on the basis of the following principles:
Project goals should be set based on S.M.A.R.T.
The IT service should have a group of specialists - project quality auditors.
Every project should have a quality controller.
The Company must clearly define and approve the principles of project risk management.
The Company must approve uniform indicators for the control of project processes.
The motivation of project participants should be related to the result of the project.
Mandatory is the procedure for monitoring the project upon its completion.
A single frequency of control processes should be established.
After each project, internal “project lessons” (lessons learned) should be formed.


The paramount task facing any IT manager is to ensure that the IT infrastructure and information systems of the enterprise meet the requirements of the business. The development of information technology requires significant investment, which is why it is of great importance for the head of the IT department to have a qualitative analysis of business needs in order to select information systems that meet these needs.

The IT infrastructure development concept defines the rules for building the company's IT infrastructure, the main architectural solutions and standards, the infrastructure management model and the requirements for management processes. The concept also defines the principles of transition from the existing state of the enterprise's IT infrastructure to the target one.

When developing the concept, an analysis of the current state of the Company's IT support is carried out, including an assessment of the existing IT infrastructure, the level of information security, and organizational support. After the analysis, various development options are evaluated, the direction of IT development in the Company is determined, the target IT architecture, requirements for infrastructure services are developed. Based on the data obtained, the level of compliance of the current state of IT with the target is determined and the stages of achieving the required level are formed, the choice of software and hardware solutions is made. Preparation and implementation of the selected solutions is carried out on a project basis.


1. Gurkov I.B. Strategy and structure of the corporation, Moscow, 2008, 288 p.
2. Mikhailov A. " Strategic planning development of the information support system”. Moscow, 2001, 134 p.
3. Danilin A. Slyusarenko A. Architecture and strategy. "Yin" and "Yang" of information technology enterprises, Moscow 2005, 504 p.
4. White T. What does business want from IT. Minsk, 2007, 256 p.
5. Ermoshkin N., Tarasov A. Strategy of information technologies of the enterprise. How Cisco Systems and the World's Leading Companies Use Internet Business Solutions. Moscow, 2003, 360 p.
6. Marasko D. IT-projects: front-line essays. Moscow, 2007, 384 p.
7. Snedaker S. IT project management, or How to become a full-fledged CIO. Moscow, 2009, 616 p.
8. Thompson A, Strickland A. Strategic management. Moscow, 2000, 412 p.
9. Rumyantsev M. IT strategy: what's in my name to you. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 9, 2002. [ Electronic document] URL: Accessed 12.01.2009.
10. Mikhailov A. Consolidation of IT resources of the holding. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 5, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Accessed 12.01.2009.
11. Mikhailov A. Seven approaches to the development of IT strategies. Moscow, magazine "Director of the Information Service" No. 02, 2004. [Electronic document] URL: . Accessed 12.01.2009.
12. Nekrasova E. Strategic document. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 3, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: . Accessed 12.01.2009.
13. Nekrasova E. Our slogan is "Not IT for IT, but IT for business". Moscow, CIO magazine No. 8, 2003. . [Electronic document] URL: . Accessed 12.01.2009.
14. Erkola E. CIO tasks are becoming more complex. cnews | Analytics, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: . Accessed 12.01.2009.
15. Rumyantsev M. Start from scratch. Moscow, CIO magazine No. 11, 2003. [Electronic document] URL: Accessed 12.01.2009.

Copyright © 2010 Shlyaptsev A.O.

In the process of business activities, modern companies must solve a wide variety of tasks, including entering new markets, reducing the cost of products, the need to comply with regulatory documents, from accounting to the processing of personal data, and many, many others. Employees of the organization must be able to effectively interact not only with each other, but also with existing and prospective partners and customers, carefully calculate costs, maintain the competitiveness of the company and quickly process large amounts of information.

To ensure the fulfillment of all these tasks, it is necessary to build a high-quality IT infrastructure, which is a complex of interconnected systems, including software products, information security policies, network and directory services, backup and storage system, monitoring and management, and others. The key tasks of the IT structure include ensuring the availability of the applications used for business users and supporting the development of the company.

