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Ferrous metallurgy: development priorities

The priority direction in the modernization of the ferrous metallurgy industry is the production of high quality products. It is significantly inferior to enterprises.

Over the past ten years there has been a significant depreciation of fixed assets. This resulted in:

Rising costs for materials, fuel and energetic resources;
decrease in labor efficiency;
production of products with deterioration in quality;
the rapid cost of repairs, the costs exceed the volume of all investments in the renewal and modernization of equipment.

It is possible to improve the quality level of manufacturing products by:

1) implementations:
environmentally friendly and more efficient modern technologies production;
production without using a domain;
methods of purification of oxidized ferruginous quartzites;
converter oxygen method instead of the inefficient open-hearth method;

2) improvements:
the structure of the rolled products output, through the growth of the output of cold-rolled sheets;
rolled products with more stable heat treatment;
high-precision rolled profiles and fittings;
technology for the manufacture of special pipes High Quality;
technologies for obtaining metal powders and the production of products from them and other methods and technologies.

In the future, the leading role will be assigned to the production of high-strength pipes for oil and gas networks, including for the formation of the structure of offshore highways.

An important task of modernizing the industry is the formation of a market system. It is also necessary to reform the form of ownership of enterprises in all sectors of the economy of the Urals, to give impetus to investment in the development of industrial enterprises and to promote the formation of small and medium-sized businesses and their subsequent development.

The formation of market relations, their subsequent development prompted the development of the concept. Its essence lies in the privatization and corporatization of all industrial enterprises of metallurgy. The document developed by the Russian Committee for Metallurgy sets out a number of important tasks:

1) effective use production potential in the metallurgical industry through a moderate reduction in technological ties;

2) creation of an environment of healthy competition and its subsequent development;

3) attracting investments for the technical modernization of metallurgical enterprises.

During the implementation of the tasks industrial enterprises metallurgical orientation should become federal property, regardless of production volumes and the number of employees. The set of shares owned by the state will be used to develop a systemic policy of the state to form the coherence of the metallurgy market, as well as to support the production of metallurgy and create necessary conditions to enter the global economy.

The mandatory participation of the state in the regulation and activities of the metallurgical industry is based on world practice. In the world's developed countries, almost a third of all manufacturing metallurgical products are manufactured at enterprises owned by the state.

Metal is the fundamental material for creating various designs. To provide successful development most economic sectors need to create conditions for the growth of the metallurgical industry. In this regard, it is the basic economic sector and is characterized by a high consumption of capital and production materials.

Metal structures are used in the country's engineering industry and account for more than 90% of the volume of all black and steel products. Volume transportation steel products accounts for more than 35% of the total volume of cargo deliveries in the country. The need of the metallurgical industry for fuel is 14%, and electrical energy – 16 %.

The success of the development of the metallurgical industry directly affects the process of scientific and technical development in other areas of the economy. Russian ferrous metallurgy products are of high quality and competitive on the international market. from is not inferior to products from Europe, as well as the USA and Japan.

For the successful functioning of the production of ferrous metallurgy, the country has all the resources necessary for this: labor, fuel and material. The industry has the necessary production apparatus, scientific and technical potential. should take a leading priority place in the policy implemented in the country in the field of industry. The industry should be given importance at the level of state interests and national security. Therefore, the share of foreign metal producers in Russian market production should be minimal. The ferrous metal industry ensures the security of the entire economy of the country. In this regard, a program for the modernization of metallurgy at the state level is required. The priority direction of the program should be the problem of increasing the competitiveness of metal products.

Promising directions for the modernization of the metallurgical industry are as follows:

Improvement and development of domestic engineering, including metallurgical;
an increase in capital investments in the technological restructuring of ferrous metallurgy;
growth in labor productivity;
profitability of production, its competitiveness;
improving the quality of products and increasing value-added exports.
These strategic directions correspond to the interests of the country's economy.

Promising directions for the modernization of enterprises in the country are due to technical re-equipment and the introduction of modern technologies. A new vector in the development of the ferrous metal industry is the creation of electrometallurgical plants. They will specialize in the production of steel obtained from metallized pellets. will be produced according to the technology. This will achieve high technical and economic indicators different from the traditional way of metal production. The main point of growth in the ferrous metallurgy is the production of efficient high quality products.

