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A person spends most of his active life at work. In the process labor activity his personal qualities, professional skills, skills that help build relationships in the team are manifested. Information about all this may be of some value to various organizations and authorized bodies. The characteristic for an employee from the place of employment serves as a tool for presenting information about an employee. Writing it is easy if you familiarize yourself with the rules and samples.

What is a job description and why is it needed?

Characteristics from the place of work - a document that indicates information about the employee: track record, achievements, assessment of abilities, business qualities and relations with the team, rewards and penalties. Such paper may be required in the following cases:

  • for internal use - a characteristic is needed when considering the issue of promoting an employee in a position, increasing salary, presenting letters of thanks and letters of appreciation or, conversely, demotion or salary, imposing a penalty;
  • when device on new job(at the request of the employer) - it is assumed that the information indicated in the document by the previous management will help make a decision regarding the employment of a specialist;
  • at the request of authorized bodies (courts, departments of guardianship and guardianship, military registration and enlistment office and others) - a characteristic is necessary when the employee is the defendant in a lawsuit, participates in the resolution of labor disputes, claims to adopt a child, and so on.

In addition, at the request of a specialist, a document can be drawn up for the consulate if a person requests a visa, or a banking organization when the issue of granting a large loan is being decided.

Depending on its content, the characteristic can be:

  • positive
  • negative
  • neutral.

A positive reference will help the employee get a job. new position and move on career ladder, to achieve mitigation of punishment when considering cases in court, to obtain a visa or a loan. The negative one will become a serious obstacle to achieving the goals of the employee.

How to write a good document?

There are no specific requirements that would be legitimized by any normative act, but there is an established practice of compiling characteristics.

  1. The characteristic is written by employees of the personnel department, in some cases - by the head of the company.
  2. To give a document legal effect it is signed by the employer, the head of the personnel department and the head of the unit, as well as the seal of the organization.
  3. The characteristic is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, if it is intended for external use, or on clean slate paper - for internal.
  4. The text is created in formal business style. Enthusiastic epithets and insults must be avoided; every thought must be stated correctly and precisely.
  5. If the characteristic is issued on request official bodies, then a corresponding mark about it is put on it. In other cases, it is permissible to indicate that the document was issued for presentation at the place of demand.

A characteristic cannot be drawn up for an employee who has worked in an organization for less than six months, as well as for a person who has been fired for more than three years.

Correct Structure

The characteristic usually contains the following items:

  1. Heading part: name, details and contacts of the enterprise, outgoing number, date of issue and title of the document.
  2. Personal information: last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, date of birth.
  3. Information about education (basic and additional), completed courses, advanced training, and so on.
  4. Service record data: period of work in the company, position title, work path of a specialist (in the organization that issues the characteristic, and before entering it, if necessary).
  5. Information about professional skills: the success and timeliness of the execution of instructions from the management, compliance with the work schedule, work experience in a particular area, knowledge of instructions and other regulations.
  6. Information about personal qualities: the ability to take responsibility, show initiative, build relationships in a team, the general level of culture.
  7. Most significant achievements: e.g. leadership successful project, introduction and implementation of proposals that allowed to achieve significant results for the company.
  8. Information about incentives and penalties.

When compiling a characteristic, one should focus on the compliance of the content with the goals of the document. For example, you should not indicate the entire work path of a person if the employee needs paper to apply to the consulate of a particular country for a visa.

Video: how to write a testimonial

Standard positive characteristic

The following is an example of a document drawn up for an employee who is undergoing an attestation procedure for the purpose of promotion.


to the leading economist of the planning department of Zvezdochka LLC Lobanova Nina Savelyevna.

Lobanova Nina Savelyevna, born in 1985, has been working at Zvyozdochka LLC since 2010. During her tenure, she was promoted twice. Passed refresher courses at the regional training center "Razvitie".

Nina Savelyevna has proven herself to be a competent, hardworking and attentive employee. The reports prepared by Nina Savelyevna are distinguished by the depth of analytical work, the absence of errors and the accuracy of forecasts. In the team, she develops a good relationship both with management and colleagues. Nina Savelyevna shows reasonable initiative, always accurately fulfills the duties assigned to her, even if they go beyond the limits of her duties, and acts as a good mentor for young employees. All of the above allows us to speak about the possibility of appointing Nina Savelievna to the position of deputy head of the planning department.

Nina Savelyevna has several letters of thanks and a certificate of honor, information about this is entered in the personal file and work book of the employee.

