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As expected in any court, there are lawyers, prosecutors and jurors: Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin. All those involved in the process are patriots of Russia, only some are “for the whites”, others are “for the reds”, “for Stalin” and “against Stalin”. Zlobin is even a Russian-American patriot, with dual citizenship, but this, as it were, adds objectivity to him: exceptional America itself is present in his face in this project. Maybe he was conceived as a comprehension of ours, but it turned out to be a court and even a show.

What do we see? Endless disputes: where is the truth and where is the lie of our historians, about details, about numbers, about missed opportunities, about a child’s tear and an unburied soldier - with hypocritical and false indignations. It has long been said: do not judge, so that you will not be judged: the victims of the "perestroika" of the USSR and the 90s will judge you in the same way. Unfortunately, today we do not have historians-philosophers of the scale of Karamzin, Klyuchevsky, Gumilyov, A. Zinoviev, who could historically and authoritatively comprehend the 20th century of Russia.

Gustave Flaubert said about the discussions around the events of the French Revolution: "Hatred of historical figures is stupidity." There are many of them in this discussion. Karamzin taught: "Ancestors were no more stupid than you," but our experts do not know Karamzin. In pursuit of scandalous details of history, they do not attach importance to many fundamental facts, which are therefore left out of the discussion, and their ancestors look like fools.

The "Red Project", although it would be more correct to say - the USSR, was part of the Western world communist project. In the West it failed; in Russia, the weakest link in the world powers, it won a political victory. We must always remember that this project was Western and global in nature, since this had a very serious impact on all stages of its implementation in the USSR.

In all the vicissitudes of the USSR, these moments played big role, they were always remembered and argued by party leaders of all biases, but this is not important for our experts. Therefore, for them, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Khrushchev and his successors - they all turn out to be Russian communists, and it is not clear why they were so at enmity with each other, because everyone worked, as it were, only for the sake of the USSR. It turns out - they were at enmity because of their stupidity and cruelty. However, our experts are fools here.

Today it is clear that the "Red Project" was quite utopian, an attempt to build a new Tower of Babel. The first communist builders believed in its scientific Marxian foundations, therefore, atheistically disregarding religious-philosophical and historical warnings, they thought that this had nothing to do with them. They were scientifically mistaken, this can still be understood.

But how to understand our researchers and judges, who, it turns out, still believe in this utopia today, or diligently ignore it, because they judge the USSR from the height of this very utopia: they promised to build a society of freedom, justice and abundance, but they built the Gulag ... And Who then are our researchers? After the victory of the revolution, utopias are impossible, but repressions are inevitable, as the French Revolution has already shown. However, our researchers start from a utopia, believe in a utopia, and discard the actual history.

Lenin and Stalin, continuing to speak the correct "red" slogans, in fact acted as the first counter-revolutionaries, carried out a radical revision of the communist utopia, which is why it survived the whole world in spite of. Lenin's last word was the NEP, the actual return to market relations. Lenin introduced the NEP with all the power of his authority, and saved the revolution from economic collapse. Although many communists put party cards on the table during the NEP and shot, because they did not understand why they fought in the Civil War.

Stalin abandoned the idea of ​​a world revolution, threw all the country's resources into creating the material and technical base of socialism, but in a single Russia-USSR. Neither Lenin nor Stalin could explain the essence of their decisions to the illiterate party masses, they would not have understood them. And they talked about the creative development of Marxism and the fight against the counter-revolution, which included everyone who opposed them.

Stalin generally began to revive the imperial traditions of Russia: pre-revolutionary culture with Pushkin at the head, rejecting the post-revolutionary proletarian culture, made concessions to the Church, returned military history Russia, all its commanders, and officer epaulettes to the military, creatively developing Marxism! In 1934, Stalin spoke for the first time about Soviet patriotism; before that, the Fatherland of the workers and peasants of the USSR was the world revolution! It can be said at the last moment: 7 years remained before Hitler's attack!

Trotsky, the theorist and world permanent revolutionary, and his comrades understood everything: what Stalin swung at and what Stalin rejected. Thus, the conflict between the Stalinist guards and the world-Trotskyist wing in the party was inevitable, and it was resolved by repressions, as is customary in revolutionary eras. If Trotsky and his supporters had won, the Stalinists would have ended up in the Gulag.

