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From this article you will learn:

  • Why is it important to understand marketing tools?
  • What are the main tools of the marketing mix
  • Who is Territory Marketing Tools for?
  • What are the unusual marketing tools
  • What effective tools to use
  • What books to read about marketing tools

Why marketing tools are so important

To convey to customers information about the product, its unique properties, competitive advantages, promotions and discounts, companies use a whole arsenal of marketing tools. With their help, they form interest in products, stimulate customers to make a purchase.

To effectively promote goods and services and retain target audience companies need to develop a separate marketing policy that provides for different tactics to achieve their goals.

The key to the success of such a policy is to understand what methods and marketing tools will be needed to achieve planned targets.

What is the importance of marketing tools for a company?

Everything is very simple and obvious: they allow you to make its products more recognizable and popular with consumers and thus increase sales.

Choosing the right marketing tool is not as easy as it seems. There are many factors to consider: marketing goals, company strategy, market situation, advertising budget, etc.

Consider first what types of marketing tools exist.

The main tools of the marketing mix

Most marketers in their work use the classic marketing mix scheme - 4P (product, price, place, promotion), which includes:

  • commodity policy,
  • price,
  • marketing,
  • promotion (communication) policy.

All the main tools of the marketing mix are grouped into these four areas. Let's take a closer look at each group.

Commodity policy

Its main motto is: "You need to produce what is in demand among consumers, and not try to sell them what you have produced." With the help of product policy, you can answer key questions: what goods to produce, for whom they will be intended, how they should look and what quality they should be.

Marketing policy is directly related to the strategy of production and marketing of the company's products. Therefore, any marketing decisions of a strategic nature (market segmentation, target audience definition, product or service positioning) must be taken before investing in production.

The group "commodity policy" includes the following traditional marketing tools:

  • product;
  • assortment (bringing new products to the market, removing from production assortment units that are not in demand among consumers);
  • trademark, brand;
  • package;
  • additional services offered in the sale;
  • guarantee;
  • service maintenance.

Price policy

The pricing process depends on many factors. The price of a good or service must cover not only production costs, but also shipping, advertising and other marketing costs. The retail price can range between the minimum that covers all the costs of the seller and the maximum that the buyer is willing to pay.

The question logically arises: what impact do marketing tools have on pricing? How will sales volume be affected by the use of discounts, the provision of free shipping and various additional services?

It all depends on the goals pricing policy set by the organization. It could be:

  • keeping the company afloat in the break-even zone or, conversely, maximizing profits;
  • gaining a certain market share;
  • application of the cream skimming policy;
  • short-term sales growth.

Another nuance of the pricing policy is that the promotion of cheap products requires less effort and time than more expensive goods and services.

Here are the main tools of the marketing department that are used in practice:

  • pricing;
  • discounts, promotions, bonus programs;
  • pricing strategy.

Sales policy

Modern marketers prefer instead of the narrow term "sales" to use the broader concept of "distribution", which means not only the physical delivery of goods to the point of sale, but also a set of measures to promote the goods and partially service.

Thus, distribution is a set of tools for promoting products from the manufacturer to the end consumer, which includes the distribution of goods in a market segment or in a certain region, maintaining stable sales figures, and providing pre-sales and after-sales services.

The main goal of distribution is to make sure that the consumer can buy the product.

Distribution, or sales in a broad sense, consists of four main elements, each of which has its own set of marketing tools:

  • distribution channels, product distribution (wholesale, retail, direct sales, online store);
  • sales process, distribution or trade marketing;
  • material processing, logistics (warehousing, transportation, inventory management, cargo handling);
  • marketing logistics (order management, contract terms: terms of payment, delivery, minimum lot size).

There is a concept similar to distribution "trade marketing". It also means moving products from manufacturer to customer. The difference is that the emphasis is on finding the most effective course of action for all actors in the promotion chain.

Thus, trade marketing is aimed at satisfying not only the needs of customers, but also the participants of the trading link.

Trade marketing can be viewed from different perspectives. From the position of the marketing approach, it is a set of marketing tools designed to achieve the goal of ensuring the presence of the company's goods in retail outlets at a certain price in the most advantageous places.

In terms of sales, trade marketing is a set of activities aimed at stimulating the sale of products.

Trade marketing tools are used in the following areas:

  • sales promotion;
  • special events;
  • merchandising.

Promotion policy (communications)

The communication policy of the company answers the question of how to promote goods or services to consumers. By promotion, we mean any company's actions aimed at informing potential customers, stimulating them to make a purchase decision, working with objections, etc.

The choice of certain tools for promotion depends on the characteristics of a particular product or service. If the company is engaged in the manufacture of industrial products or the sale of expensive goods, then in this case personal sales are suitable. When it comes to products from the mass market category, they usually use advertising.

Also, depending on the stage of the product life cycle, marketers can use different methods of promotion. When a product is first introduced to the market, it is better to use advertising and exhibitions as marketing tools. During a downturn in sales, you should pay attention to sales promotion and focus on personal selling.

Advertising as a marketing tool

Advertising is the most effective element of the marketing mix, providing product promotion and sales growth. But do not pay too much attention to it, forgetting about other marketing tools. Otherwise, the company may get the opposite effect from such advertising: instead of attracting, it will cause negative reactions and a drop in sales.

In practice, there are various approaches to determining the cost of advertising:

To optimize the process of selecting and using advertising media, the company needs to develop a plan for conducting an advertising campaign.

The basis is information about the promoted product (its consumer characteristics and compliance with the needs of customers), the state of the market as a whole and individual segments, the level of demand and forecasts of its change, and the actions of competitors.

Marketing promotion tools

Promotion tools are understood as marketing methods and techniques that a company uses to stimulate sales of its products or services in the market.

In practice, most organizations use the following five main promotion tools:

  • Advertising.

This marketing tool was mentioned above. We add that it is distributed in various ways: external advertising (billboards, advertising on and inside transport, inscriptions on asphalt, promoters, etc.), internal advertising (in cinemas, shopping and business centers, airports and train stations), the Internet -advertising (contextual, targeted, etc.), etc.

  • Public relations (PR).

This promotion through the popularization of products and stimulation of demand through seminars, speeches to the target audience, publication of articles in periodicals and the Internet, distribution of company catalogs, etc.

  • Sales promotion.

This is the promotion of goods by increasing sales in the short term. It is achieved by providing discounts to customers, holding contests, drawings and lotteries, distributing samples, etc.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that the growth in demand is short-term, the company bears hidden costs associated with the marketing campaign.

  • Personal (personal) sale.

This is the promotion of products through direct communication between the seller and the buyer through sales presentations, business meetings, organization of industrial exhibitions and fairs.

  • Sponsorship.

We are talking about providing money to a sponsored company for holding an event, subject to the placement of advertising information about the sponsor's products and his brand.

In addition to the listed tools for product promotion, direct marketing is also used in practice.

Direct Marketing Tools

Direct marketing is direct communication with a potential client, which involves receiving immediate feedback. There are the following direct marketing tools:

  1. Direct mail marketing(direct mail) - when a relationship with the consumer is established by sending emails, flyers and booklets, test samples, etc.

To prevent the client from sending a letter with an advertising message to the Spam folder, you need to write it correctly: the reader from the first line must understand why he needs your product or service. A detailed description of the characteristics of the product is best left for the second letter.

  1. Directory marketing- this is the promotion of the company's products through advertising in catalogs that are distributed to potential buyers in shopping centers or by e-mail.
  2. telemarketing- telephone sales, which are carried out by placing orders by phone from customers who have seen advertisements for goods in the media or in the catalog. To stimulate demand, it is better to use free telephone lines so that customers do not hesitate to call the hotline.

According to statistics, telemarketing can increase advertising conversion rates by 0.7-5 percent. First of all, this applies to mass-market products. When selling goods of an industrial nature (equipment, raw materials, etc.), the use of telephone sales can increase turnover by 15 percent.

  1. TV marketing is the promotion of products through advertising on television. Immediate viewer feedback is achieved by offering preferential purchase terms to a limited number of people who call first.

In addition, television marketing is also popular on pay-TV channels, which collect applications for the purchase of goods at better prices than the average in the market.

  • ambient media.

  • product sitting.

In order to introduce a new product to the market or increase sales of items from the current assortment, the company invites people whose words consumers listen to, test the product and express their opinion. Such test drives are often carried out by bloggers on their pages on social networks.

  • CrazyPR.

Come up with some crazy idea and bring it to life (within the limits of reason and decency, of course). Just do not forget that such advertising should fit into the strategy of positioning the product or brand.

  • Storytelling.

Even before the development of commerce and the advent of advertising, the most effective phrase in terms of product promotion was: "Let me tell you a story." Storytelling (storytelling) is an effective marketing tool that inspires, motivates and, of course, sells.

  • Trivertizing.

The name of this tool comes from the English tryvertising, where the first part of the word “try” means “to try”.

Today's consumers want to test a product before making a purchase decision. They are not ready to pay for a "pig in a poke". Therefore, invite potential customers to get to know the product better - apply cream to the skin, taste a new kind of chocolate, take a car for a test drive, lie down on an orthopedic mattress.

We think there is no need to talk about the effectiveness of such marketing tools.

  • Sensitive Marketing.

If you want to increase sales, influence all the senses of customers. Examples of this approach can be found everywhere.

For example, the smell of fresh buns on the street next to the bakery beckons passers-by and makes them go inside. Dynamic music in mass-market stores stimulates customers to make purchases quickly, without much thought. The pleasant sound of a door in a BMW car when slammed creates a sense of status.

  • identity marketing.

Often companies with the same target audience build their marketing strategies and tools in such a way that they become similar to each other, like twins. In such a situation, identity marketing will help, which allows you to determine the distinctive features of a company or brand, form its uniqueness and convey this information to consumers.

  • dead marketing.

