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Today, more and more people, instead of old TVs, are buying modern Samsung Smart TVs with Internet access by changing wifi settings. In fact, attaching such a device is simple, but we suggest reading detailed instructions so that you don't have any trouble connecting.

Today, more and more people are buying modern Samsung Smart TVs with Internet access instead of old TVs.

Articles like this are useful because users find important information in one place with step by step instructions. By the way, many people on computer forums ask questions about how to properly connect a TV to the Internet, but do not find an answer. We decided to help, to begin with, there are several connection options.

In the first case, you need to purchase a network adapter for the TV, and in the second - Ethernet
cable for direct connection. In the second case, you just need to plug the cable from the provider into the appropriate TV port. Let's consider the option of wireless connection using a router, since this method allows you to control your home network through a TV.

Using the adapter, you can also connect the cable via Wi-Fi. Today we will look at the topic of how to connect a router to a Samsung Smart TV. If you prefer to use a network cable, then it is better to stock up on special pliers for crimping the connector and. Pressing both independently and with the help of specialists. We have devoted another article to this topic.

What should be done before setting up the TV?

If you have purchased a TV with wifi, please read this section carefully. Often, users believe that the Wi-Fi network is not a reliable connection, because the connection is interrupted, the signal drops out or deteriorates. These indicators depend solely on the quality and reliability of the router and connection speed.

When buying equipment, carefully read specifications, processor capabilities, etc.

Before setting up your Samsung TV, follow these steps:

  • check if the TV has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. If you don't have one, you need to purchase a portable USB router that provides an Internet connection.

Remember, there is appropriate equipment for each TV model. Therefore, when choosing an adapter, consider the manufacturer and version.

Check if the TV has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. If you don't have one, you'll need to purchase a portable USB router.
  • Next, let's move on to configuring the router. As soon as you have connected the device, your mobile devices will display an active connection, the Internet is there and everything is working. Individual models have specific parameters to connect a TV with internet and wifi.

How to set up your Samsung Smart TV

As soon as you have installed the device, the TV on the TV is set up automatically. Unfortunately, often the equipment is checked in a store or in a warehouse, carrying out the initial setup. Therefore, when reconnecting at home, this step can be skipped.

If you use a samsung wifi adapter for a TV instead of twisted pair, the device will automatically search for wireless networks. The user takes into account the signal level and connects the TV to a suitable network.

  • when the samsung smart tv is plugged in, the main menu will appear. From there, go to the Network section;
  • then go to the Network Settings tab. If it’s hard to navigate the TV buttons, use the special button on the “settings” remote control.
when the samsung smart tv is plugged in, the main menu will appear
  • the user on the right will see a small hint that in this section you can set up a network connection and use numerous Internet services;
In this section, you can set up a network connection and use numerous Internet services.
  • After you select Network Settings, a splash screen will appear prompting you to start the setup process. Select the Start button;
Select Network Settings, a splash screen will appear prompting you to start the setup process.
  • at the next stage, the device requires you to select a specific type of connection: wireless connection or network cable. We need to specify wifi for samsung TV. Click Next and go to the next step;
Select connection type: wireless connection or network cable
  • now you have to wait 5-10 seconds while the TV searches for available wireless connections, among which is yours.

The TV searches for networks in the 2.4Hz band. In the router settings, you previously specified the SSID - the name of the connection, so finding it is not difficult.

  • as more and more users use Wi-Fi routers in cities, several connections will appear in the list that appears at the same time, among which you need to select yours. When you try to connect, the system will display a message asking you to enter a security password.

After specifying a unique password, joining will be performed automatically.

Sometimes the system displays a message about entering the IP, DNS gateway of the Internet. In this case, select the option "receive automatically". After that, all the functions of Smart Smart TV will become available to the user. When the connection is active, the WAN connection icon will appear.

Final stage wifi connections for a TV, turn on Smart Hub mode. To do this, go to the Support menu and install the "Smart Hub" function, which provides access to various Internet resources. When activated, you can watch videos in in social networks and visit other pages. To visit the desired site, launch the built-in system browser and enjoy browsing.

