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Having understood what dropshipping is, as well as having studied all its subtleties, you can start your own business without initial capital.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs organize their first business on the Internet.

This option has many advantages, one of which is the ability to start without initial capital.

Contrary to the fact that this word sounds rather complicated and even frightening, there is nothing complicated in this process.

It is enough to understand the basics and subtleties that will be described in this article.

This is enough to start your own business using this method.

What does the term "dropshipping" mean?

Dropshipping is an intermediary activity of an entrepreneur, which is carried out through a product supplier.

According to this scheme of work, the manufacturer will send the ordered goods directly to your customers at the addresses you specified.

And the entrepreneur himself benefits in the form of the difference between the wholesale price of the dropshipper and the retail price, which is set for buyers.

The very word "drop shipping" is translated from English - direct delivery.

This format of work has many advantages: you do not need to pay for the rent of an office or warehouse, hire staff, and make an advance purchase of products to create an inventory.

In addition to money, you also save time on organizing activities.

Explaining what dropshipping is in simple words- then this is buying at wholesale prices and selling at your own retail prices.

It can be compared with affiliate programs.

But in the latter case, the activities of the intermediary are exclusively virtual, and the sales themselves are made by the service to which you bring customers.

In the case of dropshipping, there is a greater bias towards offline trading, while the dropshipper is simply a supplier of goods.

Contrary to what you might think, dropshipping is not just for newbies.

Quite serious and accomplished businessmen also use this method because of the many positive aspects. Consider everything further, as well as the disadvantages and features of dropshipping.

Why is dropshipping beneficial for manufacturers?

“Whoever is able to see a case from both sides is already ready to open his own.”
Leonid Sukhorukov

Future entrepreneurs may have a natural question: why do manufacturers need such a scheme of work?

After all, they sell their products cheaper than buyers are willing to buy them.

However, at least two positive aspects for the supplier can be noted:

    This is saving money that can be spent on more useful purposes.

    Entrepreneurs don't usually waste a supplier's time by asking a million questions about shipping methods, cost, payment options, and more.

    But that's what buyers love to do.

    The number of asking questions is quite large, and out of 100% of those who are interested, only 20-30% are really ready to make a purchase.

    It turns out that the main blow of the intermediary "takes the blow".

    He is engaged in communication with buyers and cuts off those who are not ready to make a purchase.

    In this way, the supplier receives only accurate order information, which saves a lot of time.

What are the advantages of dropshipping for an intermediary?

Of course, among entrepreneurs, dropshipping has also become popular for a reason.

There are several reasons for the spread:

  1. To start dropshipping, it is absolutely not necessary to have start-up capital.
  2. The absence of investments also means the absence of serious risks for the businessman.

    There is no dependence on creditors, investors.

    Although the business owner takes care of communicating with customers and determining their convenient payment methods and delivery address, the shipment itself is completely taken over by the supplier.

    This saves a lot of time and nerves.

  3. No one limits you to just one partnership. You can open, for example, an accessories store in which glasses will be supplied by one company, and bags by a completely different company.
  4. You are not required to disclose information about where you get the goods from and that you are working on a dropshipping scheme.

    Of course, telling customers that you yourself make all the products offered is not worth it.

    But the supplier's logo on the main page does not need to be placed.

    Parcels at your request will also be sent not on behalf of the manufacturer, but yours.

Disadvantages of dropshipping

What “fly in the ointment” awaits those who decide to try out what dropshipping is?

    The manufacturer will provide information about the product, and you will need to further process it so as to make it as complete and accessible as possible for buyers.

    If you miss something, you will not be able to give a timely answer to the customer's question.

    And this is a minus for reputation and, possibly, lost orders.

    It is necessary to constantly monitor the availability of certain positions from the supplier.

    And it's still good if you have one and quickly gets in touch.

    You do not know exactly which goods and in what condition went to the buyer.

    You can make one hundred dropshipping deals successfully.

    And the one hundred and first package will be defective.

    And only you will be responsible for this to the client.

    It will be necessary to resolve conflict resolution options.

    Where will the item go if returned?

    Who will compensate for the cost of defective products?

So dropshipping is also not an absolute panacea.

All these risks need to be known before deciding to create such a business.

What are the pitfalls of dropshipping?

When it was mentioned above that dropshipping does not pose serious risks to an entrepreneur, it meant only financial responsibility for the implementation of a business idea.

But you will be responsible for the product that you sold.

If it arrived defective, does not correspond to the order, the delivery time was disrupted, it will be you who will be responsible.

