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Gone are the days when Rostelecom was a communications and Internet monopoly. There are more favorable conditions, and users often simply forget about a bulky router and a complex Internet login system, or do not pay for home phone.

Accumulating debt can ruin your credit history, cause you to be denied travel abroad, and undermine your family budget.

Terminating the contract with Rostelecom is a legally competent way to protect yourself from these problems. Let's see how to do it right.

Reasons for termination of the contract with Rostelecom

The principle of freedom of contract operates in the Russian Federation, a subscriber who pays for communication in a timely manner and uses it without violating the law can terminate relations at any time, simply at will.

You need to end the relationship if:

  • They do not use the home telephone, the subscription fee is charged;
  • The Internet provider was changed, but the contract was legally concluded;
  • An apartment is being purchased, but they do not plan to use a home telephone;
  • The subscriber lived in a rented apartment and decided to move out

In a statement, the company will ask why the decision was made, but it cannot refuse to terminate on grounds other than the existing debt.

Conditions for terminating the contract with the provider

A feature of this company is the "linked" nature of subscribers' accounts. Physically, the Internet is not tied to a home phone, but if there is a debt for the latter, Rostelecom may refuse. This does not comply with the requirements of the law, and can be challenged in court, but due to time savings, subscribers usually simply pay off the debt.

There are only two legal conditions:

  • Termination by the person who concluded it or his legal representative by proxy or court decision;
  • Absence at the time of debt repayment.

Important: an additional condition may be assigned if the subscriber took a router from the company, which, according to the conditions, does not belong to him. The equipment must be handed over in an undamaged condition suitable for work. If the RT employee does not accept the equipment and claims that it is damaged, a penalty is charged.

What documents are required to terminate the contract

The landline phone can be turned off when:

  • The presence of a passport or a document that replaces it;
  • Provision of a photocopy of the certificate of the right to residential premises (certificate of ownership or contract of social tenancy of residential premises);
  • Attachment of checks for the repayment of payment, if there was a debt.

Recently, checks are not asked, since the specialist sees the payment in the system immediately after it is made. Termination occurs upon application, a passport is needed as a document to verify the identity of the applicant.

Important: if the applicant cannot terminate personally (advanced age, illness, limited movement), a notarized power of attorney is provided. For persons staying in nursing homes and medical hospitals, it is allowed to certify a power of attorney by an official (head physician) of the institution.

Full algorithm for terminating the contract: step by step instructions

Step 1. Pay off all existing debt. If it is large and it is not immediately possible to extinguish it, you need to go to the RT office and conclude an agreement on repayment of debts. It will help you avoid accumulating penalties. The agreement is not an analogue of termination, and does not terminate obligations to the company.

Step 2 Contact the Rostelecom office in person or through a representative with the necessary documents to write a termination application. Sometimes it is advised to send such a statement by mail with a notification by printing the form at home from the site. This is an option, but in person or through a power of attorney is preferred.

Step 3 Wait for the notice of termination of the contract, and collect the balance of money from the account in person, with a passport.

Rostelecom has special offer, according to which they offer to reconfigure the equipment when changing the address, and not terminate the contract. Those who are not comfortable with this option must choose another reason when canceling services, such as switching to another provider, financial difficulties, or poor quality.

Filing a termination notice

The notice of termination of the contract has legal significance, since from the date of its submission the subscriber is not obliged to pay for communication services, and it is from the date of filing the application that the period for the forced termination of the contract in court is calculated if the company unlawfully refuses to terminate the contract.

Typically, the notice will state:

  • Full name, passport data, registration of the person terminating the contract;
  • Request to terminate the contract in an unambiguous manner;
  • Reason for termination of the contract;
  • Information about the absence of debt;
  • The subscriber's application is signed personally.

How to prepare for going to the office

To prepare for going to the office means paying off the debt, and photocopying the passport (“Person” and registration), as well as documents on the right of ownership or a social contract, if the contract for the provision of fixed telephone services is terminated.

Rostelecom is "famous" for its queues, so you need to free up several hours for the procedure. But the company works on Saturday, which simplifies the task for people employed according to the usual office schedule.

If the apartment is jointly owned by the spouses, the spouse who entered into the contract goes to the office. But he is obliged to take from his partner a statement in free form that he does not object to the termination of the contract with RT.

When an apartment is provided under a social tenancy agreement, permission to terminate the agreement is taken from all adults who are members of the tenant's family.