This tool is very unusual for Russian companies. It is used to promote foreign organizations. They take on the responsibility of maintaining and maintaining order at the graves in the cemetery.

On the one hand, companies thus show their social responsibility to society, on the other hand, they advertise themselves to visitors to the cemetery.

  • Shockvertising

The name of this marketing tool also has English roots. It consists of two words - shock (shock) and advertising (advertising). Shocking advertising - everything that shocks, causes outrage and even disgust.

Such a tool is used only by courageous and ambitious companies. After all, before you conduct such advertising, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons and be prepared for the fact that some of your customers will leave you.

Social Marketing Tools You Shouldn't Write Off

Social marketing is a way to promote a product or brand by influencing consumer preferences, popularizing a certain lifestyle, advertising fashion trends.

It is one of the newest marketing tools. It appeared relatively recently, about 10 years ago, due to the deteriorating environmental situation in the world, a large number of low-quality food products on store shelves and the depletion of natural resources.

Social marketing is most actively used in medical and environmental projects, as well as in charity. In recent years, social marketing programs in education and commerce have been gaining momentum.

The main goal of social marketing, regardless of the specific scope of its application, is to form the loyalty of the target audience through association with ongoing social programs.

The following tasks of social marketing follow from this goal:

  • analysis of the target audience;
  • development of measures to increase the loyalty of potential customers;
  • strengthening the position of a company or brand in a market niche;
  • improving the quality of goods or services sold;
  • improving the quality of life of the target audience or society as a whole through the implementation of a marketing campaign.

In the context of global computerization and the development of information technology, companies have begun to actively use social marketing tools in social networks, which allow not only to make a portrait of the target audience and analyze its preferences and needs, but also to increase demand and increase consumer loyalty in a short time.

There are many colorful examples of the use of social marketing tools in the activities of well-known companies. Thus, McDonald's has been actively involved in the decision social problems society. One of these areas is charity in the field of orphanhood.

The company encourages its clients to provide all possible assistance to children left without parents, and itself regularly transfers significant amounts to those in need.

The world famous Coca-Cola brand also uses social marketing tools in its work.

After it became known that the ingredients of carbonated water included components harmful to human life and health, the company banned their use in the country of production, changing the recipe and losing millions of dollars on this. Coca-Cola wrote off the losses to charity.

The considered examples confirm the importance of social marketing tools for the successful development and effective promotion of large companies on the market. Organizations interested in entering the global market and increasing their customer base must work with social response to increase consumer loyalty.

Who can use territory marketing tools

Territory marketing (territorial marketing) is the promotion of a certain region, taking into account the interests of internal and external entities in order to attract the attention and investment of the latter.

There are the following elements of territorial marketing:

  1. Territory promotion- promotion of the region as a whole. Marketing activities can be carried out both on the territory and outside it. Their main goal is to promote the brand, form a loyal attitude, and increase the popularity of the region.
  2. Territorial trade marketing- promotion of products and services that are produced and consumed in the region.
  3. Extraterritorial trade marketing- promotion of products and services that are produced in the region and consumed outside it.

Key subjects of territorial marketing:

  • producers of goods, works, services;
  • consumers;
  • financial intermediaries;
  • information intermediaries;
  • public authorities at the municipal and federal levels;
  • public structures.

The main customers or initiators of marketing activities of territorial significance are usually local entrepreneurs engaged in the production of goods in the region.

Territorial marketing has the following goals:

  • an increase in the number of programs of international, federal and regional significance in which the territory takes part;
  • increased inflow of investment capital;
  • expansion of the client base of local producers of goods and services;
  • formation of a positive image of the region, strengthening its business reputation, increasing competitiveness.

There are four main territorial marketing tools aimed at developing industrial sectors, stimulating the export of locally produced goods and attracting investment:

  • territory image marketing;
  • attractiveness marketing (for example, in the field of investments);
  • infrastructure marketing;
  • personnel marketing.

But, as you understand, it is very large-scale, and therefore expensive. Then you can go the other way - on the Internet, where information is available in any country and its price does not hit your pocket so hard.

Consider the practical tools of Internet marketing that modern companies use to promote products on the market.

  • SEO.

SEO is website optimization, a marketing tool for raising an Internet resource in the search engine results. In order for the user to go to the company's website, he must see it in the search engine on the first page - the closer to the beginning of the search, the better. The vast majority of webmasters use SEO to increase their incoming traffic.

  • SMM.

SMM is the use of social networks to promote a brand or company. Users go to the company page, get acquainted with the product range, ask clarifying questions, read product reviews and make a purchase decision.

  • Targeted advertising.

Targeted advertising - advertisement, which is shown on social networks to a specific group of users. You can choose in the settings which people should see the advertisement (for example, women under 35 living in Moscow).

A user who is interested in targeting clicks on the link and is redirected to the company's website, where they can learn more about the product and place an order.

  • Email marketing.

It is a marketing tool through which a company communicates with customers via email. For a company, e-mail newsletters are a great way to remind regular customers about yourself, to make profitable proposition or find out if the customer is happy with the purchase. And new users can be told about the company through letters and offered to place an order.

In recent years, email marketing has been losing its effectiveness, as for many people such mailings immediately fall into the Spam folder.

  • Mobile applications.

With the help of mobile applications, companies can increase incoming traffic to the site and increase sales. More than half of users search for information on the Internet through a phone or tablet, so they will appreciate the convenient service.

So, Uber and Yandex.Taxi, thanks to the release of mobile applications, have practically replaced the classic taxi, where you need to call the operator to order a car.

  • Banner and teaser advertising.

Banner and teaser advertising are marketing tools that use banners with images and text (teasers) to promote a product. A user who sees an advertisement on the site clicks on it and goes to the company's website.

  • Viral advertising.

Viral advertising is an advertising message that users independently distribute on the Internet (videos, pictures or texts). Using this marketing tool requires a certain amount of professionalism. Many companies try to make such advertising, but few succeed.

  • Content marketing.

An example of a blog printing house "SlovoDelo"

Content marketing is the creation and publication of interesting and useful information on a company website, on a page on a social network or on other Internet resources. Users who are interested in content can become regular customers in the future.

Now blogs are run by many: small and large businesses, celebrities and ordinary people.

  • native advertising.

Many companies use this marketing tool to promote their products or services. This is best done by large corporations and well-known brands.

  • Messengers.

Another marketing tool that is gaining momentum is instant messengers - mobile services designed for user communication. Companies use them to keep in touch with customers, because it is much easier to do this through a mobile phone that is always at hand than through a computer.

B2B Marketing Tools Online and Beyond


An example of the site of the company "Mir Pilok"

Unlike B2C in the B2B segment, the site should be more specific, concise, but at the same time informative. It is not enough to post useful articles about the product and the company, it is better to use more effective tools - videos, infographics, presentations.

High-quality and interesting content is the key to the success of your site. Interested users themselves will share links to useful information with colleagues and partners. Do not forget to place the company logo on each material with a link to the site.

When deciding whether to collaborate, your future partner will take into account various factors, including your business reputation. This is very easy to do over the Internet. The search engine will give you all the information about the ups and downs of the company, its successes and failures.

Therefore, when developing a marketing strategy for a B2B site, you need to pay attention to working with feedback from Internet users. For preliminary testing of your Internet resource to take into account the opinion of the target audience, answer the following questions:

Work in this direction will increase the effectiveness of the Internet marketing tools used and increase customer loyalty.

event marketing

This is one of the most effective, more than once proven marketing tools, but the effect of its use is more noticeable in the B2C segment than B2B. Nevertheless, the results from communication with customers after using event marketing are quite high.

Let's take a look at how this marketing tool works on the example of Mobile World Congress, a popular industry event that takes place annually in Barcelona.

This event allows a large number of vendors from the telecommunications industry to present their latest developments and innovations to the target audience. At the same time, the percentage of contracts concluded after the event is very low.

Despite this, Mobile World Congress gives participants a chance to present themselves to consumers in the most favorable light. That is why companies do not skimp on the design of stands, the creation of presentations and videos, they pay great attention to design and hospitality.

In Russia, similar events are also held as part of event marketing, where participants exchange experience with their colleagues from other companies.

Closed events are also popular in our country, to which the organizers invite only their clients. This allows you to expand your customer base, communicate directly with important buyers, establishing a more trusting relationship with them.

The most effective marketing tools for today

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising includes both placement of ads in search engines and advertising on Internet resources, which works through partner and teaser networks of other companies, such as the Google Display Network and the Yandex Advertising Network.

This is one of the few marketing tools, the costs of which do not decrease during the crisis, but, on the contrary, grow. With a professional approach, the effectiveness of contextual advertising can be very high.

A huge number of companies attract visitors to their sites by placing advertising messages on thematic Internet resources. The more accurately contextual advertising is configured, the more return it will bring. So, it is better to promote products on sites that correspond to their subject.

For example, baby clothes and diapers are best advertised on forums for new mothers or women's blogs.

Mobile Marketing

This marketing tool is used to analyze the target audience by the model of the mobile phone used, the region of location, gender and age characteristics, etc. Conducting advertising campaigns targeted at a narrow group of mobile users gives good results.

Mobile marketing is gaining momentum, as the number of people accessing the Internet using a phone is growing every year and, according to various estimates, today is from 20 to 50 percent of all Runet users. This explains the need to adapt online advertising for mobile devices.

Despite the large number of users, mobile marketing in our country is not yet fully applied. The level of competition in this segment is still quite low. Therefore, a company that can properly set up an advertising campaign will be able to quickly get the desired effect in the form of an influx of users and sales growth.

Lead generation

Lead generation is one of the most popular modern marketing tools. Various elements are used to promote the product and attract users within this approach: application forms, landing pages, forms of special audience segmentation, thematic mailings and promotions to receive a direct response from the client.

