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Modern technologies a few steps ahead of our daily lives. But there are needs that no human invention can satisfy. An excellent example is honey and all by-products of beekeeping. The huge content of useful micro and macro elements turn honey into an irreplaceable sweetness. And other products from the production of honey: royal jelly, pollen, propolis, bee venom and wax are widely used in medicine. A business plan for the production of honey with calculations will help you understand the topic, assess all kinds of risks and delve into the details.

Choosing a place to place and create a hive

Before writing a business plan for the production of honey, you should familiarize yourself with the method of producing a useful product. First of all, you need to find a honey-bearing place with a large number of flowering plants. The time of collection and the start of work will depend on the place. The beekeeper must know the periods and times of flowering of common plants. Here is a flowering calendar in central Russia.

The selected site should be located on a slight slope or on a flat clearing surrounded by trees to protect it from winds and sun, away from large open water bodies and industrial and food plants. The minimum distance from other apiaries is 7 kilometers. The apiary should be located close to drinking water sources. Hives are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between families should be observed - about 6 meters, and between rows - at least four meters. The hive should be located at least 30 centimeters from the ground.

Also, the breed of bees will depend on the place. For collecting pollen from buckwheat and linden, Central Russian bees or steppe Ukrainian bees are suitable. The former practically do not cover the collected honey from the beekeeper, while the latter easily endure the cold in the wild. For mixed herbs and mountain plants, Caucasian bees are better suited.

The hive also depends on the above factors. They are:

  • Single level horizontal.
  • Double-hulled.
  • Multihull.
  • Book.
  • Retractable.

In any type of hive, there must be good thermal insulation and ventilation, otherwise the bees may either freeze or suffocate.


The good thing about a business plan for selling honey is that you can start it on your own personal plot. The room for storing equipment can be of a small area - a shed is enough. As a form of ownership, IP on ESHN is ideal. View economic activity falls under OKVED-2 01.49.11 "Honey beekeeping". Despite the fact that honey production is not subject to compulsory licensing, it is necessary to without fail obtain permission from the veterinary authorities. To obtain a permit and a veterinary passport, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Write an application to the chief sanitary doctor of the locality. The application contains information about the location of the apiary, the number of bee colonies and the owner's data.
  2. Then the veterinary service comes to the apiary with a check. The auditor checks and records information: specifications apiaries, food, veterinary treatment, describes the clothes of the beekeeper. A potential entrepreneur must study all the characteristics to obtain a passport. Many factors are assessed, this issue must be taken with all responsibility.
  3. If there are comments or recommendations, a deadline is set for the implementation of the instructions, and the check comes again.
  4. Only on the basis of a complete and successful check can the beekeeper receive a passport.
  5. Every year, the passport makes notes on the sanitary condition of the apiary, veterinary examination, results laboratory research honey, prevention and treatment of bees. After the passport is completely filled, it needs to be changed.
Action type Price, rubles
IP registration (state duty) 800
Registration with the tax office
Obtaining a medical book and medical examination 3000
Obtaining a certificate from the administration about the presence of an apiary 30
Obtaining permission from neighbors to maintain an apiary
Call an expert to the apiary to obtain a passport 300
Examination of bees 300
Honey analysis 500
Obtaining a veterinary certificate 200
Veterinary support for a year 10 000
Getting a passport
Rospotrebnadzor permission
Permit from the fire department
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the commencement of activities
Total* 15 130

*The average prices for services are indicated. The cost may vary depending on the region.

To register an apiary, you need a minimum of funds, but in order to get everything Required documents, it will take about 3-4 months.

Technical equipment

Item of expenses Qty Unit cost, in rubles Total, in rubles
Beehive with cases for 16 frames "Dobrynya" 30 4 500 135 000
Bee packages (Central Russian breed) 30 4 000 120 000
Veterinary drugs 30 3 300 99 000
Insurance of bee colonies with hives (5% of the sum insured) 30 400 12 000
Protective suit of the beekeeper 3 1 500 4 500
Various containers for honey 1950 30 58 500
Other small equipment such as chisels, wires, foundations, etc. 15 000
honey extractor 1 15 000 15 000
TOTAL 459 000


The number of workers in the apiary is calculated as follows: 4 hours must be devoted to 1 hive per week. 30 hives a week would require 120 hours. Thus, it is enough to hire 3 temporary workers to cope with the presented volumes at the peak of the season. The rest of the time (October-March), the owner can independently monitor the condition of bees and hives. For each beekeeper fund wages will be 25 thousand rubles. Taking into account deductions, 32,550 rubles will come out. For three, the payroll will be 97,650 rubles a month. There will not be too many accounting delays, so the entire document flow and accounting can be maintained by the owner of the production through online services.


