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Approved by Government Decree Russian Federation No. 323 dated April 15, 2014. Responsible executor: Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

Program participants:

  • Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation,
  • Federal executive authorities that are state customers of the federal target program "Housing" for 2011-2015,
  • Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation,
  • Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,
  • Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation,
  • Supreme Court of the Russian Federation,
  • Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Program goals:

  • increasing the affordability of housing and the quality of housing provision for the population;
  • improving the quality and reliability of the provision of housing and communal services to the population.

Program objectives:

  • involvement in the circulation of land plots for the purpose of housing construction, including the construction of economy-class housing; implementation of the program "Housing for the Russian family";
  • promoting the introduction of new modern, energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies in housing construction and production building materials used in residential construction;
  • development of mechanisms for lending to housing construction and the construction of communal infrastructure;
  • increasing the availability of mortgage housing loans for the population;
  • facilitating the formation of a rental housing market and the development of non-profit housing stock for citizens with a low level of income;
  • fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal law;
  • providing state support for the purchase of housing for young families;
    improving the efficiency, quality and reliability of the supply of communal resources, including by attracting long-term private investment;
  • provision of the population drinking water that meets the safety and harmlessness requirements established by the sanitary and epidemiological rules.

Structure state program:


  • Subprogram 1 "Creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens."
  • Subprogram 2 "Creating conditions for providing high-quality housing and communal services to citizens of Russia."
  • Subprogram 3 "Ensuring the implementation of the state program."

Program-targeted tools:

  • federal target program "Housing" for 2011-2015;
  • federal target program "Clean Water" for 2011-2017;

Target indicators and indicators:

  • ensuring the volume of housing commissioning in 2015 -76 million sq. m. meters, in 2017 - 93 million square meters. meters, in 2020 - 100 million square meters. meters, including the annual volume of commissioning of economy class housing: in 2015 - 47.6 million square meters. meters, in 2017 - 61.4 million square meters. meters, in 2020 - 66 million square meters. meters, of which within the framework of the program "Housing for the Russian family": in 2015 - 5 million square meters. meters, in 2016 - 6 million square meters. meters, in 2017 - 14 million square meters. meters;
  • the share of families provided with affordable and comfortable housing in the total number of families wishing to improve their living conditions in 2015 - 22.5 percent, in 2017 - 37 percent, in 2020 - 60 percent;
  • the area of ​​land plots involved in circulation by the Federal Housing Development Fund in accordance with federal law"On promoting the development of housing construction" for housing construction, including the construction of economy-class housing, including low-rise construction— at least 7.5 thousand hectares in 2013, at least 5 thousand hectares in 2014, at least 5.5 thousand hectares in 2015, at least 6 thousand hectares in 2016, at least 6.5 thousand hectares in 2017, at least 7 thousand hectares in 2018, at least 7.5 thousand hectares annually in 2019-2020;
  • the total area of ​​land plots provided by the Federal Fund for the Promotion of Housing Construction in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Promotion of Housing Construction" for housing construction and integrated development for the purposes of housing construction - at least 4 thousand hectares in 2013, at least 3.75 thousand hectares annually in 2014-2015, at least 4 thousand hectares annually in 2016-2017, at least 4.5 thousand hectares in 2018, at least 5 thousand hectares annually in 2019-2020;
  • number of kits developed project documentation low-rise residential buildings using energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and materials - at least 70 units on an accrual basis by 2016;
  • reduction in the average cost of 1 sq. meters of housing in the primary market, taking into account the deflator index for the corresponding year by type economic activity"construction" (as a percentage of the level of 2012): in 2015 - 10.6 percent; in 2018 - 20 percent; in 2020 - 20 percent;
  • housing affordability ratio (the ratio of the average market value of a standard apartment with a total area of ​​54 square meters and the average annual total cash income of a family of 3 people) - 2.5 years in 2015, 2.1 years in 2017, 1.8 years in 2020;
  • the proportion of families that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets the standards of housing, using their own and borrowed funds - up to 30 percent in 2015, up to 40 percent in 2018, up to 50 percent in 2020;
  • the number of granted mortgage housing loans - 871 thousand loans in 2015, 946 thousand loans in 2018, 1053 thousand loans in 2020;
  • the excess of the average interest rate on a mortgage loan (in rubles) over the consumer price index in 2015 to no more than 3.8 percentage points, by 2018 to no more than 2.2 percentage points, by 2020 to the level no more than 2.2 percentage points;
  • share of housing commissioned for the purpose of renting out in the total area of ​​housing commissioning in apartment buildings- 3.8 percent in 2015, 7.4 percent in 2017, 9.4 percent in 2020;
  • the share of the total area of ​​capitally renovated apartment buildings in the total area of ​​apartment buildings built before 2000: 2015 - 3.6 percent; 2017 - 6.2 percent; 2020 - 11.6 percent;
  • the share of borrowed funds in the total volume of capital investments in heat, water supply, sanitation and purification systems Wastewater- 16.5 percent in 2015, 30 percent - in 2017, maintaining the value of this indicator by 2020 at the level of 30 percent.

