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What is IMEB?
RUDN Institute of World Economy and Business - one of the most "ancient" business schools in Russia: December 5, 2000. she was 10 years old. Back in 1989, several employees of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the RUDN University raised the issue of the need to open a business school at the Academic Council. Former Rector of RUDN University Professor V.F. Stanis and Professor V.M. Filippov (the current Minister of Education of the Russian Federation) strongly supported this idea. From the very beginning and to this day, the university business school is headed by Professor, Doctor of Economics. N.P. Gusakov.
Over the 10 years of its existence, the Institute of World Economy and Business has become one of the most prestigious educational institutions countries. Taking into account the American and English experience, one of the first MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs in Russia was developed here.
The International School of Business, now the Institute of World Economy and Business, is a member of the Russian Association of Business Education (RABE). Founded in 1990, the School has been teaching under the MBA (Master of Business Administration) program for more than eight years, developed jointly with the American Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities. The training program is constantly in work, more and more adapting to Russian characteristics.
MShB RUDN University has already made 8 issues and can rightfully be proud of its graduates. Most of them hold leading management positions in financial and government institutions.
Director of the Institute of World Economy and BusinessGusakov Nikolai Pavlovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations
phone/fax: (095) 434-4315, 433-4029, 433-5029
Email: [email protected]

Specialty 060600 "World Economy"
(5 years, full-time form of study)

"economics, organization and management of foreign economic activity";
"international monetary and financial relations"

Education on a budgetary and contract basis.

Entrance tests:
- mathematics (P);
- Russian language and literature (P);
- geography (T).

For a budget form of education - from July 1 to July 15, for contract form training - from June 15 to August 30.

Practice during training - 3 months in foreign economic organizations, banks, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, domestic and foreign firms.

Opportunities for overseas internships:
1 - 2 courses - language (USA, England, France, Spain, Germany);
3 - 5 courses - professional (Russia, USA, England, France, Spain, Germany).

Arguments for the relevance of training in this specialty - in the context of the globalization of economic life, the need for specialists in the world economy is increasing; enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity receive additional benefits from participation in the international division of labor.

Arguments why it is worth studying in this specialty or direction at RUDN University - for many decades, a serious scientific school on the world economy has developed at RUDN University. All teachers speak foreign languages ​​and have repeatedly traveled to work or for internships abroad.

In addition, students from 107 countries of the world study at RUDN University, communication with which also helps to form a real idea of ​​the modern world.

Foreign languages ​​- obligatory study of two foreign languages ​​(first year - common language, all other years - the language of the specialty) using modern methods, multimedia programs, the Internet, textbooks from foreign publishers. Language internships are provided in the countries of the language being studied.
The use of new technologies in the educational process - multimedia learning programs, Internet, Project Expert 7.0, 1C, Delta, Metastock and others.

The material and technical base of the specialty - there are 4 display - class, 120 modern computers connected to the Internet, a library, including an electronic one.

Upon completion, a State Diploma is issued higher education Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, specialty 060600 - "world economy" with the qualification of a specialist "economist".

Persons who have successfully passed the qualification exams in foreign languages ​​are issued diplomas confirming the qualification of an interpreter.

Employment prospects and main fields of work of graduates - our graduates work in domestic and foreign banks, foreign economic departments large firms in Russia and abroad, ministries of the Russian Federation, regional governments.

There is an employment department. In addition, many specialists receive an invitation to work after completing an internship.

Other important information - the best students receive presidential scholarships, scholarships DAAD (Germany), Fulbright, E. Masky, J. Soros and others for studying abroad.