To promote agricultural products, you can not resort to aggressive marketing, but use conservative promotion methods:

  • Establish direct contacts with vendors.
  • Look for direct buyers.

To find direct buyers, it is proposed to resort to the following activities:

This is a one-time expense and there will be no monthly advertising costs.

Volume of initial investments

The production cycle

The business is seasonal and should be timed to coincide with the flowering of local herbs and plants. Since the first inflorescences appear at the end of April, you need to buy equipment and install beehives, you need to transplant bee packages there already in mid-April, on a sunny day. Along the way, you can get a veterinary passport. Next year, when bee colonies are already formed, you can start working on your own from January. You can get honey every couple of weeks, until mid-September. Next, bee colonies need to be prepared for wintering and the hives put in order.

Financial indicators

Among the monthly expenses, the largest share is the cost of wages:

  • Payroll fund - 97,650 rubles.
  • Utility payments for water and electricity - 3,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 1,761 rubles.

Income will directly depend on how much the bees can produce. With the most successful outcome, for the entire season, 2 kilograms of honey can be collected from one frame, but it should be borne in mind that in the outer combs there is half as much honey as in the middle. In practice, one frame will bring about 1.5 kilograms of honey. With 30 hives of 16 frames, you can get 540 kilograms of honey. The average price of honey is 450 rubles per kilogram. For 1 season, you can collect honey three times. During the season, the beekeeper can get 2,160 kilograms of honey. Of these, 660 kg should be left to the bees for the winter. The beekeeper has 1,500 kilograms of honey for sale. The final profitability for the season is 675,000 rubles. Net profit for the season will amount to 137,945 rubles. Initial investment payback in 4 years. Profitability is 20%.


There is no denying the fact that beekeeping is a risky activity. Here are some facts that may affect the result of the work:

  • Reassessment of honey-bearing potential of the area.
  • The need for the location of the apiary with a focus on possible locations finding livestock, stagnant water, trees.
  • Dependence on climatic conditions.
  • Mistakes with the choice of breed of bees.
  • Low quality hives.
  • Death of bees during wintering.
  • Incorrect calculation of the food necessary for the wintering of bees.

An important factor is the totality of experience and knowledge of the beekeeper. In addition to caring for the hives, the beekeeper must monitor the mood in families, prevent swarming, and be able to breed strong families. Only if all factors are observed, it is possible to achieve a good collection of honey and bee products.

Opening a private apiary today is considered a promising and profitable business. Honey is traditionally in high demand and price. If you keep your own 35-50 hives, you can even open your own store, sell honey for large networks, confectionery factories. But this requires the preliminary creation of a business project. Only by thinking through everything to the smallest detail, you can open a profitable, exciting business.

Apiary business plan plus markets

The proposed exemplary business project is designed for small businesses, these figures may change every year. Therefore, when drawing up your own plan, you must take into account the realities of today. The price of honey, which is rented to a store or a factory, can also change, therefore, when drawing up a project, it is recommended to monitor the market in your region.

In order to open your own apiary, the planned investments will amount to approximately 518 thousand rubles, but net profit for the first season will be equal to 58.6 percent per annum. If you decide to invest less, then the rate of return will decrease.

To sell the resulting honey, you will have to analyze the product markets. It is recommended to start from the nearest, you can conclude contracts for the supply to a nearby store, factories, private buyers (for which some beekeepers open their own store directly next to the apiary). After expanding the business, you can move to more distant markets, connect agents to sales.

Today natural products again beginning to be in great demand, despite their higher price. Therefore, by supplying your honey to any store, you can be sure of its sale.