Expected results of the Program implementation:

  • achievement of an average provision with a total area of ​​housing at the level of 25-27 sq. meters per person - in 2015 and 28 - 35 sq. meters - in 2020;
  • achieving a level of resettlement in residential premises, at which the average number of rooms in actually occupied residential premises will correspond to the average number of persons living in such premises;
  • formation of a market for rental housing stock and development of non-commercial rental housing stock for citizens with a low level of income;
  • reduction in the average cost of 1 sq. meters of housing in the primary market, taking into account the deflator index for the corresponding year for the type of economic activity "construction" (as a percentage of the level of 2012) by 20 percent by 2018;
  • an increase in the share of citizens who have the opportunity, with the help of their own and borrowed funds, to purchase or rent the necessary housing on the market, to build individual housing;
  • creation by 2018 for citizens of the Russian Federation of the opportunity to improve their living conditions at least once every 15 years;
  • achievement of the level of conformity of the housing stock modern conditions energy efficiency, environmental requirements, as well as the needs of certain groups of citizens (large families, the elderly, the disabled, etc.);
  • increasing the satisfaction of the population of the Russian Federation with the level of housing and communal services;
  • reducing the level of losses in the production, transportation and distribution of communal resources to the level of European Union standards.

State program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities citizens of the Russian Federation" implemented in 2013-2020 in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1: 2013-2015
  • Stage 2: 2016-2017
  • Stage 3: 2018-2020

the total amount of budget allocations from the federal budget of the state program in 2013-2020 is 577,934,420.6 thousand rubles, including for subprograms:

subroutine 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Subprogram 1. "Creating conditions for providing affordable and comfortable housing for citizens" 77654976 38324927,8 44308419 50008925,8 54559601,9 446772301,9 48899201,9 51013701,9
Subprogram 2. "Creating conditions for providing high-quality housing and communal services to citizens of Russia" 14833372,8 11047420 12676490 314100
Subprogram 3. "Ensuring the implementation of the state program" 354335,1 391205 391558,1 391798,1 391798,1 391798,1 391798,1 391798,1
FTP "Housing" for 2011-2015 the total amount of financing of the Program in 2011-2015 at the expense of the federal budget - 285.74 billion rubles
FTP "Clean Water" for 2011-2017 3000000
FTP "Housing" for 2016-2020
TOTAL: 139081532,8 89318660,2 96007403,7 50714823,9 54951400 47164100 49291000 51405500

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2017 N 1710 (as amended on August 2, 2019) "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"


Government Decree

Russian Federation




  • Passport of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Appendix N 1. The structure of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Appendix N 2. Performance indicators of individual measures of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Appendix N 3. List of participants in the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Appendix No. 4
  • Appendix N 5
  • Appendix N 6. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the development of housing construction
  • Appendix N 7
  • Appendix N 8 recognized as emergency and not subject to reconstruction
  • Annex N 9
  • Appendix N 10 program "Support for the modernization of communal and engineering infrastructure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ( municipalities)" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation"
  • Annex N 11
  • Appendix N 12 overhaul common property in an apartment building
  • Appendix N 13
  • Appendix N 14
  • Appendix N 15
  • Appendix No. 15(1). Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of measures to reduce the share of polluted wastewater
  • Appendix No. 15(2). Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the co-financing of measures for the construction and reconstruction (modernization) of drinking water supply facilities
  • Appendix No. 15(3). Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to co-finance the expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation arising from the implementation of measures of state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the resettlement of citizens from buildings not intended for habitation, created during the period of industrial development of Siberia and the Far East
  • Appendix N 16
  • Appendix N 17

Open the full text of the document

The priorities of the state policy in the housing and housing and communal sectors are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 600 "On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing and communal services", the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1662-r dated November 17, 2008, the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 323.

