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The first is to briefly and accurately formulate the name of the described process, which should be understandable and reflect the general essence of the sequence of actions that make up the business process. For example, instead of “Filing an application for the manufacture of a product into production and monitoring its execution”, it is enough to name the process “Control of the production of a product.” The second is to correctly break the entire described process into smaller (“atomic”) tasks or sub-processes the sequence of their execution. With such a partition, the described process will be a top-level process. The level of detail of the top-level process may vary, but should be adequate to understand the audience that will use your description. 2 There are several ways to describe a business process.

Business scheme example for a bank

The commercial department of the wholesale company issues them in the amount of 3 copies. The buyer goes to the warehouse. In the warehouse, he receives consumer goods and 1 copy. issued invoice. Of the 2 remaining invoices, one remains in the warehouse for reporting, the other is transferred to the accounting department of the Wholesale Company.

Agreement Wholesale Company-Warehouse The Wholesale Company and the Warehouse conclude an Agreement for the provision of safekeeping services. On the basis of the concluded agreement, the Wholesale Company transfers consumer goods to the Warehouse for storage. The transfer of consumer goods is fixed by the Transfer and Acceptance Act. On a monthly basis, the Warehouse issues an invoice to the Wholesale Company for safekeeping services.

The invoice is issued in advance, for the next month. The wholesaler pays the Invoice. At the end of the month, the Warehouse and the Wholesale Firm sign an acceptance certificate for the delivery of work for the amount of services rendered.

In addition, the Warehouse provides the Wholesale Firm with a monthly report on the actual issued consumer goods.

Business processes: examples and description

However, they also want to always have a stock of goods in stock. Whereas the supply department plans to purchase a narrow range and in large quantities.
After all, in such cases they will work efficiently, and their main indicator will grow (more precisely, the price from the supplier will fall). That is, there is an implementation business process that departments look at differently.

Process approach It considers everything that happens as a set of processes. There are basic and supportive. Each process has its own specific goal, which is subordinate to the task facing the entire company.


In addition, there is an owner who manages resources and is responsible for the execution of everything necessary. There should also be a system for quality control and error correction.

It goes without saying that no process can proceed without resources. And the list of components is completed by a system of indicators, according to which business processes are evaluated.

Business plan for obtaining a loan

If the loan is large, the reserve becomes a rather serious burden for the bank. Providing a business plan helps to reduce risks, and hence the size of the reserve.
Other cases in which a bank may request a business plan:

  1. Lending for a long period (on average, from 3 years).
  2. Use of credit funds for investment purposes (acquisition and construction of fixed assets - buildings, land, equipment).
  3. Lack of sufficient collateral.
  4. Short period of activity of the enterprise (less than 6 months).
  5. Obtaining loans on favorable terms (for example, subsidizing agricultural producers).

A business plan may also be needed when obtaining a standard loan. In this case, the entrepreneur can provide it as additional information about the business to reduce the risks of the bank and, consequently, the interest rate on the loan.

How to write a quality business plan that will be approved by the bank


This means that after receiving and using the loan in full, the company must extract sufficient profit to continue doing business without borrowed funds (use the loan effectively). The main nuances that should be considered when developing a business plan: 1.

The plan should take into account the most pessimistic expectations (falling exchange rates, increasing taxes on the company's activities and its property, a significant drop in demand, high level inflation, one-time dismissal of a large number of employees, etc.). Employees of the credit department of the bank will check the document not only for the correctness of the calculations, but also for compliance with the real state of the market.

If the trends in the economic situation are such that the business may be at risk, the bank will have additional questions for the entrepreneur.

Description of business processes: the pursuit of simplicity

Market analysis includes data on consumers of the company's products or services (both active and potential) and what the "seller" can offer to the "buyer";

  • enterprise economy. Planning a production development strategy is not complete without economic indicators enterprises.
    The section contains data on the estimated gross profit, taxes, types of costs and ways to reduce them;
  • marketing plan. It involves the company's methods to achieve the required level of sales. Try to embed in overall structure market, the distinctive features (or better advantages) of your product, which will allow you to bypass competitors. It is advisable to compare your activities with competitors in order to clearly demonstrate the promotion of your product or services relative to others;
  • technical improvement.