Head of planning department / Signature / I.V. Formals

Head of Personnel Department / Signature / Yu.U. Zametova

Date: 09/20/2016.

An example of a document with a negative assessment of an employee

Such a paper can be drawn up for submission to the court, where the employee is the defendant.


for the welder of the second category of OOO Zavod Elektrostal Feoktistov Petr Sergeevich.

Feoktistov Petr Sergeevich, born in 1980, has been working at Plant Elektrostal LLC since 2014. During this time, he repeatedly made delays, rude statements addressed to the direct management. The employee systematically violates the rules of the labor schedule.

The indicators of the implementation of the plan of Petr Savelyevich are fixed at a low level, he does not show initiative, and often there is a need for corrections.

The employee has one reprimand and two comments, information about this is included in the personal file and work book.

The characteristic was issued at the request of the City Court of the city of Verkhniye Klyuchi, Chelyabinsk Region.

Director of OOO Zavod Elektrostal / Signature / L.P. Zabegailo

Head of Personnel Department / Signature / Z.V. Zavalishina

Date: 01.10.2016.

A sample of a neutral assessment of the qualities and activities of an employee

A similar characteristic can be written when sending an employee to advanced training courses.


for the senior teller of the settlement department of the bank OOO Finans-spektr Nizamova Lyubov Valeryevna.

Nizamova Lyubov Valerievna, born in 1987, has higher education. In 2009 she graduated from the Chelyabinsk State University, speciality - " Accounting, analysis and audit”.

Nizamova Lyubov Valerievna was accepted into Finans-Spektr LLC as an operator of the settlement department in 2009. In 2012, she was promoted to the position of Senior Operations Officer.

To the list official duties includes the execution of payment orders of clients, the compilation of registers of transactions carried out automatically, and their control, the formation of daily and monthly reports.

Lyubov Valerievna knows the regulatory documents necessary for production process and completes assigned work in a timely manner. There are no negative reviews about its activities from customers.

The employee takes criticism calmly, tries to take into account all the wishes. Relations with the team are normal, Lyubov Valerievna was not noticed in conflicts.

In this regard, we consider it expedient to send Lyubov Valerievna Nizamova to advanced training courses.

Head of the accounting department / Signature / T.B. Frolova

Head of Personnel Department / Signature / S.V. Selivanova

Date: 09/25/2016.

Compiling the characteristics of an employee is a responsible matter. The fate of a person sometimes depends on what kind of information will be presented in the document. Therefore, it is important to describe all the necessary information about the employee as objectively and correctly as possible.

Characteristics from the place of work is not a relic of the past and is in demand in many situations. This is a special kind of document. However, a single spelling pattern has not been approved, despite its importance. The characteristic is an assessment of the employee of the enterprise by his immediate supervisor in writing. The employee is characterized according to certain criteria of professional and personal qualities, describes the work path and participation in the public life of the company.

The document can be drawn up at the request of an employee of the enterprise or at the request of external sources. The formal attitude of the employer to writing a characteristic deprives it of individual affiliation and does not carry useful information for the addressee.

Basic performance requirements

Personnel officers call the characteristic “X-ray” of an employee, since it contains the main qualities of a person (personal and business), professional achievements, thanks and awards.

When compiling a characteristic, its purpose is taken into account. If for further career growth, then professional skills and business qualities, the employee's desire for development should be noted. Law enforcement agencies and the judiciary are more interested in the personal qualities of a person.

The document is always drawn up from a third party in the past or present tense (has, graduated), and the employee's actions should not be commented on. The characteristic should contain a dry statement of factors, without personal conclusions, assessments and judgments. The compiler must present the information as objectively as possible, excluding emotions and personal attitude towards the employee. Detachment will be the best "advisor" when writing a document.

Rules for compiling a document

In the process of writing a characteristic, one should adhere to generally accepted rules:

  • Use an A4 sheet;
  • You should not use abbreviations when writing personal information about an employee and his position.
  • The main part should contain not only information about career growth in the company, but also a variety of human achievements. It is important to highlight the highlights: working on serious projects, supervising tasks, participating in large-scale events.
  • If during work the employee improved his qualifications or took specialized courses, then this should be reflected in the document.
  • It is important to adequately assess professional qualities: good knowledge of theory, solving analytical problems, relationships with the team, meeting deadlines, etc.
  • Be sure to indicate personal qualities: the ability to communicate with colleagues and clients, to control oneself in conflict situations, to help if necessary. It will not be superfluous moral and cultural development person.
  • List reward for Good work by the leaders.

