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(International Bird Day), which is timed to coincide with the beginning of their return from their wintering grounds.

The purpose of the holiday is to preserve species diversity and abundance of birds.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, on March 19, 1902, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful in agriculture", which was signed by more than ten states. It entered into force on December 12, 1905. On October 18, 1950, the "International Convention for the Protection of Birds" was signed in Paris, replacing the previous document for most of the participating states.

Bird Day itself is associated with a children's holiday, arranged in 1894 by a teacher from the small American city of Oil City, Charles Babcock. He was supported by the Pittsburgh Telegraph Chronicle newspaper, which began to actively popularize the holiday. Moreover, the newspaper organized a special club-museum for the protection of birds for schoolchildren. Bird Day soon became widely celebrated as a national holiday in all states of the country.

The idea of ​​holding the Day of Birds found support in Russia as well. In our country, the protection of birds was organized back in the days tsarist Russia, and by the beginning of the 20th century, several dozen organizations were already engaged in this business. Among them are the Ornithological Committee under the Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants, the Permanent Environmental Protection Commission under the Russian Geographical Society, and the Russian Society for the Protection of Animals, founded in 1865. Children's organizations were also opened in the cities - the so-called May Unions for the study and protection of birds. They were created on the basis of schools and united children of nine or eleven years old, who wore an emblem on their headdresses - a flying swallow. In 1910, a schoolteacher Pyotr Buzuk in the village of Khortytsya founded the country's first Society of Nature Conservators, the symbol of which was a bird's nest.

Members of the society fed the birds and hung nests for them. After the revolution of 1917, the children's May unions ceased to exist, but the idea of ​​protecting birds was picked up by youth organizations. In the summer of 1924, the first and only All-Union Congress of Young Naturalists in the USSR was held, at which the teacher of the Central Biological Station Nikolai Dergunov proposed to re-establish the Day of Birds. Since 1926, this date has been celebrated in the USSR as an official holiday. In 1927, Bird Day was held in all districts of Moscow, about 5 thousand children took part in it. In 1928, the number of participants reached 65 thousand, they hung out more than 15 thousand birdhouses.

The annual Bird Day celebration was interrupted by the war, but in 1948 the movement revived. The holiday gained even greater scope, in 1953 5 million schoolchildren were attracted to participate in it. But by the 60-70s of the 20th century, the celebration of the Day of Birds again came to naught. The holiday was revived in 1999 - thanks to the Russian Bird Conservation Union, founded in 1993.

Ornithologists warn: if birds disappear, an ecological catastrophe will come, and its consequences for humans can be unpredictable. In their opinion, extermination will cause irreparable damage to biological diversity.

An indicator of the unfavorable situation with birds can be the number of species listed in the Red Books of various levels. Of the approximately 10 thousand species of birds of the world fauna, more than 1200 species, or every eighth species of birds on our planet, are included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In the Red Book Russian Federation 123 bird species have been introduced. This means that every sixth bird species in Russia is under threat. The situation is even more alarming in regions with intense economic activity- so, 68 species of birds, or every third nesting species of the Moscow region, are listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. The number of species included in various Red Books and Red Lists - from regional to international - is constantly increasing.

The Russian Bird Conservation Union annually elects the "Bird of the Year". This title can be given to a species or a systematic group of birds, distributed over most of the territory of Russia, easily recognizable and in need of human attention and help. The "Bird of the Year" campaign helps to remind our compatriots about the problems of wildlife conservation.

The selected bird is in "its year" in the center of attention. There is a nationwide collection of data on its numbers and distribution, people are helping to solve its problems. The participants of the action promote the beauty of this bird and talk about the vulnerability of the living world with their creativity.

In 2016, the hoopoe was chosen as Bird of the Year. This is one of the brightest and most memorable birds in our country. Unusual contrasting color - dark and white stripes on the red plumage. On the head there is a magnificent crest - "Mohawk", which the bird then folds on the back of the head, then unfolds in all its splendor. The male and female are colored almost the same, only the females are slightly less bright, and they do not have a pinkish coating on the chest.

