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Each person's handwriting, like a fingerprint, is unique. All you need to do is tweak your writing style a bit and your handwriting will become beautiful and interesting. For handwriting to be called beautiful, it must be graceful, elegant, expressive and attractive.


Part 1

Understanding the Basics
  1. Take a look at your handwriting. Find an example of your handwriting - it could be a shopping list or a story you wrote. You will need to analyze it for your features. This will help you concentrate on improving and decorating the words. You need to understand whether you write with a free, relaxed, soft hand or a clenched and firm hand.

    • Determine which letters you decorate without thinking. Which of them have curls and flourishes?
    • Look at the spacing between letters. Are they all over the page or are they more evenly distributed?
    • Look at the strokes from the pen or pencil you are using. You need to learn how to combine thin and thick strokes in writing.
  2. Determine which muscles you use when writing. Free, soft handwriting is determined by the muscles used in writing. It is necessary to use not only the brush and fingers. Beautiful handwriting requires the work of the whole arm and even the shoulder.

    • To determine this, write the paragraph in normal handwriting. Pay attention to the muscles involved. This will help you figure out if you're only tensing your hand or your whole arm with a free, soft handwriting.
    • Your fingers act as a guide through the page; but they don't have to do all the work or your handwriting will be tight and cramped.
    • You need to learn how to move your whole arm and shoulder, not your wrist and fingers.
  3. Choose your writing utensils. You need to find the right pen and writing paper for you. All people are different, but there are general concepts with which writing instruments it is easier to develop a beautiful handwriting. For example, a pen is generally better than a pencil because it produces smoother lines.

    • Quality paper (usually more expensive than regular paper), rather than computer-generated paper, will improve your handwriting, as you won't run into smudges, blobs, and ink leaks. This paper can be purchased at office supply stores.
    • Moleskine notebooks are good for practicing beautiful handwriting because their paper helps make writing smoother.
    • Fountain pens are often used by people instead of cheap ballpoint pens, as quality writing instruments have better ink supply. Alternatively, you can use something like a calligraphy marker, which will allow you to write letters of different lengths and widths thanks to the flat tip. The ink in these writing instruments is usually of higher quality.
  4. Do not hurry. Fast handwriting is usually characterized by jagged and small characters pressed into the paper. Write slowly and gracefully, leaving slow, clear lines. This will give you softer strokes and more consistent lines and swirls. While doing this, do not strain your hand and do not press too hard.

    • Write as if you are writing on water.
  5. Train. Here, as in everything - beautiful writing requires practice. Write as often as possible, paying attention to how you do it and what muscles you strain.

    • Practice writing on lined paper to feel the spacing. Spacing between letters and words (they should be fairly even) is very important for beautiful writing.
    • Draw constantly. Draw in the fields notebook while waiting for the bus or talking on the phone. This will help you relax and get used to beautiful writing.

    Part 2

    Capital letters
    1. Start with the alphabet. Take an old copybook that you used to study back in primary school, and start practicing writing each letter of the alphabet. Just remember that all handwriting is different, so your handwriting in capital letters will be unique and sure to be attractive.

      • It is necessary that the intervals between letters and words are uniform. To do this, practice on lined paper to literally learn to feel the intervals.
      • You can find many free notebooks and textbooks to practice writing in cursive online or at your local library.
    2. Hold your hand correctly. Most The best way to write in cursive is to place a pen between the index and middle fingers so that the fingertips and thumb are near the end of the pen or pencil.

      • This position will help relieve pain in the forearm, wrist, and thumb.
    3. Learn connecting lines. The spelling is, in fact, the connections between letters; it is used for fast writing. In fact, the word "cursive" (cursive - spelling) comes from the Latin cursiva litera, which means "fluent handwriting". Keep this in mind when making connections between letters.

      • Joints are the "air" between the letters when you lift the pen off in normal writing.
      • Be sure to close the spaces at the top of the letters. When they are not closed, it is difficult to determine which letter it is: "a" or "and".

    Part 3

    calligraphic handwriting
    1. Make sure you are sitting correctly. This means that your feet should be firmly planted on the floor, your back should be straight, and you should be generally comfortable. The handle also needs to be held correctly.

      • The handle should be between the first two knuckles, covered by the thumb and forefinger. It should rest on the middle finger.
      • For proper handle position, make sure to hold it at a 45 degree angle. To check this, draw a right angle (90 degrees) with a pencil. Then, from the corner, smoothly move up, dividing the corner in half; should be a thin line.
    2. Choose the right writing utensils. It is important to make sure that the lines on the letter look the way you want. To do this, you need to choose writing instruments that are right for you.

