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  • Lecture No. 13. Theoretical readiness for pedagogical activity
  • Lecture No. 14. Practical readiness for pedagogical activity
  • Measures to ensure support for organizational change
  • recognition of the limitations of their knowledge, skills and abilities,

    P using the opportunity to expand their knowledge, skills and abilities, O possession effective methods self-learning and development.

    Analyzing the fashion, the arithmetic mean and the range of variations in the competencies of the communicative and personal blocks, it can be noted that there are no significant differences (Table 28). Based on this, it can be assumed that these blocks of competencies do not ensure career success for managers of business organizations. Significant differences are revealed when comparing the level of development of the competencies of the thinking and organizational blocks. Analyzing the thinking block of competencies, it should be noted the difference in the meanings of the "systematic thinking". The arithmetic mean and range of variation emphasize the trend and confirm the density of grouping values ​​around 4 points for successful managers and 3 points for unsuccessful managers in their careers. These results allow us to assert the existence of a dependence of career success on the degree of development of the thinking block, and in particular, such competence as “systematic thinking”.

    Analyzing the block of organizational competencies, one should single out “focus on a specific result” and “the ability to plan and design” as having significant differences in fashion and confirming the central trend of the characteristics of the arithmetic mean and range of variations. Determining the profile of career success, one can note the severity of such competencies as "systematic thinking", "focus on a specific result" and "the ability to plan and design". Accordingly, these competencies play a key, determining role in achieving career success for managers in business organizations.

    Analyzing in more detail the data obtained during the study, it is worth paying attention to the diagrams of the minimum and maximum values ​​for the blocks of assessed competencies, successful and not. successful managers(Fig. 15, 16).

    The diagram in Figure 15 shows two-point differences between successful and unsuccessful top-level managers in the thinking, organizational and communicative blocks of competencies and one point in the personality block. In the diagram in Figure 16, the spread is larger - one point for the thinking block and three points for the organizing block. There are no significant differences in the maximum values ​​for the communicative and personal blocks.

    For managers to achieve career success, the following range of scores for blocks of competencies can be considered as minimal and sufficient.

    Thinking block - from 7 to 18 points.

    Organizing block - from 8 to 18 points.

    about 3

    SO O

    a \ b o o

    ?> ol

    Range of Variations Average Fashion Competence
    Unsuccessful Successful in career Unsuccessful Successful in career Unsuccessful Successful in career
    co 2,81 3,54 co *». Systematic thinking
    co 3,08 3,35 *». Dynamism of thinking
    *^ 2,71 2,95 tv Flexibility and out-of-the-box thinking
    co co co 4,25 *». 1l Orientation to a specific result of activity
    co co 3,41 3,81 co b. Ability to plan and design
    co co 3,33 3,45 To *to Group management
    co co 2,52 3,20 "to. *. Efficiency of interaction with people
    co bJ 3,30 3,05 *to Flexibility in communication
    co co 3,32 3,20 fr. J^ Ability to Negotiate
    joint venture co 3,36 3,36 £>. l. Reasonableness and independence in decision-making
    co co 3,86 3,97 *^ *>- Motivation to achieve
    "to 3,75 3,78 Ready for change

    about ■©-

    ■a o

    4.3. Careers in business organizations

    Organizational Communication Competence Blocks

    Rice. 15. Minimum values ​​for blocks of competencies of successful and unsuccessful managers

    1. There is a connection confirmed by methods of mathematical statistics
    between the characteristics of a career path and the degree of development of competencies
    (thinking, organizational, communicative and personal) for managers
    top level.

    2. Based on the fact that the minimum value of fashion for most competencies
    the sample of successful managers - 4 points, it can be argued that this is a sustainable
    indicator of business success of top managers of the Far East

    - unsuccessful C| ~ successful

    Thinking Organizational Communicative Personal Competence Blocks

    Rice. 16. Maximum values ​​for blocks of competencies of successful and unsuccessful managers

    Chapter 4 in various fields of activity

    3. High requirements for achieving career success are
    first of all, to the mental and organizational blocks of competencies in management
    zhers of business organizations, then in the hierarchy of competencies there is a personality block
    and then - communicative.