On average, a store accepts honey at 300 rubles per kg, but resells it twice as much. The difference is very noticeable. One flask holds about 50 kg of honey, a store can sell about two or three such flasks per month (it all depends on the size of the store and the area).

From the point of view of profit, we get: 50 kg at 300 rubles is 15,000 rubles, and at 600 rubles per kg - 30,000 rubles of profit. That is why many begin with the fact that, in addition to selling to a private buyer, they open their own store and offer products to confectionery factories.

To organize such a store, you need to wait about a year or two from the start of opening a business, since this requires certain financial injections.

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Organizational stage of business on honey

Beekeeping business implies the correct organizational stage, which includes:

  • installation of hives (today, hives of three thousand rubles and more are offered for sale);
  • bee families (a good bee family is on sale, which brings excellent honey in large volumes, costs from 4,500 rubles). From the apiary where there are such families, from May to August, you can collect about 5 tons of honey (the number of families must be calculated separately);
  • the cost of overalls, inventory can be 18,000 rubles.

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Staff and pricing

Beekeeping is a very responsible and delicate business, it is almost impossible to do without special knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to start a business with your own training, obtaining the necessary skills and experience.

If there is no experience, then you will have to hire specially trained personnel who will take care of the care and keep accounts. Experienced beekeepers usually prefer not to go on a permanent salary, but on a cooperation basis, usually this option is much more profitable. A partner can offer not only his knowledge and experience, but also breeding bee colonies, that is, honey will be better and you can get 20-30 percent more honey if you hire such an experienced specialist.

The personnel plan usually includes the following columns:

  • freelance accountant - 8 thousand rubles;
  • two beekeepers to care for the hives - 30 thousand rubles;

Staff costs amount to 38 thousand rubles.

Pricing is one of the most important articles of the entire project. It is assumed that the sale of honey will be 300 rubles per kg. Based on this, we calculate that the volume of honey sold per year, when collecting 5 tons from the apiary, will be:

300 rubles * 5000 kg = 1,500,000 rubles.

All this with one-time costs:

  • purchase of hives for the site - 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of bee colonies - 200 thousand rubles;
  • inventory for work - 18 thousand rubles;

Profit - 518 thousand rubles.

Once again, we note that the amount of expenses in each region is different, plus annual inflation must be taken into account. Here is the average number of costs, taking into account prices for 2013.

Sale of the received honey is supposed to private consumers, participants of the confectionery market.

The conclusion of a long-term contract for the supply of honey for a small confectionery factory may require a set annual production volume.

The price you offer for honey should be fixed, this is very important for the proper conduct of business. You don't have to worry about the price an agent sells honey to a store, a private person, or a factory. The price you give should be right for you.

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Financial indicators and risks

Beekeeping is seasonal business, therefore, all calculations for the project must take into account that the average profit should be reflected for four working months. AT winter months Minimal care is required for the hives, but you will have to lay down about 4 thousand rubles a month specifically for the care and payment for the services of an employee who will monitor the condition of all bee colonies on a weekly basis. The amount of payment may vary, it all depends on the number of families and hives on the site.

Tax deductions are calculated according to a simplified scheme, this is 6% of the total income.

When calculating the amount of honey received, it is necessary to remember the risks. Basically, the problem is to get honey during adverse weather conditions, because too dry summers or rainy weather have a strong bad influence on the volume of product collection. There is a way to reduce such risks by applying the nomadic method. It lies in the fact that in bad weather, the hives are transported to a more favorable area, which minimizes the risk.

Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, it is recommended to enter a column for transportation costs for transportation. This usually requires renting freight car, but the use of the nomadic method will make it possible to obtain honey in an amount of up to 40 kg from one hive, that is, all transportation costs will be fully compensated. Today, this method is used by many modern beekeepers, who often cooperate to create such a joint camp. This allows not only to reduce risks, but also to guarantee the planned volume of honey.

At the same time, there is one point that must be taken into account: farmers, as a rule, do not take rent for such temporary parking, because they themselves are interested in the presence of bees on the site and in pollination of crops. In some cases, it is possible to organize cooperation with farmers, using their land for parking and making a profit from the “labor” of bees.

