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Today, a landline phone is no longer of any value. You can call relatives, friends or colleagues from a mobile that everyone has. Also in the modern world, Internet communication is gaining popularity. It allows you to call a person from anywhere without paying for traffic and see him during the call. The only downside is the constant internet connection. That is why the landline phone is out of our daily lives. Think about it: when you last time did they use it? Probably a very long time ago. This question is being asked by a lot of people now and they end up trying to turn off the phone.

Turn off your home phone

First you need to find the contract that you signed with the company for telephone services. Did you find it? Alright, let's move on to the next item. Try to read the contract carefully. It should say how to turn off the phone, what is needed for this and where to go. As a rule, the contract specifies under what circumstances the company can disconnect the home phone.

On the operator's official website, find the consultant's number, which you should contact before you go to the office. Find out from him how the disconnection is made, how long the company can terminate the contract and what you need to do to do this.

Before you go to the office, pay the debt for home phone, of course, if it is present, and keep the receipt.

If all the requirements are met, you can contact the company, a telecommunications services marketing specialist. In the application, indicate the reason for the refusal, attach an agreement and a receipt for payment for services.

That's all. It remains only to wait for a decision. As a rule, it arrives within a few days, it depends on the operator. If you are denied, contact the firm to find out the reason and resolve all disputes.

Now you know how to turn off your home phone, but what will happen to the Internet? It will automatically turn off, of course, if you use a combined tariff. Before turning off the landline phone, sign an agreement with another Internet provider or switch to another tariff.

Remember that before turning off the landline phone, you must carefully study the contract. So consultants will not be able to mislead you, and you will quickly find out the answers to your questions. The consultant will be able to understand you faster, so you will spend less time terminating the contract.

Turn off the landline phone "Rostelecom"

How to turn off the Rostelecom home phone? To do this is quite simple. As we have already found out, it is necessary to find a contract, study it, pay the debt and contact the company. You need to take the contract, receipt and passport with you. In the office of the manager you will write a statement.

If you are unable to come to the company, send a registered letter. It is necessary to attach a form to it, which can be downloaded from the official website. The answer should come within a week to your return address.

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Today, the Internet is available in almost every home, and it would be very convenient if the operator took care of its users and allowed them to terminate the contract without leaving home. Let's see if this is possible.

Is it possible to turn off the landline telephone "Rostelecom" via the Internet?

How to disconnect Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet? Unfortunately, this is not possible. To connect the services of this operator, you just need to go to the site and write an application. There was no provision for such a possibility to disable services. How to turn off the Rostelecom home phone? Today, in order to refuse the services of this operator, you need a personal presence or sending a registered letter.

How to turn off MGTS home phone?

Moscow is a city where many people are connected to MGTS. If you are going to disconnect from the selected operator, then you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Find the contract and study all the points.
  • Go to the official site. On it, find the operator's phone number and the address of the service center.
  • First, contact the operator and find out how the shutdown will take place, what you need to bring with you.
  • After that, you can go to the office, where you will need to write an application to turn off the landline phone.

That's all. It remains only to wait until the application is approved. If you have recently connected these services, then most likely you have installed an optical modem, which legally belongs to the company. After disconnecting the home phone, you must wait for the master to pick it up.

So you learned how to turn off home MGTS phone. Moscow is a huge city with a large number of offices of this company. Shutdown is fairly quick and easy.

How to turn off the home phone MGTS (Moscow) for a while?

To temporarily disable a landline phone, you must contact the office with a passport, where you will write an application to suspend the tariff. This service will be free of charge. If you decide to turn off your home phone for a few months, then it might pay off. It is not necessary to turn off the landline telephone for several weeks. Otherwise, you won't save.

To temporarily turn off a landline phone, you need to pay 300 rubles. In this case, you will be temporarily blocked, but not disconnected from the telephone line. It is because of this that every month it will be necessary to pay 205 rubles. You can resume services any day for free.

Turning off the MGTS landline phone for the vacation period

How to turn off the home phone MGTS (Moscow) for the duration of the vacation? As we have already found out, the company provides the possibility of temporary blocking, but it turns out to be quite expensive. It is not advisable to turn off the phone during the holidays, as you can only lose money. How can we reduce the cost of landline phone services?