    4. The competencies that most characterize career success are me
    top-level neggers, we can consider "systematic thinking", "orientation
    for a specific result” and “the ability to plan and design”. Exactly
    they are more developed in career-successful managers of this level.
    Accordingly, it can be assumed that the achievement by managers of higher
    the link of career success is provided by the development of a whole set of skills.
    This is a clear systematization and structuring of information, the search for the maximum
    the possible number of options for solving specific situations and their mutual
    linkage with a pronounced focus on achieving specific results, according to
    continuous correlation of intermediate results with ultimate goal and mixing
    to zero unproductive activities. Also, in order to achieve a successful career
    managers need to develop skills in planning, forecasting
    possible outcomes of the situation, the creation of viable projects and the distribution
    own forces on each of the segments of the path leading to the achievement

    5. At the same time, to achieve career success, it is not enough just to have
    relatively high rates in the competencies "systematic thinking",
    “result-oriented” and “ability to plan and design
    wat." It is necessary to have development in all other competencies at the level
    not less than 4 points.

    Based on the role of various competencies (thinking, organizational, communicative, personal) identified in the course of the study in the career of managers, the following recommendations are proposed for the development of leading competencies that provide career success managers of business organizations.

    To develop the competence "systematic thinking":

    О training for the development of thinking, including, among other things, a gradual increase in the flow of information passing through the manager, the inclusion in his activities of the maximum number of units of information and their detailed study; developing the skill of systematizing and structuring information on different grounds;

    □ active participation in the activities of project groups, analytical subdivisions
    leniya in the role of a systems analyst;

    P study of information analysis technologies (SWOT, TOTE, SMART) and their application in practice;

    □ time management training (time management).

    4.4. Career industrial enterprise

    For the development of competence "orientation to a specific result of activity":О clearly defining the desired results of activities and constantly correlating what has been achieved with what was planned in the course of performing daily work tasks (“keep the goal in front of your eyes”);

    □ formation of a system of measures to encourage and punish employees for achieving or not achieving the required results;

    О development of the skill to achieve the optimal result of all possible; development of excess activity (“to do more than what is formally required”);

    Whatever the business, its success is determined by the key people who are involved in it. Of course, each of the employers hopes to assemble the very team of professionals that will make their business efficient, profitable and competitive. Perhaps many people think that personal characteristics that we indicate in the resume, no one is interested, but it is precisely them that employers evaluate in the first place.

    The larger and wider the company's activities, the more requirements will be placed on employees. Typically, the selection of personnel in such companies is an individual and carefully prepared process. The willingness of many companies to train young professionals, of course, increases the chances of those who may not have the necessary experience and knowledge. But from the point of view of the company's corporate culture and values, the answer to the question of who the company wants to see in its team is as follows: when assessing the potential, the employer will primarily focus on the personal qualities of the future employee.

    Naturally, everyone wants to find the so-called ideal candidates. Those that at least 95% will meet the requirements of the company. But we all know perfectly well that there are no ideal candidates, and therefore, in general, when choosing, we focus on the future, that is, the possibilities of the employee in the future, during adaptation and with certain training.

    If we talk about the qualities that employers want to see in their future employees, they will definitely differ, depending on the needs of a particular business, position, tasks and functions - it will not work, as they say, to build everyone under one line. But still, there are certain qualities, without which there is simply nowhere, and in any case, the company will pay attention to them.

    Let's try identify the most important of them.

    Punctuality, time management

    Organizing and properly allocating your time, whether at work or in life, is an important trait for any employee. Punctuality is what will show you in the first place on a good or bad side. And rest assured, if you're late for an interview and haven't been warned that you're late, it will definitely reduce your chances of getting a job. Whatever the situation, if you understand that you are not on time, try to warn the future employer about this, now there are many different means for this, and the excuse in style - I lost the number, will not work.

    If you have already scheduled one meeting, and you are back to back scheduled the next meeting, you need to understand that you may not be in time, it is better to reschedule it to another time or even to another day. Plan your time correctly and with a margin, because it is better not to be late. Your ability to manage time will show the employer how quickly and on time you will complete tasks, whether you will meet the deadlines that you will be given.

    Loyalty to the company

    Interest in a future employer is one of the decisive factors. Every employer hopes that the candidate who comes to him for an interview wants to work for him. Not just because he needs to earn money and work to work, but because he believes and shares the goals of the company, is ready to offer his experience and knowledge, or, if the candidate has no experience, is ready to learn and make every effort for his development for the good of the company and for her success. Believe me, it's true. Therefore, when you go to an interview, find out more information about the company, its goals, mission, achievements in the market.

