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Hello my dear subscribers who have already become friends! In this article, I want to talk about a relatively new field of activity and earnings - the creation of an information business. Experienced Internet users and beginners probably often come across this concept on the pages of various sites, and then the question involuntarily arises : what is infobusiness and is it possible to learn all its subtleties in order to start working for yourself, sitting in a comfortable chair at home or in your personal office?

When I first asked this question, I, like many others, was overcome by doubts. How effective will my work be and how much money can I make doing it? I am sure that since you are reading my article, you are also striving for stable income, which would increase day by day and guarantee a career take-off?

Blog subscribers often write me letters or share in the comments after reading the article that they have a lot of ideas, but because of the fear of failure in the infobusiness, they never dare to make a breakthrough. In addition, being your own boss is such a tempting prospect that it is hard to believe in it.

I had to learn all the subtleties of the infobusiness on my own, analyzing information on the network, practicing the recommendations of various experienced users who succeeded in this. How I missed a mentor who would tell me step by step how to start an information business and what results to expect.

Answer me, guys, if you had a reliable shoulder in the person of an information business specialist, would you dare to prove yourself in this area? I think many will answer “yes”, then I will start sharing my secrets.

The difference between infobusiness and blogging

So, first, let's define what is an infobusiness?

Information business is an activity based on making a profit as a result of the sale of information products on the Internet.

Infobusiness is often confused with running a successful blog (blogging), but these are different concepts, although these two areas intersect. I will say even more, it is almost impossible to achieve good earnings without competent blogging.

You ask "why?", I answer:

  • In order for a person to buy your product, he must get as much information about it and about its creator, and a blog is a good place where he can get acquainted with this;
  • A quality blog with interesting content is a guarantee good sales information product;
  • And one more thing... You yourself would probably be interested to know who buys your products and what is their success after mastering new material? To do this, you can communicate with your customers through a blog, through an informative mailing list or in the comments of special sections.

What is the most important thing in the information business?

The information business is based, as I said earlier, on the information product. Therefore, the main thing in it is the information itself offered for sale. It can be anything, for example: “Cutting and sewing course in a month”, “Employment success course in a week”, “Website building course in three days”, and so on.

However, writing a product useful to society is not so easy. Unfortunately, many "masters" of the information business pay attention not so much to the product, but to its promotion. In the end, everyone suffers. The buyer is disappointed in the purchase, because the purchased information is not valuable, new and important for him. The seller, although he makes a profit, loses trust in the person of the client and, as a result, receives anti-advertising.

Important! Take the time to spend enough time creating a unique and valuable product. Show it to relatives and friends, take into account the wishes and comments. Your information product must be useful!

The basis of success is trust

When you build relationships in everyday life with friends, loved ones or work partners, what is the main thing for you? Guarantees, promises, ease of dialogue? All this is certainly important, but the primary thing is trust in a person.

When I studied infobusiness, I was offered various products for which I had to pay a lot of money for me at that time. And I would pay them if I knew enough information about the product itself and was at least 50% sure of its uniqueness. I don't think you'd want to buy a pig in a poke either, would you?

When choosing an information product for myself, as a buyer, I paid attention to its description, details, and if there was an opportunity to get acquainted with the free products of the author of the information business, I was in a hurry to evaluate them. This moment is very important, as it forms trust.

In my blog you can also find and visually familiarize yourself with my proposals. I pay much attention to communication with subscribers through the mailing list. new site articles and that also builds trust. I am glad to know about your successes, share them in the comments!

How to learn how to run an infobusiness from scratch?

A successful author who has earned the trust of subscribers, in my opinion, is Evgeny Popov. Have you heard of him, or maybe even familiar with his work? He also offers to acquaint the client with the nuances of the information business by ordering special courses: “ Infobusiness according to the model of Evgeny Popov" or " How to create an informational bestseller on DVD or CD».