Delivery of equipment

Equipment is rented either at the RT office or at the place of residence of the subscriber. The option is selected depending on what type of equipment is rented. The acceptance certificate is drawn up by an employee of the company and must contain an unambiguous indication that serviceable equipment is being transferred.

Cancellation of the contract through a personal account

It is impossible to completely terminate the contract in the Unified Personal Account. In fact, it only fills out an application for termination.

You need to go to your personal account using your login and password (they are written on the contract with RT), and select the appropriate tab.

By filling out an application, you can achieve the so-called non-public tariff, that is, a reduction in the cost of services without terminating the contract. To do this, you need to choose among the reasons for termination the high cost of services, and wait for the operator's call. If the subscriber for a long time and regularly paid, he will be offered a favorable tariff at a reduced price.

After filling out the form, you should:

  • print it out;
  • Call to hotline to find out which address to send the application to, and whether it is possible to send an application by e-mail in your region;
  • Submit an application;
  • Check the status in your account

Important: if the blocking has not occurred, and the contract has not been terminated, you will have to personally contact the company's office.

Termination of the contract by the heir of the subscriber

In inheritance, two scenarios are possible:

  • The heir accepts the inheritance and renews the contract, and then decides to terminate it;
  • The heir initially decides to terminate the contract and does not want to use the personal account.

In the first case, you need:

  • Apply with a passport to the office in the general manner;
  • Pay off the debt and write a notice of termination.

Important: the debts of the testator are transferred in accordance with Article 1175 of the Civil Code to the heirs. If they are too large, it is advisable not to accept the inheritance. If they are commensurate with the value of the property, and if the inheritance has already been accepted, the contract will not be terminated until the debt is paid in full.

In the second case, the heir provides a death certificate of the person who entered into an agreement with Rostelecom, and writes a statement in which he indicates that he does not want to continue the contractual relationship.

Possible problems

If the contract has been lost, a copy can be requested from the Rostelecom office. It must be issued without fines and penalties.

When drawing up a contract for a third party, this person must terminate it, but legal actions are possible by power of attorney certified by a notary.

If there is a debt for services or equipment, it is required to pay it off. Cancellation is possible only after full repayment. You can approve the payment schedule, and repay it gradually, while freezing the provision of the service.

Why Rostelecom refuses to terminate the contract

If a representative of Rostelecom calls the subscriber and offers him preferential terms for continuing the relationship, this is not a refusal to terminate. Usually, the subscriber can terminate the contract if he refuses these conditions.

Penalties are possible only under promotional contracts, where the condition for obtaining a preferential price was the limitation of the possibility of terminating the contract in terms of time. You need to carefully read your contract to find out about the legality of fines.

How to return the balance of funds from the account upon termination of the contract

After the account is blocked, the subscriber will be notified that the contract has been terminated. After that, you can go to the department of termination of contracts with a specialist with a passport, write an application and the money will be issued at the box office.

Questions from subscribers

How to find out if there is a debt?

You can view the debt in your personal account, or call the Rostelecom hotline. If there is no time, you can try to pay in Sberbank Online and the system will show the debt automatically.

What to do if employees refuse to terminate the contract or in every possible way interfere with the procedure?

If we are talking about a refusal due to equipment damage or debt, you will have to pay it off, there are no other options. When employees evade their official duties, you can complain to the head of the branch in a simple written form and send a letter to Rospotrebnadzor.

The tenant left, can the owner of the premises terminate the contract?

No, if there is no power of attorney. The obligation to pay will be on the tenant, unless the agreement was concluded on the owner's passport by the tenant. In this case, its location does not matter, you can terminate the relationship.

Timely termination of the contract will save you from accumulating debts and will allow you to correctly plan your budget and receive only high-quality services.

Before the cancellation of the contract with Rostelecom, you should carefully study it. Reasons for termination vary. We will tell you what documents you need to collect for this, and what is the algorithm of actions.

There are situations when further use of the company's products is impossible or impractical. It is possible to implement the termination of the current contract without penalties and mutual lawsuits.

The package of documents issued at the conclusion of the transaction includes an agreement. It is he who contains comprehensive information on the correct termination of the contract, settlement financial matters rights and obligations of the client.

The document will allow you to act correctly and tell you how you can terminate the contract with Rostelecom without negative consequences for the client. Confirmation of intention is an application for its cancellation.

Possible reasons for refusing services

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the client, on his own initiative, may terminate the contract if the conditions for its implementation are not met. Among the most common causes are the following.

