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How charcoal is made: distinctive chemical and physical properties+ 3 types of substance + 8 applications + technological aspects + working conditions+ cost accounting + 2 traditional ways of making at home.

Charcoal has been around since ancient times. It was made using primitive technologies in small quantities, and the process itself was burdensome and lasted a long time. Over time, when the need for the substance increased, many people thought about how charcoal is made and opened their own production.

Today, a more simplified methodology is used, modern equipment is used, new developments are introduced and knowledge is accumulated, so it is easier to get high-quality material.

Since charcoal is in high demand, the business for its production is quite profitable and promising.

Distinctive properties of charcoal

Charcoal, in accordance with State Standard 7657-84, is understood as a solid, porous substance capable of releasing energy during combustion. The composition of the material is mostly carbon.

In many ways, charcoal resembles stone, because. The main element of both is carbon.

Both substances are, in fact, made from wood. However, for hard coal wood is used, which decomposed under conditions of limited oxygen access for several centuries. Charcoal is made from charred wood. First, it is partially burned at a low oxygen content.

The material is known for its environmental friendliness. It does not pollute nature with acrid smoke, despite being a good type of fuel.

Also, the substance acts as an adsorbent. The porous structure allows you to purify water, gases, alcohol. Due to the unique chemical and physical properties, such coal is prone to spontaneous combustion, having an increased calorific value, which is practically not inferior to stone coal.

When manufacturers make quality wood products, the output is black coal with a clearly visible brilliant, blue tint. If the material is broken, it is clear that the structure of the tree species is preserved, and the surface is cracked. Thanks to them, they determine how much the substance was subjected to charring.

Worldwide, annual charcoal production reaches 9 million tons. Brazil is the leader. Russia accounts for about 100 thousand tons. The country imports products from China, Belarus, and Ukraine.

The championship in consumption belongs to Japan (60 kg per year per citizen), in European countries the amount of coal consumed per capita is approximately 20 kg. In the Russian Federation, this figure is 100 gr.

Varieties and uses of charcoal.

Coal is classified into 3 types:

  • Red, the wood raw material of which are conifers. Its production is achieved by soft charcoal.
  • Black, it is made from willow, aspen and other softwood tree species.
  • White, obtained from oak, beech, birch, ash, hornbeam, etc. First, the charring process occurs at low temperatures, and then there is a sharp jump to 1000°C. White charcoal does not retain its bark, unlike black charcoal.

Wood material is widely used in different areas National economy. Coal is made for further use in the creation of pure ferroalloys in non-ferrous / ferrous metallurgy.

Metal products are carburized with coal in order to improve their properties and prevent oxidation as a result of carbon saturation. For the most part, coal from wood is required by enterprises that manufacture carbon disulfide, crystalline silicon.

In addition, the substance is made for:

  • chemical industry(production of paint solutions, artificial fiber, glass, pesticides, plastic, filters, cellophane, antiseptic);
  • construction (as an absorber of moisture and unpleasant odors);
  • electrical engineering (due to radiation resistance and non-toxicity, it is used in the creation of radio components, electrodes, conductors, etc.);
  • medicine (in the form of tablets, as a medicinal preparation);
  • Agriculture, in particular animal husbandry (addition to the usual diet of birds, cattle and small cattle, fertilizer of the top layer of the earth);
  • floriculture (organic element terra preta);
  • food industry (food coloring, which can be found on food packaging under the brand name E153);
  • cosmetic industry(one of the components of products designed to provide care for the skin of the face, body, hairline).

In Japan, the wood product has an even more varied use. Coal is used in laying the foundation, baking cookies, making toothbrushes, and soap. Our people are accustomed to using it in everyday life, as fuel and in cooking.

How coal is made from wood in factories: technological aspects

Charcoal is made from wood by pyrolysis. This is a process consisting in the dry distillation of raw materials. In other words, during production, under the influence of high temperatures (with or without oxygen at all), the decomposition of organic carbon compounds occurs.

For pyrolysis, retort furnaces (pyrolysis boilers) of a stationary or mobile type are used, in which there is a pyrometer that allows you to control the temperature. Raw materials are placed into the loading space manually or automatically.

However, first, the wood is unloaded to the place allotted for this, sorted. If wood raw material is purchased not chopped, it is chopped for firewood.

  1. The first stage is drying. Then the temperature is not raised more than 150°C.
  2. When excess moisture is removed from the wood material, the temperature is increased and proceed to the next step. Heat is generated in the upper chamber of the oven. Under its action, wood is burned, wood gas is formed, which moves to the nozzle for mixing with secondary air. As a result of these processes, burnt, dry coal is formed.
  3. Next, you need to make it calcination. In this way, resin and unnecessary gases are separated.
  4. The wood product is then unloaded and allowed to cool.
  5. Then crushed is made from it,.

Scheme technological process, flowing for 16-20 hours, during which coal is made, is shown in the figure:

The raw materials are:

  • decks;
  • hemp;
  • branches;
  • measles;
  • chips;
  • whips;
  • waste from the manufacture of furniture,
  • logs;
  • sawdust;
  • wood blanks;
  • caps;
  • peat.

Purchase consumable organized by forestries.

To produce 1 ton of coal, you will have to spend up to 8 cubic meters. m. birch. If soft hardwoods are used, the consumption is greater - up to 12 cubic meters. m. The factories make 3 grades of coal: A, B, C.