The most popular of them is graphical, using diagrams made in various notations (notation is a set of symbols to denote something). The most common types of notations for describing business processes are IDEF0, BPMN, EPC (ARIS), etc. As an example, let's take a look at a diagram made in BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) using the PowerDesigner CASE tool (Fig. 1). The main elements in the diagram are: 1. "Process" (function) - a rectangle rounded at the corners; 2. "Transition" - an arrow connecting processes; 3. "Decision" - a diamond containing a question that can only be answered with "Yes" or "No"; 4. Conditions are text expressions under which the transition from one function to another is carried out. Conditions are always enclosed in square brackets.

How to describe a business scheme for a bank

If a promising picture emerges, taking into account all kinds of risks, the bank will most likely give you a loan to implement or expand your business. Tip: do not overestimate the amount of the loan to compensate for unnecessary expenses, take exactly as much as you need. Record the implementation of borrowed funds in financial terms so that the bank can see where its money goes;

  • applications. Any information that is not included in other sections of the business alan is included in the annexes.

If the bank sees good potential in the business plan and the ability to quickly repay the loan, it may itself offer to finalize it.

Therefore, make a plan with all responsibility, both to the creditor and to yourself. A business plan is drawn up in detail, but with clear explanations of the described business.

As a result, it should be clear to both you and the bank.
For rate cash flows in subsequent years, a discount factor is applied. The main mistakes made in a business plan:

  • lack of market forecasts, realistically substantiated data on demand and conjuncture;
  • technically complex projects that are difficult to implement in the conditions of the Russian economy;
  • lack of necessary qualifications of the project initiators;
  • overestimation of forecast income levels (unless this is justified by any objective data, for example, a signed contract with buyers);
  • too optimistic views on market trends (1% inflation, depreciation of foreign exchange, expectations of subsidies from the state, etc.);
  • too much "water" in the business plan.

You can view detailed recommendations and requirements for a business plan on the websites of banks, for example, Vnesheconombank ( - download in pdf format.
From the point of view of business process management, a document is information on any information carrier. Email, report, presentation, SMS - all these are documents. Sometimes it is necessary to display intermediate products. These are blanks, semi-finished products, or simply important parts of the work that pass from one process block to another. Add them at this stage. Of necessity. 6 - Add used programs and databases The process should reflect which programs and databases it uses. 7 - Arrange tools and materials If tools and/or materials are used in the process, this should also be displayed. The main points can be identified on the business process diagram. A detailed description is best given in the comments and special sections of the description. A great option is to draw up a diagram focused specifically on the use of tools and materials.

  • Where does the business process begin and end?
  • What processes does it involve? What is exchanged?
  • What operations are performed? In what order?
  • Who performs the activities in the process?
  • What documents are used and appear in the process? In what operation are these jocuments used/appeared?
  • What tools, materials, software and databases are used in the process and in what operations?
  • What performance indicators and where exactly are recorded in the business process?

As a modeling notation, I recommend using BPMN A well-prepared diagram should be easy to read and informative enough. real life.

Useful information on the topic: " Written description activities of the organization a sample for the bank". Here, the available information on the topic is collected and processed. We tried to present it in a convenient and understandable form. If you have any questions, please ask them to our consultant on duty.

TechnoStroyService LLC has been assigned a type code economic activity on OKVED classifier 51.51, which gives permission for wholesale trade fuel. This enterprise refers to small and medium-sized businesses and meets all the criteria established by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation":

  • 1. Is a commercial organization.
  • 2. The enterprise was founded by one individual and the authorized capital was formed in the amount of 10,000.00 rubles.
  • 3. The average number of employees is:

a. in 2013 - 102 people;

b. in 2014 -123 people.