Lead generation allows you to spend your advertising budget as efficiently as possible. Unlike traditional marketing tools based on working with "cold" and "warm" consumers, lead generation directly interacts with a prepared target audience, which significantly saves the company's time and money.

At the dawn of the development of Internet marketing, the website promotion strategy was based on increasing incoming traffic, increasing the number of views, and increasing the rating of an Internet resource in search engines. At the present stage, the management of marketing tools is aimed at more subtle work with the target audience.

A large number of impressions now does little for a company or a brand. To grow sales, it is necessary not to maintain a positive image among consumers, constantly flashing before their eyes, but to stimulate user activity, which will be reflected in the number of applications, orders, reviews, etc.

Lead generation will be effective if the target audience is segmented correctly, sifting out “cold” customers and focusing on the most active ones (those who are interested in a product or company, call a call center, ask questions to an online consultant on the site, place orders, etc.) .

Unlike branding, lead generation is not aimed at a large reach of users, but at increasing the effectiveness of a single advertising campaign.


An example of a nursing home blog "Autumn Life"

Blogging is another popular internet marketing tool. The widespread use of blogs to promote products and companies is due to many factors.

First, it is the cost-effectiveness of using electronic journals. Companies that post useful content on their own Internet resource do not just spend money, but invest in their promotion.

This is because all the funds that go to the development of the blog will contribute to the development of the company in the long term, in contrast to advertising costs, which have a short-term effect.

Secondly, it helps the company to keep in touch with consumers, to influence their preferences, to stimulate the desired behavior (ordering).

Thirdly, blogs generate organic traffic due to the use of a wide semantic core.

Fourthly, the blog makes it possible to maintain communication with users online, which creates a positive image of the company and increases customer loyalty.

Despite the many benefits of a blog for promoting products and companies, its effectiveness will depend on how you use it. With proper use, a blog can be an excellent platform for advertising a brand or product.

TOP 5 books about modern marketing tools not mentioned in the article

This book is a real practical guide to creating branding that can deliver high results. Marty Neumeyer formulated the key principles of effective marketing and outlined an action plan for its implementation.

After reading this book, you'll learn how to give customers who are overwhelmed with new products and services an offer they can't refuse.

The author will reveal to you the main secret of successful marketing: how to satisfy the needs of customers in such a way that in the long run the number of buyers and the average check size only increase.

There are several translations of the title of the book. One of them is "Differentiate or die." Despite the fact that the book was published relatively long ago, the ideas that Jack Trout shares with readers are still relevant.

  1. Andy Sernowitz, Word of Mouth Marketing. How smart companies make people talk about themselves.

People often share with friends and family their impressions of the products and services they use: cars, mobile phones, medicines, travel agencies, doctors and manicurists. They can give both positive and negative feedback, recommend your favorite brand to all friends or users online.

Isn't this kind of advertising that every company dreams of? And achieving high results is very simple: you do not need to be a marketing guru or spend a lot of money on promotion, just learn how to turn word of mouth on and off yourself and how to get people talking about your brand or company.

The answers to these questions can be found in Andy Sernowitz's book. The author will share with you the secrets of how to create an informational occasion for talking about a brand, and how to use it to promote it.

The author of the book is one of the most popular marketing specialists. Seth Godin criticizes classic marketing tools - TV ads, cold calls and similar things that cause a negative reaction from consumers.

In his book Permission Marketing, Seth explains how to set up an inbound traffic system so that new customers will search for and find you.

There are many books on the market about sales tools and marketing, but only Igor Mann has collected all the well-known marketing tools that sales managers should own.

  • tools needed to use before meeting with clients;
  • tools used at a meeting with clients;
  • tools to use after meeting with clients;
  • additional tools that will be useful to sales staff.

This book will also be of interest to marketers: the author has compiled a special checklist of what they can do in the shortest possible time for a key internal client - the sales department.

Sales managers and their leaders will find in this book a list of things to ask marketers to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of working with a customer base (or what to do yourself, if in organizational structure the company does not have a marketing department).

Marketing tools are a system of means and methods for the implementation of marketing activities at any stage of the enterprise.

All marketing tools are classified into 4 strategic areas:

  • pricing policy (price);
  • commodity policy (products);
  • marketing policy (implementation);
  • marketing policy (advertising).

Why marketing tools are so important

The activity of the enterprise is built taking into account profit forecasts, technical capabilities, human resources, etc. Marketing tools are directly involved in the formation of the company's work processes. They help manage the business.

The importance of marketing tools lies in their constant modernization and improvement. With the development of Internet technologies, not only advertising, but also all other areas of the company's activities that need constant monitoring have received wide opportunities.

Tasks at the stage of choosing marketing tools

  • Delivering information about the product to the consumer, taking into account production experience, test activities, properties and benefits of products.
  • Maintaining regular contact with the consumer in order to remind about the product, related services or special offers.
  • Informing the client about new promotions and discounts in order to arouse interest in the product.
  • Collection of information about consumers and the most popular products.

Types of marketing tools for offline business


Products are promoted to the market through digital and traditional advertising. The first has a more efficient and faster mechanism of action. The second occupies a leading position in branding and image creation.

To promote specialized products, a digital format is used, since the consumer is not mobile in choosing, needs to receive additional information in the context of the “price-functionality / quality” optimum.


When determining the price of products, many factors are taken into account: production and sales costs, government policy, product category, psychological factors of the consumer. Often the level of demand and competition are decisive in determining prices. In this case, the manufacturer follows an intra-company plan to make a profit.


The packaging of goods performs various functions: recognition, labeling, informing, safety during transportation. On the shelves in the store, the familiar packaging is a "silent" seller. To increase sales, the “shell” of the product is distinguished by a design that reflects company logos.

Exhibitions and fairs

Fairs and exhibitions are organized to stimulate sales. With the help of test samples, forms, forms and exhibition copies, the consumer receives real information about the product, supplemented by answers to questions of interest.


A discount in the scientific sense is to reward a customer for a perfect purchase. The effectiveness of the discount system (discount, bonus) depends on the purchasing power of consumers. Effectively used in both online and offline environments.

Basic Internet Marketing Tools


SEO() is used by big stable companies. With the help of indexing content, increasing the rating due to the most common search phrases, the company's website rises in the browser's search results. With the constant use of this method, website traffic and sales increase. Along with SEO, SEM, SEA, SMO, etc. are used.

contextual advertising

Most common on the internet. The display of advertising materials (text, animation, video) is based on individual interests and browsing history in the browser. Such thematic advertising also uses data about the location of the network user. Search advertising is displayed at the top of the browser page with each request.


(promotion in social services) is carried out by creating interesting publications about the company. Most often, an account or group is opened under the name of the company, where information about products, discounts and news is posted. The user subscribed to the blog receives "unobtrusive" advertising.

Targeted advertising

Represents the selection of the target audience using special mechanisms. In this regard, geotargeting, demographic, temporal, behavioral, thematic and retargeting (through cookies) are distinguished.

Targeted advertising is considered the second most effective after contextual advertising. By setting filters, the necessary advertising appears on Internet resources (forums, clubs, social networks, etc.). The search for the target audience is based on the personal data of network users and communication devices.

E-mail marketing

It is carried out with the help of reminders, congratulations, advertising materials and information about promotions. Effective if you have a database of customers and their email addresses.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications on phones and tablets have unlimited access to customer data. For advertising purposes, they help build a buyer persona using location data, browser history, contact list (pre-installation permissions).

Banner and teaser advertising

It is the cheapest way to promote with pay per click. The buyer, seeing an interesting offer on various thematic sites, follows the link and makes a purchase. and are considered a quick opportunity to increase profits through unique and engaged users.

Viral advertising

Distributed by ordinary users and the companies themselves. The process takes place in social networks and on popular services. Videos and pictures are laid out for a wide audience, so the effect of its use is the same - the creation of a recognizable brand.

Content Marketing

It is a hidden way to promote products. For this, paid reviews, recommendations, tips and stories about personal experience are used. Articles of useful content are also published so that the buyer can learn more about the product.

Video Marketing

Filling sites with video content is effective if there is not enough information about the product to make a confident purchase. Thus, it is useless to advertise well-known brands and expensive goods. The material is laid out according to the type of video reviews or video instructions. The tool is suitable for advertising both for personal and corporate purposes.


Retargeting prevents the user from leaving the purchase in cases where he was personally interested in it. The tool creates a kind of reminder on any of the Internet services (partners). helps to return the buyer to the Internet resource that he was interested in. The advertising customer has specific requirements for filters, such as time spent on the site or frequent visits.


Aggregators (marketplace) are a platform where a lot of offers for purchase from various suppliers and companies are collected. There is a lot of competition on these sites. Examples are Yandex-market, Goods Any interested company registers on such a site and integrates into the overall system through a commercial offer.

Online Games

Game mode marketing activity is driven by the multi-million audience of online entertainment. Developers collaborate with various manufacturers and offer bonuses, coupons, promo codes, as well as viewing embedded ads. Also, programmers have access to information about traffic, purchases made in the game, time spent online, etc.

In Western countries, game developers cooperate with large fast food chains, watch stores, sporting goods stores, etc.

Affiliate programs and CPA networks

Most sites have. The essence of their action is to invite a regular user of new customers (referrals) of the service to receive discounts or income. A new user receives positive feedback about the company and becomes another participant programs. If necessary, he buys goods or services from the site. Such a tool does not require additional time spent on clients. Interested in the proposal take "work" on themselves.

crowd marketing

Effective on a variety of active forums and reviews. It involves placing reviews (with links) in the most natural form so that the written text blends harmoniously with the general topic of discussion. Such a promotion is quite time-consuming and is suitable for certain groups of goods (promotional, luxury, "middling" with a twist)

Push Notifications

Reach the consumer instantly. Their advantage is that the user agrees to receive them (SMS, pop-up windows in the browser, on the monitor) when filling out the questionnaire (signature), or by subscribing in the browser (no spam). To date, only firms that are actively implementing a marketing system use this tool.