What to do if the TV does not connect to the network?

In general, there can be many reasons for not being able to connect to the Internet. but more often, these are incorrect adapter settings. Checking the theory is easy - just try to connect another device, laptop or tablet. If the attempt was successful, then we look further, if not, we dig the router settings.

However, it happens that the TV does not connect, and other devices connect quickly. Let's look at a few reasons for this.

  • When you set up a wifi receiver for a TV at the connection stage, go to manual settings. To do this, deactivate the DHCP option in the router settings. After that, manually enter the IP address and gateway in the SMART TV settings. As a rule, you need to enter the address, but if you have a TRENDnet device, you will need to enter

For example, let's set the following parameters. IP address:, subnet mask:, gateway:, DNS:

After changing the settings, the device will connect to the network via Wi-Fi and you can use the Internet on the TV.

  • After manually adjusting and assigning a unique IP address to the equipment, we recommend re-entering the router settings and assigning a MAC address to a TV or other portable devices, which will save you from entering an IP address the next time you connect to the Internet.
  • Try restarting the bluetooth adapter for the TV or the TV itself. To do this, turn them off for 1-2 minutes, and then repeat the setting.
  • Sometimes when playing video clips, the image twitches, freezes, or loads intermittently. This indicates insufficient Internet speed. The reason may be a low transfer rate and a weak processor in the router. We recommend expanding the channel and stock up on powerful equipment.
  • The quality of the signal depends on the location of the devices. If the router is in another room, then the signal will be much worse, so the pages will load more slowly. Move the equipment closer and the problem is solved.
  • If there are WPS buttons on the router and TV, hold them down for 10-15 seconds and try connecting wifi to the TV in automatic mode.

Since you have a wireless network adapter, you can connect your laptop to your TV via wifi. But this is a slightly different topic, which we covered in another article.


Firmware update via the Internet

Sometimes, if there is no connection, updating the firmware of the TV helps. To do this, connect your Samsung Smart TV to the Internet, go to the menu Support - Software Update. We select the item "On the network", as a result, the TV will automatically connect to the site with the firmware.

When the latest version is installed, the system will display a message stating that the update is not required. Otherwise, the user will be offered the latest version of the software. Click OK.

When downloading new firmware and updating, do not turn off the TV.

The idea of ​​integrating the Internet into modern televisions is not new. In this article, I will tell you how to connect Smart TV on a Samsung TV via Wi-Fi and via a LAN cable, and also tell you what to do if you encounter various kinds of connection errors and how to update the firmware on Samsung Smart TVs.

  • How to connect a TV to the Internet
  • Wireless connection via Wi-Fi
  • Connecting via LAN cable
  • The TV does not connect to the Internet: troubleshooting network problems
  • Samsung Smart TV Firmware Update


Samsung Smart TV can connect to the network with an RJ-45 cable or via a Wi-Fi network.

The advantage of the network is the absence of unnecessary wires. To disadvantages wireless connection possible interruptions and freezes of the movie that you are watching on the network can be attributed, the reason for this may be not only the low speed of the Internet, but also various interferences, such as walls between the TV and the router.


Some TVs have a built-in Wi-Fi module, and if it is not there, you will have to purchase a Samsung-WIS12ABGNX wireless network adapter and connect it to.

Setting wireless internet on a Samsung Smart TV means that you already have wifi network with Internet access.

On TVs until 2012, you must manually specify the type of connection: wired or wireless (network - network settings - network type: cable or wireless).

Before connecting Smart TV to the Internet, you need to check and, if necessary, set automatic receipt of IP and DNS addresses. Go to the menu, select the "Network" tab - "Network Status" - click on the "Configure IP" button.

Important: Make sure that the IP addresses for Samsung Smart TV and DNS are set to "Obtain automatically".

Open "Network" again, select the "Network Settings" tab. Before pressing the "Start" button, make sure that the router is turned on and the wireless connection is active.

Samsung Smart TV will find and display available Wi-Fi networks. Select your hotspot and click next.

