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Launching an advertising campaign is not an easy task, because for an effective start you need to take into account a whole set of factors. For convenience and to save your time, we at Aori have compiled a simple checklist that will allow you not to forget anything important.

Stage 1. Preparation

At the preparation stage, you should carefully check that all the necessary metrics, analytics systems, landing pages are connected and working properly. Otherwise, your advertising campaign may be useless.

    Analytics counters are installed on the site: Google.Analytics and/or Yandex.Metrica.

    All offers have corresponding landing pages.

    Call tracking installed and working (if your topic has a share of orders by phone)

Stage 2. Working with the semantic core

If earlier it was possible to effectively promote with the help of several high-frequency queries, now you should approach the choice of keywords very carefully - analyze not only your ad, but also the ads of competitors that have already been launched

    The semantic core has been assembled: high and medium frequencies have been selected (for example, through Wordstat).

    Weeded out low-frequency requests

    A list of minus words has been compiled (which will allow you to remove inappropriate impressions)

    Campaigns are divided into "Affiliate networks" and "Search" - for the first to use high frequency requests, for the second - mid-frequency or low-frequency

Stage 3. Compilation of ads

At this stage, again use the results obtained during the analysis of competitors. A poorly designed advertising campaign is equal to failure.

    Selected illustrations that your competitors and partners do not use

    Compiled ad texts: headings, body text, additional links and clarifications (callouts)

    Generated UTM tags for each ad

    Required networks and sites selected

    Ad display time and display geography are configured.

    The cost of display has been set, limits have been set for each campaign

Stage 5. Analytics

    Analyzed the effectiveness of keywords (disabled ineffective ones, added new ones)

Test advertising campaign

Goals and objectives of the test advertising campaign

The task of any test advertising campaign is to understand how much your audience will be interested in your advertising offer. Your goal is to test different ads, as well as to determine the approximate cost of clicking on an ad and further conversion to an order for a product or a group subscriber.

Audience segmentation

Segmentation is division target audience into parts by set general parameters. The purpose of segmentation is to compile a USP for each different audience and increase conversion due to this, and segmentation also allows you to assess the interest of different audiences in your product.

Types of audience segmentation exist visibly or invisibly, and each of them will be effective depending on the situation. The most common types of segmentation are division by GEO, gender, marital status, age and profession.

Try to always segment the audience by gender, firstly, men and women react differently to visual elements, but most importantly, the bid competition for an audience of different genders has significant differences.

Necessarily divide the audience by device type, the ad looks differently on mobile devices and desktop devices. In addition, it is much easier for users who see advertisements from computers to throw a "strike" on the advertisement and hide it, thereby rating promotional post will decrease.

The main rules for conducting a test campaign:

  1. Create several advertisements for one segment, ads must differ in text and / or image;
  2. The segment should not exceed 20 thousand people;
  3. The test ad is unrolling at recommended rate, because Depending on your bid, your ad will be shown to more or less quality audiences. Therefore, when setting the recommended bid, you will show ads to the most engaged audience, and at a higher bid, your ad will be unrolled with more high speed and you will quickly know whether it is effective or not.
  4. Always set an overall limit advertisement, it is calculated as follows:

For side format is the audience size in thousands multiplied by the recommended bid.

For promo posts always expose limit of 1-3 impressions per person, for ads side format-100 impressions per person.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of tests?

The effectiveness of an advertisement consists of several indicators. The first is the click-through rate or CTR (click-through rate). CTR is calculated using the formula number of clicks on an ad / number of impressions, measured by CTR as a percentage. The second is a further conversion to ordering a product, joining a group, or any other action.

There are situations when ads with a high CTR give expensive subscribers. And ads with a lower CTR are clicked less often, but more often they join a group or order a product. In the latter case, the effectiveness of the ad will be lower, and the conversion will be higher. Therefore, it is important to track both indicators: CTR and conversion. And based on the data obtained, draw conclusions about the advertisement.

Using the results obtained after testing, you will only have to set up the main advertising campaign for the entire audience using the most successful ads.

Carrying out the main advertising campaign

Scrolling the current segment to the end

In this case, everything is quite simple, we select the most successful test segments until the audience is fully covered. For example, we made a couple of thousand impressions to an audience from a segment of 20 thousand people. The recommended rate for this segment was 300 rubles per 1,000 impressions, because depending on the bid set, the ad will be shown to a more or less high-quality audience. Therefore, when setting the recommended bid, you will show ads to the most engaged audience.

Ads of the main advertising campaign are recommended to be rotated by 50% of the recommended rate, in contrast to the test campaign, where ads are rotated at the recommended rate, because. in this case, it is important for you to cover the entire segment, and not test creatives on the most involved audience. As a result, the test advertising campaign will turn into the main one.

P.S. Remember that if the ad is scrolling too slowly, then you can always increase the bid so that your ad wins the Vkontakte advertising auction and scrolls faster.

Segment expansion

In this method, we have to combine several similar audience segments into one, but at the same time make sure to leave a division on men and women, as well as mobile and desktop devices.

