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Legal support - a modern practice that involves the involvement of third-party companies with their own staff of diverse lawyers. Start-up entrepreneurs and mid-level businessmen, who face various problems in the course of their activities, act as customers. What are the advantages of legal support for business? How it works? What services can you expect?


The current market situation is highly volatile. Instability is caused by private changes in legislation and the imperfection of the latter. In such a situation, entrepreneurs are forced to constantly maneuver, which often leads to errors. Many beginners can not withstand the load - they change the scope of their activities, take "holidays" or close altogether. To survive in difficult conditions, legal support can be useful.

Large companies are guided by a staff of their own lawyers who analyze problems and solve primary problems. But such a path requires financial expenses, which are unbearable for representatives of medium and small businesses. If you do not involve lawyers at all, the risk of receiving numerous fines and litigation is high. As a result, the very existence of the business may be called into question.

Legal support of transactions is an alternative solution that provides qualified assistance and reduces the risk of getting into difficult situations. Such a service is cheaper than maintaining a staff, and a quick solution to problems allows you to cope with financial turmoil.

Legal support and services provided

Under the option under consideration, entrepreneurs have the right to count on a range of services. The range of activities of companies providing legal support is as follows:

  • Consultations (oral and written) on the use of legislation.
  • Preparation of expert opinions on the company's activities.
  • Legal examination of documents provided by the partner.
  • Development of contracts (agreements), as well as other papers.
  • Protection of interests in litigation.
  • Pre-trial protection of rights.
  • Representing the interests of the company in various structures.
  • Comprehensive protection of interests in the execution of transactions.
  • Solving other issues where the lawyer has authority.

Legal support of business- real assistance in matters of formation and development entrepreneurial activity. Qualified specialists perform the assigned tasks and allow you not to be distracted by solving extraneous tasks.

Pros and cons of the service

Like any other service, legal support of transactions has positive and negative features.

The advantages include:

  • Savings on your own lawyers and workplace arrangement.
  • Savings on various fees that you have to pay for lawyers.
  • Obtaining at the disposal of specialists capable of working in various directions.

Any company from the moment of opening must interact with numerous public and private organizations. Almost always, these relationships have a legal and documentary basis.

Subscriber legal services

from 35 000 rub. / month



Contract work

from 10 000 rub.

3-7 business days


Legal advice

from 5000 rub.

1 hour


Arbitration, representation in court

from 15 000 rub. / 1 session



Pre-trial settlement of disputes

from 10 000 rub.

1 day


HR audit

from 20 000 rub.

1 day


Submit your application

Often an entrepreneur finds himself face to face with a set of laws, codes, charters and other legal acts. The work will require not only their direct knowledge, but also the ability to work with them: quickly find the necessary norms, adequately understand their meaning. Without competent legal support, businesses will face courts, fines, contractual disagreements, friction with employees, and other penalties. In such a situation, the firm needs an experienced lawyer who is able to resolve all issues in a timely and professional manner.

Not all companies can afford to keep the right specialist in the state. Their legal services based on outsourcing will help to solve this problem. Lawyers of the Law Firm "PRIORITET" specialize in providing such services.

Features of the provision of legal support services for business

The PRIORITET company provides business support services on a subscription basis after the conclusion of the relevant agreement. Three service packages are offered:

  • 10 hours of work cost


  • 20 hours of work cost


  • 30 hours of work cost


Clients receive not only comprehensive legal support, but also comprehensive legal analysis activities, recommendations for optimizing taxation and maintaining personnel records.

When ordering legal support for a business, the client receives a 10% discount on all subsequent services and free courier delivery in Moscow. Please note that free shipping performed only within the framework of this service.

