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The information on this page is updated as news from Yandex.Taxi and Uber appears. Last updated June 09, 2018

Yandex.Taxi and Uber finally combined their orders on June 13, 2018, one day before the start of the World Cup. From now on, the app for Uber drivers in Russia is not available. Also, partners do not receive money from Uber. All interaction with drivers occurs through the Yandex.Taximeter application, with partners - through the Yandex.Taxi personal account.

Formally, Yandex.Taxi and Uber announced the merger of their business in Russia. However, do not flatter yourself, we are talking about the departure of Uber from Russia. At the same time, Uber retains a significant stake in the joint venture and will continue to invest in it. If my memory serves me right, this is just the second big exodus of Uber from the country, not under pressure from authorities and laws, but for economic reasons. Thus, of course, Russia went down in history.

What to do and should you be afraid of the union of Yandex.Taxi and Uber?

Definitely not, and don't worry about it. First, the changes have not yet gone into effect, and most likely, nothing will change in essence in the work of Uber until the end of 2017. Secondly, when these changes take place, drivers and partners will continue their work, but already on the Yandex.Taxi platform. In connection with the merger of companies, orders will not decrease, we hope that there will be more work.

Yandex.Taxi bought Uber - video

Chronology of events: how we lost Uber in Russia

  1. Appointment of the management of Uber in Russia- an important factor. From the very beginning, the behavior of Uber bosses in Russia was different from the arrogant behavior of Uber as a real invader and fighter in other countries, for example, in America. The Russian office of Uber was rather prone to compromise and avoided direct confrontation on controversial issues, always trying to negotiate with the authorities. To condemn them for this is stupid, work in Russia is obviously not a pound of sugar, business conditions are more reminiscent of the Chinese regime than a civilized economy, so the same outcome as in China is natural.
  2. The first notable defeat - registering Uber as a tax agent in Russia and the payment of VAT itself. This greatly crippled the profitability of Uber in Russia. Since that moment, Uber has not opened a single new city, but in fact completely curtailed its program. regional development.
  3. Introduction of remote activation throughout Russia is a logical step both in terms of reducing operating costs and, in fact, the first step towards integration with Yandex.Taxi. This allowed Uber to optimize the costs of doing business in specific cities, and also saved Uber from further investments in the regional network.
  4. Departure of Uber President Travis Kalanick from his post as a result of scandals related to discrimination against women as employees of the company. No one can say for sure, but Kalanick is known as a real fighter, I highly doubt that he would have surrendered Russia so quickly without a fight.
  5. After the departure of the president, Uber management got the opportunity implement your long-term optimization plans international business . Most likely, no one needed all this struggle for territories that are thousands of kilometers away from them. On the other hand, investors are putting constant pressure on Uber to cut its losses faster. Thus, getting rid of non-core Russia, whose prospects for reaching self-sufficiency are illusory, looks like a logical step and allows Uber to focus its efforts on more attractive markets. At the same time, investments in China and Russia make Uber a major player in these emerging markets as well.

Popular questions from drivers about the unification of Yandex.Taxi and Uber

  • What will change after the merger of Yandex.Taxi and Uber? Not much. Uber drivers and partners will completely switch to the Yandex.Taxi platform, which, in particular, means that drivers will take orders through Taximeter, partners will work in personal account Yandex.Taxi, money to partner accounts will come from Yandex.Taxi. All partners will need to conclude agreements with Yandex.Taxi. Otherwise, nothing fundamentally changes.
  • What are the requirements for cars after the merger of Yandex.Taxi and Uber? There will be Yandex.Taxi requirements, like everything else will also be from Yandex.Taxi. Yandex.Taxi requirements are in some cases more stringent than Uber, but Yandex.Taxi needs as many drivers as possible, so the requirements will gradually expand.
  • What cities will Uber still operate in? In no case, after the merger with Yandex.Taxi, Uber will not have any regional development. Uber leaves Russia and will not open new offices in new cities.
  • When will Yandex.Navigator be included in Uber? We are waiting, sir. In principle, Yandex will want to receive from Uber money for using Yandex.Navigator, and Uber is not going to pay them. So maybe they won’t have time to connect Yandex.Navigator back. But the good news is that Taximeter is perfectly integrated with Yandex.Navigator, and now drivers will have to work in it.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,

— 127 cities, 6 countries;

— 35 million trips per month;

VTB Capital rated

first successes

Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, in his letter to employees, he told CEO Yandex.Taxi Tigran Khudaverdyan.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

127 cities, 6 countries;

35 million trips per month;

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was rated

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complicated logistics service, which will help us international experience UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technologies.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)


Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, spoke in his letter to employees.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

127 cities, 6 countries;

35 million trips per month;

7.9 billion rubles - the total cost of trips per month.

