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Activities for the provision of services in the field of communications, if it is paid, are subject to mandatory licensing. In addition, among communication services some require a separate license. Previously, the list of communication licenses was established by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, which also dealt with the issuance of licenses. Now all services that require obtaining licenses are contained in one list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

This Government Decree is called "On Approval of the List of Names of Communication Services Entered into Licenses and Lists of Licensing Conditions". It was released on February 18, 2005 as number 87.

In accordance with this act, the following services are subject to licensing:

1. Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access.

2. Intercity and international telephone communication services.

3. Telephony services in a dedicated communication network.

4. Intrazonal telephone communication services.

5. Local telephone services using payphones.

6. Services of local telephone communication using means of collective access.

7. Telegraph communication services.

8. Communication services of a personal radio call.

9. Mobile radio communication services in the public communication network.

10. Mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network.

11. Mobile radiotelephone services.

12. Mobile satellite radio services.

13. Communication services for the provision of communication channels.

14. Communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmission of voice information.

15. Communication services for data transmission for the purposes of voice information transmission.

16. Telematic services connections.

17. Communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting.

18. Communication services for broadcasting purposes.

19. Communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting.

20. Postal services.

This list of communication licenses has remained unchanged since 2005, despite the fact that such a possibility is provided for by law.

Our company specializes in legal support procedures for issuing licenses for communication services for several years. During this time, we have helped hundreds of organizations and individual entrepreneurs obtain licenses.

Communication license is issued only central office Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) Moscow.


for services of obtaining/renewal/reissuancecommunication licenses

Name of communication service

Prices in rubles

Telephony services in a dedicated communication network


Communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting

16 Communication license renewal at prices to obtain a communication license
17 Communication license renewal at prices to obtain a communication license

The cost of obtaining a communication license not specified in the list is specified by phone. Not subject to VAT. Service prices do not include duties.

When using radio frequencies, the cost of the license increases by 3,000 rubles.

Our services include:

1.Consulting assistance in matters of licensing in the field of communications.

2. Preparation of an application for obtaining a license, description of a communication service, network and means of communication, preparation of a scheme for building a communication network and other required documents.

3. Submission of documents to the expedition of Roskomnadzor for their consideration by the department of licensing work in the field of communications, informing the client about the incoming application number, the date of receipt of documents.

4. Informing the client about the consideration of the application, the license number and the date of the decision to issue a license. Providing information from the license register confirming the issuance of a license, receiving a letter on issuing a license (at the request of the client).

5. Obtaining a license form in the hands of Roskomnadzor and sending it to the customer.

The rest of the documents are prepared by our company.

We work with all regions Russian Federation.


On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions

(As amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 No. 837, September 10, 2007 No. 575, January 24, 2008 No. 23, January 28, 2015 No.)

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

List of names of communication services included in licenses for activities in the field of rendering communication services

1. Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access.

2. Intercity and international telephone communication services.

3. Telephony services in a dedicated communication network.

4. Intrazonal telephone communication services.

5. Local telephone services using payphones.

6. Services of local telephone communication using means of collective access.

7. Telegraph communication services.

8. Communication services of a personal radio call.

9. Mobile radio communication services in the public communication network.

10. Mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network.

11. Mobile radiotelephone services.

12. Mobile satellite radio services.

13. Communication services for the provision of communication channels.

14. Communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmission of voice information.

15. Communication services for data transmission for the purposes of voice information transmission.

16. Telematic communication services.

17. Communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting.

18. Communication services for broadcasting purposes.

19. Communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting.

20. Postal services.

Text search


Document's name:
Document Number: 87
Type of document:
Host body: Government of the Russian Federation
Status: current
Acceptance date: February 18, 2005
Effective start date: March 11, 2005
Revision date: September 19, 2018

On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions



On approval of the list of names of communication services included in
licenses, and lists of license conditions*O)

Document as amended by:
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 2, 01/09/2006);
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 38, 09/17/2007);
(Russian newspaper, N 18, 01/30/2008) (entered into force on April 1, 2008);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 02.02.2015, N 0001201502020024);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, February 24, 2015, N 0001201502240020);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 09/21/2018, N 0001201809210001).
The document takes into account:
(left unchanged by the decision of the Board of Appeal of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2018 N APL18-417).

Based on Article 29 of the Federal Law "On Communications", the Government of the Russian Federation


Approve attached:

a list of names of communication services included in the licenses for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services;

lists of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering relevant communication services.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
M. Fradkov

List of names of communication services included in licenses for activities in the field of rendering communication services

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated February 18, 2005 N 87

1. Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access.

2. Intercity and international telephone communication services.

3. Telephony services in a dedicated communication network.

4. Intrazonal telephone communication services.

5. Local telephone services using payphones.

6. Services of local telephone communication using means of collective access.

7. Telegraph communication services.

8. Communication services of a personal radio call.

9. Mobile radio communication services in the public communication network.

10. Mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network.

11. Mobile radiotelephone communication services (paragraph as amended by .

12. Mobile satellite radio services.

13. Communication services for the provision of communication channels.

14. Communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmission of voice information (clause as amended on December 29, 2005 N 837.

15. Communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmission of voice information (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 N 837.

16. Telematic communication services.

17. Communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting.

18. Communication services for broadcasting purposes.

19. Communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 N 837.

20. Postal services.

Lists of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of relevant communication services

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated February 18, 2005 N 87

Provision of communication services telecom operators who received licenses for the relevant types of activities before the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23, is carried out taking into account the changes that were made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 year N 23.


licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field
provision of relevant communication services

I. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access


b) subscriber line for permanent use;

c) local telephone connections for (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):

data transmission;

d) access to telematic communication services and services of intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication, as well as communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmitting voice information year N 837;

f) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as the call numbers of the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services, established in accordance with Russian system and numbering plan;
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's local telephone network (networks) to the public communications network, connecting to the licensee's local telephone network (networks) of other communication networks, accounting and passing traffic in the local telephone network (networks) of the licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23). *eleven)

II. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of providing long-distance and international telephone communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services throughout the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at improving their customer value, unless it requires a separate license.

a) long-distance telephone connections for (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

b) international telephone connections for (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

c) the subparagraph is excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

d) access to the information and reference service system.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's long-distance and international telephone network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's long-distance and international telephone network, accounting and passing traffic in long-distance and international telephone networks of the licensee, transmission and accounting of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the requirements for networks and means of communication for carrying out operational-search activities.