Necessary components of a modern IT infrastructure:

  • corporate email;
  • videoconferencing;
  • organization of joint work of employees;
  • external resources of the company;
  • Information Security;
  • basic services;
  • corporate data center;
  • control and monitoring systems;
  • data storage and backup;
  • terminal solutions, thin clients;
  • virtualization;
  • data networks.

Building an IT infrastructure may include modern solutions in the field of:

  • effective communication (including email, video and voice communication, organization of remote access to shared resources, communication of remote departments, management of individual communication components);
  • system hardware and software complexes for data centers (virtualization of workplaces and servers, element management, cloud computing,);
  • organization of workplaces (configuration and management of hardware and software and software, management of user computers);
  • ensuring effective interaction between divisions of the company, management internal work and contractor services in the field of information technology (including the implementation and automation of ITSM);
  • maintaining information security (analysis of possible risks, creation of protective mechanisms, effective management IB).

When building an IT infrastructure, the design and creation of its various subsystems is carried out, as well as the organization of the management of these subsystems and other work in the field of IT. To ensure the smooth operation of IT infrastructure components, it is necessary to remember about the quality technical support, staff training and regular IT audits. The use of modern solutions in the organization of the IT structure of the company helps to ensure:

  • obtaining access to information regardless of the physical location of the company's employees;
  • setting access rights to the data of a particular user, depending on the security policy in force at the enterprise;
  • providing access to the general information space of the company both using workstations and mobile devices, and terminal clients;
  • continuous operation and use of hardware and software resources;
  • reducing the cost of infrastructure operation;
  • ensuring business continuity of the organization:
  • the possibility of continuous development and increase in profits through the use of innovative technologies and efficient business automation.

As we have already said, IT infrastructure is a complex of interconnected information services and systems necessary for the functioning and development of information interaction tools in the company. Thus, this infrastructure is not only the foundation of existence modern organization, but also a strategic asset, which is a kind of driving force. Therefore, the creation of a reliable IT structure that fully meets the needs of the company's business is a responsible and difficult task, which in most cases is almost impossible to solve with the help of an internal IT service. To create a truly reliable, scalable and high-performance IT infrastructure, you need a sufficient number of highly qualified IT specialists and experience in organizing an IT structure.

CIS - corporate information system - is its integral part, which includes databases, information centers, communication systems, sharing and work. When organizing a CIS, various important factors must be taken into account. For example, after the implementation of an ERP system, it turns out that the existing IT infrastructure is not suitable for servicing this system, and this happens quite often. The IT infrastructure is the basis for all systems and business applications, therefore, how it is built, how reliable and productive it is, depends on the operation of IT services, ERP systems, databases, and hence the success of the company's business activities as a whole.

  • Development, coordination and approval of terms of reference - a document that contains the company's requirements for the future information system.
  • Development of a working draft containing a technical description of the procedures and activities carried out to implement the requirements specified in the terms of reference.
  • Implementation - implementation of the created project.
  • Formation of working documentation, which contains a thorough description of the created infrastructure, necessary for the operation and maintenance of the corporate information system.

Work carried out at the implementation stage:

  • organization of engineering systems and SCS;
  • formation of network infrastructure;
  • installation of automatic telephone exchange;
  • purchase of equipment and software;
  • installation of server hardware;
  • implementation of server virtualization systems;
  • implementation of basic network services based on the TCP/IP protocol;
  • implementation of Windows domain and Active Directory directory service;
  • deployment of file servers;
  • implementation of print servers;
  • organization of database management systems (DBMS);
  • implementation of servers for managing and protecting Internet traffic;
  • creation of mail servers;
  • implementation of unified communications;
  • organization of terminal servers;
  • implementation of backup servers;
  • commissioning of anti-virus protection servers;
  • installation of client workstations;
  • installation of peripheral equipment.

Lecture 3. Modern concepts of IT infrastructure management

Target: Studying the features of the application of the process approach and modern concepts of organizing the management of the IT department.

Duration: 2 hours


    Application of the process approach to improve IT infrastructure management:

    Functional and process approaches to management;

    Methodology for the implementation of the process approach.

    Business - oriented IT management in the modern enterprise.