Depending on the geographical latitude, the bird can be sedentary, nomadic or migratory. In our country, hoopoe is a migratory bird. It usually appears at the end of April, and flies away for wintering at the end of summer or autumn. Common hoopoe only in southern regions our country. The closer to the northern border of the range, the lower its abundance. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the species is listed in the regional Red Books (for example, Lipetsk, Moscow, Tver, Kirov, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, the republics of Bashkortostan, Mari El, Tatarstan, Udmurtia).

Outside of Russia, hoopoes nest in Europe, Central, South and Southeast Asia, Africa and Madagascar.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Every year, International Bird Day is celebrated on April 1st. On March 19, 1902, the signing of the "International Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful in Agriculture" took place. Russia joined this convention in 1927. However, even before that, people in our country celebrated the return of migratory birds. This event in the popular mind has always been associated with the beginning of spring. On this day, April 1, in the old days it was customary to bake lark dough and sing special songs-chants. Another old tradition international day birds is hanging birdhouses and other bird houses.

History pages

It was in Russia that people first began to attract birds to artificial nests. Even Russian peasants hung bark houses for starlings.

In St. Petersburg in 1900, the book "General Protection of Birds, Its Foundations and Implementation" was published, authored by Baron Hans von Berlepsch. This work was one of the first in the world devoted to the problems of bird protection. It should be noted that the Church actively promoted the protection of birds. She published various books on nature conservation.

In our country, the killing of useful birds and the destruction of nests has always been considered a crime. It was a serious sin to destroy a swallow's nest. The birds mentioned in the Bible were especially revered: the dove, the crossbill and the bullfinch. According to popular beliefs, many birds brought happiness. So, for example, it was believed that storks bring children. But crows and birds of prey in Russia were considered harmful and associated with evil spirits.

Soviet Union signed in 1918 international treaty about migratory birds". It must be said that this agreement is valid in our time.

On October 18, 1950, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed in Paris. This convention was to replace the obsolete document of 1902. In that document, birds were divided into "useful" and "harmful". Almost all hawks were classified as harmful birds. And later, many of these species were completely lost, while others were listed in the Red Book.

It must be said that during the years of the revolution April 1 holiday "International Bird Day" was forgotten. Its revival began in 1924, thanks to the efforts of the Moscow young naturalists of the central biological station. And in 1925, the first official Bird Day in Soviet Russia was celebrated. This event has become significant enough. Young naturalists throughout the capital then hung a huge number of bird houses. Vladimir Mayakovsky also took an active part in this celebration. In 1928, this holiday was widely celebrated not only in Moscow, but also in other cities of our country. The magazines of those times actively urged the people to take part in the holiday.

Then the celebration of International Bird Day stopped for the duration of the war. But already in the late 40s, early 50s of the 20th century, he was again remembered.

In fact, such a holiday appeared even a little earlier and was established in America in 1894 as children's holiday. It originated in the small town of Oil City in Pennsylvania. The initiator of its creation was a local teacher Charles Babcock. The public and the press supported this initiative, so the holiday soon began to be celebrated throughout America. By the beginning of the last century, he penetrated into our country. In Russia, school May unions began to be created, which were specially created for the protection of animals and birds.

The meaning of the holiday April 1

Why is April 1, International Bird Day, so important to us? What should you think about this spring holiday?

Rare birds must be protected so that they do not disappear completely. Scientists estimate that approximately 100 bird species have disappeared worldwide since 1600. Almost all of them were represented by small populations living on sea islands. Many of these species could not fly and were not afraid of the man who exterminated them.

Unfortunately, the problem of extinction of birds exists today. Many species are now on the verge of extinction or under its threat.

Many states have laws and take part in international agreements concerning the protection of migratory birds. It should be noted that the greatest threat to birds is not even hunters, but human activities. For example, high-rise buildings such as television towers, skyscrapers and similar buildings are extremely dangerous obstacles for migratory birds.

Birds are often hit or run over by cars. A large number of seabirds die due to oil spills in the seas.

Environmental pollution is also a very big threat. Pollutants are usually divided into natural and artificial. Natural pollutants are substances that are constantly present in nature. Artificial pollutants are various chemical substances which are practically absent in nature. They are harmful and even poisonous to animals and birds.

