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There can be a lot of reasons for the voluntary blocking of Rostelecom services, whether it be the Internet, TV or telephony. Usually, subscribers, going on long trips, business trips and trips, freeze services, thereby avoiding unnecessary financial costs. The blocking procedure does not take much time and is connected the next day after the request.

  • Blocking Internet services of Rostelecom

  • How to temporarily block TV

  • Freezing a phone number from Rostelecom

support service (8-800-100-08-00). After a short conversation, in which you must name your passport data, the number of the contract concluded with the provider and the secret word, the operator will turn on the blocking.

Another option would be self-configuration through Personal Area. For this you need:

  • enter your username and password and enter your personal account;

  • go to the list that lists your connected options and services;

  • select the line called "Home Internet";

  • go to the page with the service and find the service "Voluntary blocking";

  • indicate the expected period of "freeze";

  • save the specified data.

The service will be connected only on the next day after the application is made.

When contacting the office, you will need a passport and contract number, after reviewing the data provided, the specialist will issue an Internet blocking.

Mandatory conditions for connecting the service:

  • the period of "freeze" over 5 days;

  • maximum - 90 days;

  • lack of debt;

  • availability of funds on the subscriber's account, allowing to pay for 1 day of previously connected basic services and other options.

Attention! During the period of suspension of the services, accrual for the leased equipment continues. The cost of blocking after 30 days is 5 rubles / day. It is also necessary to take into account that at this time it is impossible to change the tariff and connect or disconnect options.

If, upon returning from a trip, you find that you have enabled voluntary Internet blocking from Rostelecom, then to disable it, you should use one of 3 options, call a support service specialist, self-configure through the interface of your personal account or contact the provider's office.

blocking television from Rostelecom, you should choose the appropriate option (through your personal account, by phone, by visiting the office), and follow the scenario described earlier.

When using a personal account you need:

  • log into your account on the Rostelecom website;

  • see the list of services;

  • find " home television" or "IPTV";

  • go to the section with the specified service;

  • select the item "Voluntary blocking";

  • specify the period for blocking;

  • Click "Connect" and save changes.

When calling the support service or visiting the Rostelecom office, do not forget your passport and contract, you will certainly need this data.

After submitting an application, access to watching TV will be suspended the next day.

Attention! As with the Internet, you will continue to be charged for the rental equipment as well as for the static IP address for the duration of the blocking feature.

The cost for the first month is 0 rubles, after the 30th day - 5 rubles / day.

Turning off voluntarily blocked TV from Rostelecom is similar to “defrosting” the Internet.

tariff "Call home" and how to do it in Rostelecom.

You can familiarize yourself with the setting of the MAG 250 set-top box from Rostelecom at the link.

Annex M and B technologies:

If you change your mind about using voluntary blocking from Rostelecom, then you can remove it both before the moment of activation, and at any other time, it is not necessary to wait for the end of the service suspension period. Access to the service will be available in 1 hour.

The home phone is not used so often today: many people prefer its cellular counterparts. They justify their choice with additional amenities and the absence of a monthly subscription fee.

Therefore, for many, the question of how to turn off Rostelecom's home phone in 2019 is relevant. If you have a landline phone from Rostelecom installed and want to turn it off, you will need to perform a few simple steps - they will be discussed in this article.

The first thing to do is to check for debt. Just dial the customer support number 8-800-100-0800 and ask a specialist for more information.

The necessary information can also be obtained by opening the company's website, using a Sberbank ATM (through a special service replenishment tab) or by visiting the nearest Rostelecom office.

If there is a debt, it must be paid off - only after that you can apply to turn off the landline phone.

Paying off the debt (in cash, bank card or through your personal account), contact the company branch or use the official website. Let's take a look at the next steps.

Let's see how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for a home phone through the office. Find out the opening hours of the office, and if possible, call ahead. During the visit, customers are asked standard questions about the reason for the disconnection.

Users usually cite a lack of finances, moving to a new place of residence, or simply not needing this service.

Before disconnection, the client is also offered a more favorable tariff. As a result, you will be given a sample of how to write an application (the employees themselves can fill it out by asking appropriate questions).

The application contains the following information:

  • Full name and passport details of the person who concluded the contract;
  • the address where the phone is registered;
  • disconnected number, as well as general information about the contract;
  • start date of shutdown;
  • contact details of the client to contact the manager - he will agree on the time of the visit by the master.

Put your personal signature under the appeal. In the near future, the home phone will be turned off (check with the staff for the timing).

In most cases, only the citizen whose name is entered in the contract for the provision of communication services has the right to terminate the agreement. Therefore, it is necessary to find the document and check the information entered in it.