You can apply to MGTS until the 20th day of the current month with an application and a passport for transferring to a new tariff. As a rule, they consider such applications quite quickly and connect a new tariff from the first day of the next month. You can switch to the cheapest tariff for a month. The change is free of charge.

How to return the old tariff

Returning the old tariff plan is quite simple, although the transition is carried out in different ways:

  • When switching from a time-based to a fixed rate, you can simply call hotline and choose the desired tariff plan. It will connect on the first day of the next month.
  • When switching from a time-based to a combined tariff, you must come to the office before the 20th day of the current month and write an application for changing the tariff plan.


Now you know how to turn off your home phone. Different operators work on the same principle. First you need to find and study the contract. Then you should call the consultant and find out the answers to all your questions. Only after that you need to go to the office and write an application to turn off the landline phone. Of course, these are fairly simple steps that everyone can handle, but there are times when the shutdown is denied. If you have such a situation, you need to go to the office, find out the reason and solve the problem.

How to turn off your home phone on different operators? Only consultants can accurately answer this question. Everywhere there are pitfalls that must be overcome. In one company, you need to go to the office or fill out a registered letter, in another, you can simply go to the site and leave a request.

If it becomes necessary to turn off Rostelecom's home phone, there are two ways to do this. The easiest way is to go to the office of the company and write a statement. The second option involves sending the application by registered mail.

What you need to turn off the landline phone

Please note that turning off your landline phone will in some cases result in a disconnection from the Internet and Digital TV. Often, both the first and second are provided on the basis of a telephone line. As a rule, a landline phone is turned off for two reasons:

  1. complete termination of the contract with Rostelecom;
  2. temporary blocking of operator services.

The second method is relevant for those who wish to retain the possibility of returning to Rostelecom services. To block, just call the operator of the company. The reverse action is also carried out by means of a call. A symbolic amount is charged monthly from such clients.

Before resorting to measures that allow you to abandon Rostelecom's landline phone, you need to make sure that there are no debts to the company. There are several ways to find out what you owe.

How to find out if there is a debt to Rostelecom?

by the most fast way find out the debt for the phone Rostelecom is a phone call to the company. You can use the voice menu and get the necessary information yourself, or contact the operator who will quickly answer the question.

Owners of a single personal account on the Rostelecom resource can view accounts in it. You can also go to the office of the company and contact the manager. By giving your phone number, you can find out and pay the debt at any post office. Another popular way to get information is to check the account balance through a Sberbank ATM. To find out the debt for the Rostelecom phone in this way, you need to select the "service replenishment" option.

Rejection of a landline phone

In no case should you refuse to pay for services, believing that this will be the act of abandoning the phone. The account will grow. To turn off a landline phone, you must strictly agree on this issue with the operator.
The signal for Rostelecom to turn off the landline phone will be a statement handed to the manager or sent by registered mail.

The notice of termination must include the following information:

  • personal data of the applicant (name, address);
  • passport data;
  • phone number to be disabled;
  • connection contract number;
  • the date from which the deactivation should take place.

In the application, it is desirable to indicate the phone number by which managers can contact the applicant and agree on the time for the arrival of the masters to physically remove the connection points. When applying in person to the office of the company, a copy of the passport and contract should be attached to the application. If the issue is handled by a proxy, a power of attorney must be attached. In the case when the application is sent through the Russian Post, you can track the date of delivery of the shipment by the number of the registered letter.

To date, the services of Rostelecom as a home telephony operator are used by a fairly large number of subscribers. And, by the way, the number of active users of the services of this spectrum is systematically growing.

It is not difficult to explain this trend, because Rostelecom offers not only high-quality services and enough favorable prices, but also a very large scale tariff plans, among which, it would seem, you can choose the ideal offer for any subscriber.

However, given that we live in the 21st century, home telephony is no longer a demanded niche of telecommunications services. We use the phone, perhaps, to call our older relatives or to the phone numbers of some public services and structures. Generally, mobile phone has long been able to replace our landline telephony.

That is why a fairly large number of fixed telephony subscribers are thinking about how to turn off Rostelecom's landline telephone in order to stop paying monthly subscription fees for its use, and often even non-use.