4. Revenue from the sale of goods (works, services) excluding VAT is:

a. in 2013 -134906 thousand rubles;

b. in 2014 - 156,000 thousand rubles.

The accounting policy for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting. In 2015, additions were made to the Accounting Policy related to changes in the Legislation.

TechnoStroyService LLC is located on common system taxation, in which he maintains full accounting records and pays all general taxes.

For extension production activities the company decided to purchase specialized vehicles on credit.

The main source of information for the analysis of the financial condition and financial results activities of small businesses is accounting (financial reporting).

Comprehensive assessment of financial economic activity is an element of enterprise management, it acts as one of the stages management activities and is an important source of information for making and justifying effective management decisions.

The main goal of a comprehensive analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is to assess the effectiveness of activities commercial organization and identification of reserves for its increase.

Let's reveal the meaning of the following economic indicators:

  • 3. Financial stability and liquidity
  • - The financial independence ratio shows the share of the organization's assets that are covered by equity(provided by their own sources of formation). The remaining share of the assets is covered by borrowed funds.

Investors and banks issuing loans pay attention to the value of this ratio. The higher the value of the coefficient, the more likely the organization can repay debts at its own expense. The higher the indicator, the more independent the enterprise.

  • - Coefficient current liquidity shows the ability of the company to repay current (short-term) liabilities at the expense of only current assets. The higher the value of the coefficient, the better the solvency of the enterprise. This indicator takes into account that not all assets can be sold immediately.
  • - Equity ratio shows the share of the company's current assets financed from the company's own funds.

The asset turnover ratio shows the amount full cycles circulation of products for the analyzed period. Or how many monetary units of sold products each monetary unit of assets brought. Or otherwise it shows the number of turnovers of one ruble of assets for the analyzed period.

This indicator is used by investors to assess the effectiveness of capital investments.

How to compose information about the activities of the company sample

Sample letter of information about the activities of the company

This resource is intended to help people who conduct office work in practice, and not for students who need more theoretical knowledge (for correct answers in exams). Therefore, if you need to write an information letter in essence, and the classification of office work is different , you should not delve into the theoretical subtleties of the difference between letters, pay attention to the samples of business letters presented below. A letter-message is about events that are of mutual interest to the sender and recipient. It can be both an initiative letter and a response letter. Sample letter-message (only the text is given below, the letter is drawn up in the same way as in the link above). Sample letter-message No. 2 The main purpose of the notification letter is to convey information to the addressee about a public event.

A businessman or company is likely to have a period when registration with the tax office is already over.

I looked at the bank's parishioner, all three numbers of contracts are correctly indicated there. Explanatory letter sample - business management and letters I was prompted to write this article by the constant mistake of our borrowers.

Info Currency funds were transferred on account of wages to personal accounts in savings banks d70-k51.

Everyone is too lazy to move their hand unnecessarily, just to attach a certificate to the accounting department and do everything as necessary. Banks will inspect companies with which it is impossible to contact according to the list on the FTS website. To

Information letter about the company's activities

  1. head of the marketing department (if we are talking about new marketing offers for partners);
  2. deputy director (if the administration of the company informs its employees about something through a letter), etc.

In any case, the originator of the letter must be the person in whose official functions includes writing such letters or authorized to compile them by a separate order of the director.

Information letter on the activities of the company: a sample, how to write

It contains a proposal for possible beneficial cooperation or acts as a preliminary stage preceding the conclusion of the main contract.

It carries information about obligations, for example, the fulfillment of the conditions of a prisoner, the transfer of funds, etc.
Information mail. Includes various informational information, the purpose of which is to inform the addressee about the changes that have occurred or are planned, possible offers, etc.

In order not to waste time writing letters, you should take as a basis a general sample suitable for any type of business correspondence.

Newsletters Newsletters can be used in the following cases:

  1. To send recommendations, suggestions, clarifications various information from authorities and management to subordinate organizations of various types.

