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With transition Russian economy on the market relations citizens have the opportunity not only to work for hire, as it was before, but also to create additional jobs, organize self-employment, fill the domestic and foreign markets with goods and services.

If the Soviet economy was based on central planning and enterprise management, mainly state form property, then in the post-Soviet space the main organizational and legal forms economic activity steel small and medium-sized businesses, joint-stock companies etc.

Business planning has become the basic foundation that determines the organizational, production, financial and commercial aspects of the activities of economic entities.

Business plan: purpose, structure, main sections

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering: who needs it and why? Not having a specialized economic education and, probably, therefore, not attaching due importance to this document, most start-up entrepreneurs initially doom their business to failure.

In fact, no enterprise is able to ensure efficient, profitable activities if it does not prepare a rational development strategy, an analysis of the competitive market and reasonable calculations of the level of its own efficiency, taking into account various factors.

A detailed, well-written business plan is necessary not only for management and managers structural divisions for planning and implementation of their financial and economic activities.

This document required for:

  • consideration of a loan application when submitting documents for;
  • submission of a package of documents in order to provide additional funding for activities;
  • applying for business development;
  • replenishment of fixed assets of the enterprise through and;
  • formation and development of partnerships with suppliers of raw materials and consumers of finished products.

A business plan is a document that is drawn up personally for each enterprise, and there are no strict regulations for writing it. However, experts adhere to some general rules.

Yes, business plan. contains main sections:

  • Title page;
  • Summary;
  • Basic information about the business (briefly);
  • Description of products (goods or services);
  • Analysis of product demand;
  • Brief description of competing enterprises;
  • The main directions of the marketing strategy;
  • Production plan (or turnover - for trading enterprises);
  • Organizational plan for the production of works;
  • Risk assessment and description of insurance programs;
  • Applications.

A summary is an important part of a business plan.

As part of a business plan, a summary is usually presented on the second page, after title page. Having received the document, each interested person (loan officer, investor, representative of the subsidizing state structure etc.) should quickly get acquainted with the main provisions of the business plan and make a conclusion: is it worth studying the document further.

In other words, the resume should be written so capaciously, meaningfully and concisely in a matter of minutes to convince the specialist of the effectiveness of the project described in it.

However, you should start compiling the text of the summary after all the provisions and calculations of the business plan are ready. Only with this approach it is possible to identify and identify the key positions of the project.

What kind basic moments should be included in your resume:

  • what is the purpose of organizing this species business;
  • how the specified goal will be achieved;
  • description of the sales market;
  • forecasts for the implementation of the sales plan and the achievement of financial results;
  • what are the advantages of the project over competitors;
  • financing needs (own and borrowed funds);
  • schedule of receipt and expenditure of funds;
  • characteristics of probable risks and a plan for their compensation;
  • general conclusions about the project.

The idea of ​​the project should be stated clearly and convincingly so that one sentence can be understood what the author proposes. In total, the summary takes 1 - 2 pages of printed text.

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Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Project name

Should be expressed in a few words the main essence of the project. The first word should mean the type of product offered, what is it: a product or a service? When it comes to the production of goods, the name usually looks like this: “production of concrete blocks”, “production of food additives”, “growing crops”, etc. If the implementation of services is planned, then the names, respectively, look different: “Hairdresser services”, “Services recruitment agency”, “Mathematics tutor services”, etc.

If the geography of the project covers more than one settlement, but several, then this can also be reflected in the title: “Production and sale of meat products in the Nizhny Novgorod region”, etc.

Project description

First, briefly describe the process: features, time and labor costs, level, management methods, staffing needs.

In this paragraph, the main focus is on the target audience, the region's needs for the proposed product (service), the presence of competitors, the main differences of the proposed project, the technological essence and the level of efficiency of financial and economic activities. If there is know-how or a rationalization proposal in the project, this should be indicated first of all.


aim commercial projects is filling the local (regional, federal) market with goods or services (depending on the type of activity) and making a profit.

Joint-stock companies of a closed type can designate goals in more detail: development of the company and implementation valuable papers within the ZAO. If the company plans to engage in charitable activities, employment of people with disabilities, this point can also be indicated when choosing the goal of the project.

Coordination with government programs

On the official websites of the federal level, promising programs of socio-economic development and programs to support small and medium-sized businesses are periodically published. If the declared project is consonant with the direction of the state Program, then such a project will certainly be a priority.

For example, the state plans to build a specialized hospital in a specific region this (next) year. Obviously, patients from all over the country will come to be examined in this hospital. Consequently, in this region, hotels will be in demand for the arrival of patients and accompanying persons. In this case, it is advisable to apply to local administration that the Business Plan Funding Committee consider this project as a matter of priority, as the city needs such a service.

Investments and financing

When it comes to developing a business plan in order to attract additional investments or borrowed funds, it should be remembered that at least 20% of total cost project must be owned by the submitter of the business plan.

This is not necessarily money, it can be represented as existing property vehicles, special machinery, equipment, as well as objects of commercial real estate.

Amounts of additional funding requested should be clearly indicated in the total amount, as well as differentiated by terms and corresponding amounts of funding. For example, if the business plan provides for sowing wheat, harvesting and selling finished grain, then it is obvious that part of the money will be needed to purchase seeds (in spring), purchase harvesting equipment (in autumn), build a granary (in summer), etc. P. In other words, the investor must know in what period of time, how much money is required to ensure uninterrupted, efficient operation.

Availability of licenses and permits

The newly created structure, of course, cannot dispose of it, since it only plans to register (if we are talking about organizing self-employment through the Employment Centers). If the enterprise that developed the business plan is already officially registered, then it should obtain a license for licensed activities.

