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Over its sixty-year history, the corporation has managed to become a leading manufacturer of all types of batteries and accumulators, household, industrial, refrigeration equipment, audio and video, mobile equipment, as well as conquer the market in more than 25 countries and open 151 branches in them.

SANYO owes such rapid and confident development to its founder, Toshio Iue. After the death of his father, the fourteen-year-old boy got a job as a cabin boy on a ship, then sailed a lot across the ocean already as an employee of Matsushita (now Panasonic). Apparently, therefore, he later chose such a name for his company: (SAN) three, (YO) ocean, Three oceans dreaming of world fame.

After leaving Matsushita, Mr. Yiue opens in 1947 small company for the production of batteries and storage lamps. He creates all the inventions himself, and despite frequent failures and competition from Matsushita, Toshio continues to act. Even his associates sometimes do not believe in the success of his daring projects, especially when they learn about attempts to create a machine that will wash itself, but already in 1950, Mr. Iue buys a factory, the SANYO company receives official status and produces one of the first cheap washing machines, receivers, tape recorders, video equipment.

The first sad event occurs in 1969, SANYO founder Toshio Iue dies. His brother takes the reins of government, then the position of president passes to the son of Mr. Toshio. During this time, the company has already gained popularity among manufacturers of telephones, electronic watches, televisions and projectors.

The company's management supports organizations for the protection of the environment and begins the production of solar panels. Solar energy lifted a plane into the air and was used to service an entire desalination plant in Senegal. Continuing the environmental theme, SANYO strives to make its products the most environmentally friendly, which is easy to dispose of without harm to nature. There are battery chargers solar energy and irreplaceable far from civilization. The company aims to create equipment of such a level that they could not do without it anywhere. To do this, in each country where there are branches of the company, a constant collection of data on the characteristics of each region is carried out in order to produce products according to all the needs of the inhabitants of that area. Such success in the world market upsets the company's competitors, gradually its profit falls, and subsidiaries are absorbed by other manufacturers household appliances.

In 2007, SANYO's mobile phone division is accused of hiding its deplorable financial condition and filing false documents about the amount of damages. The president of this branch at that time was the grandson of Toshio Toshimaza Iue. A scandal broke out, and he hastily left the post, after which, a year later, Kuoseg's company redeems this enterprise. Panasonic, another global powerhouse, enters negotiations with SANYO and in 2009 buys a 50% stake for $4.6 billion. On December 10, an agreement to merge these companies was signed, but the final reunification took place only in April 2012.

Behind the history of every great company is someone's great life and the daily feat of its founders. We thank SANYO for its contribution to world progress, the preservation of the ecology on the planet, and look forward to new discoveries.

Over its sixty-year history, the corporation has managed to become a leading manufacturer of all types of batteries and accumulators, household, industrial, refrigeration equipment, audio and video, mobile equipment, as well as conquer the market in more than 25 countries and open 151 branches in them.

SANYO owes such rapid and confident development to its founder, Toshio Iue. After the death of his father, the fourteen-year-old boy got a job as a cabin boy on a ship, then sailed a lot across the ocean already as an employee of Matsushita (now Panasonic). Apparently, therefore, he later chose such a name for his company: (SAN) three, (YO) ocean, Three oceans dreaming of world fame.

After leaving Matsushita, in 1947 Mr. Yiue opened a small company for the production of batteries and storage lamps. He creates all the inventions himself, and despite frequent failures and competition from Matsushita, Toshio continues to act. Even his associates sometimes do not believe in the success of his daring projects, especially when they learn about attempts to create a machine that will wash itself, but already in 1950, Mr. Iue buys a factory, the SANYO company receives official status and produces one of the first cheap washing machines, receivers, tape recorders, video equipment.

The first sad event occurs in 1969, SANYO founder Toshio Iue dies. His brother takes the reins of government, then the position of president passes to the son of Mr. Toshio. During this time, the company has already gained popularity among manufacturers of telephones, electronic watches, televisions and projectors.

The company's management supports organizations for the protection of the environment and begins the production of solar panels. Solar energy lifted a plane into the air and was used to service an entire desalination plant in Senegal. Continuing the environmental theme, SANYO strives to make its products the most environmentally friendly, which is easy to dispose of without harm to nature. There are chargers powered by solar energy and indispensable far from civilization. The company aims to create equipment of such a level that they could not do without it anywhere. To do this, in each country where there are branches of the company, a constant collection of data on the characteristics of each region is carried out in order to produce products according to all the needs of the inhabitants of that area. Such success in the world market upsets the company's competitors, gradually its profit falls, and subsidiaries are absorbed by other manufacturers of household appliances.