This is the process approach. When the work of one element is completed, its developments are transferred to the next. Description of business processes Examples of this in a general form can be seen throughout the article.

But full-fledged documentation is often comparable in thickness to small books (or even large ones if you are studying the work of a giant company). Modeling of business processes (examples of which are also given here) requires that all operations of the enterprise be as clear and transparent as possible.

Where does the business process begin and end? What processes does it involve? What is exchanged? What operations are performed?

In what order?

Business scheme example for a bank

  1. Company name;
  2. volumes of deliveries or purchases;
  3. work period;

Real market analytics. If the project is small and the amount of the loan is insignificant, you can use data from surveys and open publications.

  1. Marketing. AT marketing plan the volume and profitability of sales, possible consumers should be considered, the sales market and competitors should be analyzed.

sample letter to bank

Naturally, when it comes to opening a retail store, there can be no talk of consumers.

But you should definitely consider the prospective suppliers of goods or raw materials for production, indicate their approximate prices. Info

It's great if there are any preliminary cooperation agreements with suppliers.

The list of suppliers and consumers should include:

  1. volumes of deliveries or purchases;
  2. Company name;
  3. any information that characterizes the company as a stable reliable partner.
  4. work period;

Information letter on the activities of the organization for the bank sample

Information letter to the bank about the activities of the company sample

Society with limited liability"Company" OGRN 1045012461022 TIN 7701025478 KPP 770101001127138, Moscow, st. Basmannaya, 25, Head of JSCB "Kombank" Ivan Ivanov 103473, Moscow

Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 10 LETTER No. 125B dated August 29, 2011 In order to correctly identify our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 federal law dated 07.08.01 No. 115-FZ

"On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism"

inform you about the following. main view entrepreneurial activity Limited Liability Company "Company" from the moment of creation to the present time is associated with retail food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in specialized stores (OKVED code 52.2).

Important Business lawyer Information letter about the company's activities: a sample

Sample letter of information about the activities of the company for the bank

Info The fact is that this morning, during my journey to the bus stop, I became a witness and participant in an unpleasant incident. There was no time to wait for interbank markets, while the Rostov theme with ale played with might and main. This includes everything that may be, but has not yet been resolved or may be, but not necessarily warranty obligations and litigation, which at the time of preparation of the PP has not yet been completed.

And in these cases, bank employees have reason to suspect the company of being involved in money laundering.

My advice, write the truth honestly earned goodies, funds, cards, accounts and accounts belong to me, nothing illegal.

Attention How to issue an information letter There are no special requirements for the design of the letter, as well as for its content.

These letters contain advertising information that the sender wants to convey to customers or partners (both current and potential). Such a document is drawn up on the organization's letterhead, while the size of the main text can vary from two to three sentences to several pages.

Although a sample information letter and forms for it are in free access, you can use your own forms in a particular organization. How to properly format

It can be: a meeting, a conference, an exhibition, a business tour, etc.

An example of an information letter for a bank

To whom to address an information letter about the company's activities An information letter can be sent to a specific person or group of persons: the director of a potential partner organization, a customer - an individual entrepreneur, team members, etc.

Letters can be:

  1. open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).
  2. confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);

General rules for all letters When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc. It must be remembered that recipients business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

However, in general, for the reporting period, the organization has a profit of 36.6 thousand rubles. Indicators of liquidity and solvency of the organization are calculated in table. 1.2. Table 1.2. Analysis of liquidity and solvency Liquidity indicator The value of the indicator in thousand rubles. Calculation, recommended value At the beginning of the period At the end of the period 1. Current liquidity ratio 0.92 1.87 Ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities. Recommended value 2.0 2. Quick liquidity ratio 0.73 1.18 The ratio of current assets to short-term liabilities minus stocks. Recommended value 1.0 3.