Subjects studied in each course:
1 course - foreign language, national history, Physical Culture, economic geography, higher mathematics, history of economics, computer science, sociology, political science;

2 course - philosophy, economic theory, Russian language and culture of speech, jurisprudence, psychology and pedagogy, probability theory and mathematical statistics, work in the Internet, business economics, statistics, foreign language, second foreign language, the concept of modern natural science, physical culture, marketing, Information Systems in economics;

3rd year - financial mathematics, economic and mathematical methods and models, two foreign languages, management, world economy, accounting, audit basics, finance, taxes and taxation, econometrics; Money, credit, banks;

4 course - two foreign languages, international economic relations, personnel management, national economy, analysis of world financial markets, economics and organization of foreign economic activity, technique of conducting commercial negotiations, international monetary and credit relations, economic analysis, market valuable papers, conjuncture of world commodity markets;
5 course - second foreign language, insurance, international commercial law, international monetary and financial transactions, foreign trade management, international financial law, financial management, customs and tariff regulation, international marketing, global informational resources, analysis of currency markets.
Accepted: Persons with a secondary (general or secondary vocational) education for both budgetary and contract forms of education.
Specializations: "advertising management" and "advertising and public relations (public relations).
Duration of study - 5 years Form of study - full-time
Upon completion of training, graduates receive a state diploma of higher education from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in the specialty 350700 - "Advertising" with the qualification "Advertising Specialist".

The program has strong links with business schools and universities in Russia.
During the training period, talented works are selected for participation in Russian and international competitions of creators.
The program management promotes the employment of graduates in national and foreign advertising agencies, public relations agencies.
Persons who have successfully passed the qualification exams in a foreign language are issued diplomas confirming the qualification of an interpreter.
Entrance tests:
- Russian language and literature; (P)
- geography (T);
- foreign language (U);
Exams for the budgetary form of education: from July 1 to July 15.
Testing for the contract form of training: from June 15 to August 30.
Classes start on September 1st.
The curriculum was developed on the basis of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Course 1
foreign language,
National history
higher mathematics
advertising history
economical geography
Physical Culture
2 course
art and literature
foreign language
Physical Culture
economic theory
basics of advertising
Internet work
3 course
financial mathematics
public relations
economic theory
finance, money circulation and credit
basics of accounting
foreign language
organization of commercial and entrepreneurial activities
business conversation
bibliography on advertising and public relations
foreign language
sociology of advertising
advertising psychology
legal regulation of advertising activities
advertising message design
language in advertising
information technology in advertising

development and production of an advertising product
advertising space sales management
media technology
political advertising and public relations
foreign language specialty

5 courses
mass communications and media planning
advertising campaign planning
advertising economics
advertising workshop
integrated marketing communications
advertising printing
advertising economics

The specifics of teaching a foreign language: a large number of hours in the curriculum are devoted to the study of a foreign language, including a professional one for working in advertising. Those who successfully passed the qualifying exams are issued diplomas of qualification of an interpreter.

The Institute has an advanced material and technical base for the training of professional advertisers - multimedia classes, graphic stations, the latest developments in software for teaching computer technologies in advertising.

Practice: The curriculum includes master classes - practical classes, where specialists working in "live" advertising will teach students the secrets of advertising skills. In the second year, educational and familiarization practice is provided, in the fifth year, students undergo educational and industrial practice in serious advertising organizations which facilitates the future employment process.

Internships - internships are organized abroad in the specialty and in a foreign language

Arguments for training in the specialty "advertising" in principle
Today in Moscow, advertising as a specialty is taught in 15 universities, although many of them are non-state with a weak educational base, and only a few are first-tier universities. The new specialty is considered very promising:

This is one of the few economic specialties: where high salaries are paid for creative work;
- this is a diploma with which there will be no problems with employment - out of 40 thousand people working today in Russian advertising professional education have units;
is a wide range of communication and interesting life in the advertising world;
- this is an opportunity to try yourself in various areas of advertising - from creating texts and design to managing serious advertising projects;
- this is a universal education with a wide range, giving the opportunity to apply their knowledge in various areas of business.