How to disconnect a landline phone from Rostelecom

If you have made the final decision to disable the service of providing fixed telephony at your address of residence, all you need to do is to convey your idea to Rostelecom employees.

To successfully and quickly disable the service, you must contact the Rostelecom office and ask the employees there for a standard form for writing an application to disable the home telephony service. Employees of the company will kindly provide you with a form that you will need to fill out and leave at the office. We recommend that you fill out such a document in two copies so that one of them remains in your hands. Don't forget to ask the RT staff to number the form and stamp it.

Some time after filling out the application, employees of the contact center of the company will contact you to clarify the firmness of your intentions, if you confirm the need to turn off the fixed telephone connection, it will be turned off.

Where to turn off the landline phone Rostelecom

As we have already said, the home telephony service is turned off directly at the Rostelecom office. And to find out where you need to contact in your city, you should use the official web portal of the company, located at You can get the correct information as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. In the upper right part of the main page of the site, select your region.
  3. After refreshing the page, scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Look for the "Sales Offices" link.
  5. View the addresses of offices in your city on the map attached directly to the site interface.

Having learned the address of the location of the office, you can immediately go there.

Note that Rostelecom subscribers also have the opportunity to independently fill out an application to turn off home telephony services in a free form and send it by mail to the address of the company's office in their city. In this way, you can also turn off the phone.

How to temporarily disable Rostelecom's landline phone via the Internet

If you are going on a trip, vacation, or you simply do not want to use telephony access services for some time, Rostelecom offers its subscribers the opportunity to temporarily block their account in order to suspend the collection of subscription fees. This service is available for activation by subscribers via the Internet, which is very convenient, as it significantly saves time on trips to the company's office.

Have you ever been away from home for a long time? On a business trip or vacation, move to another place without selling your old home? Naturally, in such a situation, you want to save on payment. utilities. One of these possibilities is the suspension of the provision of communication services by Rostelecom, or even complete failure from them.

When should you turn it off?

There are situations when the need for a landline telephone disappears for a long period of time. The main reasons for this may be a change of residence with the condition of maintaining the same apartment, a long business trip or a trip. In this case, it becomes unprofitable for the subscriber to pay for a device that he does not plan to use, and then he has to make a decision - to disconnect the home phone from Rostelecom forever or to suspend line service for several months.

Temporary shutdown

This option is ideal for those who plan to spend several months away from home, and, therefore, will not use Rostelecom's communication services. In this case, you need to suspend the work of your home phone. The device will be disconnected for a certain period, and the subscriber will pay only for the maintenance of the telephone line and its maintenance. The fee will be minimal.

You can pause service in two ways:

  1. Visit the office of the company and write an application for the suspension of line service for a certain period.
  2. Send a request to suspend the provision of services for a certain period.

Disable forever

There are times when the subscriber prefers to refuse communication altogether. In this case, the line becomes unavailable forever or until the subscriber wants to re-conclude an agreement with the company. In this situation, reconnection will be paid, and the client will receive a new number.

Note that before writing an application, you should consult with specialists. Quite often, the telephone line is inextricably linked with other telecommunications services, and by giving up the phone, you can lose the Internet with interactive TV. Therefore, it is worth clarifying this moment in advance.

You can completely disconnect your home phone from Rostelecom by writing an application of the appropriate form. As in the case of suspension, this can also be done in two ways:

  1. Visit the office of the company and write an application.
  2. Write and send an application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The application indicates passport data, place of registration, contract and home phone number, the date from which you want to refuse services. It is written by hand.

Note that only a subscriber who entered into an agreement with the company can leave a request. For example, if a wife entered into an agreement with a company, then the husband does not have the right to write an application - it will not be considered.

Frequently asked questions and answers:

1. Is it possible to turn off Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet?

Unfortunately, the procedure for disconnecting Rostelecom's home phone is not possible. You can refuse to use the line only when you personally contact the company or make an application by registered letter with a statement.

2.Where to turn off Rostelecom's home phone?

The home phone can be turned off by visiting one of the post offices and writing an application of the appropriate form.

The blocking procedure does not take much time and is connected the next day after the request.