This achievement is possible due to:

The growth of the raw material basis in advance, the increase in the availability of iron, chromium, the development of new technologies for the purification of oxidized quartzite from iron;
modernization of the structure of the production of rolled products through an increase in the production of cold-rolled sheets and with heat-strengthening treatment, shaped and high-precision profiles, economical pipes special kind from steel, including multilayer pipes for gas pipelines;
the use of efficient technologies, such as direct iron reduction method, advancement, steel processing outside the furnace and special remelting, in a continuous process;
expanding the use of metal and scrap metal.

The growth in rolled products will be achieved through the use of technologies that ensure a drop in resource intensity without increasing production. It is planned to modernize the structure of metal products by producing low-alloy steel, as well as with heat-strengthening treatment. In addition, production will be expanded steel pipes for oil and gas pipelines.

One of the most important tasks for the future is to fix the desired proportions between the stages of obtaining and processing metal for each metallurgical enterprise. Given the use of combined production, there are differences in the areas for the production of steel and iron. The enterprises of the full run of the Urals significantly exceed the smelting of metal, in contrast to other territories that produce ferrous metals.

At the same time, despite the implementation of the process of adaptation of the metallurgical industry to the conditions market relations its technical and technological levels are in an unsatisfactory state. Many types of metal products are still not competitive in the metallurgy market.

What should be done so that the Russian industry ceases to exist due to cheap energy resources and reaches a new level?

It is generally accepted that the industry in Russia is in a terrible state: factories are standing, some are already collapsing, imports and foreign capital reign in the industry. common place there was a statement that the Russian Federation is an exclusively raw material exporter, because we simply have nothing to export anything even slightly processed. Sometimes such statements take on the character of hysteria, and sometimes they simply become the subject of political speculation. Meanwhile, there is much less talk about specific problems and ways to solve them. Let's try to figure out what the real situation is in today's industry, and let's start with such an important industry as metallurgy.

Russia is a major player in the international metallurgy market

Currently Russian manufacturers occupy a stable place in the international market for the production and trade of metals. The Russian Federation accounts for about 10% of the world turnover of metal and metal products.

We produce:

More than 5% of the world's steel;

11% aluminium;

21% nickel;

27.7% titanium.

Employment share labor resources in the Russian metallurgy over the past fifteen years has grown by one and a half times, and in the structure of income from industrial production- 6.5 times. The share of exports occupied by metallurgical products increased from 6% in 1993 to 20% in 2008.

Ferrous metallurgy has been and remains one of the basic industries Russian economy, focused on world exports, while experts' forecasts for the future continue to be favorable. On the one hand, the demand for metal in the markets of Southeast Asia and South America is constantly growing. On the other hand, in the developed countries of Europe and North America metallurgy is facing the challenges of constantly increasing labor costs and environmental requirements for enterprises. In many ways, it is precisely in connection with this that some metallurgical plants abroad are simply closed. And their place on the market can be taken by Russian metal.

Timely modernization is the key to success

The strong position of the Russian metallurgy is due to the fact that the enterprises of this industry were among the first to modernize the production process and increase its efficiency. As a result of modernization, it was possible to build vertical and horizontal ties in the industry, increase the production of competitive goods, reduce overhead costs, reduce the negative impact on environment to take a firm place in the world market.

The products of Russian metallurgists continue to be in demand within the country as well. Already in 2007, it was possible to achieve a situation in which domestic demand began to exceed exports. Thus, metallurgists managed to diversify the demand for their products, reducing their dependence on the world market. The main consumers of metal products within the country are the fuel and energy complex and mechanical engineering.

There are many problems, but they are solvable

At the same time, there are some problems in the industry that significantly hinder its development. Firstly, this is still a rather low capacity of the domestic market (ie, the possible volume of sales of goods at a certain price level), and secondly, the extremely high energy consumption of production compared to competing countries.

Difficulty of modernization production processes connected, first of all, with the fact that today all technological processes are rigidly tied to each other. Upgrading processes one at a time is quite difficult, costly, and ultimately unprofitable. In the absence of planned risks, the owners of enterprises prefer not to spend money and effort on the modernization of production, but live for today. Development comes only at the expense of secondary areas where partial modernization does not threaten to absorb too much money and affect profit plans.

In this regard, the following clearly negative trends in the industry can be identified:

Remaining Enough high level core wear production assets;

Potential disadvantage of some types of raw materials;

Destruction of the process of reproduction of stocks of raw materials and ore, which operated in the Soviet era;

Low level of labor productivity;

Increased costs of raw materials, energy and material resources for the production of a unit of output, compared with competitors from developed countries;

Low level of introduction of new technologies at Russian enterprises;

Personnel hunger.