The most important indicator of the implementation of the priority national project "Affordable and comfortable housing for the citizens of Russia" and one of the main tasks in the territory Kaluga region is an indicator of the volume of housing commissioning and an increase in the pace of housing construction implemented within the framework of the state program of the Kaluga region "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for the population of the Kaluga region", approved by the Government of the Kaluga region dated December 31, 2013 No. 772 (as amended on February 29, 2016) .

Priorities regional policy in the field of construction and housing and communal services are:

1. Solving the housing problem of the majority of citizens, improving to a large extent the comfort of living in cities and countryside by:

Stimulation of mass construction of economy-class housing that meets the requirements of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness, as well as affordability;

Provision of residential areas with social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities;

Formation of the rental housing market;

Development of a system of mortgage lending available to the majority of the population;

Resettlement of citizens from residential premises in apartment buildings recognized in in due course before January 1, 2012, emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction due to physical wear and tear in the course of their operation.

2. Ensuring the availability of quality housing for most families in the Kaluga region.

3. Reforming the housing and communal services through:

Providing the population with living conditions that meet quality standards;

Reducing the costs of service providers and, accordingly, tariffs while maintaining quality standards for the services provided;

Mitigation for the population of the process of reforming the system of payment for housing and utilities during the transition of the industry to break-even operation;

Improving the quality of management and maintenance of the common property of apartment buildings by supporting associations of homeowners and developing competition in the field of residential real estate management;

Improving the system of state accounting of the housing stock, control and supervision of the technical condition of residential buildings.

Goals, objectives and indicators for achieving goals and solutions

tasks of the state program

Goals of the state program implementation:

Reduction until 2018 of the cost of one square meter of housing by 20% compared to 2012;

Creation of conditions for providing affordable and comfortable economy-class housing to certain categories of citizens, including citizens with three or more children;

Formation for the population of the Kaluga region favorable environment livelihoods, including safe and favorable living conditions;

Creating opportunities for citizens to improve their living conditions at least once every 15 years;

Provision of affordable and comfortable housing for 60% of families wishing to improve their living conditions;

Improving the quality and reliability of the provision of housing and communal services to the population.

To achieve the goals of the state program, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Increasing the volume of commissioning of economy-class housing and infrastructure facilities on land plots involved in the economic turnover, as well as on unused or inefficiently used land plots that are state-owned, municipal property, state ownership of which is not delimited;

Stimulating the construction of residential premises, the technical and economic indicators and parameters of which correspond to the conditions for classifying these residential premises as economy-class housing;

Stimulating the development of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and materials, creating conditions for their use in housing construction;

Arrangement of housing development areas through the construction of social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities;

Development and implementation of territorial planning documents, urban zoning, territory planning documentation;

Creation of conditions for the development of the rental housing market;

Improving the mechanisms of mortgage housing lending;

Provision of state support measures in the acquisition of housing for young families, certain categories of citizens established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Kaluga Region;

Improving the quality and level of improvement of the housing stock of the Kaluga region;

Providing the population with drinking water of standard quality;

Creation of conditions for the formation of the institution of a responsible homeowner.

2.3. The final results of the implementation of the state


Expected final results of the implementation of the state program:

in quantitative terms by 2020:

The annual volume of housing commissioning will be 1,000 thousand square meters. meters, including the corresponding economy class standards - 368.0 thousand square meters. meters;

The share of families who want to improve their living conditions, provided with affordable and comfortable housing, will increase to 60%;

The decrease in the average cost of one square meter of housing in the primary market, taking into account the deflator index for the corresponding year for the type of economic activity "construction" to the level of 2012, will be 20.0%;

Housing affordability ratio will be 2.45 years;

The share of families that have the opportunity to purchase housing that meets the standards for providing living quarters with the help of their own and borrowed funds will be 50%;

The number of young families who improved their living conditions (including with the use of borrowed funds) using state support in 2014-2020 will amount to 1,750 families;

The share of housing commissioning in rental multi-apartment buildings of the total area of ​​housing commissioning in multi-apartment buildings will be 3.3%;

The number of citizens resettled from emergency housing stock for 2014-2020 will be 8304 people;

The number of families that improved their living conditions with the help of provided mortgage housing loans (loans) for 2014-2020 will amount to 44.5 thousand families;

The volume of provided mortgage housing loans and loans for 2014-2020 will amount to about 70 billion rubles;

The provision of housing for the population will be 28 square meters. meters of total area per person, or 822 apartments per 1,000 people;

Provision of the population with housing for the purposes of commercial hiring will amount to 0.362 sq. meters of housing per 1 person, or 10 apartments per 1000 people;

The coefficient of affordability of the housing stock for commercial use for the population will be 0.92 years;