Native advertising

Otherwise called natural. It works on the principle of conscious creation of content that is interesting and useful for the consumer and the publisher at the same time. Distributed in the media, specialized Internet sites, educational and entertainment TV channels. Sometimes it is used to fill the site in order to provide the consumer with shareware information that will prompt him to make a decision to purchase or order services.


Messenger options are varied. In fact, they are closed social networks with the possibility of advertising promotion. Mass mailings are carried out through them, support chats and various channels are created, such as in Telegram. This group includes all kinds of chatbots designed specifically to help customers. In addition, if the buyer has one of the messengers configured, they are contacted again. Contacts from the application are used to send special offers or reminders.

Marketing Tools Books

  • Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools (Mann I.B.). The book offers a detailed guide to building a business from the ground up at minimal cost. Suitable for those who try themselves in the profession of a marketer.
  • Internet Marketing. A complete collection of practical tools (Virin F.Yu.). The publication is a step-by-step guide to promoting products on the Internet using modern methods and channels. The book is necessary for those working in the field of online advertising and managers of Internet projects due to the author's research into promotion schemes in the largest Russian companies.
  • Marketing tools for the sales department (Mann I., Turusina A., Ukolova E.). The publication is positioned as an effective way to increase sales at all stages of marketing, including direct work with the buyer. The advantages of the book include the described process of using a particular tool: budget, time-consuming, complexity and features of use, key guidelines and subtleties of implementation. The manual will be useful to sales managers, commercial directors and marketers.
  • Exhibition as a marketing tool (Nazarenko L.F.). The mechanism of holding exhibitions is illustrated in the book by systematizing the types of exhibitions, their features and capabilities. The author also analyzes the activities of Russian companies that often organize exhibition events. The publication is suitable for entrepreneurs, executives and managers and becomes step by step guide by exposure.
  • Internet Marketing. Best Free Tools (Jim Cockrum). The book talks about revolutionary ways of marketing both in the online environment and in the conditions of "close" competition. The guide is suitable for absolutely any person involved in advertising, with any budget and with high performance.

Modern business has such a wide arsenal of analytical tools that its representatives, as a rule, are at a loss before choosing, so they often stop at only one of the methods. However, only in combination marketing analysis tools provide the most profitable business.

You will learn:

  • What are the classic marketing research tools.
  • Which of them are currently being successfully used.
  • How they work.
  • What are the most common mistakes that occur when using them?
  • How to effectively use modern marketing analysis tools.

How marketing analysis tools work and what goals it pursues

1. Market research and substantiation of market growth/fall trends.

According to the definition of marketing science, the concept of "market" does not mean a place where goods are sold, but a community of relationships between a seller and a buyer, each of which has its own goals and objectives, needs and requirements, material values and others. Therefore, the purpose of market research is complex and aimed at competitors and consumers.

2. Analysis of the main factors influencing the demand for goods/services.

The reasons that determine the popularity of a particular product (service) are endless. Demand is influenced by seasonality, opening hours, incorrectly chosen target audience, erroneous pricing policy, aimless promotions, and the like. The main task is to detect problems, analyze them and eliminate them.

3. Analysis of enterprise pricing.

When studying the marketing activities of the company, this task is paramount and main. With the use of special methods, the nature of the increase (decrease) in prices is determined, a comparative analysis of the pricing policy of competitors is performed, and the prices that are most beneficial to the seller and consumer in a specific period of time are selected by the calculation method.

4. Study and identification of real and potential competitors of the enterprise.

It often happens that without a full study of the competitive environment and the viability of their products, entrepreneurs are deeply mistaken in building a business promotion strategy. Determining existing and potential competitors will allow you to correctly disperse your forces, draw up a unique commercial offer that can distinguish your company from many others.

5. Assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole, identifying ways to increase competitiveness.

6. Conducting a complete SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis involves studying the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises, as well as their potential and risks. SWOT analysis gives a comprehensive assessment of the state of the organization (inside and outside), which will help to discern its strengths and weaknesses:

  • strengths - strengths;
  • weakness - weaknesses;
  • opportunities - opportunities;
  • threats - threats.

7. Selection of the most effective methods and forms of product marketing, development of the marketing strategy of the enterprise

So, we have considered the key tools of marketing analysis, using which you can reveal the entire panorama of the company's activities from the inside and outside.

Classic marketing research tools

With the advent of new achievements in science and the development of social thought, the methodological foundations of marketing are also undergoing changes. Despite the fact that very diverse techniques and methods are used to solve emerging problems, there are still two basic directions in this area - analytical and prognostic and general scientific.

Additionally, marketing research tools are classified as follows:

  • Complex analysis. At this stage of marketing research, a separate market situation acts as a special system with a complex structural dependence. The study of this issue allows you to build a strategy and tactics to improve the current circumstances.
  • System analysis. Any position in the market is analyzed as an object with its own cause-and-effect relationships. Thus, the development of computer technologies directly depends on the human need for information.
  • Program-target type planning helps to determine the policy of the company and its course of action in the market. System analysis is the basis for the planning of every organization.

Methods and tools of marketing research and complex and system analysis are often used in parallel. Sometimes they are inseparable from each other. This is explained by the fact that an objective judgment is formed only when all market relations and their aspects are established.

Accurately chosen methods of collecting information become marketing analysis techniques that allow, with the least errors, to evaluate the necessary information about a product (service) or market condition. An error-free method will bring the client closer to the desired goal - increasing profits.

Several traditional marketing tools are known.

  • Questionnaire- main and most affordable way research . Many organizations systematically conduct surveys of their target audience.
  • Interview requires the presence of an interviewer . Only this person can professionally conduct a conversation, asking the right questions to clarify the nuances.
  • Group discussion management- a tool, the most popular type of which is considered to be a focus group. Here marketers and experimenters are in continuous search, minimizing the obvious disadvantages of this group.
  • Field studies– observations that help to assess the immediate state of the subject of research in its natural conditions of existence.

Direct communication can be carried out in person, by phone, online (emails, survey form on the company's resource) and in other ways. The choice of marketing assessment methodology is determined by the tasks that the company sets for itself.

In the current market conditions, completely unique marketing research tools are emerging, which are subsequently actively used in business.

Expert opinion

We analyze consumer preferences in order to build our production

Vladimir Kupriyanov,

General Director of OJSC "Vyazemsky Machine-Building Plant", Vyazma (Smolensk region)

There are never too many advantages - this should be remembered, although marketing in our industry is already well developed.

As a rule, we focus our production on meeting the needs of consumers, while studying data on their preferences based on surveys and monitoring of market potential. This tactic allowed our enterprise to survive and strengthen, while the planning system was collapsing.

We engaged in marketing research of the market: first, we determined what manufacturers offer in this area, which products are in greatest demand. On the basis of the collected monitoring data, launch copies were released, analyzed and started to be promoted. Using the information received, they formed their own marketing policy. Currently, we are intensively studying the possibilities of competitors, including Western manufacturers.

We try not to get hung up on the existing results. If, using marketing analysis tools, we find something useful for ourselves, then we will definitely bring it to life. I believe that analytics is the foundation for the work of marketers. It is she who should be given special attention at different stages of development of the organization.

Modern marketing analysis tools

  • In the modern world, the main trend of marketing tests is undoubtedly internetization and digitalization. In other words, marketers are increasingly immersed in the Internet.

This important trend has given rise to a kind of "big data", or big data. They are colossal arrays collected by marketing agencies, for example, in the process of a panel survey. This includes customer databases owned by ISPs, mobile operators, etc. The burning question is how to process such big data to find out information about consumers and their actions?

The solution to this problem has affected the structure of marketing agencies: now there is an increasing need for digital specialists. Large Internet companies are embarking on a path of marketing trials.

Huge flows of information require new ways of processing and evaluation. From one point of view, integration, synthesis, merging of individual data, that is, data fusion, is required. In contrast, different streams of information from a single source, that is, a single source, are receiving serious attention.

Now clients of companies that conduct research pay less and less attention to the indicativeness of surveys. At the same time, the accessibility of target groups becomes more difficult: the mobility of informants who value their time increases; in addition, interviews become more complicated and longer, causing fatigue of the interlocutors. These difficulties are successfully overcome through digital technologies. In addition, conducting surveys is moving as much as possible to places of real action (cafes, points of sale, parking lots).

  • Another popular area of ​​marketing research is glocalization(the process of economic, social, cultural development, characterized by the coexistence of multidirectional trends) and the expansion of new markets. This trend is contradictory, as evidenced even by its definition. First, there is a growing number of decisions to conduct research using marketing analysis tools made at the global level. Their digitalization reinforces this desire. For example, Internet surveys are carried out without the involvement of a local research company. Secondly, consulting is carried out only locally and nothing else.

In this regard, despite the global expansion of digital technologies, niches for unshakable classical studies (for example, telephone surveys, face-to-face conversations, in-depth interviews, focus groups) remain relevant.

The latest trend has been expressed in the hypertrophied concern about the protection of personal data, which has led to the digitalization of life, so the overall market will greatly depend on this course.

According to the main orientation, the key tools of marketing analysis are now focused on digital technologies. First of all, these are Internet surveys, which, by the way, have long passed from innovative events to everyday ones. Today, according to ESOMAR, the proportion of such surveys is twice or more than the percentage of personal interviews. In our country, the latter is still a priority, but the trend is similar. Despite everything, the era of face-to-face interviews is drawing to a close.

Now every large company has its own online panel that contains respondents who agree to participate in online surveys.

In general, network research is just perfect for interviewing the target audience when testing advertising, product tests, commercial tracking, customer loyalty assessment and price research.

