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AGREEMENT No. _______

pledge of grain for the future harvest

__________ "___" _______ 2002

We, the undersigned:

1) LLP "Agro- star» , hereinafter referred to as "Pledgee", - on the one acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand,

2) _________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Pledger", represented by ____________________________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________________, on the other hand,

collectively referred to as "Parties", and separately as above or "Side" have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. In order to ensure the proper fulfillment by the Pledgor of obligations under Agreement No. _______ dated "___" ________ 2002 (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement"), concluded between the Pledgee and the Pledgor, according to which the Pledgor undertook to make a payment in favor of the Pledgee in the amount sufficient for the Pledgee to fulfill the obligation to pay the foreign company "_______________" ___________ US dollars, constituting the cost of medicines, by "___" _________ 2002 protection of plants supplied by a foreign company "______________" to the Pledgor, the Pledgor pledges to the Pledgee all the grain of the 2002 harvest, which will be grown by the Pledger, hereinafter "Bail subject".

After the harvest, the Pledge Subject will be transferred by the Pledgor for storage to ____________________________________________________ located at the address: ______________________________________________________________________________.

1.2. The receipt of the Subject of Pledge into the ownership of the Pledgor in the future is confirmed by the following documents:





The listed documents are transferred to the Pledgee until the Pledgor fully fulfills all its obligations under the Agreement and this Agreement.

1.3. The pledgor declares that the expected harvest should be at least _____________________ tons. The estimated value of the Subject of Pledge is determined by the Parties in the amount of: ____________ (______________________________________) tenge.

1.4. The use of the Pledge by the Pledgor is not allowed without written consent Pledgee.


2.1. The pledgee has the right:

a) at any time, at its own discretion, take the Pledged Item into its possession (as a pledge to its storage / warehouse / elevator), or leave the Pledged Item with the Pledgor under its lock and seal, or suspend the Pledgor’s operations with the Pledged Item by imposing on the Pledged Item their signs and seals (seals);

b) at any time, at its own discretion and at the expense of the Pledger, harvest the grain that is the Subject of Pledge directly from the fields;

c) require the Pledgor to take measures necessary to preserve the Pledge;

d) require any person to stop encroachment on the Subject of the Pledge, threatening its loss or damage;

e) if there is a danger of damage (destruction) of the Pledge - to demand from the Pledgor immediate (including early) performance of all obligations under the Agreement or restoration (replacement) of the Pledge in case of its damage (destruction);

f) satisfy his claims under the Agreement from the cost of the Subject of Pledge by its independent, extrajudicial sale in case of violation by the Pledgor of any of the obligations under the Agreement, with reimbursement at the expense of the Pledgor of all expenses incurred in connection with this;

5.2. This Agreement is terminated from the moment of fulfillment of all obligations under the Agreement.


6.1. All changes and / or additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

6.2. Unilateral refusal to execute this Agreement and unilateral change and / or addition to this Agreement is not allowed.

6.3. This Agreement is subject to state registration in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.4. Unsettled disputes are submitted for consideration to the judicial authorities at the location of the Pledgee.

6.5. The costs of the conclusion, execution and registration of this Agreement shall be borne by the Pledgor.

6.6. In all other respects that are not expressly provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6.7. This Agreement is signed in 3 copies of equal legal force, one for each Party and one for the registering authority.


7.1. The Pledgor guarantees that the Subject of the Pledge is free from any claims from third parties, is not under lease, under arrest or other pledge or encumbrance and undertakes to immediately notify the Pledgee of the occurrence of such claims.

7.2. The Pledgor guarantees and declares that he has all the necessary rights to dispose of the Subject of Pledge without any restrictions and the legal capacity to conclude this Agreement.

7.3. The Pledgor guarantees and declares that at the time of signing this Agreement, he is not involved in legal proceedings as a defendant (co-defendant).



Pledgee: LLP "Agro- star», /5, RNN, r / account. in, Almaty, MFO corr./ac. .

Pledgor: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


from the Pledgee: from the Pledgor:

____________________ __________________


To analyze the collateral, the Borrower, along with the documents, submits to the Bank:

1. duly certified copies of documents confirming the ownership of agricultural land, or a lease agreement (s) confirming the right to own and use agricultural land;

2. duly certified copies of documents confirming the ownership of the seed material and its quality: sales contracts, invoices, invoices, bills, payment orders, acceptance certificates, etc., as well as certificates and / or seed quality certificates;

3. a list of available storage facilities for storing the subject of pledge (harvested crops) indicating the type of rights to them (ownership, lease, etc.) with duly certified copies of the relevant agreements confirming the ownership (lease, etc.). etc.), and / or concluded and planned for the conclusion of contracts for the storage of agricultural products;

4. a certificate of the agricultural producer on the technical condition and availability of its own agricultural equipment and machine and tractor fleet (MTP) used to carry out agrotechnical measures for the cultivation and harvesting of agricultural crops, with a list of this equipment and MTP, or duly certified copies of agreements concluded between the agricultural producer and the organization that implements harvesting, harvesting from specific fields of the future harvest planned to be pledged and transporting this harvest to storage sites;

5. transcripts to the presented balance sheets, reflecting the costs incurred by the Borrower (in the context of crops) for pre-sowing activities, as well as a list of fixed assets used by the Borrower in production;

6. reports on the production and cost of crop production for the last 3 years, certified by the Department of Agriculture (Authorized Organization);

7. information on the harvest of agricultural crops from all lands for the last 3 years, certified by the Department of Agriculture (Authorized Organization);

8. yield forecast for a specific region for the period corresponding to the crediting period, prepared by the Department of Agriculture (Authorized Organization);

9. the structure of the sown areas of the agricultural producer for the current year, approved by the head of the farm and the chief agronomist (agronomist);

10. technological map for a particular crop with a list and timing of agrotechnical measures for the cultivation of crops, approved by the head of the farm;

11. land management maps drawn up by an organization that has the appropriate license and agreed with the agricultural producer;

12. a plan of sown areas, drawn up by an agricultural producer or an authorized organization and agreed with the Department of Agriculture, indicating the coordinates of the field (s) from which it is planned to harvest agricultural crops both for the purposes of pledge and for the purposes of forming a seed and / or forage fund;

13. calculation of the expected cost of production of agricultural crops (s), the future harvest of which is planned to be pledged to the Bank;

14. a document confirming the level of selling prices of agricultural crops (s), the future harvest of which is planned to be pledged to the Bank, in this region over the last 3 years. The specified document can be drawn up by the Department of Agriculture (Authorized Organization), government agency by statistics or by a pricing authority;

The list of documents specified in this clause may be supplemented taking into account the specifics of the credit transaction. Feasibility study in without fail should contain a calculation of the need for working capital(fuels and lubricants, fertilizers, plant protection products, spare parts and household inventory etc.), as well as planned expenses for the payment wages and taxes at each stage of the implementation of work on growing crops.