Safety rules in the manufacture of charcoal.

According to safety rules, only produced coal, the volume of which exceeds 100 cubic meters. dm, may catch fire spontaneously. Because of this, it is necessary to take measures to prevent spontaneous combustion.

Many entrepreneurs who understand how charcoal is made, alas, do not comply with these requirements and do not protect products from contact with an oxidizing agent. It is also considered a big mistake to allow the accumulation of coal dust.

When workers make charcoal, the rules for labor protection R O-00-97 must be observed, which you can read here -

For the transportation of wood products, it is necessary to use steel barrels, craft, paper, polypropylene bags. Coal is stored in closed warehouses, special bunkers to prevent the ingress of precipitation.

Delivery of goods is carried out in bulk or in packaged form using trucks, covered wagons.

Necessary conditions for the production of charcoal

Make charcoal, before creating the appropriate conditions for this:

  • Firstly, this is a room for a workshop located outside the city limits, an open land plot necessary for a boiler. The area, taking into account a separate room for a warehouse, should be at least 200 square meters. m.
  • Secondly, staff is required, usually 2-3 workers. They need to be provided working uniform(overalls, goggles, mask, gloves). In addition to production workers, you need to hire an accountant, a cleaner, a watchman, a sales manager, a driver, and several handymen or loaders.
  • Thirdly, equipment.

The technological equipment of the workshop where charcoal is made includes:

The installation that makes charcoal, you need to choose a good one, then the production will be complete. How to define it?

Does not emit a burnt, suffocating odor into the atmosphere. It is released, but remains in the furnace used for thermal decomposition of the next batch of wood and drying. Also, high-quality retort furnaces minimize the loss of energy resources.

On the market there are:

  • overall complexes of a stationary type, which make coal in large volumes;
  • mobile machines;
  • auxiliary equipment.

The choice of equipment is significantly influenced by the planned production volume and the following parameters:

If the process is automated, computer program will regulate the temperature in the retorts, drying chambers, set correction teams, reduce worker errors by reducing their number, signal the next stage of the production process.

On the photo you can see the industrial site and working retort furnaces. Their total capacity reaches 20 barrels. This is more than 200 tons of wood matter per month (about 1.5 cubic meters of raw materials). Such equipment pays off within 1-2 years.

Another important condition for production is a certain amount of raw materials. When 25-30 tons of coal are made per month, an average of 225-250 cubic meters is consumed. m. of wood (depending on the species). And additional packaging is required.

Direct and indirect costs for the production of coal from wood.

Charcoal is made with at least 1.5 million rubles. Business is a very costly business. Most of the money will have to be spent on powerful equipment, the average price of which is 800 thousand rubles.

From installations domestic production pay attention to the Zarya units. Good performance was also demonstrated by the Fantastica complexes. The charcoal of the OD-30, OD-60 stoves is made of high quality, the prices for which lie in the range of 680-890 thousand rubles.

Expect that it may take about 200-400 thousand rubles to rent premises and industrial sites. , the cost of buying raw materials will cost 100 thousand rubles. The wage fund and taxes will result in 600 thousand rubles. In addition, consider the cost of advertising, transport - 50 thousand rubles. Decor required documents- about 10 thousand rubles. , utilities - 50 thousand rubles.

Total the total conditional amount of initial investment, at which wood products are made in bulk, is 1.8 million rubles.

The sale of 1 kg of coal occurs at 18-35 rubles. Net profit every month from the production of 100 tons of finished products will be 70-80 thousand rubles.

2 traditional ways to make charcoal at home

A simple old-fashioned method is used to make charcoal on a smaller scale than in full-fledged production. Since standard equipment for home charcoal burning is not suitable due to bulkiness and high cost, many people have adapted to burning raw materials in pits and barrels.

First way.

It implies the manufacture of coal in a barrel. This method is more convenient than the one described below.

Make a woody substance in a container with a volume of at least 200 liters. A hole is drilled at the bottom of the barrel to insert a pipe. A vacuum hose must be attached to it, which will supply primary oxygen to the combustion zone. The metal container must be hermetically sealed, so you should find a suitable lid.

An auxiliary tool will be a poker for mixing firewood. Performers need to find a longer steel bar.

The wood material is treated to remove the bark before being immersed in the barrel. It will emit a lot of smoke, and the exit from it is small. Then the logging is sawn into logs 30 cm long.

Firewood is laid out in such a way as to fit snugly against each other. A small fire is made at the bottom of the tank, after which the vacuum cleaner is started. Be sure to control the process in order to lay the next portion on time.

Charcoal should not be allowed to turn into ash. In the process of work, the entire barrel will be filled. Then it is tightly covered with a lid, the air supply is turned off, the pipe is closed.

It remains to wait until the charring is over. The container opens only when its walls are completely cooled. If there are unburnt chocks, they are calmly sent in the next batch.

The resulting coal is now time to sift and pack in bags.

Methods for the production of charcoal.

How is charcoal made? The main stages of production.

The second way.

Charcoal is made in another way - in a pit. It is dug out in the form of a cylinder. You can make two bags of products from a pit of the following parameters: 50 cm - depth, 80 cm - diameter.

The bottom is trampled down, and the vertical walls are cleaned a little, so the soil will not mix with the wood. A fire is made from dry firewood 30-40 cm in length. Gradually, people who make the material should put chips, thin branches.