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

III. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of telephone services in a dedicated communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) telephone connections over a dedicated communication network of the licensee for (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

c) access to communication services of dedicated communication networks interacting with the licensee's communication network.

5. Inadmissibility of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

6. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

IV. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering intrazonal telephone communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user * (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837; supplemented from April 1, 2008 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23):
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) intrazonal telephone connections for (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

b) access to telematic communication services and communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

c) access to the information and reference service system.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's zone telephone network (networks) to the public communication network, connecting to the licensee's zone telephone network (networks) of other communication networks, accounting and passing traffic in the network (networks) of the zone telephone communication of the licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

V. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services using payphones

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

d) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as calling numbers for the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services, established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan;
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on February 10, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

e) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need to take protective measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Fulfillment by the licensee of obligations to provide universal communication services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with authorized body executive branch (for universal service operators) (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 N 837.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23).

VI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services using means of collective access

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) local telephone connections for the transmission of voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

b) access to telematic communication services and services of intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone communication, as well as to communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmitting voice information year N 837;

c) access to the information and reference service system;

d) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as calling numbers for the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services, established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan.
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on February 10, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's local telephone network (networks) to the public communications network, accounting and passing traffic in the licensee's local telephone network (networks), accounting and passing traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Fulfillment by the licensee of obligations to provide universal communication services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators) (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23).

VII. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of telegraph communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user of the receipt, transmission, processing, storage and delivery to the addressee of text messages of telegraph communication (service "telegram") and (or) the establishment of connections for receiving and transmitting text messages of telegraph communication between subscriber terminals (service " telex").

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the network (networks) of telegraph communication and (or) the Telex network of the licensee to the public communication network, connecting to the telegraph communication network and (or) network " Telex" of the licensee of other communication networks, accounting and transmission of traffic in the network (networks) of telegraph communication and (or) the "Telex" network of the licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators (paragraph as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 No. 837.

8. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

9. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license (the item was additionally included from April 1, 2008 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23).

10. Fulfillment in the process of providing services of the conditions established when allocating radio frequency bands and assigning (assigning) a radio frequency or radio frequency channel (the clause was additionally included from April 1, 2008 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23).

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

VIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services of a personal radio call

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) the possibility of receiving (transmitting) messages to the user (terminal) equipment, regardless of location within the territory specified in the license;

b) simultaneous transmission of messages to the user (terminal) equipment of subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee, if technically possible.

7. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

8. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

IX. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering mobile radio communication services in the public communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) connections via a mobile radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice, as well as non-voice information, ensuring continuity of communication when providing a service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he is moving;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837);

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

d) for one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee of the simultaneous connection carried out in the half-duplex radio communication mode over one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group, and (or) simultaneous connection with the participation of the dispatcher;

e) access to the information and reference service system;

f) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as calling numbers of the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services, established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan, by all subscribers of the licensee's network;
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on February 10, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

g) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat of occurrence or occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need to take protective measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile radio network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile radio network, accounting and passing traffic in the licensee's mobile radio network, accounting and passing traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

X. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of providing mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) connections on a mobile radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice, as well as non-voice information, ensuring communication continuity when providing a service, including when a subscriber is moving;

a_1) access to the licensee's communication network (the sub-clause is additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837);

b) for one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee of the simultaneous connection, carried out in the half-duplex radio communication mode over one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group, and (or) simultaneous connection with the participation of the dispatcher.

5. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

6. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

7. Inadmissibility of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

8. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering mobile radiotelephone communication services

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 29, 2005 N 837

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections via the licensee's mobile radiotelephone communication network for receiving (transmitting) voice as well as non-voice information with ensuring continuity of communication when providing the service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he is moving;

c) connections with subscribers and (or) users of fixed telephone networks of a public communication network;

d) the possibility of using mobile radiotelephone services when outside the territory specified in the license (only for mobile radiotelephone networks of NMT-450, GSM-900/1800, IMT-MC-450 standards);

e) access to telematic communication services and communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

f) access to the system of information and reference services;

g) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services and the transmission of short text messages by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of in-vehicle emergency services by dialing the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services call numbers established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan ;
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on February 10, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

h) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat of occurrence or the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need for protection measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile radiotelephone network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile radiotelephone network, accounting and passing traffic in the mobile radiotelephone network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XII. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of mobile satellite radio services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) connections over a mobile satellite radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice as well as non-voice information with ensuring continuity of communication when providing a service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he moves within the territory of the Russian Federation;

a_1) access to the licensee's communication network (the sub-clause is additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837);

b) connections with subscribers and (or) users of fixed telephone networks of a public communication network;

c) access to telematic communication services and communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purpose of transmitting voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

d) access to the information and reference service system;

e) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency in-vehicle services by dialing a single number for calling emergency in-vehicle services, as well as calling numbers for the corresponding emergency in-vehicle services, established in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan;
(Subparagraph as amended, put into effect on February 10, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2015 N 64.

f) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need for protective measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile satellite radio network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile satellite radio network, passing and accounting traffic in the mobile satellite radio network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Availability in the Russian Federation of interface stations for the licensee's mobile satellite radio communications network, which ensure interaction with the public communications network (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

12. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory contributions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the provision of communication channels

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring that the user is given the opportunity to transmit telecommunication messages via communication channels formed by the transmission lines of the licensee's communication network * (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 N 837.
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

5. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

6. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

7. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory contributions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and in the form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XIV. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmitting voice information

(section title as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 29, 2005 N 837

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user * (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections over a data transmission network, with the exception of connections for the purpose of transmitting voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

c) access to data transmission services provided by other communication operators whose data transmission networks interact with the licensee's communication network.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's data transmission network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's data transmission network, accounting and passing traffic in the licensee's data transmission network, accounting and passing traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837).

12. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory contributions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XV. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of communication services for data transmission for the purposes of transmission of voice information

(section title as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 29, 2005 N 837

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user * (the paragraph was supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837):
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections over a data network for the purpose of transmitting voice information (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Fulfillment by the licensee of obligations to provide universal communication services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators) (the clause was additionally included by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837).

12. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory contributions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XVI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering telematic communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communication network (subparagraph as amended by ;

b) access to information systems information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575;

c) receiving and transmitting telematic electronic messages (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575;

(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's data transmission network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's data transmission network, passing and accounting traffic in the licensee's data transmission network, passing and accounting for traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

10. Fulfillment by the licensee of obligations to provide universal communication services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators) (paragraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2005 N 837.

11. Submission of information on the base for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XVII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) distribution (delivery) of signals of television broadcasting programs and (or) radio broadcasting via a cable communication network to user (terminal) equipment (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

c) a subscriber line for permanent use (the subparagraph was additionally included from April 1, 2008 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2008 N 23);

d) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need for protective measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's cable communication network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's cable communication network N 837.

7. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

8. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

9. Availability of a license (licenses) for broadcasting or agreements with licensees-broadcasters.

10. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XVIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of on-air broadcasting

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) receiving signals of the program (programs) of television broadcasting and (or) radio broadcasting from broadcasters (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

b) broadcasting signals of the program (programs) on the air (subparagraph as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's broadcast network to the public communications network, connecting other communications networks to the licensee's broadcast network N 837.

7. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. The paragraph is excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837 ..

10. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XIX. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting

(section title as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated December 29, 2005 N 837

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) distribution (delivery) of signals of a sound program (programs) over a wire broadcasting network to user (terminal) equipment (subparagraph as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837;

c) transmission of warning signals and urgent information about the dangers arising from the threat of occurrence or the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need for protective measures.
(The subparagraph was additionally included from March 4, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2015 N 140)

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the wire broadcasting network of the licensee to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the wire broadcasting network of the licensee.

7. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

8. Availability of a license (licenses) for broadcasting or agreements with licensees-broadcasters.

9. The paragraph is excluded by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837 ..

10. Submission of information on the basis for calculating mandatory deductions (non-tax payments) to the universal service reserve in the manner and form established by the federal executive authority in the field of communications No. 23).

XX. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of postal services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:
* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

a) receiving mail;

b) processing of postal items;

c) transportation of postal items;

d) delivery (delivery) of postal items;

e) postal money transfer (for federal postal organizations).

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of postal services approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 29, 2018 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 2018 N 1108.

Clause 5 of this List, which provides for the approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the rules for the provision of postal services, invalidated from October 9, 2018 (from the date the court decision entered into force) - decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2018 N AKPI18-487.
The decision was left unchanged - the decision of the Board of Appeal of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2018 N APL18-417.

6. Compliance with the requirements for the licensee to have and use the distinctive sign of the postal service provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Fulfillment of the requirements for the organizational and technical support of the stable functioning of the postal network and the operation of postal facilities.

8. Fulfillment of the requirements of the acts of the Universal Postal Union in the field of international postal exchange.

9. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

10. Ensuring the provision of universal postal services (for federal postal organizations) (clause as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2005 N 837.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions (as amended on September 19, 2018) (version effective from October 9, 2018)

Document's name: On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions (as amended on September 19, 2018) (version effective from October 9, 2018)
Document Number: 87
Type of document: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
Host body: Government of the Russian Federation
Status: current
Published: Russian newspaper, N 42, 03.03.2005

Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 9, 28.02.2005, art. 719

Supplement to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 12, 2005

Acceptance date: February 18, 2005
Effective start date: March 11, 2005
Revision date: September 19, 2018

"On Communications" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve attached:

a list of names of communication services included in the licenses for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services;

lists of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering relevant communication services.


Government of the Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

Lists of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of relevant communication services

I. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access

b) subscriber line for permanent use;

c) local telephone connections over the fixed telephone network using user (terminal) equipment with the allocation to the licensee's subscriber of the number (s) from the local telephone network numbering plan for:

data transmission;

d) access to communication services of a public communication network, except for mobile communication services;

f) the possibility of a free round-the-clock call of emergency operational services.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's local telephone network to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's local telephone network, accounting for and passing traffic in the local telephone network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

II. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of providing long-distance and international telephone communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services throughout the Russian Federation.

a) long-distance connections over a fixed telephone network for:

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

b) international connections via the fixed telephone network for:

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

c) access to communication services of a public communication network, except for local, intrazonal telephone communication and mobile communication services;

d) access to the information and reference service system.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's long-distance and international telephone network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's long-distance and international telephone network, accounting and passing traffic in long-distance and international telephone networks of the licensee, transmission and accounting of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the requirements for networks and means of communication for carrying out operational-search activities.

III. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of telephone services in a dedicated communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections via a dedicated communication network of the licensee using user (terminal) equipment with the allocation to the subscriber of the licensee of the number (s) from the numbering plan of the dedicated communication network for:

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

c) access to communication services of dedicated communication networks interacting with the licensee's communication network.

5. Inadmissibility of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

6. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

IV. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering intrazonal telephone communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user *:

a) intrazonal telephone connections over a fixed telephone network using user (terminal) equipment for:

transmission of fax messages;

data transmission;

b) access to public communications network services, except for local telephone and mobile communications services;

c) access to the information and reference service system.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's zonal telephone network to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's zonal telephone network, accounting for and passing traffic in the zonal telephone network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

V. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services using payphones

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Fulfillment of obligations for the provision of universal services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators).

VI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering local telephone communication services using means of collective access

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:

a) local telephone connections for the transmission of voice information over a fixed telephone network;

b) access to communication services of a public communication network, except for mobile communication services;

c) access to the information and reference service system;

d) the possibility of a free round-the-clock call of emergency operational services.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's local telephone network to the public communications network, accounting for and passing traffic in the licensee's local telephone network, recording and passing traffic from (to) networks communications of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Fulfillment of obligations for the provision of universal services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators).