Who draws up and signs

Most often, the characteristic is prepared by the immediate supervisor of the employee. AT small companies, where one person oversees the affairs of the organization, he is engaged in compiling the characteristics.

The signature must be put by the person who compiled the document. If the company has a personnel department, then its representative also signs the characteristic.

Compilation procedure

The characteristic is drawn up on the letterhead of the company, is a document with an individual serial number and is certified by a seal. However, there are no regulations governing the rules and procedure for its preparation. You can build on GOST R 6.30-2003, which lists the basic rules for filling out and processing working documents.

In the production characteristics, a person is evaluated as a professional, taking into account business and personal qualities.

When writing, you can follow the algorithm:

  1. Take the letterhead of the organization. The document must be on an A4 sheet.
  2. Indicate the date of the document.
  3. Write "Characteristic" in the center.
  4. The words “Issued” are written and the full name of the employee, date of birth and position held are indicated.
  5. The characteristic is written.
  6. The final block indicates who compiled the document and in what position. Next to the full name, the compiler signs. The document is certified by the head of the department or the director of the enterprise.
  7. Put the seal of the organization.
  8. The characteristic is recorded in the documentation log, it is assigned a serial number.
  9. One copy (original) is given to the employee or a third party with written permission. A copy is kept by the organization. A sample form is shown in the figure below.

The characteristic consists of several points:

  • Header, header:
  1. title;
  2. organization;
  3. number when registering a document;
  4. Name, position of the employee.
  • Details of the employee for whom the characteristic is being drawn up. They should be formatted as a single paragraph, which is the first.
  1. Full name, date of birth;
  2. education and availability degrees, speciality.
  1. the beginning of arrival at the enterprise, it is allowed to indicate the period of work in previous places;
  2. briefly about career growth - when and to what position was transferred;
  3. Availability additional education, qualifications, implementation of leading projects and independent work;
  4. significant results of labor activity.
  • The presence of awards or penalties. Describe the achievement of the employee (the availability of certificates, titles, own developments).
  • Personal and business qualities of an employee - communication and psychological skills, level of knowledge and professionalism.
  • The purpose of issuing characteristics. In most cases, "presentation on demand" is indicated.
  • Signatures management team companies.
  • Indicate the date of issue in the lower left corner. The seal of the organization is also affixed there.

Difficulties in compiling a characteristic

The main difficulty in compiling a characteristic is the lack of clear regulations and strict rules. This type of document is drawn up in any form.

When writing a description of an employee of an enterprise, a personnel officer or manager must be diplomatic and be objective in order to get a decent text. Before compiling, it is important to communicate with the employee's colleagues and immediate supervisor.

The characteristic should not consist of template phrases, since an objective assessment of a person is required. Flattering remarks can harm him.

The HR officer should evaluate finished document. In case of difficulties, he has the right to contact a colleague without giving the personal data of the employee.

Evaluation of the qualities of an employee

Allocate business and personal qualities of the employee, his level of knowledge and experience. They can be positive or negative.

Evaluation of business qualities


  • the ability to properly organize the work process;
  • fulfillment of the assigned tasks on time;
  • high quality work;
  • the fruitful work of subordinates is organized, the quality of ongoing projects is controlled;
  • manifestation of initiative;
  • established relationships with colleagues and superiors;
  • a responsibility;
  • performance;
  • discipline.


  • disorganization labor process;
  • delays in project delivery;
  • poor quality of work;
  • there is no ability to organize the work of the team, control over subordinates is not carried out;
  • lack of initiative;
  • tactlessness in relation to colleagues, official subordination is violated;
  • low level of responsibility or its complete absence;
  • failure to comply with management instructions;
  • violation of labor discipline.

Assessment of personal qualities


  • goodwill;
  • sociability;
  • active participation in public life;
  • enjoys authority.


  • conflict;
  • isolation;
  • avoids participation in corporate events;
  • authority is missing.

Experience and level of knowledge


  • sufficient (good, high) level of professional knowledge;
  • great experience work in a position or specialty;
  • having certain skills.


  • insufficient level of knowledge;
  • little work experience;
  • professional skills are not developed.

Types of characteristics

According to the type of application, the characteristics are divided:

  • External - compiled and provided to third parties. The document contains personal data of an employee of the enterprise, the distribution of which is prohibited by the legislation of the country. To avoid problems in the future, you must obtain the written permission of the employee for whom the characteristic is being drawn up.

