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Slides: 12 Words: 303 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Examination project in biology and ecology Topic: "Floristy". Relevance. Unfortunately, modern people too little knowledge of the "language of flowers". The general meaning of floristry as such. In a person's life, flowers play a huge role... Profession and business. The most famous styles of floristry. Ikebana. English garden. Meaning of specific colors. Easter bouquet. New Year's bouquet. Floristry in ancient world. Flower exhibitions. Information about modern development floristry. Do you know about the existence of the "language of flowers"? Yes 15% Heard something 63% I don't know 22% Is a florist profession necessary? The main thing is to be beautiful 43% Of course 46% No 11%. - Floristry.ppt


Slides: 18 Words: 824 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

Flowers. Dating flowers. Plants are divided into two groups - lower and higher. Reproduction of representatives of the first group occurs only in the presence of moisture. Rose. Perennial plant from the Rosaceae family, Dicotyledonous class. Pansies. An annual or biennial plant from the Violet family, Dicotyledonous class. The timing of flowering also coincides: from early to May autumn. Asters. Annual or perennial plants from the Compositae family, Dicotyledonous class. Asters are ornamental, beautiful and long flowering garden plants. Annual asters are planted every year. Gladiolus. Perennial plant from the Iris family, monocot class. - Flowers.ppt

Lesson Flowers

Slides: 36 Words: 313 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Presentation for a lesson in biology Grade 6. Lesson topic: Flower. The theme of the lesson is "Flower". Check: Plant Organs Vegetative Reproductive Root Escape Flower Stem Leaves Buds Fruit with seeds. Bells. Lenok. Willow (Verba). Crocus. Take care of the flowers! Iris. Nivyannik. Fireweed (Ivan tea). The purpose of the lesson: A flower is a modified shoot. For 1 kg. a honey bee must visit 500 locust flowers or 6 million clover flowers. The structure of the stamen. The structure of the pistil. The structure of the flower textbook p. 125, fig.97. notebook - p. 40, No. 93. Types of perianths. Simple Double H + W H+W H + W FW. Types of flowers. - Lesson Flowers.ppt

All about flowers

Slides: 36 Words: 2536 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

All about flowers. The history of flowers. Bouquet. Flowers. Flowers for making bouquets. How to make a bouquet. How many flowers to give. Colors and feelings. Zodiac signs and flowers. Roses and violets. Gerberas. Floral etiquette. Compatibility of colors with each other. The symbolism of flowers. Pansies. Aster. Begonia. Carnation. Gladiolus. Jasmine. Strawberry. Kalina. Clover. Lily. Magnolia. Daisy. Narcissus. Orchid. Rose. Youth. Elegance. How to know if a flower is fresh. Bud can also tell the true age. Flowers near ponds. Quiz. Our presentation has come to an end. - All about flowers.ppt

Beautiful flowers

Slides: 17 Words: 795 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Tale of garden flowers. In a large beautiful garden, flowers grew in a flower bed. All flowers were very fond of when they were looked after. Snowdrop. Text. Host. Roses. Daisies with forget-me-nots. Peonies. The first to appear was a bumblebee. Lemon Butterfly. Yes, I'm listening to you. And who do you like the most. The buzzing bee perched on a rose. The gardener came to the garden. The peony and the rose offered to reconcile everyone. Beautiful flowers. - Beautiful flowers.pptx

Biology of flowers

Slides: 29 Words: 966 Sounds: 5 Effects: 26

Flower. Biology. Flowering plants. Definition of a flower. flowers. V. Soloukhin. The forest turns black, awakened by warmth, embraced by spring dampness. Rose in history, myths and legends. Lily. Chrysanthemum. Violet. Flower structure. Perianth. Cup. Bisexual flowers. Unisexual flowers. Monoecious, dioecious plants. Most flowers are pollinated by insects. Flowers pollinated by insects are brightly colored. Rafflesia Arnoldi. The miracle flower is pollinated by flies. Some flowers are pollinated bats. Flowers pollinated by bats open and smell at night. The flowers of some tropical plants are pollinated by small birds. - Biology of flowers.pptx

flower pictures

Slides: 15 Words: 311 Sounds: 0 Effects: 27

Flowers. Varieties of flowers. Wildflowers. Pictures. Home flowers. Pictures of flowers. Red book of flowers. Pictures of flowers. Medicinal plants. Pictures. Some flowers are considered medicinal. Pictures. Garden flowers. Pictures. The world of flowers is mysterious and wonderful. - Pictures of flowers.ppt