Voluntary blocking of the Internet and other services from Rostelecom

If you need to change your place of residence for an indefinite period of time, then a voluntary blocking of the Internet from Rostelecom will be a useful feature, by enabling which you can reduce your costs.

Since 2015, the procedure for “freezing” the subscription agreement has been changed, now you don’t need to go to the office, but just make one call to the support service (). After a short conversation, in which you must name your passport data, the number of the contract concluded with the provider and the secret word, the operator will turn on the blocking.

Another option would be self-configuration through Personal Area. For this you need:

  • enter your username and password and enter your personal account;
  • go to the list that lists your connected options and services;
  • select the line called " Home Internet»;
  • go to the page with the service and find the service "Voluntary blocking";
  • indicate the expected period of "freeze";
  • save the specified data.

The service will be connected only on the next day after the application is made.

When contacting the office, you will need a passport and contract number, after reviewing the data provided, the specialist will issue an Internet blocking.

Mandatory conditions for connecting the service:

  • the period of "freeze" over 5 days;
  • maximum - 90 days;
  • lack of debt;
  • availability of funds on the subscriber's account, allowing to pay for 1 day of previously connected basic services and other options.

Attention! During the period of suspension of the services, accrual for the leased equipment continues. The cost of blocking after 30 days is 5 rubles / day. It is also necessary to take into account that at this time it is impossible to change the tariff and connect or disconnect options.

Free legal advice:

If, upon returning from a trip, you find that you have enabled a voluntary Internet blocking from Rostelecom, then to disable it, you should use one of 3 options, call a support specialist, self-configure through the interface of your personal account or contact the provider's office.

Voluntary blocking of TV

To connect a voluntary blocking of television from Rostelecom, you should select the appropriate option (through your personal account, by phone, by visiting the office), and follow the scenario described earlier.

When using a personal account you need:

  • log into your account on the Rostelecom website;
  • see the list of services;
  • find " home television" or "IPTV";
  • go to the section with the specified service;
  • select the item "Voluntary blocking";
  • specify the period for blocking;
  • Click "Connect" and save changes.

When calling the support service or visiting the Rostelecom office, do not forget your passport and contract, you will certainly need these data.

After submitting an application, access to watching TV will be suspended the next day.

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Attention! As with the Internet, you will continue to be charged for the rental equipment as well as for the static IP address for the duration of the blocking feature.

The cost for the first month is 0 rubles, after the 30th day - 5 rubles / day.

Turning off voluntarily blocked TV from Rostelecom is similar to “defrosting” the Internet.

Voluntary blocking of the phone

You can voluntarily block a home number from Rostelecom either by visiting the company's office or remotely, by phone or through the subscriber's personal account account.

The procedure is identical to suspending the use of the Internet and TV.

You can familiarize yourself with the setting of the MAG 250 set-top box from Rostelecom at the link.

Free legal advice:

If you change your mind about using a voluntary block from Rostelecom, then you can remove it both before the moment of activation, and at any other time, it is not necessary to wait for the end of the service suspension period. Access to the service will be available in 1 hour.

How to pay for Rostelecom services?

Internet connection from Rostelecom: submitting an application

Payment methods for a home phone from Rostelecom

In Magnitogorsk, the cost of Rostelecom services is already too high, but why block it if they still take money? Blocked means everything is off… 5 rubles a day for what? for what is disabled? There are always smart people who know how to rip off pensioners, because they are in the gardens in the summer ...

Hello! And, in Kamyshin, Volgograd region, in Rostelecom I was ordered to additionally call 14 days after the start of the blocking, by phone, and confirm further blocking, otherwise, I will be charged a subscription fee at the rate. This is right? It doesn't say anywhere that you need to call back.

I left a request for an antenna several times, but no one came. We don’t show television programs on our floor!

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Copying of materials is allowed only with an active link to the source. Terms of use

Rostelecom - voluntary blocking and how to turn it off?

Why do you need blocking at all? If you decide to leave or change your place of residence for an indefinite period, then the lockdown is your choice. The question arises, why not just disable the services, and then re-enable them? The fact is that your “place” can be taken by other people who, perhaps, have been waiting for their turn (a free port on the PBX) for a long time to connect. Since the service is no longer valid, and the station equipment, of course, is not assigned to you in any way. Blocking leaves you the option to return to use after one call and does not require a visit to the head office to conclude a new contract. And it will save you a decent amount of money.