  • Business Law
  • I individual entrepreneur(IP), I produce lumber for construction companies. The bank asked to present in writing the economic meaning of carrying out operations on the account, referring to the Law of 08/07/2001 No. 115-FZ I transferred funds to my personal accounts in other banks within a month in the amount of 1.3 million rubles received from counterparties goods. I have prepared the following response: In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08/07/2001 No. 115-FZ, you asked to explain in writing the economic meaning of conducting operations on an individual’s own bank accounts opened with other credit institutions.

The trade margin is on average 60%. The costs of delivery of goods are not included in the cost of goods, but are accounted for on account 44 "Sales costs". All sales expenses collected on account 44 are written off in full to account 90 “Sales”.

The calculation of the cost of the balance of goods is not made.

Written description of the activities of the organization sample for the bank

Be sure to indicate that your company is not on any of the "black" lists (credit tax, etc.). See also: Obtaining and re-registration of a legal address Such a document can be made the main one (if there are no others), or additional. He not only confirms that the company is respected by other firms, but it is also in good standing in the labor market, with the Federal Tax Service and other structures. Letter to clarify the payment to the bank No one is immune from making mistakes when making payments, but not every mistake can be corrected with just one call, some require sending a letter. Imagine this situation: You or your business partner made a large payment only to discover that a mistake was made. This should be notified to the institution as soon as possible, which will certainly contact the recipient and clarify the reasonableness of making adjustments.

Sorry, this page was not found.

Otherwise, there is a risk that the bank will again bombard the company with its requests regarding the intensive cash flow. Limited Liability Company "Company" OGRN 1045012461022 TIN 7701025478 KPP 770101001127138, Moscow

Moscow, st. Basmannaya, 25 To the Head of JSCB "Kombank" Ivan Ivanov 103473, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 10 LETTER No. 125B of August 29, 2011 In order to correctly identify our company as a client on the basis of Article 7 of the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" we inform you of the following.

The principle of business management using the business model of the enterprise is shown.
But any practicing businessman will say that the existence of such a model is completely insufficient for real activity. And he will be right!

Today we will focus on more issues than modeling material and financial flows.

This is the development of business schemes and the description of these schemes in the form of legal and accounting documents.

Such a package of documents differs in content from an investment project, it is a project for organizing activities or an organizational project.

The need for organizational projects arises very often.

Consider the features of creating an organizational project using a specific example.

The Commercial Director of the Wholesale Company has received an offer from the Supplier for the supply of consumer goods (consumer goods) with a deferred payment. In total, the Supplier plans to supply 12,000 pcs. Consumer goods, such as electric kettles, at a price of 1000 rubles / piece. in batches of 4000 pieces / month. Deferred payment for each batch of 3 months. The commercial director knows that his company sells such teapots at a price of 2000 rubles per piece. He agrees to enter into a supply contract.

We need to develop an organizational project for this deal.


To begin with, we must identify all the real participants.
In addition to the Supplier and the Wholesaler, the transaction includes Buyers and a company providing warehouse services.

Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesaler, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods

Wholesale company: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, repays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods

Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesale Company

Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesale Company for the storage of consumer goods, receives payment for the services rendered

Operating procedure

When the scheme of activity is created, it is necessary to describe the sequence of actions for the implementation of the transaction. At the same time, we write down all the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bthat we know.

1. The supplier and the wholesaler enter into a contract for the supply of consumer goods
in the amount of 12,000 pcs.

Delivery is made in batches of 4,000 pieces, 1 batch per month.
The cost of consumer goods - 1000 rubles / piece.

2. The wholesaler rents additional warehouse space. The cost of the rent is 0.2 million rubles per month.

3. A wholesaler sells consumer goods to customers. Sales plan 1500 pcs/month

Sale price - 2000 rubles / piece.

5. The wholesaler pays the Supplier according to the schedule.
Payment schedule: 4 months - 4.0 million rubles, 5 months - 4.0 million rubles, 6 months - 4.0 million rubles.

economic modeling

Then we describe the material and financial flows and create an economic model of the transaction. Then we will be able to determine whether the Wholesaler can pay for the supply of consumer goods on time.

