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Almost everyone spends a large part of their lives in the workplace. In view of this, the working wage and other conditions should give satisfaction to the worker. It is this activity that deserves attention. But if every morning the thought arises: “I don’t want to go to work,” then it’s worth analyzing the reasons for this reluctance.

If this is banal laziness, but otherwise everything is fine, then you need to work on yourself. If you don’t like the job, and there is a whole list of things that you don’t like about it, then it’s best to consider changing the team, office, or even the field of activity.

Self-destruction instilled from childhood

How to make a decision when in doubt? There are many ways and tricks to help you deal with this task. First of all, you need to abandon the recommendations of people who lived in Soviet times. After all, they never had such a thought: “I don’t want to go to work”, they only had an understanding that they must go and should be grateful to their employer for helping to earn bread and butter. What can I say, such an inveterate thought was introduced to our ancestors by experienced "slave owners" of those times. And if they were looking new job then before getting away with the old one. In order not to take risks and not be left with nothing.

From childhood, they were told: "Work, otherwise you won't earn a pension, work in one place, so that the state appreciates you and provides for you in your old age." You can talk about this topic for a long time, most importantly, before you hear them, take a look, have they appreciated their activities in one workplace too much? Do they live without denying themselves anything? Probably not.

Solution path

Therefore, you should not be afraid to move from place to place until you find a job that will bring joy, and not burden your life. That is, first of all, you must realize that there is nothing wrong with changing jobs, professions. Do not follow the lead of those who adhere to the opinion approved over the years that one must endure and work hard. Of course, it’s good if you like the job, and you will work on it for decades, conquering career peaks. But if the work is not to your liking, then there is no need to waste your strength.

Of course, you should not prove to grandparents or mom and dad that they are out of date and do not understand anything. Understand that this is their opinion and they have the right not to deviate from it. Nevertheless, you are the personality of the new generation, which is more confident, knows what was not available to the ancestors. So just go your own way and don't let the decision be made for you.

Common reasons for leaving

How do you know it's time to quit? This question has a lot of answers. After all, each person has his own reasons and ambitions. Nevertheless, there are a number of basic problems in connection with which people can not stand it and leave their jobs. These include:

  • Feelings of insecurity in working time. When a person cannot be himself in the office where he spends a large segment of his life, over time he begins to burn out. He does not know whether to quit or not, and pulls on himself an unbearable burden, oppressing his temper and forgetting that he is a person. When the last drop of patience hits the bowl, the employee finds ways to decide to quit, and does it without hesitation.

  • There is not a moment left for yourself. If the work brings income, but a person cannot even afford to simply go to a hairdresser or undergo a medical examination, then such an activity is exhausting, and the search for a vacancy begins that will allow you to take care of yourself and live in pleasure. Only workaholics can withstand such a busy schedule, while others leave such places.
  • A low salary is a common reason for dismissal. Only a few who do not have any professional qualities agree to work for pennies. The main part of people are not ready to sell their time for a symbolic payment, so they leave their jobs in search of best place.
  • Harm to health. Whether it's a productive workshop that is detrimental to health, or a dusty office with nothing to breathe in, many do not like such conditions. Hence, it becomes another common reason for dismissal.
  • Insult and prejudice on the part of superiors is another nuance that causes the dismissal of staff from the company.
  • There is no opportunity for career growth. Before you decide that it's time to quit, you need to understand for sure whether all the doors to career growth are really closed to you. For many, the lack of such an opportunity enters into a stupor, the desire to work disappears.

In any case, before you understand whether to quit or not, it is worth analyzing the reasons why such a desire arose. Perhaps you are just tired, or maybe you really should leave an unloved, exhausting job forever.

Feeling in danger

Before making a decision, if you doubt its balance, it is worth considering whether the work is safe. If at the time of stay at the workplace:

  • You are being threatened.
  • Your life is regularly in danger.
  • Your activities are associated with dangerous people.

There are two solutions. The first of these is to try to solve the problem by contacting senior management. The second of them, if the first did not help, is dismissal. After all, there is nothing more important than safety and a sense of security for a person. You can always find a place where it will be comfortable and safe.

Work is harmful to health

How to understand whether to quit or not from the current place? Yes, very easy! If work is unhealthy and makes you weak, then it is not your job.

No matter how much money is paid for work, no matter how great the team and interesting work if at the end of the month you pay half of your salary to medical institution in order to improve your health, such a place is not worth the candle.