The quantitative composition of the future crop yield (the amount of possible collateral) is determined on the basis of:

actual data on the yield (in test weight) of agricultural crops grown by the Pledgor (Borrower) for the last 3 years;

yield forecast for a particular region for a period corresponding to the crediting period and prepared by the Department of Agriculture or an authorized organization;

data technological map for the cultivation of agricultural crops, submitted by the Pledgor (Borrower).

The amount of possible collateral for a specific field is determined as follows:

Vz \u003d Y * S * 0.1, where

Vz - the quantitative composition of the future crop crops (tons);

Y - crop yield (in test weight) corresponding to the minimum yield value for the last 3 years for the given Pledgor (Borrower). At the same time, the yield used in the calculations should not exceed the average predicted yield for the given region (c/ha);

S is the total area of ​​a particular field of agricultural crops (ha);

0.1 - conversion factor from centner to ton.

The collateral value of the future crop harvest is determined by the lending division of the Bank based on the quantitative composition (the amount of possible collateral) and the expected cost of the future crop crop offered for collateral, using the discount multiplier Kz:

Sz = Vz * SSp* Kz, where

Sz - collateral value of the future crop harvest (rubles);

Vz - the amount of possible collateral (tn);

SSp is the expected cost of the future crop harvest (rubles/ton). The expected cost of the future crop harvest should not exceed the sales price of this crop in this region over the past 3 years. In the event that the expected cost of the future harvest exceeds the average selling prices of this agricultural crop in the given region over the past three years, the average selling price of products in the region is taken instead of the expected cost to calculate the collateral value.

Kz - discount factor.

The discount multiplier is set:

Not more than 0.7 - for borrowers with a positive credit history with the Bank for more than 2 years, as well as a positive experience in agricultural work related to obtaining crops, the future harvest of which is planned to be pledged to the Bank, for more than 5 years;

Not more than 0.6 - for borrowers with a positive credit history with the Bank for up to 2 years, but not less than 1 year, as well as a positive experience in agricultural work related to obtaining crops, the future harvest of which is planned to be pledged to the Bank , lasting up to 5 years, but not less than 3 years.

The following provisions must be included in the Harvest Pledge Agreement:

· when determining the subject of the pledge, all existing GOSTs (grade, class) for each type of agricultural product are indicated in order to minimize the risk of not receiving a pledge of products that comply with the GOST (grade, class) not specified in the Harvest Pledge Agreement;

· As the crop is harvested, as well as after it is placed in storage, the crop in its natural form is pledged to the Bank. On a monthly basis, as agricultural products are collected and transferred for storage, as well as upon the sale of agricultural products pledged, the quantitative and / or qualitative characteristics of the pledged crop are clarified by drawing up the relevant additional agreement(s) to the Agreement about the pledge of the harvest;

· in the event that the qualitative and/or quantitative indicators of the crop harvested by the Pledgor turn out to be higher than those specified in the Harvest Pledge Agreement, the first crop in terms of harvesting terms in the amount specified in the Harvest Pledge Agreement is considered to be accepted as a pledge;

· in the event that the qualitative and/or quantitative indicators of the harvest of agricultural crops (s) collected by the Pledgor turn out to be lower than those specified in the Crop Pledge Agreement, the actually harvested amount of the crop is considered accepted as a pledge;

· in the case specified in the previous paragraph, in order to formalize the collateral, the market value of which should cover the obligations of the Pledgor (Borrower) on the principal debt and urgent interest accrued during the period of using the loan, the Bank requires the Pledgor (Borrower):

o pledge additional harvested crops, or

o pledge other liquid property.

If the Pledgor fails to comply with the above requirements, the Bank shall have the right to require the Pledgor (Borrower) to repay the debt in the amount of the excess of the Pledgor's obligations under the Loan Agreement over the amount of the issued security.

in case of violations by the Pledgor of the terms of the Pledge Agreement, including non-compliance by the Pledgor with the necessary agrotechnical measures related to the application of fertilizers, care of crops, harvesting products, as a result of which the quantity and / or quality of products specified in the Pledge Agreement may decrease, The Bank has the right to demand from the Borrower (Pledgor) at its own discretion:

* early fulfillment of all obligations under the Loan Agreement;

* payment of a fine in accordance with the terms of the Pledge Agreement;

* provision of additional security for the Pledgor's obligations under the Loan Agreement;

* replacement of the subject of collateral.

Perhaps this year in Russia will be surpassed the historical record of the harvest of leguminous crops - 133 million tons against 127 million in 1978, more than 900 kg per person. Last year, by the way, they also collected a lot: 120.7 million tons, of which 34.545 million were sold abroad, almost 30%, and the proceeds amounted to more than $5.9 billion.

Such indicators allowed our country to become the world's largest seller of wheat and confidently conquer the markets of such countries as China, Indonesia, Turkey and Egypt. Russian grain is already being bought by 36 countries, and this geography will certainly expand. Forecasts of our grain exports for this year fluctuate in the range of 43-47 million tons, and income from it, if world prices do not collapse, should amount to more than 6 billion dollars.

At the same time, the sown area under grain has significantly decreased, the entire increase in production was achieved by increasing the yield. The average wheat yield last year amounted to 26.8 centners per hectare, and this year it will already come close to the cherished mark for Soviet times of “30 centners per hectare”. Accordingly, on such a forage base it is possible to further develop domestic poultry and pig breeding.

Great news! And yet this record, as they say, "with questions."

Bread is the head of everything?

If we look not at the "shaft", which, of course, everything is in order, but at the quality of grain produced in our country, then we have to state that it is declining, and quite significantly.

The production of durum wheat (I and II classes) in 2016 amounted to about 600 thousand tons out of 73.3 million tons of the total harvest, or less than 1%. At the same time, the quality of soft wheat is also declining: in 2016, the share of grain III class accounted for 22.3% (in 2015 - 36%), class IV - 49.1% (44.1%), and class V - 28.6% (19.9%). This year, the imbalance towards wheat of IV-V classes will only increase: the share of grain of III class will decrease to 11-12%.

It should be said that for the needs of the baking industry, Soviet GOSTs allowed the use of wheat not lower than class III (22–24% gluten). Now, bread is everywhere baked from flour ground from a mixture of class III-IV grains, using special “improving” additives: it turns out cheaper this way. But the protein from this in bread, of course, is not added. The same goes for flour, pasta and other grain groceries. So if we count "in terms of protein" (gluten), then our agriculture is still far from the level of the late 70s and early 80s.

By the way, classes IV and V of wheat were introduced only by GOST 1990, and before that, all wheat with a gluten content below 22% belonged to fodder, that is, suitable for fodder exclusively for livestock. But for the market there is only profit, and if the price of a commodity cannot be increased to the required degree, then the quality of the product must be reduced.

It is unlikely that things will come to the samples of “proletarian” bread with sand and domestic analogues from quinoa described by English authors of the 19th century, but loaves and loaves from “five-grade” wheat, if nothing changes, we will probably have to try, and very soon. It's just that there will be no other grain and other flour in the country - with the exception of "elite" bakeries with "golden" prices for a kilo of "sieve". Everything is like in the classic poem by Francois Villon: “I’m dying of thirst over the stream ...” “We won’t finish it, but we’ll take it out” - in the modern version.