  1. Discrepancy between the actual parameters of access to the Internet declared. Documents regulate the guaranteed and maximum data transfer rates. This characteristic sometimes changes due to objective factors (peak hours are characterized by a decrease in speed). Technical failures on the provider's line are also likely.

When fixing such signs, it is realistic to terminate the contract with Rostelecom under the terms of the contract. To achieve the goal, you should decide what to do with the modem (router). When buying equipment in installments, you will have to pay the cost of the equipment in full. Rented routers are returned to the company until the contract is cancelled.

  1. The quality of services does not satisfy the client. To resolve the issue, you should look at the map of offices open to the public. The claim is made out indicating the specific reasons for non-fulfillment of obligations.
  2. Constant connection problems. This includes intermittent drops in speed, lack of network connectivity, and other recurring problems. Customers who hand over rented equipment must make sure that it is in good working order.
  3. Changes in tariffs and other terms of the contract. If the provider, without agreeing with the client, increases the payment, reduces the speed of the Internet or introduces other adjustments, then the client has the right to terminate the contract.
  4. Another provider offers a better deal.
  5. Change of residence, address of the rented premises, and so on.

How to terminate the contract with Rostelecom and return the equipment

Regardless of the reason for the termination contractual relations with the company, you should pay off the debt for services already rendered, as well as prepare the rented equipment for delivery to the provider.

A sample application form for terminating the agreement is downloaded on the official website or filled out directly at the representative office of the company. If it is not possible to visit the office in person, it is allowed to send the finished application by mail.

Termination of the contract with Rostelecom can be performed by proxy. To do this, a document of the approved form is drawn up. It should include a clause about what actions are allowed.

It is possible to apply for termination of the contract online (via Personal Area payer).

If the subscriber has died, the provision of supporting documents of death and full repayment of the debt are required to cancel the agreement. The application for termination of the contract itself is filled out by a relative (heir) of the deceased subscriber.

The procedure for returning equipment depends on the terms of the contract. If it is indicated that the set-top box or router is redeemed by installment payments, then the subscriber needs to pay off the debt to Rostelecom.

If the equipment is rented, all available technical documentation and pass it on to the manager of the company. After that, you can apply for termination of the agreement with Rostelecom.

What documents are needed to terminate the contract

Regardless of whether the client came to the office in person or chose another option for terminating relations with the company, a package of documents is required. It must be remembered that the subscriber, according to contractual obligations, must pay the cost of services on the appointed date. Cancellation of the contract is not possible until the debt is repaid.

After the application is drawn up, you need to prepare the following package of papers:

  • documents proving your identity (passport, temporary certificate);
  • certificate of ownership of real estate (plus a photocopy);
  • act of acceptance / transfer of equipment for rent;
  • contract.

Package finished documents and leased equipment are transferred to the provider.

How to terminate the contract if there is no way to go to the office

In addition to a personal visit to the representative office of the company, there are other ways. The client chooses the one that he considers the most acceptable:

  • submit an application through the Subscriber's Personal Account;
  • terminate the contract through a trustee (representing interests by proxy can be authorized by a relative, acquaintance, and so on);
  • send the completed application form to the postal address of Rostelecom.

When choosing remote options, it is important to take care of the return of equipment and payment of debts under the contract in advance.

Do I need to return the equipment (set-top box, router)

Termination of the agreement with Rostelecom will be accelerated if the client carefully examines the terms of the agreement in advance. The equipment is not returned if an installment plan was issued with a subsequent purchase. It is important to make sure that the cost of the equipment is paid in full. If the router was issued on a rental basis, it must be handed over to the provider.

How to buy Rostelecom equipment

To determine the conditions under which the equipment is redeemed, you should carefully study the contract. For each subscriber, the company offers individual options for selling routers.

There is a clause in the contract. That is where the conditions are. After the phrase "purchase and sale", the form of transfer of equipment to the subscriber is indicated. If “Deferred or installment payment” is entered, this means that the client is satisfied with the cost of the goods and the procedure for transferring them to ownership.

It is important to pay attention to the form of calculation. Upon termination of the agreement, the subscriber is charged to immediately pay the debt for the cost of equipment or arrange an installment plan.

Do I need to terminate the contract when moving?

One of the most common situations is a change of residence. Do I need to refuse telephony or Internet services in this case? For such clients, there is a special offer from Rostelecom, the essence of which is that termination of the contract in the event of a change of address is not required.

