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If you are a young entrepreneur and registered your company less than 6 months ago, then it's time to take advantage of great deals project partners New business". 1C accounting, banking and shop equipment, production of stamps and seals, translation agencies, insurance - two dozen services from the leaders of the B2B market in Belarus. With us you will surely find what your company needs right now. Go to the site and leave a request. Our partners will quickly contact you and help you develop your new business.

Alexander Gubchik, head of the creative workshop "Miracle Basket" :

- I registered my company more than six months ago. This is my side business. All forces go to the main one, so the second company develops slowly. But I became interested in the project. I decided to take a look at offers from partners. I liked the check-in service trademark. I left them a request. I was answered by e-mail and now we are in correspondence. Of course, you can't take advantage of the discount. I signed up a long time ago. But I'm interested in getting acquainted with the proposal and getting advice.

The project itself is interesting. If I had seen him earlier, I would have saved on legal fees.

Vadim Gordey, Commercial Director of Liberty-Agro :

- We have recently registered a new legal entity. We searched the Internet for proposals for the manufacture of furniture for the office. Came across a project. All proposals of partners were not studied. Stopped only on furniture. Because at that moment it was she who interested us. Leave a request on the website to be contacted. The company representative called me back the next day. But for us, it was not so much the cost as the production time that was important. We needed to quickly equip a new office for employees. And if in this case we agreed on the price, then, unfortunately, we did not agree on the timing. I had to order furniture from another company.

Alexander Kalinkov, director of the online store :

- I saw an article on the TUT.BY portal about the project. I have my own online store. Naturally, I want to save on some services. I left a request for a printing service. I am waiting to be contacted. In general, I like the idea of ​​the project. But I would also like to see a partner for the SEO promotion service. So far, unfortunately, it is not.

If you are a young entrepreneur and registered your company less than 6 months ago, then it's time to take advantage of the profitable offers of project partners. 1C accounting, banking and trade equipment, production of stamps and seals, translation agencies, insurance - two dozen services from the leaders of the B2B market in Belarus. With us you will surely find what your company needs right now. Come on and leave a request. Our partners will quickly contact you and help you develop your new business.

LLC "Catalog TAM BY", UNP 192764627

“We, entrepreneurs, have been hung up in one place and are being held to hurt us at any moment. Laws allow this,” said the chairman of the entrepreneurial public association"Perspektiva" Anatoly Shumchenko at the next IP forum, which took place today in Minsk. In general, the agenda from the last forum migrated almost unchanged: high rental rates, confiscation of goods, the need to obtain quality certificates for all imported light industry goods. From the new - competition from traders from Central Asia and discussion of a revolutionary decree that should simplify the work of the IP.

“The authorities will again look at the number of individual entrepreneurs on the forum! I won’t repeat how important a full hall is,” he warned entrepreneurs before the start of the next forum. Anatoly Shumchenko. If last time about 140 people talked about the sore, this time they announced the presence at the forum of a little more than 200 representatives from Minsk and the regions.

The forum of entrepreneurs was held under the significant title "Belarus - a country for business ...".

- The name has a subtext, - said Anatoly Shumchenko. - They came up with it themselves IP.

Among the representatives of the authorities at the forum were the Director of the Department for Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy Petr Arushanyants, Deputy Head of the Department for Improving the Business Environment of the Entrepreneurship Department of the Ministry of Economy Valery Khomchenko, Head of the State Standard Inspectorate for the Minsk Region and Minsk Alexander Romanovsky, as well as the head of the department for the organization of trade and services MART Brezovskaya Violetta.

"Asians Appear"

Judging by the emotional intensity in the hall, the forum participants are now most worried about competition with entrepreneurs from Central Asia. According to them, they trade cheaply and with numerous violations. In the district center, they earn from 5 to 10 thousand rubles a day.

“There is no marking in Russian, the manufacturer’s address is not indicated on the labels,” the businesswoman described Marina, how things were organized in Petrikovo. - There are no certificates. Goods of Belarusian production did not appear. The checks did not break through, and they do not break through. Their terminal is "temporarily out of service".

In the opinion of ipeshniks who monitor purchase prices in different countries, selling things at such prices will not work without violations.

“But we were pushed into a higher price category by documents, contributions and taxes,” he expressed dissatisfaction Anatoly Zmitrovich from Svetlogorsk.

In Petrikovo, the point where competitors from Central Asia were trading was closed, but throughout the country, ipeshniks counted more than 150 similar stores. And if earlier the topic was relevant in the regions, now it is being discussed in Minsk.

“We used to have three or four points, but now there is only one left. Including because sellers came from Asia, businesswomen complain Victoria and Jeanne. They sell clothes at the Zhdanovichi market.

The speakers were parried by the head of the Gosstandart inspection for the Minsk region and Minsk Alexander Romanovsky: this situation arises largely because ipeshnikov "do not touch". Over the past three months, more than 20 control and supervisory activities have been carried out by the inspectorate against representatives of Central Asia.

“We do not have the competence to go out with checks on enterprises that were registered less than two years ago,” the official explained. All these enterprises were registered less than two years ago. Most - on our IP. Therefore, we go out with Bellegprom, with representatives of the local executive authorities for monitoring. We do everything within our powers.