Supply of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PCS. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Price rub./piece 1000 1000 1000
Total supply million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0 12,0

Sale of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Sale PCS. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Price rub./piece 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Total sale million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 12,0
Total sale million rubles 3,0 6,0 9,0 12,0 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0


Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PCS. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Sale PCS. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Remainder PCS. 2500 5000 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 0
Rent payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Financial flows

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Payment of consumer goods million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0
Proceeds from the sale of consumer goods million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
Warehouse payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
At the end of the period million rubles 2,8 2,8 2,8 -1,2 -1,2 -1,2 2,8 2,8
Cash flow million rubles 2,8 5,6 8,4 7,2 6,0 4,8 7,6 10,4 10,4

Cash flow is always positive. This means that there will be enough money from the sale of consumer goods to pay the Supplier on time.

Everything that we have described can be issued in the form of one document.

A document that describes:
- Members
- scheme of activity
- work procedure
- economic modeling
can be considered as a detailed feasibility study or a small business project for obtaining a loan.

For a real transaction, the development of an adequate document flow is also required.

Document flow

Let's draw new scheme taking into account all the documents necessary for the implementation of activities.
As you can see, the workflow scheme is more complex than the activity scheme.

Three large blocks are visible on it, showing the relationship of the Wholesaler with other participants.

The basis of interaction is an agreement between the Wholesaler and:
- Supplier
- Buyers
- Warehouse

Let's take a closer look at these blocks.

Contract Wholesale Supplier

The contract for the supply of consumer goods is concluded between the Supplier and the Wholesaler.
The amount of the contract is 12.0 million rubles. Valid for at least 6 months. The contract should fix the schedule of payments for delivered consumer goods.

Each batch of consumer goods is transferred according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.
Payment for each batch of consumer goods is drawn up by the Protocol.

After paying for the last batch, it is necessary to draw up a protocol of mutual settlements and sign an act on the implementation of the contract.

Interaction Wholesaler-Buyers

A purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Wholesaler is not required.

The buyer who wants to purchase consumer goods receives an Invoice.

After its payment, he draws up invoices for the receipt of consumer goods. The commercial department of the wholesale company draws them up in the amount of 3 copies.
The buyer goes to the warehouse. In the warehouse, he receives consumer goods and 1 copy. issued invoice.
Of the 2 remaining invoices, one remains in the warehouse for reporting, the other is transferred to the accounting department of the Wholesale Company.

Agreement Wholesale company-Warehouse

The wholesale company and the Warehouse enter into an Agreement for the provision of safekeeping services.
On the basis of the concluded agreement, the Wholesaler transfers the consumer goods to the Warehouse for storage. The transfer of consumer goods is fixed by the Transfer and Acceptance Act.

On a monthly basis, the Warehouse issues an invoice to the Wholesale Company for safekeeping services. The invoice is issued in advance, for the next month. The wholesaler pays the Invoice.

At the end of the month, the Warehouse and the Wholesale Firm sign an acceptance certificate for the delivery of work for the amount of services rendered.

In addition, the Warehouse provides the Wholesale Firm with a monthly report on the actual issued consumer goods.

organizational project

The described interaction of participants in this transaction is rather conditional. There may be differences from this interaction options.

In a real company, any business scheme involves the coordinated work of several responsible employees of the company, related to the preparation of the necessary documents.

Further, a production meeting is held under the leadership of the General Director, the entire package of documents is approved as an organizational project.

Creation of an organizational project

Job title Responsibility in the company Activities to create an organizational project
CEO Organization of financial and economic activities Organizational project approval
Commercial Director Supply and sale of consumer goods Selection of participants, activity schemes, work procedures
CFO Planning and control of financial flows Development of a financing scheme
Economist Economic calculations Development of an economic model
Accounting Control of financial and economic activities Providing standard forms financial statements, coordination of the payment scheme
Lawyer Business Legal Issues Preparation of contracts with participants


After the organizational project is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Of course, any employee who has been working in a wholesale company for a long time will say that there are no organizational projects in the company, everything works by itself.