Feeling overwhelmed and insecure

You need to leave your job if you are no longer sure that you like what you are doing. Doing work for show, you can never feel the joy of the activity. When you are not confident in your abilities and capabilities, leaving your current position, there is a risk of grabbing any thread and going to do just something. It is much wiser in this case to quit and wait for time to rest and recover from work that does not satisfy your ambitions and makes you insecure. Therefore, in the question "to quit or not" it is better to make a decision in favor of leaving.

You don't have time for yourself

Good job with high pay and a pleasant team should not become the meaning of life. If you, receiving a salary, cannot even afford to visit a beauty salon or go to the pool, or simply meet friends in a cafe, then it is better to send such work to the past. Before you change jobs to another, be sure to relax and give attention to your loved one. This will help motivate you to continue looking for a job that will leave you time to take care of yourself.

You may just be misprioritizing and scheduling your work schedule. By doing work according to a plan written by your own efforts, in some cases you may well have time to devote time to yourself. If no paths help, then it is better to leave the hateful place and write a letter of resignation.

Salary does not meet your needs

Do you work hard for days on end, give your employer time, and at the end of the month you receive a meager salary, which is not even enough for food, travel and entertainment? Is it worth it to work for such a greedy "uncle" who appreciates your efforts so low?

If you know exactly what your professional quality and skills allow you to get a higher-paying position, then why do charity work?

If you don’t know how to quit without problems, then just calmly and without accusations explain to the manager the reason. Tell that you do not have enough money for a normal life, you can even tell your boss about your expenses if you trust him with such questions. It is likely that the boss will decide in your favor and raise your salary to the level you want. If, for reasons of difficulties with the financial situation in the company, or because of the principles of the boss, you cannot be paid enough, then feel free to write a statement. You do not have to work for pennies if your skills allow you to get a much higher salary.

Leave with the words that you like everything, and, in case of a change in the situation in the company, you will be happy to return to your favorite workplace. This will help you leave a low-paying job with a clear conscience. At the same time, you will not cut off the ends and you will be remembered as a professional, competent and sociable specialist.

Your boss or co-workers insult you

Bullying is bad in any of its manifestations. Perhaps you got to work when there was already a close-knit team for a long time, and you were taken for an object for the removal of the soul. Or maybe the leader offends and becomes personal with all colleagues. In any case, it is unpleasant to work in such an atmosphere.

There are several ways out of this situation. The first is to explain constructively and accessible to everyone that you will not allow such an attitude towards your person. The second is to begin to “poke fun” at your colleagues in the same way, so that they feel for themselves what you feel. The third is to leave the team in which unreasonable, low-intellect people work. Of course, it's worth leaving your job when you have tried all the options to build a relationship, but they turned out to be futile. At the same time, you can leave without a twinge of conscience and unnecessary worries.

After all, as a good specialist, you will always find something better.

Lack of career growth opportunities

There are individuals who cannot live without satisfying their ambitions and aspirations. Therefore, for many stable work in one place where they pay well and have a friendly team - this is insufficient motivation for activity. There are small desks in which there can be no talk of moving somewhere, except perhaps to sit the head, which is sometimes impossible.

In this case, it is better for a person to write a letter of resignation and leave for a large company in which there are chances for a promotion for those who try and fulfill the requirements of management.

When leaving an unpromising place of work, it is worth explaining the reason. Perhaps someday the company will begin to expand, and you will be invited to an interesting position that will be meaningful to you.

If you, summing up, nevertheless decided that there are more pluses in your work than minuses, then continue to work and work on yourself. If you nevertheless firmly decided that it is time to leave the office forever, you need to take note of the following details:

  1. You don't have to give your time to your boss and co-workers if you don't feel comfortable working with them.
  2. Only you have the right to decide which work is worthy of your attention.
  3. Do not settle for "breakfasts" from the authorities, who once again promise to correct the situation that has arisen and already for a long time nothing changes.
  4. You don't have to risk your health to work for a company that can't provide a normal work environment.

Be decisive in your actions and plans. Achieve the goal of working where everything you need will be: conditions, decent salary, friendly team. If this is not the case, then feel free to quit and look for a better place.

Alexandra Savina

At the end of the week, we tend not to think about work., but about the upcoming vacation. And yet the weekend best time to understand whether what you are doing suits you, whether you are satisfied with your position and position. If you feel like the weekend is the only time you feel happy, it might be time to ask yourself a nasty question. Here are some signs that indicate that you should consider changing jobs.