When the fire flares up to the desired degree, you can proceed directly to charcoal burning. Wood raw materials are gradually added, periodically stirring the burning firewood. As with the barrel, the pit must be filled completely.

Do this for 3-6 hours. The duration depends on many factors: air humidity, wood size, density. Burning firewood from hardwood lasts longer, but the result of the work will turn out well.

After filling, the pit is covered with foliage, grass, a small layer of soil. All this is rammed. Coal in such conditions should lie for 48 hours. After cooling, it is ready for sieving.

Charcoal is a very valuable product. Despite the "gas revolution", it will continue to be a good biofuel in the future, an indispensable assistant in many areas.
Even if the demand in the domestic market “sags” a little, it is always possible to arrange the export of products.

So why not learn thoroughly in practice how charcoal is made in order to produce a quality product and make a profit from it? Or, at the very least, provide for their own needs.

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Charcoal, called charcoal, is a product of the thermal transformation of wood, which occurs without air access so that there is no ordinary combustion.

Production technology involves the use of special equipment. To make charcoal with your own hands, you need not only skill, but also a complete understanding of the essence of the process, as well as suitable units and devices.

What is charcoal

Wood charcoal, like any other, contains mainly carbon. The main characteristic of charcoal, which determines the scope of its use, is its high porosity. During a thermal reaction in an environment without oxygen or with a low content of it, a carbon skeleton is formed, to a large extent similar to the natural structure of capillaries in a tree trunk.

The presence of a large number of microscopic cavities explains the excellent absorption capacity of the product. If oxygen is present in the pores, the material burns easily with the release of heat.

The mass fraction of carbon in similar objects is:

  • charcoal - 50%;
  • peat - about 60%;
  • hard coal - a little more than 80%;
  • anthracite - about 95%.

In freshly obtained charcoal, the total content of oxygen and nitrogen reaches 44%, which is the maximum indicator when compared with coal minerals.

When stored in warm air for one hour, charcoal freshly made from wood can increase in mass by 2% due to the absorption of oxygen. If the portion volume was initially large, then spontaneous combustion reactions cannot be ruled out. Therefore, a product made from wood raw materials is first stabilized in a special mode, then packaged and stored in safe conditions.

Process technology

In ancient times, people learned to get coal mass from wood intuitively, first laying firewood in pits, then in heaps on surface areas. From above, the collected wood was covered with earth, leaving small holes. The process was called charcoal. The name has survived to the present to refer to semi-handicraft production technology or handicraft, implemented at home.

Over time, the equipment and automation of the carbonization (charcoalization) reaction acquired a civilized form, which makes it possible to exclude air access, provide controlled heating of the reaction mass to the required temperatures, and maintain a constant thermal regime.

Note! The process of obtaining charcoal using modern technologies is called pyrolysis.

With mechanized thermal destruction, gases and liquids that form in parallel are removed from the working area. Valuable products are obtained from them or burned, using the generated heat to heat the reactor.

In connection with the differences in the technologies for obtaining charcoal by pyrolysis and charcoal burning, the standard specifies the features of the raw materials allowed for processing.

Two groups of rocks are allowed for pyrolysis:

  • the first is the wood of birch, beech, ash, hornbeam, elm, oak, maple;
  • the second - raw materials from aspen, alder, linden, poplar, willow.

In charcoal burning, three groups of rocks are used, the first of which is the same as for pyrolysis, the second consists of coniferous wood, the third consists of raw materials from aspen, alder, linden, poplar, and willow.

Product labeling

The difference in approaches is explained by the high content of tar-like substances in coniferous raw materials, which, if the pyrolysis reactor is sealed, will complicate the implementation of the technology.

From the pyrolysis products of the first group, coal is obtained, marked with the letter A, with a maximum carbon concentration reaching 90% and a minimum content of mineral components (2.5%).

If a mixture of raw materials of the first two groups was subjected to pyrolysis, then the maximum carbon content in charcoal, which has the marking designation B, reaches 88% at the same ash content.

If a mixture of all rocks was subjected to coal burning, a coal conglomerate is formed, marked with the letter B. The concentration of skeletal carbon in it reaches a maximum of 77%, mineral components - 4%, many other parameters are not standardized.

Note! best performance has brand A products, so it is used for subsequent activation in order to obtain sorbents.

Group B coal demonstrates good qualities; it and grade A products are used in industrial organic synthesis.

Acceptable properties to meet the needs of most consumers have the result of the implementation of charcoal technology in the event that the process is carried out correctly. There are many people who want to prepare a valuable product from wood. There are far fewer people who are ready to delve into the specifics of implementing an idea in practice, which can lead to backfire with unpredictable outcome.

How to make at home

How do they make charcoal in an artisanal way, placing production on a personal plot or summer cottage? There are two most common ways.

in the hole

You can dig a hole in the yard in a place located at a distance from the buildings. If you need to get two bags of coal, the depth of the pit should reach half a meter, the width should be 80 cm. The bottom should be well tamped with your feet or with a special device. When the recess is ready, you can kindle a fire from small branches in it, gradually throwing medium-sized firewood.

Important! Bark from trees should not be allowed to fall. When burning, it emits a lot of smoke and degrades the quality of the prepared charcoal.