Otherwise, one can not count on successful consideration of the project in terms of attracting additional investments. Conclusion: if the company has a license or other permissions established order, this should be reflected in the summary of the business plan.

Ready economic indicators

Among main financial and economic indicators, which must first be calculated and justified in the business plan, and then placed as the main line in the resume, should be designated:

It is noteworthy that in the business plan it is necessary to consider three options for business development: pessimistic, most probable (optimal) and optimistic. So, the summary should indicate the indicators expected in the most likely development of events.

Features of industry project summaries

Taking into account the specifics of individual sectors of the national economy, business plans are written in different ways. Consequently, the summaries of such projects also differ significantly. The following are the main points for writing a resume by industry.

Service sector

In this case, the location of the object is very important. If it is located in a residential area of ​​the city, the number of potential clients and the period of their activity (for example, for - this is spring and autumn, for - before the holidays, etc.). If the hotel is located outside the city, near the highway, you need to know the amount of car traffic and the expected number of visitors. For some types of activities ( , ) it is mandatory to register the company with the local authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and comply with the terms of the concluded Agreement.

Public catering

When registering an enterprise Catering an agreement is required with the Administration, Rospotrebnadzor, and necessarily with local residents if it is planned to rent (purchase) premises on the ground floor of a multi-storey building.

Catering services are a licensed activity, and professionals working in this industry must have relevant documents on specialized training. If the summary indicates that "culinary virtuosos" will be involved in the state, of course, this will positively affect the results of the consideration of the project. It is equally important to indicate where food products for cooking will be purchased. If suppliers have a long-term positive reputation, product quality certificates, awards and other rewards, this should be reflected in the resume.


In the manufacturing sector, technology is of the utmost importance. Decisive factor – – depends on the level technical equipment and the focus of the management strategy on the introduction of the latest technological solutions.

If the business plan focuses on - the project can displace "obsolete" competitors and expand the sphere of influence not only in the domestic, but also in the foreign market. Therefore, if it is planned to introduce new technologies within the framework of the project, this should be indicated in the summary with a red line.

The next aspect is the experience of the management and professional staff. If the company employs professionals with experience in similar industries, this will be a priority.

Since the goal of any scientific developments is their practical application, it is advisable to organize the interaction of branch scientific institutes with manufacturing plant regarding the development of new technologies. If the summary of the business plan indicates an existing agreement with a scientific institution, this is guaranteed to attract the attention of any investor and lender.


“The customer is always right” is the undeniable motto of the service industry. Therefore, in this industry, the quality of goods (raw materials, finished products, labeling, packaging) and the quality of services (service culture, efficiency, progressive forms of sales, study of consumer demand, guarantees) are important.

The company must have a merchandiser-claimant working with customers in terms of protecting consumer rights. Activities of medical institutions () and enterprises retail(realization of food products) is subject to licensing. In addition to the basic forms of service (studying demand, selling goods, claim work) in the resume, it makes sense to indicate the offer of related services (fitting clothes to the figure, home delivery of goods, hairdresser visits, pre-order and delivery of medicines, etc.).

If you plan to sell well-known brands, products of well-known trademarks- this should be reflected in the resume (ideally, attach a draft agreement on cooperation in terms of supplies to the business plan).

Increased Liability Services

If the project provides for the implementation of increased liability services, then in this case it is appropriate to insure the contractor's professional liability. What does it mean? If people or their property suffer as a result of incorrect actions or work of a building designer or a passenger bus driver, they will be compensated for the damage provided for by the terms of the special insurance program.

If we are talking about an independent appraiser, then his unprofessional actions (incorrect assessment of the cost of a construction object) can lead to an unprofitable deal. According to the law, the culprit in this case will be recognized as an independent appraiser, whose incorrect actions will be compensated by the insurance company. When organizing a business, you should be guided by the interests of customers, so professional liability insurance in such cases will be a priority. This should be reflected in the resume.

To put it bluntly, this is a barrier that you have to overcome on the way to developing a dialogue with stakeholders.

How to draw up a competent business plan is described in the following video lesson:

The summary of the business plan is the essence and summary its main sections. A resume is the first thing a potential investor sees. Most often the latter. If you want him to be interested in your business plan, then pay extra attention to the resume.

The project summary is a representation of what you have written in the business plan. Investors need it more, in order not to read your entire plan, but to see in these 2-3 pages the idea of ​​​​your business and its justification.

Without clear points and key points of your business plan that are backed up by numbers and convincing arguments, investors will not waste time on you.

In order for an investor who has no worries above the roof to not just scroll through, but carefully look through your investment project for which you came to ask for money, the summary of this project should be very convincing and interesting. It should show the investor that by investing in you, he will be able to earn on it.

The rules for compiling a summary of a business plan for an investment project are not to bore the reader with long discussions, but to briefly, clearly and concisely express the main key points of the business plan.

The summary should not exceed several pages. Information should be divided into paragraphs corresponding to sections of the project. It should be structured, not solid text. The font and its size is the same as the entire business plan. The same requirements can be applied to the entire document.

The summary of your project should include the main key points that will give the investor an understanding of what kind of project it is and whether it is worth investing in it.

Indicate the name of your project, who is the initiator, as well as information about the location of the project and the chosen legal form for its implementation.

Next, you need to reveal the essence of the project. Determine goals and ways to achieve them. For example, the goal of the project is to sell a thousand tons of organic fertilizers per year. This is achieved by organizing the production of these fertilizers and establishing wholesale deliveries to Moscow partners. Don't forget to attach letters of intent with these partners.

A table with the main stages of the project and the timing of their implementation is given. This is the project schedule.

Now let's move on to funding.