      • Writing utensils that are suitable for calligraphy are markers, automatic pens, fountain pens with metallic or bird nibs.
      • You will also need paper that is ink proof. However, you can practice on a regular notebook sheet. Check the cotton content of the paper - the more cotton, the harder the lines will be. Of course, you can always buy specialized paper, and if you already have a calligraphy kit, it should already be included in it.
      • As for inks, it is better not to choose Indian ones, as the varnish contained in them clogs into the tip of the pen and clogs it. It is best to buy water-soluble ink.
    3. Place paper correctly. You must understand the direction of the lines so that your writing has a uniform appearance. You need to determine the height of the pen - it can be anything. The font "Italic" in the 15th century had a height of 5 points, and we will use it as an example for the correct lines.

      • The baseline is the line on which the lowest points of the letters of a line lie.
      • The top line is a line above the base line that changes its height depending on the height of the letters (in this case, the height of the letter is 5 points).
      • The ascending line is the line that all ascending letters touch. Its height should be equal to 5 pins (or the parameter you choose). Ascending letters: lowercase "b" or "c".
      • Descending line - the line that all descending letters, such as "d" or "z", touch. Its height should be 5 pins (from the baseline).

In the modern world, it is rare to have to write with a pen, with the exception of students and schoolchildren. Since earlier reports, contracts, lists, documents were written by hand, and if necessary they had to be rewritten, perhaps more than once, now, the robot is put on computer equipment. At most, make a few notes in a notebook so as not to forget about something.

It is important for an adult that his handwriting be neat, even, beautiful, legible, because it can play a decisive role in business and career.

Learning to write well is not easy. Especially if you are an adult, a mature personality. This requires patience and strength.

Children are also not easy to teach the correct letter. The difficulties caused are mainly manifested in the fact that for them this is a completely new craft that needs to be mastered well. Previously, with a pen, they drew any sticks, circles, quotation marks. Now, you need to correctly, accurately display the letters.

Note! The technique of teaching children, adults, beautiful writing is different. This must be taken into account.

To learn how to write beautifully in calligraphic handwriting, you need to follow the algorithm of actions. Its conditions are simple and within the power of both adults and children.

How to learn to write letters and numbers beautifully

Adults children
1 On the desk at which you will study, there should be only a pen, a blank sheet of paper or a notebook. For adults - texts that need to be rewritten, for children - samples of the alphabet, separate letters or with block letters.
2 You need to sit at the table correctly - your back is even, your hands are on the table. For children, you need to choose a chair that is suitable for height so that it is comfortable to write.
3 The sheet should be at least 30 cm from your eyes. The child must copy the letters from a special recipe for children or made by you. It doesn't matter much. Watch his posture, you can not lower your head too low (at least 30 cm from the table).
4 The handle must be held with the thumb, index and middle fingers. It is important to teach the child to hold the pen correctly from the very beginning.
5 You need to repeat writing letters many times until you like one of the options and repeat it many times. Each letter can be divided into several parts. First, let the child write these parts in turn, and then the letter in full.
6 It would be nice to periodically change ballpoint pens. You need to find the handle that is most comfortable for you.

Some people like to write with thick, and others with thin pastes.

Write one letter several times, but very slowly so that the child follows your actions and has time to remember.

It is necessary to learn to write large and small letters at the same time, that is, after “A”, followed by “a”, then “B”, “b”, and so on.

Methods to change handwriting, adult

Handwriting tends to change. It changes with age, with how often you write with a pen, at what speed.

When you need to sign a postcard, a letter, it doesn't work legibly, beautifully, you start to regret your ugly, non-calligraphic handwriting.

You can’t quickly learn how to write in beautiful handwriting. If you think you can do it in 5 minutes, then you are wrong. This takes time and patience.

There are several scientific methods for changing handwriting in better side:

  1. Copy. A simple way, it is for you to choose the perfect handwriting that you like. This may be the handwriting of a loved one or printed from the Internet in the appropriate font.

    You need to rewrite the text many times, write in that handwriting, until you repeat it exactly.

  2. Psychological method - autotraining. This method is not suitable for everyone.

    Before you sit down to write with a pen in a notebook, you need to lie on your back for a long time, several times a day, completely relax, closing your eyes, imagine in your thinking how beautifully, perfectly you write.

    It is important at such moments to feel warmth throughout the body, calmness, lightness. With all this, you need to inspire yourself "my handwriting is perfect."