The main disadvantage of online surveys is their limited representativeness. Currently, the creation of indicative Internet panels with offline recruits according to the structure of the population strata is coming to the fore. If the respondent in the sample does not have computer equipment, then he is provided with it. Similar panels are already available in the Netherlands and the USA.

  • When discussing digital technologies, one cannot ignore CAPI– an effective methodology for collecting data. Nowadays, tablets are most often used for this. With their help, they not only carry out surveys that are unthinkable without a computer, but also accumulate information while the informant performs specific actions relevant to the study, for example, when buying, talking with staff, choosing a product, etc.
  • A relatively new direction in the field of digital technologies are quality online research in blogs and forums.

A large series of modern research methods is based on the analysis of the actions of visitors on the Internet from their mobile and stationary devices. For quite a long time, the computer equipment of the survey participants was supplied with special programs, the so-called. cookie to track all communications with advertising.

More serious programs (for example, Leo trace) help to record all the actions of the respondent in the network. Such marketing analysis tools give a detailed picture of why a visitor had a desire and subsequently formed a decision to purchase a particular brand.

  • Data fusion, or data union. This approach processes the information of several panels at the same time, for example, a trading panel, a panel of doctors and consumers.
  • Single source, or data from a single source. For example, this is information about viewing and listening to television and radio advertising, online behavior and purchases of a particular respondent. The single source method is a big breakthrough, greatly enhancing the capabilities of analytics.
  • Big data, or big data. First of all, this is a combination of the two previous panels. The second is the analysis of public media, which contains a large amount of useful marketing data. This assessment complements the classic brand survey.
  • And finally, another marketing analysis tool - return path data(return data of cable operators), where there are huge databases of TV viewing.
  • There is an interesting innovation in the use of digital technologies − User experience(studying user experience) . Nowadays, consumers use a variety of electronic equipment - from smartphones and computers to washing machines. The main requirements of consumers are the functionality and ease of use of devices. And it's worth studying. User experience is an effective type of survey in which the respondent uses a gadget, and marketers technically track and record his actions, and then offer surveys.

It should be noted that all current research is based on consumer experience. Before that, the focus was on the product, but now the consumer has taken its place.

  • For brand research, more and more attention is paid to me brand– defining the respondent’s own brand . For example, for this purpose, associative methods of analyzing consumer loyalty to a brand are used, the so-called. brand relationship metaphor.
  • Over time, the consideration of relationships with the consumer also changes. For example, there is a passive viewing measurement, in which the measurement data is correlated with the buyer's media plan. This allows you to determine opportunity to see(chance of viewing ads) .
  • In addition to the usual studies of communicative means and their influence, today more and more actively studied touch points(points of contact of the buyer with the products and their parameters). The relationship with a brand is always multidimensional and complex. It is expressed not only in advertising and promotions, but also in queues, lighting, musical accompaniment, cleanliness, etc. Each survey has its own set of points of interaction with a product (service).
  • Together with the analysis of consumer experience, the number of new technologies includes co-creation with the consumer: observers do not just collect data from respondents, but also involve them in the development of new theories.

Today, another important place is occupied by innovations that require management, and this requires information. Now innovations are becoming a separate object of study together with the complex use of several marketing analysis tools. An example is the study of the promotion of a new product, when, along with tracking installations in the mind of the consumer, many external factors are taken into account: the dynamics of the product niche, economic factors, communications.

  • Currently, methods of studying the direct reaction of the respondent to events are being practiced quite successfully, including body responses. The study of these reactions is now entrusted to neuromarketing.

Expert opinion

SWOT analysis as one of the marketing tools

Mikhail Kapatsinsky,

General Director of M-City Information and Postal Service LLC, Moscow

SWOT analysis refers to the formal ways of creating a marketing policy. First of all, it is necessary to perform a marketing audit, to describe the strong (for example, well-coordinated work of the team) and weak (breaks in business ties) places of the company. In the next stage, they study the market to analyze the prospects (for example, market development) and risks (for example, government intervention) for the organization that affect the outside. The third stage is data tabulation and analysis. Taking into account the potential opportunities and risks, the pros and cons of the company, they are considering further options for leveraging the strengths of the business and eliminating its shortcomings.

By comparing the identified third-party threats with the local features of the company, it is possible to outline a strategy for the further development of the company. At this stage, we have already clarified for ourselves the question: “What does the company do?”, Now we should answer the following: “Where are we going?” and “How do we get from the current position to where we want to be?”.

Six Common Mistakes When Using Various Marketing Analysis Tools

Mistake 1. Incomparable data. In Soviet times, excellent statistical techniques were developed that made it possible to collect accurate data, but it was almost impossible to work with them. For example, one group of data was expressed in physical terms, the other - as a percentage of gross income, the third - in shares of growth against the previous period, the fourth - in terms of per capita. Such manipulations are now being performed by many companies that provide the transfer of objective information. However, at the same time, some people want to look better, while others, on the contrary, want to be gray so as not to attract attention to themselves.

Mistake 2. Confusing terminology. Imagine that we need to find data about some industry. One publication indicates the proportions between enterprises A, B, C in the form of 13%, 14%, 25%, the other publishes figures of 16%, 9%, 18%. We find a review online, where these figures are presented as 12%, 16%, 18%. Which source is reliable? Imagine everything! Since in each of them the market shares are indicated. Nevertheless, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that these shares are different: in the newspaper they are published as physical indicators (in units), on the Internet they are shown in financial terms (as turnover). But when studying the charts without reading the text on each of them, you can see seemingly identical parameters of market shares.

Mistake 3. The source of the received data. Finding information in open sources, sometimes you can notice obvious discrepancies in the numbers associated with the deliberate use of an unreliable source. Analysts will always be able to figure out when and why the numbers were changed. This allows you to define your own confidence coefficients for each source of information. Very often you can notice in rating reviews a note: company data. Knowing the market situation and knowing the policy of all surveyed companies, one can guess that it is more profitable for some of them to overestimate, and the rest to underestimate their data. Undoubtedly, trust indices are not an accurate assessment, this is just an expert opinion. But if a specialist is fully qualified and well aware of the market, his ratios will almost correspond to reality.

Mistake 4. Unqualified data processing. Consider an example. Now there is often information about the sale of household appliances that comes from some kind of distribution network. At the same time, journalists act in an elementary way: having data on the total number of sales of household appliances throughout Russia, they determine the percentage of brands sold in a particular network, which gives them sales figures for each brand across the country! Of course, these data cannot be trusted.

Mistake 5. Wrong questioning. Most often, the results of the study are distorted even in the process of preparing for the survey: incorrect wording of the items of the questionnaire, errors in the selection of respondents, bias of the interviewers and other shortcomings. In order to avoid failures, it is better to involve professionals in the work, or at least invite an expert to study (evaluate) a completed questionnaire.

Mistake 6. Subjective opinions. When conducting surveys of citizens (consumers, suppliers, other segments of the population), one must take into account that they do not always tell the truth. It's not a question of deliberate deception, it's just that people think of themselves (want to appear) better than they really are. For example, one large bookstore conducted a survey of its visitors: each exit was asked to fill out a simple questionnaire.

The vast majority of respondents spoke about their commitment to the works of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, refusing even the thought of detective stories. People reported that they come to the bookstore only for textbooks, and in the art genre they prefer only the classics. Naturally, comparing sales figures with the results of a survey will make even a stubborn optimist lose faith in any survey forever.

These (and other!) troubles can be prevented by knowing for sure why, who and with what level of specification conducts the survey; to whom and how much accurate information is needed; what marketing analysis tools to choose in each situation.

Practitioner tells

Today, many marketers are interested in how the brain of customers works when buying.

Tatyana Komissarova,

Dean of the Higher School of Marketing and Business Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

These days, marketers are trying to understand how the consumer's brain functions during a transaction. With this information, it is easy to understand the consumer's journey from idea to purchase. All this allows you to give effective advertising, a memorable product design and logo.

Example. The Sam's Club line of stores has taken up the sale of "green" products and has prepared three logos. To select the best of them, the firm connected a neurolaboratory. Its employees attracted people who are ready to buy environmentally friendly products and put EEG brain machines on their heads. In this way, it was planned to establish brain activity when contemplating logos. The pictures were shown on a computer in random order (single and in pairs). During the analysis, behavioral and neurological data were taken into account. As a result, the logo that caused the maximum response of the brain was chosen.

Three tips to help you use marketing and marketing analytics tools effectively

Tip 1. Find optimal analytical approaches.

For the correct development of a set of marketing measures, companies should consider the pros and cons of each marketing analysis tool in order to choose the best ones that allow them to effectively implement corporate policies. Speaking about the methods of analytics, their most preferred options should be emphasized.

1) Modern analytical methods such as modeling of a complex of marketing activities (Marketing-Mix Modeling - MMM). The principle is based on the processing of huge amounts of information to understand the cost effectiveness of each channel. This approach implies a statistical interdependence of financial investments in marketing and other factors that determine sales.

At the same time, external conditions (seasonality, advertising campaigns, competitors' actions) are also taken into account. This method allows you to control not only the dynamics (the transience of changes in consumer loyalty and customer segmentation over time), but also the kinetics of interaction tools (the difference in the patterns of using physical and online channels, and in the most advanced models - social networking resources).

The MMM method can be used for the implementation of both long-term strategies, for the future, and for the short-term tactical planning. However, it has several drawbacks: it needs accurate information about marketing and sales costs for a specific number of past years; does not allow studying activities that practically do not change over time (for example, outdoor advertising); does not allow to analyze the long-term effect of investing at a single point of relationship with the client (touch point), for example, for an innovative mobile application or a new platform in social networks.

In addition, for the successful use of the MMM methodology, one should have a fairly extensive knowledge of econometrics in order to understand the specifics of the models and the scenario creation tool, and given the latter, to correctly plan the consequences of financial decisions for the budget.