Stalin's secretary Bazhanov, who fled to the West, wrote in his memoir Stalin at Close Range: "But I'm not sure whether Trotsky would have turned out, had Stalin been miraculously removed from power, a less bloodthirsty tyrant than Stalin." But Russia would be the firewood for fueling his permanent world revolution: “Trotsky wanted to carry out a revolution against the Stalinist regime of power. Trotsky suggested to all leftists to defend the USSR in the impending war with Germany - to defend the October Revolution. That is, Trotsky proposed to fight Hitler's fascism with the help of a permanent world revolution. Adventure is a weak definition for such a policy, it is a disaster!

The figure of Stalin, of course, is the most important in the post-Leninist development of the revolution in Russia; his reign has faced the most difficult challenges and trials. However, Stalin is judged from humanitarian heights, from vegetarian times they judge non-vegetarian, but revolutionary times. Stalin was not a humanist, he was a revolutionary. In revolutionary times, there are revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries, but humanists disappear somewhere, hide where they can. However, our judges keep asking: why is Stalin not a humanist?

Stalin, as a leader, was born in the fire of the civil war, had revolutionary ethics, aesthetics and morality, therefore, when they are taken to judge him from the heights of humanism and democracy, they look either fools or scoundrels: if you yourself were in this whirlwind of revolution, who would you become in it ? However, the Bandera Nazi revolution, with murders, repressions and secret prisons, does not revolt our liberal noses at all.

Revolution always gives rise to chaos, so the appearance of a dictator who tames chaos is inevitable. In the French Revolution, Napoleon became dictator; in the Russian Revolution, Stalin. By the way, French historians put these figures on a par.

A man of the civil war, Stalin later continued it on the external and internal fronts of the revolution. The Gulag is the prisoner camp of this war and was abolished when the revolution ended in 1953 due to the death of Stalin. And the post-revolutionary Khrushchev times came ...

The great justification of Stalin is a victory in the Great Patriotic war. And the creation of the material and technical base for this victory is also his merit. When the liberals, at the suggestion of their Western authorities, deny this, they scoff at it, they show their intellectual stupidity and meanness: you live only because Stalin won this war. And in the 30s he defeated the Trotskyists.

The Russian revolution is also called egalitarian (the social lower classes of society became its top). After the highly educated Leninist elite of the revolutionaries passed away, for various reasons, this fully affected. It was not in vain that Lenin called at the end of his life: “Study, study and study again”, but here appeals will not help the cause: any fruit must ripen ...

In the "Red Project" they correctly spoke about the small mind of Stalin's successors, starting with Khrushchev. After Stalin, the egalitarian revolution began to develop on its own social basis: the era of simple solutions and the “Kuzka mother” began: poorly educated people are always inclined to simple solutions to any issues.

However, Nikita Khrushchev, due to his illiteracy, brought the communist utopia back to life: fighting Stalinism and reviving the foundations of Marxism-Leninism, he began to fight the West for world peace, and squander the legacy of the Stalinist USSR around the world. In fact, he began to carry out Trotsky's program: he threw the resources of the USSR into the furnace of the world revolution. Formally, Trotsky was the most consistent Marxist.

Khrushchev was so simple that he even outlined the dates: he promised the arrival of communism in 1980! And he promised to show the last priest. If he had at least a parochial education, he would have known that the Church never talks about deadlines. Stalin had an Orthodox seminary behind him, a university education in comparison with his successors, by the way, he told them: “A lot of rubbish will be put on my grave,” - he still had the gift of foresight ...

Khrushchev's return of the world communist utopia to life created the prerequisites for the collapse of the USSR. The egalitarian illiterate top of the party was unable to realize the scale of the problems facing the country. The Moscow Philosophical Circle, headed by A. Zinoviev, a front-line soldier, soberly assessed the situation, offered alternatives, but was declared dissident and defeated, A. Zinoviev himself was exiled to the West.

... In history, such revolutionary events have happened more than once: “A cruel age - cruel hearts,” the Poet said about them long ago, this is the most correct and capacious definition of the “Red Project” in Russia. History is cyclical, all the facts speak for it, but our experts, for the most part, follow Western progressive theory, which is looking everywhere for progress, the pinnacle of which is today declared Western democracy, that is, the West. In other words, the West is building a new Tower of Babel, Western communism, according to the testament of Trotsky, whose successors the American neocons openly call themselves. After all, in fact, communism is a democracy, the USSR was a Soviet democracy ...