    Service approach to IT management: IT Service Management.

Brief summary of the lecture

Currently, two main approaches to enterprise management are distinguished and opposed to each other: process management and functional management. . The method of management that considers the organization not as a set of departments, but as a set of business processes (BP) is called the process approach [Repin, Eliferer, 2004].

Understanding the shortcomings of the functional approach, the experts came to the conclusion that it is necessary to pay attention to the processes taking place in the organization, since they go through all departments, involve all services, and are focused on the final result. Management begins to manage processes, build them the way they are needed for effective operation. Thus, the organization is presented as a set of processes, its management becomes the management of processes. At the same time, each process has its own goal, which is a criterion for its effectiveness - optimally this process leads to its achievement. The goals of all processes are the goals of the lower level, through the implementation of which the goals of the upper level are achieved - the goals of the organization. By managing processes and constantly improving them, the organization achieves high efficiency of its activities.

To apply the process-oriented management of an organization, it is necessary to understand: what kind of BP it has, how they proceed and how to evaluate their effectiveness. Therefore, the organization must formalize the processes, establish indicators of their effectiveness, and define the procedures for managing processes. Process efficiency (performance) indicators are quantitative and qualitative parameters of the process, characterizing, as a rule, the relationship between the result achieved and the resources used.

The key steps in implementing a process approach to management are:

    definition and description of existing business processes and the order of their interaction in the overall network of processes of the organization;

    a clear distribution of the responsibility of managers for each segment of the entire network of business processes of the organization;

    definition of performance indicators and methods for their measurement (for example, statistical);

    development and approval of regulations formalizing the operation of the system;

    management of resources and regulations when deviations, inconsistencies in the process or product or changes in the external environment are detected (including changes in customer requirements).

The process approach to the organization of work in the IT departments of enterprises of various types and sizes was described in sufficient detail and began to be applied relatively recently. An important step in this direction was the first publication in 1989 of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL); ITIL methodology has been widely used since the release of the second version in 1999.

The concept of IT Service Management - IT Service Management (IT Service Management, ITSM) [Pototsky, 2003] considers the provision and support of IT services designed in accordance with the needs of the organization.

ITSM is a strategy and approach to building and organizing the work of an IT service in order to most effectively solve a company's business problems. With this approach, the IT department should not just maintain the IT infrastructure, but act as a provider of IT services to the company's business units.

At the same time, both other departments of the organization and external organizations or individuals are considered as customers.

The main ideas of the ITSM approach are:

      effective organization of the work of the IT service and its interaction with other business units based on the business architecture of the enterprise;

      application of the process approach to IT infrastructure management;

      positioning the IT department as a service provider of consistent quality. At the same time, the process organization of the provision of services and the availability of efficiency parameters specified in advance in the service level agreement allow IT departments to provide relevant services, measure and improve their quality;

      in contrast to the traditional technology approach, ITSM recommends focusing on the customer and their needs, on the services provided to the IT user, and not on the technologies themselves.

Goals of the ITSM approach:

      improving the quality of services provided while reducing the total cost of IT;

      increase in the share of profits from IT;

      turn the IT department from a costly unit into a valuable strategic resource of a company that is a full-fledged participant in the business;

      make the work of the IT department controllable, transparent for reporting and measurable.

The essence of ITSM is the need to move from the traditional model, where the main objective- this is the actual support of the IT infrastructure, to a scheme focused on servicing the company's core business. The solution to this problem is complicated by the fact that this will require a rather radical revision of the overall positioning of service IT departments in the structure of companies.

The most important component of ITSM implementation is the development of formalized processes for the IT department. For each process, the sequence of work, the necessary resources and time, automation and quality control tools are determined. In addition, if a process is clearly defined and documented, including input parameters and execution results, its performance can be measured. This is especially important when the IT department is faced with the task of providing a service of a given quality for a certain cost. And this will allow you to improve the process and make the necessary changes in a proactive mode - even before there was a failure in the implementation of the service.

ITSM is not about details and details technical management processes, IT service management is aimed at ensuring the implementation of business processes and structuring internal organization work and activities of the IT department.