Flowers at school

Slides: 18 Words: 967 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Winter garden in our school. The world of flowers around us is diverse and amazing. I enter a house filled with flowers. In our school No. 364 there is a botanical circle "Winter Garden". What is this flower. One eccentric gave 24 quarters of wheat for a rare bulb. In love with Cupid, the goddess of hunting Diana was jealous of him. Cupid hurried to the crime scene. Our school has a winter garden. Spurge. Oxygen. Hibiscus. Sansevieria. Chinese rose. Ficus rubbery. Decembrist. Fan palm. We say thank you very much. - Flowers at school.pptx

Kinds of flowers

Slides: 28 Words: 2995 Sounds: 0 Effects: 29

In the realm of flowers. Folk wisdom. Holidays in honor of hyacinths. Proverbs and sayings. Puzzles. Wreaths. The word flower. Small flowers. Evil and good herbs. medicinal flowers. Application in medicine. flowers. Favorite flower. Flower legends. Fierce lion. A diminutive version of a male name. Gladiolus. Chamomile legend. Blue call. Cuckoo tears. Rafflesia Arnoldi. Edelweiss. Flower clock. Symbolism of the city. City of Shelekhov. Fairy flowers. Red Book. Take care of the flowers. - Kinds of flowers.ppt

Variety of colors

Slides: 22 Words: 1531 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Journey to the city of flowers. Wildflowers. Dandelion is a perennial herb. Cornflower. Lily of the valley. Forget-me-not. Burdock. Poppy. Chamomile. Bell. Mouse peas. Clover. Plantain. Garden flowers. Seeing flowers is a great pleasure. Tulip. Rose. Narcissus. Sunflower. Calendula. Aster. Flower structure. - Variety of colors.pptx

The language of flowers

Slides: 15 Words: 360 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The language of flowers. Relevance of the problem: Purpose of work: The purpose of this work was to study the symbolism of flowers. The tasks that we had to solve: The practical significance of the work: The use of the collected material on extracurricular activities. Color + flower =……………….. We conducted a survey of the inhabitants of the village of Obukhovo. Thus, we proved that each person has his own taste. Rose myths: Did you know that the rose has been bred for 5000 years? Each person has their own zodiac sign. Each sign has its own flower - a talisman of happiness. Flower history! Floristics. A question for our sellers of flower tents: Do you make bouquets taking into account floristics or does the buyer make the choice himself? - Flower language.ppt

Flower legends

Slides: 10 Words: 541 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

Circle lesson on the topic "Legends of flowers". A beautiful legend tells about the aster, which in Greek means "star". Aster with its sharp petals-rays, as it were, looks like a star. Aster. And he would have remained a prisoner of the king, if not for the gardener George ... But the royal flower had already broken free and became loved by the people. Dahlias. The countess's mother, heartbroken, went daily to the shore of the swamp. Water lily. Lily of the valley. A few drops fell to the ground and turned into lilies. Lily. The red moss rose arose from the drops of Christ's blood flowing down the Cross. Rose. Lilac. - Color legends.pps


Slides: 13 Words: 1030 Sounds: 11 Effects: 111

Let's save the primroses Research work. Head-teacher of biology-the first category Buzmakova Tamara Alekseevna. Reserves and sanctuaries are created to preserve rare species. Every year in April-May, a large number of early-flowering plants are illegally sold. If each of us refuses to buy primroses. Do not tear flowers, do not tear. Purpose of the study. Research objectives. The methodology for doing the work. The study of literary sources. observation. Photographing. Description of the research object. Description of habitats and populations of primroses, Interviews with old residents - herbalists. - Primroses.ppt