Residents of cities are quite indifferent to birds. Pigeons, sparrows, crows and tits predominate in the cities. We rarely pay attention to them, only occasionally feeding them. Unfortunately, very few people make bird feeders or bird houses today.

April 1, Bird Day, was a very useful initiative, but over time it turned into a boring formal event. In the early 70s, all this led to the complete degeneration in our country of folk holidays associated with the Day of Birds.

The International Bird Day holiday was revived again only in 1994, and the Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia contributed to this. It is a nationwide non-profit public organization. Its employees strive to preserve species diversity, abundance and habitats. wild birds in our country. Currently, its branches are already operating in 60 regions of the Russian Federation.

This organization was founded on February 9, 1993. In 1995, she began publishing a newsletter called "The World of Birds".

Representatives of this organization carry out various actions to protect birds, arrange conferences and training seminars, publish scientific papers and collections, newsletters and other specialized literature.

We congratulate all the inhabitants of our planet on this wonderful holiday on April 1, International Bird Day. Let's work together to take care of the world around us. And animals and birds, especially those that live in parallel with us in our cities and villages, need our help and care. Let's be kinder and more compassionate...

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It is not by chance that the spring date was chosen for the Day of Birds. At this time, birds return from their wintering grounds, begin to equip nests in order to produce offspring. Many of them are exhausted from the long flight and are in particular need of our help. And we are quite capable of providing it. Before the holiday, for a long time, caring adults, teachers and representatives of science gave lectures to children about the need for environmental protection measures.

The guys made birdhouses, feeders and placed them on trees. Such simple measures are very important for nature conservation. They teach children to take care of nature and love it, to protect environment, bring up mercy and compassion for all life on Earth. The annual Bird Day celebration was interrupted by the war, but in 1948 the movement revived. The holiday gained even greater scope, in 1953 5 million schoolchildren were attracted to participate in it. But by the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, the celebration of the Day of Birds again came to naught.

The holiday was revived in 1999 - thanks to the Russian Bird Conservation Union, founded in 1993. In the first year, only in Moscow, 500 people took part in the Day of Birds, they hung out more than 500 birdhouses. In 2000, the Moscow government joined the organization of the holiday, accepting Bird Day as a city-wide event. And today it is the most famous of the "bird" holidays in our country.

hell 1 beauty of 2013 Today the whole world celebrates one of the "oldest" ecological holidays. On this day, we celebrate spring, rejoice at the arrival of birds and remind us how to protect and help our feathered friends.

bird day is the "oldest" holiday of the ecological calendar - it has been celebrated since 1906. The Soviet Union joined the International Convention for the Protection of Birds in 1927. Every year, within the framework of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" program, the International Day of Birds is held.

In 1902, the "World Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful in Agriculture" was developed in Paris, which was signed by more than a dozen states. It entered into force on December 12, 1905.

bird day- this is not only the anniversary of the Convention, but also the time of arrival of birds from wintering. Rooks open the season, followed by wild geese, ducks, cranes, and gulls. In April, thrushes, robins, greenfinches, finches, finches, and buntings come to us. By observing the arrival of birds, you can help in the study of migration processes - for this participate in the annual campaign.

Traditionally, at this time, in anticipation of the arrival of birds, they hung birdhouses, gogolyatniks and other "bird houses". The ancient tradition of making birdhouses and other nesting sites had a deep meaning: a person not only helped the birds, but through this he himself became closer to nature. This year, you should not limit yourself exclusively to birdhouses, you can - the feathered symbol of Belarus in 2013.

At the same time, people celebrated the arrival of spring, symbolically living together with nature, awakening from hibernation. The custom of antiquity is to bake on this day dough larks and sing special songs.

On this day, we not only celebrate spring and rejoice at the arrival of birds, but also remember the monstrous mistakes of the past - the extermination of birds. Worldwide, probably about 100 species have disappeared. The first documented case of this kind was the destruction of a flightless dodo from the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. For 174 years after the discovery of the island by Europeans in 1507, the entire population of these birds was exterminated by sailors and animals that they brought on their ships.