So bread - he, of course, is the head of everything, but after all, the head of the head is different. Sometimes the difference is fundamental.

And what to do?

Really what? Reduce the quality and quantity of products, waiting for new "bread riots"? To somehow subsidize the baking industry, which has been sending signals for several years that it is operating below the level of profitability? To limit the export of grain, thereby reducing prices in the domestic market?

The “bread problem” has always brought together many economic, political and even cultural factors. This knot is worse than the famous Gordian knot, it cannot be cut in one fell swoop, and it is not easy to untie it: if you pull on one, it will overflow in the other ...

Our average compatriot annually consumes 118-120 kg of bread products (in terms of flour), which provides about a third of the calorie content of his diet. Since "bread" calories, along with "potato" ones, are the cheapest, in the event of a fall in incomes of the population, the consumption of bread, absolute and relative, increases, and in the case of their growth, on the contrary, it decreases.

From this it is clear that the cost of the main varieties of bread necessarily turns out to be, one way or another, tied to the level of the minimum wage (minimum wage) in a particular region. This binding means the ability to buy a tenth of the minimum wage 1,500 "bread" kilocalories per day, which approximately corresponds to 500 g of white bread.

NEWS of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

The harvesting campaign and sowing of winter crops are actively going on in the regions of the country.

As of September 27, 2017, in the whole country, grain and leguminous crops were threshed from an area of ​​40.1 million hectares (in 2016 - 41.9 million hectares). 122.5 million tons of grain were harvested (in 2016 - 109.8 million tons) with a yield of 30.6 c/ha (in 2016 - 26.2 c/ha).

Winter and spring wheat in the whole country is threshed from an area of ​​24.9 million hectares (26.3 million hectares in 2016). 83 million tons of grain were harvested (in 2016 - 74.2 million tons) with a yield of 33.3 c/ha (in 2016 - 28.2 c/ha).

Winter and spring barley has been threshed from an area of ​​7.3 million hectares (7.9 million hectares in 2016). 20.6 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 18.6 million tons) with a yield of 28.2 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 23.4 centners per hectare).

Corn for grain has been threshed from an area of ​​795.7 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 599.9 thousand hectares). 3.8 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 3.1 million tons) with a yield of 47.9 c/ha (in 2016 - 52.1 c/ha).

Rice has been threshed from an area of ​​74.4 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 46.3 thousand hectares). 466.5 thousand tons were harvested (in 2016 - 290.3 thousand tons) with a yield of 62.7 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 62.7 centners per hectare).

Sunflower for grain is threshed from an area of ​​1.7 million hectares (in 2016 - 1.5 million hectares). 3.3 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 2.8 million tons) with a yield of 19.9 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 19.4 centners per hectare).

Soybeans have been threshed from an area of ​​727.2 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 551.2 thousand hectares). 1.2 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 1.1 million tons) with a yield of 16.9 c/ha (in 2016 - 19.6 c/ha).

Rapeseed is threshed from an area of ​​677 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 705.5 thousand hectares). 1.2 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 892.8 thousand tons) with a yield of 18 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 12.7 centners per hectare).

Fiber flax was pulled out from an area of ​​33.2 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 41.8 thousand hectares).

Sugar beet was dug out from an area of ​​449.3 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 365.6 thousand hectares). 18.8 million tons were accumulated (in 2016 - 15.8 million tons) with a yield of 419 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 431.5 centners per hectare).

Potatoes in agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) farms were dug out from an area of ​​170.3 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 198.3 thousand hectares). 4.1 million tons of tubers have been accumulated (in 2016 - 4.4 million tons) with a yield of 239.1 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 219.8 centners per hectare).

Vegetables in agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) farms were harvested from an area of ​​94.2 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 100.4 thousand hectares). 2.1 million tons were harvested (in 2016 - 2.1 million tons) with a yield of 225.5 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 206.4 centners per hectare).

Sowing of winter crops was carried out on an area of ​​11.7 million hectares (in 2016 - 10.9 million hectares).


October 4, on the opening day of the Russian agro-industrial exhibition " gold autumn– 2017”, the central business event of the event will take place – the agribusiness forum “Leadership of the Russian agro-industrial complex: how to ensure high-quality growth”. The event will be held with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich, Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil Blairo Maggi.

The agro-industrial complex of Russia is rapidly developing today. The country is close to complete self-sufficiency of the domestic market with basic agricultural products. The needs of the domestic market for meat products are now covered by 90%, dairy by 82%, vegetable oil by 84%, grain by 99%.

In addition to strengthening positions in the export of Russian products, the full saturation of domestic markets poses new challenges for agricultural producers to develop the agro-industrial complex in the country.

Satisfied with a wide range of products on the shelves of retailers, the demanding domestic buyer makes ever higher demands on the quality of products.

The experience of developed markets shows that one of the essential factors for ensuring the growth of the industry is the increase in the production of deep processing products, as well as the creation of high-margin food and beverages. To do this, it is necessary to: improve the quality and efficiency of production management and agricultural cooperation, improve approaches to marketing and building relationships with consumers, and improve production technologies.

Participants of the agribusiness forum in the format of an open discussion will discuss:

The main trends in the Russian and world markets for agricultural products and the food industry;

The experience of developed markets in changing the paradigm of the development of the agro-industrial complex: from volumes to value added;

Modern marketing of food products and agricultural products: successful corporate and government practices;

The role of small and medium-sized businesses, agricultural cooperation in the production and promotion of high-quality agricultural products, food, drinks;

Managing the reputation of agricultural producers in the highly competitive global food market;

New sales markets for Russian food products with high level processing.

Sergey Brilev, Deputy Director of the State Customs Committee of the Rossiya TV channel, will be the moderator of the business forum.

The participants of the agribusiness forum will be Vadim Dymov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dymov LLC; Naum Babayev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Damate Group of Companies; head of ANO Russian system quality” Maxim Protasov; Andrey Klepach, Chief Economist of Vnesheconombank; Public figure, entrepreneur, co-chairman of the all-Russian public organization "Business Russia" Boris Titov; Managing Director (2004-2017) Irish Food Council Board Bia Aidan Kotter; Syngenta Chief Operating Officer John Parr.


On September 28, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev, at a meeting of the Russian Government, presented a draft decree prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, according to which the procedure for distributing subsidies between regions for 2017 to reimburse part of the direct costs incurred for the creation and modernization of agro-industrial complex is approved.

As a result, the total volume of support in six areas in current year from the federal budget, taking into account the adjustment of the federal budget for 2017, will amount to 12.9 billion rubles, including for:

Greenhouse complexes - 6.55 billion rubles;

Dairy farms - 3.83 billion rubles;

Fruit storage - 316 million rubles;

Potato and vegetable stores - 580 million rubles;

Selection and genetic and selection and seed centers - 724 million rubles;

Wholesale distribution centers - 604 million rubles.