In such a situation, you will have to become a peaceful link between your manufacturer and customer.

However, you shouldn't be too afraid of this.

Dropshipping companies tend to be serious and responsible.

They value their name, so they will definitely meet you halfway.

If you still feel anxious, choose the least risky commodity to trade.

Obviously, there will be more problems with electronics than with jewelry or souvenirs.

How to start dropshipping?

For those who prefer specifics, step by step instructions for dropshipping:

  1. Decide on commodity group which you will be implementing.
  2. Find a supplier using one of the suggested methods.

    Examine the range, prices, terms of cooperation and reviews about it.

    Create the platform through which you will work.

    Usually we are talking about the site, but many goods can be sold through social networks for a start.

    Fill the store with products by adding a detailed and beautiful description.

    Please note: the information must be reliable!

  3. Engage in promoting your business and establish contact with buyers.

Where can I find dropshipping suppliers?

    It is very convenient and profitable to look for a partner for cooperation among large companies in your own region.

    You may be surprised to learn how many product options can be found from domestic companies.

    An obvious option for online business - turn to search engines!

    There are even special portals and directories where suppliers and entrepreneurs look for each other to work on dropshipping.

    As you remember, suppliers are also interested in dropshipping.

    Post your demands on forums, message boards, even the media.

    Domestic manufacturers can find you themselves.

    Analyze who your competitors are working with.

    This may not be the most honest method of finding a supplier for dropshipping. However, it has a right to exist.

    Pay attention to the most popular foreign sources for dropshipping: eBay, Aliexpress, Amazon.

    America and China are the main areas for cooperation under this scheme.

you will hear by watching the video:

What can be traded with dropshipping?

Of course, you can trade anything.

The main thing is that these products are produced by those who are ready to work according to this scheme.

What are the dropshipping options?

There are two options for dropshipping that you can use:

After reading this article, you should have no questions dropshipping - what is it.

So, if the shortcomings and potential risks of the activity did not frighten you, you can!

All you need is a computer, internet and, preferably, knowledge of English.

And, of course, patience and perseverance!

  • What is a sales funnel and how to build it?

Detailed analysis of the concept of "dropshipping". What is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages this system mediation, as well as whether it is worth the entrepreneur to work on the dropshipping system in the conditions of the domestic market.

Many current or future entrepreneurs are interested in what is dropshipping? After all, this word is increasingly heard in business circles and at various business trainings. It is mentioned in the print media, online publications. And every businessman would like to study in detail the principle of work on the dropshipping system, as well as to find out all its advantages, pitfalls and features. This article is devoted to all this.

All the main points of dropshipping will be discussed in detail below. An example is given, the pros and cons of working on this system are listed. It also tells about how to properly search for suppliers and what is needed for this business.

Dropshipping is...

Dropshipping is a business built on the sale of someone else's goods through a website (most often an online store), but at a price indicated by an intermediary.

An intermediary is an entrepreneur who works on the dropshipping system and receives his own percentage from each sale.

A dropshipper is a supplier or manufacturer that sells its goods or products through intermediaries.

The system itself looks like this:

  1. There is a supplier of goods (for example, children's toys). He sets his own prices for his products.
  2. There is an intermediary - a person who created the site and sells other people's goods through it. He independently chooses the assortment, regulates prices. At the same time, he does not physically have the goods - everything is at the supplier.
  3. The buyer visits the website of the intermediary, sees the product of interest, pays and orders it. The order itself is redirected to the supplier, who sends the goods to the final buyer. And the intermediary receives a percentage from this.

Most online stores in the CIS now operate under this scheme. Starting such a business is easy, since the start-up capital is almost completely absent. The only thing you may need is to pay a specialist for the development of the site, as well as pay for the domain name and hosting.

Otherwise, everything is very clear:

  • Being an intermediary, you need to find reliable suppliers on foreign sites and decide on the assortment.
  • Create an online store, fill it with all the necessary content (product catalog, photos, descriptions, prices, characteristics).
  • Wait for the buyer to pay for the goods.
  • Place an order with the supplier and pay for it, while indicating the address of the buyer.
  • Take your percentage of the markup.

The essence of the system is clear, now it is worth talking about its advantages and disadvantages.

Dropshipping Benefits

It is thanks to its advantages listed below that dropshipping has quickly gained and continues to gain popularity among domestic entrepreneurs.

Increasingly, there are online stores operating on the described system. At the same time, buyers are completely unaware of it - and what difference does it make to them who will send the goods. After all, for the buyer now the main thing is reasonable prices and high quality.