    Goal oriented, result oriented

    The ability of the candidate to achieve the set goals is probably the most important quality and in the first place for most employers when choosing employees. To prove to the company that you have real experience achieving goals, you can give an example of when you succeeded and what you did to achieve this. But if you do not yet have professional experience, an example could be academic success or a story from your personal life. These do not have to be global goals. Finally, this may be an example of the fact that your goal is to get a job in this particular company where you came to the meeting. And you are ready for anything to get this job. It is also worth mentioning the goals for the future, what you are striving for, and how you plan to achieve what you want.

    Communication skills, ability to work in a team

    Whatever one may say, while working in a company, communication plays an important role. That's why respectful attitude to corporate culture and the ability to establish effective communication with future colleagues, clients, partners, leaders is important for business. Your productivity and the efficiency of your workflow and business as a whole will depend on how you know how to work in a team.

    Stress tolerance

    The difficulties that each of us faces at work inevitably leads to constant stress. And how we manage it determines our effectiveness. In order to test your level of stress resistance, a future employer can use a stress interview, and by your reaction, determine your ability and readiness to work under pressure. This does not always mean that you will actually need to deal with stress at work every day, but the employer must know that in such situations you can cope, and this will not unsettle you.

    Flexibility, willingness to change

    Business must develop, if this does not happen, then it will not be able to be competitive. Development requires changes - in processes, perhaps in its individual directions, in human resources and in many other ways. Of course, the employer hopes that employees will treat such changes with understanding and readiness. Therefore, when selecting employees, they will evaluate the ability to work in conditions of constant change. And this is not just the ability to adapt to new things, but also the ability to make decisions quickly, adapt to new conditions, learn new functions, participate in new projects, treat new business processes with understanding, work in a team with different departments, and perhaps even change partially professional area.

    Fast learner

    coming on new job one way or another, we still need training at the stage of adaptation, no matter what level of specialists we are. It could be professional education the specifics of work in a certain position of unskilled workers, usually companies provide it free of charge and it lasts from 2 weeks to one month. A fairly short time to learn the basics of a particular job, but at this stage the employer will evaluate the efforts and success of the new employee. But even if you came to the company as a ready-made specialist, you will need to learn, since the work processes are built differently in each company. And how quickly and efficiently you do this depends on your efficiency and value as an employee.

    During the interview phase, companies may use both tests and questions to test your learning ability.

    Commitment to development

    If a specialist does not develop, his professional capabilities fall in price, and of course, reduce his results in work. Therefore, the desire to develop in the profession, to improve the level of qualification is important, even if you think that you know and can do everything. Technology is changing, and when businesses strive to reach new heights, professionals must keep up with it. Therefore, at the interview, the question of what you are doing in order to develop as a specialist will definitely sound.

    Honesty and Integrity

    The employer expects from the future employee a conscientious attitude to the duties performed. Therefore, these qualities are important not only for those who work with finance or material values but for all categories of employees. Honesty is important not only in the performance of one's immediate duties, in relations with the employer, but also in interaction with colleagues. The company may request references from a previous job, from former leader or employees, use tests in the assessment or conduct a polygraph test - a lie detector.

    This is not the whole list of qualities that are important for an employer, we have tried to indicate the most significant ones and we hope that this will help you when looking for a job.

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    It would seem, what could be easier than conducting an interview? Asked a few questions, listened to the answers, politely said goodbye.

    But in the work of HR managers there are many different techniques and technologies, which are often not as simple as they seem. For example, conducting interviews on competencies.

    What it is?

    Competence-based interviewing is one of the most commonly used types. In various sources, you can still find the name "behavioral interview" or "behavioral interview". Whatever the name sounds, the purpose of this method is to identify the real skills and competencies of the applicant, since the work experience indicated in the resume does not always correspond to reality.

    Competence is the ability, characteristic, ability of a person to perform their work effectively.

    This type of interview allows you to compile a scale for assessing the manifestation of candidate competency indicators based on an analysis of the situation in the past, that is, questions are asked not about hypothetical and possible problems, but about real situations that took place in the past activities of a specialist.

    The sequence of questions provides an opportunity to discuss with the applicant all the important aspects of the situation, as they relate to the situation itself, the tasks he tried to solve, the actions he took and their results, as well as the conclusions that were drawn from this experience.

    As a rule, this method is not the only one when conducting an interview, especially if a person is applying for a responsible or top position. Together with behavioral interviews, the following types of interviews are conducted:

    • biographical;
    • motivational;
    • case interview;
    • assessment of the candidate's motivational factors.

