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In Russia, work has begun on the modernization and creation of new-generation electronic warfare systems that will replace the Krasukha-4 and Rtut-BM electronic warfare stations.

This was announced at the MAKS-2019 air show by the adviser to the first deputy CEO KRET JSC Vladimir Mikheev.

“The Krasukha-4 and Rtut-BM stations are actively operated and have shown themselves well, including in conflicts of varying intensity. Updating and upgrading mobile complexes are ongoing, and new technologies allow reprogramming and improving specifications products,” he said.

According to him, tests of new electronic warfare systems have already begun and are being carried out in working mode.

The newly created motorized rifle formation of the Western Military District (ZVO), stationed in the Smolensk region, received the Rtut-BM electronic warfare (EW) complex.

The modern complex "Rtut-BM" on a caterpillar chassis is designed to protect manpower and equipment, cover areas of concentration of troops, mobile and stationary command posts from missiles, shells, mines and guided land mines equipped with radio fuses, on an area of ​​up to 50 hectares.

The complex will receive its first use during the winter period of training of units of the combined arms army of the Western Military District.

Total in current year electronic warfare units deployed in the Voronezh, Bryansk, Belgorod and Nizhny Novgorod regions received about 10 new stations and hardware machines with an extended frequency range.

  • The formations and military units of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the Western Military District (ZVO), deployed in the Moscow region, received more than 10 of the latest electronic warfare systems (EW) "Borisoglebsk-2" and "Mercury-BM".

    The Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare complex is designed to detect communication and control channels, enemy radar stations and suppress them by jamming.

    The Rtut-BM electronic warfare station counteracts enemy guided weapons, as well as ammunition equipped with radio fuses. Acting in automatic mode, it detects enemy ammunition, determines the carrier frequency of its radio fuse, and then jams the corresponding frequency and high power.

  • The Radioelectronic Technologies Concern, within the framework of the state defense order, transferred for Russian army promising electronic warfare complexes "Rtut-BM", "Rychag-AV", said the TV and radio company "Zvezda" at a press conference at the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2016" First Deputy General Director of KRET Igor Nasenkov.

    “I am proud to announce that on September 6, the solemn transfer of the new Rtut-BM and Rychag-AV complexes, created at KRET enterprises, to the Ministry of Defense took place. Russian Federation", - said Nasenkov.

    He said that the multifunctional complex "Mercury-BM" is designed to protect manpower and equipment from single and salvo fire of artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses.

  • More than 10 modern complexes electronic warfare (EW) on a wheeled and tracked chassis entered service with one of the formations of the Eastern Military District, stationed in the Republic of Buryatia. These are the newest multifunctional complexes EW SPR-2M "Mercury-BM" and "Borisoglebsk-2".

    The combat vehicle "Mercury-BM" is designed to protect manpower and equipment, cover the areas of concentration of troops, individual stationary and mobile objects, etc.

    Complex "Borisoglebsk-2" in comparison with its predecessors has an extended frequency range of radio reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures, increased scanning speed of the frequency range, higher accuracy of location of the source of radio emission, increased throughput means of suppression.

    • More than 10 EW complexes "Rtut-BM" and "Borisoglebsk-2" on caterpillar and wheeled chassis entered one of the formations of the Eastern District, stationed in Buryatia.

  • Production at JSC "Kazan Optical and Mechanical Plant" of self-propelled stations of a complex for jamming radio fuses of artillery ammunition 1L262 "Rtut-BM"

    (SPR-2M) "The servicemen adopted the latest multifunctional electronic warfare systems SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" and the complexes" Borisoglebsk-2 ""

  • Station of electronic suppression 1L269 "Krasukha-2" in the transport configuration

    Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or the so-called. "jammers", is a real, already being tested type of weapons of the Russian army. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but they have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate the kinetic energy of a warhead. In our country, we took the path of a direct damaging factor and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for the ground forces, air force and navy. According to the specialists working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field tests, but now there is work on the bugs and an attempt to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation. Today, our Alabuga, having exploded at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is able to turn off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leave a battalion / regiment-scale military unit without means of communication, control, fire guidance, while turning all available enemy equipment into pile of useless scrap metal. In fact, there are no options other than to surrender and give heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies.