So, from the advantages it is necessary to highlight:

  • No risk of losing your money. Since this business does not provide for large cash investments, it is impossible to lose your savings in case of failure. Therefore, this type of activity is available to almost everyone. That is, you can try, and if something does not work out, then there will be no financial losses.
  • Lack of a warehouse or other places to store goods. The intermediary does not spend money on the purchase or rent of a warehouse, since he does not physically have the goods - he is with the supplier.
  • No need to hire employees. Dropshipping jobs do not involve hiring sales managers or couriers. All activities can be done by one person.
  • Competitive prices. This advantage stems from the absence of high costs and start-up capital. That is, even the money spent on the development of an online store or advertising will return from the first orders.
  • The ability to independently regulate prices, the range of goods, as well as work with several dropshippers at once. The intermediary sets the prices for the goods sold. The final price will depend on the pricing policy of competitors and the market. The assortment can be diversified by working with several suppliers at once.
  • Variety of assortment. Working with several dropshippers, you can sell more than 200 items of goods. This is the main difference from the standard one, where the assortment is most often very stingy due to the fact that its owner does not have the opportunity to order a lot of various goods.
  • Competitive advantages. Many do not give buyers guarantees and do not provide the possibility of returning goods. The dropshipper offers all this, which inspires the confidence of the buyers with whom the intermediary works.
  • Simple business. The duties of the intermediary include only adding goods to the catalog of the online store, filling the site with the necessary descriptions, managing prices and advertising. Although some of these tasks can be delegated to specialists - of course, if finances allow. And calls, packaging, delivery and other activities are handled by the dropshipper.

Disadvantages of dropshipping

Every business has its drawbacks. Dropshipping is no exception.

The disadvantages include the following.

  • A responsibility. It is the intermediary who receives claims from negative reviews from buyers. Poor quality, marriage, long delivery are, of course, the fault of the supplier. However, the buyer ordered the goods from an intermediary, and hence the demand from him.
  • Difficulties at the start. Starting to work according to the described system, you may encounter difficulties associated with finding suppliers. They must be reliable, responsible, offer only quality goods and fast delivery. Also important criteria are guarantees and the possibility of returning the goods.
  • tax barriers. This disadvantage applies more to those intermediaries who plan to have expensive goods in their assortment and work with foreign dropshippers (for example, through Aliexpress). In Russia, the limit for parcels from abroad is now 1,000 euros per month. In Belarus, this limit is already outrageously low - 22 euros. That is, it is not profitable for Belarusian entrepreneurs to work on the dropshipping system with the same Chinese. However, there is an option to work with Russian suppliers.
  • Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC. Not all vendors have these requirements. However, practice shows that many still require documents confirming that the intermediary is a registered entrepreneur.
  • You need to be constantly active. Resting on our laurels, doing nothing and just taking the money earned will not work. We must constantly be in search of new suppliers, look for new tools to attract traffic to the site. It is necessary to work on the image of the online store, its promotion, popularity, brand recognition.

Is dropshipping worth it?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since there are several important points here.

The fact that anyone can start such a business is a fact. After all, the start-up capital is completely absent here. And the online store itself can be created completely free of charge.

Regarding how to properly configure it and work with it, this is described in detail in this article.

Only people with experience can tell whether it is worth selling on the Internet using the system described here.

What is dropshipping? This is when you sit at home, do nothing, and the supplier does everything for you. You just bring him clients that you take from somewhere. And then you get some money for it. It seemed like the perfect scheme.

Yes, it’s really possible to earn money this way, it’s not a myth. But it all depends on suppliers, on attracting traffic, on communicating with buyers…

Domestic suppliers work mainly for the stream. Most often, it doesn’t matter if the buyer liked the product or not - another fifth, tenth buyer will come ... The dropshipper has a lot of people with whom he works, and it doesn’t matter to him today he will get a client, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Therefore, they have everything put on stream. They don't care about the quality, unfortunately.

It is not uncommon for applications sent by an intermediary to a dropshipper to be lost. Therefore, some who are just starting to work like this, then work either to zero, or even to a minus.

But still, there are normal and adequate dropshippers that you can work with without fear.

Alexey Dementiev is the owner of an online store, an online entrepreneur, and the founder of the Makers community.

If you are just starting to sell goods via the Internet, then it makes sense to look towards working through the dropshipping system. But in the sale of goods, I do not see future prospects. That is, this is such a thing - to make money now, to make money now. In the long run, I don't see what it could develop into.

Alexey Molchanov is the owner of MLS Holding.