First flowers

Slides: 15 Words: 1400 Sounds: 0 Effects: 20

Primroses. Vasilyevo. I live in a village. Flowering plants. Coltsfoot. Dropped shot. Marsh marigold. Medunitsa medicinal. Violet is amazing. Anemone forest. Spring Adonis. Let's save the primroses. Recommendations. What can I do to save primroses. Take care of the beauty of our forests. - First flowers.pptx

primroses flowers

Slides: 31 Words: 885 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

The study of primrose herbaceous plants. Primrose flowers. Primrose flowers. Primrose flowers. Siberian scilla. Ranunculus anemone. Goose onion small. Anemone forest. Corydalis Galler. Spring Adonis. Spring primrose. Russian hazel grouse. Chess grouse. Tulip Bieberstein. Periwinkle. May lily of the valley. Chistyak spring. Forest violet. Mother and stepmother ordinary. Peony thin-leaved. Bought broad-leaved. Meadow shooting. Whole-leaved clematis. Systematic analysis of primroses. Flowering schedule for primroses. Quantitative accounting of Russian hazel grouse. Quantification of the Bieberstein tulip. - Primrose flowers.ppt

early flowering plants

Slides: 16 Words: 491 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Primroses. 1. Wind pollinated. 2. Insect pollinated. Early flowering wind pollinated. Insect pollinated low growing plants. Attract the first insects with bright flowers. All ephemeroids are perennials. Chistyak is a perennial. Blooms in April - May. The flowers are regular golden-yellow, petals and sepals close at night and in rainy weather. Closed flowers are barely visible. Chistyak reproduces mainly with the help of brood buds and tuberous cones. Spring Chistyak (Ficaria verna Huds.). Yellow goose onion (Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. Yellow goose onion (Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl). - Early flowering plants.ppt

Features of early flowering plants

Slides: 16 Words: 1497 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Primroses. Biological features of early flowering plants. The flowers are usually large. Danger of remaining unpollinated. Wolf bark. Noble baker. Shot open. The spleen is alternate. Chistyak spring. Anemone is fierce. Mother-and-stepmother ordinary. Field violet. Butterbur false. Common goose onion. Sedge is hairy. Hairy buzzard. - Features of early flowering plants.ppt

Questions about colors

Slides: 16 Words: 897 Sounds: 1 Effects: 13

An evening of flowers. Flowers are like people. Green cosmetics. Antiseptic properties. A unique set of essential oils. Grass from 99 diseases. Contains carotene. Legend. Flower. An old legend. Goddess Flora. Holiday. The festival. In honor of what flowers in ancient Greece were the holidays. In which country is the flower festival especially beautiful? Bibliography. - Questions about flowers.ppt

Flowers quiz

Slides: 20 Words: 820 Sounds: 0 Effects: 52

Flowers quiz. Ancient legend. Lakshmi. Young Pan. Flowers quiz. Goddess Diana. Vanka is wet. Old belief. Honored flower. Flowers quiz. Flower. Tulip. Birch. Ancient Greeks. Indians. Sword. Plant. The form. Indoor plant. Traviata. - Flowers quiz.ppt

smart garden

Slides: 11 Words: 260 Sounds: 1 Effects: 26

Smart garden. Automatic lawn mowing. Watering. Lighting. Automatic melting of ice. The Smart Garden is part of the Smart Home project. Even decorative stones can serve as sound sources in a smart garden. Sources. Lighting is an important part of the landscape. All the functions of smart light that are in the house are also implemented on the street. Virtually silent and absolutely no annoying exhaust. It has "collision sensors". Equipped with a theft warning system. Proper watering. - an important thing for greenery. Intelligent automation will water the lawn strictly on schedule. - Smart garden.ppt

Garden styles

Slides: 22 Words: 206 Sounds: 5 Effects: 62

Purpose: To get acquainted with the main styles of gardens in landscape design. GARDEN STYLES: 1. Regular 2. Landscape 3. Italian 4. Japanese 5. Minimalism 6. Modern Modern 7. Rural 8. Hi-tech. Regular style. Strict symmetry in planning; The presence of a perfectly trimmed lawn; straight tracks; Reservoirs of regular geometric shape; Garden sculptures in antique style; The presence of a live sheared hedge. landscape style. Symmetry - absent; Lawn - not mowed, or absent; Paths are twisted; Reservoirs - a pond of a natural form; There is no hedge, or a variety of uncut plants are used. - Garden styles.ppt