Important! Learn to separate the real infobusiness professionals from those who just want to sell you information. Stop deception and start building your information business only with a quality product.

A real information business specialist uses the “correct” methods of motivation to buy:

  • offers to get to know each other first and tells about himself in as much detail as possible, without hiding his face, and even more so his last name;
  • provides you with as much information as possible and recommends his own free products so that you can appreciate his professionalism.

What does a hunter for quick money, an amateur infobusiness:

What income can you expect?

When you start thinking about the mentioned employment option, of course you will be interested in information about future income. It is impossible to guarantee specific numbers here, but you can accurately determine whether your product will be in demand.

You determine the cost of your information product yourself. Do not overestimate it, but do not rush to sell too cheap. Look at other infobusiness specialists, their products and compare. The average price ranges from 30 to 50-70 dollars. You can hold promotions and thereby motivate people to buy. Until you gain respect and earn the trust of subscribers, it may pass certain time. It all depends on your performance and skills.

Important! If you initially build the right line of conduct with potential customers and develop an information product that people need, then your income can be quite high!

To summarize, my friends:

I think you read my article in one breath and found important information for yourself in it. Of course, it is impossible to reveal all the subtleties and nuances in it, but I told you about the basic whales of a successful information business.

For further reading on this and other topics, read my blog site. subscribe to his updates and invite your friends. Let's develop together!

Looking forward to new meetings!


Sincerely, Alexander Sergienko

The core of any information business is an information product. To create it, one must be at least an expert or specialist in certain area and have the essential knowledge that you are able to teach other users through a book, audio, video, or all of these combined.

There are no restrictions on topics for the product. From breeding rabbits to designing a launch vehicle capable of flying, for example, to the planet Mars. The main thing is that you understand this, and also be able to describe it in an accessible and clear form for other people. The amount of your earnings will depend on such parameters as advertising, relevance of the topic, competition and the quality of the information product itself.

In the information business, as in any other form of making money on the Internet, there are many features:

  • the degree of your competence (expertise);
  • popularity and demand for the product being sold in the Internet community;
  • the level of possession of the necessary skills for writing a selling text (or hiring people for this);
  • your abilities in contextual advertising and much more.

Infobusiness is a costly way to make money. And if you, being a professional in a particular field, want to try yourself in it, then you will need a lot of money to organize trade.

To begin with, you will need to purchase a good microphone and headphones so that the audio and video course you have created is distinguished by high-quality acoustics. If you sell your course on DVD, think over the logistics and release of the discs. And also to spend money on the graphic design of the information product and on the costs associated with the selling site - creating a site, acquiring a domain name, paying for hosting.

It is possible to pay for services to create a selling site, if you do not want to do it yourself. Other potential costs include: advertising costs, technical support, automation of receiving payments and, perhaps, even the legalization of business - registration of IP (well, if things go uphill).

Is it worth it to spend time in the infobusiness? How many users on the network so many opinions on this issue. Some of them believe that at the moment, this type of Internet entrepreneurship is only gaining momentum. And many people think that he does not have long to live. It is better for beginners in the information business to start with reselling - the resale of other people's information products through an affiliate program. For example, this system allows you not only to sell your information product, but also to earn on the reselling of other people's products.

In the context of the economic crisis, more and more people are thinking about starting their own business. With development information technologies it becomes much easier to do so. You can open your own business even without investments. The main thing is to have the desire to do something new and not fold at the slightest setback. Any business is the sale of services or goods using a simple scheme of interaction between the seller and the buyer. And for those who have deep knowledge in a particular area, you can start your own information business. making money selling information and knowledge. Anyone can do this today.

Key Aspects

Everyone can profit from training by opening their own information business. What does it mean? A person who shares his knowledge, engages in simple tutoring for a fee, can already be called a businessman. However, if you transfer information to only one student in your free time, as most average teachers do, big money will not be able to earn. It is necessary to create a product that will work even when the businessman is sleeping peacefully. Passive income is the basis of a profitable infobusiness.

