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Business idea: Production and installation of solar panels

Initial investment: 400 tr.
Monthly profit: 270 tr.
Payback period: 2 months.

The business idea for the production, sale and installation of solar panels is quite new in our country. Therefore, competition will be minimal. Our business plan will help you competently organize all stages of entrepreneurship. In addition, this direction has great prospects for the future, because it is an almost inexhaustible source of energy that can be easily used in everyday life.

If you are going to open a company for the production or installation of solar collectors, register a business. Submit documents to the tax office for registration individual entrepreneur, a tax application, and a National Insurance application.

How it works?

Foreign countries have long and successfully used the business idea on solar collectors for life.

This energy is used as an environmentally friendly and safe fuel. Batteries are mounted on any buildings, and after the expiration date, they are easily replaced with new ones. Collectors are installed in special blocks, and blocks - in systems according to the size of the customer.

The principle of operation of the battery is to convert sunlight into electrical current. The resulting energy is either used to directly supply electricity to electrical appliances, or simply stored in batteries for use when needed.

Most used this system electricity generation in Spain, Turkey and the Mediterranean countries. Russia is just starting to use the energy of the sun and does not yet have political support. Although any solar roof or other surface can bring electricity, and therefore profit.

Solar energy is used for free:

space heating;
- water heating;
- ventilation installations;
- lighting systems.

An illustrative example: in 1 hour of absorbing sunlight, a collector (2 sq. m in size) will heat 2,000 liters of water to 70 ° C or heat a room with an area of ​​1,200 sq. m. m. This is enough for a private house.

Batteries, designed to produce energy all year round, consist of a pump, a timer and a distribution tank.

Market competition

Before starting a business, be sure to study the competition. Despite the fact that such batteries are an innovation for Russia, factories for their production have already been opened. They are located in Moscow, Krasnodar, Bryansk and Zelenograd.

Informing the population is a very important step in the formation of a business. Most of the population of our country simply does not know about these technologies and the benefits of using them.

Order flyers, hire sales managers. Bring the necessary information to potential customers, expand their knowledge in this area, point out the advantages of installing a solar battery. And it is better to entrust this work to marketers.

How to set up production

Raw material selection

For raw materials, use poly- and monocrystalline silicon. The plates from it are fragile, so they need additional protection. But they are much cheaper. You can also use CdTe, GaAs or amorphous silicon. The type of substrate determines the ability of the battery to bend, be sealed or resistant to shock.

For the manufacture of one collector (area 2 sq. M.) You will need:

Cellular polypropylene (2 sq. m.);
- cellular polycarbonate (2 sq.m.);
- aluminum frames (6 running meters);
- electric current converter (220 V);
- wire with insulation (6 m.).

Technological process

The production of one collector lasts about 6 hours. For one helium-based product (the most cost-effective) you need:

Prepare silicon (clean, rinse);
- create the structure of the plate surface;
- to etch the plate;
- apply phosphorus, make burning;
- to make isolation, to remove superfluous layers;
- apply an anti-reflection layer;
- apply a metal layer;
- dry;
- bring the contacts to the battery;
- align the plate;
- test the finished product.


Production has its own subtleties. You need people who know how to do this. Even if you are a specialist yourself, you should still hire:

An engineer who knows the basics of physics and electromechanics;
- sales manager;
- 2 workers for installation;
- driver (if necessary).

Include a staffing clause in your business plan for installing solar panels. Calculate the payment of salaries, taxes and fees. Also, don't forget about transportation. Buy a car, because trips to customers with all the equipment will be frequent.

Starting investment and payback

The business plan for solar panels is based on the scale of production that you plan. If we take an average business from this area as an example, then the starting investments will be as follows:

Purchase of materials - 10,000 - 40,000 rubles;
- rent of premises - 15,000 rubles;
- salaries to employees - about 80,000 rubles;
- marketing services - 1,500 - 2,000 rubles;
- running costs - 40,000 rubles.

Market value of batteries and installation:

Solar collector (2 sq. m.) - 15,000 - 17,000 rubles;
- solar battery (250 - 320 watts) - 12,000 - 20,000 rubles;
- complete battery system - 30,000 - 80,000 rubles. ;
- installation for hot water supply - 50,000 rubles;
- installation of a water heater with heat exchangers - 30,000 - 60,000 rubles.

Feel free to take 100% of the cost of the system for installation.