You can draw a great analogy with a website. If you are promoting websites, then you know that a “fallen” hosting can cause problems not only with regards to the inaccessibility of the resource by users, but also for search engine robots. If they for a long time I can’t get to your site, then the position in the issue will drop significantly. If you switch the site to "Offline" (there are many CMS), then the SEO parameters of your offspring will not be affected.

« How can I temporarily suspend Rostelecom services? »

In order to block any services, just call the contact center and inform the operator about it.

Free legal advice:

How much does a voluntary blocking cost? »

Home Internet - the first 3 months - 1 ruble / month, then - 50 rubles each next month of blocking.

Phone - 95 rubles / month.

“For how long can I block the desired service? »

The validity period of blocking for the Internet, telephony and digital television is not limited.

Free legal advice:

How can I unblock Rostelecom services? »

The blocking is also removed by calling the contact center at 08 00

How to turn off your home phone ("Rostelecom"): instructions

Rostelecom customers who use various communication services may need information on how to turn off their home phone. Rostelecom, along with fixed-line communications, offers a number of other services: television, the Internet, etc. For each of them, the principle of terminating the contract is identical. More details on how you can opt out of connected services on a permanent or temporary basis will be discussed in the current article.

Service blocking options

Often, under the question of how to turn off the home phone (Rostelecom), customers mean precisely a temporary refusal to provide services. The company offers this service to all subscribers who, for some reason, need to suspend the operation of the Internet, television, telephony. For example, it is quite relevant during the holidays, when the need for the same television disappears for a certain period. What is a temporary block for? During the "freeze" period of the account, the subscription fee is not charged. This allows you to save a lot by protecting yourself from having to pay for those days when the actual use of the services under the contract was not made. The service is provided on a paid basis - a certain amount will be debited from the account daily (you can learn more by contacting the support service, indicating the region of use).

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The second option to suspend the provision of services is to terminate the contract. You need to refuse to interact with the provider only when you no longer plan to use the phone, TV or the Internet. Another reason why a subscriber may terminate the contract is a better offer for payment or terms of service from competitors.

Rostelecom: how to temporarily turn off your home phone?

If we are talking about a temporary suspension of the telephony service, then the client just needs to call the contact center and inform the operator of his intention. Before connecting the blocking, the employee will tell you what the price of this option is, whether there are additional nuances that the subscriber should be aware of, and how it will be possible to resume the provision of services in the future. After the need to block the account disappears, you should call the dispatcher again and ask to cancel it.

The procedure for the client to terminate the contract

If you are a client of the company and you have a question about how to turn off your home phone (Rostelecom, St. Petersburg, for example), then you should know that the principle of refusing services is identical in every region of the country.

The first thing to do is to pay off debts, of course, if any. Since it is impossible to terminate the contract under which there is a debt. The subscriber must independently clarify (for example, through a personal account on the Internet) whether there is a minus on the account, and deposit funds to pay it off.

Then you need to go to the sales and service salon - it is there that an application for termination of the contract is formed. In some cases, you need to visit Main office Rostelecom company. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of addresses of the organization's branches on the official website and choose the most convenient one. At the office, employees will inform about further interaction: for example, how to return funds from the account (if there is a balance and there is no debt). Before turning off your home phone, Rostelecom will send a specialist to you to remove connection points. You should leave your contact number so that you can coordinate the time of the visit.

By the way, if the subscriber is concerned about the question of how to turn off 8 on the home phone (Rostelecom), then you should also contact the office and write a corresponding application to deactivate the intercity exit. To learn more, including whether it is possible to write an application remotely, please contact the operator's subscriber service consultants.

Free legal advice:

Who can terminate the contract?