To determine whether there are technical possibilities for reconfiguring connected services already at a new address, you need to make a call to the hotline. If the answer is positive, the subscriber can order and receive a "Moving" certificate. After moving to a new home, you need to visit the regional office of the company and activate the option.

Is it possible to terminate the contract for only one of the services without stopping using the others

Far fewer people now use landlines than before. The need for them has decreased. The question arises of how to terminate the contract, for example, for a home phone, but not give up the Internet and television.

Such a variant of revision of contractual obligations is possible. After receiving an application for termination of the agreement for a certain type of service, the company's specialist contacts the subscriber. He can offer an economy option with keeping the number and the new rate.

By agreeing to the proposed conditions, you will not need to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for the Internet and television. The manager makes adjustments to the current conditions and issues new ones to the hands of the subscriber.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom if the agreement is not for you

There are situations in which the property is rented out, or the tenant draws up a contract for himself and subsequently moves out. In such cases, Rostelecom suggests contacting the sales office.

Termination of the contract by the owner of the leased premises

It is allowed to close the contract with the company in such a situation. To do this, you must provide a package of documents:

  • the passport;
  • ownership of real estate.

Termination of the contract by the heir of the subscriber

After the death of the subscriber, the contract should be reissued to a new person or terminated. In the first case, a birth or marriage certificate, a passport, a certificate of inheritance and a certificate from a notary are presented. Upon termination of the contract, you must provide a passport and death certificate.

Are there any penalties for early termination of the contract?

There are no penalties as such. However, in situations where the termination of the current agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet or other services is initiated during the promotional period or promotion, recalculation of payment is possible. This condition must be spelled out in the contract and conditions of accession to the shares. With timely payment, the contract can be closed. If payment is not made, then termination of the contract with Rostelecom becomes impossible.

Possible problems

The chance of being refused to close the contract is high if the service and service fees are not received in a timely manner, resulting in a debt. Repayment of obligations to Rostelecom is possible by receiving and paying an invoice at the office, Personal Account or VLIS system, where the subscriber can find out the current balance and the amount of the debt.

Problems when handing over equipment

Almost all subscribers receive equipment when connecting services. It is provided in such forms.

  1. Free rent. It implies free use of devices for personal purposes. In case of termination of the contractual relationship, all equipment must be returned as a set. The specialist carefully examines the equipment, checks the completeness of the configuration, serviceability. If a breakdown is found, the cost of compensation is assigned.
  2. Rent with monthly payment. It is offered to subscribers in situations where expensive equipment is required to provide the service.
  3. Installment. Assumes that the cost of the equipment is paid by the subscriber within certain period. As a result, the equipment becomes the full property of the client.

Everything is written in the contract. When applying for termination of services, these rules must be considered.

If the contract is lost

If the client's copy of the agreement is lost, you should call the company's call center. The operator will easily issue a copy based on information from the database.

Presence of debts

If there are outstanding financial obligations, a refusal to terminate the contract with Rostelecom is likely. Before accepting the application, the specialist checks the presence / absence of debt on personal account and only after that accepts the application.

Regardless of the reason for terminating the contract - moving to a new address or disconnecting a certain type of service - changes are made only after the full repayment of the debt. You can find out the amount of debt in your Personal Account or check with the manager.

Starting cooperation with Rostelecom, each client signs an agreement. This is how an agreement is concluded for any service, whether it be television, mobile communications or the Internet. To refuse them, you need to write a statement about the termination of the relevant contract. This material provides a complete list of documents and ways in which this can be done.

Application for termination of the contract

First, a valid client of the company needs to download to terminate the contract. Open the downloaded document in a text editor and see the following:

The position and surname of the person to whom it is addressed are already entered in the "header" of the application. The user needs to indicate his full name and enter the following information in the empty fields:

  • from what date he refuses the services of the company;
  • contract number (can be found in the document that you signed at the time of concluding the agreement with Rostelecom);
  • reasons for refusal;
  • date and signature.

Before taking the document to the service provider, it is necessary to pay in full. Re-read the previously signed contract and make sure that you did not rent or install any equipment from Rostelecom. If they did, then the debt must be paid in full.

Second important point regarding the termination of the contract. If the latter states that in case of refusal of services earlier than in a year, the client undertakes to pay the company some kind of compensation, this will have to be done. The contract will be terminated only after fulfillment of all described obligations.

Termination of the contract for the Internet

Why can a client refuse the services of their provider? Most likely due to the fact that real speed of the Internet is much inferior to the one that the company guaranteed to provide. There is one here important nuance, causing various misunderstandings.