According to Romanovsky, out of 20 events that were held in 16 regions, violations were identified in each case.

- Made recommendations. Then we looked to see if they were taken into account. Only four subjects did not eliminate them. Reports of administrative violations were drawn up. Documents submitted to the court. Maybe the store should be closed. Excuse me, but we do not have such powers. And we all have the same approach.

Romanovsky was supported by MART representatives: in connection with liberalization, when the number of inspections was reduced, only preventive and precautionary measures can be taken as part of monitoring.

- All information with the stated facts of violations was sent to the Council of Ministers not so long ago. will be accepted management decisions to help resolve the situation.

“Dine with a man in a cafe, a week later he commits a crime - and you are accused of complicity”

Individual entrepreneurs also recalled at the forum the promised chipping of leather shoes and outerwear: entrepreneurs may be required to supply these items with RFID tags. Many were worried about the risk of being accused of working with pseudo-entrepreneurial structures in hindsight.

“The 488th decree itself is literate, but its execution leads to the fact that all entrepreneurs turn into thieves,” she complained from the stage Elena. As a legal entity, she headed for 12 years construction company where up to 50 people worked. “Imagine today you are having lunch with a man in a cafe, and a week later he commits a crime – and you are accused of complicity. My firm entered into contracts with organizations in 2010, 2011, when they were not yet included in the register. And in 2015, I was ordered to pay penalties for more than 1 billion in old money. A fine of 504 million, the rest is a penalty since 2010. At the same time, I had to pay taxes and salaries to people. I took loans. Today friends feed me and my son. I have been at war for a year and a half, I lost the Supreme Court.

Another old requirement is contributions to the Social Security Fund on the basis of the “if you don’t work, you don’t pay” principle. Entrepreneurs insist that those individual entrepreneurs who do not carry out their activities must pay contributions to the Social Security Fund on a voluntary basis. By the way, the Ministry of Labor recently drafted a decree on this matter.

"And nothing has changed"

The fact that the same topics are being discussed again and again was felt by the forum participants themselves.

“We’re marking time in one place like sheep,” complained one of the IPs.

“Things are still there,” Anatoly Shumchenko agreed and was, as always, emotional: “We, entrepreneurs, have been hung up in one place and are being held in order to hurt at any moment. The laws allow it. Not a single proposal from Perspektiva was taken into account in the so-called revolutionary document for business. If we do not achieve the fulfillment of the requirements, then we have three years left to live at the most.

- Less! - shouted the Ipeshniks from the hall.

“Maybe less. I am an optimist,” Shumchenko answered.

Meanwhile, "revolutionary document for business"- that is, the decree "On the Development of Entrepreneurship" - is about to be adopted, says Peter Arushanyants.

- A package of documents has now been developed. A part has already been adopted, and the rest will be adopted in the coming days: the decree “On the development of entrepreneurship”, the decree “On the improvement of control (supervisory) activities”. Plus licensing, farmsteads and issues of handicraft activities, - lists the director of the Department for Entrepreneurship.

He noted that even those changes that are designed for the entire business community, due to the specifics of the proposals: simplification of regulations, fewer reporting and various permits, will play into the hands of small businesses in the first place.

“Because the costs of fulfilling those requirements of the legislation that are now recognized as unnecessary, the administrative burden falls precisely on small enterprises. On the large enterprises There are various accounting and legal services. For them, this is a minor burden. And for small businesses, the lack of the necessary specialists leads not only to an increase in the cost of goods, but, in fact, stops work, makes it unprofitable.

In the near future, the number of mandatory fire safety standards will be reduced by ten times, and veterinary regulations will be reduced by thirteen times.

- Same goes for security. environment, sanitary standards. In general, the number of norms in various industries has been reduced by 10-15 times. Economic consequences decisions taken we will see later, I think there will be a significant increase, - Petr Arushanyants predicts.

About 1000 registered in Belarus every month legal entities and 3,000 individual entrepreneurs. For the most part, these are young businessmen who are just starting their commercial journey, but among them there are also experienced entrepreneurs who are launching their new projects.

To make it easier for young companies to get on their feet, the TAM.BY project team has created a special section on its website called .

Here are unique Special offers for newly registered legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that allow you to start a business at minimal cost.

Dmitry Kartel, one of its authors and the head of the marketing department of the TAM.BY project, spoke in more detail about the initiative to create the New Business section of the editorial office.

Business assistance is a very broad term. What exactly will it be?

After the trial launch of the project in September 2017 - January 2018, we noted the high activity of users in this section, collected positive statistics and a lot of positive feedback from company executives who used the services of our partners.

Here are some examples of them:

Dmitry Kulbitsky,
director of 1C Service company

- Information about the project came to me in an email newsletter. I am interested in the service of posting vacancies from Work.TUT.BY . I left a request. They quickly contacted me and explained how it works. So far I have not used this service. I haven't gotten to the hiring stage yet. But when the time comes, I will turn to partners The project itself is interesting. If I had seen him earlier, I would have saved on legal fees.

Alexander Gubchik,
head of the creative workshop "Miracle Basket"

I registered my company more than six months ago. I became interested in the project I decided to take a look at offers from partners. I liked the trademark registration service. I left them a request. I received an email and we are now in correspondence.


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