You are unhappy at work

Sometimes we all count the minutes until the end of the working day - this is normal until it becomes a constant practice. According to a survey by Crunch Accounting, 46% of Brits surveyed consider the habit of looking impatiently at the clock in anticipation of the end of the working day as one of the clear signs that it is time to change jobs. Of course, weekdays rarely look like a daily holiday - but if you can't remember when last time experienced joy or satisfaction from what you are doing, this is an occasion to reflect. If you realize that you are spending more and more time on social networks instead of working, if you are bored, if you no longer know what attracted you to your current position before, or it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling and work responsibilities have been brought to automatism - time to figure out what's going on. It will probably be enough to talk to your manager about expanding your responsibilities, promotion or additional training. If that doesn't work, perhaps it's time for more drastic measures.

Your skills are not useful to you at work

Sometimes we are forced to accept a position that does not allow us to reveal all our skills and abilities - for example, in order to be able to grow and develop in a promising company and eventually get a dream job. But if you feel that the situation has dragged on and you are clearly not using your full potential, you should think about change.

Do I need to quit my job to earn more? Definitely. Is it worth quitting to grow professionally? Exactly. But there are other reasons to leave. And they all fall into one broad category: “Life is too short.” It's too short to come home every day feeling inferior, working for a terrible boss, feeling like a rented item or someone completely insignificant. Life is too short not to be as happy as possible. LinkedIn Mastermind Jeff Hayden Names Eight Reasons Why It's Time to Stop Being a Nibbler and Start Looking a better life.

"Let's let your adult daughter tells you, “I hate my job. I’m bored, frustrated and feel like I’m going nowhere,” would you advise her to find another job? So maybe you should think about it yourself?

Your contribution is not appreciated, if not needed at all

Every person has ideas. And we all love it when our ideas are taken seriously and have a serious impact on the common cause. The feeling that all this is thanks to you is very inspiring.

But when your boss or colleagues reject or even ridicule your ideas, it's demotivating. At some point, you don't care. But life is too short to be all the same.

Everyone criticizes you

We all need constructive criticism, sometimes even a little kick in the ass. Each of us sometimes needs to be reminded that we are capable of more, and suggest what we need to do for this.

But all this should sound face to face. Life is too short to expect new humiliations from the authorities every day in full view of the whole team.

You are never thanked

Everyone needs gratitude. We need to know when we're doing something right (and even those who don't do well sometimes deserve credit). Life is too short for your contribution to the common good not to be appreciated.

Your boss does not work with subordinates, but under superiors

You know, there are types of managers who, instead of leading their subordinates, do nothing but follow on the heels of their superiors and wag their tails. It seems like your only job is to get your boss to get more praise and a quick promotion.

A good manager knows that if his team is successful—and each team member is successful individually—that the manager himself will also be successful. Life is too short to build your boss's career at the expense of yourself.

you have no purpose

Everyone wants to feel like a part of something bigger. Everyone wants to think that affects not only the overall result, but also the lives of people around them. Life is too short to come home every day feeling like you've worked but never accomplished anything meaningful.

You feel like a cog

There are no irreplaceable people. After all, we all work for money. But beyond that, we all want to work for more than money. We want to work for respect and admiration. And with people we respect and admire.

If your boss doesn't stop by your table from time to time to ask about your family, how you're feeling, or if you need help, then you're just a cog in a big machine. Life is too short to be just a cog.

You are not a single bit excited when you go to work in the morning

Every job is sometimes tiring and annoying (I'm sure even Richard Branson is not happy about some things). But in every work there should be joyful moments. Or exciting moments. Or challenges. Or some aspects that make you think: “It would be better to get to the table and start doing this.”

Life is too short to waste it on daily waiting for the end of the working day.

You don't see the future

Every job has to lead you somewhere. Best of all, to increase, or at least to the opportunity to learn something new, to accept some challenges, to feel that tomorrow will be better than today. A worthy boss tries to improve the future of his company. A good boss also tries to improve the future of his employees, especially if some of these employees eventually become something big for the company. Life is too short to live without hope.

You think you can't do anything else

And this is the best reason to quit your job. I know what you're thinking - "I'll never find something better." Or “where I live, there is no work at all.” Or “I have invested too much time in this company/career/industry.” All of this is true if you let it be true.

You are capable of the best. You are capable of many things. You just need to believe in yourself, believe in your creativity, perseverance to try something new, to become better, happier and more fulfilling. Life is too short to stay put instead of doing your best for a better life. And now it's your turn to choose."