The implementation of ITSM also includes the formalization of work regulations for employees and IT departments, the definition of areas of responsibility and authority of personnel, criteria for the quality of work and the formation of mechanisms for controlling and monitoring the state of processes.

IT Service Management is an IT infrastructure management concept that is strategically focused on the provision of services and focused on the consumer of these services. The concept combines the advantages of a process approach in organizing work and the need for the correct construction of processes, thereby helping to find mutual understanding between IT managers and heads of company departments.

The concept of ITSM emerged as a result of a fundamental change in today's role of IT departments. Business processes are so tightly coupled with applications technical resources and the activities of the staff of the automation departments, that the efficiency of the latter is one of the decisive factors in the efficiency of the company as a whole.

The main advantage of the ITSM approach is that the IT department ceases to be an auxiliary element for the company's core business, responsible only for the operation of individual servers, networks and applications that are used "somewhere and somehow" in the company. The automation department becomes a full-fledged participant in the business, acting as a provider of certain services for business units, and the relationship between them is formalized as a “service provider – service consumer” relationship. The business unit formulates its requirements for the required range of services and their quality, the company's management determines the amount of funding to meet these requirements, and the automation units maintain and develop the company's information infrastructure in such a way that it is able to provide the requested service with a given quality.

A full transition to a service basis will allow the IT departments of any company not only to turn from a costly unit into a profit center, but also to offer their IT services outside own organization, thereby moving to the status of a department with an independent budget.

Thus, the introduction of ITSM will make the information structure a convenient and reliable business tool that allows you to maintain the desired quality. information services, achieve competitive advantages of the core business and manage its profitability.


Pototsky M.Yu.

Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G. Process approach to management. Modeling of business processes. Moscow: RIA "Standards and Quality", 2004.

Osinovsky A. S. Application of the process approach in improving the organizational and managerial structure of the IT service. St. Petersburg: "Azbuka", 2000.

Optimization of business processes. St. Petersburg: "Bmikro", 2002.

Robson M., Ullah F. Practical guide on business process reengineering. Moscow: Unity, 1997.

Rob England, Introduction to Real ITSM, 2008.

Test questions:

    Lead comparative characteristics process and functional approaches.

    Describe the methodology for implementing the process approach.

    What is Business Oriented IT Management?

    Explain the goals, essence and objectives of the ITSM concept.

    What is the advantage of the ITSM concept?

Lecture 4. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Target: Introduction to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) methodology. Studying the processes of providing and supporting IT services.

Duration: 2 hours


    ITIL is the basic concept of IT service management.

    Provision of services (Service Delivery).

    Service support (Service Support).

    New versions of ITL.

Brief summary of the lecture

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is an information technology infrastructure library created in the late 80s based on the best practices of leading software and hardware manufacturers.

The IT Infrastructure Library of Excellence was developed by the Central Communications and Telecom Agency (CCTA) at the direction of the British government for use by IT services. [Pototsky, 2003].

ITIL is a strictly regulated system of requirements and recommendations for organizing activities to manage the provision of information services (IT services or IT services) in accordance with a certain level of quality and costs. ITIL is not a product, not a program, not a system. ITIL is a methodology that will allow the user to ensure the effective functioning of Information Technology services, meeting the needs of business users, stable and predictable development of the information system.

The key concept in ITIL is IT service management (IT service). An IT service is a described set of IT and non-IT related facilities supported by an IT service provider that meets one or more customer needs, achieves the customer's main business objectives, and is perceived by the customer as a whole.

The main ideas of ITIL:

    Information service is a business partner. The IT department should not be an auxiliary element for the main business of the company, responsible only for the operation of individual servers, networks and applications that are used somewhere and somehow in the company;

    The main product of IS is an IT service. The IT department becomes a full participant in the business, acting as a provider of certain services (services) for business units, and the relationship between them is formalized as a service provider - service consumer relationship;

    IT services are a described set of facilities, both IT and non-IT, that are supported by an IT service provider, satisfy one or more customer needs, achieve the customer's main business objectives, and are perceived by the customer as a whole;

    Service management includes many procedures that allow you to quickly and efficiently formulate, change and control service levels defined for each user according to predetermined criteria and parameters of the system functioning;

    Service quality is a set of characteristics of a product or service that shape the ability of a product to satisfy stated and implied needs.