    You can learn how to prepare a plan for this interview and how to conduct it from the following video:

    In what cases is it applied?

    This type is used not only when applying for a job. There are other situations in which it is indispensable, for example:

    • formation of teams to perform work within a separate project;
    • employee career planning within the company;
    • personnel rotation, etc.

    How to conduct it correctly?

    Incorporating the behavioral interview into your arsenal of interviewing tools requires some serious preparation. First of all, it is necessary to form a competency model, depending on the compliance of which the question of whether the specialist is competent enough will be decided.

    A competency model is a set of qualities and characteristics that is taken as a standard when evaluating an applicant. Moreover, it will be different for each position.

    To compile a model, it is enough to highlight 6-10 characteristics inherent in a particular position. For example:

    • A responsibility.
    • Command.
    • Effective interaction.
    • Readiness for change.
    • Learning rate.
    • Stress tolerance.
    • Leadership.

    All qualities have their manifestations. For example, teamwork is manifested in the fact that a person tries to fulfill his task with colleagues, shares experience and is fully involved in the work of the team, puts the interests of the team above personal ones, is ready to replace a colleague if necessary, etc.

    Effective interaction implies that the candidate rationally argues his point of view, listens, monitors the interlocutor's reaction, asks questions, convinces him in the process of dialogue, changes his point of view, etc.

    The set of characteristics is determined based on the organizational and cultural characteristics of the company, the management style of management, etc.

    It is important to note that the necessary competencies may be present in candidates in varying degrees of manifestation. For example, the characteristic "oral and written communication" can range from "speech is unintelligible (due to diction, tempo, loudness)" to "speech is good, tempo, diction and loudness are pleasant to listen to." It should be determined how important this skill is for a particular position, because the requirements for a call center operator and for an accountant will be different.

    The next step is to make a list of questions to ask to identify each quality. It should be taken into account that the interview has a time frame, and each question is given from 1 to 5 minutes. This will allow you to correctly calculate their number.

    After the questions are drafted and structured, it is necessary to draw up a candidate assessment form, in which, after the interview, it will be possible to rank his answers and identify their compliance with the competency model. Typically, a five-level scoring system is used:

    • ND The applicant has not demonstrated any skill in this skill.
    • 0 - competence is not developed: negative manifestations of this characteristic are demonstrated, positive manifestations are not presented.
    • 1 - level "below average": mainly negative indicators of competence are shown, however, there are also positive ones (about 30%). Quality is in the development zone.
    • 2 - medium level: positive and negative indicators were shown in the same proportion.
    • 3 - level "above average": along with positive manifestations, negative ones were also detected (about 30%).
    • 4 - skill level: demonstrated the maximum number of positive behavioral manifestations, competence is manifested at the highest level.

    Some of the most popular performance rating systems are the STAR and PARLA systems.

    Sample Questions

    Below are the main questions for determining a specific quality.

    "A responsibility":

    • Tell us about the responsible task that the leader gave you.
    • Give an example of a situation when you first took responsibility, but soon realized that you overestimated your strengths and capabilities.
    • Recall a situation when you failed to achieve the planned result.

    Also, when discussing other situations, you can ask “Why did this happen?” and analyze whether the candidate sees guilt in his actions and deeds, whether he strives to fulfill his obligations.


    • Tell me about a time when you had to help a colleague to the detriment of your own interests.
    • Describe a situation in which it became necessary to interact with other departments of your organization: what was the result, how did you find a common language, were there any contradictions, etc.
    • Recall a time when your goal and the goal of the team were different.

    Development orientation:

    • Give an example of how you have been self-development.
    • Remember when you last time were undergoing training. How useful has it been? How do you use the acquired knowledge?
    • From whom in the team did you get additional experience? How did it happen? What was it expressed in? What ways of your own development do you see?

    "Ready for change":

    • Tell us about a period when your company was changing.
    • Recall the time when, due to a large and emergency amount of work, you had to reorganize your personal plans.
    • Did you have to do something that was not your job, to replace an employee who was not your profile?
    • Give an example of when you found yourself in a completely unfamiliar environment.

    "Result orientation":

    • Tell us about a period when the project was not going well.
    • Tell me about a time when you set a big goal for yourself and achieved it despite the circumstances.
    • How persistent are you? Give an example of when it was useful to you.

    The questions above are examples and may vary depending on the vacant position, organizational culture and structure, the wishes of the leader, etc.