In 2007, SANYO's cell phone division was accused of hiding its deplorable financial condition and filing false damages. The president of this branch at that time was the grandson of Toshio Toshimaza Iue. A scandal broke out, and he hastily left the post, after which, a year later, Kuoseg's company redeems this enterprise. Panasonic, another global powerhouse, enters negotiations with SANYO and in 2009 buys a 50% stake for $4.6 billion. On December 10, an agreement to merge these companies was signed, but the final reunification took place only in April 2012.

Behind the history of every great company is someone's great life and the daily feat of its founders. We thank SANYO for its contribution to world progress, the preservation of the ecology on the planet, and look forward to new discoveries.

The Japanese company SANYO was founded in 1947 in Osaka. In 1950, SANYO Electric Co. was established. Ltd. SANYO's activities began with the production of a generator lamp for bicycles, a plastic cabinet radio and a washing machine, the washing principle of which is based on the vortex movement of water. The production of these products marked the beginning of a phenomenal half-century development of the company and a steady improvement in the quality of its products, and ultimately led to the creation of the SANYO group of companies, uniting its branches around the world. Translated from Japanese (SAN) - three, (YO) - ocean. SANYO means "three oceans" - Pacific, Atlantic and Indian, which symbolizes the company's global outlook. Taking such a strong start in the 50s, SANYO rushed by leaps and bounds to all corners of the Earth. SANYO factories produce a wide variety of electronic devices and household appliances. Over the past five decades, SANYO has become a world leader in many areas of production, currently SANYO Electric Co. Ltd. is a group of companies producing a wide range of products from industrial refrigeration to household items. SANYO creates technology, leads Scientific research and develops products taking into account the most advanced achievements of science and technology. This is a real global family that unites 151 subsidiaries and affiliates. It employs more than 50,000 employees working in 27 countries around the world. All companies follow the direction of work, which is determined by the parent company - "SANYO Electric Corporation, Ltd". Because the SANYO Group companies operate globally, SANYO researches, develops, manufactures and markets its products as close as possible to the markets in which the corporation operates. Following this attitude, it is moving closer and closer to its goal: "to become such a company, without whose products no one anywhere in the world could do without."

SANYO: The Best of Japan

Japanese corporation SANYO is one of the world's leading manufacturers climatic equipment, whose products are traditionally distinguished by high reliability, versatility and the use of the most modern energy-saving technologies. The company was founded in 1947 and began its activity with the production of generator lamps for bicycles. Already in the 1950s, SANYO continuously expanded its range of household appliances, and in 1961, it was the first in Japan to develop split-system air conditioners.

Today, SANYO is a leader in the semi-industrial and industrial air conditioner market. She uses her many years of experience and advanced technologies in the production of household wall-mounted air conditioners, offering both elite models of the Shiki Sai Kan series, and inexpensive, but reliable split systems of business and standard class. SANYO pays special attention to reliability and quality: the entire production process is under the strict and constant control of Japanese specialists.
The corporation has many divisions: 130 branches are located in 29 countries of the world, employing over 50,000 employees. The main development strategy is determined by the parent company Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.
Particular attention is paid to the development of new types of products and technologies. It is no coincidence that the company not only finances fundamental science, but also attracts leading experts from all over the world to its laboratories and research centers. For success in the production of materials that do not destroy the ozone layer of the Earth, the company in 1995 received the "Grand Prix" of the American Environmetal Protection Agency. SANYO's manufacturing technology is so advanced that almost all products are manufactured by robots, which ensures the highest quality. Regardless of the country in which products with the SANYO brand are manufactured, any product, each unit of it, undergoes the most severe control, therefore any creation of the company is considered the best in the world.

SANYO Priorities - High Reliability and Protection environment. The company actively promotes its developments on the world market, the most famous among which are the following areas:

  • digital video cameras
  • projectors with liquid crystal displays
  • digital mobile phones
  • volume imaging technologies
  • solar panels
  • portable digital players
  • LCD TVs
  • products for MD and DVD systems
  • indicator panels for portable electronic devices
  • developments in the field of storage systems
  • Medical equipment,
  • natural gas vehicles

Sanyo creates technology, conducts research and develops products based on the most advanced science and technology.