Currently, there are already 3 versions of the ITIL library. Books included in ITIL versions 1 and 2, published in 2000 - 2004. [Pototsky, 2003]:

    Service Support.

    Provision of services (Service Delivery).

    Security Management.

    Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure Management (ICT Infrastructure Management).

    Application Management.

    Planning to Implement ITSM (Planning to Implement ITSM).

    Business Perspective - in development.

The IT Infrastructure course focuses on two main books: Service Support and Service Delivery.

The Service Delivery block includes a set of business processes that ensure the development of high-quality, cost-effective effective services that meet business requirements:

      Service level management (Service Level Management);

      Management of opportunities (or capacities) (Capacity Management);

      Continuity Management;

      Cost management (or finance) (Cost Management);

      Availability Management.

The Service Support block includes a set of business processes that ensure the stability and flexibility of existing services. The business processes of this group are focused on maintaining information systems and infrastructure components, resolving incidents and problems, and tracking changes:

      Incident Management;

      Problem Management;

      Configuration Management;

      Release Management;

      Change Management.

The description of each process includes the goal, tasks, terms, activities, performance indicators.

Service Level Management– provides a process of harmonization of requirements for the service provided between the customer (business unit) and the contractor (IT unit).

The purpose of this process is to reach an agreement between the customer and the contractor. At the same time, it is necessary to find a balance between the requirements of business and the possibilities of information technology.

The agreement is drawn up in the form of a document - a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which specifies all the requirements of the business unit for the service provided in non-technical terms.

Capacity Management or in other words capacity management ensures the provision necessary resources to support existing services.

The goal of the process is to ensure that the required IT infrastructure capacity is delivered in a timely, forward-looking, and cost-effective manner.

Continuity Management provides preparation for emergencies, planning the behavior of employees of the IT department in case of problems and incidents, assesses the degree of vulnerability of existing information systems.

The purpose of the process is to ensure the restoration of technical facilities, as well as the entire infrastructure to support services in the event of a disaster, in accordance with production (temporary s mi) plans.

Cost Management provides the ability to account financial factors with the support and development of services. The cost management process is necessary for budgeting the IT department and billing for IT services to the business unit.

The purpose of the process is to provide cost-effective management of IT assets that are used in the provision of IT services.

Availability Management the process of providing, developing, changing, optimizing, services to achieve an optimal, consistent level of availability. As part of this process, systems are designed to achieve the required recovery capability, and maintenance and security plans are developed.

The goal of the process is to optimize the capabilities of the infrastructure, services, and IT department to provide a cost-effective and consistent level of availability that will enable the business to achieve its goals.

Incident Management ensures the minimization of the negative impact of failures (malfunctions of software and hardware) on the provision of services and ensures the fastest possible recovery.

The goal of the process is to restore the normal operation of the IT service as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact of the outage on the work of users and departments of the enterprise, thus ensuring a consistent level of quality of service.

An incident is any event that is not part of the normal operation of a service and that leads to or may lead to a stop or loss of quality of that service.

Problem Management ensures that the negative impact of incidents on existing IT services is minimized and the number of incidents is minimized by preventing possible causes. A problem is an incident or group of incidents that share a common unknown cause. The occurrence of a problem signals an unknown reason for the occurrence of several incidents and the possibility of their occurrence in the near future.

The purpose of the process is to help ensure the maximum stability of the services provided by identifying and eliminating errors in the infrastructure, identify the root cause of the problem and, as a result, prevent the occurrence of incidents.

Configuration Management provides a logical construction of the IT infrastructure model, which includes a description of the existing configuration units (applications, servers, interfaces, etc.) and the relationships between them. The process also collects information about open and closed incidents, problems, known bugs, changes, releases.

The collected information is stored in the database of configuration items (CMDB, Configuration Management Data Base) and is used by various IT departments to plan work to optimize the IT infrastructure.

Release Management provides development, testing, distribution and implementation of new versions of software and hardware. The process optimizes the introduction of all changes or updates, reduces the risk of failures, allows you to correctly allocate existing resources in the enterprise and estimate the necessary time for making changes.

