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Kozlov Igor Ilyich



Igor Ilyich Kozlov was born in 1965 in Tashkent.

In 1987 he graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Yakov Alksnis, in 1999 - from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, candidate technical sciences, docent. In 2006 he received an MBA from Esslingen University Business School.

From 1982 to 2003 he served in the Armed Forces Russian Federation. Upon completion of the service, he worked in top positions in Russian financial, industrial and investment holdings: ChTPZ Group, FC Uralsib, AFK Sistema. At the same time he was a member of the Board of Directors large companies ICT sector and military-industrial complex - Sitronics OJSC, RTI-Systems OJSC.


In November 2013, he was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov. His responsibilities include work on the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts on corporate governance in industry joint-stock companies with state participation and increase the efficiency of the activities of federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the ministry.

On April 2, 2014, Igor Kozlov was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC Rostelecom. The corresponding decision was taken at an extraordinary general meeting shareholders of the company, where the new composition of the Board was determined.

2016: Appointment as the head of Roselectronics

At the end of February 2016, it became known about the appointment of Igor Kozlov CEO Roselectronics. He will replace Andrey Zverev, who has been in charge of Rostec's subsidiary since 2009, Vedomosti writes with reference to the state corporation's communications service.

The reasons for the change in the leadership of Ruselectronics are unknown. Andrei Zverev only said that he decided to change his job.

As Rostec told the publication, Igor Kozlov will have to restructure and close "a number of projects", as well as withdraw non-core assets from Ruselectronics. What exactly is not specified.

According to the industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster Sergey Kulikov, the new head of Ruselectronics will have to focus on changing the holding's strategy, since its growth rates do not meet the needs of the market and the dynamics of the business development of global manufacturers.

Ruselectronics needs to focus on the production of high-tech products with high added value, identify priority product areas and key products, and work with customers to determine real needs, Kulikov added.

Kozlov came to Ruselectronics from the post of adviser to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications. In this position, he oversaw the development of satellite technology.

Decided on the management scheme of controlled structures in the field of radio electronics and the production of IT equipment. The state corporation decided to transfer the United Instrument-Making Corporation (OPK) under the control of Ruselectronics, subsequently creating one company on their basis. The candidate for the post of its head is Grigory Elkin, General Designer automated systems Directorate and Communications of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who previously headed the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Yesterday, the board of Rostec decided to transfer control over the defense industry, which is also part of the state corporation, to Ruselectronics, a Kommersant source familiar with the situation said. At the same time, a united company will be created, which will be headed by the first deputy general director of the defense industry complex Grigory Elkin, Kommersant's interlocutor added. This information was confirmed by the press service of Rostec.

According to a press release from the state corporation, the board of Rostec approved the candidacy of Grigory Elkin for the post of CEO, the candidate will have to be approved by the supervisory board of the state corporation. Yesterday, Grigory Elkin was appointed interim CEO of Ruselectronics. “The new leader is faced with the task of merging assets and ensuring the implementation of plans for both the implementation of the state defense order and the goals of the strategy,” Rostec said in a press release.

63-year-old Grigory Elkin has been in the defense industry since 2015, at the same time he became the general designer of the automated control system and communications of the RF Armed Forces. In 2014, Mr. Elkin was appointed General Director of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin JSC. In 2004-2014, Grigory Elkin headed the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

At the beginning of the year, Kommersant reported on the negotiations between Rostec and AFK Sistema on the consolidation of assets in the field of IT, radio electronics and microelectronics. Soon, preparations for personnel changes and structural changes began at Rostec. So, it is assumed that the general director and chairman of the board of the defense industry complex, Alexander Yakunin, will leave his post and head the Sozvezdie concern, also part of Rostec. At the same time, the state corporation will have to resolve the issue with the appointment of Igor Kozlov, who is now the head of Ruselectronics. “Where will I work next? The motherland will determine my place in the ranks, ”Igor Kozlov told Kommersant.

Transfer of powers of the sole proprietor to Roselectronics executive body The defense industry has become the next step in implementing the strategy of the radio-electronic cluster, Kommersant was told at the state corporation. “One of the key goals of the merged company will be the creation of new products, including complex projects and “markets of the future,” said Rostec. - Will there be a system integration of the manufacturer? sensors, means of communication and data transmission and control centers. The creation of a new company will also reduce internal competition among cluster companies, Rostec expects.