Siberian Botanical Garden

Slides: 23 Words: 341 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk University. The Botanical Garden was founded in 1885. In the greenhouse we got acquainted with a unique plant exposition - the "Siberian tropics". Hovea Forster from Lord Howe Island. Araucaria Bidvilla is the pride of the botanical garden. Livistona southern - fan palm. An unusual fan-like root system caught our attention. Another miracle of the botanical garden! Banana paradise. Azalea Indian. The tour of the botanical garden continues. Our attention was attracted by decorative - deciduous plants of the "tropics". Aukuba - a golden tree The birthplace of the plant is East Asia. The fruits are very poisonous. - Siberian Botanical Garden.ppt

Plants for the garden

Slides: 17 Words: 2711 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

Blooming garden. K. Zhane. Cozy garden. Garden flowers. Flowers. How to make garden flowers your friends. Here you have delight, and cheerfulness, and everything that your heart loves! For others - a way to distract, relax and relieve stress. The garden provides food for all the senses. Rose. Stagnation of cold air, as well as irrigation and melt water, perched water is unacceptable. Care: in the year of planting, only the formation of a bush takes place. Tulip. Tulip is a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family. Tulip flower formula: . The flowers of specific tulips are often red, yellow, less often white. Tulip flowers open wide in the sun and close at night and on cloudy days. - Plants for the garden.ppt

Ornamental plants for the garden

Slides: 26 Words: 849 Sounds: 0 Effects: 32

Decorative plants. Plant varieties. Combinations. Description of plants. Pansies. Decorative plants for the garden. Marigold. Decorative plants for the garden. Dahlia. Rudbeckia. Decorative plants for the garden. Asters. Decorative plants for the garden. Gladiolus. Decorative plants for the garden. Iris. Roses. Decorative plants for the garden. Tulip. Lily. Decorative plants for the garden. Petunia. Decorative plants for the garden. Fern. Decorative plants for the garden. Types used. -

Bluff club color game for younger students

Mind game for summer camp with presentation

Tolstikova Tatyana Alexandrovna, educator, SBEI NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention an intellectual game about colors. The game is played in the traditions of the Bluff Club. The participants of the game must guess whether this or that statement is true or not. As a rule, it begins with the words "Do you believe that ...". The game consists of four rounds, each round has 8 questions. The game can be played in different ways: 1 - give a token for each correct answer, 2 - in each round, the child who gave the wrong answer goes out, and only those who answered all the questions correctly receive tokens. To answer the question, you can use signal cards, or you can divide the room into “yes” and “no” zones, and after voicing the question, the children go to the desired zone. The whole game is accompanied by a presentation. The material may be of interest to teachers of children's school camps and playgrounds.
Target: Increasing knowledge of colors
Fix the names of some colors,
To acquaint with the folk names of flowers, their healing properties,
To form interest in the work of children's poets,
Promote the development of curiosity, intuition.

Tour 1 "Photo Gallery"

The slide shows a flower, asks a question. After the children have raised the signal cards (or occupied the desired area), the correct answer pops up with a click.
Do you believe it's a poppy? (Yes)
Do you believe this is a gerbera? (No, it's a daisy)
Do you believe it's nasturtium? (Yes)
Do you believe it's phlox? (Yes)
Do you believe it's a chrysanthemum? (Yes)
Do you believe it's a lily? (No, it's a daffodil)
Do you believe it's a peony? (Yes)
Do you believe it's a calla? (No, it's iris)

Tour 2 "People's names"

The slide shows the flower and its name. A question is being asked. After the children's answers, the correct answer pops up when clicked.
Do you believe that delphinium is popularly called larkspur? (Yes, for its medicinal properties)
Do you believe that the people call lavatera wild rose? (Yes)
Do you believe that a buttercup is called a cat's paw? (No, they call it night blindness, because according to legend, chickens go blind because of it)
Do you believe that the people call fireweed willow-herb? (Yes, because it makes excellent tea)
Do you believe that the lumbago is popularly called a bell? (No. They call it sleep-grass. Previously, people believed that a flower placed under the head causes a dream that predicts fate.)
Do you believe that fuchsia is popularly called Chinese lanterns? (Yes, because of their similarities)
Do you believe that gatzania is called African chamomile? (Yes)
Do you believe that cleoma is called a hedgehog? (No. This flower is called a spider plant due to the fact that the tendrils of the plant are slightly curved at the ends, like the legs of spiders).