Information technology today gives unlimited possibilities earnings. You can create your own site to attract customers, fill it with interesting articles on the topic, invite people to webinars. You can even start a business from scratch. For this, various free resources are offered. Everyone can climb perfectly even in in social networks. The main thing is that the information provided should be of interest to others.

What are the types of information business?

The information business as it exists today can be divided into three categories. The first is a mini-business, which everyone can implement (even without certain skills). Often this option is a branch from For example, big company sells special fitness equipment for weight loss. Additionally, you can earn on information about their correct use. If the mini-business is set up correctly, the founder can significantly save on sales assistants and increase sales of the main product several times over.

The second category includes a start-up infobusiness. Most often, it is done by people who have managed to perfectly develop their main business according to a well-established scheme and, for an additional fee, seek to teach this scheme to others. Information may be provided on discs or special online seminars.

We create an infobusiness without investments

The main resource in this type of earnings will be previously acquired knowledge. It remains only to figure out how to profitably implement them. Anyone can start their own mini-business by taking advantage of the power of social media. All you need to do is create your own group and invite as many users as possible to it. If the information provided is really interesting, the result will not be long in coming.

It is worth being prepared for initial stage infobusiness from scratch will not bring big profit. Not everyone will be willing to pay for information. However, there are tricks that will allow you to quickly reach a decent level of income.

Choosing your niche

Each businessman at the initial stage of opening his own business must choose the right niche in which his products will be sold. No exception is earnings in the information business. Your knowledge should be offered to those people who are really interested in it. With the help of social networks, it is quite easy to do this. In user profiles, you can always study which groups people are in, what they do in real life.

Before you create an infobusiness, you should spend a little marketing research. You can search social networks for groups with the necessary topics. This will allow you to understand how many people are interested in this or that information. From the same groups it will be possible to lure users in the future. When choosing a niche, you must adhere to the golden mean. If the information is interesting to a large number of users, then an inexperienced businessman will simply be crushed by competition. But a narrow topic may not be of interest to many. This means that the profit will be small.

Communication with a potential client

Narrow communication with a potential buyer of information products is a guarantee successful business. First of all, you need to pay attention to your own group. It is worth adding a few notes daily that will arouse interest among users. Each note will appear in news feed. The next step is to create a newsletter. Each user can send letters with interesting information related to the subject of the group. It can also be invitations to free seminars.

To create a profitable infobusiness from scratch, you will have to stock up on a lot of patience. You can not be intrusive and convince in favor of the product. If a person is really interested, he will show it right away. However, at the initial stage, only every tenth potential client will pay attention to the newsletter. Those who want to build earnings on the infobusiness in social networks need to be prepared for the temporary blocking of their own account. It is not uncommon for spam emails to be marked by users as spam.

Creating a free product

It is unlikely that you will be able to attract potential customers only with the help of advertising speeches or a video. It is necessary to create a free product with which the user can understand the essence of the information being sold. It can be a free mini-book or a video tutorial. Thus, it will be possible to accomplish several important tasks at once. People will be able to get absolutely free valuable information that is in demand in a certain period of time. Users begin to understand the essence of the infobusiness and become interested in it.

Creating a free product is also unique opportunity building a subscriber base. Indeed, in exchange for up-to-date information, people leave their contact details. Thus, it is possible to get rid of those who are not at all interested in the product being sold. In the future, the promotion of the infobusiness will be carried out only among really interested users.

Capture page

Without a small business card website, a truly profitable info business cannot develop. What does it mean? If you managed to understand that the product might be of interest to users, you should create a special capture page. You can do it on one of the free hosting. The page will provide basic information, information business topics. A free course can also be offered here. The whole point is to turn a visitor into a customer. A person who wants to receive a free product will fill out a special form. And half of those who take advantage of this opportunity will wish to purchase a paid product in the future, if it is really interesting.