On September 28, at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, presented a draft law “On Amendments to the federal law“On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)”, which simplifies lending secured by agricultural land.

Lending secured by land is an effective and widely used tool for providing farmers abroad financial resources. For example, in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands, banks use general rules and norms for lending secured by agricultural land. In Russia, its use is still insignificant. According to information from Sberbank of Russia and Rosselkhozbank (the main banks lending on the security of agricultural land), about 25,000 land plots with a total area of ​​about 4 million hectares have been pledged, although citizens and legal entities there are more than 128 million hectares of agricultural land. This is due to low liquidity and the length of time for foreclosure on land plots. The current legislation obliges banks to form additional reserves for possible losses, including default by the borrower of obligations under the loan agreement. As a result, credit organizations are not interested in considering agricultural land as collateral.

In order to develop the institution of pledge of agricultural land, the draft law of the Ministry of Agriculture proposes to provide for the possibility of satisfying the claims of the pledge holder out of court; remove the ban on foreclosure on a land plot before the expiration of the period of agricultural work (while retaining the right to harvest for the mortgagor); exclude the possibility of a court delaying the sale of the mortgaged land plot for a period of up to 1 year. The amendments will reduce the time for foreclosure on land plots, which will help credit institutions to classify agricultural land as a second category of quality liquid collateral, the rights to which can be realized within a period of no more than 270 calendar days from the date of occurrence of the grounds for collection

“All this will undoubtedly increase the interest of banks in agricultural land as a pledge and create conditions for attracting additional borrowed funds to the agro-industrial complex,” Alexander Tkachev is convinced.


On September 28, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev spoke at the Meeting of the Government of Russia, which was chaired by Dmitry Medvedev.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture reported on the preliminary results of the harvest. Alexander Tkachev noted that this year, for the first time in 15 years, the total sown area exceeded 80 million hectares. The positive dynamics of increasing the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land will continue in the future.

“The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia was cautious in assessing the final gross harvest due to adverse weather conditions in a number of regions, but today 85% of the sown area has been harvested and almost 122 million tons of grain in bunker weight have been harvested. We can say with confidence that a record harvest will be harvested, perhaps in the entire history of Russia and, of course, Soviet Union. I want to remind you that we had a similar harvest in 1978 - this is 127 million tons, but this year we will beat this record, I have no doubt about it, ”said Alexander Tkachev.

The Minister noted that there were no such indicators for the harvest in the entire history of the country. The grain harvest harvested this year will not only cover domestic needs for food and feed grains, but also ensure the export of Russian agricultural products.

In addition, the growth of the grain harvest is able to stimulate the development of animal husbandry within the country, by increasing the fodder base. Today, grain consumption for feed reaches 44 million tons, with the prospect of growing to 46 million tons by 2020.

Speaking about the dynamics of exports, Alexander Tkachev noted that to date, more than 10 million tons of grain have been exported, which is 34% more than the result of the same period last year. With a favorable situation on the world grain market, Russia plans to export about 45 million tons. Including the forecasted export of 30 million tons of wheat, which will allow the country to take a leading position in the export of this crop.

“To stimulate grain exports, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia proposes to allocate 3 billion rubles to compensate for railway tariffs for the transportation of grain from regions remote from port transshipment - Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region and Central Russia. The corresponding draft government decree has been prepared and is already being approved by the interested authorities,” said Alexander Tkachev.

Continuing the theme of record harvests, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture mentioned the high rates of sugar beet harvest - 52 million tons. Such a beet harvest will make it possible to fully provide Russian processing plants with raw materials and produce 6.5 million tons of sugar. As a result, the country will retain its leadership in the global sugar production market. The export potential of the industry this year is estimated at 700 thousand tons.

Good progress has been made in the harvesting of vegetable crops. To date, more than 2 million tons of vegetables have been harvested. The harvest of greenhouse vegetables is growing, the volume of harvested crops is 21% ahead of last year. It is planned to continue the positive dynamics through the construction of new greenhouse complexes and the laying of orchards.

“Summing up the results of this year's harvest, farmers are simultaneously laying the foundation for new records for the next harvesting season. The sowing campaign of winter crops has begun. More than 11 million hectares have already been sown, out of 17.5 million hectares allocated for winter crops,” said Alexander Tkachev.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the key to a good harvest lies in a combination of factors, namely, in the timely and full provision of plant protection products, fuel, and fertilizers. Purchases of fertilizers have increased by 10% to date.

The readiness of agricultural machinery will allow to complete seasonal field work in the optimal time. However, it is necessary to increase the pace of purchases of agricultural machinery, including by maintaining subsidies in this area.

At the end of his speech, Alexander Tkachev, on behalf of the country's agrarians, thanked the Government of the country, which creates everything the necessary conditions for effective seasonal field work. And the resulting record harvest is proof of that.

In turn, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev highly appreciated the results of the harvesting campaign in the country.

“In general, the harvesting campaign is close to completion. In almost all areas there is a positive trend. And in some areas a record has been set. I consider the results of the harvesting campaign in 2017 to be very successful,” said the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Prime Minister of Russia drew attention to the fact that, according to the order of the President of the country V.V. Putin, in the next three years, funding for agriculture will be increased by 20 billion rubles annually. This will ensure further growth agricultural sectors of the country.

NEWS Volga Federal District


The agricultural fair will be held on September 30 at 10 sites and on October 1 at 3 sites in the capital. The fairs will present agricultural products grown on personal plots: onions, potatoes and vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, zucchini, garlic), as well as honey, bakery and confectionery products.

The fair starts at 9:00 am.


As of September 27, the average daily milk yield per cow is 19.1 kg, which is 0.9 kg higher than the same period last year.

Milk yield of more than 21 kg of milk per day was received in agricultural organizations: Kumensky district - 24.3 kg, Orichevsky district - 22.6 kg, Kirov - 21.7 kg, Nemsky district - 21.7 kg, Yuryansky district - 21, 5 kg, Zuevsky district - 21.2 kg.

Daily gross milk production is 1.58 thousand tons, which is 6% more than in 2016.


On September 22, in Kochko-Pozharsky KFOR, the II regional gathering of Tatar women - activists from areas densely populated by Tatars was held.

Within the framework of the event, a round table was held on the topic “The Image of a Mother and a Rural Woman in Tatar Poetry”, in which more than a hundred people from the regional center and five districts of the region with a compact population of Tatars took part.

The meeting was held with the participation of a guest from Kazan, a well-known poetess, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Shamsia Zhikhangirova, who spoke to those present with her poems and songs.

The fourth inter-district competition among rural women "Nizhgarbike" became a large-scale stage of the event.

Six young women from Krasnooktyabrsky, Sergachsky, Spassky, Pilninsky and Sechenovsky districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region took part in the competition. Women competed in the ability to show themselves, in the performance of national lullabies, presented national dishes and showed creative numbers.

The title "Nizhgarbike" was given to a dark-haired beauty who works as a librarian in the village. Poshatovo Krasnooktyabrsky district - Yoldyz khanum Yusipova.

All contestants were presented with memorable gifts.