This is far from true. The agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly had to develop business schemes, designed in the form of organizational projects, together with clients.
Look at the website

Now imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who scraped together the money for a business plan and was even able to secure investor funds. He still has so much work ahead of him that he just doesn't realize.

Therefore, in addition to the development of investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs in

The agency not only creates the necessary organizational projects, but also conducts trainings for employees on the workflow of the business being created.

Small businesses are increasingly complaining about bankers, there are more and more reports of bank freezes and cases of termination of service contracts without any justification, as the victims claim. However, in many cases banks have good reasons. Recently, the main postulate of the client policy of any bank - in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank - has become the reality of the client's business. Signs of bad companies were formulated in the regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 18-MR dated July 21, 2017. What do banks do to make sure that business is real?

1. The bank examines the client's transactions in order to identify signs that indicate the absence of a real business or the presence of tax optimization schemes. The signs are:

Payments of salaries to employees, as well as income tax transfers are not made from the company's account individuals(personal income tax) and insurance premiums; or payments do not match average headcount employees of the client and indicate an underestimation of real salaries;

The average accrued salary is below the official living wage;

There are no cash balances on the account or they are insignificant in comparison with the volume of operations usually carried out by the client on the account;

The grounds for payments do not correspond to the declared type of activity (for example, the client in the questionnaire indicates that he is engaged in the production bakery products but receives money for transport or consulting services);

Funds are credited to the client's account for one reason, and then debited for another. In other words, the client receives money mainly, for example, for Construction Materials, and pays mainly for transport and consulting services;

There is a sharp increase in turnover on the client's account, the company significantly exceeds the maximum values ​​​​of cash turnover declared when opening an account;

the client does not pay from the invoice for household needs: for example, for rent, utilities, purchase of office supplies, etc.;

Buying counterparties pay the client under contracts for goods and services with VAT, and then these amounts are almost completely written off by the client in favor of counterparties without VAT;

The criterion for paying taxes and other obligatory payments is violated (approximately 0.9% of the debit turnover on the client's account or slightly more).

2. Then the bank examines the place of doing business, checks whether the company's office is located at the place of its registration.

3. Next, the bank compares the volume of business with the size of office, warehouse and industrial premises, with the staff. For example, a company with operations of hundreds of millions of rubles a year, without a permanent office, warehouse and production facilities, with only one director on staff, was created for the transit of cash flows.

4. Then the bank studies the structure of the enterprise. Really operating enterprise must have a full-time accountant or an agreement with an accounting company.

5. The bank identifies the beneficiaries of the business. It checks the information provided by the client in the questionnaires and uses all available methods. In particular, if the client specifies a director who is not actually the owner or co-owner as the beneficiary, additional verification will follow. Open sources (press, Internet) are studied to identify information about the client, including negative information. To check the client, specialized databases are also often used (SPARK, "Kontur-focus", etc.).

6. If there are questions, the bank conducts a conversation with the company's leaders.

Such a comprehensive study of the client requires an investment of time and money. Therefore, some banks, having identified at least one sign of the absence of a real business in a client, prefer to refuse him service without continuing further proceedings.

For clients, this decision has the most negative consequences. Now they will not be able, as before, after the refusal in one bank to open an account in another. All banks in Russia are now prohibited from working with such refuseniks. Therefore, if you are among those with whom the bank terminated the service agreement, you must make every effort to prove the reality of the business. You can invite representatives of the bank to your office, show you trading or industrial premises, warehouses, products. The bank must include contracts that confirm the conduct of business activities, acts of acceptance of work and services, valid contracts for the lease of premises. Provide the bank with a list of counterparties, links to their websites. Give a description of the ownership structure of your company and information about the real owners of the business. If you have accounts with other banks, they can help letters of recommendation from them. And of course, you should be careful in choosing contractors - work only with trustworthy firms.

Take a constructive attitude to the attempts of bank representatives to understand your activities. If you have real business, you have nothing to hide from the bank.


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