    An analysis of the candidate's answers will allow you to determine how suitable he is for a particular vacancy.

    What is meant by the word "competence"? An employee who successfully copes with his duties is distinguished from a less successful colleague by a number of factors. These are personal qualities, motives, experience, behavior. That is, individual characteristics that can be measured and that help to perform certain actions more efficiently. Thus, the totality of "competencies" determines "competence" this specialist in their activities. Of course, best of all, competence will be determined by practice. For this, there is probation when applying for a job. However, recruiting managers use special techniques that allow with varying degrees of accuracy. Determine at the interview stage whether the candidate has the necessary competencies.

    In total, about 600 competencies are mentioned in the specialized literature. In practical work, of course, it makes sense to use a less voluminous list, 8-10 is enough. Here are some common competencies:

    · Independence, initiative, activity- the ability to individually develop and implement solutions, activity, vigor, identification of opportunities and their use, independence of action, and not passive expectation of opportunities. The source of initiative is the inner self, not external circumstances.

    · Commercial and business orientation- setting a person to productive activities to achieve a result (including commercial), the ability to see such problems (interests) of partners (consumers), which can be addressed by commercial projects.

    · Teamwork skills- desire to offer own ideas to solve the problem; showing interest in the point of view of team members; assistance in the group in achieving results; striving for consensus; desire to resolve conflicts.

    · Achievement/result orientation- the ability to set and achieve goals, create your own measure of excellence and constantly search for ways to improve efficiency.

    · Sociability- the ability to make contact, conduct a conversation, listen and understand the interlocutor.

    · Willingness to change and flexibility- the desire and ability of a person to quickly navigate in a changing situation, adapt to various situations without loss of efficiency.

    · Ability to learn- the ability of a person to search for new knowledge, mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to self-organize the learning process.

    · Planning– the ability to choose the direction of action, ensure that the resources for its implementation are available and develop a plan of action necessary to achieve the intended result.

    · Stress tolerance– stability when working under conditions of lack of time and / or resistance environment, control of behavior in extreme or crisis situations.

    · Organizational skills- the ability to design the future activities of a group of people and implement the developed option directly in a situation of joint activity.

    · Delegation– the ability to effectively allocate decision-making responsibility and related responsibilities between suitable blues or colleagues.

    The set of "competences" required for a "competency" level will vary.

    1. Depending on the level of management: specialist, line manager or top manager of the company. The tasks of all management levels are different and the competencies that determine the effectiveness of the implementation of these tasks will also develop. For example, for ordinary specialists (engineers, installers, programmers) such competencies as diligence, focus on results, focus on quality will be important. And for top managers, leadership qualities and strategic planning are more important.

    2. Depending on the professional area or market segment. So, sales managers need communication skills, argumentation skills, and negotiation skills. HR managers must be able to set open questions, to study the motivation of employees and candidates, to develop mechanisms for increasing motivation in the spirit of corporate culture.

    Among the most "popular" competencies: responsibility, customer focus, communication skills, ability to work in a team. Each employer has its own set of employee competencies. AT large firms a competency model is developed. As a rule, the main required competencies are indicated in the job posting. Of course, the list of competencies is not the requirements for a certain position, which includes experience, work experience, basic and additional education, special requirements, etc.

    In order to evaluate a given set of competencies at an interview, the HR manager asks questions, the answers to which reveal the candidate's behavior in typical work situations. The past experience of the applicant serves as the basis. Arlene S. Hirsh, in her book 101 Proven Recipes for Organizing and Planning Your Career, lists the top 25 competency interview questions.

    So tell me about how you:

    1. Effectively performed work in stressful situations.

    2. Allowed conflict situation with an employee.

    3. Used your creativity to solve a problem.

    4. Missed an obvious solution to a problem.

    5. Convinced team members to work with your scheme.

    6. Failed to complete the project on time.

    7. Managed to predict and prevent possible problems.

    8. reported on the good work done.

    9. They had to make a responsible decision with a lack of information.

    10. Had to adapt to a difficult environment.

    11. Agreed with an opinion that was different from your point of view.

    12. Felt dissatisfied with their own behavior.

    13. used their personal qualities to achieve the goal.