Such a serious procedure as termination of the contract is carried out only by the person whose name is entered in the contract for the provision of communication services. In this regard, you should find the document and clarify whose particular data is included in it. How to turn off Rostelecom's home phone if the contract is drawn up for another person? In the event that the person who is considered the “owner” of the contract is currently absent or cannot, for some reason, drive up to the office and write a statement, then someone else can do it. At the same time, there must be a power of attorney, legally certified, in the name of the person who plans to visit the office. Otherwise, the operation will be refused. Family ties are also not taken into account - you need the presence of the owner (with his passport) and his handwritten statement or a person for whom there is a power of attorney.

Termination of the contract in case of death of the account holder

Sometimes there are situations when the owner of the contract has died. In this case, his relative or, for example, the one who purchased the apartment or inherited it, can initiate the termination. In this case, be sure to take a death certificate and a personal identity card with you.

The situation is slightly different if there is a desire not to terminate the contract, and after the death of the person to whom it is issued, rewrite it for yourself. This opportunity is given only to relatives. In this case, you will need a document certifying kinship - a birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

How to disable Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet?

For customers who are unable to find time to contact a branch of the company, there is another option for submitting an application for termination. A sample document can be downloaded from the Rostelecom website. How to disable Rostelecom's home phone via the Internet?

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. Scan it.
  3. Send a scanned document to e-mail regional branch, additionally attaching the following documents: a scan of the passport of the owner of the agreement, a scan of the power of attorney, if we are talking about representatives, and indicating your phone number. Contacts must be left so that the specialist can contact the client and agree on the time of departure (to remove connection points).

What about when moving?

You can also form an application for termination of the contract due to relocation on the website provided by Rostelecom ("personal account"). How to turn off your home phone and do you need to turn it off if you change your place of residence? This issue is quite relevant, so Rostelecom has developed a special service "Moving". With its help, a home phone can be reconnected in a new apartment or house on the same terms. That is, in a situation where there are no technical restrictions, Rostelecom services can move with the client. There is no need to terminate the contract. You should visit the office of the company and get a certificate "Moving".

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In addition to not having to think again about connecting a telephone and other services in a new place, the company gives all subscribers a 100% discount on a subscription. payment within two months after the move.


In this article, we talked about how to turn off the Rostelecom home phone (St. Petersburg) and in other regions of the country in each of the possible situations. If you still have questions, you should contact the support line: by phone, through the online chat form, and other interaction channels. The procedure for terminating the contract for Internet and television services is somewhat different. Added the fact that the subscriber needs to return the equipment that he rented.

How to temporarily or permanently disable a Rostelecom landline phone

Until recently, some years ago, a home phone meant prestige, the owners of the numbers were just happy that they could talk to people from their home. Not everywhere and not everyone installed home telephony, but that was a long time ago. Now, with the development cellular communication, probably everyone has mobile phones, and even a retired grandmother does not leave the house without her phone.

In today's time, the payment for the services of landline home phones is constantly growing, and you can’t take it with you - use mobile communications much more convenient, cheaper and more reliable, so many adherents of communication in the old fashioned way decide to turn off this service. And within the framework of this article, we will tell you how to turn off Rostelecom's home phone for a while or completely abandon it.

Free legal advice:

What does a Rostelecom subscriber need to know?

Clients of a fixed local or international form of telephone communication, for objective reasons, may temporarily or completely refuse the services of the company.

Exist different ways, but they all require documentary confirmation of their intentions.

Temporary blocking

When leaving on vacation, to live in a country house or a long business trip, it is most rational to temporarily disable the use of home telephony. And if before 02.2015 the subscriber had to visit the service office, then from this date you can simply contact the operator and express your desire to block on certain time.

Some may mistakenly believe that you can simply turn off the use of your home phone for a while, and then reconnect when you get home. But during your absence, the operator can "give" your number to another client, because he does not know that you are going to use your home phone again in the future. After disconnection, your service agreement ceases to be valid, but if you temporarily block the number, you will be able to use local communications after calling Rostelecom support. Therefore, do not forget to warn technical support about the temporary blocking of the phone.


  1. To block / unblock any services used by the subscriber of the network, you need to dial a single support number.
  2. Name the personal data of the owner of the number and the number of the service agreement.
  3. Ask to temporarily turn off the landline phone.

Tariffs for temporary blocking

For the phone lock option, they will take 95 rubles. monthly, but this will guarantee the preservation of your number. Rostelecom does not limit customers in time, it can be any period of temporary suspension of the use of services.