An equally serious threat is environmental pollution. Birds found themselves in an unenviable position mainly due to the fault of a person who put their populations on the brink of extinction, using pesticides or indigenous transformation of natural habitats.

Many species that need swamps or mature forests, are under threat to their existence due to the destruction of a large number of such habitats. So, swamps are vital for shepherds, bitterns, marsh wren and many other birds. If the swamps disappear, the same fate befalls their inhabitants. You can help save the swamps in our country - for the conservation of swamps.

It is hardly possible to stop the advance of man on the world of birds; the only hope is to slow it down. One of the measures could be increase in the area of ​​protected areas in order to preserve natural communities on them, which include species that are threatened with extinction.

The avifauna of Belarus is represented by 323 species, which is 2 times more than the number of species of mammals, reptiles and amphibians combined. Over the past decades, the populations of some of them have grown significantly. At the same time, the population of a rare steppe bird disappeared from the territory of Belarus. - bustards, stopped nesting peregrine falcons- the fastest hunters among birds. There are also other rare species of animals in the republic, such as golden eagle, greater spotted eagle, capercaillie, aquatic warbler, ptarmigan and others. To preserve wild animals, rare and endangered species are listed in Red Book. Currently, 71 species of birds are included in the Red Book of Belarus.


To broaden the horizons of students, talk about the benefits of birds, about their protection.

To instill love for nature and educate humanity.

Hello guys! Every year on April 1, International Bird Day is celebrated. Thousands of children prepare feeders for this holiday and hang them up to attract birds.

Birds adorn the earth, their cheerful, sonorous song; bright colors enliven nature, instill vigor and joy in us.

The benefits of birds in nature are enormous. And they are dear to us, as indispensable helpers of man in the struggle for the harvest, faithful allies in the extermination of pests of farmland and forestry.

A forest without birds and animals is half dead. In winter, he is silent: in it you cannot hear the whistling of thrushes, orioles, the sonorous chirping of finches, flycatchers, warblers.

A forest without birds is a diseased forest. Therefore, we must love and protect birds. It is necessary to create new artificial habitats for birds (planting trees and shrubs). It is necessary to make artificial nests (houses, nest boxes), to ensure the protection of birds during nesting, to eliminate the disturbance factor ...



Scenario for Birds Day

2 teams are participating.


To broaden the horizons of students, talk about the benefits of birds, about their protection.

To instill love for nature and educate humanity.


Notebook. projector, screen, audio recording of "voices of birds", column, presentation, exhibition of drawings, photographs, children's compositions.

Event progress:


  1. opening speech. (Bird calls sound.)


If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream rings.

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the evening gets warmer

So, spring has come to us!

bird day bird day

It's a bird's day on the planet!

This is the main bird festival.

Let's tell it to everyone!


Hello guys! Every year on April 1, International Bird Day is celebrated. Thousands of children prepare feeders for this holiday and hang them up to attract birds.

Birds adorn the earth, their cheerful, sonorous song; bright colors enliven nature, instill vigor and joy in us.

The benefits of birds in nature are enormous. And they are dear to us, as indispensable helpers of man in the struggle for the harvest, faithful allies in the extermination of pests of farmland and forestry.

A forest without birds and animals is half dead. In winter, he is silent: in it you cannot hear the whistling of thrushes, orioles, the sonorous chirping of finches, flycatchers, warblers.

A forest without birds is a diseased forest. Therefore, we must love and protect birds. It is necessary to create new artificial habitats for birds (planting trees and shrubs). It is necessary to make artificial nests (houses, nest boxes), to ensure the protection of birds during nesting, to eliminate the disturbance factor.

  1. Work with the presentation "International Bird Day".

Take care of the birds! Birds are our true friends!

  1. Competitive program.

Competition 1. "Guess the riddles"

Teams take it in turns to guess riddles about birds.

This bird never

Doesn't nest for chicks.

Sit somewhere on a bitch

And shouts: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! (Cuckoo.)

A bird jumps along the path

Collects crumbs smartly,

And then jump on the branch

And chirp: “Chick-chirp!” (Sparrow.)

chirping, white-sided

Our gossip ... (magpie).

Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest.

Hiding in green crowns,

And her name is ... (crow).