Arguments why it is worth studying in this specialty at IMEB
- The Institute of World Economy and Business is a structural subdivision as a faculty of one of the best universities in the country, according to the rating of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
- In the preparation of a professional advertiser, serious attention is paid not only to special, but also to humanitarian and general economic disciplines. IWEB provides in-depth knowledge of these subjects, as the entire educational and scientific potential of the Faculty of Economics of the RUDN University and the entire university as a whole is used;
- With regard to the specialty "advertising" IMEB deliberately chose managerial aspect student training - advertising management, practical organization of advertising and public relations. Specialists in these areas are most in demand today both in the Russian and international advertising markets;
- Due to the specifics and business relations of the university, internships in the specialty are organized abroad and in network advertising agencies in Russia. Future advertisers are thoroughly taught the international aspects of advertising,
- Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and IMEB have every opportunity to make not only education, but also leisure in the best student years really interesting. And one more plus is the learning conditions corresponding to the level of the university - a well-equipped classroom fund, libraries with the most modern literature, well-organized meals and much more.

Employment prospects and main fields of work for graduates
There are a wide variety of possibilities professional growth. Graduates are expected in advertising agencies, advertising departments of firms and organizations, in print and electronic media, in public relations structures, including the highest-ranking state ones, in the field of political consulting and in many other areas of modern information business.

The management of the Reklama program actively cooperates with the International Advertising Association (IAA) and the Russian Association of Advertising Agencies (RAAA). University graduates work in advertising agencies and advertising departments of the Russian media, cooperate with leading Russian advertising publications: the Young & Rubikem network agency, RA ARS Communications, RA Art Bureau, RAO UES of Russia, RAO Gazprom, " Advertising world”, “Izvestia”, “Novaya Gazeta” and many others.

Date of foundation: 2000.
Since the formation of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty of Economics, it has been headed by Elena Nikolaevna Malyuga, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman National Association Teachers of Foreign Languages ​​of Business and Professional Communication, author of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, row scientific articles, specialist in functional pragmatics, intercultural business communication, linguodidactics and applied linguistics.

Teaching a foreign language to economics students has its own specifics. Students strive, in addition to mastering the basics of a foreign language, to learn the language of business and professional communication. An important activity of the department was the work on the preparation of translators. The teachers of the department in their work use some of the best modern authentic and domestic textbooks, new methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages. IT technologies are actively used in the lessons.

The department actively cooperates with universities and linguistic colleges in Great Britain (London Metropolitan University, Westminster University, St.Giles International, St. George International, "British Study Centers, School of English"; Germany ("DID", Sprachcafe, Berlin), Spain ("Malaga Instituto", Malaga), Italy ("Tiberius International", Rimini), France (University of Nice), China ("Sprachcafe", Beijing), so the department regularly organizes short-term language internships for students .

Department of Advertising and Business Communications

Department of Management

Date of foundation: 1996.
The department has 24 teachers, including scientists and experts in various fields of management. Most of the department's employees are practitioners and consultants, representatives of Russian and foreign companies.

The department conducts research work in the field of general management, management by human resourses and production management.

Department of International Economic Security

The department employs about 35 full-time teachers of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, who provide students with basic knowledge in the field of economics, law, general humanitarian and linguistic disciplines, as well as more than 20 teachers invited to conduct special disciplines in the field of economic security.

The Department actively cooperates with the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Economic Security and the Fight against Corruption, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Service for financial monitoring, the Federal Tax Service and others government agencies executing control and supervisory functions in the financial and economic spheres of activity, commercial banks, leasing companies, insurance organizations.

Department of Digital Economy

The department prepares students for the transformation of the modern economic fabric and the transition to a digital economy. The educational process is built on the principle that graduates will have a set of skills in economics, digital technologies, management, e-commerce and business that take into account the growing need of companies in the digital economy.

The department employs leading scientists specializing in the field of digital economy, working at PFUR and other best universities in Moscow, as well as a large number of practicing teachers invited to conduct classes, including: leaders and leading specialists from Russian and international companies at the forefront of IT technologies.