Democracy, how much blood has already been shed on its altar... To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy, we can say that today democracy is the last refuge of scoundrels. When there is nothing to hide, they say: but we have democracy. In the Red Project, the Polish Marshal Pilsudski was declared a democracy, and this justified his concentration camps for the Red Army. So the liberals and the rest of the West will soon justify Hitler too: after all, he, too, was democratically elected in comparison with Stalin.

The Red Project program on the TVC channel (video) discusses the main events in the history of the USSR and Russia. The role of personalities and turning points in the formation and development of the first socialist country. Political talk show by Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin with the participation of well-known political scientists and artists.

Red project at TVC 31-08-2018 USSR - China: from love to hate and back

Repeat of the Red Project program on the TVC channel. How did the relations of the Soviet Union with China develop during the time of Stalin, Khrushchev and the following rulers. Why did the Chinese comrades dislike Nikita Sergeevich and what to expect in further relations between China and Russia.

Program participants: Sergei Stankevich, Mikhail Khazin, Yuri Tavrovsky, Vladimir Vasiliev, Sergei Luzyanin and Alexei Maslov. Hosts: Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin.

Red project at TVC 24-08-2018 CPSU - leading and guiding

Today on the TVC channel, a repeat of the Red Project program from June 8, 2018. No one, including Lenin and Stalin, said what the new type of ruling party should be like. Why normal political activity was replaced by meaningless slogans. Could the communists keep the country from collapse and how would they rule now, political scientists of the program of Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin are discussing the Red Project.

Program participants: Andrey Maksimov, Evgeny Spitsyn, Vitaly Tretyakov, Karen Shakhnazarov, Pavel Gusev and Yuri Pivovarov.

Red project at TVC 17-08-2018 Leonid Brezhnev

On the air of the TVC channel today, there is a repeat of the Red Project program of March 17, 2018. The role of the personality of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in the history of the USSR. What did the era of stagnation mean for the country and could the Secretary General influence further events.

Program participants: Vitaly Tretyakov, Grigory Amnuel, Alexander Khinshtein, Igor Chubais and other political scientists. Hosted by Nikolai Zlobin and Dmitry Kulikov.

Red project at TVC 10-08-2018 The Baltic states: occupation or liberation?

Today on the TVC channel there is a repeat of the Red Project program from May 18, 2018. Well-known political scientists discuss the Baltics in different periods of history. Some consider joining the USSR a liberation, others call this period an occupation. The Western republics of the former large country received large funds from the general budget and were the showcase of the Soviet Union.

Program participants: Igor Chubais, Yakov Kedmi, Dmitry Linter, Alexander Tsipko, Vladimir Simindei and others.

Red project at TVC 06-07-2018 Perestroika. Acceleration. Publicity

The topic of today's program is very complex and very acute, says host Dmitry Kulikov. The party needed to be updated, although there was simply no plan for restructuring. From here arose Gorbachev, who had no idea what to do and where to go. Today at TVC there is a repeat of the program from 29-09-2017.

Program participants: Vitaly Tretyakov, Vladimir Ryzhkov, Alexander Rar, Andrey Maksimov, Tatyana Zhdanok and others.

Red project at TVC 29-06-2018 Decommunization: from Eastern Europe and the Baltic States to Ukraine

After the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, the new politicians of the former Soviet republics and countries of Eastern Europe began to unanimously curse the communist regimes of their countries and blame the Soviet Union for everything. Why is this being done. Today is a repeat of the program on TVC from April 13, 2018.

The Red Project program includes: Grigory Amnuel, Evgeny Spitsyn, Nikolai Zlobin, Yuri Pivovarov, Vadim Karasev, Dmitry Kulikov and others.

Red project at TVC 15-06-2018 The role of personality in history from Nicholas II to Yeltsin

Today's edition of the Red Project program on the TVC channel discusses the role of the individual in the history of Russia. How the leaders of the country influenced its fate and how important a good ruler is for the development of the state.

Red project 25-05-2018 Friendship of peoples - myth or reality?

Today's issue of the Red Project Program discusses the topic of friendship among peoples in the Soviet Union. How real was unity in the country and how it was reflected after the collapse.

Project dated 04/27/2018 The world order from Yalta to the Munich speech

In today's program by Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin, well-known analysts discuss the world order from the time of the Yalta Conference to Vladimir Putin's speech in Munich, where he announced the end of US hegemony. Participating: Yakov Kedmi, Vitaly Tretyakov, Orkhan Dzhemal, Vadim Tryukhan and others.