Opinions on this issue experienced Internet entrepreneurs disagree. However, no one says that dropshipping sales should not be done. On the contrary, if you want to quickly launch your first business, then this option is best suited. In the future, the money earned can be invested in something more promising. For example, open a children's clothing or auto parts store. You can even choose a niche that has nothing to do with the sale of physical goods.

Summing up the article, it should be noted that dropshipping is a good business option for beginners. It has a lot of advantages, is simple and does not require start-up capital. Understanding the system itself is not difficult, since it has already been described above. All you need for a business is a website (online store), reliable suppliers (dropshippers) and a desire to work. The rest will come with experience, and it will be possible to earn over 100,000 rubles a month.

Glad to meet you again, friends.

Just yesterday, he promised to continue the topic of earning money through the dropshipping system, which is relevant for many, so he kept his word.

Today's article is again dedicated to intermediary services, we will determine for whom this type of activity is suitable, what pitfalls it is fraught with, how much you can earn on dropshipping and how to establish this business.

But first, let's answer the questions. : dropshipping system - what is it, what is it for, how much experience does it require. And is it necessary to get involved in such a business at all, if you have never been involved in trade.

1. What is dropshipping, how to start a business?

The system is based on a direct delivery agreement between the intermediary and the supplier. The recipient of the order (client) finds the goods he needs on the intermediary's website and through the intermediary makes an order, which the dropshipper passes to the supplier, he also transfers the customer's coordinates and the money received from the client. Keeps a certain percentage.

Actually - everything. This is where the dropshipper's participation in the deal ends. He has neither a warehouse for the goods, nor the goods themselves. His task is to attract as many buyers as possible for a partner and receive a well-deserved reward. Packing, shipping, selling leftovers is not his problem.

It seemed like the perfect business. You are aloof from the main process, you do not bear any responsibility, but at the same time you earn.

But is it really that simple? Let's figure out what dropshipping is and how to start the process of working in this direction.

The most important thing that is needed in this business is your own trading platform, for example, a website and the presence of a reliable supplier.

2. What should be the store

Of course, you can start working on the social network, or even on your page. But that would be disingenuous. You will not be able to decorate the “showcase” beautifully and in an original way. There are no such opportunities in the social. networks, as their own resource provides.

When creating an online market, you can use one of the options:

  • A full-fledged multi-page with large sections for a specific type of product;
  • Several one-pagers (each - under separate view products);
  • Landing as an advertising site for a future online store.
It is important not to get lost among thousands of such sites, so it makes sense to invest in the original design and organization of promotions. Take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with .

The fact that a dropshipper should not have a “headache” about the product is an absolute plus in running this type of business. But as far as I know, a responsible dropshipper always cares about their reputation. Therefore, he will not risk contacting a supplier whose majority of goods are of poor quality. And despite the lack of physical goods on hand, there is always enough work in the online store:

  • find high-quality product images from several angles;
  • add attractive and accurate descriptions;
  • if there is not enough information about the product, contact the supplier and demand a detailed description from him (the buyer will ask you);
  • constantly replenish and update the range;
  • look for new suppliers.

3. What should be the supplier

A reliable responsible supplier is 80% of the success of your store. If the company is well-known and holds the brand in every sense (both the quality of the goods and the quality of service), then this greatly simplifies the work of the dropshipper. The conscientiousness of the supplier is a kind of guarantee of your calm and fruitful work.

After all, if something is wrong with the product (it is of poor quality, does not match the description, was not sent on time), the buyer will file claims not with the supplier, but with the intermediary - the owner of the site on which he ordered the goods.

Therefore, choose your suppliers very carefully. Start not with Chinese, but with domestic ones. Google up to page 20 and start browsing from there - vendors don't do well with SEO, so they can't be found at the top of the feed.

The easiest way to reach a bona fide supplier is to use information from supplier catalogs, dropshipping is the only thing that keeps it going. The list of directories can be found in the article "".

4. Features of the dropshipping business, advantages and disadvantages

Some of the benefits of dropshipping include:

  • optional availability of start-up capital;
  • the need for a warehouse;
  • the need to have an office;
  • high percentage of profit.


  • inability to assess the quality of the goods;
  • high competition;
  • the presence of reputational risks (not every supplier is conscientious).

Now I will decipher the point about starting investments. They are really not needed big, but they are needed for money. Books on dropshipping by Western authors assure that thousands of dollars will be enough to get you started. At the current exchange rate for an ordinary Russian, a thousand cu. - a lot of money. Not everyone has this amount. But if you are serious about this business, you can start very successfully by taking a loan. The creation of an online store will pay off in two to three months. And when you get the job done (find a responsible supplier and regular customers), you can reach a monthly income of $ 1,000.