The contract for the supply of Internet services always indicates maximum speed the Internet. This does not mean that it will always be like this. AT certain time days, the load on the provider's line increases and the Internet speed drops.

This usually happens in the evenings, when most users return home and enjoy "plunging" into world wide web. Due to overloads, all kinds of technical failures are possible, and not just a drop in Internet speed.

If you still decide to change providers in the hope of getting better services, first re-read your contract with Rostelecom. If you rented a router, you will have to return it to the company. Have you purchased equipment on credit? Kindly pay off the rest of the debt!

Termination of the contract for television

Rostelecom's interactive television is attracting more and more viewers. To ensure the quality of the broadcast, the company provides excellent equipment. No less seductive are a large number of interesting channels, as well as Additional services, which can be found on the Rostelecom website.

One of them is Multiroom. This is a service that allows you to watch programs on several TVs at once. The Mullscreen service allows you to enjoy the chic quality of broadcasting on your laptop or phone. In order to enjoy all these benefits, when signing the contract, the client receives - usually by installments - quite expensive equipment: a video sender and a set-top box.

Installments are most often granted for 36 months. If the client refuses the services of Rostelecom earlier than this period, he, accordingly, will have to pay the remaining amount in full. If the listed equipment was rented, you just need to pay for using it in the current month.

Termination of the contract for the phone

Now almost everyone uses mobile communication. Accordingly, the need for a home landline phone is gradually disappearing, and many Rostelecom customers decide to turn it off. To do this, call the company's technical support and voice your requirement to the operator.

Almost certainly, the manager will immediately offer an economy tariff from Rostelecom. With it, you can significantly reduce costs and, thanks to this, do not turn off your home phone. Doesn't this option work for you too? Then check if there is any debt on your account. If there is a debt, settle with the company using bank card and demand that the phone be turned off.

List of documents required for termination of the contract

The previously downloaded and completed application form for termination of the contract must be printed and taken to the company's office. The following documents should be attached to it:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of ownership of the apartment (along with a photocopy of this document);
  • sale and purchase agreement, if you bought the property (+ copy);
  • actual agreement with Rostelecom.

You can choose the nearest office of the company to you in the list of branches of Rostelecom. Be sure to call the manager before visiting. Find out if this branch accepts applications for termination of contracts (in some, this service is not available).

If the representative office of the company accepts applications, but for some reason they refused you, be sure to find out the reason. By law, the client must fulfill all the terms of the contract. The agreement can then be terminated. Perhaps a representative of Rostelecom will point out just at this moment.

If there are no legally impeding circumstances, but they still do not want to accept your application, complain to the management of the company in your city. Send to Main office registered letter and describe in detail the essence of your problem.

Attention! If you stop paying for the phone or the Internet, the contract with the company providing the service is not automatically canceled! But your debts continue to grow, which will very soon lead to the need to closely and extremely unpleasantly communicate with collectors.

Do not be lazy, write a statement and properly terminate your relationship with Rostelecom! Also, don't forget: you can temporarily disable the service if you plan to leave for a long time. Upon return, it can be connected again under the same conditions.

It is not uncommon for Rostelecom customers to have serious difficulties when trying to terminate the contract. Sometimes they lead to scandals, disappointment and resentment against the company. To avoid this, you need to know what documents are needed to terminate the contract, what problems most often arise in this case, and how to avoid them.

Action algorithm

So, you have decided that you no longer need the services of Rostelecom. The first thing to do is prepare everything Required documents, namely:

  1. Your copy of the agreement.
  2. The passport.
  3. The act of acceptance and transfer of equipment (if provided).
  4. The equipment mentioned in the act.

Can't find my copy of the contract

This is a common problem, especially when it comes to a home phone contract. In this case, come to the company's office with all the other documents - there is always a second copy of the contract, which employees can find according to your passport data.

The contract is not for you

If the contract was drawn up for one of your relatives, then it is necessary for him to come to the company's office and write an application for termination of the contract. If for some reason this is not possible, then you will need a power of attorney on his behalf.


Before visiting the office of the company, make sure that all bills for services are paid off - otherwise you will not be able to terminate the contract.

Writing an application for termination of the contract does not yet exempt from payment for services. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay, then notify the campaign of your intention to stop using its services ten days before the expected date.

Common Problems

As already mentioned, the shutdown procedure is not always smooth and often hides a number of pitfalls, not knowing about which you can encounter unnecessary difficulties. Now let's look at the most common ones.