A new portion should be added when the previous part burned out and significantly decreased in volume. Within a few hours, you need to completely load the pit with firewood, periodically compacting them. When the firewood burns out over the entire height of the pit, you need to cover it with fresh grass, a layer of earth from above and tamp it down again. In this form, a home-made "reactor" will cool down for a couple of days, after which you can remove the finished coal.

in a barrel

If there is a metal barrel with thick walls on the farm that does not contain residues of chemicals or oil products, you can do without digging a hole.

With a large volume of the barrel at the bottom, it makes sense to lay a layer of fire-resistant bricks, then make a fire between them and constantly add firewood, not forgetting about compaction. When the layer of bricks is completely covered, a grate is laid on top of the wood accumulation, which transmits heat and flame well. On the grate, you can immerse the next portion of firewood into the barrel until the container is full.

When the top layer ignites, the structure must be closed almost tightly sheet metal, leaving a very small gap on the side. It is not necessary to achieve complete tightness, and it is impossible to do this. The emitted smoke at some point will begin to acquire a grayish color, at this time the sheet must be moved so that the gap closes. The charcoal can be considered completed. As soon as the barrel is completely cool, you can take out the finished product.

Another technology for making charcoal also involves the use of a barrel, bricks and a metal or any other heat-resistant lid.

The difference comes down to the fact that the fire is kindled not inside, but on the ground between the bricks on which the container is installed. To ignite the firewood inside, the fire outside must burn intensively and for a long time. In the lower part of the barrel, you must first make holes for a certain volume of air to enter. During the entire time, the barrel must be kept tightly closed, only at the end of charcoal burning, the lid can be removed and the formed coal removed.

In the oven

If the need for firewood is not very large, it is quite possible to be content with an ordinary stove. Looking into the firebox, you should wait until the firewood turns completely red, then pull it out with tongs and immerse it in a metal bucket or ceramic container, which must be quickly and tightly closed with a lid. After cooling, the coal will be ready.

To increase the resulting portion of charcoal, you can load a large amount of firewood into the furnace, wait for complete ignition, and then close the blower, doors, dampers and wait 10 minutes. At the end of this time, you can open the doors and carefully remove the pieces of coal.


Charcoal is produced in small quantities on an industrial scale and at home.

A self-made product is most often used as a fuel, which releases a large amount of heat during combustion. The amount of energy is twice that of ordinary wood. Kebab lovers put such coal in the barbecue to get a stable flame that burns evenly without emitting toxic gases. An additional advantage of such fuel is that it burns to the end, leaving no ash.

Industrially produced wood charcoal is subjected to activation in order to obtain a well-known sorbent. The original coal itself demonstrates a high absorption capacity, which makes it possible to use it in filters, as a component of animal feed, and as a food additive in human food.

A significant concentration of carbon makes the pyrolysis product a strong reducing agent, which allows it to be used in metallurgy, chemical, glass, paint and varnish and electrical industries.

One of the most specific materials used by many people in their daily lives is charcoal, also known as activated carbon. The use of such raw materials as fuel has been practiced since ancient times. At that time, simple, time-consuming manufacturing methods were used in its production, coal production volumes were small. But as you know - demand creates supply!

Now, especially in the forest regions, the industrial production of charcoal is developed. The technology, equipment, new ideas and solutions used today are modern and diverse. In a complex - this situation allows you to quickly get raw materials High Quality, such a business is profitable, has great prospects.

Charcoal is a solid, porous, high-carbon raw material. The production of charcoal comes from wood material, by heating in the absence of oxygen access (possibly with a small amount of it), retorts, furnaces, heaps are used for this. The raw material mainly consists of carbon, which combines its properties with coal.

Both of these substances are obtained from wood. Only in the case of coal, the starting material is wood of natural origin, which decomposes in the absence of air over several centuries. Coal is obtained by partial combustion of wood, with limited air access. Such raw materials are recognized as one of the best types of fuel, they are environmentally friendly, the smoke emitted during combustion does not have a harmful effect on the environment.

The raw material has a high porosity, which explains the good sorption properties. This allows you to purify water, gases, alcohol. It is important that the chemical and physical properties of raw materials can cause spontaneous combustion (it enters into active interaction with oxygen). The substance has a high thermal conductivity, which is significantly affected by humidity and temperature, it is almost the same as that of coal.

Quality raw materials after finishing production cycle has a clear luster with a bluish tinge. When crumbling such a product, you can see that the wood structure is preserved, the raw material is dotted with cracks.

The output when processing dry wood material will be up to 40% of the original mass.

There are special criteria for assessing the quality of charcoal

Scope of charcoal and its types

Charcoal is of the following types:

  1. Red- light charcoal of needles is used in the production.
  2. Black- made from aspens, willows.
  3. White- use: oak, beech, birch, ash, hornbeam. On the initial stage production, there is a slight charring, then a jump to a high temperature (1000 degrees). At the same time, unlike other species, white charcoal does not retain the bark.

Raw material various kinds has become widespread in various fields both for the purposes of the national economy and in industrial production in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

The raw material practically does not contain phosphorus, sulfur - which makes it invaluable for metallurgy.
Metal products are carburized with coal, which allows you to increase the carbon content, thereby improving their properties, avoiding oxidative processes. The largest share in terms of consumption of raw materials is occupied by enterprises producing carbon disulfide and silicon products.