VII. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of telegraph communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user of the receipt, transmission, processing, storage and delivery to the addressee of text messages of telegraph communication (service "telegram") and (or) the establishment of connections for receiving and transmitting text messages of telegraph communication between subscriber terminals (service " telex").

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the telegraph communication network and (or) the Telex network of the licensee to the public communication network, connecting to the telegraph communication network and (or) the Telex network of the licensee other communication networks, accounting and transmission of traffic in the telegraph communication network and (or) the Telex network of the licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

8. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

VIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services of a personal radio call

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) the possibility of receiving (transmitting) messages to the user (terminal) equipment, regardless of location within the territory specified in the license;

b) simultaneous transmission of messages to the user (terminal) equipment of subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee, if technically possible.

7. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

IX. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering mobile radio communication services in the public communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) connections via a mobile radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice, as well as non-voice information, ensuring continuity of communication when providing a service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he is moving;

c) access to communication services provided by other communication operators whose communication networks interact with the licensee's communication network, with the exception of operators of fixed and mobile telephone networks;

d) for one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee of the simultaneous connection carried out in the half-duplex radio communication mode over one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group, and (or) simultaneous connection with the participation of the dispatcher;

e) access to the information and reference service system;

f) the possibility of free round-the-clock calling of emergency operational services by all subscribers of the licensee's communication network.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile radio network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile radio network, accounting and passing traffic in the licensee's mobile radio network, accounting and passing traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

X. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of providing mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) connections on a mobile radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice, as well as non-voice information, ensuring communication continuity when providing a service, including when a subscriber is moving;

b) for one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee of the simultaneous connection, carried out in the half-duplex radio communication mode over one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group, and (or) simultaneous connection with the participation of the dispatcher.

5. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

6. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

7. Inadmissibility of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

8. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering mobile radiotelephone communication services in the public communication network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections via the licensee's mobile radiotelephone communication network for receiving (transmitting) voice as well as non-voice information with ensuring continuity of communication when providing the service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he is moving;

c) connections with subscribers and (or) users of fixed telephone networks of a public communication network;

d) the possibility of using mobile radiotelephone services when outside the territory specified in the license (only for mobile radiotelephone networks of NMT-450, GSM-900/1800, IMT-MC-450 standards);

e) access to communication services provided by other communication operators whose communication networks interact with the licensee's communication network, with the exception of operators of fixed telephone networks, mobile radio communications and mobile radiotelephone communications;

f) access to the system of information and reference services;

g) the possibility of a free round-the-clock call of emergency operational services.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile radiotelephone network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile radiotelephone network, accounting and passing traffic in the mobile radiotelephone network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XII. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of mobile satellite radio services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) connections over a mobile satellite radio network for receiving (transmitting) voice as well as non-voice information with ensuring continuity of communication when providing a service, regardless of the location of the subscriber, including when he moves within the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) connections with subscribers and (or) users of fixed telephone networks of a public communication network;

c) access to communication services provided by other communication operators whose communication networks interact with the licensee's communication network, with the exception of fixed and mobile radiotelephone operators;

d) access to the information and reference service system;

e) the possibility of a free round-the-clock call of emergency operational services.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's mobile satellite radio network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's mobile satellite radio network, passing and accounting traffic in the mobile satellite radio network licensee, accounting and transmission of traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

11. Presence in the Russian Federation of interface stations for the licensee's mobile satellite radio communications network, which ensure interaction with the unified communications network of the Russian Federation.

XIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the provision of communication channels

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user of the technical possibility of transmitting information through channels, paths in analog, digital transmission systems of cable, air, radio relay, satellite communication lines *.

5. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

6. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XIV. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services in a data transmission network, with the exception of the transmission of voice information

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber of services for the exchange of information between the user (terminal) equipment of subscribers connected to the licensee's data transmission network, including *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections over the licensee's data transmission network using user (terminal) equipment, except for the transmission of voice information;

c) access to data transmission services provided by other communication operators whose data transmission networks interact with the licensee's communication network.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's data transmission network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's data transmission network, accounting and passing traffic in the licensee's data transmission network, accounting and passing traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XV. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the transmission of voice information in a data transmission network

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) connections over the licensee's data transmission network using user (terminal) equipment for the transmission of voice information;

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

9. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

10. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

XVI. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering telematic communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber and (or) user *:

a) transmission of facsimile messages;

b) transmission of messages by e-mail;

c) access to information using infocommunication technologies.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's data transmission network to the public communication network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's data transmission network, passing and accounting traffic in the licensee's data transmission network, passing and accounting for traffic from (to) communication networks of other operators.

7. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

8. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

XVII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) delivery of television and sound programs over the cable television network from the transmitter to the user (terminal) equipment.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's cable television network to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's cable television network.

7. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

8. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

9. Availability of a license (licenses) for broadcasting or agreements with licensees-broadcasters.

XVIII. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of on-air broadcasting

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:

a) receiving a program (programs) from broadcasters;

b) broadcasting the program (programs) on the air.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the licensee's terrestrial television network to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the licensee's terrestrial television network.

7. Fulfillment in the process of rendering services of the conditions established during the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment (assignment) of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel.

XIX. List of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of provision of wire broadcasting communication services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the subscriber *:

a) access to the licensee's communications network;

b) delivery of the sound program (programs) over the wire broadcasting network to the user (terminal) equipment.

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of communication services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the rules for connecting telecommunication networks and their interaction, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, when connecting the wire broadcasting network of the licensee to the public communications network, connecting other communication networks to the wire broadcasting network of the licensee.

7. Availability of a communication network management system that meets the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of communications.

8. Availability of a license (licenses) for broadcasting or agreements with licensees-broadcasters.

9. Fulfillment by the licensee of the obligations that he assumed when participating in the auction (auction, competition) for obtaining the appropriate license.

XX. List of licensing conditions for carrying out activities in the field of postal services

1. Compliance with the period during which the licensee is entitled to provide services.

2. Compliance with the date of commencement of the provision of services specified in the license.

3. Provision of services in the territory specified in the license.

4. Ensuring the provision to the user*:

a) receiving mail;

b) processing of postal items;

c) transportation of postal items;

d) delivery (delivery) of postal items;

e) postal money transfer (for federal postal organizations).