The main problem is worn-out production assets

Despite the fact that the process of updating fixed production assets is underway, its pace, according to experts, is completely insufficient. Depreciation of fixed assets, according to 2008 data, is 43%, which cannot but affect production. Solving this problem is quite difficult, since updating equipment is a big expense and a temporary reduction in profits, and not every owner will decide on such a long-term investment. The Russian private trader's habit of making quick profits has a very detrimental effect on the state of the industry.

The problem is also the general technological backwardness of production: three years ago, more than 18% of steel was produced in obsolete open-hearth furnaces, more than 30% of steel billets were produced using Soviet-era ingot rolling machines.

In fact, the competitiveness of domestic metal products today rests mainly on cheap raw materials, affordable energy resources and low labor costs. All this, of course, is too unreliable advantage, which can be lost at any moment - for example, if manufacturers from countries with much cheaper prices enter the market. labor force(South Asia, Africa, Brazil, etc.).

Of course, there is also a problem with the structure of production. The share of production of metal products of high processing is only 7%, the rest is products of low and intermediate processing. In other words, today we are exporting ingots and billets, which are later turned into products with high added value in other countries.


In order to maintain their existing positions in the global and domestic metal products market, Russian enterprises need to speed up the process of restructuring production processes, and for this they need to stop clinging to two things: quick profits and the desire to save on raw materials and wages.

It is necessary to significantly increase the share of high value-added products through metal processing in the country. In addition, it is necessary to re-establish effective links between suppliers of raw materials and ore and metallurgical plants by streamlining logistics and other business processes.

According to market experts, bringing production to average world standards will increase the return on the industry by at least 1.6-1.7 times.

Of course, it will be impossible to do all this by the efforts of private owners of industries; the most direct participation of the state is necessary. First of all, the government needs to stimulate modernization - both by direct investment in production and in the form of certain tax preferences. In parallel, the authorities should think about reducing the negative social consequences of modernization, as a result of which significant labor resources will be released.

In the future, it is also necessary to think about continuing exploration and development of deposits in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In 20-30 years, competitive modern industries should appear there, due to which the European part of the country will be able to free itself from outdated and too costly industries.

What else do you think needs to be done to improve the situation in metallurgy?

Introduction……………………………………………………………………..…3s. one. Environmental problems non-ferrous metallurgy………………………….....5p. 2. The use of combined technologies for the greening of metallurgical industries………………………………………………………..…….....7p. 3. The practical significance of greening…………………………………….….11p. 4. Recycling water supply system………………………………………….14s.

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..16s. List of literature used……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Nowadays, non-ferrous metallurgy is one of the industries with the highest output of industrial waste per unit of output. When designing a large part operating enterprises the requirements of rational nature management and reduction of the negative impact of production activities on the environment were not taken into account. The creation of environmentally friendly industries based on the use of modern non-waste technologies is associated with huge capital costs. The way out of this situation is the greening of the existing industrial production through a set of measures, including the improvement of technological processes, increasing the efficiency of cleaning Wastewater and recycling solid waste , introduction of modern automated means of environmental monitoring. At the heart of all measures to prevent environmental pollution is control, which ensures the receipt of reliable information necessary for the management of environmental activities. The physical and chemical methods used for ecomonitoring must meet the criteria required in this field of analysis: high sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility, rapidity, ease of sample preparation, the possibility of extensive automation, reasonable cost, etc. Instrumental and methodological support for the control of technogenic pollutants in the water and air basins is one of the most urgent and little developed problems of ecoanalytics. A promising direction for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment is the combination of traditional reagent methods with sorption technologies that reduce the concentration of pollutants to the MPC level. The task of creating a low-cost deep purification of industrial waste from ecotoxicants is very complex and its solution largely depends on the correct choice of the sorbent and the creation of the necessary conditions for its effective and repeated use. The use of combined technologies for the disposal of large-tonnage toxic waste ensures the creation of industries that meet the principles of the integrated use of raw materials and environmental safety. The development of combined technologies requires special studies to select the optimal regime parameters for all waste processing methods used, including the production of construction industry products. Ecologization of flotation methods of ore dressing is aimed at reducing the consumption of toxic reagents, reducing the content of heavy metals in tailings, and reducing water consumption. A scientific and industrial problem is the development of highly efficient methods for optimizing the automatic control of flotation using algorithms obtained by studying the relationship between the parameters of the ionic composition and the technological parameters of the process. Hydrometallurgical production, which is inherently in-line, can be easily automated based on the control of ionic composition parameters. The most difficult and largely unresolved issue is the creation of highly selective automatic analyzers of microimpurities in the process of purification of acidic and neutral leaching solutions. A complex and unexplored area in chemical ecology is the modeling of chemical transformations of technogenic pollutants in a reactive environment and eco-monitoring of the products of chemical transformations associated with the complex formation of organic and inorganic substances of a ligand nature with metal ions, as well as the purification of wastewater from non-ferrous metallurgy from the resulting coordination compounds. The combination of modern physicochemical methods with quantum chemical calculations makes it possible to solve the problems listed above.