Tour 3 "Poetic page"

The slide shows an excerpt from the poem, asks a question. After the children's answers, when clicked, the correct answer and a photo of a flower pop up.
Do you believe that this is a poem by N. Nishcheev about a dandelion?
golden petals,
Fragile stem.
Bloomed by the river
Solar flower.
Only a cloud ran
The petals shriveled.
On green stems
Round lumps.
(No, this is a poem about coltsfoot)

Do you believe that these lines are from a poem by S. Marshak about a rose?
Poets of all ages sing about it.
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this bundle of scarlet petals,
Opened with a fragrant cup.

Do you believe that these lines are from E. Stuart's poem about the snowdrop?
Though the hillock has thawed,
But there's snow in the shadows
And without stepping back
A flower grows next to him.
He made his way under the snow
He wasn't at all afraid.

Do you believe that these lines are from M. Poznanskaya's poem about chamomile?
In the meadow by that path
What runs to us right into the house,
A flower grew on a long stem -
White with a yellow eye.

Do you believe that these lines are from V. Bykov's poem about the Left?
I recognize his pink-pink cone,
I distinguish crimson light fire.
I'll come, gently touch my hand
And I will hear a plea: "Do not destroy and do not touch!
(No, this is a poem about Ivan-tea)

Do you believe that these lines are from V. Bogdan's poem about the lily of the valley?
My flowers are delicate
Small and so modest.
Their "drops" are snow-white
Among the grass are visible.

Do you believe that E. Serova's poem is about thistles?
In the meadow by the path
He stands open.
Strong stem and thorns -
Here is his defense.

Do you believe that V. Serova's poem is about bells?
They are visible, invisible
Don't count them!
And who only invented them -
Merry, blue?
(No, this is a poem about forget-me-nots)

Tour 4 "Medicinal plants"

The slide shows an image of a medicinal plant and its name. A question is being asked. After the children's answers, the correct answer is voiced, and when clicked, the image of this plant in a pharmacy package pops up.
Do you believe that chamomile can be used to treat a cold? (Yes)
Do you believe that sage is used for poisoning? (No, sage is commonly used as a mouthwash to treat sore throats and stomatitis)
Do you believe that plantain is used to treat bruises, wounds and bites? (Yes)
Do you believe that coltsfoot is an ancient cough remedy? (Yes)
Do you believe that chicory has almost no healing properties? (No. Chicory was called a grass from a hundred ailments)
Do you believe motherwort has a calming effect? (Yes)
Do you believe that celandine is used to treat colds? (No. Celandine is usually used for various skin diseases: calluses, warts, scabies, etc.).
Do you believe that yarrow promotes rapid healing of wounds and stops bleeding. (Yes)

Summing up the game.

Presentation on the topic: Color game for younger students

unusual flowers

Makaricheva Yu.V.

NOU "Noginsk Gymnasium"

Amorphophallus titanic- the largest tropical flower, and very foul-smelling.

This flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world - it can reach a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Flowering lasts only 2 days. Initially, amorphophallus grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra. Subsequently, this flower was exterminated by foreigners. Currently, this flower is very rare, it can be seen mainly in the botanical gardens of the world.


Wolfia is the smallest flowering plant on Earth. Their size ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. These small flowers live on the surface of the waters. It was named after the German botanist and entomologist Johan F. Wolf.

Psychotria sublime

People call him "hot lips" for its bright red flowers. Psychotria is a tropical flower that loves moisture and warmth. Therefore, its homeland is the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Orchid Kalania

gidnora africanus


Passiflora, or Passion Flower is a genus of the Passionflower family. There are about 500 species. The flower in diameter reaches 10 cm. It grows mainly in Latin America.


Sundew is a carnivorous plant. Thanks to the secreted droplets of mucus, they catch insects, which they feed on. They grow in swamps, sandstones and mountains.

Nepenthes Attenborough

An unusual flower was discovered in 2000, on about. Palawan by three scientists Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich, who went on an expedition here for this flower. They first heard about it from missionaries who had visited the island earlier. On Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge "jugs" of these flowers. These turned out to be predatory flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers were able to survive to our time is unknown. Now they are being studied in the MacPherson laboratory.