Then you need to specify the security key from this network, which is installed in the router.

If everything is done correctly, the wireless connection will turn on and the TV will be connected to the Internet.


Connecting Samsung Smart TV to the Internet via cable cannot be called very convenient due to the pulling of wires. But with them, there is less chance of video slowdowns due to an unstable signal, as in a wireless Wi-Fi network.

To wiredly connect your TV to the Internet, connect it with an Ethernet cable to your router.

It is advisable to connect the TV to the Internet with a cable through the router, and not directly with the provider's cable to the TV. This is due to the fact that Internet providers use different types connections and not all of them are compatible with our Smart TV.

In TV models before 2012, you need to manually configure the cable connection type: "Network" - "Network settings" - "Network type - Cable". For fresh TV models, after connecting the LAN cable, the desired type of Smart TV connection to the Internet will be automatically selected.

After successfully connecting, click OK. That's all, now access to the Internet is open.


The reasons why the TV does not connect to the Internet can be various. These include: incorrect connection and configuration of Smart TV, router settings, problems on the part of the provider.

Consider the most common solutions to this problem. In most cases, they are enough to successfully connect the TV to the Internet.

  • Another Wi-Fi network selected - Go to the connection settings and select the wireless connection you need.
  • Wrong Wi-Fi password entered - Please enter the correct security key.
  • Check if DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration) is enabled on the router and if the Smart TV settings are set to automatically obtain IP and DNS. On the TV, open the menu "Network" - "Network Status" - "Configure IP" - receive IP and DNS automatically.
  • If DHCP does not work correctly, disable it in the router. Then go to the Smart TV menu - "Network" - the "Network Status" tab - "Configure IP". Instead of "obtain automatically" for IP and DNS, select "Enter manually". Specify the appropriate network settings for your router, for example:
  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:
  • Gateway:
  • DNS:
  • Software failure and errors in the Samsung TV - update the firmware.



F series (2013) TVs lack some menu items found in older models.

  • Go to site Samsung, open the support section and download the firmware for your TV.
  • Format the flash drive to FAT32.
  • Upload the downloaded file to it and unpack it by clicking "Extract". Wait for the installation to complete.
  • Connect the flash drive with the firmware to the TV connector labeled USB HDD. If not, use a different USB port.
  • Open "Support", select "Software Update" - "Update Now". Wait for the installation of the new firmware to complete.


To update the firmware via the Internet, open the "Support" menu - the "Software Update" tab - select the "Via Network" item. The TV will connect to the server with firmware.

If you are using latest version, the message "No update available" appears. If an update is found, you will be prompted to update, then click the "OK" button.

Important! During the firmware update, in no case should the TV be disconnected from the mains.

Most modern TVs are no longer just repeaters of analog or digital television, they have such features as Smart TV, communication via Skype and much more. But most of the new features that have appeared are based on one paramount one - access from the TV to the Internet. It is thanks to Internet access that you can fully use Smart TV, watch movies from the Internet, chat on Skype, add and use other TV functions. How to set up Internet on TV, a paramount task that arises immediately after its purchase. In this article, I will show in detail how to connect a TV (suitable for any TV - LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.) to the Internet using a LAN cable.

Almost all modern TVs have functionality that allows them to access the Internet. It remains only to connect and configure it. There are two ways to connect your TV to the Internet:

1 With network cable;

2 Using a Wi-Fi wireless connection.

Connecting a cable to a TV is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because you need to understand where this cable comes from, where one of its ends is connected. And here there are two options:

1 The network cable is connected to the router;

2 The network cable comes from the entrance (provider's cable).

Let's analyze each of the options in more detail.

Connecting the TV to the Internet with an ISP network cable.

This method does not require any additional devices and at first it may seem that everything is simple, but this is not entirely true. The thing is that providers use various connection technologies, such as PPPoE, L2TP, Dynamic IP, Static IP. It is on what technology your provider uses that the settings that need to be made on the TV in order for the Internet to work there depend. You can find out what technology your provider uses by looking at the contract with the provider or by calling technical support. Next, I propose to disassemble each of the connection technologies:

Dynamic IP. If your ISP uses Dynamic IP, you need a minimum of effort:

1 Connect the network cable of the provider to the TV;

2 Make sure your TV is set to Automatic search for network settings.

For example, I will describe how to do this on LG TVs with webOS.