If the contract was drawn up for another person, but he cannot drive to the office, then his representative meets with the employee - in this case, being a relative of the owner of the contract is not enough. The representative must have a legally certified power of attorney.

Termination of the agreement must also be carried out in the event of the death of the account holder.. Termination is allowed to his relative, as well as to the one who purchased the apartment or inherited the living space.

Another option: a relative can rewrite the contract for himself without terminating the contract. In this case, it is necessary to submit a document that certifies kinship (certificate of marriage, birth, etc.).

The issue of turning off your home phone is also relevant when you change your place of residence.. Especially for this case, the company has developed the service "Moving".

If the service is active, the phone in the new house or apartment is connected under the same conditions, i.e. service "Rostelecom" moves with the client. It is not necessary to terminate the contract; all that is required is to visit the office and issue a certificate of "Moving".

The first time after the change of housing, a discount on the subscription fee is possible.

Many users are wondering how to turn off Rostelecom's home phone through their personal account. You can't do this in person only.

But the ability to disconnect via the Internet is still considered more convenient and does not require additional time costs. A sample document should be downloaded from the Rostelecom website

  1. fill out an application;
  2. scan a document;
  3. send a scan email to the regional branch, attaching additional documents: a copy of the power of attorney (if a representative applies), a copy of the passport of the originator of the contract, as well as a personal phone number.

Contacts are needed so that the specialist can agree on the time of the master's departure.

Before a long business trip or vacation, many customers wonder if it is possible to temporarily turn off their home phone. In order not to pay for communication (with a connected phone), you must apply for a temporary disconnection.

A Rostelecom subscriber visits the nearest office, fills out the received form, signs and waits for the application to be processed.

Previously, this was the only way to temporarily disable. Today, it is not necessary to go to the office - you can just call the contact center.

The full list of actions without a visit to the office is as follows:

As a result, the number used will remain with the subscriber, while calls will not be processed during the specified period, and the subscription fee will not be charged.

Temporary disconnection is paid, but the amount of payment here is less than standard charges.

We will answer the question of whether it is possible to turn off the home phone and leave the Internet (Rostelecom). To begin with, check whether it is generally possible in your city to turn off only the Rostelecom phone, leaving the Internet.

If possible, just report it when applying (passport required). As a result, payment will be minimal, and affordable rates - with maximum speed.

Rostelecom also offers to connect cable TV, without additional connection of antennas and other inconveniences.

In this article, we have covered all possible options disconnecting a Rostelecom landline phone, and what documents are needed in this case.

If it becomes necessary to turn off Rostelecom's home phone, there are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to go to the office of the company and write a statement. The second option involves sending the application by registered mail.

What you need to turn off the landline phone

Please note that turning off your landline phone will, in some cases, result in a disconnection from the Internet and Digital TV. Often both the first and the second are provided on the basis telephone line.As a rule, a landline phone is turned off for two reasons:

  1. complete termination of the contract with Rostelecom;
  2. temporary blocking of operator services.

The second method is relevant for those who wish to retain the possibility of returning to Rostelecom services. To block, just call the operator of the company. The reverse action is also carried out by means of a call. A symbolic amount is charged monthly from such clients.

Before resorting to measures that allow you to abandon Rostelecom's landline phone, you need to make sure that there are no debts to the company. There are several ways to find out what you owe.

How to find out if there is a debt to Rostelecom?

by the most fast way find out the debt for the phone Rostelecom is a phone call to the company. You can use the voice menu and get the necessary information yourself, or contact the operator who will quickly answer the question.

Owners of a single personal account on the Rostelecom resource can view accounts in it. You can also go to the office of the company and contact the manager. By giving your phone number, you can find out and pay the debt at any post office. Another popular way to get information is to check the account balance through a Sberbank ATM. To find out the debt for the Rostelecom phone in this way, you need to select the "service replenishment" option.

Rejection of a landline phone

In no case should you refuse to pay for services, believing that this will be the act of abandoning the phone. The account will grow. To turn off a landline phone, you must strictly agree on this issue with the operator.
The signal for Rostelecom to turn off the landline phone will be a statement handed to the manager or sent by registered mail.

The notice of termination must include the following information:

  • personal data of the applicant (name, address);
  • passport data;
  • phone number to be disabled;
  • connection contract number;
  • the date from which the deactivation should take place.

In the application, it is desirable to indicate the phone number by which managers can contact the applicant and agree on the time for the arrival of the masters to physically remove the connection points. When applying in person to the office of the company, a copy of the passport and contract should be attached to the application. If the issue is handled by a proxy, a power of attorney must be attached. In the case when the application is sent through the Russian Post, you can trace the date of delivery of the shipment by the number of the registered letter.


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