They come to us in winter

They don't need the summer heat.

The breast is brighter than the dawn,

At the handsome ... (bullfinch).

Little forest singer

Competition 2. "Bird trills"

The nightingale sings beautifully! Do you know how other birds sing? Children are invited to listen to bird singing, or children should try to pronounce the simple words of a bird song.

Crow: kar-kar!

Sparrow: chiv, chiv, chiv, chirp-chirp!

Waxwing: swir-swir!

Titmouse: blue-blue-blue!

The game.

Now let's play a little.

Game conditions: birds are called, when non-birds are called, children clap their hands.

The birds have arrived:

pigeon tits,

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta.

(clap hands)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.

Flies and swifts

(clap hands)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens...

(clap their hands.)

The birds have arrived.

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Gali and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

(clap their hands.)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even the owls

Swans and ducks -

Thank you joke!(Exits.)

Competition 3. "Connoisseurs of birds of the native land"

Each team gets questions to think about for 30 seconds and prepare answers.

1. What birds of our region winter in their homeland without flying to warmer climes? (Crows, sparrows, magpies, woodpeckers, crossbills, owls.)

2. What birds fly to warmer climes for the winter? (Ducks, swans, starlings, nightingales, rooks, cuckoos, wagtails.)

3. Why do cranes have long legs?

4. Why does the crossbilly need a cruciform beak?

5. What bird is called an icebreaker koi? (Olyapka.)

6. Which birds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds? (Cuckoos.)

Competition 4. "Collect and explain the proverb about birds"

Each team receives a proverb written on a piece of paper, in which all the words are mixed up. It is necessary to restore the proverb and explain its meaning.

1. Every bird is fed with its beak.

2. I saw a rook - meet spring.

4. Summing up.

Teacher :

I would like to end today's meeting with birds with a poem by S. Stepanova

“Don't scare the frisky birds!”

Do not scare the frisky birds!

Let them fly around

Their wings in bright light,

Like a rainbow sparkle

You listen to their songs

What do they sing in the wild!

Let the singers decorate

We have forests, orchards and fields.

And in the work is very important

These crumbs are useful to us:

Exterminating on plants

Worms and harmful midges,

And gardens, and our fields

They protect us

Don't scare the frisky birds!

Let them fly around

Let them live in forests, in gardens

And birds sing to us.

After all, they are our friends.

Nightingales, rooks, tits.

Moreover, they are beneficial

They eat various caterpillars.

They save both forests and gardens

From scary little caterpillars.

And therefore, we must protect the birds,

Feed in winter and attract in spring.


(teacher's word)

- Our holiday has come to an end. We will always remember that birds are our friends! Thank you for your attention! See you soon!

MKOU "Olkhovskaya secondary school"

Slides captions:

April 1 - the whole planet celebrates International Bird Day. It originated in the USA in 1894. Soon, the holiday, which gained popularity thanks to the media, began to be massively held in all states, and then came to Europe.

Currently, there are about 9 thousand species of birds in the world. About 650 species nest in Russia.

The history of the development of Bird Day in Russia is interesting. Having reached our country in the 11th century, the idea of ​​helping birds fell on fertile ground. Already at that time, bird protection was organized in Russia; by the beginning of the 20th century, several dozen organizations were already engaged in this business. Members of the society fed the birds and hung nests for them.

The holiday was revived in 1999 - thanks to the Russian Bird Conservation Union, founded in 1993. In the first year, only in Moscow, 500 people took part in the Day of Birds, they hung out more than 500 birdhouses. In 2000, the Moscow government joined the organization of the holiday, accepting Bird Day as a city-wide event.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance: just at this time, birds return from the warm regions. Adults and children on this day improve the habitats of waterfowl, hang out new feeders and birdhouses.

Watch the video "Most beautiful birds in the world" .ru/get/5822/26377016.3f/0_57e01_909a2852_-1-L 2012/06/danza-damore-a28153533-990x677.jpg posts/2010-12/1292606808_foto-prikol.net_foto-krasivyh-ptic.jpg http://read-country.rf/sus4_0/image/f872d13b950e07fdbf8d45f6688747c6.jpg


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