You can link to a timeline and show how much funding you need at each stage. What is the ratio between borrowed funds and your internal resources.

If loans are supposed at different stages of implementation, then it is necessary to indicate their volume, interest rate, repayment schedule.

The most important thing that will interest the investor, and what determines economic efficiency and the attractiveness of the project are indicators of the payback period, internal rate of return, terms of return of borrowed funds, net present value of the project.

What risks can your project face during the implementation phase? Do you know about them, and can you evaluate them qualitatively and quantitatively?

Here is a basic, but far from complete, list of what a business plan summary should include if you intend to use it to get a loan or attract investors.

If your business plan is being created for internal work, then the summary does not matter so much, but it is written anyway so that you have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere you are moving and what you want to achieve.

In order to interest an investor or project manager, it is necessary to develop a high-quality summary of the business plan. You can draw it up in just an hour, for this you understand the structure of the document.

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What is a resume

A summary is a document containing basic information about a project. As a rule, the summary is placed on the second page of the business plan after the title page.

The purpose of the document is to attract attention and arouse interest among stakeholders or external participants in the project.

According to research by the magazine "Kontur", 80% of investors start studying a business plan with a summary. About 60% of all projects are rejected due to a poorly written introductory document. The second most popular section that investors like to browse is the financial summary, which is also reflected in the resume.

The purpose of the summary is to reveal the main idea and reflect all aspects of the project.

According to a BCG Group study, 93% of projects fail to disclose all the information provided in a business plan in a resume.

The main rule for writing an introductory document:

  • brevity of information;
  • substantiation of the idea with the help of financial calculations;
  • the given facts about the market analysis need to be backed up by authoritative sources.

Document structure

Components of the document:

  • project description;
  • name and location of the project;
  • goals and objectives of the business;
  • information about the current stage life cycle project;
  • information on necessary investments and current investments;
  • project stakeholders and external participants;
  • main financial indicators.

You can learn more about the structure from this video.


The introductory part of the resume includes:

Variable nameDescription
Project nameThe full name of the company specified during the registration of the organization.
Organizational legal form JSC, LLC or other.
Type of ownershipPrivate, municipal, etc.
State shareThe percentage of securities or part of an enterprise that is controlled by a public entity.
Number of staffThe average number of people working at the enterprise for 1 year.
UKThe amount of the authorized capital for the current period.
Gross profit (if any)Manufactured finished products in monetary terms
ContactsCompany address and phone
RequisitesThe bank account number of the company, registered in the tax
FULL NAME.General manager of the project indicating education and position.

Overview of key sections

The main sections are:

  • the essence of the idea;
  • a brief description of the market;
  • competitive advantages;
  • economic justification (profitability and basic costs);
  • sources of financing.

The essence of the idea

In the ideas section, you must specify the purpose of the project.

The goal should be (according to SMART):

  1. specific. A clear statement of the purpose of the project. No more than one offer.
  2. measurable. Expected results.
  3. Achievable. The realism of the idea in terms of financial and other opportunities.
  4. Significant. An expression of the company's benefit (in monetary terms or another unit).
  5. Limited in time. Determining the deadline for closing the project.

Investors should hear one of the ideas presented:

  • business expansion (diversification or development of a new outlet);
  • opening a new enterprise from scratch (initial entry to the market).

Video material from Business Analyst Pavel Asabin will help develop the concept of the project:

Market description

This paragraph refers to the description of the enterprise.

Components that must be included in the description of the company:

  • mission of the organization;
  • the duration of the company's activity on the market in years (if any);
  • the functioning of the company in the market (services, production, sales, etc.);
  • target needs of the market (it is necessary to make up the main clientele);
  • information about other sources of funding;
  • key success factors for the organization;
  • organizational structure and general description of corporate culture;
  • business prospects;
  • availability of constituent documents, as well as permits and licenses (if necessary).

Company advantages

In this paragraph, it is necessary to describe all the competitive advantages that distinguish enterprises from other market players.

Competitive advantage criteria:

  • use of new technologies (enter the name of the equipment and describe the purpose);
  • current or estimated prices for the provision of services;
  • reputation of the company or brand;
  • the uniqueness of the product or service;
  • the presence of long-term strategic goals;
  • current market share of the firm;
  • investment in R&D;
  • availability of professional workers.

As a rule, investors pay attention to the experience of an entrepreneur in the industry.

Project profitability

Indicators to show the economic efficiency of the project:

If the IRR value is greater than WACC, then the project has the opportunity to receive investments.

Financial calculations

  • personnel costs and social contributions;
  • the cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment;
  • funds for risk prevention;
  • the cost of purchasing raw materials;
  • accounting of storage costs;
  • marketing costs;
  • and others.

The more indicators are presented, the higher the chance of receiving additional funds.

Investments and financing

Items to be included in this paragraph:

  • the amount of funds received from co-investors;
  • purchased machinery or equipment from stakeholders;
  • amount of initial investment;
  • the cost of future investments;
  • investment funds to cover unscheduled operations.

At least 20% of all investments must belong to the owner of the business.

Final part

The last paragraph of the summary of the business plan contains the expected results. You can add the current indicators of the enterprise, if available.

Requirements for the final part of the resume form:

  • availability of reasonable conclusions;
  • future development of the enterprise;
  • provision of supply contracts and other constituent documents;
  • Availability calendar plan works (Gantt chart or network graph).

The video explains in detail how to write a business plan. Filmed by the School of Business channel.

Rules for compiling a resume

If it is necessary to present a business plan to foreign investors, it is recommended to translate it into English.