The press release of the state corporation also notes that on the basis of the combined structure, competence centers of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster in the field of finance and investment, as well as product divisions, will be formed. Enterprises operating in the field of automated control systems and communications of the aircraft, radar systems, microwave products and other types of radio electronics will also be allocated to separate segments, the Kommersant source said. According to the industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster, Sergey Kulikov, it is planned to attract investors at the next stage. “At the moment we are considering various options for strategic investors,” he said.

How Rostec and AFK Sistema discussed the creation of a microelectronic holding

As it became known to Kommersant in November 2016, the structures of the state corporation Rostec and AFK Sistema of Vladimir Yevtushenkov discussed the merger of the first Ruselectronics and the United Instrument-Making Corporation (OPK) with the second RTI and Mikron. The holding, in which Rostec was supposed to gain control, is designed to strengthen the positions of the parties in the markets of microelectronics and defense solutions, the volume of which in 2015 exceeded 120 billion rubles. and 3.1 trillion rubles. respectively. But experts saw in the consolidation the risk of reducing the efficiency of the companies' business. Read more

Kozlov Igor Ilyich



Igor Ilyich Kozlov was born in 1965 in Tashkent.

In 1987 he graduated from the Riga Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Yakov Alksnis, in 1999 - from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. In 2006 he received an MBA from Esslingen University Business School.

From 1982 to 2003 he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon completion of the service, he worked in top positions in Russian financial, industrial and investment holdings: ChTPZ Group, FC Uralsib, AFK Sistema. At the same time, he was a member of the Boards of Directors of large companies in the ICT sector and the military-industrial complex - Sitronics OJSC, RTI-Systems OJSC.


In November 2013, he was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov. His responsibilities include work on the preparation of draft regulations on corporate governance in sectoral joint-stock companies with state participation and improving the efficiency of federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the ministry.

On April 2, 2014, Igor Kozlov was elected to the Board of Directors of OJSC Rostelecom. The corresponding decision was made at an extraordinary general meeting of the company's shareholders, where a new composition of the Board was determined.

2016: Appointment as the head of Roselectronics

At the end of February, 2016 it became known of Igor Kozlov's appointment as the CEO of Ruselectronics. He will replace Andrey Zverev, who has been in charge of Rostec's subsidiary since 2009, Vedomosti writes with reference to the state corporation's communications service.

The reasons for the change in the leadership of Ruselectronics are unknown. Andrei Zverev only said that he decided to change his job.

As Rostec told the publication, Igor Kozlov will have to restructure and close "a number of projects", as well as withdraw non-core assets from Ruselectronics. What exactly is not specified.

According to the industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster Sergey Kulikov, the new head of Ruselectronics will have to focus on changing the holding's strategy, since its growth rates do not meet the needs of the market and the dynamics of the business development of global manufacturers.

Ruselectronics needs to focus on the production of high-tech products with high added value, identify priority product areas and key products, and work with customers to determine real needs, Kulikov added.

Kozlov came to Ruselectronics from the post of adviser to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications. In this position, he oversaw the development of satellite technology.

This appointment is subject to approval. Supervisory Board Rostec, and must also be approved at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders.

At the same time, the Human Resources Committee suspended the powers of Andrei Zverev, who previously headed Roselectronics. The management team of Ruselectronics fulfilled its tasks of consolidating assets and forming a single control loop for the holding.

As part of new position Igor Kozlov was tasked with harmonizing the product portfolio, building strategic marketing, determining priority areas for the development of the holding, and, in general, dynamic development of the electronic component base industry. First of all, this is the development of unique demanded technologies that will reduce Russia's technological gap and ensure the growth of the innovative potential of the Russian electronics industry. A very important task is to increase the capitalization of the holding through the growth of revenue, profitability and return on invested capital.

Roselectronics is to become a driver for the development of domestic electronics and microelectronics. This task is entrusted to the industrial director of the radio-electronic cluster of Rostec Sergey Kulikov.

