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In his letter to Tatyana, Onegin regrets the missed opportunities, says that at one time he did not dare to believe the “spark of tenderness” from Tatyana, moreover, the sad circumstances associated with the death of Lensky caused their separation. Onegin frankly admits that he believed, having met Tatyana, that "liberty and peace" would replace his family happiness, but he was wrong about this:

I thought liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. Oh my God!
How wrong I was, how punished.

Onegin understands that his letter may unpleasantly hurt Tatyana's feelings, because she is married to important person owing to which she herself occupies a high position in society. But he does not lose hope in her favor, telling her about his love and devotion, choosing the most beautiful words capable of touching the heart of any woman:

No, every minute to see you,
Follow you everywhere
The smile of the mouth, the movement of the eyes
Catch with loving eyes
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Soul all your perfection,
Freeze before you in agony,
To turn pale and go out ... that's bliss!

Onegin speaks of Tatyana's perfection, confessing that he is experiencing real torments of love.
Now he is not that narcissistic handsome man who could easily reject the girl’s love, in his appeal to Tatyana he appears before the readers as defeated by love, as an unfortunate and lonely person who has not been able to find his happiness. He repents that at one time he did not appreciate Tatyana's feelings and rejected her love, believing then that he was not created "for bliss". In the letter, he addresses Tatyana not as the gentle girl he used to know, but as an important and respected lady with a proud look, as a woman from high society. It was for such Tatiana that Onegin woke up in love, and this suggests that, most likely, he was fascinated by her position in society, and not by herself.


  • Plan. The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a lyrical-epic work. Author Lyrical Narrative Center, 26.27kb.
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  • 3 ticket 2 question

    "Tatyana's letter to Onegin" and its role in revealing the problems of A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

    The novel "Eugene Onegin" is not only the best work of Pushkin, it is the best work of all Russian literature. The Encyclopedia of Russian Life, according to V.G. Belinsky, contains so much that is significant for a Russian person: the life and nature of Russia, the boiling of political life, ideological disputes, emotional experiences and, of course, love.

    Chapter 3 is considered to be the beginning of the conflict of the novel. It is unlikely that Pushkin, with his artistic energy, stretched the exposition into two chapters. The poet began the novel decisively. tie novel - a contradiction in the character of the hero: with the external well-being of living conditions, Onegin falls into a blues. Chapter 2 leads to a change of place. But in the estate the hero is bored just as in the capital. Chapter 3 is the next step in the plot: the hero is faced with the natural element of the human heart - love. Tatyana's flared feeling for Onegin and the letter form the center of the chapter.

    It should be noted that Tatyana's letter - translation with French language . Writing in French, thinking in a foreign language is an indicator high education , which is typical for any Russian nobleman of that time.

    Tatyana understands what she is condemning herself to if Onegin divulges the secret of the letter. And "shame" and "contempt" really fall on Tatyana. In the 19th century, it is a shame to write to a young man you don't know, confessing your love. But Tatyana writes with a firm hand, this is her choice. She is always itself decides my destiny . Subsequently, the decision to marry and move to Moscow depended only on her.

    Tatyana is sure that after reading the letter, Eugene will not reject her: "Though drop pity, keeping, // You not leave me". So she knew she would be loved. This He speaks about her intuition because then, a few years later, he will fall in love with her. Or it's not confidence at all, but hope, a plea. Belinsky will say: "Onegin did not recognize his own soul; Tatyana recognized her own soul in him, not as in its full manifestation, but as a possibility ...". Tatyana guessed about this possibility.

    Up to this point, Tatyana had seen Eugene briefly, several times, she listened attentively to him, but is this enough for true high love to arise? Who is this stranger to whom Tanya refers to you, he is much older than the 18-year-old heroine, brought up by the capital. She's right: "in backwoods, in village everything to you boring". She only remains "everything think, think about one and day, and night before new meetings". What could young Tanya, brought up on French novels, think about?

    Influence sentimental literature easy to guess from the episode of the letter "You a little has entered, I instantly found out // All stunned, blazed//. And in thoughts said: here is he!".

    But so be it!
    my fate
    From now on, I give you.