The downside of auto-training is that it often takes more time than writing itself. And not everyone is able to pass it, to achieve exactly what is included in this method.

Important! To achieve perfect handwriting, it is important to write letters in several versions in different fonts. So, quickly develop the correct calligraphy.

It is recommended to do exercises for hands, fingers, before you sit down to retrain yourself to write. You need to stretch your fingers well. It is better that someone help you, bend, unbend your fingers, but you can do it yourself - with your left hand we massage the right, and with the right - the left.

In the course of writing, you need to do exercises for the neck, shoulders, back, arms, in order to restore blood supply, stretch the muscles.

Causes of bad handwriting in children and how to improve it

To teach a child to write correctly, you need to find out the causes of poor handwriting.

There are 5 main reasons:

  • features of brain development;
  • motor skills of the hands are not sufficiently developed;
  • the notebook on the table lies incorrectly;
  • incorrect position of posture, arms, legs at the table;
  • the level of perception of space is not sufficiently developed.

How to fix a child's handwriting, step by step:

  1. It is possible that the child writes under your dictation. Do not be in a hurry, let him correctly display the letters.
  2. It is important that the child likes the text, so that it is interesting for him to write.
  3. Use a zebra. It will help to understand the size, slope of all words and develop the child's habit of writing exactly on any sheet.
  4. If you spell letters incorrectly, you should focus on them, learn how to write them.
  5. Pay your child's attention to those words, letters that turned out great. Success is encouraging and motivating.
  6. Do not overwork your daughter or son with classes. He must fully study, play, relax. Choose a time for this activity.

Parents should be patient with this process. Softly, quietly talk to the child. Do not shout, do not punish for mistakes. It is important to make sure that the child himself wants to change his handwriting for the better. Of course, left-handers will be more difficult to learn, but everything is possible.

You can, for a change, learn letters different languages. Write in Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Handwriting can tell a person's character. Beautiful, correct letters please, look good, attractive.

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The modern education system places very high hopes on children, while also setting rather difficult tasks. Having come to grade 1, the guys should already know the letters, be able to read in syllables.

And, if most often there are no difficulties with reading, the so-called “writing” often becomes a real “stumbling block” for first-graders. Is it possible to teach a child to write beautifully and correctly? And who should do it: the school or the parents?

Why write beautifully?

There are no questions about literacy. Even in our age of speed and computerization, competent speech and writing distinguish an educated and successful person. And no one canceled the marks at school. But whether it is necessary to write beautifully today is a matter of great controversy.

It is believed that in the near future the skill of fast typing will be much more appreciated. However, according to experts, beautiful handwriting means not only the child's accuracy and perseverance (although many parents would not refuse to develop these skills in their schoolchildren).

The ability to write beautifully is, first of all, well-developed fine motor skills, and it is precisely responsible for high abilities for intellectual development.

Besides, no one wants a child to get a mark down because of bad handwriting. By the way, when passing exams - GIA and USE - it is very important that letters and numbers are recognized correctly, because this can lead to a loss of points.

When should you start exercising?

The hours devoted to practicing beautiful calligraphic handwriting are greatly reduced at school. This means that parents will have to teach their child to write beautifully. And there is an opinion that it is better to start preparing a baby for this before the child begins to study in grade 1.

Principles of preparing preschool children for writing

AT preschool age you need to start, of course, not with learning to draw letters in calligraphy, but with the preparation and correct placement of the hand. It is extremely important that the child holds the pen correctly and sits at the table.

How to teach a child to hold a pencil or pen correctly will tell the following video:

It is very desirable to perform such classes starting from the middle preschool age.

What will be required?

You will need:

  • pencils (it is better to purchase special ones, with three edges that ensure the correct grip);
  • copybooks (for preschoolers, hatching, writing numbers and block letters are suitable);
  • patience and work ethic.

We emphasize once again that it is not recommended to teach children to write capital letters before school. Teachers insistently ask parents not to do this. At school, other rules, spellings may be found, and it will be very difficult for the child to relearn.

But you can write in block letters as much as you like!

How to deal with preschoolers?

Classes for preparing a hand for beautiful writing for preschoolers can be divided into two parts - the development of fine motor skills, in general, and preparation for writing. Moreover, it is desirable to master the first part of the classes in the middle preschool age, and the second - in the senior preschool, closer to admission.