There are a number of areas that are in dire need of charcoal, let's name the main ones:

  1. Chemical industry, in the manufacture of:
  • varnishes;
  • paints;
  • artificial fibers;
  • glass products;
  • chemicals and poisons;
  • plastics;
  • filter elements;
  • cellophane products;
  • antiseptic agents.
  1. Building sector as a means of adsorbing moisture and odors.
  2. In electrical engineering raw materials are valued for their resistance to radiation, toxins - they are used to create various parts, conductive elements, electrodes.
  3. The medicine distributes raw materials in tablet form as a remedy.
  4. The agricultural industry uses raw materials in the following areas:
  • food supplement for birds;
  • food supplement for cattle;
  • food supplement for small cattle;
  • increasing the nutritional properties of the topsoil.
  1. Floriculture as an organic element.
  2. food industry- as a dye, marked on the packaging of the finished product with the letter and number E 153.
  3. The cosmetic industry uses raw materials in products for the face, skin, body, and hair.

Within the territory of Russian Federation- the classic purpose of raw materials, it is fuel for kindling home stoves, in the preparation of food. The production of birch charcoal makes it possible to get heat, without the appearance of a flame. It is not recommended to make a fire with the help of chemicals, while you can avoid harmful and unpleasant odors. Twist the paper, put the wood chips around in the shape of a hut. When the hut ignites, it is necessary to enclose wood material. After that, cover the structure with coal. As soon as the coals have flared up, distribute them evenly over the entire area, wait until the last flames disappear, and the coals become gray.

There are different technologies for the production of charcoal

Production technology

The production of charcoal consists of a series of sequential operations:

  1. Drying of the raw material.

Despite the fact that dried wood can be used in the production of charcoal, it is necessary to remove moisture residues from the material, which, one way or another, are present in the base raw material. So immediately after reducing the size of the base raw material, it is subjected to a drying process. In order to effectively dry the raw material, it is placed in a special container, which is specially designed for coal, then the raw material is processed using hot smoke. To reduce costs, the drying vessel is placed as close as possible to the pyrolysis oven, which provides the required heat.

  1. pyrolysis process.

Processing of raw materials at this stage involves heating it to a certain temperature. Pyrolysis assumes that the process takes place without air access, while the raw materials are processed at high temperatures to coals, and ignition is excluded.

  1. Calcination.

During calcination, the temperature rises to more than 400 degrees, the process allows you to completely exclude resin and gases from the raw materials.

  1. Cooling of raw materials.

This is the last step in the manufacture of charcoal, it is that the raw material is gradually cooled.

Upon completion of the cooling process, the raw materials are packaged and transferred to the warehouse. The described technological operations make it possible to produce high quality products, which can be simply packaged in paper containers of various sizes for deliveries to the market.

The production technology, despite its simplicity, requires strict adherence to safety and fire prevention measures. Be sure to mount a fire alarm, have the necessary number of fire extinguishers on hand to ensure safety, these measures will allow you to quickly localize it in case of a fire.

The most suitable material for the production of charcoal is wood in chocks up to 60 cm in size. When buying a solid log material, an additional worker is needed, whose task will be to grind the material to the required size.

Charcoal can be produced both on an industrial scale and at home.

Making at home

It must be understood that home production is an excellent solution if a small amount of raw material is needed. Such an ecological fuel is great for small blacksmith industries, barbecue and barbecue, the purchase of raw materials for these purposes costs a penny. Charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal, used in mass production, have large dimensions and a high price - they are not suitable for home conditions. In practice, the following methods are widely used:

  • burning in a metal barrel;
  • burning wood in a pit.

Using a metal barrel oven

Let us analyze in detail how charcoal is obtained using a metal barrel. The barrel must be made of metal of great thickness. It is unacceptable to use a container from under chemicals. If previously oil-containing products were stored in the barrel, the container must be processed.

Temperature-resistant bricks are placed at the bottom of the container, in the space between the bricks, a fire is placed until the coal is at the height of the bricks. After that, it is necessary to install the grate, wood material is tightly laid on its surface.

Fill the barrel, wait for the flame to appear. Cover the container with a massive sheet of metal, leaving a small gap.

To speed up the process, a small hole must be made in the lower part of the container, through which air can subsequently be supplied with a vacuum cleaner. But of particular importance to overall process this part does not represent.

Control the color of the smoke coming out. After it is bluish in color, the clearance from above must be eliminated. Next, the container is left until completely cooled, after which the resulting raw material is sieved and packaged.

Burning in a hole

The ancient technology of producing charcoal using a pit is discussed in detail below. The advantages of this method include its simplicity, the absence of additional costs for the manufacture of raw materials. It is necessary and sufficient to prepare wood material, dig a hole in the shape of a cylinder.

The vertical sides of the pit must be made sheer, the radius of the pit is 40 cm, and the depth is up to 50 cm. The lower part of the pit must be carefully compacted, this will prevent mixing of the soil and finished raw materials.

A fire is made directly in the pit, it is important - do not use chemistry. After the bottom of the pit is completely filled, pre-prepared (peeled and sawn into pieces up to 30 cm) wood material is placed in it.

When the laid wood burns out, it is necessary to replenish it with a new portion, repeat the bookmark until the pit is finally filled with coals. This method takes about 3 hours.

A completely filled pit is covered with grass and earth, compacted. The raw material is allowed to cool for 48 hours, after which the finished coals are sifted and packaged. From one pit, up to 2 bags of raw materials come out. The quality of the raw material depends on the observance of all the nuances of the technological process, but the type of wood chosen to obtain the raw material has a greater influence.