2) Heuristic approaches such as methodology "coverage-cost-quality" (Reach, Cost, Quality - RCQ). Such a technique involves examining each relationship point from the standpoint of its components (number of target audience covered by services; costs per unique visitor; quality of service), using factual data together with organized analysis.

This approach is usually used when the previous MMM method is inappropriate or impossible, for example: the data set is insufficient; annual expenses are more or less stable (which is often the case with sponsorship); there is a constant persistent interaction that does not allow isolating additional investment results. The RCQ principle stipulates uniform evaluation criteria for any points of interaction, simplifying further comparison. It is quite easy to use and usually does not require any special tools other than a model generated in Excel.

In practice, however, the differences between channels make it difficult to pinpoint the economic value of each touchpoint. In addition, the RCQ method does not take into account the influence of auxiliary factors and relationships, and its productivity is largely determined by the reliability of the initial assumptions.

3) Promising methods such as attribute modeling. In connection with the increase in the percentage of Internet promotion in the unified structure of advertising budgets, the role of attribution in online commerce is increasing. Attribute modeling is based on a selected set of rules and marketing analysis tools that determine how traffic conversions in sales are evaluated in relation to each type of communication with the client (e-mail, online advertising, a specific resource or social networks).

Appropriate estimates allow marketers to establish the conditional performance of various investment actions in the network through the prism of sales promotion. The most popular scoring methods are based on simple aspects, like capturing the conversion at the last click (if the 100% conversion index corresponds to the last point of communication with the client that caused the conversion after itself).

Recently, advanced techniques have been gaining popularity that increase the productivity of analysis through statistical modeling, regression processes and important algorithms associated with real-time online trading. Such approaches are deeper in comparison with classical methods. However, for source data, they most often continue to use familiar cookies, limiting the expansion of the data set, therefore, making it difficult to correctly assess the importance of each point of interaction with the virtual client in the network.

Tip 2. Use different tools in combination.

Although some businesses choose to work with a single marketing analysis tool, the most effective results come when methods marketing return on investment(MROI) are used in the complex. This direct marketing data collection and analysis approach minimizes the errors and biases inherent in any MROI estimation method. It allows managers to conveniently adjust budgets, giving priority to areas that are most cost-effective in terms of investment.

How should all of these methods be used together? Let's say 70 percent of an enterprise's marketing budget is directed to popular media (television, radio, print media, and digital platforms). Since for these methods data on consumers can be observed in dynamics, it is rational to use the MMM method. The further costs of marketing through digital channels can be explored in more detail using attributive modeling. It will help you specifically select in general categories (search for the necessary information or display of the necessary data) segments that can give the maximum conversion with a high degree of probability.

The company can then perform a heuristic analysis (for example, through RCQ) to examine the impact of spending the remaining 30 percent on marketing, which can be spent on sponsorships and outbound advertising to reach the part of the target audience that does not watch TV at all.

Building a system of shared data from multiple marketing analytics tools provides marketers with the ability to compare the performance of different methods against the same criteria. In the future, the company can systematically summarize the results achieved, and the administration will use them to monitor the effectiveness of marketing in real time and adjust processes if necessary.

For example, an international energy company used the RCQ method to analyze and optimize the proportion of outdoor advertising and sponsorship as part of its marketing mix. This made it possible to increase the coverage of the target audience of consumers and raise the effectiveness of marketing up to 15 percent. Next, they conducted an MMM for an in-depth assessment of the MROI of advertising spend on electronic and print media. It was found that every million euros spent on Internet marketing turned around 1.3 thousand new customers for the company. The same amount of investment in television and radio advertising, as well as publications in the print media, contributed to the retention of 4.3 thousand existing buyers, 40 percent of whom were willing to remain brand loyal for a long time. Such conclusions led to an understanding of how to optimally allocate costs and communicate in order to attract new and retain regular customers.

When optimizing the system of marketing measures, there may be a desire to use the maximum amount of funds for the implementation of short-term projects with large ROIs. Such an error is often caused by the fact that an impressive amount of data comes from consumers performing some instant or short-term actions. For example, signing up for a newsletter and advertising about a brand on a smartphone, or purchasing a specific product on sale. Such short-term events usually provide up to 20 percent of total sales, while the brand itself, as a long-term asset, guarantees the rest in the end. So, companies must keep track of their analytics models so that they can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing in any time intervals.

One of the food manufacturers almost fell into the same “short-term trap” when he launched an advertising campaign on the social network Facebook using promotion, holding various contests, stimulating the publication of photos and popularizing applications for joint purchases. At a more economical cost, this approach has brought the company results that are almost similar to those of traditional marketing, which requires large-scale advertising in print media and on television. It's understandable why the company has shifted its marketing spend away from print and TV to social media. But when the calculation took into account the long-term effect, the importance of digital channels fell by 50 percent. If the manufacturer had continued to significantly reduce the cost of television advertising (as required by the conclusions of the classic marketing analysis tool MMM), then the net profitability (present value) of the brand would also have decreased.

Tip 3. Make the analytical approach the basis of work in marketing and sales.

It often happens that design teams outsource analytics to perform analytics or delegate it to their own analytics departments. But when analysts present their findings, the same design teams are sometimes reluctant to use them because they misunderstand the bottom line or don't quite trust the numbers.

To solve this problem, marketers should work closely with data scientists, market research experts, and digital analytics professionals to discuss initial premises in detail, set out hypotheses, and specify quantities. In addition, companies need to prepare so-called “translators” from their employees who understand the language of analytics and speak in a business style. For example, a financial company appointed consultants from the marketing department to bring together the analytical and creative sides of the department. Consultants helped analysts solve commercial problems, and creative workers explained how analytics create informative support for marketing programs. Thanks to this interaction, the time to develop measures to increase MROI was halved.

Efficiency and flexibility play an important role in this. When determining the content of media channels, one should take into account the target structure of the set of marketing activities and analytical conclusions from the purchase process. As actual results become available, they need to be compared with target figures in order to properly adjust the structure and budget of marketing measures.

Attribute modeling, for example, can be very useful when adjusting advertising campaigns quickly, as the cost of digital channels changes almost instantly. Our research shows that market leaders can redirect up to 80 percent of their spending to digital marketing in a single campaign.

Every year there are growing claims to the heads of commercial departments regarding the return on investment in marketing. They not only have the data to make the best decisions, but also necessary tools marketing analysis. We believe that a holistic approach to research is the main criterion for finding market intelligence and organizing sales growth ahead of it.

  • How to write a marketing plan: recommendations for the manager

Five Useful Books on Marketing and Marketing Analysis Tools

  1. "Competitive intelligence. Lessons from the trenches” (John E. Prescott, Stephen H. Miller).

Like serving in the military, the companies and corporations involved in the battle must know exactly who they will be competing against in the quest for success. Therefore, competitive intelligence is increasingly asserted in the structure of current companies. However, it does not apply to industrial espionage; this is a completely official way of collecting data on competitors.

Most of the authors, formerly in the intelligence and Western intelligence agencies, and now in high positions in successful corporations, teach how to organize the activities of corporate competitive intelligence groups; attracting sales workers and other "front-line" structural units there; establishing the collection, research and promotion of information; evaluating the efficiency of competitive intelligence in monetary terms; issuing them to management.

The publication is recognized as a storehouse of practical advice for the work of marketing services, security departments of financial institutions and companies, for all who are interested in this sensitive area.

  1. Marketing research of the consumer market (Anurin V., Muromkina I., Evtushenko E.).

This textbook compares favorably with similar publications. The theory is based on examples of practical marketing campaigns of the Russian consumer products market. The authors have demonstrated schemes for using various search methods and marketing analysis tools - cluster research, multidimensional scaling, the "ideal point" principle, and many others. The marketing research plan presented by the creators is designed for enterprises operating in various niches of the consumer market. This work is based on the courses "Consumer Behavior", "Marketing Research", "Applied Sociology". It is recommended for teachers of commercial and economic sciences, students, employees of marketing structures.

  1. "Marketing research: information, analysis, forecast" (Belyaevsky I.).

The book talks about the main complexities of the theory and practice of marketing research.

It outlines the principles of collecting and processing the necessary data, presents methods for analyzing and modeling market conditions, shows examples of studying the dynamics and stability of the market, describes ways to test the market's response to a change in the economic situation.

  1. "Marketing research. How they do it in Russia” (Berezin I.)
  • Why do marketers study the market?
  • How to organize your own research?
  • Where to order such services?
  • What is their cost?

This is a short set of questions that CEOs of companies, heads of marketing services or advertising departments ask themselves - in general, those who have to decide on the conduct of marketing tests. Based on the experience of domestic business reality, the author talks about marketing technologies, considering in detail the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative (surveys, questionnaires) and qualitative (focusing, in-depth interviews) methods.

  1. "SPSS version 10" (Buyul A., Zefel P.).

The presented work contains the optimal amount of information concerning the theory of statistical analysis. But the main attention of the creators is directed to the features of the application and the potential of individual marketing analysis tools, as well as to the interpretation of the results. Additionally, the book shows the presentation capabilities of SPSS 10, far beyond the functionality of standard business programs.

In the process of translating this book, it was taken into account that the majority of users have an English version of the program, so all dialogs and schemes for issuing the results of applying statistical methods are duplicated in two languages, Russian and English, to simplify working with a non-local version. This also applies to the graphics issued by the program. The examples given in the publication have been tested for performance and reliability of the results.

Information about experts

Mikhail Kapatsinsky- Founder and CEO of the M-City information and mail service, one of the largest direct marketing agencies in Russia. He has been working in the DM business since 1994. Author of more than a dozen articles, publisher of the MarketingPRO magazine, organizer of a number of DM seminars and conferences. Since 2005 - President of the Russian Direct Marketing Association.