Exercises and games for the development of motor skills

For hand motor skills, you can do a lot of all kinds of activities, for example:

  • teach the baby to lace up - from various game pieces to ordinary shoes;
  • sculpt from plasticine and other materials;
  • draw not only with paints and a brush, but also with any improvised materials - fingers on the croup, a thin brush on paper, a sponge through a stencil. You can paint pictures on paper, or you can paint three-dimensional figures.

Writing Preparation Classes

Closer to school, the child can be offered to study more purposefully. For this, there are a lot of special recipes on sale, designed specifically for preschoolers.

Older preschoolers can be offered to perform the following tasks:

  • do different kinds hatching;
  • draw a picture;
  • circle the sticks and hooks marked with a dotted line;
  • write numbers and block letters.

Having worked out these skills, at school, children usually already hold their hand and pencil quite confidently and write quite accurately.

How to teach a primary school student to write neatly?

Most often, problems in handwriting occur precisely at school. Whether this is due to the haste of the baby, the unpreparedness of the hand, or for some other reason, it is far from always possible to understand.

But the child can certainly be helped to write neatly and clearly. The main thing is to make sure that he wants it. Try to find arguments for this.

What will be required?

You will need:

  • comfortable handle, preferably gel, with crown edges to develop the correct grip;
  • copybooks - for practicing writing individual letters and for writing phrases and sentences;
  • notebook in oblique line.

Learning to write letters and numbers beautifully: a step-by-step technique

Acquaintance with oblique line

Start practicing with an acquaintance with an oblique ruler. Make sure the child understands and uses these oblique lines. Ask him to first simply circle the lines themselves.

Then explain that each letter, each hook must begin from a certain point, starting from an oblique line.

Outlining shapes and letters

The child learns to circle, and then trains to write himself, individual letters. If necessary, you can start with ovals, hooks, shapes, and then trace the letters themselves. The main rule is not to move on to a new letter until the previous one is fully mastered.

Don't forget the numbers too. As it turned out, not many guys write them beautifully. If there are no numbers in your copybooks, write them in your notebook yourself.

Circle the words

It is important that the child sees the sample at this time. Then he will be able to see how to write letters correctly and beautifully.

We master the prescriptions with proposals

When you see that the child copes with the spelling of individual words quite successfully, you can proceed to the next step. Offer copybooks with samples of whole sentences. Do not rush to stop classes at this stage, the skill needs to be fixed.

We write words and sentences in a notebook in an oblique line

To consolidate, you can invite the child to practice writing words and sentences in a notebook in an oblique ruler.

We train and consolidate the skill of accurate writing

And the last step should be the training writing of small texts in a notebook. The child can copy small texts from a primer or a children's book.

How to teach a student to write correctly?

Undoubtedly, parents can help children develop beautiful handwriting. And how to teach a child to write without mistakes? Teachers admit that the level of literacy of modern schoolchildren is not very encouraging.

What if your child is among those who do not have the best writing grades?

Rule out dysgraphia

First, determine if your child has dysgraphia. According to statistics, 30% of modern schoolchildren make mistakes when writing for this very reason.

Take a closer look, maybe this applies to your child:

  • mistakes are made in the most simple words and even in vowels under stress;
  • the end of the sentence is not marked, there are no dots, the new sentence begins with a small letter;
  • letters are skipped or repeated;
  • syllables are rearranged;
  • some letters are turned in the other direction, written in a mirror way (E, Z, C, B or numbers 3, 4, 5).

If you suspect a child has dysgraphia, it is better to contact a specialist: a school speech therapist or psychologist. Dealing with it is not very easy, but knowing the "enemy" in person, you can defeat him without a doubt.

What if it's not dysgraphia?

And if there is no “good” reason, and the child is spelled illiterate? Scold and punish? No, help and practice.

Practice rewriting texts

Learning the rules is fine, but chances are your child knows them. Maybe lack of practice and skill? Start with rewriting. Let the child simply copy short texts from a book to a notebook. The main thing is regularity.

Teach your child to pronounce the text he writes to himself

Develop mindfulness. Offer to find and underline only the letters A or O in the text. Ask the child to whisper all the words that he writes while studying at home.

By the way, the way of pronunciation has something in common with an interesting technique invented by the famous scientist D.I. Tikhomirov. He suggested reading "as it is written" for the development of literate writing. That is, pronounce the words loudly and clearly - “what”, and not “what”, as we say, “blue”, and not “blue”.

This method develops the habit of paying attention to the spelling of words. When writing, the child automatically "pronounces" all the words to himself. The results of this technique are really noticeable.

Encourage your child to read more

And, of course, reading. Teach your child to read more. And get busy. Gradually, dictations will work out better and better.