1. Environmental problems of non-ferrous metallurgy

Non-ferrous metallurgy is one of the industries with the highest output of industrial waste per unit of output. When designing and building a significant part of the current non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, the requirements of rational environmental management and reducing the negative impact of production activities on the environment were not taken into account. In the context of the formation of market relations, the possibilities of greening industrial production have significantly decreased. At the same time, despite a significant decrease in the volume of output, the damage caused by the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex to the environment has increased significantly.

The main sources of water pollution used for the production of non-ferrous metals are gas cleaning facilities, where highly mineralized wastewater is formed during gas cleaning, as well as the main technological stages that use water to wash out the resulting waste and middlings, which currently cannot be disposed of or taken to a dump. burial field. Other sources of water pollution are auxiliary industries (oil, oil products) and sites for the repair and maintenance of the main technological equipment. The main methods for treating wastewater generated at primary non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are: mechanical purification from suspended solids, destructive methods of purification from heavy metals and radioactive elements, thermal decomposition of hypochlorite solutions, neutralization of acidic effluents with lime milk, as well as biological and chemical treatment of domestic wastewater . Analyzing the state of operation of environmental facilities for the disposal of wastewater in the sub-sector, it should be noted that the functioning treatment facilities and the treatment methods used do not provide a sufficiently effective degree of treatment of standardly treated wastewater. To date, 5 billion tons of overburden and host rocks, about 1 billion tons of enrichment tailings and almost 500 million tons of tailings have been accumulated in the area of ​​operation of mines, processing plants and metallurgical plants of the industry. metallurgical slags and sludges. Millions of tons of harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere and hundreds of millions of cubic meters of sewage into the water basin. More than 300 million tons of solid waste is generated annually, and no more than 20% is used. Only no more than 20% of overburden rocks, about 10% of enrichment waste and about 40% of slag are involved in production. Waste tailings contain more than 1 million tons. copper, 1.2 million tons zinc, more than 700 thousand tons of nickel and 35 thousand tons of cobalt, about 400 thousand tons of molybdenum. Slag dumps of metallurgical production contain 1 million tons of copper and zinc, 400 thousand tons of nickel, 13 thousand tons of tin, 84 thousand tons of lead. A particularly detrimental environmental impact of mining and metallurgical enterprises is observed in the mountainous regions of Russia and, in particular, in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (RNO-A), the industrial potential of which is largely associated with the extraction and processing of non-ferrous metal ores. The republic has accumulated 3.5 million tons of industrial waste of hazard classes 1-4, of which 184 thousand tons of especially hazardous waste from the Electrozinc and Pobedit plants. Wastes are placed on the territory of enterprises, polluting the natural environment with mercury, lead, chromium, and fluorine compounds. In the city of Vladikavkaz, a heavy metal dispersion area of ​​40 km2 is distinguished, within which the metal content is ten times higher than the concentrations in the city. The sources of soil pollution are the tailings of enrichment plants, which feed the region with solutions of toxic ingredients, the main ones being zinc and lead. MPC is exceeded: for zinc - 400 times, for copper - 40 times, for lead - 15 times, for nitrates - 250 times. Only "Electrozinc" during the year emits 560 tons of suspended solids, 14 tons of lead, about 100 tons of zinc and its compounds, 70 tons of sulfuric acid and 7500 tons of other substances into the atmosphere. The amount of liquid waste is about 1600 tons per year. They contain: zinc 0.14 tons, cobalt 0.24 tons, manganese 2 tons, iron 0.1 tons, copper 0.07 tons, molybdenum 0.05 tons, tungsten 0.13 tons. The content of ingredients exceeds the MPC by 2 -3 orders, reaching hundreds in some of them. To reduce the negative impact of production activities on the environment, an integrated approach is needed, including measures aimed at both improving the main technological processes and neutralizing and utilizing current and previously accumulated liquid, solid and gaseous wastes.