When compiling an external characteristic, you can ask the employee what points to pay attention to the addressee.

  • Internal - used within the enterprise. The document is required when transferring an employee, raising or rewarding him, as well as imposing disciplinary action.

There are no significant differences between internal and external characteristics. Both types are compiled in accordance with generally accepted rules.

The moments of drawing up an internal characteristic should be regulated by acts and documents adopted by the heads of the enterprise and signed by the director. Internal characteristic should contain data on the work done, confirmation of the completion of tasks within the specified time frame. The presence of the employee at production meetings, despite the high workload, will be a plus. When compiling a negative characteristic, they indicate that the specialist is involved in many projects and spends enough time on their implementation.

But not all work has a positive result expected by management. For example, not enough time was devoted to a number of important cases. Here it is appropriate to list certain tasks ignored by the employee.

Positive and negative characteristics per employee

The characteristic is positive and negative. In the first case, the employee's business skills, his professional potential, and the positive aspects of his personality are indicated. In the second type, the characteristics reflect the insolvency of the employee as a professional in the field of activity, indicate character traits that prevent effective work in the position held.

According to Labor Code Art. 89 the employee has the right to familiarize himself with the characteristics and attach a written statement with his own point of view on important points.

Where do you need a feature?

A positive reference for an employee may be required in the following cases:

  • from a previous job for a new employer;
  • admission to a vocational or higher educational institution;
  • at the award;
  • with a planned promotion;
  • transfer to a new position;
  • category upgrade;
  • payment of remuneration;
  • awarding certificates and diplomas;
  • loan processing.

Negative characteristic is needed:

  • for law enforcement agencies;
  • to court;
  • financial structures;
  • upon disciplinary action.

Example of a positive characteristic

As mentioned above, positive references should include strengths employee: his professionalism, desire for growth and development, quick learning, etc.

“Full name has 20 years of work experience at the enterprise. During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist who competently and rationally solves the problems set before him. production tasks. All assigned projects were implemented as efficiently as possible with full dedication, some of which were complex and time-consuming.

The IO has such qualities as high activity, purposefulness, responsibility for assignments, dedication. Separately, it should be noted the talent of training young professionals and the willingness to help colleagues under any circumstances.

The IO has received many awards and commendations: diplomas from the relevant ministry, commendations from the company’s management.”

The second example of a positive characteristic: “Name has been working in the LLC since 2015. During his work, he proved himself to be a conscientious and competent worker.

The high level of culture, the desire for self-development make the IO a valuable employee who finds a common language with colleagues and superiors. Stress resistance, the ability to quickly resolve the conflict, sociability allow him to complete tasks in the shortest possible time. The IO was encouraged several times by the management with certificates and thanks with the entry of information in the work book.

diligence and high level responsibility allocate IO in the work team. During the period of work at the enterprise, he had no penalties and reprimands.

“Name worked in the company for 2 years. Despite a number of positive qualities, he is characterized as an employee with low professional potential.

This was manifested in non-compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of projects, poor quality of work, lack of organization and discipline.

The IO has been disciplined several times and has reprimands in his personal file.

The attitude towards the team is dismissive, there is no ability and desire to establish contact with colleagues. Does not provide assistance to new employees, despite direct responsibilities. Constantly rejects offers to participate in public life.

Another example of a negative characterization of a junior accountant: “Full name was an employee of StroyGarant CJSC from 2015 to 2016. During this period, the Institute did not show any special professional qualities, often refused to perform official work for reasons that were not exculpatory factors.

Despite the desire of the team to get closer to the IO, a common language with him was not found. Numerous cases of rude attitude towards clients and colleagues have been recorded. Severe reprimands did not lead to correction of the worker's behavior. The violations committed were entered into a personal file. Since the attitude towards the work of the Institute has not changed, we parted ways with him by mutual agreement.”

Characteristics for specific situations

The purpose of the characteristic will determine its features, which are important to consider when writing it.

Upon dismissal

If an employee moves to a new place of work, then the previous manager must include the following items:

  • description of the employee's business qualities;
  • compliance of the employee with the position;
  • development of professional qualities.

It would be useful to list personal qualities that are important for a future position: quickly establish contact with others, the ability to eliminate conflict situations, responsibility, initiative, etc.

There are cases when the employer cannot speak positively about the employee, respectively, and fires him. The leader can legitimately tell the nuances of working with a person, even the most impartial ones.

A negative characteristic can negatively affect the leader or the company. How did a professional hire a mediocre employee?