Business profitability - 150%.

"Thank you for your attention!

If you pay attention to the roofs of many private houses or small companies, you can see solar panels there. The rise in the price of energy carriers leads to the fact that people begin to look for alternative sources. Under these conditions, the demand for solar panels is growing day by day.

Potential Opportunities

In the context of the growing popularity of alternative energy sources, it is advisable to occupy a niche in the market in time. To do this, you first need to purchase equipment for the production of solar panels. It can be bought both in Europe, the USA and the CIS, and in China.

Depending on the demand for these products in your region or in the places where you can supply the manufactured goods, you need to decide what your production will be focused on. Currently on the market you can find panels designed for various areas of use.

These can be as light portable options that you take with you on camping trips, stationary modules suitable for installation on the roofs of buildings and residential buildings, or powerful panels that are used as small power plants.

Working lines

If you have a manufacturing facility, then you can think about buying equipment for the production of solar panels. Also, do not forget that when making them, you should always have the necessary consumables in sufficient quantities.

Yes, to the list necessary equipment there are machines that laser cut the material for panels into squares, sort them, laminate them, insert them into frames and join them together. In addition, production requires machines that knead special glue, cut the film under the panel and their edges. In the manufacture of tables, on which it will be necessary to correct the angles, insert wires into the panels and form them, and trolleys designed to move and press them, one cannot do without tables.

Each solar cell production machine is an indispensable component of the solar cell production line. Therefore, before you start ordering materials for production, calculate total cost equipment and analyze whether you can afford such expenses. True, it is worth considering that if there are distribution channels, they quickly pay off.

Manufacturing process

If you have seen solar panels before only in pictures and have a poor idea of ​​​​how their creation is going on, then it is better to find a person who knows the technology for the production of solar panels. If we talk about her in in general terms, then you need to know that it consists of a number of stages.

Production begins with the verification and preparation for work of the materials received by the workshop. After cutting and sorting photovoltaic converters (PVCs), they go to the equipment, where the process of soldering special tinned copper bars to the contacts of the panels takes place. Only after this, the process of connecting all solar cells into chains of the required length begins.

The next step is the creation of a sandwich, which consists of transducers assembled into a matrix, glass, two layers of sealing film and the back side of the panel. It is at this stage that the equipment for the production of solar panels forms the circuit of the module, and its operating voltage is immediately determined.

The assembled structure is checked and sent for lamination - sealing, which takes place under pressure at high temperature. Only after that, a frame is attached to the prepared semi-finished product and a special junction box is mounted.

Product testing

It is almost impossible to meet a marriage among similar products on the market, because after assembly each panel goes to a special testing workshop.

It is there that they are checked for the possibility of voltage breakdown. After that, they are sorted, packed and sent for sale; in stores you can find both small portable options and solar panels for the home.

The production of these species is practically no different.

Of course, only a large manufacturer with large production volumes and a sufficient number of employees can afford to strictly observe all the stages. It is difficult for new small manufacturers to compete with the giants, because the one-time creation of large batches makes it possible to reduce the cost of production.

Find out how to get a permit in your state. In most cases, authorization will be required for most subsidies and incentives. It may take up to two years to obtain various permits. First of all, make sure you understand what you are dealing with.

Create your business plan. A business plan should include not only options for obtaining funding, but also ways to find clients.

Include expenses, clients, contacts, and contracts in your business plan.

  • The costs are pretty self-explanatory. They include money to start a business, how to get money from customers, and the time frame in which it needs to happen.
  • Clients - this is also quite obvious. You can't do business without customers, and you need to decide which customers you want to target and how you're going to get them. There are several target markets for businesses to use solar energy. Are you going to work with consumers among the population or with commercial customers? Are you going to target the wealthy or the middle class? You need to find answers to these questions because you can't just open a business and wait for clients to come along. You will need to choose as target audience specific market and tackle it.
  • Contacts are related to several different types of people. These include the companies you will turn to for help starting a business, including capital and training resources. There are many different sources of capital, including venture capitalists, banks, business angels, and friends and family.
  • Contracts. One of the most overlooked parts of any business plan is getting the contracts right. It costs a little to conclude contracts, but not to conclude them can lead to the collapse of the business through no fault of yours. We are not saying that all of your contracts must be in place before you start your solar energy business, but you need to be clear about what kind of contracts you will need and how you are going to write and execute them.
  • Start your business. Several businesses related to solar energy:

    • Solar Energy System Installation Business – Installing an Entire Solar Energy System
    • Solar Power System Sales Business – Selling the system to homeowners and businesses with the goal of earning a commission on each sale
    • Solar power system manufacturing business is the production of panels and other related parts, including tripods, converters, and so on.
    • Solar Spare Parts Business – Sale of solar power systems and parts purchased from wholesalers and manufacturing companies
    • Solar Tax Credit Specialist - Helping businesses understand solar tax credits to make sure they get the right tax credits
    • Solar Energy Consultant – Knows all aspects of the business and helps individuals and companies understand the business and how they can be helped to transition to solar energy
    • Business by maintenance solar energy systems - offers an annual technical inspection of installed systems in order to troubleshoot and find other ways to reduce electricity consumption.
    • Energy Consultant – focuses on all forms of alternative energy and other ways to save energy and sells its services to both homeowners and businesses
  • Installation. There are many types of solar energy systems, but in this case we will focus on rooftop solar systems. This is the most popular type of system, and the most sought after by homeowners. Several other types of systems include floor systems; systems designed for mounting on a rod; thermal solar systems. They all work in the same way to replace power consumption.

    Create a website. Building a website is one of the must-haves for your marketing campaign. No high tech business is complete without a website, and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't cost thousands of dollars. One good advice is to go to or and place a web design order. You will receive many offers and will be able to work with anyone of your choice. It's best to have a layout for your site, it can be easily created in Microsoft Word. Look at other websites dedicated to solar energy companies and take them as a guide.

    Use social media. This is essential for any solar energy business. By social media, we mean Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and many more. You can create your account for free and simply post updates about what you do and the success of your business. You shouldn't spam potential clients, but it would be great if you give them a discount or even just post photos of the system installation process.

    We are returning to business ideas related to
    energy saving and high technology, this time we prepared
    a small overview of the state of the solar technology market in Russia.

    Solar technology is a modern device for generating
    energy, which are installed in order to provide the dwelling with heat or
    electricity. Being popular in the West, this technique is gradually penetrating and
    into Russian life. At the same time, the question arises about the relevance of the business
    installation of solar panels.

    What do you need

    Alternative energy experts highlight
    Several reasons motivating people to install solar panels:

    1. Desire to avoid interaction with public
    energy supply systems - often found among those whose houses are located
    in the country.

    2. The desire to equip your home with useful
    technological novelty - especially characteristic of people who have visited Europe
    or America.

    3. The desire to save money in an ever-growing
    utility tariffs. Even 10 years ago, electricity in Russia cost several times cheaper than
    in Europe. Today, these numbers are about the same.

    Does the business
    development prospects in Russia?

    Today, solar panels are present on the roof almost
    every European dwelling. It is believed that such trends will become characteristic
    and for the Russians. The energy dilemma is that Russia is one
    of the largest suppliers of traditional energy resources, but in the process
    integration of the state into the world economic system development required
    new concept: conservation of irreplaceable natural resources. It means that
    a business focused on installing solar energy processing systems has
    good prospects.

    skeptical eye

    Before starting a new business, make sure that
    it will be of interest to a specific audience. Solar energy is not
    exception. In addition to supporters, this type of business has opponents.

    Skeptics believe that recycling solar energy
    suitable only in hot regions, for example, in United Arab Emirates or in
    California. Many Russian regions are characterized by a large number
    cloudy days of the year, which makes the installation of solar panels seem to many
    meaningless due to the low return on equipment. The system includes
    semiconductor panels, batteries and their recharging systems, as well as
    energy converters. It is believed that the amount spent on the acquisition
    such a system will not pay off for the period of operation.

    What can be answered

    Eliminate doubts about the usefulness of solar panels
    real practical results. An example can be given in the installation
    batteries in order to use them for heating the home and obtaining hot water. observations,
    held in St. Petersburg, which is characterized mainly by
    cloudy weather showed the following results: flat three-sector panels,
    that receive diffused light (SOLAR-300 or similar), during the year
    generate heat in the amount of 4 to 4.5 thousand kWh.

    Installing such batteries together with a heat accumulator like
    Jaspi GTV 500K allows you to heat enough water for daily
    taking a shower for 40 minutes. Solar energy is decent these days
    alternative to centralized heating. It saves money, not
    depriving yourself of comfort and coziness.