Press the "Settings" button on the normal remote control.

If you have a remote magic, press the "Input" button.

Select the gear icon.

Then select "Network" - " Wired connection Ethernet". There you should see the inscription "Connected to the Internet", if so, then congratulations, you have set up the Internet on the TV.

If you have the message " No connection to the Internet via Ethernet", select this connection and make sure that automatic network settings are set there.

Static IP. With this connection method, you need to find out your network settings from the contract with the provider and register them in the TV settings. We do everything step by step:

1 Connect the provider's network cable to the TV's LAN port.

2 Go to the TV settings and write down the network settings of the provider.

For example, on LG TVs, press the "Settings" button, select from the menu - "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection",

Uncheck "Automatically" and write down the IP address, mask, gateway, DNS issued by the provider.

PPPoE, L2TP. Unfortunately, very few TVs allow you to set up the Internet if your provider provides the Internet using PPPoE, L2TP technologies. And for most, the way out of this situation is to use a router to connect the TV to the Internet.

Setting up the Internet on the TV when connected via a router.

For this method, it is necessary that the Internet is already configured on the router (you can find how to configure the router in other articles on our website). Connect one end of the cable to any LAN port on the router.

The other end of the cable to the TV.

Go to your TV settings. On LG TVs, for this, on a conventional remote control, press the "Settings" button

or "Input" button on the remote magic

and select the gear icon.

Go to the "Network" - "Wired Ethernet" menu and make sure that "Connected to the Internet" is indicated below this inscription.

If this is not the case, check that the TV receives network settings automatically by selecting an Ethernet connection. Click the "Edit" button.

And check the "Automatic" box.

Thus, without much effort, using a LAN network cable, you can set up the Internet on any TV (LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.).

Video connecting TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi.

Let me remind you once again that we are considering connecting a TV to the Internet using the Samsung UE-40D5520 TV of the 2011 model year as an example. You can read the first part of the article, which describes methods for connecting a TV to the Internet, at the link.

Cable connection

So let's get started. We start with the simplest option. Let's assume that we have a cabled network connection and the network supports DHCP.
The network settings can be accessed through the menu items

The network status can be checked as follows

Automatic setting

  1. Go to menu screen Network configuration
  2. Select an item Cable
  3. Press the button Further and the TV will automatically set up the connection.

If it was not possible to set up the connection in automatic mode, select the manual setup item (this item is also used if you have a static IP). First you will need to find out the properties of your Internet connection. This information can be obtained from your ISP, in your network service agreement, or in the properties of the connection. On the example of Vista, the properties can be viewed as follows.

  1. Right-click on the network icon in the lower right corner of the monitor screen and select "Network and Sharing Center"
  2. In the window that opens, select "View Status"
  3. On the Status tab, click on Details.

Manual connection setup

  1. Complete the first two steps from the section auto tuning
  2. Select an item IP setting on the network test screen
  3. Set to parameter IP mode meaning Manual
  4. Use the arrow buttons on the remote control and the number buttons to enter the required information
  5. When finished, press the button OK
  6. This completes the manual setup.

Wireless connection

After connecting the wireless Wi-Fi adapter to the TV, be sure to turn the TV off and on again. Otherwise, the TV will not be able to recognize your adapter.
There are five ways to set up your Samsung TV to connect to the internet. Let's look at them in order.

Automatic network setup

1. Menu Network settings select item Wireless
2. The TV will scan for all available wireless networks and display a list of them
3. Select your network from the list and click ENTER.
If your router is set to stealth (invisible), then select the option Add network and enter values Network name (SSID) and Security key . These settings are specified in your router. If security is configured for your router, then during the setup you will see a pop-up window Protection. Enter your security key in this window and click Further.
4. Everything. This completes the automatic wireless network setup.