2. The use of combined technologies for the greening of metallurgical industries

The purpose of the development of combined technologies is to create a set of processes aimed at greening the methods of processing non-ferrous metal ores, wastewater treatment, waste disposal, creating new methods and means of controlling environmental pollution based on experimental and theoretical studies using physical and chemical methods, mathematical statistics and quantum chemical methods. calculations. The use of combined technologies for the disposal of large-tonnage toxic waste ensures the creation of industries that meet the principles of the integrated use of raw materials and environmental safety. The development of combined technologies requires special studies to select the optimal regime parameters for all waste processing methods used, including the production of construction industry products. Ecologization of flotation methods of ore dressing is aimed at reducing the consumption of toxic reagents, reducing the content of heavy metals in tailings, and reducing water consumption. A scientific and industrial problem is the development of highly efficient methods for optimizing the automatic control of flotation using algorithms obtained by studying the relationship between the parameters of the ionic composition and the technological parameters of the process. Hydrometallurgical production, which is inherently in-line, can be easily automated based on the control of ionic composition parameters. The most difficult and largely unresolved issue is the creation of highly selective automatic analyzers of microimpurities in the process of purification of acidic and neutral leaching solutions. A complex and unexplored area in chemical ecology is the modeling of chemical transformations of technogenic pollutants in a reactive environment and eco-monitoring of the products of chemical transformations associated with the complex formation of organic and inorganic substances of a ligand nature with metal ions, as well as the purification of wastewater from non-ferrous metallurgy from the resulting coordination compounds. The combination of modern physicochemical methods with quantum chemical calculations makes it possible to solve the problems listed above. The idea is to improve the environmental safety of non-ferrous metal production through an integrated approach, including the development of new methods and means of operational environmental monitoring of man-made environmental pollutants, the creation of high technologies for the neutralization of liquid and solid waste, automation of control and management of flotation and hydrometallurgical processes. To achieve this goal, the following specific tasks have been set: 1. Ecologization of polymetallic ores beneficiation processes based on the study of the relationship between the ionic composition of the liquid phase of the pulp and the main indicators of flotation using experimental statistical methods of research and automatic control of the consumption of reagents according to the parameters of the ionic composition. 2. Improving the environmental safety and efficiency of zinc production by developing methods and systems for automatic control of heavy non-ferrous and rare metals in technological solutions. 3. Development of methods and tools for operational physical and chemical environmental monitoring of technogenic environmental pollutants and automatic analyzers of hydrometallurgical solutions and flotation pulps. 4. Development of methods for express analysis of dust and gas emissions from the lead-zinc and tungsten-molybdenum industries.