Basic requirements for writing a resume:

  • the number of pages should not exceed 5-6;
  • clear legible text (14 font with an indent of 1.5);
  • no more than 4 lines per paragraph;
  • the ability to explain what is written in the text;
  • check the calculations;
  • pay special attention to the financial part and justification of the project concept;
  • project scheduling;
  • analysis of potential investors;
  • use ready-made templates on the Internet;
  • write a summary at the very end of the entire business plan.

Example of a Service Industry Business Plan Summary

Name of the organizationShoes Express
Organizational legal formLLC code KOPF-65
Type of ownershipPrivate property Code OKFS 16
Number of employees per year10
Authorized capital500 000 rubles
Gross turnover in 20171,500,000 rubles
Contact detailsMoscow, st. Lesnaya, 43, phone +7 499 000 000
Project ManagerIvanov Ivan Ivanovich. Previous position: Vice President of GLOBAL LLC.
Objective of the projectOpening of an online store selling handmade shoes.
Description of the organizationShoes Express has been on the market for more than one year. The sales volume for the previous year is more than 5,000 sold footwear for women and men.

Company employees:

  • General Director - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich;
  • chief accountant - XXXXXXXXXXXX;
  • responsible for the IT department - XXXXXXX.

The market turnover increased by 2.5% compared to the previous year. On the this moment the company is in the growth stage as the number of customers has grown by 15%.

Advantages of the project "Shoes Express":

  • availability of modernized warehouses;
  • the experience of craftsmen who create shoes;
  • knowledge of demand;
  • professional IT specialists.

Project objectives:

  • launching your own brand in e-commerce;
  • opening a separate shoe store;
  • search for suitable premises;
  • development of own footwear line;
  • access to foreign markets;
  • integration of new information system that automates business processes.

Required investments:

  • rent of premises - NNN rubles;
  • staff salary - NNN rubles;
  • expenses for the manufacture of shoe lines - NNN rubles;
  • software costs - NNN rubles;
  • marketing costs - NNN rubles;
  • the total amount of investment funds - NNN rubles.

Financing of the project is planned at the expense of 50% of the owner's funds and 50% of borrowed funds. AAA is considered as a lender.

  • own capital - XXX rubles;
  • borrowed capital - YYY rubles.

The presented type of project does not require licensing documents for activities.

A business plan is a document containing information about many aspects of the functioning of a business: information about a product, company, marketing company and many others. A competent business plan will be a good start for any business, and will also help in strategic planning and management at all stages of the development of the company.

The underlying goal of developing a business plan is to create a document that will allow its authors to clearly and clearly state the essence of their project to potential partners and investors. Therefore, a business plan should have not only a competent analytical study, but also a marketing justification that will convince you of the thoughtfulness and attractiveness of this project.

For the entrepreneur himself, a business plan is also necessary for:

  • Definitions of specific activities
  • Identifications target segment market
  • Formulating the strategic and tactical goals of the organization
  • Selection of the composition of the proposed products and services
  • Identifications necessary personnel and their working conditions
  • Development of marketing activities for market research, sales promotion, pricing
  • Assessment of the financial position of the company and analysis of available resources

We draw up a business plan on our own: registration

For effective and correct perception of your business plan, you must follow the design principles:

  • Keep your project concise and compact. It is better to move all detailed and optional information outside the main text, namely, into annexes.
  • Display information clearly. The description of the project must be presented not only in the form of paragraphs of text, but also with the help of tables to reflect detailed figures, diagrams for structure and graphs to identify trends.
  • Structure the project description. Highlight sections, and semantic subsections in them, if necessary. Bring the main ideas of each part of the business plan to the beginning (in the form of main statements) or to the end (in the form of conclusions).
  • Use formatting. Bold headings and important points, set a single value for paragraph indents and line spacing. The most universal values ​​are: Times New Roman font, font size 12, justify, line spacing 1.5, indent 1.5.

Section structure and examples

Each business plan is individual, so it may have different structure and section order. It depends on the essence of the project itself and the issues that are key in it.

Below is the complete and most versatile structure.


Business plan summary presents key findings, which are made after the development of the project and its main characteristics. Usually, the summary fits on 1-2 pages so that it can be read in one minute.

This section should contain all the important data in order to attract the attention and interest of a partner or investor, namely:

  1. Brief description of the project initiator
  2. Description of the main essence of the project
  3. Competitive advantage of the project, allowing to expect its success
  4. The amount of investment in the project (it is possible to indicate the main areas of investment)
  5. Sources of financing (the amount of equity capital, loans, government support)
  6. The main financial and technical indicators of the project (production volume, annual turnover, planned profit, project payback period)

Sample business plan summary

Our company Vostok LLC has been successfully operating in the stationery market for 5 years. We propose to release a series of fundamentally new products for our region, market research which show the success of this idea. We need investments in the amount of 5.6 million rubles to launch the production process and sell products. An annual production volume of 250 thousand units is planned, with a turnover of 14.68 million rubles. The payback period for this project is 1.5 years.

Initiator of the project

This section contains information about the project initiator to determine its reliability as a borrower, as well as identifying the ability to successfully implement the project in accordance with the stated plans.

The section should contain:

  • The exact name of the initiator and legal data
  • Proof of work experience
  • Financial characteristics
  • Other material information

Example of a brief description of the project initiator

Our Vostok company was registered in April 2008 as an LLC. We work with major stationery suppliers and have a reputation as the leading retailer of this product in the region. We have many certificates confirming the quality of our products and services.

Market analysis

This analysis should give a clear idea about the possibilities of marketing the products and lay the groundwork for developing a marketing plan. Depending on the nature of the project, it may contain all or some of the following subsections:

Analysis of the socio-economic environment

If the socio-economic environment of the region has a certain influence on the project, it should be reflected in this paragraph. Here, the main macroeconomic indicators of the region may be present: the level of development of production, employment, etc.