The company strives to fully satisfy the needs of today's customer, who is not only very well informed, but also concerned about environmental issues.

Sanyo means "three oceans" in Japanese. This is a real global family that unites 151 subsidiaries and affiliates. It employs more than 50,000 employees working in 27 countries around the world. All companies follow the direction of work, which is determined by the parent company - "SANYO Electric Corporation, Ltd".

Because the Sanyo Group companies operate globally, Sanyo conducts R&D, manufacturing and marketing of its products as close as possible to the markets in which the Corporation operates. With this mindset, we are moving closer and closer to our goal of becoming a company that no one else in the world could live without. for scientific research and meet all advanced criteria in science and technology.

Sanyo's name means "three oceans" in Japanese. The direction of activity is determined by the parent company "SANYO Electric Corporation, Ltd", and 151 subsidiaries and affiliates operating in 27 countries around the world are combined into a corporate family of 50,000 employees.

One of Sanyo's operating principles is proximity to the markets for which it operates. Therefore, Sanyo Group companies carry out research, development, production and marketing activities around the world and "right on the spot". The goal of our company is that nowhere in the world could do without our products.

Sanyo's phenomenal development began with the production of the first products - a generator lamp for bicycles, a plastic cabinet radio and a washing machine with a vortex movement of water during the washing process. The result of half a century of development and continuous improvement in product quality has become the Sanyo group of companies, which has spread branches around the world.

The basis of the company's philosophy: "Become one whose products simply could not be dispensed with" - based on this foundation and carefully studying the preferences of consumers, the company offered them products with an incredible price-quality ratio for those times. In the 50 years that have passed since its vigorous start, SANYO has reached all corners of the world with impressive speed. This impetus for development is contained in the very name of the company - "three oceans".

The group produces a wide range of electronic and home appliances, and over the past decades, SANYO has become a world leader in such competitive areas of production as the production of rechargeable batteries, refrigeration equipment and digital cameras.

The company's products not only radically improve the quality of life, but also have social aspect– creation of industrial jobs in 27 countries of the world.

Invariably high quality SANYO products will retain all their positions in the coming century.

Japanese manufacturer of various electronics, household and climate equipment. The corporation, which began as a small electrical assembly plant that started operating in the city of Osaka on November 23, 1947, today has hundreds of subsidiaries employing hundreds of thousands of employees. However, the ambitious plans of Toshio Iue, the founder of the company, were clear from the very beginning, it is no coincidence "Sanyo" translated from Japanese as "three oceans". He has achieved a lot - now SANYO included in the list Fortune 500.

But it all started with generator lamps for bicycles. In the beginning, the young company was constantly pursued by various small and large troubles. But Toshio's perseverance and patience truly knew no bounds. Already by 1949, these light bulbs were produced by the thousands and began to be exported abroad.

In 1950, the company acquired the final name, which is still used today - SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. Now it is the parent company of a huge concern known as SANYO Electric Group.

In 1952, the company's first radio receiver appears. For the first time in the history of Japanese electronics, plastic was used for its body. Further more. Within just one decade, SANYO is mastering the production of televisions, stereo systems, various household and climatic equipment - it was decided to adhere to the principle of "everything at once". Special mention deserves batteries and accumulators, which received a lot of attention. As a result, we managed to achieve leading positions in many areas. However, little of what was produced SANYO bore the proud label "first in the world". Nobody aspired to this. Just took new idea, already used by competitors, and carried out in its own way, more or less successfully. A sort of consumer goods in the Japanese manner.

The company is developing at a very fast pace. In 1979 the first Personal Computer SANYO. Active development towards "green" technologies begins, in which significant success has been achieved. So, in 1990, a plane using solar panels SANYO for the first time, in the history of such technology, crossed America.

Continuing with the same multidisciplinary approach, the company launches projectors, mobile phones(the division in 2008 moved to Kyocera), digital cameras, navigators. Structure SANYO becomes more complex, there are many subsidiaries.

Since December 21, 2009 SANYO was absorbed Panasonic Corp. The transaction amount exceeded 4.5 billion US dollars. The negotiations went on for almost a year. The takeover was preceded by several years of financial turmoil that plagued SANYO and led to significant job cuts. Apparently, the excessive diversification of the corporation became too much of a burden for it, since it became increasingly difficult to manage such a complex structure.

Headquarters SANYO located in Osaka, Japan (Osaka, Japan).


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