    Tatyana independent in judgments and deeds . She chose from all the buoyant, cockerel, puffy, and her hero, capable of loving her, and being a husband and father of children. An even more interesting sentence follows:

    I shed tears in front of you
    I beg your protection.

    The question arises: from whom does Tatyana ask for protection? Tatyana is afraid of loneliness, her love, and therefore herself, her rash acts, one of which she has already committed.

    Neither a nanny, nor a sister, nor a mother can understand "the anguish of an agitated soul." For her secretive character excluded opportunity "cordial recognition" to anyone but Eugene. Only Tatyana recognizes him as her equal in intelligence, in erudition, in the ability to feel. And if you lose him, the only one worthy, then all that remains is to die among the rejected suitors, and this is very scary.
    Tatyana meekly accepts everything: both Onegin's refusal and his answer to love.

    Tatyana's letter is integral in content and form. The letter is gentle, timid, quivering. It unobtrusively breath of youth, purity, innocence. It is immaculate, admires both the courage of an act, and the sincerity of feelings, and nobility.

    Although "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin" is part of the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", it has become one of the masterpieces of the poet's love lyrics. Its main difference from other lyrical works on this topic is that here Pushkin expresses the feelings of a young girl.

    From the point of view of the morality of that time, the very appeal of Tatyana to an unfamiliar person with a declaration of love is subject to condemnation: the ideas of emancipation had not yet found their place in public life. Therefore, in the problematics of the novel, Tatyana's behavior turns out to be Pushkin's expression of a view on the equal rights of women in relation to

    yah with a man. It is with the realization that her act can cause public condemnation that Tatyana begins her letter:

    I am writing to you - what more?

    What else can I say?

    Now, I know, it is in your will to punish Me with contempt.

    Why, understanding the possibility of condemnation and even “contempt” from Onegin, does the girl still continue to write? Because he considers his beloved a person who is above common prejudices and is able to understand her:

    ...From now on, I entrust my fate to you.

    I shed tears in front of you

    I beg your protection...

    What should Onegin protect her from? First of all, from loneliness and misunderstanding of people close to her:

    Imagine I'm here alone

    Nobody understands me,

    My mind is failing

    And I must die silently.

    Tatyana suffers from the fact that next to her there is no kindred soul, there is no person who could share her aspirations and ideals. The girl's belief that the chosen one will understand her is imbued with the following lines:

    You spoke to me in silence

    When I helped the poor Or with a prayer I delighted the Anguish of an agitated soul ...

    But the main meaning of Tatyana's letter is still something else. It expresses the depth of the soul and the sincerity of the feelings of a young girl. She is completely sure that Onegin will not violate her trust, and with this faith she ends her letter:

    I'm cumming! scary to read...

    I freeze with shame and fear ...

    But your honor is my guarantee,

    And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

    Since ancient times, in Russian literature it was considered unworthy,
    if a girl was the first to reveal her feelings to a young man,
    she was condemned if she dared to write a letter to a man.
    The heroine of Pushkin's novel Tatyana Larina writes a letter to Evgeny
    Onegin, confessing his love. Artistic hero's letter
    works reveals his inner world, testifies to
    the utmost frankness of his thoughts and feelings.

    Read aloud "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin."

    I am writing to you - what more?
    What else can I say?
    Now I know in your will
    Punish me with contempt.
    But you, to my unfortunate lot
    Though a drop of pity keeping,
    You won't leave me.
    At first I wanted to be silent;
    Believe me: my shame
    You would never know
    When I had hope
    Rarely, at least once a week
    To see you in our village
    Just to hear your words
    You say a word, and then
    All think, think of one
    And day and night until a new meeting.
    But, they say, you are unsociable;

    In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

    And we ... we do not shine with anything,
    Though you are glad and glad ingenuously.

    Why did you visit us?
    In the wilderness of a forgotten village
    I would never know you
    I would not know bitter torment.
    Souls of inexperienced excitement
    Reconciled with time (who knows?),
    By heart I would find a friend,
    Would be a faithful wife
    And a good mother.