Production on an industrial scale

The industrial production of charcoal takes place today according to two technologies, which require different equipment:

  • burning wood material using continuous cycle kilns;
  • burning wood with cyclic kilns.

Which equipment to use depends on:

  • method of organizing the process of firing the original product;
  • what type of wood is used to obtain the finished product.

Not so long ago on domestic market there was an acute shortage of equipment for the production of charcoal. There were two main areas: affordable Chinese-made stoves, which entrepreneurs bypassed because of dubious quality; much more expensive analogues from European countries - entrepreneurs simply could not afford the purchase of such equipment.

Today there is a way out - equipment from a domestic manufacturer, in terms of cost and quality, the product is well suited for the Russian consumer. Thus, the issue of acquiring high-quality and affordable equipment is solved simply. However, the issue of complex organization of profitable industrial production charcoal is more of a challenge.

In the production of charcoal, fire safety rules must be observed

Safety regulations

In accordance with safety regulations, the minimum volume of coal that can be subject to spontaneous combustion is 100 cubic decimeters. When working with volumes that are higher than indicated, measures are necessary to prevent spontaneous combustion of raw materials.

It is unacceptable to strictly restrict raw materials from interaction with oxidizing substances. It is also important to prevent the accumulation of dust from coal.

In the production of charcoal, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of labor protection R O-00-97.

When moving finished raw materials, steel barrels, paper bags, polypropylene are used. Coal is stored in closed warehouses, special containers, the purpose of which is to protect raw materials from precipitation. Transportation is carried out in packages, or simply in bulk in closed wagons or trucks.

Production costs

It takes about 1.5 million rubles to start a charcoal production business. The main part of the funds is needed for the purchase of equipment (650-900 thousand rubles). Of the equipment of domestic production, we recommend furnaces OD-30, OD-60, these installations are used for the production of high quality raw materials.

The following costs must also be taken into account:

  • renting a room - up to 400 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of wood - up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • salaries, payment of taxes - 600 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, transport - 50 thousand rubles;
  • payment utility bills- 50 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - up to 10 thousand rubles.

As a result, 1.8 million rubles are needed for a confident start of industrial production of charcoal.

The sale of 1 kg of finished products brings profit in the range from 18 to 35 rubles. monthly net profit will be about 80 thousand rubles from 100 tons of raw materials.

Activated carbon is a product of value for various spheres of human life. As an environmentally friendly fuel, charcoal will occupy an increasing share of the world market, despite the prevalence of gas and oil. Raw materials can be sold, if not for the needs of the domestic market, then for export. It is useful to learn the process of charcoal production at least to meet your own needs for raw materials, although its industrial production seems to be a promising and profitable business.

Wood-type charcoal production has reached great heights today. Such products served as the beginning of the development of civilization. Currently, there is a wide range of installations that can be used for their intended purpose. The choice of equipment for the production of charcoal must be thorough.

Nuances to be aware of

It should be noted that almost any modern technology, which is used for the production of materials, is environmentally friendly. In addition, the new equipment is an energy efficient solution. About 10 million tons of charcoal are produced annually with its help.

As a material for production, various wastes that come from sawmills are used. Solid wood can also be used. The equipment that is necessary for the production of coal does not need special care. It is necessary to hire about three people who will work with the devices in shifts.

What types of equipment are available?

The choice of equipment for the production of charcoal is often complicated due to the presence of different options. The following groups of devices can be distinguished:

1. Mobile units.

2. Stationary technologies.

3. Auxiliary equipment.

Mobile and stationary devices differ from each other only in that in the second case, the equipment cannot be moved to another location. It should also be noted that quite often the plant has a combination of drying and pyrolysis functions.


Having made a choice in favor suitable type equipment, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the installation procedure. Installation of equipment must meet the requirements of GOST. In addition, the devices must be completely safe from an environmental point of view, since not only waste is burned in furnaces, but also carbon residues. In order to service the installation, it is not necessary to hire skilled workers. This case is not particularly difficult.

Use of the furnace for production

The equipment that is needed for the production of wood-type coal can be classified by cost, as well as by the volume of production produced in one month. The modern retort kiln for the production of charcoal is quite different in appearance from the one that was used earlier.

On the this moment in the business, which is connected with the production of coal, various furnaces are common. The differences are based on the method of supplying the coolant to the wood. This avoids contact with the flue gas. In other words, wood products are located in a separate chamber.

The raw material is heated directly from the walls, which, in turn, reach the desired temperature with the help of a coolant. There is such a retort kiln for the production of charcoal, in which the smoke masses exit directly through the wood.

The procedure for feeding raw materials occurs through the activation and loading hopper. To do this, you should use trolleys. Loading can be both manual and automatic - using a special conveyor or cleaver mechanical type. At the moment when the wood is fully loaded, the trolleys are sent to a special chamber in which drying-pyrolysis takes place.

It should also be noted that the chambers, which have some separate furnaces for the production of charcoal, are capable of placing about three trolleys at the same time. When the temperature sensor begins to show that the wood is already completely dry, the remaining gases will be sent to a special chamber for cleaning. They will be burned without any additional support.