Master classes, trainings, business games, case studies with leading experts from business and consulting companies are regularly organized for students.

Cooperation with companies: Ministry of Economic Development, Federal customs Service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, federal Service Financial and Budgetary Supervision, Russian-Arabic Business center, Russia-Emirates Business Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia B.V., Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Deutsche Bank LLC, ZAO Citibank, Group Nestle companies, Skolkovo.

Department of International Economics

The Department has been training specialists under the World Economy Program at the Institute of World Economy and Business of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia since 1999. The first release took place in 2004. Now the department has almost 20 years of experience in training international economists.

Currently, the department is preparing for the bachelor's profile "World Economy" and two profiles of the master's program "International Finance and Banking" and " Foreign economic activity» directions «Economics».

Cooperation with companies: Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Customs Service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Russian-Arab Business Center, Russian-Emirates Business Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia B.V., Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, Deutsche Bank LLC ”, ZAO Citibank, Nestle Group of Companies, Sophia Antipolis Techno-Park (30 international companies), Nice Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The department employs leading scientists in this field who are employees of the departments of PFUR and other best universities in Moscow: 14 professors, doctors of sciences and 36 candidates of sciences, as well as a large number of practicing teachers invited to conduct classes, including: heads of Russian and international companies, heads of structural divisions of companies, leading specialists.

Date of foundation: 2000.
Since the formation of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​​​of the Faculty of Economics, Elena Nikolaevna Malyuga, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chairman of the National Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages ​​​​of Business and Professional Communication, author of monographs, textbooks, manuals, a number of scientific articles, a specialist in functional pragmatics, intercultural business communication, linguodidactics and applied linguistics.

Teaching a foreign language to economics students has its own specifics. Students strive, in addition to mastering the basics of a foreign language, to learn the language of business and professional communication. An important activity of the department was the work on the preparation of translators. The teachers of the department in their work use some of the best modern authentic and domestic textbooks, new methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages. IT technologies are actively used in the lessons.

The department actively cooperates with universities and linguistic colleges in Great Britain (London Metropolitan University, Westminster University, St.Giles International, St. George International, "British Study Centers, School of English"; Germany ("DID", Sprachcafe, Berlin), Spain ("Malaga Instituto", Malaga), Italy ("Tiberius International", Rimini), France (University of Nice), China ("Sprachcafe", Beijing), so the department regularly organizes short-term language internships for students .

Department of Advertising and Business Communications

Department of Management

Date of foundation: 1996.
The department has 24 teachers, including scientists and experts in various fields of management. Most of the department's employees are practitioners and consultants, representatives of Russian and foreign companies.

The department conducts research work in the field of general management, human resource management and production management.

Department of International Economic Security

The department employs about 35 full-time teachers of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, who provide students with basic knowledge in the field of economics, law, general humanitarian and linguistic disciplines, as well as more than 20 teachers invited to conduct special disciplines in the field of economic security.

The Department actively cooperates with the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Economic Security and the Fight against Corruption, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the structures of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies that exercise control supervisory functions in the financial and economic spheres of activity, commercial banks, leasing companies, insurance companies.

Department of Digital Economy

The department prepares students for the transformation of the modern economic fabric and the transition to a digital economy. The educational process is built on the principle that graduates will have a set of skills in economics, digital technologies, management, e-commerce and business that take into account the growing need of companies in the digital economy.

The department employs leading scientists specializing in the digital economy, working at RUDN University and other best universities in Moscow, as well as a large number of practicing teachers invited to conduct classes, including: leaders and leading specialists of Russian and international companies occupying leading positions in the field of IT technologies.

Master classes, trainings, business games, case studies with leading experts from business and consulting companies are regularly organized for students.

Cooperation with companies: Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Customs Service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision, Russian-Arab Business Center, Russian-Emirates Business Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia B.V., OJSC Sberbank of Russia, LLC Deutsche Bank, ZAO Citibank, Nestle Group of Companies, Skolkovo.