    Another! .. No, no one in the world
    I wouldn't give my heart!
    That in the supreme council is destined ...
    That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
    My whole life has been a pledge
    Faithful goodbye to you;
    I know you were sent to me by God
    Until the grave you are my keeper ...
    You appeared to me in dreams
    Invisible, you were already sweet to me,
    Your wonderful look tormented me,
    Your voice resounded in my soul
    For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!
    You just entered, I instantly found out
    All numb, blazed
    And in her thoughts she said: here he is!
    Isn't it true? I heard you
    You spoke to me in silence
    When I helped the poor
    Or comforted by prayer
    The anguish of an agitated soul?
    And at this very moment
    Aren't you, sweet vision,
    Flickered in the transparent darkness,
    Penetrated quietly to the headboard?
    Is it not you, with joy and love,
    Words of hope whispered to me?
    Who are you, my guardian angel
    Or an insidious tempter:
    Resolve my doubts.

    Maybe it's all empty
    Deception of an inexperienced soul!
    And something completely different is destined ...
    But so be it! my fate
    From now on, I give you
    I shed tears in front of you
    I beg your protection...
    Imagine I'm here alone
    Nobody understands me,
    My mind is failing
    And I must die silently.
    I'm waiting for you: with a single look
    Revive the hopes of the heart
    Or break a heavy dream,
    Alas, well-deserved reproach!

    I'm cumming! Scary to read...
    I freeze with shame and fear ...
    But your honor is my guarantee,
    And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

    Comparison of the letters of Onegin and Tatyana provides a good opportunity to appreciate the novel itself, and the greatest subtle psychologism of the author in his work "Eugene Onegin".

    The images of the heroes, their feelings and thoughts are shown in the letters in a special way. Unobtrusively and subtly, sincerely and vividly, we see the open soul of Tatyana and Eugene, who is in love with madness, who has lost the opportunity to be with a lady of the heart and understands this.

    Love line of the novel

    The love line in the work is its basis. The feelings of the characters are manifested in dialogues and monologues, actions.

    A comparison of the two letters of Tatyana and Onegin most clearly makes it possible to understand the psychology of the heroes, since it is in their messages that they are most open and frank with each other.

    Eugene appears in the Larins' house, and the young dreamer Tatyana falls in love with him. Her feelings are bright and strong so much that the girl can not cope with them. She writes a letter to Eugene, and he hurts the girl with his cold answer. After that, the heroes part. Three years later, in St. Petersburg, the hero meets Tatyana at a ball. This is no longer a young village girl, but a self-confident noble lady. And then it is time for Eugene to write to her. A comparison of the letters of Tatyana and Onegin (briefly given in the following sections of the article) will show us how similar and different their feelings are and the situation in which they find themselves.

    Elements in the novel

    The word "epistolary" is almost forgotten today. Nevertheless, during the time of Pushkin, this genre flourished. There is nothing complicated in the understanding and meaning of this word: it comes from epistola - “letter, message”.

    Comparing the letters of Onegin and Tatyana will give us the opportunity to understand how important elements of this genre are in Onegin. It is in their letters that the heroes most openly speak about their feelings and experiences. The messages of Tatyana and Onegin show us their inner world, similarities and differences.

    Tatiana's letter

    When the heroine meets Onegin, she, not spoiled by male attention and being dominated by her dreams and read books, of course, falls in love with him. But her feelings are chaste and pure, perhaps she loves not this young man, but your idea of ​​it. Unable to fight her feelings, she pours them out in a letter.

    A comparison of the two letters of Tatyana and Onegin very subtly characterizes the main characters of the novel, shows the difference in their worldview and the commonality of a sad non-reciprocal feeling.

    In the letter, Tatyana, with all her sincerity, talks about her love and experiences. She describes her feelings that arose after the first meeting, and the understanding that in front of her is her beloved and betrothed.

    She reveals all this without embellishment to Eugene, whose silence hurts to the very heart. His answer is no less terrible for its indifference and ostentatious composure. He says that he is not a couple for the girl, and advises her to be careful in her impulses.

    Onegin's letter

    A comparison of the letters of Onegin and Tatyana shows how different people lose themselves and their principles in the face of love, especially non-reciprocal.