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Complete rejection of telephony

If you are no longer satisfied with the tariff scale, or there is no desire to pay for a phone that is rarely used, then you can completely abandon your home phone.

Important! If you think that you will stop paying and the service will automatically turn off, then this is not entirely true. Yes, there really will be no connection, but you will become the company's debtor, and if you do not voluntarily agree to pay off the debt, then it can be recovered in court.

What needs to be done and how to properly disable Rostelecom's landline phone:

  1. Come to the service office.
  2. You need to take your ID card and service agreement with you.
  3. In a free form, apply to turn off home telephony.
  4. The operator will check for a debt, and if it exists, it will need to be paid off.

After these actions, the number stops working, and you can remove the outdated device to the mezzanine.

But if it is not possible to personally visit the office, then this can be done by mail by sending a registered letter with a statement. The period will be calculated from the moment the letter is received, that is, by the stamp, and from this date the service ceases to operate.

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In any case, the client will be contacted and informed about the date of arrival of specialists to physically turn off the device.

How to turn off Rostelecom's home phone without a personal visit to the office

The ubiquity of mobile communications is making home landlines a thing of the past. Accordingly, the issue of refusing the services of Rostelecom remains relevant.

Before informing Rostelecom employees about your desire to terminate the contract for the use of a home telephone, you must make sure that there is no debt for communication services already provided.

You can do this in one of several ways:

  • by calling the toll-free number of Rostelecom's customer support service: -08-00, by selecting the desired item in the voice menu or by contacting the operator;
  • by checking the data in your personal account on the company's website;
  • by contacting the nearest Rostelecom office;
  • by checking the information through a Sberbank ATM in the service replenishment tab.

If there is a debt, it must be paid off. The easiest way to do this is through your personal account on the site using bank card– the whole procedure will take only a few minutes.

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With a negative balance, an application to disable the home phone service will not even be accepted.

Having dealt with the debt, you can proceed to terminate the contract. Since the issue is serious, the intention to terminate the agreement must be confirmed personally, when contacting the office, or by phone, while communicating with an employee of the company. The contract must be terminated by the person who signed it.

Ways to turn off your home phone

You can refuse to use Rostelecom's home phone in one of several ways.

The methods are as follows:

  • by visiting the nearest office of the company;
  • by calling the contact center of Rostelecom;
  • leaving an application through a personal account on the organization's website.

The first option requires the most time. When using it, you need to find out the location of the offices, select the nearest one and specify the time of its work. At the selected time, you will need to visit the office and inform its employees of your intention to terminate the contract for the use of a home phone.

As a rule, the application for disconnection is filled out by the employees of the offices themselves, who clarify the personal data of the clients and enter them into the form. After a while, the landline turns off.

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Those subscribers who live far from the company's offices can send applications to disable the service using postal services. The application form is available for download on the Rostelecom website.

Disabling the service by calling the contact center takes a minimum of time. During the conversation, the operator will clarify the personal data of the client and make an application on his behalf to turn off the phone.

The last way to cancel the service - via the Internet - is also convenient and does not take much time.

In order to use it, you must:

  • log in to your personal account and find the section dedicated to your home phone;
  • select a number and press the disconnect button;
  • create an application for refusal of the service and send it to work;
  • wait for a call from a Rostelecom employee and confirm the stated intention.

Temporary deactivation of the service

Sometimes the service must be canceled for a certain time, for example, for a period of long absence due to a business trip or vacation. In order not to completely turn off the phone, but at the same time not to pay for communication services during their actual non-use, you can apply for a temporary disconnection.

You can do this:

  • by visiting the nearest Rostelecom office;
  • calling the contact center of the company.

Previously, only the first method of temporarily blocking the service was available to Rostelecom subscribers. It was necessary to go to the office, draw up a written application, put your signature under it and wait for the processing of the submitted application.

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Considering that few people have a lot of free time to visit the company's offices, Rostelecom has provided its customers with the opportunity to temporarily block the service by contacting the contact center.

Today, you can block your phone for a while without leaving your home.