“The previous stage of the holding's development was aimed at consolidating assets. At the same time, the growth rates of the holding did not correspond to the real needs of the market and the growth rates of world manufacturers. The next stage in the development of Ruselectronics is associated with qualitatively new challenges and tasks that are presented in the Rostec-2025 strategy. The holding has great growth potential, which requires a new highly efficient management with a different level of competencies, - commented on the appointment Executive Director corporations, industrial director radio-electronic complex Sergey Kulikov. - By 2025, the CEO has set a goal to increase the holding's revenue and reach a figure of more than 300 billion rubles. Similar aggressive growth should be achieved in terms of margins and EBITDA. The share of revenue in civil products should grow to 50% by 2025 from the current 20%. To do this, it is necessary to build work directly with the holding's customers to increase the level of sales of high value-added products, harmonize the product portfolio, and build strategic marketing.”

Roselectronics is one of the key assets of Rostec and we have very ambitious tasks ahead of us. First of all, this is a fine-tuning of the holding's development vector, a multiple increase in production efficiency, and an increase in the share of civilian products. Particular attention will be paid to the development of customer focus, the production of products with the highest added value, as well as entering new technology and sales markets,” said the newly appointed head of the holding, Igor Kozlov.

Biography of Igor Kozlov

Igor Ilyich Kozlov was born in 1965 in Tashkent. Graduated from the Riga VVAIU them. Alksnis with a degree in aviation equipment, as well as VVIA them. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky with a degree in military and administrative management. MBA (executive), Esslingen University Business School, Germany. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1996), Associate Professor (1998). owns English language.

Currently, he is the interim General Director of JSC Russian Electronics, a member of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Electronics, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Center for Informatization (NCI).
Within its professional activity in the largest Russian corporations took part in solving problems to improve the corporate governance system and increase the efficiency of operations. In addition, Igor Kozlov represented the Russian Federation as a member of the Board of Directors in the largest industry companies and supervised the expertise in the field of corporate finance, investment management and M&A transactions from the position of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. As Executive Vice President of AFK Sistema, he took part in the launch of the Sitronics-Nano project for the production of 90 nm microchips (the design company of Rosnano and OAO NIIME and Mikron), as well as in the formation of the project of the SRC GLONASS enterprise, which created the entire regulatory framework for the GLONASS project (Russian satellite navigation system).

05/21/2015, Thu, 22:05, Moscow time, Text: Igor Korolev

According to the results of 2014, Deputy Minister Alexei Kozyrev and Head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov turned out to be the richest officials in the communications industry: due to the sale of real estate by their spouses, they earned i 73 million and i 24.5 million, respectively. And the wife of the deputy head of Rossvyaz Igor Chursin received an income of i 16.7 million rubles.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications published the income for 2014 received by heads of department. The richest official was the Deputy Minister Alexey Kozyrev, who earned i 73 million. Most of this amount - i 68.5 million - was earned by the wife of the deputy minister, in particular, through the sale of real estate. In addition, Kozyrev sold his vehicle last year.

In second place is the leader of the income rating for 2013, adviser to the minister Igor Kozlov. His income (together with his wife) amounted to i 18 million. The third place is occupied by the Minister Nikolay Nikiforov with an income of i 12.3 million, of which for his wife Svetlana accounted for i 7.35 million (Nikiforov filed a declaration of his income together with other members of the government).

In fourth place is the director of the department of informatization projects Andrey Chernenko with an income of i 11.8 million. Approximately half of this amount was earned by his wife, in particular, through the sale of real estate. In fifth place is Chernenko's deputy Mikhail Petrov with an income of i 10.7 million. In total, 113 senior employees of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications have an income of more than i 1 million (including spouses), of which 15 people earned more than i 5 million each in a year.

In 2014, from the senior employees of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, subsidies for the purchase of housing were received by Chief Accountant Department of Economics and Finance Svetlana Vasina, her boss Ekaterina Petrova(she also took out a loan), Director of Industry Projects Department Alexey Doronkin and head of the department of international cooperation Maria Kazanskaya.

If we analyze the leaders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, based on the property they own, we can single out the following persons. At the Deputy Minister Alexey Volin and his wife five land plots with a total area of ​​7.78 thousand square meters. m, a house with an area of ​​270 sq. m, three cars - InfinitI Qx56, Dodge Caravan, Mazda Cx-7 - and a Steszion 150 scooter. At the director of the department of infrastructure projects Alexandra Ponkina three land plots with a total area of ​​46.3 thousand sq. m. m and three Porsche 911 cars.