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport.

Now about how it will look like. After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers - to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement in all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber application.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now we are joined by a talented and no less successful team Uber - and we are very happy about it! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)

Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, spoke in his letter to employees.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

127 cities, 6 countries;

35 million trips per month;

7.9 billion rubles - the total cost of trips per month.

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport.

Now about how it will look like. After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers - to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement in all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber application.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and a successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now a talented and equally successful Uber team is joining us - and we are very happy about this! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)


Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, spoke in his letter to employees.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

— 127 cities, 6 countries;

— 35 million trips per month;

- 7.9 billion rubles - the total cost of trips per month.

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport.

Now about how it will look like. After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement in all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi app, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber app.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and a successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now a talented and equally successful Uber team is joining us - and we are very happy about it! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)

Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, spoke in his letter to employees.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

127 cities, 6 countries;

35 million trips per month;

7.9 billion rubles - the total cost of trips per month.

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport.

Now about how it will look like. After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers - to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement in all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber application.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and a successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now a talented and equally successful Uber team is joining us - and we are very happy about this! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)

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Yandex and Uber will merge their online ride booking businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Now ordering a taxi will become even faster and more convenient.


Yandex and Uber will merge their online ride booking businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Now ordering a taxi will become even faster and more convenient.

Yandex and Uber will merge their online ride booking businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Now ordering a taxi will become even faster and more convenient.

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Yandex.Taxi and Uber will travel together

Yandex and Uber decided to merge their online ride booking businesses and create a new company for this. She will work in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, both applications will still be available for ordering trips.

About what this means for users, for drivers and for both companies, Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, spoke in his letter to employees.

Tigran Khudaverdyan,
CEO Yandex.Taxi

I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

127 cities, 6 countries;

35 million trips per month;

7.9 billion rubles - the total cost of trips per month.

Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport.

Now about how it will look like. After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers - to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

Under the hood, our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies will work. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement in all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber application.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and a successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now a talented and equally successful Uber team is joining us - and we are very happy about this! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Uber and Yandex announced the closing of a deal to combine taxi services. As a result, Tigran Khudaverdyan, head of Yandex.Taxi, will manage the association. The board of directors of the resulting company is headed by three Uber representatives and four from Yandex. The company announced this idea in advance - back in July 2017. Services have united in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Belarus.

The leaders promise that the prices for trips will remain the same. There will be two applications, as before, but now they will have common drivers and taxi companies. Together with the taxi, the joint company will also deal with food delivery. Yandex.Taxi has established a subsidiary, Yandex.Food, which will include the recently acquired Foodfox and UberEATS services.

We quote the official statement: “At the time of closing Uber deals and Yandex invested $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company. Including these investments, the cash on the company's balance sheet is $400 million. Thus, it is estimated at more than 3.8 billion US dollars. About 59.3% of the company is owned by Yandex, 36.9% by Uber, and 3.8% by employees.”

Uber and responsibility

It is also curious that Uber sent out letters to all customers by mail about changing the provision of their services, in which, in fact, they removed all responsibility for carriers. “You acknowledge that Uber does not provide transportation or logistics services and does not operate as transport company and that such services are provided by third party contractors.<…>Uber does not guarantee the quality, suitability, safety, or capabilities of third party providers. You agree to bear all risks associated with the use of the Services solely and to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Company shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including lost profits, lost data, bodily injury, or property damage in connection with the Services, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.”

Friends, I want to tell you about very important news. We, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, decided to combine our services and businesses in Russia, as well as in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Together we will build "personal public transport" - an alternative to a private car, buses or metro.