But you'll have to work hard. As I said before, dropshipping is a job and this type of income cannot be called passive.

5. Why do users trust intermediary stores?

The sales scheme has been worked out to the smallest detail and is very beneficial for all participants in the transaction. That is why dropshipping is so popular in Russia. Look who works according to this scheme - the giants Ulmart and Ozon! And the flow of customers in these markets is increasing daily.

In the same way, only on a smaller scale, any other online store can serve customers. But, again, I draw your attention to the level of responsibility of the supplier - buyers will not take poor-quality, unfashionable, stale products. Therefore, it is in your interest to find a reliable and honest partner.

The main task of a dropshipper, in addition to finding a supplier, is to monitor site traffic and increase the number of active buyers.

6. Pricing and competition

Keep track of attendance, attract customers… It sounds easy, but it takes a lot of effort. Therefore, I would not rush to call dropshipping trading easy and feasible for a beginner. In this area, you need to be a "shark", because the competition here is very high.

If you are serious about dropshipping and you already know how to organize everything, and at the same time you think that you can easily outperform competing companies only due to low prices, you are very mistaken. Although, I must admit, the low margin plays into the hands of the dropshipper - buyers are more willing to order goods at a more attractive price.

But, in addition to low cost, the buyer can be attracted by bonuses, discounts, promotions that he will not find in other stores. A very useful skill for any mediator is competent work with a proposal and the ability to convince.

7. Unpleasant features of working with suppliers

The section is relevant for all dropshippers who work with China, and everyone who plans to mediate between Russian buyers and Chinese suppliers. Not only is the delivery time very long (up to two months), and you need to overpay for fast delivery, failures can also happen: a dropshipping site can make mistakes in logistics, supplies, and other important points for the buyer.

Therefore, advice to those who are going to implement a dropshipping scheme with China: never promise delivery within two weeks. This will help you attract customers in the first place. But since the deadline is unrealistic, most buyers can refuse your services after the first delay in the order.

The second nuance is that the Chinese love to embellish reality. And those who have experienced this tough “heavenly” dropshipping (reviews of 2017) state that in 70% the picture of the product is very different from its real look. Especially many blunders are made by clothing manufacturers: they take branded models as a basis and turn them into nondescript, stretched rags that do not match the size. On Aliexpress, such suppliers are through one. Try to let the customer down by offering him a “chic” outfit from such a store, and you will be the last one, not the Chinese seller. Therefore, I emphasize once again: be very picky when choosing a supplier.

8. How Successful Dropshipping Starts

Dropshipping turned out to be such a convenient way of doing business that everyone who is not lazy began to engage in it, and it has somewhat lost its originality. Now it is easier to get lost among competitors than to stand out somehow. Therefore, I advise you to start with the choice of assortment.

The most popular product groups:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • smartphones, Cell phones and accessories;
  • building materials;
  • auto parts;
  • cosmetics and hygiene products.

The range is formed, the supplier is found, the site is. Consider a few more far from minor components of a successful business:

  • effective advertising campaign, I recommend reading my article about;
  • constant focus on the consumer;
  • creativity in the implementation of a business idea;
  • the right choice of marketing tools.

In this “simple” business, only the most creative and persistent survive.

9. Step-by-step guide to starting a dropshipping business

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​how to make money on dropshipping, you need to study all the nuances of this business and not burn out when faced with certain difficulties. Many believe that this is not a business, but a vacation, in which nothing needs to be done. No, it's necessary! And here's what:

  1. Choose a niche in which you will work. It is desirable that you understand the products that you will offer to customers.
  2. Test the chosen niche - if there is a demand for the product, feel free to start working.
  3. Create an internet site.
  4. Find several reliable suppliers, negotiate with them and conclude contracts.
  5. Start promoting your store and attract customers.
  6. If necessary, register a PP or LLC.

9.1. Dropshipping training from experts

Friends, this article is just a small introduction to the world of dropshipping, its basic principles, so to speak. And maybe I would have shared all the information in more detail, but now, I can’t this moment take on such responsibility. If I have ever managed to sell sneakers and sneakers somewhere, then this is more luck than a well-established scheme.

[I will write about it a little later]

10. Who is this business for?

Not every newcomer just "from the lantern" who decided to become an intermediary, he will do. Dropshipping "loves" people who are persistent, creative, persuasive, good at negotiating and well versed in certain products. Management experience would be a plus.