Information and mail service "M-City" founded 9 years ago, is a member of the Russian Direct Marketing Association. The company provides a full range of services for the development and implementation of direct marketing campaigns, including direct mail, telemarketing, courier delivery, legal database rental, response processing, printing and packaging of personalized correspondence, support for loyalty programs and catalog sales. .

Internet Marketing. It's not even a trend anymore. This is some kind of confusion. “Business must be transferred to the Internet! All clients and money are now there!”.

Partly, yes. But this is said by people who have 100% offline businesses and who believe that Internet marketing will be their salvation.

Remember Jesus had 12 apostles? And if Internet marketing can be associated with it (well, they still see him as a messiah), then the 12 apostles are Internet marketing tools.

What, where and...

It is useless to deny that the Internet has irrevocably merged into our lives. We endlessly sit on social networks, communicating with other people, watching movies and TV shows in it, looking for the necessary information on websites, forums, blogs.

And no matter what site we go to, no matter what picture or link we click on, everywhere we meet ads. The same notorious Internet marketing that we will talk about today.

But as usual, let's see what it is. I won’t write “smart” versions from Wikipedia, just simply and briefly:

Internet Marketing is the promotion of a product or service on the Internet and with the help of the Internet.

Why on and not off?

Everyone compares online and offline space. And they come to the conclusion that the Internet has become stronger in every sense.

Yes, yes, I am

And there's definitely some truth in that, but let's start by looking at what "stronger" means.


Remember that saying about half the money going down the drain? So, Internet marketing, unlike offline marketing, will be able to tell exactly where your money is going.

Because everything is very clear here. With the right setup and use of analytics, you can see a lot.

By the way. If you are interested in analytics, then Roistat will become your faithful assistant. And in addition to free 14 days, you will receive another 5,000 rubles. (by promo code “INSCALE”) as a gift..

For example, when a client who came to your site bought, where he is, what computer he uses and what kind of ad he was interested in (trust me, these are still very rough settings, usually they are deeper).

In offline marketing, you will never get this. All you can do is find out that the person came from the radio from the leaflet. And then, obtaining such knowledge will be more luck than a pattern.


Purposefulness 1.0

Remember the most famous, after “Expensive”, objection - “I need to think!”. And people just go to the Internet to think. Especially if it's a little-known product.

That is, the mechanics are as follows: people saw offline advertising and went online to look for information about the product or service they saw. This is where they make the targeted buying decision. In other words, offline creates demand, online satisfies it. That's it, and nothing else.

Everyone, I'm going to buy

Purposefulness 2.0

Not so long ago, we wanted to launch an advertisement on the radio for one of our clients. And all that they could provide me was audience research for this radio a year ago.

“Mostly, we are listening to men from 30 to 40 years of average income.” There is no such thing on the Internet. Such an ugly non-targeted approach.

Do you need clients who are located in the center of Moscow and access the Internet from Apple computers? This is easy to arrange.

Remember, I wrote a little higher about the settings? So, not rough settings - this is when you see that a person visiting your site is in Moscow and does it from an Apple computer, then the price of goods or services automatically rises by 10-15%.

Do you need travelers who fly abroad 2-3 times a year and at the same time hold senior positions in companies? This is also easy to arrange.

For example, on Facebook, when setting up targeted advertising, this is done by ticking 2 checkboxes. And that's it! Agree, offline cannot even dream of such a thing.

And you're right...

A wish

Do you want customers who will buy tomorrow and at the same time do not know your company at all? It is quite possible. This is how contextual advertising works in conjunction with a one-page site.

In short, this is the creation and placement of information that, first of all, is useful for the client, and only then sells. Our blog is an example.

Pros :

  • The content that users are looking for and which is useful to them is not perceived as advertising, respectively, it practically does not cause irritation;
  • It has a great effect on the issuance of your blog / site in the search results. Especially if the content is rare and unique;
  • Increases your awareness and expertise. Especially if you create content in a highly specialized direction.

Minuses :

  • If approached professionally, then the work of a whole team is necessary (copywriters, editors, seo-specialists, etc.);
  • It takes a lot of time from an idea to at least the first result.

SEO (search engine) website promotion

This is when the owners say: “But I drive in “buy wallpaper Moscow” and my site is in the first place.” This is what is usually meant. Read more about what it is and how it works in this article.

But again, I have prepared for you a brief excerpt of the pros and cons of this method.

Pros :

  • Greatly increases traffic to the site;
  • Once you need to bring to the TOP, then periodically support;
  • Potential customers already come to the site who are looking for either a product or a solution to their problem, in connection with this, the conversion from potential buyers to real ones is very high.

Minuses :

  • Long term for obtaining results;
  • You need to have specific knowledge or hire professionals (which, by the way, you cannot control too carefully).

A question may arise. What is the difference between content marketing and SEO marketing? They are so similar. Yes and no.

Both tools work with information, but content marketing is a communication approach, and SEO marketing is a communication tool.

contextual advertising

  • A very lively and interactive audience that, with attention and care, can become very loyal;
  • If this is just group management, and not targeted advertising, then management can be done on your own. Accordingly, it is free, but not very effective.
  • The cost of social networks pays off on a global scale, it is difficult to pay back immediately;
  • Social media is not suitable for all businesses. Of course, there are examples when factories maintain a Facebook page and successfully get clients from them, but in order to come to this, they have invested a lot of effort and a large amount of money;
  • They require a lot of attention, as users in the social. networks are accustomed to a lot of attention and are not so easy to catch on.

Display advertising

These are the most standard banners that are placed on a more or less decent site with .

Display advertising

Probably one of the oldest, most annoying and failing advertising tools on the Internet.

Pros :

  • Good effect on memorability and recognition;
  • Large audience coverage, thus there is an opportunity to get random buyers.

Minuses :

  • Expensive;
  • Low clickability.

teaser advertising

Pugacheva lost 30 kg! Putin married Kabaeva! $10 billion was found at the dacha of the Minister of Economy.

teaser advertising

In short, I just described to you what teaser advertising is, i.e. a provocative and catchy picture with a shocking headline that makes a potential client click and go to the site.

Pros :

  • Scale coverage;
  • Minimum settings.

Minuses :

  • Perceived as advertising, and very aggressive;
  • As a rule, traffic to the site is driven through a gasket (a blog that imitates useful information about a product), thereby significantly reducing the conversion.

Viral Marketing

One example about instead of a thousand words. Because it is better to see once than to read a thousand times.

And now, according to the classics of the genre, the pros and cons of this method. Read and enjoy.

Pros :

  • Very high audience loyalty. People love to share content that makes them laugh or shock;
  • Loyalty to a product or service is increased, so purchases will be made with increased confidence;
  • Viral content is easily shared (sometimes even hosted for free).

Minuses :

  • It's not easy to create a video that goes viral. Knowledge and skill are needed (especially if we are talking about a viral video for business now);
  • In order to make a video viral, you need to “push” it, that is, financially invest in its placement;
    Short-term effect.

Email Marketing

You leave your name and email on some page to get some useful material (in professional language, this is called a “magnet”). By tradition, to understand this, it is better to read the article.

In accordance with the stages of development of a market economy and the evolution of practical approaches to marketing activities, various conceptual approaches to marketing tools were formed and replaced each other. It is possible to identify the main conceptual approaches, ideas and tools, the evolution of which is presented in Table 1.2.




Leading idea



the main objective


I produce what I can

cost, performance

Production improvement, sales growth, profit maximization


I produce quality products

Commodity policy

Improvement of consumer properties of goods


Develop sales network, distribution channels

Sales policy

Intensify sales of goods through marketing efforts to promote and sell goods


I produce what the consumer needs

Marketing mix (marketing mix), consumer research

Meeting the needs and demands of target markets


I produce what the consumer needs, taking into account the requirements of society

The marketing mix, the study of the social and environmental consequences of the production and consumption of manufactured goods and services

Satisfying the needs and requirements of target markets, subject to the conservation of human, material, energy and other resources of society, environmental protection

Since the 1990s

Relationship Marketing

I produce what satisfies consumers, the requirements of society and the interests of business partners

Methods of coordination, integration, network analysis, complex "marketing mix"

Meeting the needs of consumers, the interests of partners and the state in the process of commercial and non-commercial interaction

Marketing is characterized by a conscious, active, systematic study of the market and the impact on it. To do this, activities are carried out in certain areas in which decisions are made to achieve marketing goals:

  • - marketing research;
  • - design of the product and assortment;
  • - price policy;
  • - distribution;
  • - communications.

As noted above, in the second half of the XX century. The concept of the marketing mix was developed, which became known as the "marketing mix" (English: marketing-mix), because it has many options for choosing options both within the strategic concepts of marketing and in a combination of its methods. This functional classification has not lost its significance even today, in the era of the innovative economy, although it does not cover the whole variety of marketing approaches. Initially, it was customary to single out four success factors, or the main tools of the marketing mix - 4Rs (see Figure 1.1):

  • - product (English: product) - features of the product range, the possibility of its maintenance, etc.;
  • - price (price) - price levels and differentiation, discount system, payment terms;
  • - promotion (promotion of goods on the market) - the organization of sales, the choice of sales channels and delivery methods, sales promotion, advertising;
  • - place (place) - geographical and physical characteristics of the sales process.

Figure 1.1. 4P Marketing Mix Tools

Based on this concept, the structure of marketing tools and functions in the company was formed. The main difference between the marketing functions and other management functions is that the marketing functions are aimed at organizing and implementing the process of exchange and interaction between the company, its customers and partners (see table 1.3).

The structure of marketing management functions

Table 1.3



Research of the external and internal business environment; analysis of industry markets and their segments; study of consumer motivation and behavior; study of distribution and sales systems; product research; competitor research and benchmarking; demand and sales forecast, etc.

Commodity policy

Development of goods and assortment policy; development of new products; improving the quality characteristics and competitiveness of goods and services, etc.

Price policy

Development of strategy and tactics of pricing; setting prices depending on the degree of innovation and market segment; competitor price analysis; price forecast, etc.