Firstly, men and women react differently to visual elements, but most importantly, the competition of the bid for the audience of different genders has significant differences. Separation of the audience by device type is mandatory, because Ads look different on mobile devices and desktop devices. In addition, it is much easier for users who see advertisements from computers to strike the advertisement and hide it, thereby reducing the rating of the advertisement.

How to expand a segment?

In this case, the expansion of the segment can be achieved by increasing the age range of the audience to 30 - 36 years. Or removing the “sports” interest, which will increase the number of audience in the segment. After that, we begin to unscrew the advertisement with the most successful creative to a new audience.

What bid should I choose for the main campaign?

The size of the rate regulates the speed of unrolling the advertisement. Set your main ad campaign bid 50% below the recommended price, if you want to speed up the turnaround, then increase the price so that your ads win the competition and show up faster.

note that advertising cabinet VKontakte works according to the auction system, the recommended price can change both up and down, so do not be afraid of changes in the cost of advertising. Well, be sure to follow the progress of the advertising campaign, at least once a day.

An SMM specialist tried for you

Small businesses often prefer to set up Yandex Direct and run advertising campaigns on their own.

What could be easier?

Watched a few videos keywords, created ads, replenished the budget. It remains only to wait for orders. Unfortunately, this approach does not work in 2017, let alone the upcoming 2018.

In most cases, amateur tuning tends to be a waste of money because there are so many nuances and constantly changing parameters. And maintenance and refinement advertising campaigns is a separate science.

So it's time to look for errors...

Yandex Direct contextual advertising audit checklist

Account structure

  1. Advertising campaigns are divided into types:
  • Search advertising campaigns
  • Campaigns in Advertising Network Yandex (YAN)
  • Remarketing campaigns
  • Other campaigns (by audience, hyperlocal targeting)
  1. Advertising campaigns have a clear structure and are divided into:
  • by groups of goods (services)
  • geography (Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region are separated into separate advertising campaigns)
  • brands
  • degrees of “warmth” of keywords (hot, warm, cold)

The “warmth” determines how ready your potential client is in this moment time to purchase your product, and, accordingly, the conversion rate will be different.

  1. Your campaign names are clear

Product GEO Type [For example: Hoodies wholesale Moscow Search]. This is especially true when the number of advertising campaigns has exceeded twenty.

Checking the settings

The list of negative keywords is not empty and is compiled on the basis of query statistics, as well as on the basis of the Yandex Direct search query report.

In Yandex Direct, the minimum daily budget for a campaign is 300 rubles.

Checking Ads

If there are such ad groups, remove negative keywords for keywords in this ad group. If it doesn't help, regroup the keywords.

  1. Unique selling proposition

Your ad contains a good offer that is interesting to your potential client.

If you're selling multiple iPhone models, your ad must link to the specific model page, not the site's home page.

  1. UTM tags are used

Analysis of advertising campaigns is impossible without the use of utm-tags in ad links. If they are absent, it will be impossible to understand which advertising campaign, ad, keyword brings results, and which only spends the budget.

For Yandex Direct on search:


For Yandex Direct in YAN:


Where, utm_source— advertising campaign source (yandex, google, vk or any other traffic source)
utm_medium— type of traffic (cpc — pay per click, cpm — pay per impression)
utm_campaign- campaign name
utm_content- ad ID
utm_term- keyword or site

The full list of parameters is at the link.

Automatic substitution for your site by link.

  1. Quick links completed

Even if you have a one-page site. They lead to sections of your site using anchors.

To increase the size of your ad on the screen potential client. And also to disclose all the benefits that did not fit in the text of the ad.

The list of used keywords has been worked out (low-frequency, mid-frequency keywords). High-frequency keywords in Yandex Direct (with a limited budget) are used in phrase matching. Only targeted keywords are used.

  1. Negative keywords have been developed taking into account match types
  2. Made a cross-backing track to exclude ad competition within an advertising campaign in Direct Commander

Yandex Advertising Network (YAN)

  1. Key words in YAN
  • High and medium frequency keywords are used
  • Related keywords used
  • Cross-backing is not used
  • Negative keywords are not used (with rare exceptions)
  1. Images
  • Uses all 4 aspect ratios or at least 2 - 1:1 and 16:9
  • Images are bright and eye-catching, different from competitors
  • At least 3 image options are used to determine the most optimal one in terms of clickability, conversion (other indicators)

  1. Weekly analysis of the sites where your ads were shown

They are excluded from domain names based on your indicators (expenses for clicks from the site exceed the KPI per lead or other indicators, such as bounces, time on the site, depth).

Possible exclusion indicators:

  • The cost of the total number of clicks from this site exceeds the allowable cost of a lead according to KPI
  • Average visit duration from this site is less than 10 seconds
  • The number of clicks exceeds the allowed maximum
  • Scan depth is less than the specified value
  1. Excluded impressions in mobile applications

In YAN, they are listed as exceptions for sites - Smaato, Inner-active, MobFox, MoPub. In most cases, the conversion rate is significantly lower from mobile devices and apps.


At a minimum, remarketing is set up for the audience of users who were on your site and spent more than 10 seconds there.

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