    On the air of one of the TV channels this year, for the first time, the latest SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" combat vehicle, which is designed to reduce the impact of damaging elements of artillery shells and explosive devices, was publicly shown.
    One combat vehicle is capable of ensuring the security of troops on an area of ​​50 hectares.

    SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is a modern modernization of the SPR-2 ammunition radio fuse jamming station using new equipment.
    Increased system reliability, as well as expanded functionality. Added the function of jamming radio lines on VHF frequencies.

    The Rtut-BM vehicle is an electronic warfare tool designed to reduce the impact of artillery shells on friendly troops and armored vehicles by influencing the operation mode of the radio fuse.
    SPR-2 is capable of detonating a projectile at a safe height or switching the radio fuse operation mode to contact.

    The complex "Mercury-BM" is able to counteract not only radio fuses. If necessary, it can be used to jam the frequencies at which the enemy conducts radio communications.
    The main place of use is the troops of the first echelon, command posts, places of accumulation of troops and launchers.
    Also, "Mercury-BM" can be used to cover moving objects at crossing points.

    It was developed on the basis of the armored personnel carrier BTR-70.
    Later, the SPR-2 equipment began to be installed on a more advanced chassis - the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier.
    A modernized version of the station "Mercury-BM" VNII "Gradient" developed on the basis of the caterpillar chassis MT-LB.

    This provided the station with high mobility, as well as the ability to conduct combat work on the move. Thus, it became possible to use the station to protect fixed and mobile military facilities, including during hostilities. In addition, these properties determined the high survivability of the station in the face of electronic and fire resistance from the enemy.

    The Rtut-BM complex has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern systems EW.

    The combat crew is two people, and the deployment time of the complex does not exceed 10 minutes.
    The Russian army is already armed with several dozen such complexes.


    The SPR-2 station is designed to protect manpower and equipment from the fire of mass-used artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses by interfering with them in order to prematurely detonate them at a safe height or block them (transfer to strike action) and is used to cover the first echelon, command points, starting positions of launchers, areas of concentration of troops and military equipment in the areas of crossings, as well as covering mobile objects (source).

    Electronic warfare machine 1L262 "Mercury-BM" (Russia)

    Jamming is provided:

    - timely detection of radiation from radio fuses and the creation of interference to it in a time of no more than 1.5-2 s;

    - determination of the carrier frequency of radio fuses and the formation of a response interference to it with an error of no more than 200-300 Hz;

    - the excess of the interference level above the threshold level during the time of signal accumulation in the integrating device of the radio fuse.

    One of the main components of the station is a search receiver, which at first roughly and then accurately determines the carrier frequency of the radio fuse, followed by its reproduction while maintaining the phase characteristics of the received signal. In this case, the frequency measurement time does not exceed several tens of microseconds, and its reproduction time can reach several ms, which makes it possible to form a quasi-continuous interference. To increase the probability of suppression, the response interference is modulated by the Doppler frequency.

    It provides suppression of autodyne single-frequency radio fuses, including fuses with special anti-jamming channels. The station equipment works automatically, including in motion.