Manual setting

As mentioned earlier, manual network configuration will be needed if you have a static IP address. How to find out the required values ​​​​is written in the cable connection settings.
1. Do all the steps from the automatic setting
2. Select an item IP settings on the network test screen and set the value Manual.
3. Using the arrow buttons on the remote control and the number buttons, enter the required data
4. When finished, press the button OK
5. This completes the manual setup

Network setup using WPS (PBC)

This type of network setting can be used if your router (router) has a PBC (WPS) button
1. On the network settings screen, select WPC (PBC)
2. Press the WPS (PBC) button on your router for about two minutes. All the values ​​​​necessary for setting up the connection will be automatically received by the TV
3. This completes the setup

Network setting using (One Foot Connection)

The OFC feature provides an easy way to connect your Samsung TV to your Samsung router. The limitation of this connection is that the router must be located no more than 25 centimeters from your TV.
1. Go to the menu Network settings
2. Select an item One Foot Connection
3. Wait for automatic connection
4. This completes the setup

Network setup using Plug & Access

For this method, you will additionally need a USB storage device. Please note that not all router models support Plug & Access.
Turn on wireless router and TV.
1. Insert a USB storage device into your wireless router.
2. Samsung and check the status of the access point indicator (blinking > on).
3. Then remove the USB device and insert into your Samsung TV.
4. Wait until the connection is established automatically.
5. This completes the setup.
At this point, today we will finish talking about how to connect a TV to the Internet. The choice of connection method is up to you, but I prefer cable connection. It is much easier to set up and provides a more reliable connection. All the same, a TV is not a laptop with which you can easily move around the apartment.


If your TV does not have a built-in Wi-Fi module, but supports an external connection, we advise you to pay attention to the wireless adapter.

Supplement #2

Most of the connection problems described in the comments to the article are related to the lack of a router (access point, router). After connecting and configuring the router, the Internet will be available for all your devices. To connect smart TVs, you can consider here

Today more and more electronic devices acquire “intelligence” and become indispensable assistants to a person in solving ordinary everyday problems. Since the work of any smart functions is based on downloading information from external servers (video content, pictures, photos), using Smart-TV on Samsung, Philips, Sony, LG is impossible without an Internet connection. The article will tell you how to connect your TV to the Internet and prepare the operating system for use.

Older (kinescope) models of television sets do not have the ability to directly connect to world wide web and require the use of special smart set-top boxes such as , then most modern TV devices have chipsets that support direct Internet access. These models can be connected using one of the following methods.

We use a LAN cable

It should be said right away that cable connection is the most complex connection method and requires the most effort from the user. But the method will help a lot if the TV does not see the Wi-Fi access point.

To implement access to the network, you will have to run an additional cable into the room - the so-called twisted pair cable. An Ethernet link cannot be split into several digital streams and serve more than one device at a time (a network hub will help out with this problem and provide alternate data transfer).

Laying the necessary wires at the stage of construction or repair work does not give 100% guarantees of successful connection. Some domestic providers work with network standards (using fiber optics), which are not supported by every smart TV model (for example, L2T is not compatible with Korean technology).

The only benefit of using a cable is the quality of the internet connection. The wired channel creates a minimum amount of noise, which favorably affects the speed of information exchange.

So, to connect you need:

  • Plug the Ethernet cable into the TV's LAN port.
  • In the network connection settings, select "Wired" type.
  • Wait until the settings are saved and restart the TV.

In some cases, you will need to contact technical support provider with a request to register the MAC address of the TV set in the registry. The identifier is used to protect the subscriber from unauthorized access.

Through a router

If the TV cannot access the network wirelessly, you can use the LAN port of the router (ADSL modem). It will distribute WiFi to the TV device not over the air, but through an Ethernet cable.