Analysis of the market segment and consumers

This subsection should contain basic information about consumers (their geographical location, type, opinion about the product, the process of making a purchase decision, the number and regularity of purchases). It should also describe the market segment according to various criteria: geographical or linguistic, psychological, socio-demographic. The market orientation must also be specified: b2c (individual-oriented) or b2b (enterprise-oriented).

Target market analysis

In this subsection, it is necessary to determine the target market of the project, its structure, and the pace of development. It is necessary to indicate both qualitative (market capacity, life cycle phase, saturation level, growth rates) and quantitative (intensity of competition, motives for making purchases, structure of consumer needs) characteristics.

Distribution channel analysis

The subsection should contain a description of the main distribution channels, which can be categorized as: wholesale, retail, direct sale by the buyer. Depending on which distribution channel is chosen, the implementation scheme changes, price policy, promotion costs, etc.

Competitor analysis

This section of the market analysis should contain a listing of real and potential competitors and their main positions (total sales, total market share, reputation, promotion methods). Based on this information, it is possible to determine the strengths and weak sides competitors and benchmark against your own organization.

An example of a brief market analysis

After analyzing the stationery market in our region, we identified data on the market segment and target audience (students of educational institutions), the level of development of the target market (weakly developed, the niche is not loaded), distribution channels (retail), competitors (competition is weak).

Description of products or services

To obtain a complete understanding of the investor or partner about the product (service), the following information must be reflected:

  • Product name and product line structure
  • Main consumer properties
  • Competitive advantages
  • Comparison of the product with analogues

In addition to these data, it is necessary to reflect all Additional information about the product: the state of its readiness, R&D carried out and its results, data on the tests carried out and other important information.

Product Brief Example

Our products are fundamentally new for the region and represent a new line of multifunctional stationery that combines the functions of a pen, pencil, eraser and proofreader. There are no analogues of this product in our region, so there is no competition. The conducted studies have proved that these stationery will be in demand among students of schools and universities.

Marketing plan

  • Product should be described in terms of meeting basic needs, conforming to established quality standards, appealing design, and consumer properties goods.
  • Price must be indicated in a certain range, in the same paragraph it is necessary to indicate the terms of payment and various bonuses (discounts, promotions, etc.).
  • Promotion should be reflected through the main tools, schedule and cost of activities that are designed to achieve the planned sales volume. Promotion channels can be different: from advertising with the media, to contextual advertising in the Internet.
  • Sales should be described through the main channels and terms of delivery. It must be remembered that the choice of a particular distribution channel has a significant impact on the profitability of the project.

In addition to describing these tools, marketing plan must have a calendar schedule and forecast cost.

An example of an abbreviated marketing plan

Production plan

This section should contain detailed description of workers and production processes companies.

The production plan includes the following information:

  • Requirements for the organization and conduct of the production process
  • Description of all stages of the technological process
  • Production program
  • Price production assets
  • The cost of production equipment
  • The need for components, raw materials and resources
  • Resource providers and estimated prices
  • Production cost

Depending on the specifics of the project, the set of these items can vary significantly. In the case of developing a business plan related to the provision of services, this section may be completely absent or may be modified.

Example of a short production plan

The production process includes several stages: from the purchase of the necessary raw materials, to the direct release of goods. The cost of production assets is 1.2 million rubles. This amount includes the cost of equipment for production. We plan to work with proven suppliers whose prices are among the most affordable in the region. The cost of the manufactured product will be in the region of 41 rubles.

organizational plan

The organizational plan reflects the ability to achieve goals and accomplish tasks specified in the business plan.

This section contains information about personnel policy company (methods of personnel selection and hiring, assessment of the effectiveness of employees), its organizational structure (management scheme, composition of departments) and information about personnel (skill level, average salary, working hours).

It should also contain a calendar schedule of work with the designation of deadlines and responsible persons and list normative documents and other elements of the legal framework.

Example of a short organizational plan

Our company adheres to a strict personnel selection policy, and has a linear-functional organizational structure with two divisions - a production unit and a retail unit. outlet. The level of qualification of our staff is at the average level, the work schedule involves a shift schedule.

Risk assessment

The risk analysis of a business plan should be approached very carefully, applying various methods for identifying and managing risks, optimally assessing the likelihood of their occurrence and offering certain guarantees to investors and partners.

There are three main groups of risks that must be identified and assessed in a business plan:

  1. Commercial. These include: the likelihood of a decrease in demand, changes in the cost of materials and raw materials, saturation of the competitive environment, dishonest actions of partners and competitors, rising rental prices, etc.
  2. Financial. This group of risks can be classified as commercial, but its peculiarity is that the impact is only on financial environment. Among such risks are: risks associated with the choice of sources of financing and investors and the risk of non-payment of funds by counterparties.
  3. intracompany. These risks include: unprofessional management, violation of trade secrets, employees' dissatisfaction with working conditions.

For a full-fledged risk assessment, it is necessary to identify their complete list, then determine the percentage probability of their occurrence, roughly assess the damage from their occurrence, summarize all risks in a table and cross out all those with a percentage threshold of occurrence below 3-5%.

Example of a brief risk assessment

After conducting a deep analysis of the risks of our product, we identified a number of key ones: distrust of the product and its negative perception, an increase in the cost and terms of supply of raw materials, the achievement of sales volume below the planned one. The possibility of these risks occurring varies from 7% to 15%, which is acceptable, given the specifics of the product.