Psychologists say that you need to change jobs every 3 years. This will prevent duties from becoming routine and will expand opportunities for development. At the same time, about 40% of Russians at least once regretted that they had made the decision to leave. Finding a middle ground and understanding whether or not to quit your job is not easy, but it is quite possible if you approach the issue wisely.


Low wages are not the only reason to think about change.

There are several main signs indicating deep dissatisfaction with current activities:

It is important that the new activity does not take everything free time and bring the desired income. If there is a fear of going nowhere, you can start by switching to a remote activity with a free schedule that will provide a reliable rear.

Why is it hard to quit

Most people find it impossible to immediately fulfill the desire to leave work.

There are certain categories of workers who find it particularly difficult to make an important decision:

How to make the right decision

In order not to regret a lost career, you need to carefully consider everything. It is necessary to quit your job consciously, and not as a result of an instant impulse. There are ways to deal with the situation and feel secure.

Experts advise writing a list of one hundred unique items and reflecting the vision of an ideal place to work. During its compilation, one should not be interrupted and distracted by extraneous matters, so as not to lose the desired mood. It is necessary to list everything - from global to trifles.

The first 30 points, as a rule, reflect daily thoughts and experiences. The following 40 theses are transitional on the way from everyday life to new ideas. The last 30 numbers speak of true aspirations. A clear discrepancy between the desired and the actual will help to take the decisive step.

If doubts about quitting or not hinder the decision, you need to clearly define the direction of future activities.

Mentally listing all the skills that might be useful in a new job will help you gain confidence. If you need to put your thoughts in order, you should take a break during the first two weeks after the dismissal.

It’s great if you can get the support of friends and family who will help you decide whether to quit or not. To do this, you will have to explain to loved ones how important these changes are. Opinion from the outside can also protect against rash actions.

In order to avoid financial difficulties, part of the money must be put in a piggy bank. It is desirable to have an amount equal to a six-month budget. To accumulate it will help part-time work, refusal to purchase unnecessary things.

You need to prioritize wisely. A suitable occasion may never come, so if work interferes with living a full life, then you should not put off writing a letter of resignation.

Alena Baltseva | 03/11/2015 | 9332

Alena Baltseva 11.03.2015 9332

"Should I quit my job?" – this question tormented me at one time. For myself, I have identified 15 signs that it is still worth quitting.

I have met people who worked until retirement for their first (and, as it turned out, only) employer. Well, me, only for the first 5 years seniority who has changed three permanent jobs, it remains to shrug her shoulders and simply take it for granted that this is possible. The reasons for changing jobs were different: “not mine”, inadequate salary, lack of prospects career development and so on. The list goes on - several times I had to really "burn myself".

However, a couple of career failures in the anamnesis is also a useful experience. For at least two reasons:

  • Now, from just a chaotic job description, I can determine that not even worth answering, because I know exactly what lies behind this abstract list of requirements for the applicant. Saves a lot of time.
  • Now I understand that there is no need to wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle and everything will work out, the salary will rise, and the boss will become kinder. You need to quit and look for a new job. As the saying goes, leaving go.

I will make a reservation right away: I by no means urge you to quit your job immediately, especially if your financial situation leaves much to be desired. But the appearance of these “symptoms” is an occasion to think about whether it is time to change something in life.

1. Work does not inspire you.

And not inspiring - to put it mildly. I know that feeling: came to work with enthusiasm, and after a while something went wrong. Working conditions turned out to be a little worse, and the salary was a little less than promised. But this is not so bad, because the actual official duties disagreed significantly with the description of the job you were applying for. The fervor for labor exploits noticeably moderated.

2. You are constantly stressed

Feeling stressed and uncomfortable is normal (and sometimes even beneficial), but not when stress becomes the norm in your life. I remember my first job with cockroaches in the workplace (seriously, the 21st century in the yard and cockroaches in the room?) And a constant nervous environment, the consequences of an eight-hour stay in which often affected my loved ones.

3. You hate every morning at work.

And not because you are an owl by nature, but you have to come to work by 8:00. The reasons are anticipation of negativity, panic and even fear of work. I remember that at some point I even began to dream about work. And this is not about good dreams, but about real nightmares: another rush job, the bosses are not happy with me, and so on and so forth. If you drank a course of vitamins and forced yourself to go to bed on time, and the mornings did not become kinder, then it’s not about beriberi and chronic lack of sleep, but about poor work.

4. Your workload has increased, but your salary has not.

Fail-safe employees are not always appreciated. If you think that by temporarily agreeing to perform more work for the same money, you will soon wait for a promotion or a significant increase, alas. I thought so too.