    - automatic prohibition of interference emission by interfering signals in their respective frequency channels for a set time interval;
    - reconnaissance mode (without interference emission);
    — information about the frequency channels through which signals are received;

    1L29 / SPR-2 SPR-2M
    BTR-70 and BTR-80 MT-LBu

    TTX stations:
    1L29 / SPR-2 1L262 / SPR-2M
    Crew 4 people 2 people
    Power supply from the built-in unit or from the mains vehicle from the built-in unit or from the electrical network of the vehicle
    The angle of rotation of the antenna device + -150 degrees + -150 degrees
    Operating frequency range 95-420 MHz 95-420 MHz
    Interference coverage area 20-60 ha 20-50 ha
    Equivalent sensitivity 100-110 dB/W 95-110 dB/W
    Electronic countermeasure potential not less than 300 W 250 W
    Probability of suppression not less than 0.8 not less than 0.8
    Number of suppressed VHF radio communication lines - 3-6
    Continuous operation time at least 6 hours at least 6 hours
    Station deployment time no more than 4 minutes up to 10 minutes
    Operating conditions from -40 to +50 degrees C from -40 to +50 degrees C

    - 1L29 / SPR-2 "Mercury-B" - the first model of the SPR-2 station on the BTR-70 chassis. Adopted by the USSR Armed Forces until 1991.
    - 1L262 / SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" - a modernized version of the station, made on a new element base. The station is capable of, in addition to radio fuses, suppressing VHF radio communications. Tests completed in 2012. First deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces - 2013.

    In 2019, the unique electronic warfare systems "Palantin", "Divnomorye" and "Tirada-2S" will enter service with the Russian troops.

    Overview of the new electronic warfare systems "Palantin", "Rtut-BM", "Divnomorie" and "Tirada-2S": distortion of navigation fields by the slight movement of impulses

    For the first time, these promising models of electronic warfare equipment were announced at the end of 2017 by Yuri Borisov, then Deputy Minister of Defense, and now Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government. He said that the new ground-based electronic warfare systems “significantly surpass existing domestic and foreign counterparts in terms of the range and number of simultaneously reconnaissance and suppressed enemy electronic means, suppression range, are distinguished by the possibility of using targeted (selective) interference and maximum automation of control.”

    As reported in open sources of information, today the Palantin, Divnomorye and Tirada-2S electronic warfare systems are already being mass-produced and supplied to the troops.

    On the battlefield "throw" "Stole"

    The fundamentally new electronic warfare complex of the operational-tactical level "Palantin" surpasses the electronic warfare systems of previous generations in its capabilities. The capabilities of its high-tech equipment make it possible to "dazzle" the enemy in the shortwave and ultrashortwave ranges, as well as deprive him of cellular and trunking communications. Palantin is capable of providing radio reconnaissance and suppression of all known enemy radio communication systems, including radio equipment based on a modern software-defined platform (SDR).

    For existing and prospective enemy radio communication systems, Palantin creates targeted discrete-barrage, band-barrier and barrage frequency interference. The complex is highly mobile, it includes only a few cars.

    What is also very important - this complex is endowed with a system-forming function: it is able to combine the work of different electronic warfare systems into a single network. With its help, at all levels of control, the current situation is monitored online and the issues of synchronized, coordinated use of electronic warfare equipment at different base points are resolved.

    As the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of Russia recently reported, on the basis of the Interspecific Center for the Training and Combat Use of Electronic Warfare in Tambov, military personnel are being retrained - for the latest Palantin electronic warfare complex. 98 military personnel of the 24th separate electronic warfare battalion of the Western Military District have already taken part in the planned exercises, where, in the course of rearmament, the old samples were replaced with latest developments special electronic warfare equipment, equipped with the Palantin complex.

    The press service of the Central Military District, in turn, reported that in 2019, the modern Palantin electronic warfare systems, according to the state defense order, will go into service with the troops of the Central Military District. It is noted that the re-equipment of military units and subunits of electronic warfare will significantly increase the combat capabilities of the grouping of electronic warfare troops of the district and will allow them to perform larger and more complex tasks.

    Under the dome"

    Servicemen of the electronic warfare unit of the motorized rifle formation of the Central Military District, stationed in the Kemerovo Region, hid the command post under an impenetrable "dome". It was possible to protect the command post from the impact of shells with electronic fuses and guided missiles of a mock enemy with the help of the latest EW 1L262 "Mercury-BM" complex. It is designed to protect manpower and equipment, cover the areas of concentration of troops, individual stationary and mobile objects, is capable of neutralizing projectiles equipped with radio fuses on an area of ​​​​up to 50 hectares.