    14. Dealt with an angry customer.

    15. Presented a successful solution or project.

    16. Overcame a difficult obstacle.

    17. Overestimated or underestimated the importance of something.

    18. Established the order of urgency in working on a complex project.

    19. Won or lost an important project.

    20. Were forced to fire someone for good reasons.

    21. Chose the wrong decision.

    22. Made a mistake in choosing a candidate when applying for a job.

    23. Rejected a good job.

    24. Were suspended from work.

    For example, an employee or candidate is asked the question, “What did you do when a client asked a question that was outside of your area of ​​expertise?” Options answers will be: "answered, assuming that I know the correct answer", "refused to help and recommended a more competent employee." "said it didn't matter." Each answer receives its own numerical assessment on a scale of compliance with a particular competency within the framework of the current competency model. As a result key competencies specialist can be quantified.

    Naturally, such assessments can only exist within the framework of the competency model in force in the company, if assessments are given according to certain and clear criteria, on a clear scale. Comparison of such estimates made in different companies is at least incorrect.

    However, one of the accepted methods for evaluating the business qualities of a specialist is a performance report, where certain qualities or competencies are evaluated in an arbitrary form. For example: “Has sufficient work experience and practical knowledge, successfully combines work with self-education, treats work conscientiously, but cannot solve many issues on his own, needs tips and instructions. Shows enough perseverance to get things done."

    Exercise: answer the 25 most popular competency questions. Remember similar situations in your life, evaluate your behavior as constructive or non-constructive.

    And finally, what does the employer expect from the interview?

    In fact, there are 3 questions that the employer needs to find an unambiguous answer in the shortest possible time:

    1) Maybe can a person solve the tasks assigned to him?

    It is fashionable to find the answer to this question in a person's experience (if you have already solved similar problems, then the chance of success is much higher), in a resume as a whole and in a series of interviews (telephone and personal). All this determines the potential of a person. The possibility of his good work.

    A more important answer to the second question:

    2) Will be Can this person solve the tasks assigned to him?

    And now you can't guess. Past experience increases the chances of success, but it's still a game of roulette. But the most important third question?

    3) Will be whether this person solves the tasks assigned to him constantly and no hard leadership?

    There is no way to get an answer to this question, except by trying a person in real activity.