This type of activity is ideal for owners of small sites, it is guaranteed to provide them with a steady income, if not a huge one.

What do you guys think about the profitability of dropshipping? Who has experience in this? I will be glad to your comments.

Sincerely, Sergey Ivanisov.

I have never been satisfied with the life that most people lead. I have always wanted to live more richly and vividly.

What is dropshipping - 7 steps to get started own business+ 8 tips for beginners + 4 features of dropshipping.

Not many business start-ups know what is dropshipping, and this ignorance prevents them from developing, building a business correctly.

How to take your business to the next level with dropshipping?

How to become a successful businessman?

What is dropshipping - definition and scheme of action

Today, many conduct their business on the Internet - personal pages in in social networks, online stores and blogs - all this is quite widespread.

But almost no one knows anything about dropshipping, a convenient tool for doing business on the Internet.

Dropshipping is based on the usual idea of ​​an online store, but doing business is becoming much easier: there is no need to rent a warehouse, choose delivery methods.

AT English language The term "dropshipping" means direct deliveries.

In other words, this is a sales system in which deliveries are made directly to the buyer from the manufacturer, bypassing an intermediary.

The scheme of action is very simple:

  1. An online store opens.
  2. Items for sale are listed at a premium.
  3. The buyer orders the item he needs.
  4. The owner of the online store takes the order from the manufacturer, paying the required amount, and keeps the extra charge.
  5. The manufacturer sends the product to the customer.

Dropshipping is especially common when selling goods from China.

The margin is relatively small, while the buyer gets the opportunity to learn everything about the product in his native language, and not waste time looking for the right thing on Chinese sites.

It is very convenient to place an order on the website of the online store.

The client chooses the delivery method independently: courier delivery or postal forwarding.

When ordering goods for a certain amount shipping is free.

Key features of dropshipping

Understand, what is dropshipping It is possible by studying its main features and principles of operation of the system.

Dropshipping features:

    Absence big investments at the start.

    The product is purchased only after its order and immediately sent to the buyer.
    No need to buy a lot of goods and keep it in stock.

    Reliability and transparency of work.

    Consumers trust this trading model.
    The only thing that is required from the seller is to observe trading platform, its updating and customer support at all stages of the sale.

    It should be recognized that there will be great difficulties with competition.

    The Internet is filled with various proposals, and it is very difficult to come up with something really original.

    Supply interruptions.

    The delivery time does not depend on the owner of an online store using dropshipping. Often there are logistical errors.

For a dropshipping business to be successful, you should pay great attention to 4 points

  1. Create an advertisement for your online store and monitor its effectiveness.
  2. Focus on customer needs.
  3. Choose original, non-stamped marketing tools.
  4. Choose creative ideas.

Steps to create a profitable online store using dropshipping

To create profitable business, and earn a lot using dropshipping, you need to go through all the steps.

If the store already exists, but it does not make a profit, you should also reconsider your direction.

Steps to achieve efficiency:

    Study the market, especially in the area in which you want to join.

    To win - you need to bring something new.
    Sometimes it seems that everything has already been done and invented, but it is not.
    Even for selling things from China, you can find a new one, original way that will attract buyers.

    Create a platform - an online store website.

    You can do this yourself, with certain knowledge, or contact a specialist.

    Run a test version of the store.

    A month of work in test mode will show whether you should invest your money and time in this business.

    Find suppliers for the store.

    It is very important here that you can quickly pick up the desired product yourself, or organize its shipment to the buyer directly from the manufacturer.
    You should choose a good supplier, because negative ones about the product will be written to your site.
    The best suppliers of goods from China are,,

    Conclude an agreement with suppliers.

    It is best to negotiate beforehand and outline the terms of the deal.
    Examine the supplier's documents, monitor the quality of the goods.

    Registration in Russia LLC or IP.

    It is necessary for the legal exercise trading activities and no problems with checks.

    Promote an online store.

    This can take a long time.
    Most best options promotions - SEO optimization, contextual advertising or advertising in: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram.

To understand the dropshipping system and start using it successfully, you do not need to put in a lot of time and effort.

It is best to learn the operation of the system in practice, during the testing of an online store.

    Spend a lot of time finding a reliable supplier.

    Conduct conversations on Skype, find out all the details about the delivery and directly about the product.
    Ask for email sent a scan of all the main documents.

    Create a bright, colorful website.

    Visitors pay a lot of attention to design.

    Ask the manufacturer for real product photos.

    The consumer must know exactly what he is buying.

    Learn about dropshipping.

    Act according to existing rules Internet trading.

    Ensure constant communication with customers.