The description indicates any shortcomings of a personal and professional nature: conflict, failure to meet deadlines, inadequacy of the position, violation internal regulations etc.

To the judiciary

The document for the court should be given special attention. A request for a characterization from a place can be sent by robots in case of a criminal or administrative offense.

The referee uses the information to make a fair decision. The main problem for the leader is the lack of specific requirements from the judiciary. It is difficult to determine what information will be useful to the judge and not harm the employee of the enterprise. It is better to contact a lawyer and talk with the employee himself. An example of a specification for a court

Be sure to note that the document is intended for the judiciary. If the employee has been working for less than six months, then you can request information from the previous place of work.

For the police

For law enforcement agencies, a characteristic indicating personal and business qualities is important. Professional skills will not be valuable information for them.

You can talk about relationships with colleagues, list awards and penalties for violations, if any. It is important to remember that the statute of limitations for violations of internal regulations is one calendar year. After him, all offenses should not be included in the characterization.

An example of a characteristic for law enforcement

For awarding

Rewarding an employee with a distinction requires the preparation of certain documents. Encouragement can be for impeccable work, high performance, exemplary moral character, etc.

The characteristic for the Ministry will be a petition for a state award for a valuable employee. When compiling it, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The leader must indicate participation in various projects, contribution to new technologies and innovative developments, participation in conferences, symposiums.

Features characteristics for awarding:

  • The purpose of the characteristic is to present for an award. It is important to indicate positive personal qualities and achievements in certain area. If the award is not related to work, then more attention is paid to human qualities: responsiveness, kindness, etc. Information must be objective.
  • Any award is given to people with certain merit, and not just a performer. Legislation establishes a list of these merits.
  • When presented for an award, the characteristic may be part of any document (representation, letter of petition). Before its execution, you need to understand the forms of submitted documents.

To the military registration and enlistment office

In most cases, it is required educational institutions but sometimes from the employer. The characteristic indicates the relationship in the team, behavior in conflict situation ability to adapt to new conditions.

What is not written in the description

The leader is not limited in compiling the characteristics, but it is worth adhering to the basic rules. The following is prohibited:

  1. Emotionally colored words and insults. Business etiquette does not accept personal relationships.
  2. Invalid information. The characteristic should contain only reliable information from the place of work. Unprofessional qualities are omitted: religiosity, living conditions, political views, nationality, etc.
  3. Violation of the law on the protection of personal data. The transfer of information should be only with written consent worker.
  4. Grammatical, syntactic, morphological errors. If an error is detected, the characteristic is rewritten.

Violation of these requirements makes it possible to appeal the issued document.

When writing a characterization of an employee, organizations take into account many factors: purpose, the presence of merits or reprimands, business and professional qualities. If you follow the above recommendations, then there will be no problems with compiling the characteristics. The size of the characteristic depends on the desire of the management to enumerate the merits or penalties of the employee.

As a rule, a negative characterization of an employee from the place of work is required for the imposition of a disciplinary sanction or for submission to law enforcement agencies. When writing, do not exaggerate. The author of the document must be extremely objective.

The characteristic is compiled according to the standard scheme. At the same time, the text of the paper lists the negative qualities of the employee, as well as his shortcomings in the course of work. It is imperative to indicate whether the penalties were previously made (even if they are considered canceled after the expiration of time).

How to write a negative characterization of an employee - sample wording

Compiled negative production characteristic per employee may contain the following wording:

  • participation of an employee in projects does not give the expected results;
  • inability to prioritize;
  • poor quality of current tasks;
  • inability to multitask;
  • the employee does not know how to constructively solve problematic issues;
  • creates a negative atmosphere in the team, etc.

It is important to describe in the characteristic both professional and personal qualities of the employee.

An example of a negative characteristic for an employee

For example, a negative characteristic of an employee can be written like this:

Pavlov Anatoly Valerievich, born in 1985 was hired by LLC "Fine cloth factory named after. Peter Alekseev" as a merchandiser.

From the first days of his work, Pavlov A.V. showed himself to be a conflict person. He regularly expressed disagreement with the established methods of work at the factory. As a result, this caused a conflict with colleagues, which was prevented by the warehouse manager.

In the future, Pavlov A.V. repeatedly appeared at the workplace in a state of intoxication. As a result, he was given a severe reprimand, a final warning and a fine. However, this did not stop Pavlov, and in the end he was fired.

The characteristic is issued for provision at the place of demand.


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