    Complex "Mercury-BM" creates a "dome" over the protected area. When projectiles enter the protected area, they self-destruct at a safe distance or deactivate.

    Complex "Divnomorye": I came, I saw, I conquered

    Capable of "umbrella" of the most powerful interference "close" from radar detection objects on a site of several hundred kilometers, the latest Russian electronic warfare complex "Divnomorye" - a breakthrough development of domestic scientists and designers. This electronic warfare complex is designed to cover command posts, groupings of troops, air defense systems, important industrial and military-political centers from detection by enemy radars.

    Electronic warfare complex "Divnomorie"

    The performance characteristics of the novelty are classified. Open sources of information about Divnomorye are extremely sparing, but this data is enough to understand that the complex is unique in its class.

    Its combat work is fully automated. "Smart" equipment, having detected a target, independently analyzes the signal. Its type, direction and radiation power are determined literally instantly. High-tech automation determines the plan and chooses the most effective type of suppression itself. Powerful interference radiation completely neutralizes any type of enemy radar.

    "Divnomorye" is a real all-rounder. For him there are no impossible tasks, with the same guaranteed success he "jamming" any reconnaissance equipment.

    The new Russian complex “hammers” with interference both ground systems, and radars installed on E-3 AWACS, E-2 Hawkeye and E-8 JSTAR aircraft, and equipment for helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. When using "Divnomorye", satellite radar systems are also "blinded".

    The complex unfolds in just a few minutes. This mobility makes him virtually invulnerable. A combat vehicle (only one, but there were several in the complexes of the previous generation) advances to a designated position, performs a task, and quickly leaves from under a possible enemy strike. In fact, he came, he saw, he conquered.

    A number of military experts suggest that Divnomorye can replace three electronic warfare systems in the Russian troops at once - Moskva-1, Krasukha-2 and Krasukha-4.

    Navigation "fields" "sown" with interference

    Military personnel of the electronic warfare units of the Central Military District during special exercises near Yekaterinburg “threatened” the targeting of high-precision weapons of a potential enemy on the covered troops. The calculations of mobile electronic warfare systems deployed more than 10 mobile posts and carried out a distortion of the navigation "fields" created by the systems for determining the location of the "enemy" strike systems. For this, EW specialists used modern Krasukha and Murmansk systems, which have the capability of radio suppression with powerful radiation at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

    "Tirada-2S": spacecraft killer

    The contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the supply of this unique complex was publicly signed at the Army-2018 forum. The REPS complex (electronic jamming of communications) "Tirada-2S" directly from the Earth's surface is capable of interrupting satellite communications with the complete incapacitation of the spacecraft.

    This heavy-duty complex "works" with a narrow beam aimed at certain frequencies of satellite communication channels. Of course, when creating any spacecraft, much attention is paid to its noise immunity. But "Tirada-2S" puts such targeted barrage interference on enemy satellites that completely block the ability to transmit a signal to the addressee, and the energy of the device in space is catastrophically quickly spent on attempts to overcome the electromagnetic curtain "delivered" by the Russian ground-based EW station.

    By the way, the Tirada-2S complex is not a modernization of equipment of previous generations and not a deep processing of equipment from Soviet times. The latest system of electronic jamming of communications was created by domestic scientists and designers in the 2000s.

    Drones didn't fly

    Specialists of the electronic warfare troops during a recent special exercise at the Totsk training ground in the Orenburg region, using the Borisoglebsk-2 complex, “prevented” an attack by attack unmanned aerial vehicles on the command post of the covered unit.

    During practical action military personnel carried out radio reconnaissance and found control signals from unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft within a radius of 30 kilometers. According to them, the coordinates of the drones that were moving in the direction of the guarded military facility were determined. Using automated jamming stations of the Borisoglebsk-2 complex, the servicemen suppressed the control signals of reconnaissance and strike UAVs of a mock enemy and completely disabled them.