Department of International Economics

The Department has been training specialists under the World Economy Program at the Institute of World Economy and Business of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia since 1999. The first release took place in 2004. Now the department has almost 20 years of experience in training international economists.

Currently, the department is preparing for the bachelor's profile "World Economy" and two profiles of the master's program "International Finance and Banking" and "Foreign Economic Activity" of the direction "Economics".

Cooperation with companies: Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Customs Service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Russian-Arab Business Center, Russian-Emirates Business Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia B.V., Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan, Deutsche Bank LLC ”, ZAO Citibank, Nestle Group of Companies, Sophia Antipolis Techno-Park (30 international companies), Nice Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The department employs leading scientists in this field who are employees of the departments of PFUR and other best universities in Moscow: 14 professors, doctors of sciences and 36 candidates of sciences, as well as a large number of practicing teachers invited to conduct classes, including: heads of Russian and international companies, heads of structural divisions of companies, leading specialists.

Institute of World Economy and Business (IMEB) – structural subdivision RUDN as a faculty.

Founded in 1990. The Institute of World Economy and Business (IMEB) trains highly qualified specialists capable of effective entrepreneurial and management activities in a modern market economy. Being one of the first educational institutions of a business profile in Moscow and throughout Russia, today IMEB has become a major international educational center. Institute is a member Russian Association business education, in fact, since its inception, a member of the Association of Business Schools of Central and Eastern Europe. One of key features IWEB is its focus on the needs for business education not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the CIS, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The active use of numerous connections with RUDN University alumni working in most countries of the world provides serious advantages for improving the educational activities of the IWEB. RUDN University Institute of Economics conducts a variety of international activities. Actively develops cooperation with universities in the USA, France, Great Britain, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Spain and other countries.

Advantages of RUDN University

  • RUDN University is: high-quality education at the level of world standards; focus on broad training of highly qualified specialists capable of being successful in different countries of the world; a multi-level system of education "Bachelor - Master - Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D)" and education on a credit system, enabling RUDN University students to receive supplements to a diploma of a common European standard (DiplomaSupplement) in five foreign languages, as well as participate in academic exchanges with other universities in the world ;
  • in-depth study of foreign languages, which allows, along with the main specialty, the qualification of a certified translator, in many cases in two or three foreign languages;
  • huge opportunities for choosing additional education;
  • all forms of postgraduate training (postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, clinical residency, internships, internships);
  • implementation of joint master's programs with leading universities in Europe, the USA, China and the CIS, which makes it possible to obtain diplomas from leading foreign universities simultaneously with a RUDN diploma;
  • multinational team of teachers, students, graduate students - representatives of over 450 nationalities and nationalities from more than 140 countries of the world;
  • modern extensive infrastructure for life and study: computer classes and clubs, Wi-Fi system in educational buildings;
  • television and the Internet in the rooms of all RUDN dormitories, broadcasting University news prepared by students on the TV-RUDN channel around the clock;
  • student canteens and cafes, numerous restaurants with national cuisines, as well as shops in each of the 12 buildings of RUDN University hostels;
  • own police department at RUDN University, the university security service in the RUDN Campus and private security companies in each of the dormitory buildings and educational buildings.

Directions to IMEB:


World economy
World economy
(double degree - RUDN University and the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)
international Management
(double diploma - RUDN University and Edinburgh Napiah University (UK)
Advertising and Public Relations
Public relations

Master's degree

"International Business Strategies"- in Russian, double diploma

"Control international business»
The partner of the program is the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France).
"International Business Management"- on the English language, double degree
The partner of the program is Edinburgh Napiah University (Great Britain).
"Foreign economic activity"- in English, double diploma
The partner of the program is Edinburgh Napiah University (Great Britain).

"Foreign language of professional communication specialized translation" in English, double diploma.
The partner of the program is the London Metropolitan University (Great Britain).


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