It all started with the voluntary washing of cups for the boss and ended with the fact that my list of duties swelled to an indecent size. Moreover, the salary remained the same, but the cups that were not washed on time began to cause bewilderment and in some places even indignation. And in general, as it turned out, my salary initially included washing these very cups, and in general any additional load. Apparently, they simply forgot to tell me about it during the trial period.

Do not be afraid to negotiate the amount of salary and bonuses for additional workload. If you do not adequately evaluate yourself, others will evaluate you (and, most likely, you will not like the price).

5. The employer does not comply with labor laws

As I found out from my own experience, voluntarily washing mugs and making tea is, you know, still flowers. The berries were that the bosses aggressively insisted on working on weekends and considered leaving work immediately after the end of the working day as bad form and unwillingness to work. It took me a whole year, during which I worked an average of two hours a day, and sat down to work almost every weekend, to understand this.

The same applies to sick leave, vacations and other items of the social package. If your boss expects you to be required to work in 40s and have to be ready to get back from vacation on the next flight because they've lost your report, or don't plan to sign (and/or pay) your vacation at all, run! Do you need it?

6. Your company is sinking

At my last job, I stoically held on for another six months after it became completely clear that the employer was experiencing serious financial difficulties. This immediately affected the regularity of salary payments. “Well, everything will be fine soon,” I reassured myself. But no, nothing worked out.

If employees are constantly asked to be patient and get in position, although the boss still has money for a housekeeper, a taxi and pizza to the office (in a word, for anything, but not for salaries), leave!

7. Work interferes with the family

Returning to the topic of overtime, work on weekends, unplanned vacation disruptions and continuous negativity at work. If your hectic work life is stealing from you the time and energy that rightfully belongs to the family, stop and think about what is more important to you in this life. After all, a new smartphone for a child will not replace a close relationship with you.

Having changed my stressful job, I was surprised to find that now I not only can, but also want to communicate with my family in the evenings, and not withdraw into myself after a nervous day.

8. Work affects your health

Occupational diseases are the fate of all working people. It is important to monitor your well-being and pay attention to prevention and regular medical examinations. But if your health has deteriorated sharply due to working conditions or work features, you should not put up with it - it's time to run.

9. You don't like the team

If you find it unpleasant to work in a team, you don’t like your colleagues or your boss, this is an important bell. Think about it: you spend more time with colleagues than with your family (unless, of course, sleeping in the same bed is taken into account for the time spent together). If after talking with them you feel empty, think about changing jobs. Your environment shapes you like water wears away stone, whether you like it or not.

10. You are disappointed in the employer

Suppose the salary, terms of reference and team suit you, but corporate policy a little confusing in certain respects. If you do not trust your company (you know that it is doing dishonest business, deceiving customers, promoting immoral values, etc.), and you, as an honest person, do not like it, do not make a deal with your conscience - look for another job.

11. You are bored

If the mere thought of work gives you a yawn, think about it: is it worth it for you to waste your potential on such a useless activity? If a solid salary keeps you in a boring place, and obligations to your family do not allow you to drop everything overnight and get a dream job, try at least to start an interesting and useful hobby or part-time job, otherwise you risk getting bogged down in this swamp.

12. You are not productive.

If you understand that the work you do is very bad, and this lowers your self-esteem every day, it is better to find another position where you will feel at ease.

Another option: your productivity is hindered by the illiterate organization of work on the part of the authorities. But the result is the same - dissatisfaction with oneself and, possibly, criticism.

13. You understand that this is not “yours”

If you are clearly and clearly aware that this position is burying your talent in the ground, that you are doing a job that you do not like, quit. Find a job that you enjoy - and you won't have to "work" a day, because you will enjoy your job!

If the case again stands for financial matter, return to the advice in point 11.

14. You have no career prospects

The authorities do not listen to your ideas, stop all initiatives in the bud and make it clear that there is no way to move forward. career ladder and don't count? Go away! What's keeping you there?

15. You are humiliated and insulted

I still don't understand what made me refrain from leaving own will after the first insult I heard from the boss. As a sympathetic person, I “understood and forgave” the humiliating scene for myself and attributed it to family problems, financial difficulties and bad mood.

When history began to repeat itself regularly, I, fortunately, realized that no personal problems could justify banal rudeness and disrespect for others.

And if your situation is about a more serious case, such as sexual harassment or psychological abuse, leave immediately. Don't let yourself become a silent victim.


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