    Reply to all messages.
    This inspires confidence.

    Specify the terms of delivery, the possibility of returning the goods.

    To do this, create a separate page on the site.

    When talking with a supplier, emphasize that the goods will be sent from the main warehouse directly to the buyers.

    Indicate that you are an intermediary between the seller and the buyer.

    In case of disputes, you help the buyer to resolve them, but you are not the guilty party.

The system is very simple if you understand it well.

Only the dishonesty of suppliers can disrupt the established mechanism of trade, so great attention should be paid to choosing 1-3 reliable manufacturers of goods.

Dropshipping: advantages and disadvantages

Any system has its pros and cons.

Dropshipping is a well-known phenomenon in the West, in Russia it causes only distrust in many ways.

Main advantages:

  1. There is no need to purchase a large number of goods and store them before purchase.
    Investments are required only for the creation of the site and its promotion.
  2. Since you do not have a warehouse and a huge range of goods, you can switch from selling shoes to selling toys at any time if you find the second option the most profitable.
    This does not require termination of the contract with the supplier, you simply refuse to cooperate.
  3. Contracts do not tie you to a particular supplier.
    It can be change at any time.

Cons of the system:

  1. No impact on delivery speed and quality.
    It is almost impossible to control the quality of the goods sent.
  2. You also cannot control the quality of the packaging of the goods.
    If the buyer asks to send the goods in a certain package, you most likely will not be able to fulfill his request.
  3. Bad reviews will go to your site, not the supplier's site.

The following video provides tips on how to

whether the product you have chosen will be in demand for sale through the dropshipping system.

businessmen who know what is dropshipping succeed much faster.

This is due to the fact that they do not invest a lot of money in the purchase of goods and the lease of a warehouse, and, accordingly, they do not lose them.

Dropshipping. This sales system is a magnet for novice online sellers. It is believed that dropshipping allows you to open an online store without investments, since money is not needed for the purchase of goods and its logistics. There are other advantages: creating a brand without a product, easy expansion of the range, and so on. But is it? Is dropshipping really beneficial for a novice webmaster? In this post: All the pros and cons of dropshipping, who really benefits from dropshipping, and more.

The word "dropshipping" in translation means "direct delivery". This system allows you to sell physical goods without having them. The seller (webmaster, let's call him that) attracts customers to his online store, takes the order and sends it to the supplier. The supplier, in turn, sends the order to the customer. Simply put, with dropshipping, you are actually selling someone else's products.

Beginning webmasters, everyone who wants to make money on the Internet, are promised that dropshipping allows you to enter sales “free of charge”, since money is not needed to purchase goods, store them and logistically. Novice webmasters (more experienced ones are unlikely to do this) willingly believe in the promises of suppliers and all those who promote this system. However, is dropshipping really that good?

Let's start with the benefits of dropshipping.

  • You don’t need a product, which means you don’t need investments in the purchase, you don’t need warehouses and logistics. I agree with this, and this is the only rational grain of this scheme.
  • You can sell other people's products under your own brand;
  • It is easy to expand the range.

That's all. And then, as we will see later, some of these alleged advantages hide a serious headache.

Now the cons of dropshipping.

The main disadvantage of this system is that all the difficulties of the scheme begin to appear only when you dive into it and begin to collect all the pitfalls on your fragile stern. I'll start right with the third "plus" - the expansion of the range.

I do not argue, there is nothing easier than expanding the range with dropshipping. You just need to select a new product and add it to your store. But it may happen that the new product will already be with another supplier, which means you need to negotiate again, choose the best one, and keep your finger on the pulse, since now you no longer have one supplier, but two. And imagine if you have a large store with a bunch of goods, most likely this will mean working with different suppliers and monitoring their actions. But this is already wilds, let's start with the more obvious disadvantages of this system.

1. You are to blame for everything.

By accepting an order, you will promise the client that you have excellent quality, fast delivery and excellent gift packaging. But the trouble is that with dropshipping you do not see the product, as well as the supplier himself. And if the supplier sends a defective product, then you, as the seller, will be responsible for this. The buyer will call you.

2. You don't know what the supplier will put in the order.

3. You don't have the ability to upsell.

Upsell allows you to significantly increase the profit of an online store. A customer placed an order with you, and you offer him an additional product at a discount. About 30% of clients willingly take up and upsell. Thus, you attract one client, but sell two products, and the second sale is free for you, since you do not spend money on advertising this product. With dropshipping, it is either difficult or impossible to implement an upsell system, since it happens that the second product needs to be looked for from another supplier.