Investment plan

This section includes information about the investment attractiveness of the project, which may consist of the following items:

  • Assessment of investment costs. The item may contain a description of various areas of investment of funds: in fixed assets, for the preparatory period, and others.
  • Working capital financing. This may reflect the amount of funds used to purchase inventories for work in progress, to pay advances to suppliers, to store finished products and other components of working capital.
  • Current costs of the project. These include direct material costs, wages to employees, general production costs, depreciation, administrative expenses, selling expenses, etc.
  • Sources of financing. This paragraph should contain information on the total need for funding, the structure of funding sources, the amount of own funds, the form of financing provided by the project participants, the amount and form of lending.
  • Planned budget. It should be based on a financial model that takes into account all items of income and expenses mentioned in the business plan. To do this, you can include in the item the income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet.
  • Assessment of financial feasibility. Here it is necessary to reflect the calculated main financial indicators: self-financing period, inventory turnover period, return on sales, return on assets, return on equity and invested capital.

Example of a short investment plan

The level of financial feasibility of our project is high, so we plan to attract not only our own funds, but also invested and borrowed funds. The main investment costs are required to start production and purchase all necessary materials. Other sources of funding will be used to implement the implementation of the product, payment wages employees, travel expenses, organizational expenses.

Financial Forecast

This section is an assessment of the financial consequences that may result from the actions reflected in the business plan. In the development process, it is necessary to make a forecast of the following indicators:

  • variables and fixed costs
  • Volume of proceeds from sales and its growth rate
  • The rate of increase in the value of assets
  • Need for additional funding

Predictive calculation of these indicators will allow you to establish possible directions for the financial development of the company, whose activities are reflected in the business plan.

Example of a short financial forecast

Based on the data stated in the business plan, by 2016 we plan to keep variable and fixed costs at the same level, and increase the volume of sales proceeds by reducing the cost of production and production costs. According to the forecast, the rate of increase in the value of our company's assets will increase by 23%.


The annexes contain all the documents that can serve as confirmation of certain data specified in the business plan, namely:

  1. Product Documentation: technical documents, patents, test results, auditors' conclusions.
  2. Enterprise Documentation: copies of constituent documents, licenses, certificates, registration certificates.
  3. Marketing Documentation: market and competitive research reports, customer orders for delivery and copies of contracts.

In conclusion, it should be clarified that the preparation of a business plan is not necessary. First stage development, because it can be worked out for a fully functioning company in order to attract financing or evaluate the effectiveness of an existing business model.

A well-written business plan The best way to interest investors and partners in your project.

The summary is the most important part of the document. This section summarizes the main information about the project, its concept and possible prospects. All experts agree that it is the resume that largely determines whether you will receive the desired investment, or whether your plan will not be taken seriously.

Due to the great importance of this part, most experts recommend writing it after the completion of work on other sections, because only in this way will you be able to operate with already done calculations and cost-effective data for your project.

The following are the main steps involved in writing a business plan summary. It should be emphasized that all the information provided below is for guidance only. If you have nothing to indicate in some paragraphs, for example, due to lack of the necessary experience, you can limit yourself to a few general expressions and phrases, or even omit them altogether.

Main subsections of the resume

1. Project name and organizational form

First of all, in the resume you need to indicate the name of the business project, for example:

  • Business plan for opening a clothing store;
  • Bakery business plan;
  • Business plan for opening a hookah bar.

* Examples are in italics here and below.

This item, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties for entrepreneurs. However, the following sections of the summary will require you to describe the main features of the project in much more detail.

In addition, in order to successfully complete this stage, you need to take all the documents for your organization and provide the following information:

  • Name of the organization ("Ivanov and Partners");
  • Legal form (LLC code KOPF-65);
  • Form of ownership (Private property Code OKFS 16
  • share of the state (subject of the Federation) in the capital 0%);
  • The average number of employees per year (20 people);
  • The size of the authorized capital (50 thousand rubles);
  • Gross turnover for the last year of operation (700 thousand rubles);
  • Contact details: address, telephone;
  • Bank account details;
  • Name, age and qualifications of the project manager or individual, three previous positions held by the manager and tenure, as well as length of service in the organization working on the creation of the business plan.

2. Description of the idea

In this paragraph, it is necessary to briefly, but essentially, describe the main idea of ​​the business plan. You should also indicate whether your proposal is to expand an existing business, or whether you are proposing to open a specific business from scratch.

For example: The goal of the project is to open a clothing store for pregnant women "Happy Mom".

Or: The purpose of this project is to open a network of coffee and confectionery shops by the Bonjour factory, where the products of the above-mentioned factory will be sold.

3. Description of your business

If you manage an organization, this paragraph should describe the direction of its activities and the scale of the enterprise, indicate the stage at which the business is currently located. If you are individual and have your own business, describe the direction of activity and current successes.

For example: The Bonjour confectionery factory has been successfully operating for 7 years. Involved in production the latest technology production, the factory has large production areas and employs only highly qualified employees. Thanks to the above characteristics, the company successfully carries out wholesale trade confectionery and has stable income. However, the opening of a retail outlet, in particular, a coffee and confectionery shop, will increase the company's profits and bring Bonjour products to a new market.

Over the past three years, ... have been implemented, ... production lines have been launched ... etc.

4. Description of key personnel qualifications

In this paragraph, you need to identify key personnel and describe the qualifications of employees, indicating their experience in similar projects, the skills needed for your business, etc.

You should also attach information about education indicating educational institution who issued a certificate or diploma. As in the case of the manager himself, you should indicate the previous places of employment and the period of work in these organizations.

If the managing employees are co-founders of the community, this must be mentioned without fail.

5. Brief description of the field in which you plan to work

Writing this paragraph, as a rule, causes businessmen the least amount of difficulty. In order to describe the required industry, it is only necessary to find materials on this area and select the appropriate information, namely: facts confirming the prospects of the industry; positive trends; the most common problems that you can eliminate with a well-thought-out strategy.