For this you need:

  • dial the number of the customer support service;
  • name the phone number to be disconnected and account information;
  • specify the period for disconnecting communication services and request a blocking for this time;
  • wait for the phone to turn off.

Blocking the phone for a certain time allows you to keep the number used by the subscriber. At the same time, during the absence of a person, calls will not be received on the phone and a subscription fee will not be charged.

You should be aware that this service is paid, but the amount of payment is still less than the monthly charges that could be without a temporary shutdown.

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How to turn off Rostelecom's home phone

With the spread of cellular communications, many were able to convince themselves of the reliability, convenience and relative cheapness of cellular communication services, and for many, the need for fixed telephone communications disappeared.

Almost no one calls the home phone, long-distance calls are much cheaper to make via Skype, so many landline phone users have a reasonable question: what are we paying money for? Isn't it easier to turn off your home phone or freeze this service? And how to disable Rostelecom services? Let's deal with this.

Temporary and permanent disconnection of the phone from Rostelecom

If you do not understand the reasonableness of payment for landline phone, you can turn it off at any time. Shutdown can be issued both temporarily and completely, that is:

  • With temporary blocking of Rostelecom services.
  • With the final termination of the contract for a wired telephone.

Temporary blocking means that you do not terminate the contract with Rostelecom, but you are terminated from providing communication services at your request. Such a move will give you the opportunity, firstly, to keep a valid contract for wired telephone services just in case, and at the same time save on the subscription fee for the phone.

To temporarily block Rostelecom services, you just need to call the telephone company; to resume services, a phone call is also enough.

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How to terminate the contract with Rostelecom

If you have made a firm decision to finally terminate the contract with Rostelecom, your actions will be somewhat more complicated.

First of all, you need to find the telephone service agreement itself, and if it was concluded in ancient times, and most likely it was, especially if you live in an apartment whose owner has not changed since Soviet times, then finding it can be a difficult task.

But even if you did not manage to find the contract, you can at least remember who signed it.

If this person is one of your relatives, you need to get him to write an application to terminate the contract. However, it will be enough to get a power of attorney on his behalf to terminate the contract.

Next, you will have to visit the office of Rostelecom, find an employee in it who receives citizens and send him an application to terminate the contract from a certain date. However, the application can also be sent by mail. Then, in a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, you must enclose, in addition to the application to terminate the contract for communication services from a certain date:

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  1. A copy of your passport.
  2. A copy of the contract for communication services.
  3. If you are acting on behalf of the person terminating the contract, a copy of the power of attorney.

Be sure to include your contact phone number. Employees of Rostelecom will have to agree with you on the date of disconnection of you from Rostelecom's communication lines.

When disconnecting your phone from Rostelecom lines, you will have to pay off all existing debts for services already provided, such as telephone communications, long-distance telephone communications, Internet services, cable television by the time you apply for disconnection.

If you applied for a disconnection but did not pay off your debts, your disconnection will not reset your debt, which will only grow.

If your home has access to the Internet only through telephone lines Rostelecom, by turning off the telephone connection, you will inevitably lose the Internet.

Internet disconnection from Rostelecom

When disconnecting from the services of the Internet provider Rostelecom, you can also either temporarily block the provision of Internet communication services or terminate the contract completely.

If you turn off Internet services forever, you will have to terminate the contract, for which you will have to visit the Rostelecom office.

By writing an application for termination of the contract, you will have to provide access to the installed Internet equipment to Rostelecom employees in order to disconnect and dismantle it. After physically disconnecting your apartment from the Rostelecom network and terminating the contract for Internet communication services, the deed will be done: you will disable Rostelecom Internet services forever .

Please cancel the apartment telephone07………because.

We haven’t used it for a long time, and the bills are “sky-high”… We don’t need this!

Krylova Bondarik Galina Grigorievna-pensioner

On 05/05/2017, at the office of Lenin 33, he issued a termination of the contract with Novosibirsk Rostelecom for the services of a city telephone, the telephone was disconnected that day, the telephone cable and socket were removed. The phone is switched off and the claims go one by one.

And after the termination of the contract with Rostelecom, did you contact their office? Wrote a statement to sort it out and stop harassing you? Alternatively, you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office against this telecom operator!

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