5. Development of an environmentally safe technology for industrial wastewater treatment from technogenic pollutants of inorganic and organic nature and products of their chemical transformations using VION polymeric filter materials. 6. Development of a combined flotation-hydrometallurgical technology for processing waste sludge from molybdenum production with the extraction of valuable components and the disposal of decontaminated waste into building materials. 7. Modeling of chemical transformations (complex formation and reactions with electron transfer) of technogenic pollutants of heterocyclic nature in the presence of metal ions and other electron-withdrawing substances based on electrochemical, spectral studies and quantum chemical calculations. 8. Justification of the mechanism of reactions in non-ferrous metallurgy wastewater with the participation of donor and acceptor substrates, ions of heavy non-ferrous metals and other reactive substances by the type of homogeneous catalysis. 9. Introduction of the developed methods and means of control, wastewater treatment and waste processing technologies into the production practice of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. When using this technology, physical and chemical research methods are applicable: classical, alternating current, normal (NIP) and differential pulsed polarography (DIP) in direct and inversion modes, cyclic voltammetry (CV), ionometry, electron spectroscopy, experimental and statistical methods for studying technological processes , quantum-chemical methods for calculating the molecules of technogenic pollutants of a ligand nature and the products of their interaction with metal ions. The following are being introduced into the production system: - newly developed highly selective methods of automatic operational control industrial wastewater, dust and gas emissions, flotation pulps and hydrometallurgical solutions; - high non-waste technologies for industrial wastewater treatment and processing of waste sludge, providing for the extraction of valuable components and the disposal of decontaminated products; - automatic control systems for the selection of polymetallic ores, developed on the basis of experimental and statistical methods for studying technological processes and providing an increase in the environmental safety of froth flotation; - newly developed automatic electrochemical analyzers of industrial wastewater and process solutions; - theoretical provisions on the role of salts of heavy metals in the chemical transformations of technogenic pollutants as catalysts for the transfer of an electron from a substrate of a ligand nature to an electron-withdrawing reagent. For the first time, easy-to-automate methods for selective voltammetric control of industrial wastewater and flotation slurries for the content of mineral particles (ac.c. No. 505941), butyl xanthate, sodium oleate, sulfide ions, copper and zinc in the presence of cyanides (as.c. No. 1070462, No. 1422123), different-valent forms of arsenic (pat. RF No. 2102736); methods of operational voltammetric control of indium, nickel (AS No. 1777065), antimony, cobalt (US Pat. RF No. 2216014), permanganate ions (US Pat. RF No. 2186379) in solutions of zinc sulfate. The possibility of using the concentrations of copper and zinc ions in the liquid phase of the flotation pulp as regime parameters in the control systems for the processes of copper-lead and lead-zinc selection of bulk concentrates is used (AS No. 1257910 and No. 1367244). A specialized set of sampling and sample preparation tools for automatic analyzers of the ionic composition of industrial wastewater, slurries and hydrometallurgical solutions has been created (AS No. 1224650, No. 1265519, No. 1428981, Pat. RF No. 2037146). Ecologically safe technologies for deep purification of non-ferrous metallurgy industrial waste from flotation reagents, ions of heavy and rare metals, coordination compounds using polymeric fibrous sorbents and a flotation-hydrometallurgical technology for processing solid wastes of molybdenum production have been developed. For the first time, on the basis of electrochemical, spectroscopic studies, quantum chemical calculations, homogeneous catalysis in the chemical transformations of technogenic pollutants of a ligand nature in the presence of heavy non-ferrous metal ions, oxidizing agents and other reactive substances, has been substantiated. The reliability of scientific provisions, conclusions and recommendations is confirmed by the complex use of physical-chemical, experimental-statistical and quantum-chemical studies; high convergence of experimental data with theoretical calculations, results of laboratory and industrial tests, high operational reliability of the developed methods and means of monitoring and controlling the processes of processing mineral raw materials and wastewater treatment. The scientific significance of the work carried out using this technology lies in the development of the theoretical foundations and methodological base for the operational control of technogenic environmental pollutants, in the theoretical and experimental substantiation of methods for deep sorption purification of industrial waste from ecotoxicants, in the creation of effective methods for controlling the processes of flotation of polymetallic ores, in predicting the chemical transformations of technogenic pollutants in industrial waste. The scientific results of the performed research can be used in environmental protection activities in the processing of mineral raw materials.

3.Practical value of greening

The main technological process for processing non-ferrous metal ores is froth flotation. The greening of flotation enrichment methods is closely related to the optimization of the reagent regime, which makes it possible to achieve a significant reduction in the consumption of toxic reagents, a decrease in the content of heavy metals, a decrease in water consumption, etc. The most important area of ​​work to improve the processes of froth flotation is to control the consumption of reagents according to the parameters of the ionic composition of the liquid phase of the pulp. At present, it has been theoretically and experimentally proven that the concentration of reagents in the pulp is the most generalized (integral) indicator of the state of the flotation process, which makes it possible to take into account most of the factors affecting the final results of the enrichment of ore raw materials. Carrying out work on the intensification of flotation processes based on the regulation of the reagent regime according to the parameters of the ionic composition became possible due to the instrumentalization and automation of the control of individual ionic components in aqueous solutions of complex composition. Only the availability of instrumentation based on modern physicochemical methods of analysis creates the necessary basis for research aimed at identifying the optimal ranges of reagent concentrations in the pulp and studying the relationship between the parameters of the ionic composition and technological indicators of flotation. An industrial study of flotation processes based on active-passive planned experiments, statistical processing of results and mathematical modeling makes it possible to develop highly effective methods for optimizing the modes of controlling the flotation of ores of variable material composition. The most important environmental result of such work is a sharp reduction in the consumption of highly toxic flotation reagents (xanthates, cyanides, salts of heavy metals, etc.) and a reduction to a minimum of their discharge into the water basin.