    Most of the country's schools are included in innovative activity, because they understand that without innovation in our time it is impossible to be successful and maintain the proper level of pedagogical excellence. All publications in the media regarding the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard can be conditionally divided into two parts: explaining the differences between the new standard and the old one and describing the range of new statuses and requirements for a teacher. This is explained by the fact that the main role in the implementation of the basic requirements of the Second Generation Standard is traditionally assigned to the teacher, since it is he who is most responsible for creating conditions for the development of the student's personality. New federal state educational standards (FSES) are increasingly entering the mass school, where teachers, students, parents are participants in an important event for the life of the school. One of the main components of the standard, without which the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard at school is impossible, is personnel training. The teacher has always been, is and will be a key figure in the school. The teaching profession involves continuous improvement, as in subject area, and in the possession of the methodology, forms, technologies of training. According to the Law "On Education" and the norms of labor legislation, a teacher improves professional competence every five years as part of a retraining course. It must have a basic professional education and the necessary qualifications, be able to innovate professional activity, to have the level of methodological culture and formed readiness for continuous education throughout life. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the nature of pedagogical activity is changing. Implemented in primary school the basics of learning require teachers to be able to teach children how to acquire knowledge, to shape the learning activities and thinking of schoolchildren. The modern pedagogical situation is characterized by diversity and dynamism, and the teacher must skillfully adapt to the constantly occurring changes in the content of education. A special role in the process of professional self-development of the teacher is played by his readiness for the new, advanced. The main components of teacher readiness: psychological aspect deep knowledge of the subject, the ability to implement the acquired knowledge. A survey among school teachers showed that 79% of teachers are morally ready to work in the new mode, 96.9% expressed a desire to improve their knowledge, improve their professional and intellectual level. What should be the teacher of the new generation? To raise a new generation of children, the teacher must be of a different formation. He must be erudite and flexible in behavior, enthusiastic and able to captivate children, open in communication. The teacher should manifest itself in the following interrelated characteristics: general erudition, including a deep knowledge of the psychological, physiological, age characteristics of children, as well as the methods and conditions for their development; the qualities of the teacher's personality, the style of his pedagogical activity and the nature of his communication with the student and others, his value orientations. Such a teacher has that component of pedagogical skill that allows him to successfully transfer to the student the necessary, even expanded amount of subject knowledge, to teach him subject actions and the application of the acquired knowledge in a typical situation. Analyzing the materials on the introduction of the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, they indicate that the authors assign a special role to the teacher: he himself must be an example to follow, be in constant search, self-education, and self-improvement. Working according to new standards, it actualizes the problem of increasing the professional competence of a teacher. A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity character. The main goal is personal development. The education system is abandoning the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The standard specifies the actual activities. The implementation of the basic general education standard is based on a system-activity approach, which involves the widespread introduction of project and research activities into the practice of teaching. It must be said that project activity is widely used by school teachers in the classroom and after school hours, both in senior and junior grades. The Federal State Educational Standard encourages the teacher to plan not only the lesson as a whole, but also the child’s variable activities, in which the teacher has to follow the student’s train of thought to a greater extent, since the main component is not to be a transmitter, translator of knowledge, but to design educational environment student, class, to teach a child to gain knowledge, improve himself, self-actualize, which is many times more difficult. The conditions for the effectiveness of the teacher's work are: professional competence, scientific, theoretical and methodological training, the ability to identify the causes of the student's difficulties and provide him with the necessary information assistance, direct the discussion to analysis and search for new ones, predict the student's actions and his development as a whole, link control and diagnostic actions with an analysis of the student's development trajectory and the goals of working with him, to plan his activities and teach the student to plan, to find and evaluate the positive in the child, even in his wrong actions. Speaking of competence, we can also talk about broad erudition in the field of the taught subject, which goes beyond school curriculum. This allows them to be interesting to the student in that part of communication with him, which lies in line with the interests of the student himself. They are able to answer questions and tell the student a lot. additional information. But the scope of their competence does not go beyond the limits of awareness in this subject area of ​​knowledge and does not apply to questions individual characteristics students, methods of their diagnosis, variable work with them. The teacher should be ready to competently plan work with students with an attitude to increase interest, use an individual approach, taking into account the results of diagnostics, create the necessary conditions for the intellectual development of the child. In his interaction with the student, elements of explanation and practical work, theoretical training and teaching rational methods of educational and creative activity should be rationally combined. Confident in the implementation methods feedback with a student should ensure the stimulation of the child's activities, the provision of timely and adequate assistance to students, instilling confidence and self-respect. The activities organized by him should be diverse and combine a wide range of forms, methods, techniques and methods of teacher and student activity. He must be fluent in analytical, diagnostic and design skills, correctly use the educational and educational situation in achieving the goals of the development of the student. Its tasks include regulation and adjustment of the activity and development of the child, assessment and encouragement, modeling of developing situations and mobilization of the energy resource of students. The readiness of a teacher to implement the GEF of a new generation determines many things: the availability of appropriate value orientations, love for his profession, subject. Practice shows that the subject taught by a favorite teacher often becomes a student's favorite subject. The competence of the teacher includes the implementation of training and education of students, the use of modern educational technologies training, including information and communication, the ability to effectively apply educational, methodological, informational, and other resources, to constantly develop professionally and intellectually. The professional qualities of a teacher are based on the following skills: modify learning programs, work on curriculum, to advise students, to assist in self-acquisition of knowledge. It is necessary to respect the desire of the child to work independently, the ability to refrain from interfering with the creative process of the child, to encourage work on projects proposed by students, to make the most of