Remember, even a business plan should avoid plagiarism. In fact, you need to rewrite the found text in other words.

In order for your search to be as productive as possible, you should use relevant queries, for example:

  • State of … business;
  • Situation in … industry;
  • Research/review … industries 2016/2017 etc.

Of course, most sites will offer you to buy a study, but some of them will contain the necessary information. Moreover, finding relevant recent data about a particular field of activity is not at all difficult, because. they are in the public domain, you just have to make an effort.

6. Description of the benefits of your offer/company

It is this point in the resume that should be given the most attention. A summary of the pros of your offer is what investors look for. State the strengths of your project as if you were the only candidate capable of handling the task. At this point, it is worth mentioning the rich experience, the uniqueness and progressiveness of the proposed concept, the availability of all the necessary knowledge and skills, the necessary equipment, space, etc.

Remember, in this case, modesty is inappropriate. If you already have experience in the market, be sure to mention the high consumer demand for products that are widely target audience and back it up with relevant research. The main thing is that your statements look plausible and reasoned.

7. Description of the objectives of the project

Of course, your summary should also include the goals and perspectives of your plan. When describing the main challenges and opportunities for entering new markets, you should be as specific as possible and clearly describe where and how your business plans to operate. In other words, you need to mention exactly how you plan to achieve the set goals and the approximate time frame in which you are going to reach the above volumes and amounts. And again, do not be modest - describe the most positive scenario. However, one should not throw in unfounded prospects - all results should be related to the advantages of the project already outlined. Moreover, your goals must fully comply with the further calculations presented in the business plan.

8. Identification of suitable government programs

Currently, there are many different government programs aimed at developing various business sectors. You just have to find the right one by entering the phrase "state program ... industry." If you still do not find suitable proposals from the state, you should still indicate that your project will help fight unemployment in a particular locality or region, support a local manufacturer, etc.

9. Description of required investments

In this paragraph, you need to indicate how much money you need to start and maintain your project, and also describe which items of expenditure the funds will be directed to. However, remember that the summary of the business plan is only a summary of the main points, which means that you should not write down every amount to the penny, it is enough just to outline the general directions.

An important point is also the need to indicate exactly how much you are ready to deposit personally, and what you expect from a potential investor. In this case, it is worth describing the approximate terms of repayment of the debt.

10. Description of the property of an individual

If you are not one of the founders of the organization, but remain an individual, describe your property.

11. Availability of permits related to the type of activity

If your project concerns, for example, the opening of a pharmacy, you need to indicate that you have a state license to sell pharmaceutical products.

12. Financial performance indicators of the plan

Here you need to present the indicators derived from the calculations set out in the business plan, namely:

  • Approximate payback period of the project;
  • Discounted payback period;
  • Business profitability;
  • Gross income;
  • The cost of goods;
  • Net profit of the enterprise, etc.

13. Description and analysis of possible risks

Describing the benefits of your project does not exclude the description of possible risks. First of all, your plan should be as realistic as possible, in part to show potential investors that you soberly assess the situation, and do not soar in the clouds of huge profits without the slightest difficulty. However, you should not thicken the clouds: if you are preparing a business plan not for your own purposes, but for investments, describe the main risks without too much detail. As a rule, the following risks are indicated in the summary:

  1. Unforeseen: natural disasters, fires, theft. You can minimize these risks with the help of an insurance policy.
  2. Commercial: unrealistic analysis of the competitive environment, unreliable suppliers and agents, insufficient industry analysis, etc. They are minimized thanks to a thorough market analysis and the search for decent partners.
  3. Economic: crises, depreciation of currencies, etc.
  4. Political, hard to predict risks.
  1. If you intend to receive money from foreign organizations, write an English version of the summary of the business plan.
  2. If you do not want your accounts to be used by other individuals or legal entities, indicate whether your business plan is public information, information for internal use, is confidential or strictly confidential.
  3. Do not make the resume too voluminous, a couple of printed pages will be enough. Information should be presented concisely and directly relate to the main aspects of the business.

Example resume business plan for opening a clothing store

Organization name: "Beautiful clothes"

Legal form: LLC code KOPF-65

Form of ownership: Private property Code OKFS 16

Number of employees per year: 50

Authorized capital: 2,000,000 rubles

Gross turnover for the last year: 7,000,000 rubles

Contact information: Rostov, st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 5, phone +700000000

Account: 2625хххххх

Project leader: Ivanova Maria Vasilievna. Previous positions: Deputy Head of the Credit Department of XXX Bank (from 1989 to 1998), Top Manager of XXX Bank (from 1998 to 2010); founder of the organization "Beautiful clothes" (from 2010 to the present).

The aim of the project is to open a branded clothing store for adults "Beautiful clothes" by the "Beautiful clothes" factory.

The factory for the production of clothes "Beautiful clothes" has been successfully operating on the market for more than 6 years. The latest technologies are involved in the production, the factory has large areas and highly qualified workers: seamstresses and designers. Thanks to the above characteristics, the factory accepts many orders from clothing stores throughout the country and provides the opportunity to make bulk purchases. However, the company seeks to develop its own brand through the opening of its own branded store and the launch of several lines of branded clothing. Over the past 3 years, XXX units of products have been sold, 2 trial clothing lines have been launched, contracts have been signed with 10 fashion chains.

The key employees are:

  1. The founder of the company, director - Ivanova Maria Vasilievna.
  2. Chief designer - Yulia Vyacheslavovna Kobtseva, graduate, diploma issued by XXX, 20 years of experience in the field, is a co-founder of the company.
  3. Top manager - Gavrilov Yuri Alexandrovich, master, diploma issued by XXX, has 5 years of experience in the company XXX, where he performed managerial functions, 7 years of experience in the company XXX, where he acted as a director, has been working in the company "Beautiful clothes" for four years.