Top 21 officials of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications by income for 2014

Place Name Job title Income, i Income includes...
1 Kozyrev Alexey Olegovich Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications 73072219,1 sale of apartments and cars
2 Kozlov Igor Ilyich Advisor to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications 18088000
3 Nikiforov Nikolai Anatolievich Minister of Communications and Mass Communications 12290975,08
4 Chernenko Andrey Vladimirovich Director of Informatization Projects Department 11801450,31 apartment for sale
5 Petrov Mikhail Viktorovich 10682852,76
6 Vasina Svetlana Victorona Deputy Director-Chief Accountant of the Department of Economics and Finance 9253825,58 apartment subsidy
7 Gurzov Konstantin Alexandrovich Deputy Director of the Informatization Projects Department 9233017
8 Doronkin Alexey Sergeevich Director of the Department of Industry Projects 8976611,95 apartment subsidy
9 Yatselenko Nikolai Sergeevich Director of the Informatization Coordination Department 8324808,29
10 Kazanskaya Maria Viktorovna Director of the Department of International Cooperation 8234359,85 apartment subsidy
11 Petrova Ekaterina Yurievna Director of the Department of Economics and Finance 7932332,13 apartment subsidy + loan
12 Ponkin Alexander Sergeevich Director of the Infrastructure Projects Department 7745496,72
13 Akhmadieva Anna Firkatovna Deputy Director of the Department of External Communications 6842093,11
14 Firsova Svetlana Anatolievna Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Mass Media 5569932,4
15 Chasovskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna Head of the Department of Printed Products and Polygraphy of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Mass Media 5288345,7
16 Sukhova Anna Pavlovna 5149811,67 apartment for sale
17 Korneichuk Yulia Vladimirovna Deputy Director of the Organizational Development Department 4967073,72
18 Vafina Gulnaz Firgatovna Assistant to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications 4934887,05
19 Pak Oleg Borisovich Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications 4745637,37
20 Vorobyov Igor Stanislavovich Deputy Director of the Department of Regulation of Radio Frequencies and Communication Networks 4740870
21 Volin Alexey Konstantinovich Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications 4448592,97

Source: CNews Analytics according to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Government of the Russian Federation

At the head of the department information systems Department for the Implementation of Legislative Initiatives Igor Ivantsov large real estate assets: fourteen land plots with a total area of ​​26.87 thousand square meters. m, five houses with a total area of ​​580 sq. m and four apartments with a total area of ​​210 sq. m. In addition, Ivantsov has three cars - Citroen C5, Opel Vectra and VAZ-21213 - and others vehicles: caravan, all-terrain vehicle, snowmobile and powerboat.

Head of Rsokomnadzor Alexander Zharov earned i 24.5 million in 2014. Of this amount, i 19.7 million fell to his wife, who, in particular, sold the property. Zharov and his wife have five land plots with a total area of ​​7.7 thousand square meters. m, two houses with a total area of ​​460 sq. m and an apartment of 174 sq. m. Also, the head of Roskomnadzor has a car Toyota Land Cruiser.

Deputy Head of Roskomnadzor Antonina Priezzhayeva earned i 15.9 million in 2014, and this amount includes housing subsidies. Another deputy head of department - Maxim Ksenzov- received income in the amount of i 6.9 million, most of which - i 4.8 million - came from his wife. Of the heads of the regional departments of Roskomnadzor, the head of the department for the Samara region earned the most Svetlana Zhdanova– i 8.6 million (this is due to her receiving a subsidy for an apartment).

Chapter federal agency connections Oleg Dukhovnitsky earned i 3.2 million in 2014. He also has two apartments with a total area of ​​180 sq. m. m, and his wife owns a Mitsubishi ASX car and a parking space of 20 sq. m.

And here is the income of his deputy Igor Chursin turned out to be much more - i 19.1 million (however, i 16.7 million of them fell on his wife). Another deputy head of the department, Dmitry Panyshev, has solid real estate assets: three land plots with a total area of ​​3.75 thousand square meters. m, four apartments with a total area of ​​260 sq. m and a residential building with an area of ​​113 sq. m.


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