As part of the service, the following types of work are carried out:

  • consultations with the provision of a reasoned written opinion on the activities of the enterprise (within the framework of civil, procedural, corporate, antimonopoly, labor, currency legislation);
  • representing the interests of the customer in all state structures, including the Federal Antimonopoly Service;
  • verification of acts of the employer and documents of the personnel department for compliance with the norms of the law;
  • drawing up contracts;
  • participation in negotiations;
  • business correspondence on behalf of the enterprise;
  • legal expertise of incoming documentation and contracts received from contractors;
  • regular monitoring of changes in legislation;
  • information and legal support of business;
  • intellectual property protection.

At the stage of planning your own business, you can use a service such as comprehensive business support. It begins with the registration of an LLC or other organizational and legal form of a legal entity. Legal support for business is provided by specialists with broad knowledge in the field of entrepreneurial activities within the framework of the current legislation.


As part of comprehensive business support, specialists will provide clients with legal assistance in various areas of law.

Having extensive experience in judicial and administrative proceedings, comprehensive business support from qualified lawyers will help to avoid unforeseen situations both in the preparation and execution of the necessary documentation, and in representing the client's interests in various instances. Payment for services is usually fixed and does not depend on the complexity and volume of tasks assigned to the contractor. But it should be borne in mind that some lawyers work according to a different scheme - price policy depends on the number of services provided.

When ordering comprehensive support, customers receive a complete organization in a short time:

  • office work;
  • preparation and submission of tax/accounting reports;
  • personnel records;
  • accounting;
  • legal support, including debt collection, compensation for damages, transaction support, execution of contracts, remote and face-to-face consultations, solving various legal issues.

What are the advantages and what does comprehensive business support include, we will tell in more detail in the presented article.

Benefits of comprehensive business support

The main advantage that clients who order comprehensive business support receive is the opportunity to engage only in the development of their business, without being distracted by organizational and reporting issues, responsibilities for maintaining various kinds accounting.

Comprehensive business support has a number of advantages, as it is:

  • efficient - correct reporting on taxes and accounting;
  • secure - maintaining the confidentiality of information;
  • convenient - you do not have to maintain a staff of hired employees, tax optimization.

It is not worth saving on legal and accounting support if you are striving for a stable increase in the efficiency of your own business. The lack of organization of the areas they supervise entails a significant decrease in business efficiency: loss of profit, the appearance of expenses for fines, payment of penalties, debts to the budget, creditors, the appearance of obstacles to business development by state control bodies.

The advantage of a business support service by a freelance qualified lawyer is his involvement only if necessary - the client orders and pays for the service in the event of a situation requiring legal assistance.

What is included in the service for complex legal support of business

Measures for comprehensive legal support for business include:

  • written and oral legal advice;
  • employment contracts;
  • civil law contracts, corporate transactions;
  • license agreements;
  • representation of interests in state bodies;
  • support by a lawyer of the process of creation, liquidation, transformation legal entities;
  • development, legal examination of contracts, local regulations;
  • participation in court proceedings;
  • corporate governance;
  • support of tax audits, other verification activities within the framework of state control;
  • international treaties;
  • analysis of legal risks when purchasing objects, investing in intellectual property;
  • confidentiality advice;
  • mergers and acquisitions;
  • intellectual property protection.

Comprehensive legal support for business will protect against acceptance wrong decisions, will help to find a way out of difficult situations, reduce commercial risks.


The basis for comprehensive business support is an agreement concluded between a client and a lawyer. The cost of the service package is determined by the volume, which may include:

  • accounting, tax support;
  • legal support (negotiations, analysis of contracts, drafting of documents);
  • training;
  • debt collection;
  • representation in the judiciary, enforcement proceedings, arbitration;
  • protection of the head from various kinds of persecution, initiation of a criminal case, actions of fraudsters;
  • security audit;
  • gradual withdrawal of business from the shadow, legalization of companies.

The monthly cost of subscription services depends on the type of services provided, both one-time consultations and more comprehensive services. Long-term contracts end up costing customers less, so we recommend ordering a long-term comprehensive service to save money.

AT major cities, like Moscow, the cost of comprehensive support is much higher than in other regions of Russia, so if you need professional legal support for your business, getting advice from competent specialists, contact our lawyers by filling out an online form or by calling the phone number indicated on the website.