Today, on September 28, the opening of a modern dairy complex took place at ZAO Niva in the Oktyabrsky district. The event was attended by Governor of the Orenburg Region Yuri Berg, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture, Food and Processing Industry Mikhail Maslov, heads of municipalities, heads of agricultural enterprises in the region.

CJSC "Niva" - a breeding reproducer for breeding large cattle red steppe breed. To date, the farm has 1,117 cattle, including 345 cows.

The effective functioning of dairy cattle breeding in the new economic conditions involves the formation of large dairy complexes, and in 2016 the farm began the construction of a dairy complex for 400 tethered cows. In September 2017, the installation of dairy equipment by Delaval and the latest equipment microclimate and manure removal.

In order to provide livestock with fodder, a strong forage base has been created on the farm, a system of full-fledged balanced feeding of animals has been developed. In addition, 100 black-and-white breeding heifers were purchased in 2017 to complete the complex. The rest of the livestock will be formed from its own herd.

Opening the dairy complex, the Governor of the Orenburg region, Yuri Berg, congratulated the residents of the region, heads of enterprises, with the opening of a new modern complex on their land.

Today, the livestock industry is actively being re-equipped, the Oktyabrsky district is especially distinguished; a little over a year ago, a dairy complex was opened in the SPK to them. Kirov for 400 cows. In total, you can count about 7 similar dairy complexes in the region; this, of course, is not enough. We must move forward and keep up with the times. The opening of a dairy complex for 400 cows of CJSC Niva is a significant event, both for the district and for the region, - said Yuri Berg.

For reference: In 2016, work was carried out on the reconstruction, modernization and construction of 12 dairy cattle breeding facilities. 3240 livestock places have been introduced. Currently, documents are being prepared for the construction of two dairy complexes for 2,200 livestock places.


On Saturday, September 30, at the Orenburg hippodrome, the closing of the 127th season of testing horses of riding and trotting breeds (equestrian sports competitions) and the regional agricultural fair will take place, in which agricultural producers of the region will take part.

A wide range of products will be presented at the fair, including: beef, pork, lamb, poultry, rabbit, fish, dairy products, sausages, ready-made barbecue, honey, grain, pastries, pasta, vegetables, potatoes, gourds, seedlings , sunflower oil, quail eggs, flour, cereals, compotes, juices, pickles, etc.

In addition to the work of the malls, a concert program will be organized, and at 11:00 the closing of the 127th season of testing pedigree horses of trotting and saddle breeds will take place. The program of the competition includes a smooth race for Thoroughbred riding horses 3 years old and older, a race for trotting horses 2,3,4 years old and older.


On September 27, 2017, an organizational meeting was held at the regional Ministry of Agriculture with the participants of the All-Russian youth project to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the village and raise public awareness about the possibilities of self-realization in rural areas. Members of mobile teams - students of the Penza State Agrarian University annually hold training events with the rural population, talking about measures to support entrepreneurship in countryside, the development of rural areas and promising areas for the development of the agro-industrial complex in general.

The work of the first organizational meeting, which took place in the format of training, was opened by the head of the department for project-targeted development, agribusiness and agrotourism agro-industrial complex Regional Agrarian Department Vyacheslav Shinyaev. Management specialists informed the members of the mobile teams about the measures state support small forms of management. Measures to support beginning farmers, development of family livestock farms, agricultural cooperation. The members of the teams were also told about measures to improve housing conditions, grant support for local initiatives of citizens living in rural areas.

As part of the training, information is provided on promising areas for the development of the agro-industrial complex, support measures.


Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Perm Territory are carrying out planned work with Permsky Pig Complex LLC, within the framework of which an audit has been underway since September 27 production activities agricultural enterprise. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food still has special control over the payment of wages to employees of Pig Complex Permsky LLC: wage arrears for July have been paid off, and payments for August continue.

Remember September 21st Court of Arbitration Perm Territory, at the request of the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food, arrested 8,000 breeding stock. From this moment on, LLC "Pig Complex Perm" culling of sows is carried out in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Perm Territory.

After analyzing the conditions of keeping and feeding the livestock, the experts of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food noted deviations from the technology of pig breeding. Including, low nutritional value of feed, shortened period of growing pigs, which is reflected in the lack of live weight of pigs in the growing and fattening areas.

The preservation of the enterprise is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Perm Territory. To this end, several options are being worked out to bring the enterprise out of the current situation. However, without the reconstruction and modernization of production, the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies, the company's products will be unprofitable. First of all, it is necessary to restore a full-fledged balanced feeding, which ensures high weight gain, safety and health of the pig population. The Perm Territory is interested in the restoration and development of the enterprise, which today provides 30% of the inhabitants of the region with meat and meat products.

The technology of pig breeding implies the constant culling of pigs: the aging of the animal, the decrease in productivity, diseases, etc. Compliance with technology parameters production cycle is necessary to maintain the high productivity of the herd of queens and all age and sex groups of pigs, to receive revenue from the enterprise, to pay off the debts of Permsky Pig Complex LLC. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Perm Territory sent a statement to the FSSP stating that according to the technology, the recommended monthly culling of broodstock animals should not exceed 4.5%. The places of culled sows in the herd are occupied by replacement pigs. A Breeding Hybrid Center (SGC) operates at Pig Complex Permsky LLC, which breeds replacement pigs to renew the number of sows in the commodity complex. The breeding herd of SGC sows has 1,700 heads, producing more than 6,000 gilts per year. After insemination, the gilts are transferred to the main herd of sows. As of September 27, the total number of pigs at the enterprise amounted to 83112, including 8045 sows.


Today, on the basis of Agrofirma Zarya LLC, Verkhneuslonsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting was held with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and leaders of the peasant farms.

The meeting discussed topical issues of laying fruit orchards in the Republic of Tatarstan, proper preparation plot, treatment of plantings against diseases and pests, as well as options for marketing the products produced.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, there are about 9.2 thousand hectares of perennial plantations in the republic, of which 7.4 thousand hectares are in fruit-bearing age. In 2016, the gross harvest of fruits amounted to 120.8 thousand tons with an average yield of 168 centners per hectare (seed fruits - 34.2 thousand tons, stone fruits - 45.6 thousand tons, berries - 41.1 thousand tons). It is planned to plant 50 hectares of gardens annually in the republic.


Career guidance project "Agroclass" has started in the Bugulma municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Its coordinator is the Regional social organization"Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan".

At the first stage, a training seminar was held for teachers from the city of Bugulma and the region. Elvera Rezvanova, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee, spoke about the significance of the project and its development prospects, and Executive Director RPO "Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan" Ilmira Sabirzyanova familiarized those present with the plan for the implementation of activities and the timing of their implementation.