In order to increase the productivity of the charcoal kiln, a special process is provided. It involves sending the remaining heat from the pyrolysis chamber to the drying chamber. Then these compartments change their roles. In other words, the drying chamber becomes pyrolyzed while the other compartment is put into drying mode.

As a result of all this, the trolleys leave the chambers with ready-made coal. Subsequently, they are placed in separate boxes for cooling. After the drying procedure, condensation may form in the chamber. For its output, special pipes are used.

Main stages of production

Charcoal kilns for coal production provide the conditions for pyrolysis. This process is divided into the following main steps:

1. Drying at a temperature of 120 to 150 degrees. In this case, water is released.

2. Beginning of the decomposition process. This is carried out at a temperature of 150 to 275 degrees. This releases carbon dioxide and acetic acid.

3. The main decomposition products are formed and evaporate. All this happens at a temperature of 275 to 450 degrees. In this case, the release of esters, hydrocarbons, acetic acid, carbon monoxide and other things is observed.

4. The wood residue is calcined at a temperature of 450 to 550 degrees. The release of heavy resin, hydrocarbons, etc. begins.

All stages are accompanied by heat supply.

The composition of the finished material

Coal, which is obtained as a result of all of the above treatments, has non-volatile carbon in its composition. Its share is about 78%. The ash content is at the level of approximately 2.5%. Humidity does not exceed six percent.

Charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal are capable of processing long as well as short length waste that comes from sawmills. Approximately 75 cubic meters of birch produce about 7.5 tons of charcoal per month.

Basic expenses

In order to establish production, you will need to perform some operations. It is necessary to order equipment for one charcoal kiln. At this stage, the following expenses are expected:

1. The purchase of a furnace will cost about 300 thousand rubles.

2. On construction works you will need to spend about 30 thousand rubles.

3. The installation of equipment requires about 30 thousand rubles.

4. It will take about 50 thousand rubles to deliver the equipment to the installation site.

working capital

What volume working capital expects beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who decide to engage in such activities?

1. Transportation costs will amount to about 30 thousand rubles per month.

2. To pay wages employees will have to spend about 20 thousand rubles a month.

3. The purchase of raw materials will take about 38 thousand rubles a month. It's about birch.

4. The purchase of material for packaging will take about 4 thousand rubles.

As a result, the entrepreneur will face expenses per month, the amount of which will be about 100 thousand rubles. In order to create a workshop for the production of coal, it will be necessary to spend about 375 thousand rubles. As a result, the minimum cost of organizing your own coal production business will be about 475 thousand rubles.

Home production start

If there is no money to organize a larger-scale production, then at the initial stage it is possible to get by with small losses. You only need a barrel for the production of charcoal. The material is placed in it. After that, you need to make sure that there is no air left in the container. And it is under this condition that the material will be obtained. You can also dig a hole, under which you then need to make a furnace pit. Thus, the entrepreneur will master the technology of charcoal production at home.

When will the costs be paid back in full?

The cost of the products to be produced averages about 12 rubles per kilogram. Wholesale coal is sold at 15 rubles per kilogram. Profit from one kilogram of sold products, thus, reaches three rubles.

What will be used to pay off the invested funds will be about one and a half rubles per kilogram. Consequently, the entrepreneur will receive a profit of 1.5 rubles. for one kilogram. It can be concluded that the payback period entrepreneurial activity for coal production is about 36 months.


If you decide to set up own business for the production of charcoal, you should be aware that the use of waste from sawmills instead of raw materials will reduce the cost of production. In addition, waste can be disposed of in this way.

Today, charcoal is quite in demand - it is bought by restaurants and cafes for cooking, chemical and metallurgical plants for production processes, people for cooking barbecue and grill. Charcoal production as a business - a great solution if you live in wooded areas. The procedure does not require serious investments and quickly pays off with the right approach. In this article, we will analyze how to start your own charcoal business and give an example of the calculation.


Charcoal is a high-carbon material, which is obtained by pyrolysis of various types of wood with limited air intake. For its production, a special oven is required, which can be placed both in your own garage and in the open air or in a specially equipped workshop.

Charcoal is a profitable business

As of 2017, in Russia there is an average saturation of the market with these products, so any businessman can easily start production and find sales outlets for finished products. The main thing is to correctly calculate and think over everything, analyze the consumer market, think over where it is more profitable to sell products in bulk. Compose detailed business plan and stick to it when implementing your idea.

Types of coal

Many people think that all coal sold in supermarkets and gas stations is the same, but in reality there are many varieties. It can be divided into:

  1. Red. It is made from conifers using a special technology by soft charcoal.
  2. White. To create it, hardwood is used, such as oak, birch, elm, hornbeam, etc.
  3. Black. To create it, soft wood is used: linden, aspen, poplar, alder, willow, etc.

Many entrepreneurs make only classic black coal, but if you want to capture the market, then the range should be expanded. You should be guided by what raw materials you can get: if oak forests grow in your area, then you will have to use this particular material, etc. You should also know that there are three varieties according to GOST 7657-84 A, B and C. The higher the grade , the better the quality of coal and the more willing it will be purchased, so try to make only a quality product.

Note: a large number of entrepreneurs use various waste products from woodworking and furniture companies, as well as rotten logs and bars as raw materials. It is not recommended to do this, since the quality of coal from such raw materials will be extremely low.

Of course, you can earn more in this way. But customers will not like your products and in the end it will hit the image of a young business.