    Eugene and Tatyana are completely different people. They are distinguished by upbringing, place of their life, worldview. But how much is common in their letters! Both heroes are ready to face the wall of misunderstanding and even contempt from the opponent. If Tatyana is unconsciously afraid of this, then Eugene understands that it is precisely such a reaction that he deserves after a series of his actions. Once he held a letter in his hands, but now he writes it himself. Three years ago, he rejected the feelings of the girl, because he considered himself not ready for marriage and responsibility, restriction of freedom and the role of a family man. After his move to St. Petersburg, Eugene returns to normal life, as if nothing had happened: neither a romantic girl in love, nor the murder of a close friend in a duel.

    The meeting with Tatyana turns the inner world of the hero, he, perhaps, falls in love for the first time in his life. His love is different than Tatyana's. This is an all-consuming passion that turns your head, causes unexpected actions.

    Comparison of letters of heroes in the table

    A striking feature of the messages of the characters is that they seem to be in dialogue with each other. Onegin answers the received letter years later. Let's compare the letters of Tatyana and Onegin. The table below will help us with this.

    Except common features, there are many differences in the letters. Still, they were written by different people, with different worldviews and life paths. We will talk about them in the next section.

    Comparison of the letters of Tatiana and Onegin. Table of differences

    The different features of the letters of the heroes are due to the difference in time and characters, the life circumstances in which the characters of the novel are in verse.

    Tatyana's letter to Evgeny

    Onegin's letter to Tatyana

    In the letter of the girl - pure sincere love. She is bright and platonic, it is enough for the heroine to see her beloved, to listen to "his speeches."

    Eugene owns passion. She pushes him to send a message to the girl. Seeing his beloved is not enough for him, he dreams of "hugging his knees" and telling her about his feelings.


    Tatyana's experiences are more serious and deep. She is afraid, she is “terrified to reread” her letter. The heroine experiences such a strong feeling for the first time.

    Eugene is more experienced in love affairs. This can be seen from his speech in a letter, full of complex turns, reasoning. Tatyana, on the other hand, writes in simple language, ingenuously and without further ado talks about what she feels.

    Composition: comparison of the letters of Onegin and Tatyana

    We will devote this section of the article brief example writings about letters of heroes.

    The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a real gem of Pushkin's work. It was rightfully proudly called the "Encyclopedia of Life" of the Russians of the Pushkin era. This is due to the fact that in the work the author describes the life of the nobility, interiors and clothes, balls and conversations, frivolous education by tutors and its consequences.

    But the value of the novel is not only in this. His real soul is the letters of the characters to each other.

    Comparison of the letters of Onegin and Tatyana characterizes the inner world of the characters. They are definitely different people. Under the influence of all-consuming love, young Tatyana expresses her feelings in a letter. She sincerely and artlessly writes about what she can no longer hide.

    A few years later, Eugene, who then rejected the girl’s feelings, meets her in St. Petersburg as a married, self-confident lady and falls madly in love himself. Tatyana pretends not to notice his feelings. In a fit of desperation, Eugene, as she had previously, writes her a letter.

    The letters have a lot in common, it's like a dialogue between the characters that they have years later. Both have a fear of being ridiculed and rejected, but both also rely on the nobility and honor of the opponent.

    The strongest difference in the messages of Tatyana and Onegin is style. The girl writes simply and easily, in short and succinct sentences about what she is experiencing, what she is unable to cope with. Yevgeny's letter is well-thought out and thought out, his style is quite complex and filled with reflections. This speaks of the strength of the characters' experiences: Tatyana's first love is still stronger than Yevgeny's last passion.


    Among the most powerful, psychologically subtle masterpieces of Russian literature is the novel "Eugene Onegin". Comparison of the letters of Tatyana and Onegin gives the reader a subtly feel the love and suffering of the characters, their mental turmoil and anxieties. It is in the letters that the heroes are before us - without the tinsel of education, manners or prejudices. Therefore, do not pass by this work. Although it was written almost three centuries ago, the relevance of the topics raised in it does not fade away.


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