Subscriber legal service is a set of measures to resolve legal issues that are related to the daily activities of companies and organizations. Unlike episodic services, subscription services are provided on a regular basis. At the same time, the lawyers of our company can take on the responsibilities full-time specialist or work in tandem with him.

Our company offers legal services for legal entities in Moscow for organizations of various forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs. Our services are actively used by enterprises and companies operating in various market segments. Legal support of business guarantees clients effective legal protection and optimization of work processes.

Types of professional assistance within the framework of subscription legal services

Our lawyers and lawyers offer adequate prices and quality legal services to develop and promote your business. Our activities cover the area of ​​taxation, accounting and personnel records, corporate practice and legal protection. Legal services for legal entities include several programs that are tailored to the needs of clients. It is possible to prepare a program with individual parameters.

Subscriber legal services include the provision of the following services:

  1. Advice on labor, tax, corporate, migration, administrative, customs and antitrust law. Consultation is possible in oral and written form with the provision of an expert opinion.
  2. Assistance in registration, transformation and termination of the activities of a legal entity;
  3. Support for real estate purchase and sale transactions, including registration with Rosreestr.
  4. Legal examination of enterprise documents, drafting and execution of contracts, instructions, protocols of disagreements, orders and additional agreements.
  5. Analysis of risks when concluding transactions, support for the daily activities of the company.
  6. Representation of the client's interests before contractors and partners, supervisory and controlling government agencies. Participation in negotiations on the side of the principal.
  7. Preparation of pre-trial claims and carrying out activities to resolve disputes.
  8. Legal representation services: assessment of risks and prospects of the case, development of a legal strategy, preparation of procedural documents, protection of the client's legal rights in a court of general jurisdiction and arbitration.

Legal support for business is the best form of legal support and a guarantee of the successful functioning of an enterprise or organization. Before concluding a contract, you can contact us for advice. An experienced lawyer will answer all your questions and offer an effective algorithm for cooperation.

Features and benefits of subscription legal services at PravoZaschita

Cooperation with our company will provide you professional help lawyers and lawyers with extensive experience and specialization in various areas of law. Our advantages are:

  • prompt solution of legal problems of any complexity, since the specialist knows the specifics of the client's work and is always ready to help;
  • great practical experience and extensive business connections;
  • strict observance of confidentiality;
  • full responsibility to the client, fixed by contractual obligations.

After concluding an agreement for legal services for legal entities, we provide a full range of services within the framework of the selected program. As a result, you will receive the following benefits:

  • savings on the maintenance of a full-time legal department;
  • reduction of the tax burden, since the costs of subscription services will be included in the company's expenses;
  • the opportunity to receive professional advice in a timely manner, taking into account changes in legislation and the nuances of your activity;
  • optimization of business processes by reducing risks, controlling the budget and improving the quality of decisions made

The cost of legal support depends on several factors: the type and scope of services, the nature of the company's activities and the complexity of the tasks. However, in any case, you will receive high-quality assistance from lawyers of various profiles who will act in the interests of your business and help solve a number of pressing problems. speaks in our favor great experience work in the field of legal support and successful implementation of projects for large companies.

Supporting the activities of the organization on an ongoing basis

For companies various forms property, the service of legal support for business, which is offered by PravoZaschita Company, will be relevant. This form of legal support is especially in demand among small organizations that cannot afford the maintenance of a full-time lawyer. Nonetheless large firms also use the services of our specialists despite having their own legal department. This is due to the fact that permanent employees are mainly engaged in labor and contractual relations and poorly oriented in other areas of law. Unlike them, the lawyers of our company are well versed in highly specialized areas.

The legal support service implies constant cooperation and an integrated approach to solving problems that arise in the process of doing business. Dealing with the daily tasks of the organization, lawyers study all the nuances of its activities. This allows you to protect the interests of the client as much as possible and prevent possible financial and legal risks.


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