Among the most progressive and universal processing methods is hydrometallurgy, the importance of which has especially increased in connection with the involvement in the production of large volumes of technogenic raw materials. The versatility, flexibility, simplicity of hardware design, high technical and economic efficiency of hydrometallurgical technologies open up significant prospects for their application for solving the problems of complex processing of various mineral raw materials with minimal environmental impact. Hydrometallurgical methods are easily amenable to automation based on the control of ionic composition parameters. In particular, the successful implementation of the processes of acidic and neutral leaching before the electrolytic deposition of many metals became possible due to the automated control of technological solutions for the content of the main ionic components and microimpurities. A radical solution to the problems of protecting the environment from the negative impact of industrial facilities is possible with the widespread use of waste-free and low-waste technologies. Unfortunately, forecasts for the development of the world non-ferrous metallurgy give no reason to hope that fundamentally new methods for eliminating a large amount of waste will be found in the near future. This makes it necessary to minimize the harm caused to the natural environment by liquid, solid and gaseous wastes by developing environmentally friendly, highly efficient technologies for their neutralization and disposal. The main part of liquid waste from non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises is represented by various kinds of aqueous solutions (mine water, industrial waste water, conditionally pure water, household water). The greatest damage to the environment is caused when industrial wastewater from metallurgical plants and ore processing plants is discharged into open water bodies. Wastewater from non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises has a complex chemical composition and a high degree pollution with highly toxic substances, which is determined both by the variety of processed raw materials and the multi-stage production processes and a wide range of reagents and materials used. The methods of reagent chemical treatment of industrial wastes used at the vast majority of enterprises in the industry do not provide the necessary degree of extraction of many toxic components, which leads to excessive discharge of toxic substances into the water basin, and also prevents the introduction of closed water circulation schemes. A large yield of heavily polluted wastewater makes it technically and economically unreasonable to use many modern physical and chemical methods for their purification, which allow achieving a high degree of extraction of technogenic pollutants. At the same time, as experience shows, the use of such progressive methods as sorption and ion exchange for additional extraction of harmful substances from industrial wastes that have undergone chemical treatment can be very effective. The possibilities of this area of ​​work have been significantly expanded after the appearance of new highly efficient fibrous chemisorbents with a developed surface, good kinetic characteristics, thermal stability and chemical stability. Of greatest practical interest for the treatment of industrial wastewater are domestic industrially mastered nonwoven materials VION, made on the basis of modified polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers. To date, a certain experience has been accumulated in the use of PAN sorbents VION for the purification of industrial waste and process solutions from pollutants of various nature. On the basis of VION cation- and anion-exchange filters, local systems and devices for the treatment of shop wastewater, domestic filters for drinking water purification, etc. have been created. Practical significance: 1. The use of the developed methods and means of controlling waste and conditionally clean water makes it possible to increase the efficiency of treatment facilities and reduce the discharge of toxic substances into open water bodies. 2. The use of express voltammetric air analyzers ensures timely detection of sources of excess and unauthorized emissions of toxic substances into the air. 3. Industrial wastewater treatment technology using PAN filters allows reducing the content of pollutants to the MPC level, concentrating and extracting valuable components, and eliminating the formation of highly toxic non-utilizable sludge. 4. Ecologically safe flotation-hydrometallurgical technology for waste sludge processing ensures the reduction of irretrievable losses of molybdenum and the disposal of neutralized waste into products for the construction industry. 5. Automatic control and management of flotation and hydrometallurgical processes according to the parameters of the ionic composition leads to an increase in the production of non-ferrous metals while reducing the discharge of toxic substances into open water bodies. Theoretical and methodological developments are used in the practice of research work of the SCF ONTK "Soyuz TsMA", as well as in the educational process of SOGU. The created methods for monitoring and analyzers of technogenic environmental pollutants, systems for monitoring and managing technological processes for the treatment of wastewater and hydrometallurgical solutions, flotation enrichment of ores have been introduced at the Electrozinc, Moselectrofoil, Ryaztsvetmet plants, at the processing plants and metallurgical plants of Almalyksky, Dzhezkazgansky , Leninogorsk, Zyryanovsky, Sadonsky combines. Technologies for sorption treatment of wastewater and processing of waste sludge have been successfully tested and accepted for implementation by the Pobedit plant.

4. Water recycling system

Metallurgy is the largest industry, but, like other areas of the economy, it has a negative impact on the environment. Over the years, this influence leads to pollution of water, air, soil, which entails climate change.

Air emissions

The key problem of metallurgy is that harmful substances get into the air. chemical elements and connections. They are released during the combustion of fuel and processing of raw materials. Depending on the specifics of production, the following pollutants enter the atmosphere:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • aluminum;
  • arsenic;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • mercury;
  • antimony;
  • sulfur;
  • tin;
  • nitrogen;
  • lead, etc.

Experts note that every year, due to the work of metallurgical plants, at least 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide enter the air. When it enters the atmosphere, it subsequently falls to the ground in the form that pollute everything around: trees, houses, streets, soil, fields, rivers, seas and lakes.