hobbies, specific hobbies and inclinations of students. The success of the teacher's work with the student largely depends on the correctness of the teacher's chosen strategy for working with him. And this strategy, in turn, depends on the individual strategies of cognition inherent in this child. The traditional teacher is accustomed to talking more than listening, since the very conditions of mass education form this not the best teacher's habit. In traditional teaching, the teacher leads the students rather rigidly. A student who switched his attention to something else during the teacher's explanation goes into an uncontrolled and uncontrolled flight of thoughts, if such a switch occurs during the execution of training tasks, the necessary skills are not formed and a defect in mastering the material and a decrease in grade is laid. Since the activity of the teacher according to the new standards is not limited only to observing and fixing manifestations, but provides for more diverse activities to analyze the actions of the student, to understand the course and directions of his thoughts, to establish the causes of his difficulties and mistakes, then the mandatory characteristics of the teacher should be active thinking, highly developed analytical skills. and logical functions, imagination. The requirements for high school teachers are high. The teacher must deal scientific research, make up methodological developments be able to describe your work experience. The city is developing such a direction in working with schoolchildren as a research movement. It has become a tradition to hold city conferences among schoolchildren. The cooperation of the teacher and the student encourages them to constant action, creativity, work with scientific and journalistic literature, set specific goals, define tasks, conduct experiments, and engage in research activities. Every year, schoolchildren participate in conferences, where they present the results of their work to scientists - members of the jury. The system-forming factor in all the activities of the teacher is the personality of the student and the individual-group strategy of his development, built on the basis of a detailed diagnosis of his characteristics and actual opportunities. This strategy is dynamic, since not only the content of the material with which the teacher and student work is constantly changing, but also the subject of formative activity in this moment. The teacher acts as a coordinator and organizer of the student's activities, diagnostician, consultant, developer of pedagogical ideas, the implementation of which leads to the generation of situational subject ideas by the student. The cooperation of the teacher and the student is aimed at the consistent and gradual development of those components of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres of the student that are currently underdeveloped, which hinders the overall development and hinders the development of the child to the fullest. But the formation of some components automatically leads to the formation of others. That's why individual strategy The development of each child is always multi-stage and gradually undergoes changes, the need for which is determined by subsequent testing of the results of the student's work. Reading the Standards of the new generation, everyone sets certain goals, determines the ways of their implementation, and looks for answers to the questions posed. But there are more questions than answers. How should a teacher assess the causes of student difficulties and failures and how to ensure their elimination? How to resolve external and internal conflicts of the child? What kind of help should be given to the child, including in building relationships with children, parents and other teachers? All these problems are very acute in modern conditions life in a standard mass school environment. It is no coincidence that the standards of the new generation pay special attention to the spiritual and moral education of the child. The problem is the relationship and interaction of the child with the class team, the team of teachers. So, in order to switch to the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, we need teachers who deeply know their subject, possess a variety of methodological tools and have a thorough psychological and pedagogical training. But even this is not enough. Each teacher should become an innovator, find his own methodology that meets his needs. personal qualities, because without this, everything else can remain only a formal and costly innovation, which will never “reach the real deal”. Now, in elementary school, the child should be taught not only to read, count and write, which is taught quite successfully even now, but two groups of new skills should be instilled in him. The first group includes a group of universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: skills for solving creative problems and skills for searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of children's motivation for learning, helping them in self-organization and self-development. Can a student expect that he will become modernly educated after graduating from general education school because he starts learning activities? Yes, if he really wants to, he will know how to do it, and the educational space will contribute to this. But, crossing the threshold of the school, the child simply does not think about it at first, and when he is faced with a choice, he often realizes that he has knowledge and a desire, but it is not so easy for him to succeed as a professional. Such a gap between acquired knowledge and the prospects for their application in real professional and social activities undermines the process of learning. This was one of the reasons for the development of the second generation GEF. In connection with the introduction of GEF-2, the role of the teacher primary school changes significantly in terms of understanding the meaning of the learning and education process. Now the teacher needs to build the learning process not only as a process of mastering a system of knowledge and skills, but to build it as a process of personal development. Therefore, along with the traditional question "What to teach?", the teacher must understand "How to teach?" or more specifically, “How do I teach in a way that triggers their own questions in children: “What do I need to learn” and “How can I learn this?” To be ready for this, the teacher should comprehend the idea of ​​a system-activity approach as the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, and create conditions for the formation of universal educational activities. The role of the primary school teacher according to the new educational standards is not to transfer knowledge to ready-made, but to create conditions so that children themselves acquire knowledge in the process of cognitive, research activities, in work on tasks directly related to problems real life. Teaching should not be seen as a simple transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the students, but acts as a collaboration - the joint work of the teacher and students in the course of mastering knowledge and solving problems. The sole guidance of the teacher in this collaboration is replaced by active methods learning, contributing to the formation of communicative universal educational actions at school. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher acts not only as a teacher, but also as an instructor (a person who systematically conducts individual-group work with schoolchildren to develop, coordinate, evaluate the progress and results of educational work); - a mentor (a person who knows how to provide targeted assistance to a child, not relieving him of a problem situation, but helping to overcome it); -consultant (specialist who is able to discuss the learning task, give advice on various issues); - takes the position of a curator (participant in the educational process, main goal which is to create conditions for children to acquire life experience (generalization, choice, responsible behavior) and life values); - manager (a person who owns such management technologies as pedagogical analysis of resources, the ability to design goals, plan, organize, correct and analyze results); - assistant. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, he (the teacher) is a wise educator, an ally of a psychologist, a social pedagogue, he is fluent in team, joint, collective and paired forms of work.


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