It will be much faster to attract new customers if you entrust the creation of the capture page to a professional web designer. It is desirable to place it on a paid hosting. If everything is done correctly, the costs will be justified in the near future. It should be understood that a fast info business without investments is almost impossible.

Create a paid product

It is the paid product that is the element for the sake of which the creation of the infobusiness is carried out. At this stage it is necessary to structure the information. Knowledge of data processing and analysis will be useful. A paid product should be an order of magnitude higher in level than a free one. For their money, people want to get really high-quality information on the topic.

How to create an infobusiness that will really make a profit? A paid product must combine quantity and quality. If information is provided in a large volume without a specific structure, the client will lose interest. The design is also of great importance. If this is a book, then you should pay attention to the design. If this is a video seminar, bright special effects are needed.

The material should be understandable to a reader or viewer of any level. Do not saturate the product with all the knowledge on the topic. You need to be able to highlight the main information, pay attention to the details. Creating a paid product is one of the most important and complex stages of the infobusiness. For some, it takes about a year. If the paid product is created correctly, it will turn into a great passive profit tool. Advanced businessmen manage to earn money even in their sleep.

Release of information product for sale

If the paid product is already completely ready, the next step is to prepare it for sale. In advance, you can create special banners to advertise your infobusiness. do not forget to set up a payment system. We need to think about how exactly people will pay for knowledge. The most popular are electronic payments from bank accounts. It would also be useful to have a virtual wallet in one of the online networks.

Affiliate program will help you to significantly increase your income. You can sell your product through other infobusinessmen. People will receive a percentage of the amount of the deal. Thus, the implementation of books or video lessons will be significantly increased.

Promotion of new infobusiness

Even if you managed to win the trust of a certain circle of customers, you can not stop there. Infobusiness promotion will help increase the number of users interested in the products sold. You can do this with paid advertising through banners. You can promote your product for free through the electronic bulletin board. However, this method is not very efficient.

Various contests held on social networks help to attract new customers. You can also take the help of reputable bloggers who will advertise New Product on a paid basis. There are a lot of opportunities for flare-ups. It just takes patience.


An infobusiness can really bring in a lot of income, of course, if it is created correctly. You can start earning even without investments. However, this will take a lot of time. And if you create a paid resource and spend money on advertising, you will be able to get the first income in the near future.

Hello dear comrades! In our age of technological and information breakthrough, the words “infobusiness” and “infoproduct” are increasingly flashing before our eyes on the pages of websites and blogs, and next to them are circling: “profit”, “money and earnings”, “financial independence”. Such words undoubtedly intrigue every unenlightened user. So what prevents us from getting to know these concepts better and getting, albeit superficial, but training? After all, not everyone knows what information business is ...

What is the infobusiness and how to make money in it? Infobusiness is first and foremost a business with all the ensuing consequences. This is hard work that requires certain character traits from a person: foresight, patience, determination, a desire to learn and faith in one's own strengths. And this work brings good money, if you reach the desired finish.

Some people mistakenly confuse this line of business with MLM business. The root "info" speaks about the essence of this business - information. you provide useful information interested audience, she buys it, you earn. MLM is network marketing- a slightly different area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. Other money and a completely different arrangement of the business system.

How to start an infobusiness from scratch - a 5-step guide

After weighing all the pros and cons, you have decided that you are interested in the information business and you want to join the “info businessmen club”. Then you should familiarize yourself with the classic formula, according to which most entrepreneurs make money by selling their knowledge on the Internet. This is a simple instruction, following which you can start making money with the infobusiness in a few days.

1. Choosing a niche. Let's take a classic of the genre for example: personal growth, health, relationships or website building. By the way, the most productive niche is this or that online earnings. This is where selling is easy. Why? But because the potential buyer is usually a young man. The older people are, the less willingly they buy information products (I judge from personal experience).