    You need to be prepared for the fact that solar panels are not
    provide a home with 100% energy. However, in any case, they will
    save up to 60% compared to traditional water heating methods. How
    show calculations, installation of solar technology in an average dwelling
    pays for itself in about 2 years.

    Application of solar
    batteries to generate electricity

    Experts note that solar technology has high
    performance indicators when used to generate electricity at
    household needs. To achieve this goal, a complex installation is recommended.
    batteries and household appliances with low energy consumption.

    Installation of LED lamps, refrigerator and TV
    category A +, as well as a small-sized pump for the heating system means
    that batteries with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 10 square meters. m.
    will suffice in summer time. In winter, energy production from such an area
    may not be sufficient, so you can expand your own
    the power system of the house by installing wind generators with a power level of 1.5
    kW (see ).

    Entire houses already exist in major cities, which
    fully supplied with energy generated by solar panels and
    wind generators. Equipment is mounted by local entrepreneurs, without carrying
    this significant cost. Such systems are the best solution for
    if there are no free substations nearby, because the construction
    own will cost a lot of money.

    Installation business
    solar systems in the West and in Russia

    In developed countries, the installation of solar panels and related
    equipment is carried out mainly small firms. There this business
    considered ideal for people well versed in electrical engineering. German
    Entrepreneurs note that at the start they need minimum investment of money,
    however, you need to be a true professional. They recommend at work
    take into account all sorts of little things: for example, what time of day the customer will
    consume energy? Does he know how to manage such systems? etc.

    Russian businessmen also believe that this business is for
    professionals who keep up with the times. On the Russian market now
    many weak batteries are presented, which on paper have good
    characteristics. Therefore, you need to choose equipment carefully, from this
    depends on the reputation of the business. Initial investment in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. will be
    enough. This money will be used to purchase installation tools and apparatus for
    solar system settings.

    As long as there are few firms in the market, there is a chance to enter it
    one of the first and well established. It will get serious in the future
    competitive advantage. Considering that the demand for solar panels is still
    small, you can combine this business with the installation of electrical systems and
    other related areas: and .

    Country life is a great opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and get closer to nature untouched by civilization. However modern man, in addition to the pristine beauty of nature, clean and fresh air, comfort is needed. And for this, a country house must be provided with electricity, drinking water and heating.

    Having resolved the issue with electricity supply, the owner country house automatically solves two other issues, because if you have electricity, you can start your own artesian well and install an electric fireplace or more efficient heating equipment in the house (infrared heaters, oil convectors, etc.).

    A few words about solar panels

    From a structural point of view, a solar panel (module) is the thinnest silicon plates located on a plane and securely fixed, which convert the solar light energy into electrical energy. For greater reliability and safety, the surface of the silicon wafers of solar cells is protected by transparent tempered glass.

    There are two main types of solar modules on the market today:

    Polycrystalline, which have an efficiency of up to 18%;

    Monocrystalline. They have the highest efficiency to date - up to 22%.

    Monocrystalline batteries are slightly more expensive per unit of power because they use more silicon than high degree cleaning. However, this difference is insignificant - about 10%.

    The main parameters of the solar panel - voltage and power do not depend on the type of elements used, so the final choice is up to the buyer. By the way, today polycrystalline solar cells occupy a leading position in the world in terms of production volume.

    Studying the market

    Before you start any business, you need to carefully study the demand. For solar energy, this is especially true, because the efficiency of their work also depends on the characteristics of the region, namely the number of sunny days per year. In a word, equipment that has proven itself in Krasnodar or the Crimea will work with much less efficiency in the unfavorable latitude of St. Petersburg.

    Be that as it may, this market needs to be entered now, experts say, when it is just beginning to form. Let the demand for the installation of solar panels in the regions is not so great now, but there is almost no competition.

    What does it take to start a solar panel installation business?

    Entering this market requires minimal funds and high professional skills. A license for this type of activity is not required.

    Each project has its own characteristics, so the parameters of the batteries are determined individually, based on specific conditions and tasks. The equipment is purchased at the expense of the customer, so no big investments not required for this business.

    A starting ticket to this business will cost an entrepreneur 150-200 thousand rubles - these funds will be spent on the purchase of special equipment for setting up systems, as well as a professional installation tool.

    On the initial stage, according to experts, it is logical to combine the business of installing solar panels with a proven and working business in related areas, for example, related to the installation of electrical systems and other equipment.


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