At present, the implementation of the second phase of the Agroclass project has begun in the district. For example, children kindergarten"Belakech" in Bugulma are already strengthening their knowledge in the field of agriculture through didactic, role-playing games, watching videos and reading books. Recall that the Agroclass project is a training game without a theoretical workload, which is carried out by specially trained specialists. Children are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of the agro-industrial complex and turn into agronomists, machine operators, combine operators, milkmaids and other agricultural specialists for a while. Thus, children have an idea about the professions of the industry, an understanding of the importance and value of the work of agricultural specialists. As part of the project, specialized handouts were made: bookmarks, pens, notebooks, magnets, puzzles, which display information about agricultural specialties, labor and the role of a rural worker.

This year, the Aznakayevsky and Tyulyachinsky districts of the republic will also become platforms for the implementation of the Agroclass project.


Harvesting of agricultural crops continues in the republic. As of September 28 of this year. 1300.2 thousand tons of sugar beet were dug up from an area of ​​33.6 thousand hectares (45% of the plan). The average yield of root crops is 387 q/ha.

108.8 thousand tons of potatoes have been harvested from an area of ​​5.1 hectares (82%), the average yield is 215 centners per hectare.

Rapeseed was harvested on an area of ​​57.4 thousand hectares (97%). 80.5 thousand tons of rapeseed were harvested with an average yield of 14 centners per hectare.

Vegetables in the farms of the republic were harvested from an area of ​​550 hectares (20%). Gross harvest of vegetables - 12.7 thousand tons.


The results of an additional competition for the selection of projects of peasant (farm) enterprises for the provision of grants under the federal departmental program "Support for Beginning Farmers in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2017-2020" have been summed up. The total amount of grants was 35 million rubles.

Of the 58 peasant (farm) enterprises that applied for the competition, 17 peasant farms from 13 municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan became the owners of grants. The largest number of winners from the Vysokogorsky district is 3 peasant farms.

Mostly, grantees will implement livestock projects, of which 5 are dairy direction cattle for 285 cows, 4 for fattening cattle for 250 heads, one for sheep breeding for 150 heads and one for horse breeding for 40 heads. Also, 4 projects will be implemented for the cultivation of fruit and berry crops and 2 in the direction of "vegetable growing".

AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION INDEX WILL BE 101.2% IN 2018, 101.2% IN 2019, 101.3% IN 2020

On September 27, at an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which was held by the Head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev, the main indicators of the forecast of socio-economic development, including the agro-industrial complex of the republic, were discussed.

The index of agricultural production in 2018 will be 101.2%, in 2019 - 101.2%, in 2020 - 101.3%.

At the end of this year, the gross collection will be:

grain and leguminous crops - 620 thousand tons (101.8% by 2016),

potatoes - 520 thousand tons (87.7% by 2016),

vegetables - 130 thousand tons (76.1% by 2016).

For eight months of 2017, 74 thousand tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight, milk - 309.6 thousand tons, eggs - 181.9 million pieces were produced in the republic.

In general, the production of all livestock products will be increased throughout the year:

meat - 117.5 thousand tons (100.6% by 2016),

milk - 430.0 thousand tons (101.2% by 2016),

eggs - 255.0 million pieces (112.3% by 2016).

According to Chuvashstat, the production of butter has increased by 1.6 times, dry dairy products - by 1.4 times, cattle meat, pork, etc. - 1.3 times, pasta– by 24%, confectionery– by 6.4%, mineral water– by 4.6%, sausage products smoked - by 4.2%, boiled sausages - by 3.7%, offal of cattle, pork - by 2.1%.

A 53.6% decrease in sour cream production was allowed, alcoholic products- by 34.8%, cheeses and cheese products - by 34.8%, milk, except for raw milk - by 24.9%, poultry by-products - by 14.0%, flour - by 11.6%, poultry meat - by 11.4% soft drinks- by 11.3%, semi-finished meat products - by 10.4%, canned meat - by 8%, ice cream - by 7.8%, animal feed - by 7.3%, fermented milk products - by 6.3%, beer - by 3%, cottage cheese - by 2.4%, bread and bakery products- by 2.3%, cereals - by 1.7%.

Organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the republic are implementing a number of investment projects.

Since the beginning of the year, Cheboksary City Dairy Plant LLC has been implementing the investment project “Modernization, reconstruction and construction of the Cheboksary City Dairy Plant for the production and sale of dairy products and drinks in 2017–2021.” with an investment volume of at least 1208 million rubles. Milk processing capacity will be 200 tons per day. Most of the products will be milk, as well as milk-based functional drinks (cocktails, drinking cream, whipping cream).

In June 2017, Novochurashevsky Dairy Plant LLC completed the installation of a technological line for the production of powdered milk with a capacity of 16 tons per day, with its commissioning, the capacity of the enterprise for processing raw milk will increase to 350 tons per day.

At the XXIV Interregional Exhibition "Regions - Cooperation Without Borders" (June 23-25, 2017), JSC "Yadrinmoloko" presented a new type of dairy product - fermented milk product "Zakvaska" with mass fraction fat 2.5%.

The assortment of Volga Ice JSC was replenished with three new lines of ice cream: a two-layer popsicle ice cream without icing "You and I", ice cream in a waffle sugar cone "Courage" and a line of ice cream "Plombir on cream".

The lines of Agrofirma Atlashevskaya LLC for the production of pasteurized milk 3.2% and 2.5% fat (processing capacity - 5 tons per day), K (F) H Illarionova S.R. were launched. - for the production of thermostatic dairy products (processing capacity - 5 tons per day).

Agroholding YURMA LLC is implementing the project Modernization and reconstruction of the existing production complex and construction of a processing plant” worth 4.5 billion rubles. The first 2 stages were implemented in 2013 and 2015. In April 2017, equipment for the processing of bird droppings was installed and test tests were carried out. The productivity of the equipment with access to the design capacity by the end of 2017 will reach 8 thousand tons of processed manure per month.

In April 2017, after reconstruction and modernization, Akashevskaya Poultry Farm LLC resumed its work. In 2017, it is planned to produce 7 thousand tons of poultry meat in live weight.

LLC "Cheboksary Meat Processing Plant" continues the implementation of the first stage of the project "Creation of a complex for meat processing, production, storage and sale of meat products." The total cost of the project is 1.2 billion rubles.

In order to expand the assortment, Cheboksary Pasta and Confectionery Vavilon LLC and AKKOND JSC opened new technological lines for the production of praline sweets.

In the first quarter of the year, the production activities of Yadrinsky Alcohol Plant LLC were launched. The production of alcoholic beverages in the organization in 2017 is estimated to be 320 thousand deciliters.

In the II quarter, LLC Cheboksary distillery "Cheboksarsky" was launched. 20 million rubles were invested in its reconstruction. The capacities of the enterprise allow to produce 2500 thousand deciliters. in year. The company employs 140 people. Forecast in 2017, the production of alcoholic beverages will amount to 240 thousand deciliters.

In 2017, the implementation of projects began in Krasnoye Sormovo LLC of the Krasnarmeisky district "Construction of a calf barn for 400 heads" (the project cost is 30 million rubles, the design capacity is 180 tons of live weight per year) and Pobeda LLC of the Yalchiksky district "Construction of a barn for 400 heads” (the cost of the project is 80 million rubles, the design capacity is 2,400 tons of milk per year).