Mimosa púdica - a plant that is shy

Mimosa púdica is a very sensitive plant. The fact is that if you touch a mimosa, or if it is caught in a gust of wind, the mimosa immediately “pretends” to be dead, all the leaves fall to the ground, and the plant seems to have withered. Within a few minutes, the mimosa comes to its senses in order to "wither" again as soon as someone or something touches it. Found in South and Central America.

In a large beautiful garden, flowers grew in a flower bed. There were a lot of them and they were all beautiful. First, spring primroses bloomed: snowdrops, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, then they were replaced by others: bergenia, irises, peonies, petunias, chamomile, roses, lilies. Flowers succeeded each other until the autumn.

They went deep roots into the ground, and then stems with leaves and buds appeared, or just beautiful green leaves. All flowers were very fond of when they were looked after: watered, loosened the ground around the stems and removed weeds so as not to interfere with the growth of flowers. They also, like children, rejoiced in the warm rays of the sun and the cool streams of rain. Once, flowers in a flower bed argued among themselves which of them is the most beautiful, bright and attractive.

I am the most beautiful, because I am the first to appear in the flower bed! Snowdrop said. - Not! We are the most beautiful, daffodils. We have thin green stems and leaves and beautiful yellow and white buds! - And I have the largest and most brilliant leaves with fio summer with your flowers! - said bergenia

We, irises, are even better and higher and have different shades and aromas, delicate and sweet. We also love bumblebees and bees! Text

No, I'm the best hosta because I have a lot of beautiful leaves!

Do not argue, friends! We, roses, are the most beautiful and slender. We have thin stems with carved leaves and thorns for protection from hooligans. We have many shades and names. People love to make bouquets of us and give each other and we really like it. We feel needed and useful

And we! And we are beautiful! daisies with forget-me-nots began to chirp.

And we have the biggest buds! - the peonies said in unison. So the flowers argued until late in the evening. In the evening, everyone slowly began to close their buds and go to bed. “Morning is wiser than evening!” Badan said and wished everyone good night. The night passed and a warm, sunny morning came. The flowers in the flower bed again began to reach for the warm rays of the sun and open their buds.

The first to appear was a bumblebee. He carefully sat down on the peony and began to collect pollen. - Hello, mister bumblebee! - Said the peony with respect. - Tell me, please, did you come to me for pollen, because I am the most beautiful in the flower bed? The bumblebee froze in thought. - Please do not distract me, the heat will come soon and it will be difficult for me to fly. The bumblebee collected the remaining pollen and flew away, saying goodbye thanks.

Then a lemon butterfly flew in and landed on a lily bud. O! The most beautiful of butterflies! Rose turned to her. Could you help us with one issue.

Yes, I'm listening to you. -My friends and I argued which of the flowers in our flower bed is the most beautiful, slender and attractive. The butterfly folded its wings and raised its antennae up. For me, you are all beautiful and attractive, you are all very pleasant to me, because for each of you I can sit down and relax.

And who do you like the most? - I can not answer you, all the flowers are amazing and good in their own way. Well, I have to go, my girlfriends are waiting for me in the meadow. Goodbye, dear flowers. The butterfly fluttered, flapped its wings and flew away.

After some time, a buzzing bee sat down on a rose. - Hello, bee! - roared the daisies. Tell me, which of us flowers in this flower bed is the most beautiful? - The most beautiful one, answered Buzz. Who does not boast and does not imagine, but, on the contrary, gives his beauty and aromas to everyone around. Zhuzha finished her drink of nectar and, saying goodbye to everyone, flew off to a neighboring flower bed. The flowers fell silent and thought.

At this time, the gardener came to the garden. She walked over to the flower bed and greeted the flowers. - Hello, my beautiful and wonderful flowers with wonderful aromas! Now I will remove the weeds that have appeared on you and water the flower bed with cool water so that you can become even better.

When the flowers heard these words, they felt ashamed in front of each other and for a while they fell silent. Then the peony and the rose suggested that everyone make peace, because they are friends and all grow in the same flower bed, giving their beauty and benefit to people and insects. So the flowers grew together until the Autumn itself and no longer argued which of them was the best.


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