Distribution and marketing

Development of marketing and distribution policy; analysis of the trade and distribution network and selection of distribution channels; organization of warehousing and transportation, control of commodity flows, etc.

Promotion through integrated marketing communications (advertising, sales promotion, etc.)

Development of a policy in the field of integrated marketing communications; selection of effective tools and technologies for product promotion; brand policy; organization of public relations, etc.

Marketing audit and controlling

Organization of management of marketing activities in the company; controlling; development of organizational structures of the marketing service and optimization management decisions in the field of marketing; evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing service, etc.

These four components of the marketing mix are the marketing tools with which he seeks to influence buyers. It is necessary that, from the point of view of buyers, the purpose of each marketing tool presented as an increase in consumer benefit. To determine the benefits of buyers, scientists have proposed a consumer marketing mix 4C, which corresponds to the 4P of the seller (see table 1.4).

Marketing Mix Compliance

Table 1.4

Thus, companies that communicate effectively with consumers and are able to meet their needs in terms of economy and convenience of purchasing goods win the competition. In other words, the 4Ps must be in harmony with the 4Cs.

Later, due to the active use of marketing technologies by service enterprises, the marketing mix was supplemented with new elements, since services have a number of features in production and sale. A 7P marketing mix has emerged, in which traditional areas have been supplemented with three Ps:

  • - people (eng.: people) - all people directly or indirectly involved in the process of providing a service, such as employees and other customers;
  • - process (English: process) - procedures, mechanisms and sequences of actions that ensure the provision of services;
  • - physical evidence (English: physical evidence) - the environment, the environment in which the service is provided; actions that inform the target category of customers about the product or service, about its merits and persuade them to purchase; tangible items that help promote and provide a service.

Marketing decision-making areas can be divided into strategic and operational areas according to the degree of urgency. This is the so-called marketing management. From the point of view of the management organization process, one can single out: planning, decision-making, marketing implementation and marketing controlling. Speaking about the content of marketing, first of all, it is necessary to understand which areas should be covered by marketing decisions and in what directions these decisions should be taken (see table 1.5).

Areas and directions of marketing solutions

Table 1.5



Areas of Marketing Solutions

Directions of strategic decisions

1. Bringing innovation to market

Conditions for entering the market

The decision to bring the innovation to market

Actual positioning of innovation

Where to compete (region, target segment) and when to enter the market

Extraordinary positioning of innovation

How to compete: developing brand and pricing policy

2.Fixation in the market and market expansion

Long-term concept of innovation development



  • (development of new markets) Modifications Innovations
  • (product differentiation and coverage of new market segments)

Marketing should cover all successive stages in the formation of consumer decisions (see Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. Stages of consumer decision making

Successful completion of these stages requires active marketing support at all stages. Constant monitoring of the market situation, consumer surveys will reveal how effectively marketing services work, ensuring the transition potential consumer from one stage to another.

If a significant decrease in the share and number of consumers is found as the various stages from obtaining information to making a purchase decision and, finally, developing loyalty to this innovation, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for this. The reasons may be different. For example, at each stage there may be barriers associated with the company's marketing activities (see table 1.6).

Possible marketing barriers to consumer purchasing decisions

Table 1.6

Stages of consumer acceptance of a new product

Common Marketing Mistakes

Consumer awareness

Consumer interest

Positioning errors leading to a poor perception of the benefits and degree of product innovation

The first experience of using innovation in consumption

Lack of affordability in target segment, insufficient service and information support

Formation of consumer loyalty to a new product and a new product brand

Insufficient incentive to repeat purchases of a new product. Insufficiency of promotions or, on the contrary, their focus only on price comparisons.

Lack of communication support

New trends in marketing. The world-famous marketing theorist F. Kotler, who published his book Fundamentals of Marketing several decades ago, which has become the “bible of marketing” for many researchers and practitioners, formulated at the beginning of the 21st century. new trends in marketing, reflecting the new processes taking place in the innovative information economy. It includes the following changes in the list of new trends in marketing 1:

  • - from "make and sell" marketing to "hear and respond" marketing;
  • - from asset ownership to brand ownership;
  • - from vertical integration to virtual integration (outsourcing);
  • - from mass marketing to consumer-oriented marketing;

" Cm.: Kotler F. 300 key marketing questions: Philip Kotler answers. Moscow: Olimp-Business, 2006.

  • - from activities only in the market to additional work in cyberspace;
  • - from competition for market share to competition for a particular consumer;
  • - from efforts to attract a new consumer to the preservation and satisfaction of an existing one;
  • - from transaction marketing to customer relationship marketing;
  • - from intermediary marketing to direct marketing;
  • - from a marketing monologue to a dialogue with the consumer;
  • - from separate planning of types of communications to integrated marketing communications;
  • - from single-channel marketing to multi-channel;
  • - from marketing focused on the product to marketing focused on the interests of the consumer;
  • - from marketing activities by one department to marketing, which is carried out by all employees of the company;
  • - from exploitation of suppliers and distributors to partnership with them.

The acceleration of the pace of changes in the economy has a very strong influence on the company's marketing. Successful companies must therefore engage in trend monitoring and develop scenarios possible developments, think about how changes might affect the company, and plan for response.

There have been many changes in marketing. The development has gone from mass marketing to market segment marketing, then to niche marketing, and from there to individualized marketing. The role of after-sales service grew, skills in creating trademarks and managing a brand as a financial asset improved. Internet marketing has become more effective. Effective Marketing became one of the central links of the new balanced scorecard.

Traditionally, marketing activities have involved the professional use of the following set of tools: sales representatives, advertising, sales promotion and marketing research. Every company needs to master these tools to perfection. But now marketing teams need to learn new skills as well, including brand building, customer relationship management, email and database discovery, telemarketing, experience marketing, and profitability analysis. individual product, market segment, distribution channel and consumer.

A new concept is “experience marketing”. Sellers are increasingly having to think more than just selling a product or service, but also about designing and delivering a positive experience to the consumer. Starbucks, for example, offers its customers "coffee experiences" in attractive coffee shops where they can escape the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Bookselling chains open in their bookstores cafes, provide visitors with the opportunity to read new books directly in trading floors, having equipped them with tables and chairs for this purpose, organize lectures and presentations. The climbing equipment retailer provides a climbing wall and a simulated waterfall in its stores so that customers can experience and feel the quality of the equipment it sells. A fishing equipment retailer offers customers in their stores to try out a rod in a pool of fish. All of this suggests that salespeople should take into account the positive experiences consumers already have when purchasing a product or service and find a way to mimic those experiences.

There is a strong general trend in modern marketing in favor of customization goods and services. The first attempts to offer customers a choice of computer configuration (Dell), cut jeans (Levi Strauss) and other firms were successful. This trend is especially widespread in the B2B (Business to Business) segment of industrial goods: for example, manufacturers complete trucks in accordance with the individual requirements of buyers. Customization affects many innovative products and services. New relationship trends in marketing are shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3. New marketing paradigm

There is no doubt that the more we know about each individual customer, the greater our chance of winning him over. This is the basis of the popularity of relationship marketing and CRM systems.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a relatively new marketing strategy with active use of information technology, which includes the compilation and use of extensive databases and allows a company to collect and process information about customers in order to create mutually beneficial relationships, based on a personal approach.

However, the question arises: can the proceeds from the sale of goods produced according to individual requirements buyers to cover higher costs, such as collecting and processing information about each individual buyer? A company must carefully consider the decision to enter the market with customized products, especially with a costly innovation. Possible customer relationship development programs are shown in Table 1.7.

Possible customer relationship development programs

Table 1.7

Programs, validity periods






Separate price and non-price

Short-term increase in sales


stocks, rising interest





Identification and retention of key

Branding, CRM and more



Regular, period duration 2-3 years






Partnership programs.

Joint activities to create



A joint





"added value" for the market




What challenges and challenges do marketers face now?

  • 1. It is necessary to adequately measure the financial results of marketing programs. Marketers must develop scorecards to demonstrate the results of certain spending and campaigns. CEOs of companies that spend huge marketing budgets need to learn from marketers not only how much knowledge, awareness or preference has resulted from marketing programs, they need to know how sales, profits and share prices have changed.
  • 2. Constant monitoring and collection of integrated information about important buyers is required. Buyers come into contact with the company in many ways - by e-mail or regular mail, by phone, in person, etc. But if this dialogue is not recorded, the company will not have a complete picture of a potential buyer or client and, as a result, will not be able to make a quality offer to him.
  • 3. It is necessary to use marketing as the basis and driving force of the company's market strategy. The function of the marketing department is not only the promotion of goods. When mastering innovations, all elements marketing policy should be coordinated and approved in full agreement with each other.
  • 4. It is necessary to constantly look for ways to counter competitors who offer a higher quality product at a lower price. For Russian economy which is becoming more and more open, this is becoming very relevant due to the influx of cheap imported goods and lack of confidence in domestic production. Rationalization of production and management, outsourcing and franchising help in solving this problem.
  • 5. The manufacturing company must cope with the growing influence of network distribution companies. Giants retail control an increasing share of the retail market. Many of these companies offer their own branded products, which have the same image as national ones, but at lower prices, which reduces the profitability of domestic producers, reducing their chances of successfully mastering innovations.

The main methods of protection are the creation of a powerful brand and the formation of an audience of loyal consumers who are ready to remain committed to the brand in a rapidly changing market environment. It is difficult for modern companies to survive in a market environment where the markets themselves, thanks to innovations, change faster than marketing strategies companies. Not all companies can survive in an innovative business environment. This is confirmed by the high level of bankruptcies and the increase in the number of mergers and acquisitions. The companies that can create and deliver the most value to the consumer survive.

  • 2 For more details, see: Bagiev G. L., Tarasevich V. M., Ann X. Marketing. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.


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