    Automated jamming station of the Borisoglebsk-2 complex

    Russian EW troops - development is on the rise

    Former head of the EW Department of the US Army Lori Bakhut assessed the situation in the field of electronic warfare: “Our most serious problem is that we have not fought in the conditions of suppression of communications for several decades, so we do not know how to fight like that. Not only do we lack tactics, techniques of actions and the order of their implementation, but even the preparation for conducting hostilities in the absence of communications ... The United States does not have such extensive electronic warfare capabilities as Russia does. We have very good radio intelligence, and we can listen to everything and everything, but we do not have even one-tenth of their ability to disable equipment.

    Critical to the successful conduct of hostilities, today the electronic warfare system armed forces Russia is a set of coordinated measures and actions of the troops, which are carried out in order to reduce the effectiveness of command and control of troops and the use of weapons by the enemy, to ensure the specified effectiveness of command and control of troops and the use of their weapons of destruction. The achievement of these goals is carried out within the framework of defeating enemy command and control systems, communications and reconnaissance by changing the quality of information circulating in them, the speed of information processes, parameters and characteristics of electronic means.

    Also, the domestic electronic warfare system provides reliable protection of its control, communications and intelligence systems from damage, as well as protected information about weapons, military equipment, military facilities and military operations from the technical means of intelligence of foreign states.

    Successful testing and adoption of new types of electronic warfare qualitatively increases the level of comprehensive protection of our units and subunits on the battlefield.

    In recent years in Russian troops EW received more than 600 new generation systems. 19 newest types of special electronic warfare equipment have been created for the troops. This significantly expanded the range of potential enemy electronic equipment to be destroyed and increased the range of radio suppression by 3.5 times.

    The share of modern complexes in the EW troops has reached 67%. It is planned that by 2021 the level of their equipment new technology will be 70%.

    Under the leadership of the commander of the 58th Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District, an active phase of bilateral company tactical exercises with units of the Russian military base took place.

    In the interests of company commanders, a mixed squadron of army aviation helicopters Mi-28N "Night Hunter" and transport and combat helicopters Mi-8AMTSh "Terminator", as well as attack and operational-tactical aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Southern Military District Su-25, Su-30SM and Su-34.

    In accordance with the decision of the commander of the Southern Military District, Colonel-General A. Dvornikov, the formations and military units of the combined arms formation stationed in the North Caucasus, and the aviation units of the Air Force and Air Defense formations carry out combat training tasks with a single plan at combined arms training grounds located on both sides of the Caucasus Range. More than 2,000 military personnel and about 400 units are involved in joint exercises military equipment. This is stated on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In Abkhazia, under the cover of "Alligators" with air support, Russian troops conducted exercises.

    Operators of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) "Igla" of the Russian military base in Abkhazia, as part of a bilateral company tactical exercise, hit more than 10 small air targets of a mock enemy. Also, for the first time, the latest Rtut-BM electronic warfare systems were involved in the exercises in Abkhazia, with the help of which military personnel destroyed guided projectiles of mock enemy naval artillery right during their flight.

    "At the coastal training ground of Gudauta, using modern Rtut electronic warfare systems, specialists detected volleys of guns and, acting with high-power interference on the radio fuses of guided missiles, forced them to explode in the air," the Southern Military District said in an official statement.

    How the operation of the Rtut EW complex looks like was previously described in one of the news releases on the Russia 24 TV channel, dedicated to the rearmament and modernization of the Russian army. The plot shows the work of the complex during the exercises near Chelyabinsk.

    As noted by the correspondent Russian newspaper Nikolai Grishchenko, military maneuvers in Abkhazia are taking place during the appearance of an American missile destroyer Carney. A US Navy ship equipped with the Aegis missile defense system poses a potential threat to Russia's military infrastructure. His cruise missiles Tomahawks can be targeted at Russian military bases, and therefore exercises using electronic warfare are more than relevant.


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