4. You are not valuable to the market.

A serious point that novice webmasters do not know about. The task of a good seller is not to sell goods, anyone can sell, and there are millions of them. A good seller strives to become an exclusive seller, even if he sells the same as everyone else. To do this, he tries to come up with any chip that will allow him to stand out and stand out from his competitors. That is, in the language of marketing, it is trying to create its own USP (Unique Selling Proposition). It can be anything: special packaging, an additional gift to the client, or even a handwritten postcard.

You won’t surprise anyone with simple trading. Ordered, delivered, paid. Everyone is used to it, so good seller always trying to give a little more. And if he succeeds, then the client is happy. And if he is happy, he tells his friends about the seller, posts photos on social networks, since he did not expect such care. And this, in turn, leads to a viral effect and brings in new customers, which means that advertising is reduced significantly. And these clients become his clients for life. And when a good seller buys a new product and makes a mailing to his database, they are the first to buy it, because he is great.

But, you can’t achieve this with dropshipping, since you don’t have a product interaction with the client. You are not the owner of your product, which means that all of the above can be done by your supplier, not you. And he will do it at your expense, but more on that below. With dropshipping, you are not valuable to the client, nor to the online market as a whole.

5. Pricing.

With dropshipping, in addition to the price of the goods, you must make yourself an extra charge. This markup should cover the cost of advertising and leave you with a profit. But the trouble is that now, with the developed technologies of context and retargeting, after visiting one site, you start seeing ads for similar sites and products in an hour. In this case, it is highly likely that your client, having placed an order with you, will see your competitor's store, only at the regular price, without the dropshipping markup. Guess he will redeem your goods from the post office after that? And if one of the competitors dumps, that is, frankly lowers the price. What can you do to counter it?

6. Your customers are not yours at all.

With dropshipping, you essentially give the supplier your customers, because this is the essence of this system. It turns out that your entire customer base is collected from your supplier. Moreover, he collects it for free, and will be able to start interacting with them directly at any time.

7. Costs are inevitable.

This minus is not obvious if you are a beginner webmaster. After all, they are luring you to that, promising a “free” entry into dropshipping. And I agree that you don’t need money for a product, but who told you that advertising on the Internet is free. Or do you already know how to massively attract targeted free traffic? If so, why are you dropshipping?

But it is also desirable to test the product in order to understand what type of advertising is best suited for it. In the end, it turns out that dropshipping is a scheme with investments, and possibly considerable ones.

And I'm not talking about dropshipping from China. If you intend to deal with this variety, then I advise you to think three times, since in addition to all of the above, a couple more serious minuses will be added.

First, the timing. People are ready to wait for delivery from China, but only when they know that the goods are coming from China. But you will have a Russian-language store, and the fact that the goods will come from China may come as a surprise to the buyer. Will he be willing to wait? Is not a fact.

Second, prepayment. With "Chinese" dropshipping, you must take a deposit to at least cover the cost of the product and its shipping. But the whole Internet is used to giving money when receiving the goods, that is, after its delivery. This is how most Runet sellers work, and most buyers are accustomed to this. It's like the default settings. Who are you, sorry, such that I give you an advance payment? - will not say, but your buyer will think. And if you do not clearly answer this question, then consider that you have lost a client.

As a result, we come to the conclusion that the dropshipping system is beneficial only to one side - the supplier. He buys goods, he does not spend money on advertising, he is not responsible for anything, plus he has your entire client base.

Dropshipping is possible, but it can only be full-fledged if there is a large organized service, the departments of which will process orders, monitor the assortment, make settlements with suppliers, and provide after-sales service. It is impossible for one person, especially a novice webmaster, to do this.

If you sleep and see yourself in dropshipping, isn't it easier to get into affiliate programs (AP)? After all, dropshipping is essentially the same thing. Affiliate programs also do not require goods, purchases, warehouses and logistics. But unlike dropshipping, PPs have a number of powerful advantages, such as:

  • you don't need a store;
  • you do not bother with taking orders;
  • you are not responsible for the quality;
  • you get a simple fixed remuneration, without increasing the price of the goods.

All you need is a computer and the ability to attract targeted traffic, the cheaper the better.

Thus, we can conclude that dropshipping is not only not recommended for an ordinary webmaster (and even more so for a beginner), but it is also directly contraindicated. Starting your online business with this old-fashioned scheme, you may become disillusioned with online marketing in general, and never know that there are hundreds of other, more enjoyable and ambitious schemes for earning money on the Internet than selling other people's products, taking full responsibility for them!

That's all, see my new video for details.


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