If you want your child to write beautifully and accurately at school, then you need to prepare for this in advance and, upon reaching the child of five years old, begin to actively engage with him. It is very important to understand that not all tasks can be obtained from him at first, but in no case should you scold and punish him. On the contrary, your support and the words "next time everything will definitely work out" will positively affect the child's desire for further classes.

If a child initially holds a pencil or pen incorrectly, then be sure to correct this from the first lesson, as over time it will be much more difficult to do this. In order to strengthen the fingers and hands in general, it is necessary to perform daily exercises that develop fine motor skills.


1. Draw all kinds of shapes on a piece of paper and ask your child to carefully cut them out and make an appliqué out of them.

2. Get a few coloring pages and give your child a full coloring one or two pages daily. Very well develops fine motor skills of the hands and at the same time attention to the exercise "graphic dictation". Take an ordinary piece of paper in a cage and stepping back a few cells from the edge, make a point. Think of a certain pattern and dictate the direction of the lines to the child, for example, a cell to the right, three cells down, two cells to the left, etc., as a result, the child should have a drawing on the sheet that you originally conceived.

3. Try to sculpt from plasticine every day, as well as make appliqués or create all kinds of jewelry from beads and beads.

4. Give the child a sheet of paper and a pen and invite him to draw certain signs in one line, for example, one line is dots, the second is hooks, the third is sticks, etc.

5. Many children love to collect all kinds of constructors. If your child is indifferent to such toys, then try playing with him. Perhaps the kid will like this game and in the future he will be very willing to collect entire cities.

As soon as all the exercises mentioned above are good for your child, you can begin to form a beautiful letter. Get copybooks in which you need to trace all kinds of shapes and letters using dotted dots and a pattern (that is, one letter is written, and you want to continue writing it in a whole line). Every day, invite your child to work in these notebooks for 15-30 minutes a day.

Psychological attitude

In many ways, good handwriting depends on the emotionality of the child, his psychological state. Never scold the baby for the nerve lines, do not compare his achievements with other children, as this can lead to the fact that the child will lose all desire to learn. Praise your child for even the smallest achievement.

"Letters are different to write twith a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at schoolchat at schoolchat at school…”

Looking in the notebook of her child a schoolboy, every second mother asks herself the question “How to teach a child to write beautifully?” And what do we generally mean by beautiful handwriting, is it needed at all? Is it necessary to teach a preschooler to write in order to form a beautiful handwriting at school?

More and more often we are faced with the problem of poor handwriting in children. The trend is that writing by hand today is less and less common. Abstracts and reports typed on a computer at school, abstracts on a printed basis at the institute, SMS messages instead of letters in envelopes, electronic cards instead of traditional congratulations on paper ... But! No one has canceled writing lessons yet! The suffering of first-graders who bowed their heads over prescriptions is familiar to every parent. We will try to figure out how to help schoolchildren and teach children to write beautifully, competently and accurately.

Why does a child have difficulty learning to write?

Teaching a child to write is much more difficult than teaching him to read. It is a fact! First, let's look at what causes the greatest difficulty in learning to write:

  • New requirements.

To kid for a long time you have to keep the same posture (sit at a desk, you can’t get up, turn around), look in one direction and at the same time constantly strain your brain. He is unaccustomed to the activity that he is mastering (writing), he must constantly control his actions, which have not yet been brought to automatism.

Do I need to teach my child to write before school

Most psychologists note the benefits early development child, but with one significant caveat. “The sphere of early development includes only what a child can learn playfully, without effort. And everything that requires persistent, systematic work from him is in the exclusive competence of the school.

The question of teaching a child to write at home before school is a delicate one. Firstly, not every parent can boast of their own beautiful handwriting and knowledge of calligraphy. Therefore, most likely it will not be able to show a worthy example of how to write correctly and beautifully. Secondly, it has been observed that handwriting deteriorates rapidly in children who have learned to write at an early age. This is because the hand has not yet grown stronger.

Teaching a child to write is easy, it can be done at four or five years old. BUT! In order for handwriting to be beautiful, you need to practice the skill for a long time and hard, and for kids this is an impossible task purely in physical terms. As a rule, having learned how to write letters, the child begins to use this skill at his own discretion. Parents will no longer be able to stop or control this process. It turns out that the baby will begin to write whatever and whatever, as it will be more convenient for him and for which he has enough strength. Handwriting will begin to deteriorate and in this form will be fixed as a skill.