Change Management ensures that standard procedures and practices are used to minimize the likelihood of incidents occurring. Change management is considered the formal process of "accepting, recording, authorizing, planning, testing, implementing, and reviewing change requests (RfCs)".

The purpose of the process is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used to effectively and timely implement all infrastructure changes and prevent related incidents.

ITIL version 3 was published in 2008 . Unlike previous versions, the third version of ITIL focuses on the design of IT services and IT service portfolio management. The interaction of the IT organization with the business occurs through the formation of a strategy for the provision of services in the organization.

ITIL version 3 declares the fundamental continuity of the spectrum of services. At one extreme are the services that a business provides using only its own resources (business processes, personnel, knowledge, etc.). On the other - IT services associated only with the use of IT resources (IT management processes, personnel, applications, etc.). These services are provided by the IT organization to the business. Between these extremes are services that use both resources. These services are planned and implemented jointly by the IT organization and the business, and are of primary interest in terms of ITIL version 3.

The interaction of an IT organization with a business takes place in the language of services, and service consumers can be not only people, but also business processes, other services, and even applications. The definition of the service is formed jointly, based on the requirements of the business (and ultimately its customers) and the capabilities of the IT organization (it is also possible to involve third parties - outsourcers). What resources are needed for this and how they should be arranged is the business of the IT organization.

The connection of IT organization services with business strategy is provided through business processes: IT organization services are primarily implemented for those processes that are critical from the point of view of business strategy.

All decisions related to the modernization of information resources (processes, applications, personnel, etc.) are made only in connection with the services that the IT organization provides using these resources.

The list of IT organization services is agreed and approved by the business. It is the basis of all formal agreements and is revised only by mutual agreement.

Service Portfolio Management, according to ITIL version 3, is a dynamic method of managing investments in organization-wide service management in order to increase their value. A portfolio is not limited to a list of services, applications, tangible assets or projects. A portfolio is essentially a collection of investments that share common characteristics.

The Service Catalog is the only part of the Portfolio that is responsible for covering costs and generating revenue for the provider. Essentially, the service portfolio
represents the strategy of the service provider. Implementation of this strategy
involves making a number of decisions, in particular on the order and size of
investment. These decisions are made during the portfolio management process.

IT service design is part of a global process of business change.

Service Design covers five aspects of service design activities:

    new or changed services;

    service management systems and tools, especially the Service Portfolio;

    technological architecture and control systems;


    measurement methods and metrics.

Benefits of ITIL for customers:

    IT service delivery is becoming more customer-focused;

    Service quality agreements help improve relationships;

    Services are described more precisely, better, in the language of the customer and with the required level of detail;

    Transparent quality and cost of services;

    Clear scheme of interaction with IT;

    Higher IT quality – reliable support of business processes.

Benefits of ITIL for IT departments:

    Clear structure of the IT department;

    the IT department becomes more efficient, rational and focused on corporate goals;

    More focused IT leadership, easier change management;

    An effective process structure creates the basis for outsourcing IT services;

    Following ITIL Best Practices Drives Change corporate culture in the direction of understanding that the task of IT is to provide services;

    Basis for IT quality improvement and implementation of ISO-9000 series standards.

The strategic advantage of ITIL for the organization as a whole - uh effective IT management across the organization.


Oleinik A.I. Methodological foundations enterprise IT infrastructure management "; In the book: Technique and technology in the XXI century: state of the art and development prospects: monograph / edited by S.S. Chernov. Novosibirsk: CRNS, 2009.

Pototsky M.Yu. IT Service Management, Introduction. M.: Open Systems, 2003.

Harrington D., Esseling K.S., Nimwegen H.W. Optimization of business processes. Publishing house ";Azbuka";, ";Bmicro";, St. Petersburg, 2002.

Robson M., Ullah F. A Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering. Moscow: Audit, publishing house. Association "Unity", 1997.

IT Service Management. An introduction. itSMF-International. The Stationery Office, 2009.

service support. Office of Government Commerce. The Stationery Office, 2008.

john long, ITIL Version 3 at a Glance: Information Quick Reference, 2008.

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