K(F)H Khalitova S.A. Batyrevsky district "Construction of a goat farm for a dairy farm for 1000 heads" Stage II ( productive capacity- 0.7 thousand tons of milk, the cost of the project is 63.6 million rubles).

LLC "Karaevo" Krasnoarmeisky district "Construction of a specialized farm for growing and fattening young dairy cattle for 250 heads" (production capacity - 115 tons of meat per live weight per year, project cost - 23.2 million rubles).

SHPK "Comintern" "Construction of a livestock complex designed for keeping and milking cows for 600 heads" (production capacity - 3.6 thousand tons of milk, project cost - 200 million rubles.

Agrofirma Istok LLC of the Batyrevskiy district Construction of a livestock breeding complex designed for keeping and milking cows for 400 heads (production capacity - 2.4 thousand tons of milk, project cost - 70.7 million rubles).

JSC "Vurnar Meat Processing Plant" "Construction of a livestock complex designed for keeping and milking cows for 500 heads" (production capacity - 3 thousand tons of milk, project cost - 50 million rubles).

JSC "Vurnar Meat Processing Plant" "Construction of a specialized farm for growing and fattening young cattle of dairy breeds for 300 heads" (production capacity - 135 tons of livestock per year, project cost - 30 million rubles), etc.

In 2017, the implementation of the project of Agrofirma Oldeevskaya CJSC for the modernization of the greenhouse complex continues. In 2017, it is planned to build greenhouses on an area of ​​3 hectares.

Also in 2017, it is planned to start construction of a new greenhouse complex "Novocheboksarsky" with an area of ​​22 hectares for growing vegetables in protected ground ( total cost project - 6 billion rubles, design capacity - 7851 tons of tomatoes and 11625 tons of cucumbers, implementation period - 2017-2020).

In 2014, a group of companies LLC Agrofirma Glory to Potato began to create a selection and seed center. In 2017, it is planned to produce more than 200 thousand minitubers, about 80 tons of potato seeds of the 1st field generation, to increase the production of super-super elite potato seeds to 500 tons, 550 tons of super elite potato seeds. 50% of the produced seeds are varieties of domestic selection, 50% - foreign selection.

Also this year it is planned to launch a laboratory for clonal micropropagation of microplants and a diagnostic laboratory for PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis and ELISA (enzyme immunoassay). Project capacity selection and seed center will be 5 thousand tons of elite per year.


On September 27, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic - Minister of Agriculture Sergey Artamonov took part in an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The meeting participants considered the draft law "On the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020". Speaking about the budget, the Head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev, drew attention to a number of priority areas for the implementation of the budget policy.

The Government of Russia has decided to raise the minimum wage and bring it in 2019 to 100% of the subsistence level in the whole of the Russian Federation. In 2018, the minimum wage should be 85% of the subsistence minimum. In this regard, the republican budget for 2018 provides funds to increase the wages of employees public sector in the amount of more than 200 million rubles, of which 62% will be directed municipalities.

The republican budget for 2018 provides for interbudgetary transfers to municipalities in the amount of more than 15 billion rubles.

“We adopt the budget taking into account the wishes of the inhabitants of Chuvashia. And this is not a budget for “eating up”, but a development budget,” emphasized Mikhail Ignatiev.

The volume of state support for the agro-industrial complex, planned for 2018, is 1,872.9 million rubles (105.7% of the original plan for 2017), including from the federal budget - 1,153.4 million rubles (110.2% to the original plan for 2017), at the expense of the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic - 719.5 million rubles (121.6% of the fact of 2016).

Taking into account the federal budget funds for subsidizing preferential short-term lending under the new mechanism (5% soft loans) in 2018, the amount of state support will amount to 1,948 million rubles (109.9% of the original plan for 2017).

For 2018, all measures of state support for agricultural producers will continue. The amounts of subsidies under the republican mechanisms of state support are also preserved in full: improving soil fertility, subsidies for sold hops, and implementing infrastructure projects of local initiatives of citizens.


As of September 28, 263.6 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops were mowed in the republic, which is 98.3% of the sown area of ​​grain and leguminous crops.

In general, 702.2 thousand tons of grain were harvested in the republic (in 2016 - 638.1 thousand tons) with a yield of 26.7 centners per hectare (in 2016 - 22.5 centners per hectare).

Potatoes were harvested from an area of ​​5.3 thousand hectares (in 2016 - 4.1 thousand hectares), the gross harvest amounted to 114.4 thousand tons (in 2016 - 74.7 thousand tons) with a yield of 213, 9 c/ha (in 2016 - 183.0 c/ha).

Vegetables were harvested from an area of ​​573 hectares (in 2016 - 357 hectares), the gross harvest amounted to 8.2 thousand tons (in 2016 - 7.0 thousand hectares) with a yield of 143.3 q/ha (in 2016 . – 196.8 q/ha).

Hops were harvested from 89.3 ha (in 2016 - 84.9 ha), the gross harvest is 144.5 tons (in 2016 - 121.5 tons), the yield is 16.2 q/ha (in 2016 . – 14.3 c/ha).


In total, as of September 28, according to the administrations of municipal districts, 104.6 thousand tons of hay were harvested (145.2% of the planned), 283.5 thousand tons of haylage (166.7%), 70.3 thousand tons of silage ( 35.2%). In total, 23.6 centners of a head of livestock were harvested for 1 conditional head of cattle, on the same date last year - 21.7 centners of a head.


In the Samara region, a grain harvesting campaign is being completed. At the moment, more than 1 million hectares of sown areas have been harvested in the region - almost 94% of crops. Only corn for grain remains in the fields and partially late grains (millet, sorghum).

As of September 28, 2.756 million tons of grain were harvested with an average yield of 28.1 centners per hectare. For comparison, in 2016, the gross harvest amounted to just over 21 million tons.

The highest grain yield is observed in the farms of the Stavropol region (37 centners per hectare) and Koshkinsky region (34.4 centners per hectare). The leader in gross grain harvest is the Stavropol region, where more than 205 thousand tons have been threshed, the Khvorostyansky region (more than 180 thousand tons), the Kinel-Cherkassky region (more than 170 thousand tons), and a number of regions have threshed more than 150 thousand tons (Bolsheglushitsky, Bolshechernigovskiy, etc.). ), in another six districts, the threshed amounted to more than 100 thousand tons. In general, more than 1.45 million tons of grain were harvested from the winter wedge with an average yield of 35 centners per hectare. For comparison - last year the winter wedge gave us 990 thousand tons.

In total, the agrarians of the region harvested 1.6 million tons of wheat, 613 thousand tons of barley, 87 thousand tons of rye, more than 163 thousand tons of oats.

More than 65% of threshed wheat meets food standards. Until the end of the year, farmers plan to increase the gross grain harvest by another 120,000 tons due to the harvest of corn. We can say with confidence that the region is fully self-sufficient in food, fodder, and seed grain. The elevator capacities available in the region make it possible to store up to 3 million tons of grain.