Industrial waste

The actual problem of metallurgy is the pollution of water bodies by industrial effluents. The fact is that water resources are used at various stages of metallurgical production. During these processes, water is saturated with phenols and acids, coarse impurities and cyanides, arsenic and cresol. Before dumping such effluents into reservoirs, they are rarely cleaned, so all this "cocktail" of chemical residues from metallurgy is washed off into the waters of cities. After that, water saturated with these compounds, not only can not be drunk, but also used for domestic purposes.

Consequences of pollution of the biosphere

Pollution of the environment by the metallurgical industry, first of all, leads to a deterioration in the health of the population. Worst of all is the condition of those people who work in such enterprises. They develop chronic diseases that often lead to disability and death. Also, all people living near factories eventually get serious illnesses, as they are forced to breathe dirty air and drink water. Bad quality, and pesticides, heavy metals and nitrates enter the body.

To reduce the level of negative impact of metallurgy on the environment, it is necessary to develop and use new technologies that are safe for the environment. Unfortunately, not all enterprises use cleaning filters and facilities, although this is mandatory in the activities of each metallurgical enterprise.

Ferrous metallurgy is one of the largest air and water pollutants. Therefore, it is necessary to significantly improve the purification of emissions into the atmosphere, to switch to a closed cycle of water use.

Today, the issue of further reconstruction of existing enterprises, an increase in the share of electronic oxygen-converter steel, rolled products in the total volume of diversity and its assortment, and an increase in quality remains relevant.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

. Non-ferrous metallurgy has not acquired significant development in Ukraine and consists of only some industries. This is due to the small reserves of raw materials.

Smelting most heavy metals requires a significant amount of fuel (coking coal). Such industries are called energy-intensive.

The determining factors for the location of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are raw materials and fuel and energy. Mining and processing plants gravitate towards the areas of ore mining and are guided by water resources (the enrichment process requires a lot of water). Metallurgical plants that smelt heavy non-ferrous metals from concentrates are located mainly near fuel bases, and enterprises for the smelting of light metals are located near sources of cheap electricity.

Main industries and their placement

Among the branches of non-ferrous metallurgy in Ukraine, the leading place is occupied by the production of light metals, in particular aluminum. The aluminum industry operates on imported (from Brazil, Guinea, Jamaica, Australia) b bauxites, which are processed into. Nikolaev alumina plant. Alumina for further processing comes to. Dneprovsky aluminum plant in. Zaporozhye. Factory aluminum alloys works in. Sverdlovsk (Lugansk region).

Titanium-magnesium plant, located in. Zaporozhye is also focused on cheap electricity magnesium raw materials are brought from. Stebnik (Lviv region), Kalush (Ivano-Frankivsk region) and. Sivash, and titanium - s. Irshansky mining and processing plant (Zhytomyr region), Crimean titanium dioxide plant, as well as deposits. Dnepropetrovsk region. Based on titanium sands. Malishivskogo deposit pra tsue v. Volnogorsk (Dnepropetrovsk region). Verkhnedneprovsky Mining and Metallurgical Combine, which produces ilmenite, rutile and zirconium concentrates.

Based on local ores, electricity. South Ukrainian. Nuclear power plant and imported coal works. Pobuzhsky nickel plant. Konstantinovsky zinc plant, built in the 1930s, focused on fuel resources. Donbass and zinc concentrate from. Kazakhstan,. Russia. Modern zinc production needs more electricity than fuel. Zinc from. Konstantinovka partially comes to. Artemovsky plant, which produces yat brass (an alloy of copper and zinc), brass and copper rolled products. Copper and lead imported from. Russia. On the. Donbass works and the oldest. The Nikitovsky mercury plant, which has a quarry for the extraction of mercury ore (to inovar) and an enrichment factory.

In Ukraine, two main areas for the location of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises have been formed -. Donetsk and. Pridneprovsky

Problems and development prospects

The problems of non-ferrous metallurgy are related to the need to expand the raw material base of enterprises, further modernization in order to make full use of all components of ores and production waste, and to improve the purification of emissions into the environment. Solving the problem of raw materials should help develop the long-known reserves of aluminum raw materials. Dnepropetrovsk and Transcarpathian regions, explored reserves of copper in. Volyn region, gold is not only in. Transcarpathia, but also close. Krivoi. Horns and in. Donetsk region, lead-zinc ores on. Donbass. Important areas for the development of the industry are the expansion of the production of non-ferrous metals from secondary raw materials, scrap metal, waste processing, increasing the export orientation of some industries (mercury, titanium-magnesium).


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