5. Provision of services in accordance with the rules for the provision of postal services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. Compliance with the requirements for the licensee to have and use the distinctive sign of the postal service provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Fulfillment of the requirements for the organizational and technical support of the stable functioning of the postal network and the operation of postal facilities.

8. Fulfillment of the requirements of the acts of the Universal Postal Union in the field of international postal exchange.

9. Ensuring the implementation of the requirements for networks and means of communication for conducting operational-search activities.

10. Fulfillment of obligations for the provision of universal services in accordance with agreements on the conditions for the provision of universal communication services concluded with the authorized executive body (for universal service operators).

* The provision of services provided for in this list may be accompanied by the provision of other services that are technologically inextricably linked with these services and aimed at increasing their consumer value, unless a separate license is required for this.

List of names of communication services included in licenses for activities in the field of rendering communication services

1. Local telephone communication services, with the exception of local telephone communication services using payphones and means of collective access.

2. Intercity and international telephone communication services.

3. Telephony services in a dedicated communication network.

4. Intrazonal telephone communication services.

5. Local telephone services using payphones.

6. Services of local telephone communication using means of collective access.

7. Telegraph communication services.

8. Communication services of a personal radio call.

9. Mobile radio communication services in the public communication network.

10. Mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network.

11. Services of mobile radiotelephone communication in the public communication network.

12. Mobile satellite radio services.

13. Communication services for the provision of communication channels.

14. Communication services in the data transmission network, except for the transmission of voice information.

16. Telematic communication services.

17. Communication services for the purposes of cable broadcasting.

18. Communication services for broadcasting purposes.

19. Communication services of wire broadcasting.

20. Postal services.

Draft resolution "On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions"

Draft resolution

"On approval of the list of names of communication services,

included in the licenses, and lists of license conditions"



from _____________ No.

On approval of the list of names of communication services included in licenses and lists of license conditions

24. Communication services for the purposes of single-channel terrestrial broadcasting.

25. Communication services for the purposes of multi-channel broadcasting using a satellite direct broadcast system.

26. Communication services for the purposes of multi-channel broadcasting via cable network.

27. Communication services for the purposes of multi-channel terrestrial broadcasting.

28. Communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting.

29. Postal services, with the exception of universal postal services.

30. Universal postal services.

To the Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated March __, 2004 No. ____

1. List of licensing conditions for the provision of local telephone services

1. The term of the license.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of local telephone services include:

Provision of local connections for the transmission of voice information using any technology over a fixed network with the allocation of numbers from the local numbering plan to subscribers of the licensee telephone network, as well as for the transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission using user equipment between users located within the territory of one municipality, as well as within the entire territory of a city of federal significance;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all physical and legal entities is free.

6. Installed capacity of the licensee's local communication network, measured by the capacity and/or throughput of the installed switching equipment.

7. Permissible levels of connection points of the licensee's local communication network to the public communication network.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for network being created communications and the need to put the communications facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing local telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

16. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

17. Compliance with the standards established federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

2. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering services to local and intrazonal
telephone connection

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of local and intrazonal telephony services include:

Providing access to users to the licensee's communication network;

Provision for permanent use of a subscriber line;

Provision of local connections between users located within the territory of one municipality, as well as within the entire territory of cities of federal significance for the transmission of voice information using any technology over a fixed network with the allocation to licensee subscribers of numbers from the numbering plan of the local telephone network, as well as for transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission using user equipment;

Provision of intra-zone connections between users located within the territories of different municipalities one subject of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the entire territory of cities of federal significance for the transmission of voice information using any technology over a fixed network with the allocation of numbers to the licensee's subscribers from the numbering plan of the intrazonal telephone network, as well as for the transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission using user equipment;

Providing access to users of the licensee's communication network to the services of the public communication network, including services of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international communication provided by other communication operators;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance) medical care, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all individuals and legal entities free of charge.

4. Right to provide additional features users of communication services through the licensee's communication network.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Installed capacity of the licensee's communication network, measured by the capacity and/or throughput of the installed switching equipment.

7. Permissible levels of connection points of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing local and intrazonal telephone communication services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Possibility and conditions for passing intrazonal, intercity, international traffic from / to the communication network of other public communication network operators.

12. Mandatory availability of a licensee's local communications network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunications network.

13. Mandatory creation of conditions for time-based accounting of the duration of local telephone connections.

14. Mandatory accounting of incoming, outgoing, transit traffic passing through the connection points of the licensee's local communication network with the communication network of another operator.

15. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

16. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

3. List of license conditions
in the field of providing long-distance and international services
telephone connection

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of long-distance and international telephone services include:

Provision of long-distance connections between users of communication services located in the territories of different constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the transmission of voice information, facsimile messages and data using any technology over a fixed communication network;

Provision of international connections between users of communication services located on the territory of the Russian Federation and users located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, transmission of voice information, facsimile messages and data using any technology over a fixed network;

Provision of transit of international traffic not intended for termination or switching on the territory of the Russian Federation to international telecom operators;

Providing access to communication service users to public communication network services provided by other communication operators, whose communication networks and means of communication are connected to the licensee's communication network, except for local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone networks;

Providing access to the system of long-distance and international information and reference services.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The structure of the communication network of the licensee. Throughput of the licensee's communication network.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. obligatory project documentation on the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Possibility and conditions for passing intrazonal, intercity, international traffic from / to the communication network of other public communication network operators.

12. Mandatory availability of a licensee's local communications network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunications network.

13. Mandatory creation of conditions for time-based accounting of the duration of local telephone connections.

14. Mandatory accounting of incoming, outgoing, transit traffic passing through the connection points of the licensee's local communication network with the communication network of another operator.

15. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

16. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

17. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

4. List of license conditions
in the field of providing telephone services in a dedicated network

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of telephone services over a dedicated network include:

Providing access to users to the licensee's communication network;

Provision of connections between subscribers of the licensee's communication network located within the territory of the license for the transmission of voice information using any technology over a fixed network with the allocation of numbers to the licensee's subscribers from the numbering plan of a dedicated telephone network, as well as for the transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission using a custom equipment;

Providing access to subscribers of the licensee's communication network to communication services of dedicated communication networks interacting with the licensee's communication network.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The total installed capacity of the communication network being created by the licensee at the end of the license term.