Starting a business selling honey is quite simple. To create such a point, you will need about a million rubles or two million rubles, plus the room in which you will work, as well as for the correct quick and operational work workers are needed who will be engaged in packing and unloading honey. The relevance of honey in our time is popular, many people who want to feel healthier do not buy the honey that is sold in the supermarket, namely, the honey that can be purchased on the street or in the market. According to buyers, such honey can be called really honey, which contains all the useful and nutritious properties that are so necessary for the buyer. It’s very easy to implement the wonderful idea of ​​​​opening a point selling honey, let’s see how to do it!

How to start a honey business?

Here everything is quite simple, you just need to find a room of 10 square meters in which you will conduct sales. Of course, you can buy a container and sell honey at the bazaar, but this is a more expensive option, since in addition to renting, you will also have to pay for the container. Also, the room that you have chosen must meet sanitary and technical requirements so that insects, bees, flies, etc. cannot be found in it. After you have found a place and employees at your point of sale, you can think about which suppliers to buy honey from. There are two options.

First option

Buy honey from beekeepers. Although the price of such honey will be quite budgetary due to the fact that they do not increase the price, this price can then be easily raised and increased by packaging the goods in containers. For this purpose, packers are needed.

Second option

This option of selling honey is also quite simple to find common contact with dealer companies that sell and supply honey to retail outlets. The price of such honey will be much more expensive than that of beekeepers, but then the price can be increased. The advantage of such sales lies in the fact that it is not required to hire a packer, since the honey is already packaged.

In these two options, beekeepers and dealers must definitely require certificates for products, which will indicate that the products are clean and do not contain harmful substances.

Find out how sale of honey, became for young man profitable view business.

  • I saw this story on one of the Russian TV channels in a program about successful young entrepreneurs. This story shows once again that own business you can start without starting capital, as they say from scratch.
  • So, there was one family in which the head of the family was engaged in beekeeping, the wife worked on the housework, and the son was in his first year at the institute. They lived in a private house on the outskirts provincial town Russia.

In general, once the income from the sale of honey and bee products for this family began to fall due to the fact that many competitors appeared in their area, the same beekeepers as they are.

By the way, if you are interested, read the article oriental sweets, which tells successful story how to start at least profitable business making delicious sweet dish.

Sale of honey in the city

Without hesitation, an enterprising young man quickly solved this problem and not only helped his father and family return their previous income, but was also able to increase this amount by at least 3 times, and that's how.

Andrey, agreed with all beekeepers about joint activities. To be more precise, he offered them not to compete with all the beekeepers of their area among themselves, but to give all their honey to him, which he would sell not only in their area, but also outside it.

Negotiated with beekeepers

Almost all beekeepers agreed to his proposal and in the first season they began to give him honey for sale. Andrei organized the sale of honey in this way. He began to take it to his relatives living in the regional center, who began to sell honey to their friends.

  • And such a sale of honey is much more profitable than selling it on the market or in stores. It is explained simply. His relatives, selling honey, act as guarantors of its quality. Moreover, they work for a certain percentage of remuneration.
  • As a result, there were so many customers that the next year, Andrey could not satisfy all the needs of customers. According to him, this year the demand was several times higher than in the previous one. And people began to order honey from his relatives long before sales. Although the volume of honey that he delivered in the previous season exceeded 5 tons.

In his future plans, to negotiate with beekeepers from other areas in order to satisfy the needs of everyone and get even more profit.

In such a simple way, a young entrepreneur was able to start a profitable business that will always flourish, since honey and bee products have always had and will have a steady consumer demand among the population. I think there is no need to explain that the sale of honey is a profitable and promising business, in which there will always be a demand for goods.

Why is it beneficial?

And given the fact that there is a lot of fake honey on sale, his business, where his relatives act as sellers and guarantors of its quality at the same time, will always flourish, and sales and profits will only increase from year to year.

You see how the sale of honey has grown into a profitable business. What is stopping you from doing the same. No need to try to come up with something clever and more profitable. Just repeat his scheme and that's it.

Bee honey is a useful product, especially if it is natural. Many beekeepers are doing this. When the product is ready, the question arises of how to sell honey. You need to rely on the sales mechanism to get high profits. It should be borne in mind that the bee product is in demand among ordinary people, as well as cosmetologists, food industry specialists. It is bought at any time of the year.