Dear parents, do not rush to teach your child to write before school! Let the teachers do it. Believe me, no one has yet left school without being able to write. Everything has its time!

1. Pay attention to workplace child. Adjust the height of the table and chair. The child should not reach up to write a line or, conversely, bend three deaths due to the fact that the table is almost at the level of the knees. The chair should not creak and stagger - it is unnerving and distracting. It is better if it is not on wheels (or fix them so that they do not drive). The workplace should be in order: no distracting toys, unnecessary items. The light should fall on the left (for right-handers) and on the right (for left-handers). It is recommended to turn on not only the table lamp, but also the overhead light.

2. Choose the right pen. It should not bend, be too thick or, on the contrary, thin for the child's fingers. Try to choose a pen without various relief protrusions, buttons that will distract you (you really want to press the button once again). The rod should be of medium thickness, the ink should not be smeared. It is better to have several pens, because. they have a "habit" to get lost at the most inopportune moment.

Make sure that the child holds the pen correctly: with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, not lower than 1.5–2 cm to the tip of the rod (you can mark this level with something so that the child does not forget). If you hold the pen too low, you cannot see what you are writing, it is difficult to control the connections between letters, line height, etc. Special nozzles have appeared on sale that fit on the most ordinary standard pen. They are made in the form of funny little animals and tell the kids where to put their fingers.

Some children grip the pen hard (even their fingers turn white) or press hard on the pen when writing. The hand gets tired quickly, it is difficult for the child to write smoothly. Explain (and show) that the fingers should be slightly extended, the index should not bend. No need to strain your hand and fingers too much! In order to train the muscles, you need to write more often on a vertical plane (with chalk on a blackboard, imitate writing in the air). The elbow should be relaxed, but the shoulder muscles should be forced to work.

3. Make sure that the notebook lies correctly: the middle of the worksheet is slightly to the right of the middle of the child's chest; the lower left corner is slightly lowered, and the upper right corner is raised. In this position, you do not need to reach for the beginning or end of the line, it is easier to observe the correct slope of the letters, the hand moves freely in the right direction.

4. Very often, parents make many mistakes because they do not know the school requirements for keeping notebooks. You can ask the teacher to draw up a Memo, where it will be clearly indicated how many cells / lines to retreat, how to write down the number, how to arrange certain tasks.

What tasks to offer children to teach them to write beautifully, competently and legibly?

The following activities help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination:

  • coloring drawings with small details;
  • stroke by points, hatching, drawing symmetrical and missing elements;
  • modeling from plasticine, clay, mastic, salt dough;
  • weaving from beads, stringing beads on a cord;
  • embroidery;
  • work with small details of the designer (for example, "Lego");
  • collecting designs from matches, mosaics, puzzles;
  • macrame;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • detachable application;
  • origami and other types of design and modeling.

This list goes on. Any hobby where you need to perform precise finger movements will do. It is important that the lesson brings joy to the child - this is a guarantee that it will be performed with high quality, with desire and for a long time.

The straight road is not the shortest, take a detour

  • Don't force your child to write more than the teacher asks.
  • Consider the physiological characteristics of the child. The phalanges of the fingers, the bones of the wrist, the ends of the fingertips have many cartilaginous joints. The hand gets tired quickly, needs frequent rest. Take breaks, finger gymnastics, physical education minutes.
  • Be smarter, come up with new motivators.
  • Do not scold, praise more for the most seemingly insignificant victories. Choose the most beautiful letter of all written and praise for it.
  • Use games.

We play director. Cut small pieces of paper or take a stack of stickers. Invite the child to race with you to put his signature (first name, first name and last name) on each piece of paper. Emphasize that the signature of the “director” must be legible. Important! Use a ballpoint pen rather than a pencil or felt-tip pen where you don't need as much pressure as when writing with a regular pen. Little trick: do not overtake the child, give him the opportunity to train properly.

The writing skill is acquired once and is retained for life (as well as the skill of cycling, swimming). Naturally, the skill becomes dull due to “uselessness” (for example, if we type on the keyboard, our handwriting becomes worse), but after a slight training session, it resumes. Even an adult has a chance to improve handwriting (if desired, of course). Show your child by example! You can learn to write in cursive together! Buy an extra set - and go! If you can’t achieve perfect handwriting, don’t be discouraged. The main thing is that he be legible.

Dear readers! Does your child have handwriting problems? How do you teach your child to write beautifully? Is handwriting important at all or should you not pay special attention to its “beautifulness”? Looking forward to your thoughts in the comments.


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