7. Connection (non-connection) of the licensee's communication network.

8. Joining the licensee's communication network.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Compliance with the conditions for the use and operation of technical means of communication.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

5. List of license conditions
in the provision of telephone services
using payphones

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of telephone services from payphones include:

Provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international connections to users located within the territory of the license, through the networks of public communication network operators licensed to provide relevant communication services, by means of a payphone for transmitting voice information using any technology, as well as, if technically possible, for the transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission;

Providing access to users of the licensee's communication network to the services of the public communication network, including communication services provided by other communication operators;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all users of the licensee's communication network free of charge.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The number of payphones installed by the licensee at the end of the license term.

7. The density of payphones, depending on the population density of the territory.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing telephone services using payphones. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

6. List of license conditions
in the provision of telephone services using public access points

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of telephone services from public access points include:

Provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international connections to users located within the territory of the license, through the networks of public telecommunications network operators licensed to provide relevant services in the field of communications, through public access points for the transmission of voice information using any technology, and also, if technically possible, for the transmission of facsimile messages and data transmission;

Providing access to communication service users from the licensee's public access points to public communication network services, including communication services provided by other communication operators;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all users of communication services from the licensee's public access points free of charge.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The number of call points installed by the licensee at the end of the license period.

7. Permissible level of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing telephone services using points of collective use. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

7. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of televoting and organizing mass calls (connections)

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of televoting and organizing mass calls (connections) include:

Initiation of mass calls from users of the public communication network to the licensee's communication network in order to obtain information from the calling users (for the purpose of studying public opinion) by registering calls or organizing connections;

Organization of notification of the calling user about the acceptance of his call and / or the result of his vote.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing communication services for the purposes of televoting and organizing mass calls (connections). Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

13. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

8. List of license conditions
in the field of telegraph communication services.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of telegraph communication services include:

Reception, transmission, processing, storage of text messages and their delivery to the addressee (“Telegram Service”);

Establishing connections for receiving and transmitting text messages between subscriber terminals (“AT/Telex service”);

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Bandwidth of the licensee's communication network.

7. Obligations to join international communication networks.

8. Requirements for connection to the licensee's communication network to public communication networks.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel in the process of providing communication services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Conditions for passing traffic from / to the communication network of other public communication network operators.

12. Communication network management system of the licensee.

13. Mandatory creation of conditions for time-based accounting of the duration of connections on the AT/Telex network.

14. Mandatory accounting of the licensee's network traffic passing through the switching nodes of the public telegraph network.

15. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

16. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

17. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

9. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering personal radio call services

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of personal radio call services include:

Providing subscribers of the licensee's network, regardless of their location within the territory of the license, with the possibility of receiving / transmitting messages to user equipment;

Providing access to subscribers of the licensee's communication network, if technically possible, to services provided by other communication operators of the public communication network, the communication networks and means of communication of which interact with the licensee's communication network;

Providing, if technically possible, simultaneous transmission of messages to the user equipment of subscribers of one or more groups of subscribers of the licensee;

Providing, if technically possible, access to emergency operational services.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

7. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of rendering personal radio call services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

8. Requirements for organizing the connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

10. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering mobile radio communication services in the public communication network.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. When connecting the licensee's network to the public communications network, the activities of the licensee in the field of provision of land mobile radio communications services include:

Provision of a connection between subscribers of the licensee's network located within the territory of this license and users of local, intrazonal, long-distance, international communications networks, land mobile radio communications through the networks of public communications network operators licensed to provide relevant communications services;

Providing access to subscribers of the licensee's communication network, if technically possible, to services provided by other communication operators of the public communication network, the communication networks and means of communication of which interact with the licensee's communication network, with the exception of operators of local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone networks, land mobile radio communications, land mobile radiotelephone communications;

Provision of simultaneous connection for all subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee carried out via one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group in half-duplex radio communication mode and / or provision of simultaneous connection for all subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee, in which all connections between subscribers of the licensee's network installed through the dispatcher;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

4 The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5 Territory of validity of the license.

6 Maximum number of subscribers of the licensee's communication network.

7. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing mobile radio services in a public communication network. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

8. Permissible level of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

11. List of license conditions
in the field of providing mobile radio services in a dedicated communication network

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. If the licensee's network is created without joining the public communications network, the activities of the licensee in the provision of land mobile radio services include:

Providing subscribers of the licensee's land mobile radio communications network, regardless of their location within the territory of the license, with a connection for receiving / transmitting voice, non-voice information, ensuring continuity of communication during the provision of the service, including when the user moves;

Provision of simultaneous connection for all subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee carried out via one communication channel, regardless of the number of subscribers in the group in half-duplex radio communication mode and / or provision of simultaneous connection for all subscribers of one or several groups of subscribers of the licensee, in which all connections between subscribers of the licensee's network installed through the manager.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Maximum number of subscribers of the licensee's communication network.

8. Conditions for connection of the licensee's communication network.

9. Compliance with the conditions for the use and operation of technical means of communication.

10. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

12. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering services of mobile radiotelephone communication
in a public communication network.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of land mobile radiotelephone communication services of the public network include:

Providing subscribers of the licensee's land mobile radiotelephone network, regardless of their location within the territory of the license, with a connection for receiving / transmitting voice, non-voice information, ensuring continuity of communication during the provision of the service, including when the user moves;

Providing a connection to users of another land mobile radiotelephone network located within the territory of this license, if the operator of this network does not have a license for this territory;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all subscribers of the licensee's communication network free of charge.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Installed capacity of the licensee's communication network being created, taking into account its development, coverage of the licensed territory by stages of network development

7. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing local telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

8. Permissible levels of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

11. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

12. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

13. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering services of fixed subscriber radio access.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the field of rendering services of fixed subscriber radio access include the provision of the possibility of two-way transmission of telecommunication signals (voice and non-voice information) in the area between the user equipment and the subscriber set of the terminal station of the communication network using a radio channel.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

7. Conditions for connection of the licensee's communication network.

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing fixed subscriber radio access services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communication network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunication network.

11. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

14. List of license conditions
in the field of mobile satellite radio communication services

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activity of the licensee in the field of rendering mobile satellite radio communication services includes:

Providing subscribers of the licensee's mobile satellite radio communications network, regardless of their location within the territory of the license, with a connection for receiving / transmitting voice, non-voice information, ensuring continuity of communication during the provision of the service, including when the user moves;

Provision of a connection between subscribers of the licensee's network located within the territory of this license, and users of local, intrazonal, long-distance, international communications networks, land mobile radiotelephone communications through the networks of public communications network operators licensed to provide relevant communications services;

Providing, if technically possible, connection to subscribers of the licensee's network located outside the territory of this license;

Provision of a connection to users of another mobile satellite radio network located within the territory of this license, if the operator of this network does not have a license for this territory;

Providing access to subscribers of the licensee's communication network to services provided by other telecom operators whose communication networks and means of communication interact with the licensee's communication network;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all subscribers of the licensee's communication network free of charge.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Requirements for the licensee's communication network.

7. Installed capacity of the licensee's communication network being created, taking into account its development, coverage of the licensed territory by stages of network development.

8. Fulfillment of requirements for the availability of gateways.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing local telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Permissible levels of connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

13. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

15. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering radiocommunication services of the fixed satellite service

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the field of rendering radio communication services of the fixed satellite service include:

Provision for use of radio channels organized using a satellite, multi-satellite line between two or more earth stations of the licensee for receiving / transmitting any type of information;

Provision for use of radio channels organized using a satellite, multi-satellite line between the earth station of the licensee and the earth station of another operator, for receiving / transmitting any types of information;

Provision for use of a satellite radio channel organized between the earth station of the licensee and the spacecraft for the transmission of any kind of information;

Providing users of the communication network of the licensee with connections for receiving / transmitting information;

Provision for permanent use of a subscriber line;

Providing access to the licensee's communication network;

Provision of a connection between subscribers of the licensee's network located within the territory of this license, and users of local, intrazonal, long-distance, international communications networks, land mobile radiotelephone communications through the networks of public communications network operators licensed to provide relevant communications services;

Providing access to subscribers of the licensee's communication network to services provided by other communication operators whose communication networks and means of communication interact with the licensee's communication network, with the exception of operators of local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone networks, land mobile radiotelephone communications;

Ensuring the possibility of calling emergency operational services (fire brigade, police, ambulance, emergency gas service, other services, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) by all subscribers of the licensee's communication network free of charge;

Providing access to the system of information and reference services;

4. Territory of the license.

6. Requirements for the licensee's communication network. Mounted capacity of the created communication network of the licensee, taking into account the stages of its development.

7. Conditions for connection of the licensee's communication network.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

9. Fulfillment of requirements for the availability of gateways.

11. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel in the process of providing radio communication services to the fixed satellite service. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

12. Possibility and conditions for passing traffic from/to the communication network of other public communication network operators.

15. Mandatory accounting of incoming, outgoing, transit traffic passing through the connection points of the licensee's local communication network with the communication network of another operator.

16. Obligation to create conditions for time-based accounting of the duration of connections.

17. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

18. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

16. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering services for the provision of communication channels
within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of services for the provision of communication channels within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation include:

Providing the possibility of two-way transmission of telecommunication signals (voice and non-voice information) within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the technical feasibility through channels, paths in analog, digital transmission systems of cable, air, radio relay, satellite communication lines.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The total capacity of the licensee's communication network being created at the end of the license term.

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services for the provision of communication channels within the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

13. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

17. List of license conditions
in the field of providing services for the provision of communication channels,
beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of services for the provision of communication channels that go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation include:

Providing the possibility of two-way transmission of telecommunication signals (voice and non-voice information) within the limits that go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the technical feasibility through channels, paths in analog, digital transmission systems of cable, air, radio relay, satellite communication lines.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

6. The total capacity of the licensee's communication network being created at the end of the license term.

7. Compliance with the conditions for the provision of channels for use.

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services for the provision of communication channels that go beyond the territory of one subject of the Russian Federation. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communication network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunication network

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

13. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

18. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering services for the provision of communication channels that go beyond the Russian Federation

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of services for the provision of communication channels that go beyond the Russian Federation include:

Providing the possibility of two-way transmission of telecommunication signals (voice and non-voice information) within the limits beyond the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the technical feasibility through channels, paths in analog, digital transmission systems of cable, air, radio relay, satellite communication lines.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of the license

6. The total capacity of the licensee's communication network being created at the end of the license term.

7. Compliance with the conditions for the provision of channels for use

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligation to fulfill the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services for the provision of communication channels that go beyond the Russian Federation. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

10. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communication network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunication network

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

13. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

19. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering
information transmission services over a data transmission network without the use of telephone network numbering

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of information transmission services over the data transmission network without the use of telephone network numbering include organizing the exchange of information between service users connected to the data transmission network.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Use of addressing resource.

7. Requirements for connection of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. Possibility of passing traffic by the licensee from/to the communication networks of other operators.

11. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communication network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunication network.

12. Ensuring traffic accounting when interacting with communication networks of other operators.

13. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing information transmission services over a data transmission network without using telephone network numbering. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

14. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

15. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

16. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

20. List of license conditions
in the field of local and intrazonal transmission services
voice information over data networks
using telephone network numbering.

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the field of rendering services for the transmission of voice information over data transmission networks using telephone network numbering include:

Provision of real-time exchange of voice information between subscribers of the licensee's data transmission network in the territory of the license, without using the numbering of the seventh consolidated numbering zone;

Provision of real-time exchange of voice information between subscribers of the licensee's data transmission network with users of data transmission networks of public communication network operators, without using the numbering of the seventh consolidated numbering zone;

Providing access, using numbers from the numbering of the seventh consolidated numbering zone, to the subscribers of the licensee from users of the public telephone network for exchanging voice information in real time, by dialing an additional number of a data transmission network subscriber, automatically or otherwise.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Mounted capacity of the licensee's communication network being created.