The area of ​​land plots intended for housing construction, included in the regional address lists of land plots from state-owned lands, state ownership of which is not delimited, in municipal ownership, as well as provided for housing construction or located in private property, will be 300 hectares;

Bringing the level of gasification of the Kaluga Region with natural gas to 82% by the beginning of 2021;

in qualitative terms:

Creation for the population of the Kaluga Region of a safe and comfortable environment life;

Providing opportunities for territorial mobility of the population;

Fulfillment of state obligations for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock, the provision of housing to certain categories of citizens, and the solution of the problem of affected co-investors in housing construction;

Improving the quality of training, professional retraining, advanced training of specialists construction industry all levels of education;

Improving the water supply and sanitation of the housing stock, public infrastructure facilities to the existing standards, as well as improving the quality drinking water, reducing water losses, creating optimal conditions for water use, improving the quality of surface and groundwater to a state that meets sanitary and environmental requirements;

Improving the legal literacy of the population on the operation of the housing stock and the activity of the population in the management of multi-apartment residential buildings.

2.4. Terms and stages of the implementation of the state program

The implementation period of the state program is 2014-2020.

The stages of the implementation of the state program are determined individually by each subprogram.”.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2017 No. 1710, the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation” is transferred to project management from 2018.

AT new edition the state program defines its main goals. This is an increase in the annual volume of housing commissioning, a decrease in the ratio of the average cost of an apartment with an area of ​​54 m 2 to the average annual cash income of a family of three and an increase in labor productivity in construction compared to the level of 2017.

In particular, it is planned to increase the annual volume of housing commissioning up to 120 million m2 in 2025. The annual volume of housing commissioning in 2016, 79.8 million m2, was taken as the baseline. It is planned that in 2018, 88 million m2 of housing will be commissioned in the Russian Federation, in 2019 - 94 million m2; in 2020 - 100 million m 2; in 2021 - 104 million m2, in 2022 - 108 million m2, in 2023 - 112 million m2, in 2024 - 116 million m2.

As for the second goal of the program - to reduce the ratio of the average cost of an apartment with an area of ​​54 m 2 to the average annual cash income of a family of three - by 2025 this figure should be 2.3. Per a basic level of the value of the housing affordability coefficient in 2016 was taken as 2.6. According to calculations, already in 2018 the coefficient will decrease to 2.5, in 2020 - to 2.4.

The increase in labor productivity in construction is planned to be 25% in 2025 compared to the level of 2017. Labor productivity in construction will be: in 2018 - 103%, in 2019 - 106%, in 2020 - 109%, in 2021 - 112%, in 2022 - 115%, in 2023 - 118%, in 2024 year - 121%.

Within the framework of the state program, it is planned to implement priority projects"Mortgage and rental housing" and "Ensuring the quality of housing and communal services." The state program includes areas (subprograms): creating conditions for providing citizens with affordable and comfortable housing, creating conditions for providing citizens with quality housing and communal services, ensuring the implementation of the state program.

According to Government Decree No. 1243 dated October 12, 2017, from January 1, 2018, the implementation of the federal target programs "Housing" for 2015-2020 and "Improving the sustainability of residential buildings, main facilities and life support systems in seismic regions of the Russian Federation for 2009-2009- 2018". These federal targeted programs integrated into the state program.

The total amount of financing of the state program is planned in the amount of 1,072.33 billion rubles. Including from the federal budget - 858.97 billion rubles, the volume of budgetary appropriations of the consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Federation - 98.8 billion rubles, the amount of funds from extrabudgetary sources - 115.16 billion rubles.

Including: for 2018 - 129.9 billion rubles, for 2019 - 133.5 billion rubles, for 2020 - 132 billion rubles. for 2021 - 128.9 billion rubles, for 2022 - 134.6 billion rubles, for 2023 - 131.3 billion rubles, for 2024 - 137.6 billion rubles, for 2025 - 144, 2 billion rubles taking into account financing of the priority projects “Mortgage and rental housing” and “Ensuring the quality of housing and communal services”.

The transfer of the state program to the mechanisms of project management provides for the allocation of project and process parts in its composition. The new state program includes sections reflecting summary information on the priority development of priority areas. The state program also contains the rules for granting and distributing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation, a list of capital construction projects, measures (enlarged investment projects), real estate objects included (to be included) in the Federal Targeted Investment Program.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program will be carried out annually based on the use of a system of indicators and indicators.

The implementation period of the state program is 2018–2025. The responsible executor is the Ministry of Construction of Russia.


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