The right choice of direction depends on how much you will earn on sales, since each of the topics has its own potential, the degree of demand and, as a result, profitability.

2. You can create a page where there will be information about your information product, you can simply use a text editor. Think about how it will be framed. If the product is described in video format, then there is nothing special to think about. In this case, the page will be with a minimum of text, in the center of the video and under it a button or link leading to payment.

3. Creating a website or blog to post information about your information product on it is the main step. For example, you have chosen the most profitable niche “earnings”, which means that the site should be about everything related to this or that Internet monetization. The mainstream of the site must be maintained in a specific direction of the chosen topic. You should not post an article on the topic of traveling to Africa on such a site (as an example).

It is worth noting that: there are two scenarios for the development of events:

4. Next - filling the site with useful content: articles, videos or audio recordings - this is if you have chosen the path of the first option. A complete description of your information product with the possibility of buying and nothing more - this is if the choice fell on the second option.

This is text, video and audio information on a specific topic for its target audience. The ideal information product is unique content, taken from several reliable sources, personal experience or techniques.

The format of such a product can be different: article, book, CD-ROM, DVD-box, electronic version.

The information product can be: books on making money on the Internet and doing business, raising children according to certain methods, self-development and learning, master classes on installing various kinds of equipment, repairing, creating something, recording seminars and webinars, culinary training courses and a lot more.

Is it profitable to engage in information business today?

The answer is unequivocal - yes. Information products are very popular among users.

The main thing is that the product being sold is unique, understandable to the consumer and brings benefits, and not just financial benefits to its distributor.

Quality products are always in demand The infobusiness is no exception. And if the product contains really valuable information, and not a rewrite of well-known facts, the income from the sale of such a product will be significant.

How to determine the right price for an information product

  • Relevance and uniqueness of the information being sold;
  • niche and the target audience;
  • Time and labor costs;
  • Topic competitiveness.

Ways to create an info product

  • Collect reliable information from different sources in one piece and sell for a small price. Due to the low price, such a product will be in demand;
  • Develop your own methodology to resolve any issue. The cost of such a course will be many times higher, but there will be no fewer buyers, there will always be a target audience for unique and worthy information. Here the author must himself be well versed in the topic being disclosed and be ready to teach this to others.

Benefits of infobusiness

  • Needed for development small start-up capital. To start, several thousand rubles will be enough for high-quality product design, creating a landing, buying accounts on information course sales services. Of course, all this can be done on your own, but then the profit will not be as fast as with financial investments;
  • Practically no financial risks. You can only lose the money that was spent on the design and setup of sales, if the product is not in demand. Although such cases are extremely rare;
  • You can start your own business in parallel with the main work;
  • It is not necessary to immediately register your activity at the legislative level or obtain permission for it. But do not forget that any income in our country is taxed. Therefore, as soon as the business is gaining momentum, it is necessary to legalize him - for example, by registering an IP.

Disadvantages of infobusiness

  • To create a quality information product, you need spend a lot of time. It is necessary to study a large amount of information, competently and clearly present it to the buyer;
  • To get quick and big profits, you will have to constantly promote your own and partner products investing in the promotion of additional financial resources.

How to build your info business

  1. Niche selection. Experienced infobusinessmen recommend choosing the topic that is closest in spirit and interests. Making money on the Internet, healthy eating, fitness, learning a foreign language, repair, knitting, embroidery, cooking - any topic will find its target audience;
  2. Creating a free product, which will be exchanged for an email address. It is not necessary to write a book of 100 pages or record a bunch of training videos. It can be a small manual with tips on the chosen topic. If you can’t create useful content on your own, you can order it from or Qwertypay.
  3. Setting up a series of emails. After receiving a free product, the subscriber receives an offer to purchase a paid course.

Over time, the subscription base will only increase, and in addition to a series of letters, information products can be sold by organizing mailing lists with well-prepared sales letters.


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