Here's what the combined platform looks like in June figures:

  • 127 cities, 6 countries;
  • 35 million trips per month;
  • 7.9 billion rubles total cost of trips per month.
Experts estimate the total cost of travel by legal carriers in Russia at 501 billion rubles in 2016 (VTB Capital). At the same time, the “shadow” segment was estimated by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation at 116 billion rubles in 2015. Thus, the share of the combined company in Russia in 2016 would be approximately 5-6% for this indicator.

Taxi consumption is constantly growing, and we are witnessing this process. It seems to many of us that everyone has long since moved to a taxi, but in fact we are only at the very beginning of the journey. Our goal is to create a platform, the convenience and accessibility of which will be comparable to both a private car and public transport. Now about how it will look like.

After the merger, nothing will change for users of both taxi services: both applications, Yandex.Taxi and Uber, will still be available for ordering trips. Drivers will be combined into a single platform. This will allow them to receive orders from both Yandex.Taxi and Uber in one application. Such a combination will significantly increase the number of available cars, reduce waiting time and idle run. All this will allow drivers to receive more orders per hour, and passengers to keep the cost of the trip affordable.

“Under the hood” will work our order distribution algorithms and Yandex navigation and cartographic technologies. Over the past year, we have made several qualitative leaps in technology that ensures optimal machine loading. For example, drivers now make 30% more trips during rush hour than before. The unification of platforms will provide an opportunity to make another breakthrough in the quality of service and efficiency of drivers.

In addition, Uber and I have agreed on a roaming agreement for all countries where the companies operate. For example, when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application, and tourists from Paris can order Yandex.Taxi from the Uber application.

We will also continue to develop the self-driving car technology, the first successes of which were published a few weeks ago. We use the many years of accumulated experience of our engineers, their knowledge in computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. I hope to have something to brag about soon :)

UberEATS will continue its development in the new company. This is the most complex logistics service, in which the international experience of UberEATS and Yandex.Maps walking routing technology will help us.

Uber and Yandex have decided to invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company, valuing the combined company at $3.725 billion. The company will be 59.3% owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees of the combined company. Our teams will be united. I become the CEO of the combined company.

Separately, I want to thank the Yandex.Taxi team, which built an incredible service and a successful business. This is one of the strongest teams I have ever worked for. Now a talented and equally successful Uber team is joining us - and we are very happy about this! An important task for me and for all of us after the merger will be to unite the two teams into one, combining our experience and the best ideas.

The deal, which will create a new company, still has to go through the process of regulatory approval.

Welcome to the new company, friends! :)

Tigran Khudaverdyan

You have most likely already heard the news about the merger of Uber with Yandex.Taxi and are a little perplexed: what does this mean? We explain everything in five simple questions and answers. Spoiler: nothing at all.

What happened?

Unexpectedly, Yandex.Taxi and Uber decided to combine their services in Belarus, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Changes do not affect Ukraine - Uber remains itself here.

Uber and Yandex.Taxi will invest $225 million and $100 million respectively in the new company. The combined firm is estimated by the carriers to be worth $3.725 billion. With these investments, 59.3% of the company will be owned by Yandex, 36.6% by Uber, and 4.1% by employees. The company will be headed by the CEO of Yandex. Taxi" Tigran Khudaverdyan.

Why is all this necessary?

As Tigran Khudaverdyan, CEO of Yandex.Taxi, explains, the partnership with Uber will help expand the geography of business and improve the quality of service. New company will use, on the one hand, the technologies and knowledge of Yandex in the field of cartographic and navigation services. On the other hand, Uber's global experience as the world's leading online taxi service. Both carriers provide a total of more than 35 million trips per month, and this figure will only grow further.

And how now to call a taxi?

Don't worry, you won't have to worry about it. Both applications will continue to work in all countries included in the agreement. Taxi drivers will be connected to common system, and they will receive orders from both the Yandex.Taxi app and Uber. And it will also work abroad. that when you arrive in London or Bangkok, you can order Uber from the Yandex.Taxi application.

Will prices change?

Should not. Yandex claims that there will be no radical changes in tariffs. Uber also does not plan to change rates.

As before, the cost will be formed automatically and in real time. Carriers remind that it depends not only on the tariff, but also on the balance between supply and demand at a particular point in time and for a particular point on the map. For example, in the rain and on Saturday evening, the coefficient increases the price. There are no changes here.


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