Among the advantages of the method:

  • Ease of implementation. If the apartment already has a router with wireless access to the Web, then the user just needs to connect the TV and the router with a regular patch cord. No manipulations with carrying out additional peripherals and registering a new device in the provider's registry are required.
  • Ease of operation. The owner will not experience any discomfort due to the "busy" network. Wireless distribution of WiFi and wired Ethernet connection of Smart-TV in this case do not interfere with each other.
  • Data exchange rate. Theoretically, the speed of the Internet connection on a TV device will be higher than on other user gadgets connected to a WiFi network. Real speed depends on the processor built into the TV.

The connection algorithm will look like this:

  1. The router and TV set are connected by a cable via LAN.
  2. The user starts synchronization of devices in automatic mode through the network settings menu.
  3. In the event of a failed auto-installation, you will have to resort to manually entering the parameters and enter the IP address and DNS yourself. If you buy a router from a provider, all the necessary information will be contained in the contract or in the memory of your home computer (section "Login and password").
  4. Save the new settings and reboot the device.

After completing this simple procedure, Smart-TV will connect to the Global Web.

Via WiFi

WiFi connection is the most common option for accessing the Internet on any gadget. The connection is made over the air and does not require the purchase of special wires. Thanks to this, the user can complete the initial connection in a matter of minutes, as well as save himself from the need to hide cable peripherals from the eyes of household members in the future. It is worth saying that for an air connection, the TV must have a built-in WiFi module.

To set up, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Using the remote control, open the network settings (usually they are indicated by a globe icon).
  • Select a wireless connection method.
  • "Click" on the desired wireless network in the list of SSID points that appears.
  • Enter the password for the access point on the TV device and save the settings.

You may also need a special router for the TV: if the device does not have a built-in WiFi antenna, you cannot do without an external USB receiver, which will act as an intermediary in data exchange between the home router and the TV set. This accessory is available in most retail stores for several thousand rubles, but it should be noted that the mini-router must be compatible with TV. For example, LJI's webOS only supports Internet accessories from this manufacturer.

Settings for Smart TV

To start using Smart-TV, you need to set up the operating system of the TV device. Register an account in a proprietary system, personalize a smart hub and download a package of basic applications. Since devices from Samsung, LG and Sony are the most popular, and each of the listed manufacturers has its own TV OS, three instructions for starting smart TV operation will be presented below.


Television devices from LV work under the control of proprietary webOS. To set up the operating system, you will need:

  • Launch the menu and click on the user account icon in the upper right corner.
  • To create a new profile, select "Register".
  • We indicate the real Email address, enter the password and be sure to check the box "Stay signed in". Thus, you do not have to log in every time after rebooting the TV set.

Entering additional information about the owner is optional, so you can skip this step. After identification is completed, it will be possible to download applications and widgets from the LG Apps store.

For more details about the details of the process, read this one, there is also a step-by-step video instruction.


To set up Samsung SmartHub:

  • Register a personal account in the manner described in the previous section of the article. Only some icons may differ, the purpose of which should be intuitive for the user.
  • Check the performance of the connection by launching any of the standard applications.
  • Start personalizing the hub. Downloading applications is done through Samsung Apps, and moving widgets around the hub screen is done using the remote control.

It is worth saying that after completing the registration, the specified password and Eeshka will no longer be needed, mail can be forgotten. Re-entry is not required.

Read more about Samsung in this.


Accessing smart features on Sony TV devices is as follows:

  1. on the remote control, you must press "Home";
  2. in the upper right corner, select "Settings" (the third icon from the right);
  3. in the "Network" section, click on "Update Internet Content";
  4. personalize your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) hub.

The SEN key on the remote control is used to further user access to smart applications. Although Bravia's interface can hardly be called concise and intuitive, anyone can handle setting up Smart-TV.


So, connecting the TV to the Internet is divided into two stages: providing the device with access to the network and setting up operating system to use the web browser and other Internet applications. To connect to the Global Web, it is better to use the WiFi interface, since this option is optimal in terms of its implementation and further operation, and purchasing an external USB antenna is much easier and, perhaps, even more profitable than bringing an additional Ethernet cable into the apartment.

Now you can open any application, use a browser, transfer video via Wi-Fi to a TV. You don't need a flash drive anymore!



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