According to the Acting Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Samara Region A.P. Popov, the grain market in the Samara region is currently holding back the desire of grain traders to buy the harvest at the lowest possible price.

“The main issue now is the sale of the harvested crop. An operational headquarters has been created at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and at the regional ministry, where the possibilities of various methods of supply, including for export, of products produced by our farmers are monitored, the acting minister noted. - We have three shipping points for water, and those trading companies that are in the region are now engaged in the purchase of grain. Only one thing is holding back - the desire of grain traders to buy grain at the lowest possible price in the wake of a good harvest. This is holding back sales to date. But the farms are still in fairly good conditions, which allows them not to throw off the harvest at the lowest possible price, so today the market, like every year, is worth a little. We are now waiting for the sunflower harvest - after the sale of the main sunflower crop, the grain market will operate as normal.”


As of September 28, more than half of the potato sown area has already been harvested in the region.

In specialized agricultural enterprises of municipal districts, the harvesting of potatoes and vegetables continues. 2.3 thousand hectares of potatoes were harvested out of a total area of ​​4 thousand hectares with an average yield of more than 300 centners per hectare, more than 70 thousand tons of potatoes were harvested. The highest yield is traditionally noted in the Bezenchuksky district (more than 350 centners per hectare).

Vegetable crops were harvested from an area of ​​2 thousand hectares out of 3 thousand hectares, more than 48 thousand tons of vegetables were harvested with an average yield of more than 270 centners per hectare. The farms of the Bezenchuksky district are also in the lead.

Minister of Agriculture of Russia Alexander Tkachev, speaking at the Government Hour “On preparations for spring field work in the Russian Federation”, spoke about the start of the sowing campaign, Russia’s prospects on the world grain market and how the pressing problems of farmers will be solved, including numbers, with the help of state support measures

Alexander Tkachev noted in his speech that a good start of the sowing campaign is one of the key components of a decent future harvest, stressed the importance of maintaining the accelerating growth rate of the agro-industrial complex, and also drew attention to the positive trend in increasing the area of ​​cultivated agricultural land.

“Today, 17.1 million hectares have been sown under winter crops. 95% of winter crops are in good condition,” said Alexander Tkachev.

The Minister said that in 2017 the sown area exceeded 80 million hectares. The return of uncultivated lands to agricultural circulation is a priority task for the department. In 2018, it is planned to increase the sown area by at least another 200 thousand hectares.

Alexander Tkachev believes that the situation on the world grain market provides additional reserves and advantages for the export of Russian grain. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture noted that the record grain harvest of 134 million tons obtained in 2017 will allow exporting up to 45-47 million tons of grain this season.

“Since the beginning of the agricultural season, 28 million tons of grain have already been exported, which is 35% more than last year. Wheat exports rose by a third to 22 million tons. I am confident that we will firmly consolidate the status of the world's largest supplier of wheat,” the Russian Minister of Agriculture said.

The minister told the senators that in order to support farmers, at the end of the year, a mechanism was launched to subsidize the rail transportation of grain from regions with a large logistic shoulder to export ports. So that not only the South of Russia, but also Siberia, and the Volga region, and the Urals, and Central Russia could supply their grain to foreign markets.

To date, more than 100 thousand tons of grain have already been exported on preferential terms from those regions where there were especially large surpluses, for example, from Novosibirsk region. The Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Ministry of Transport, is systematically working to implement this mechanism.

Alexander Tkachev emphasized good export potential not only in grain, but also in the processing industry.

According to preliminary data, export sunflower oil increased by 28% at the end of the year and reached 2.3 million tons. Since the beginning of the season, almost 500 thousand tons of sugar have been exported, which is 7 times more than in last season. Such opportunities opened up thanks to the record harvest of sugar beets. Last year, more than 51 million tons were harvested, which allowed Russia to take the first place in the world in the production of beet sugar, ahead of France, the USA and Germany in this indicator.

Even more soy, rapeseed, flax and fodder crops

Alexander Tkachev said that spring crops in 2018 will be sown on an area of ​​53.5 million hectares (in 2017 - 53.3 million hectares). The area under soybeans, rapeseed, flax, barley and forage crops will also increase.

“In order for the sowing campaign to go smoothly, the primary task of our department and regions is to transfer state support funds to farmers in a timely manner. Thanks to the decision of the President, the support of the State Duma and the Federation Council, in 2018 state support for the industry will remain at the level of 242 billion rubles,” said Alexander Tkachev.

Russian farmers urgently need modern agricultural equipment, stabilization of prices for fuel and lubricants and new elevators

The minister pointed out that in order to successfully complete the sowing campaign, it is necessary to continue re-equipping farmers with modern agricultural machinery. In 2017, due to the increase in support to 15.7 billion rubles, farmers purchased more than 26 thousand pieces of equipment, which is 15% more than was purchased over the past 4 years combined. In 2018, 10 billion rubles are provided for these purposes, which will allow not only to compensate for the disposal of old equipment, but also to multiply the rate of re-equipment of farmers with modern agricultural equipment.

Alexander Tkachev noted that the mechanisms to support the agro-industrial complex implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia are in demand by farmers. One of them is the provision of unrelated support, which allowed for 5 years of the mechanism to increase the application of mineral fertilizers by 33% and, as a result, contributed to the growth of yields and improved efficiency of agricultural production.

Launched in 2017, the single subsidy mechanism made it possible to quickly redistribute budget funds between different areas of support in each specific region, which made it possible to reduce the time needed to bring money to the final recipients and increase the efficiency of using federal budget funds.

The minister pointed out that this mechanism allowed the regions to independently determine the most priority areas for them. The largest share - a quarter of the funds - the regions directed to support farmers.

Another important mechanism for supporting farmers, according to Alexander Tkachev, is concessional lending at a rate of no more than 5%. The launch of this mechanism initiated a real credit boom: in 2017, authorized banks entered into almost 8,000 loan agreements with borrowers in the amount of 630 billion rubles.

The minister noted that, in general, the country's economy is provided with mineral fertilizers and seeds.

Alexander Tkachev drew attention to the situation with prices for fuels and lubricants, saying that gasoline prices increased by 7% in 2017. As a result, summer diesel fuel has risen in price by 18%, winter - by 14%. “We hope that fuel prices will stabilize and will not create serious difficulties during the sowing season. We have applied to the Ministry of Energy with a proposal to fix prices for fuel and lubricants for the period of spring field work and are constantly monitoring this situation,” the minister said.

Alexander Tkachev noted that it is important not only to sow and harvest, but also to preserve it.

“We need new elevators and storage facilities for fruits and vegetables, wholesale distribution centers. This is an opportunity to ensure stable prices for both producers and consumers of products,” the minister said.

Concluding his speech, the minister noted that the Ministry of Agriculture had distributed all the funds to support agriculture, now agreements are being concluded on the provision of subsidies with the regions. “We are in constant operational interaction with the subjects so that the regional authorities promptly bring the funds to the recipients. I am sure that by joint efforts we will successfully and timely carry out the spring sowing,” summed up the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. (Source and photo: official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation).


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