7. Use of the numbering resource.

8. Permissible levels of connection points of the licensee's communication network to the public communication network.

9. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other networks.

10. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

11. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing local telephone services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

12. Possibility and conditions for passing traffic by the licensee from/to the communication networks of other operators.

13. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communication network management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunication network.

14. Obligation to create conditions for time-based recording of the duration of voice connections.

15. Providing access for users of communication services to communication services provided by other communication operators.

16. Mandatory accounting of incoming and outgoing traffic at connection points organized in the licensee's communication network.

17. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

18. Ensuring the secrecy of communications.

21. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering telematics services

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The composition of the telematic services of the licensee.

4. The activities of the licensee in the provision of telematics services include:

Reception, transmission, storage of facsimile messages (fax service);

Providing access to information resources placed on the technical means of the licensee to obtain reference and other information and to information services of other operators (access to information services).

5. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

6. Territory of the license.

7. The total installed capacity of the licensee's communications equipment.

8. Conditions for using the numbering resource allocated for the licensee.

9. Permissible levels of connection of the licensee's communication facilities to public communication networks.

10. Permissible levels of connection to the licensee's communications facilities.

11. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

12. Possibility and conditions of traffic transmission from/to communication networks of other public communication network operators.

13. Mandatory availability of a licensee's communications management system and ensuring its interaction with a single telecommunications network.

14. Ensuring traffic accounting when interacting with communication networks of other operators.

15. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

16. Ensuring the secrecy of communication.

17. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

22. List of licensing conditions in the field of providing Internet access services

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of Internet access services include:

Providing the user with a connection to the Internet site of the licensee to provide access to information resources of the Internet, as well as the possibility of exchanging information with other Internet users.

Assignment of a permanent or temporary unique identification code that uniquely identifies the user and/or user equipment.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Requirements for bandwidth licensee's network.

7. Conditions for connection of the licensee's communication network.

8. Requirements for connection to the communication network of the licensee of other communication networks.

9. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

10. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or a radio frequency channel in the process of providing Internet access services. Obligations assumed in the process of participation in the auction, if any.

11. Mandatory accounting of incoming, outgoing, transit traffic passing through the connection points of the licensee's local communication network with the communication network of another operator.

12. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

13. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

14. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

23. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services
for the purposes of single-channel terrestrial television broadcasting

1. License term

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of single-channel terrestrial television broadcasting include:

Broadcast television program on the air.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of the license

9. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

24. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services
for the purposes of single-channel terrestrial broadcasting

1. License term

2. Start date of services

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of single-channel terrestrial broadcasting include:

Receiving a program from a broadcaster;

Technological processing (preparation) of the accepted program for broadcasting and its delivery to the transmitting device of the licensee's communication network;

Broadcast sound program on the air.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of the license

6. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services

7. The condition of having an appropriate broadcasting license (an agreement with a licensee-broadcaster)

9. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

25. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of multichannel broadcasting
using satellite direct broadcast system

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of television broadcasting, radio broadcasting using a direct satellite broadcasting system include:

Broadcasting of television and sound programs on the air using the means of communication installed on the spacecraft.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory design documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

26. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services
for the purposes of multi-channel broadcasting over a cable network

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of multi-channel broadcasting via cable network include:

Reception of programs from broadcasters;

Providing access to users to the licensee's communication network;

Delivery of television and sound programs over the cable television network from the transmitting device to the receiving subscriber device.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services.

7. Condition of availability of broadcasting licenses (contracts with licensees-broadcasters).

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory availability of project documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

9. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

27. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of multi-channel terrestrial broadcasting

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of multi-channel terrestrial broadcasting include:

Reception of programs from broadcasters;

Technological processing (preparation) of the received programs for broadcasting and their delivery to the transmitting device (devices) of the licensee's communication network;

Broadcast television and sound programs on the air.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. The possibility of using the radio frequency spectrum, the obligatory fulfillment of the conditions for the allocation of radio frequency bands and the assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel in the process of providing services.

7. Condition of availability of broadcasting licenses (contracts with licensees-broadcasters).

8. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory availability of project documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation

9. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

28. List of licensing conditions in the field of rendering communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the provision of communication services for the purposes of wire broadcasting include:

Reception of programs from broadcasters;

Technological processing (preparation) of the received programs for broadcasting and their delivery to the transmitting device of the licensee's communication network;

Providing access to users to the licensee's communication network;

Delivery of sound programs over a wired broadcasting network to a subscriber device.

4. The right to provide additional opportunities to users of communication services through the communication network of the licensee.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Condition of availability of broadcasting licenses (contracts with licensees-broadcasters).

7. Compliance with technical regulations and requirements for the use of communication tools established in the mandatory confirmation of compliance. Mandatory availability of project documentation for the communication network being created and the need to put the communication facility into operation.

8. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

29. List of license conditions
in the field of rendering postal services, with the exception of universal postal services

1. The term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

Reception of postal items;

Implementation of postal money transfers.

4. The possibility of activities for the implementation of postal money transfers.

5. Territory of validity of the license.

6. Distinctive sign of the licensee.

7. Ensuring the requirements for the composition of the postal network and the rules for access to them.

8. Indexing system.

9. Ensuring stable operation of the licensee's postal network and the licensee's postal network management system.

10. Terms of international mail exchange.

11. Payment for postal services.

12. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

13. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

14. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.

30. List of license conditions
in the field of universal postal services

1.Term of the license.

2. Day of commencement of the provision of services.

3. The activities of the licensee in the field of postal services include:

Reception of postal items;

Processing of postal items;

Transportation of postal items;

Delivery (delivery) of postal items;

4. The territory of the license is the Russian Federation.

5. Distinguishing mark of the licensee.

6. Ensuring the requirements for the composition of the postal network and the rules for access to them.

7. Indexing system.

8. Ensuring stable operation of the licensee's postal network and the licensee's postal network management system.

9. Terms of international postal exchange.

10. Payment for postal services.

11. Ensuring the implementation of established actions during the conduct of operational-search activities.

12. Ensuring the secrecy of communications

13. Compliance with the norms established by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities in the field of communications.


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