You should also consider in what packaging to sell the product. Usually it is packaged in paper bags and plastic bags with a capacity of 2 to 50 kg. The most popular among the population are bags weighing 5-10 kg, while restaurants and enterprises buy it in bags of 50 kg to reduce the cost of raw materials.

Raw Material Improvement Dryer

How is charcoal made

Next, we will analyze the technology for the production of charcoal. There is nothing complicated in it - the process is based on the principle of pyrolysis. The finished raw material is fired at a given temperature without air access and turns into coal. The production algorithm is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are manually loaded into the furnace.
  2. The furnace turns on, burning occurs.
  3. Coal is unloaded, cooled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but safety precautions should be strictly followed during production. Be sure to follow fire safety, set an alarm and have several fire extinguishers on hand so that in case of fire it can be quickly eliminated.

The best raw material for making coal is wood in chocks, cut into pieces of 40-60 cm. If you plan to buy logs, you will have to hire a special person who will grind them to a predetermined size. The cheapest way to buy raw materials is from a supplier or at woodworking plants - they are available in almost all regions of Russia. Negotiate with them about wholesale deliveries - the cheaper you can buy raw materials, the greater the profit.


Let's consider whatmust be purchased. Today, the market offers entrepreneurs a wide range of specialized equipment, ranging from inexpensive manual-loading furnaces to automated lines capable of producing tens of cubic meters of finished product per shift. The main equipment for manufacturing is a pyrolysis oven. We do not recommend starting a business with professional stoves - first, get a small one, master the process, find customers, and then calculate how much coal you can sell, and based on this, select a new device. When choosing, consider the following factors:

  1. Available area. Entry-to-mid range ovens are about 40 m2, so think about whether you can place it on your site or in the workshop.
  2. How many raw materials can you load at one time. Keep in mind that to get 1 ton of coal you need 7-9 tons. The better the quality of the loaded wood, the better the product will be.
  3. duration of pyrolysis. On average, one cycle lasts about 50 hours, but it all depends on the type of wood, the selected equipment and the volume of the furnace.
  4. The power of the pyrolysis oven. Power is how much coal can be created in one cycle. On the market there are models with a capacity of 100 to 2000 kilograms of finished products.

Pyrolysis oven for manufacturing

What you need to get started

Next, consider charcoal production technology and equipment needed to start. The main thing in this business is the oven. The price depends on its power - in 2017, a small 100-kilogram furnace can be bought for 50,000, a full-fledged 2 tons - for 1,000,000 rubles. Thanks to this division, you can choose the option that suits you both in terms of price and performance. Many entrepreneurs start their journey with a 300-500 kg oven, after which, if necessary, they buy a second one or change it to a more powerful one. Note that not only pyrolysis, but also retort furnaces are on the market, but they are worse in quality, so they should not be considered as an alternative. To get started you will also need:

  1. Scales electronic 5-7 000 rubles.
  2. Packaging device - 100-150,000 rubles.
  3. Chainsaw - 10,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set of equipment to get started - it is quite enough for beginners and for small workshops. In the future, you may need separators for grinding, dryers for improving the quality of raw materials, batchers for process automation, special feed lines, etc., but usually these equipment are used in large enterprises so you don't need to worry about it just yet. You can save even more by purchasing not a ready-made furnace, but by ordering the production of a pyrolysis barrel from local craftsmen, but this is an option for those who have a seriously limited budget - it is better to immediately buy a high-quality and specialized furnace.

How profitable is it

Universal business plan for the production of charcoal no - it all depends on where exactly you will buy raw materials, what price it will be, how you will arrange sales, etc., but the average figures for the industry are known. We recommend that you do not contact retail sales, in extreme cases, you can simply sell bags in the workshop without organizing your own outlets.

Quality charcoal

Look for those who will buy products in bulk:

  1. Supermarkets or local retail chains.
  2. Filling stations.
  3. Restaurants and cafes.
  4. Wholesale stores and bases.
  5. Various industrial enterprises who need coal for technical processes.

Practice shows that in almost any region of Russia there are places where coal from the manufacturer will be popular and can be sold in bulk. Therefore, before starting, think about where you can rent it, try to communicate with potential buyers to determine their expectations and the required volumes. It often happens that an entrepreneur works with one wholesaler, handing over to him all the products produced.

  1. Registration with the tax authorities - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a set of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Room rental, repair work- 400,000 rubles per year.
  4. Purchase of wood for processing - 300,000 rubles.

In total, to open a business, you will need approximately 1,700,000 rubles. Note that in this case we are talking about professional equipment and a medium-sized workshop that produces about 20 tons of coal per month. If there is no such budget, then you can get by with a cheaper set of equipment and a garage - this will require investments of about 300,000 rubles with a capacity of 2 tons per month. It is also desirable to have a car for the transportation of finished products - even an inexpensive GAZelle capable of taking on board about a ton of cargo is suitable.

Next, let's calculate the profit. The selling wholesale price of birch charcoal in 2017 is 100 rubles per kilogram, while its cost is about 60, including all expenses. For 1 kilogram you earn 40 rubles, for 2 tons of sold products (home shop) - 80 thousand rubles, for a full-fledged enterprise that produces 20 tons per month - 800,000 rubles. Thus, the investments made pay off in 2-4 months, although in practice a full payback is obtained in 4-6 months (additional costs inevitably arise).

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