Program release dated 20-04-2018 From arms race to hybrid war

In today's Red Project program on the TVC channel, they discuss the confrontation between the West and Russia. What threatens the world with the proposal of the Americans to compete in the production of weapons. What advantages does Russia have and how to respond to NATO's inflated military budget.

Project 30-03-2018. Boris Yeltsin

In the latest edition of the program, Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin discuss the role of Boris Yeltsin in the history of Russia. Could Yeltsin change the country without destroying the great state, and for which he can be thanked.

The program includes: Karen Shakhnazarov, Sergey Stankevich, Vitaly Tretyakov, Andrey Okara, Alexander Barsenkov and Mikhail Khazin.

Project at TVC 23-03-2018. Mikhail Gorbachev

In the latest edition of the Red Project program on the TVC channel, the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in international politics and the collapse of the USSR is discussed. How did the career of Mikhail Sergeevich develop, who brought him to power and for what purposes.

The program includes: Evgeny Spitsyn, Pavel Gusev, Yuri Pivovarov, Alexander Barsenkov, Andrey Maksimov and Sergey Zhuravlev. Hosted by Nikolai Zlobin and Dmitry Kulikov.

TVC program 02-03-2018. Nikita Khrushchev

In the next issue of the Red Project program, the personality of the USSR Secretary General Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev is discussed. Achievements and mistakes of the ruler of the country, who came to power after Joseph Stalin. What did the country get along with the "Khrushchev thaw" and what did the era of the "maize" remember.

Watch the Red Project video on YouTube

During the discussion, Nikolai Zlobin recalled the words of Alexander Prokhanov that the USSR ended with the advent of Khrushchev. Inept actions and a poor understanding of the theory of communism reduced all victories and conquests to zero.

The liberal point of view is radically different - freedom of speech, passports to peasants and the beginning of democratic reforms.

The program includes: Yakov Kedmi, Evgeny Spitsyn, Alexander Barsenkov, Andrey Okara, Boris Nadezhdin and Grigory Amnuel. Hosted by Nikolai Zlobin and Dmitry Kulikov.

Program on TVC channel 16-02-2018. Lavrenty Beria

The transfer of the Red project on February 16 analyzes the personality and activities of the marshal Soviet Union Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. For what they shot a friend and colleague of Joseph Stalin, what he did to win in the Great Patriotic War.

The program includes: Alexander Khinshtein, Sergey Kremlev, Alexander Tsipko, Sergey Oznobishchev, Elena Prudnikova and Andris Lielais.

Analysts consider the main reason for the massacre of Lavrenty Beria to be the political competition of that period of the country. Khrushchev needed power at any cost. Lavrenty Pavlovich turned out to be an obstacle on the way. Watch on youtube.

Transfer Red project 09-02-2018. Lenin

The latest issue of Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin's program discusses the role of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin in Russian and world history. What the great theoretician and follower of Marx's theory planned, what he managed to accomplish, and for which the world community is grateful to Lenin.

The program includes: Karen Shakhnazarov, Yakov Kedmi, Lev Danilkin, Vladimir Khotinenko, Alexander Sosnovsky and Yuri Petrov.

The hosts of the program are Dmitry Kulikov and Nikolai Zlobin.

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    Today, September 8, a new historical talk show Red Project 8 09 2017 watch online the topic of today's program 60s and 70s of the last century, the Brezhnev period, the era of stagnation or the era of developed socialism? The most curious thing is that all sociological polls now over the past few years show that in the memory of our citizens, and those who lived then, and those who know this era only from stories and books, this is the most wonderful time in the history of Russia, such public opinion in the majority.

    The participants of the historical talk show will have a heated discussion about what was the decade of the Khrushchev thaw? What processes did it start? Did the sixties dream of humanizing the system or destroying it? Are they the flagship of socialism or anti-Soviet and traitors? Could the thaw demolish Stalinist architecture and what did it build instead?

    On the occasion of the centenary of the February and October revolutions, the TV Center TV channel launches a new historical talk show, the Red Project. This is a cycle of programs covering the period from February 1917 to the present day. Civil war, red terror, white emigration, World War II... All these significant events that have taken place over the past 100 years are somehow connected with the epochal turning point of 1917.

    TVC, Russia, Dmitry Kulikov


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