Industry retail sales clothing in the Russian market is currently experiencing its rise. As of 2016, the market turnover grew by 3% in ruble terms. A positive factor is the fact that there is a serious decline in exports of European brands to Russia, and consumers increasingly prefer to purchase clothes from domestic manufacturers. This trend is due to lower prices and high quality products and materials used.

This business plan describes the opening of your own company store on the basis of an existing factory.

The advantages of the "Beautiful clothes" project are as follows:

  1. Established clothing production;
  2. Experience in launching clothing lines;
  3. Knowledge of demand
  4. A team of experienced designers;
  5. The latest production technologies that can significantly reduce the price of products.

The goals of the project are:

  • Bringing your brand to Russian market clothes;
  • Opening your own brand store;
  • Search for premises and personnel for the store;
  • Development of new fashion lines;
  • Development of a special corporate identity;
  • Brand promotion through effective marketing strategies;
  • Entering the CIS level, popularizing the brand abroad for 7 years;
  • Entering the global clothing market for 15 years.

The project falls under the state program "Light industry and folk arts and crafts" state program Russian Federation"Development of Industry and Increasing its Competitiveness", aimed at increasing the share of domestic goods in the domestic market.

Required investments:

  • Purchase of premises for a store - XXX rubles;
  • The cost of materials for the collection - XXX rubles;
  • Expenses for creating models and tailoring - XXX rubles;
  • Borrowed funds - XXX rub.

This type of activity does not require registration of permits.

  • Payback period - X months;
  • Business profitability - 20%;

Project risk analysis:

Sample resume business plan for opening a beauty salon

Individual entrepreneur Fefelov Valeriy Alexandrovich

Number of employees: 5

Contact information: Moscow, st. XXX, d.XX, phone +700000000

Settlement account: 5674хххххх

Project initiator and leader: Fefelov Valery Aleksandrovich. Previous positions: Director of a private company-distributor of cosmetic products (2000-2016), 2016 - Individual Entrepreneur.

The aim of the project is to open a beauty salon "Glamour", where the following services will be provided: manicure, pedicure, nail extension, men's, women's and children's haircuts, makeup, hairstyles.

The creator of this project, Fefelov Valery Aleksandrovich, has the necessary experience in the cosmetology industry, an experienced team of specialists working in this field, and also has contacts of the right suppliers and has candidates for the positions of salon employees, which allows you to open a successful beauty salon high level as soon as possible.

Key workers:

  1. Fefelov Valery Alexandrovich, head, individual entrepreneur. He has significant experience in the field of cosmetic services, is a certified specialist of XXX, the diploma was issued by XXX.
  2. Petrova Anna Nikolaevna, administrator, has 10 years of experience in two beauty salons, "XXX", "XXX".
  3. Polyachenko Svetlana Sergeevna, accountant, financier, has 15 years of work in the bank XXX as a chief economist.

The market for cosmetic services in Russia is developing annually. So, by 2014, its volume increased by more than 1%. In 2014, the turnover of this market amounted to more than 90 billion rubles, which exceeded the level of 2013 by 10%. A similar positive trend was also observed in 2015. This growth is explained by the growth of the solvency of the population. At the same time, the services of beauty salons are in great demand in major cities. Economy class salons are in great demand, they offer services at discounted prices and are actively promoted in in social networks.

This project involves the opening of an economy class beauty salon in the city of Moscow. The benefits of this initiative include the following:

  • Key personnel have similar work experience;
  • High demand for these services among the general population;
  • Low prices give a serious competitive advantage;
  • Availability of contacts of suppliers of quality cosmetic products;
  • The presence of highly qualified personnel for the positions of manicure and pedicure masters, hairdressers and makeup artists.

The goals of the project are:

  • Adaptation and repair of the premises owned by the beauty salon;
  • Purchase of goods and training of craftsmen;
  • The beginning of the salon;
  • Promotion of the project in social networks and other information resources;
  • Achieving high profits of XXX rubles within XXX months;
  • Opening of 2 more branded salons in Moscow within the next 3 years;
  • Further expansion of the brand in the regions, opening of 10 branded stores within 10 years.

Required investments:

  • Salary of employees - XXX rubles;
  • Purchasing costs cosmetics, equipment - XXX rubles;
  • Expenses for repair and creation of a design project - XXX rubles;
  • Marketing promotion of the project - XXX rubles;
  • Payment of utilities and other expenses - XXX rubles;
  • The total investment amount is XXX rubles.

Financing of the project is planned partly at the expense of the project initiator's own funds, and also partly at the expense of attracting credit resources. XXX is considered as a creditor.

  • Own funds - XXX rubles.
  • Borrowed funds - XXX rub.

To open a business after preparing the premises, it is planned to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor, local authorities authorities. Contracts for utilities, heating and water supply already included.

Financial efficiency of the project:

  • Payback period - X months;
  • Discounted payback period - X months;
  • Business profitability - 30%;
  • Gross income - XXX million rubles;
  • The cost of goods - XXX rubles;
  • Net profit of the enterprise - XXX rubles.

Project risk analysis:

  1. Unforeseen risks: fires, theft, natural disasters. Covered by the company's insurance policy.
  2. Commercial risks: unrealistic analysis of the competitive environment, work with unreliable partners and insufficiently qualified personnel. They are minimized thanks to the work of experienced specialists of the company and careful consideration of all possible factors in the market.
  3. Economic risks: crisis, depreciation of currencies.


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