Principles for the implementation of honey

How to sell honey? The product must be of high quality, otherwise it will not be in demand. It is necessary to observe the rules of its storage, it is important to collect it correctly. It is necessary to control the condition of the bees in order to increase the yield.

You should communicate with beekeepers, learn about the sale of the product. In this case, planning is important. It will be much more convenient if responsibilities are separated. Work must be carried out on advertising, sales and improvement of product quality.

Implementation Options

Where to sell honey? There are several options for selling this useful product:

  • On the market at a retail price.
  • To enterprises wholesale.
  • Sale through an online store.
  • Sales by ad.
  • Realization through fairs, exhibitions, festivals.

If there are many acquaintances, then it will be easier to distribute products. Each of these methods really works, you just need to use them correctly. Honey has always been and will be a sought-after product, therefore, with the right sale, there will always be buyers.

Sales points

You can often find ads that say: "Honey for sale." The Russian Federation, like other countries, allows you to sell products different ways. The beekeeper should take into account how much honey is received per season. When the batch is large, then sales should be carried out through a factory, a company. Many are selling to other countries.

Where to sell honey to make a profit? An excellent solution would be to open a point of sale where customers can purchase different varieties of products. You can sell goods in a cafe, restaurant, confectionery factory, offices.

Sales rules

How to sell honey profitably? For this, there are special fairs, which are usually visited by many people. It is important to advertise the product beautifully so that it looks attractive. These events are usually organized major cities. For this, the Internet can serve. It is necessary to place ads on special sites. You need to take a picture of the goods, for example, in a bank. You should write ads, indicate the benefits. The information must be true.

It will be possible to sell Altai honey or any other kind through an online store. Buyers need to give discounts, which is much better at attracting new customers. It should be remembered about another audience - the elderly. Since they do not use the Internet, it will be easier to find such buyers in the market. Such a proven method as distributing ads at the entrance, in public transport, also works great.

Benefits of Direct Selling

How to sell honey to people directly? For this, products are brought to hospitals, sanatoriums, post offices, to the market or to work. This option is ideal for amateur beekeepers who have few bees. It will allow you to get regular customers.

Direct selling requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Offers must be permanent.
  • It is necessary to sell high-quality products that will not differ in texture, smell from the previous batch.
  • Clients are important appearance honey, so you need to choose attractive jars.
  • All characteristics of the product must meet the standards.

If there is a lot of glucose in honey, it candied. Customers do not choose the solid consistency of products. The product must match the grade. Rapeseed honey has small crystals. Floral has a loose state, and honeydew is usually liquid.

Ways to successfully sell a product

The beekeeper must have trading skills:

  • The use of advertising for products.
  • It is important to know everything about the product so that you can advise buyers.
  • It is necessary to sell propolis, wax candles, pollen.
  • You need to contact the client.
  • It is important to follow the rules of hygiene.

Honey shops can be the best partners. If the products are of high quality, then no outlet will not refuse to implement it.

Market mechanisms

It is necessary to take into account the assortment, cost, properly organize the trading business, taking into account the communication aspect. It is important to have a variety of products. It is advisable to sell goods of different varieties so that each buyer can find something suitable for himself.

The cost of production should be optimal, so you need to follow the honey market. If you managed to open your own business, then you should think about expanding production. This will require more professionals who can sell honey.

Advertising plays an important role. To attract buyers, customers can be invited to the apiary, show how honey is made, organize a tasting. Such activities affect the increase in the level of sales. It is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the bee product so that it meets the desired level.

Intermediary services

You can work through intermediaries - shops, pharmacies, markets. In advance, the product must be poured into containers, and then packaged. This implementation option has a minus - a small income, since not all stores sell honey accordingly. Moreover, not all sellers can answer the questions of interest to buyers.

Sales to other countries

There are many countries that are engaged in the purchase of honey. Usually they purchase it as a raw material, which after processing goes on sale, including abroad. It is profitable to supply products to China, USA, Germany, Japan, France.

Selling honey abroad is much more profitable, but there may be difficulties in finding buyers, transportation, and documentation. Now there are special companies that are looking for information about beekeepers and offer their intermediary services. But they charge for their work.


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