Service debt

Such a problem may arise, for example, if you have moved and forgot about the need to terminate the contract. Often, outraged customers come to the company's office and wonder where the debt came from if they have not used the services of Rostelecom for some time.

And this happens because although the service is disconnected for non-payment after some time, the subscription fee and equipment rental fee (if any) continue to accumulate, from which we can draw a simple conclusion: by immediately terminating the contract, you will avoid overpayments and fines, and therefore, stressful situations.

Equipment debt

When terminating the contract, it is extremely important to hand over the leased equipment at a time if it does not need to be dismantled. If this is not done, then the rent for it will continue to accrue even after the refusal of services, and not at promotional rates, but at the standard cost, which is higher, and a debt is formed.

The need to buy equipment

This can come as a complete surprise and cause a storm of indignation. This most often happens with an inattentive reading of the contract and the act of acceptance and delivery when connecting Rostelecom services.

You will have to redeem the equipment if in your contract, in the paragraph on the type of transfer of equipment to you, the method "Purchase and sale" and the method of payment "Deferred or installment payment" are indicated. As such, you may be required to either deposit the full cost of the equipment (if the payment method is "deferred payment"), or deposit the remainder of the cost (if there was an installment payment).

Sample application for termination of the contract.

Frequently asked Questions

What should be indicated in the application for termination of the contract?

In the application, you must indicate your full name, passport details, contract number and details of the company indicated in it, the full name of the person in whose name the application is written, the text of the request, date and signature. Also, the application form can be downloaded and printed from the Rostelecom website.

Can I apply on behalf of a relative?

Yes, this can be done with a power of attorney, your passport and a copy of his passport.

Can I terminate the contract from another city?

Yes it is possible. To do this, you need to send the following documents by valuable letter:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the contract (if any);
  • a copy of the power of attorney (if necessary).

Considering all of the above, we can summarize: in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings when terminating an agreement with Rostelecom, it is important to carefully approach its conclusion at the very beginning, before visiting the company's office, carefully study all its points and prevent the formation of debt. This approach will save you from unpleasant surprises and help make the procedure for terminating the contract easy and painless.

PUBLICATION OF THE OFFER on the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services on the terms of choosing OJSC Rostelecom as an operator of long-distance and international communications, for each call on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation Moscow city Moscow Open joint-stock company long-distance and international telecommunications Rostelecom (hereinafter referred to as Rostelecom), acting on the basis of a license for the provision of long-distance and international telecommunications services No. 29777, issued on December 11, 2003, represented by President Provotorov Alexander Yuryevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, will conclude an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (with the condition that OJSC Rostelecom is chosen as the operator of long-distance and international communications for each call) on the following terms with any person that meets the criteria set out in clause 1.2. below, 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.1. "Agreement" means an agreement for the provision of long-distance and international telephone services (with the condition that OJSC Rostelecom is chosen as the operator of long-distance and international communications, for each call) concluded between Rostelecom and the User by accepting this public offer, made by the User in accordance with Article 3 below, together with all Annexes, Amendments, Additions and Additional Agreements thereto. Any reference in this public offer to the Agreement (Article of the Agreement) and/or its terms means a corresponding reference to this public offer (its Article) and/or its terms. 1.2. "User" means an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator, who has made an acceptance, in the manner provided for in Article 3, as a result of which the Agreement is considered concluded between this person and Rostelecom. 1.3. "Billing period" means a calendar month starting immediately after the month in which Communication Services were provided to Users. 1.4. "Parties" means Rostelecom and the User. Rostelecom and the User individually may also be referred to as a "Party". 1.5. "Tariff" means the price at which the payment for the rendered Communication Service between the Parties takes place. 1.6. "Communication Service" means international and long-distance telephone services provided by Rostelecom to the User under the Agreement using an automatic service system and with the help of a telephonist. 1.7. "User equipment" means user (terminal) equipment installed at the place of permanent residence (place of registration) of the User, who is an individual, or at the location of the User - legal entity. The location of the User - a legal entity for the purposes of this Agreement means legal address the User and (or) other address where the User carries out his activities. 1.8. "Agent" means a legal entity that has the right to perform actions related to settlements with the User for the Communication Services provided by Rostelecom, conducting claims and lawsuits with the User on the basis of an agreement concluded with Rostelecom. The list of Agents indicating the territory served by the Agent and (or) the categories of Users served by the Agent is communicated to the Users by Rostelecom through the mass media and may change from time to time. 1.9. "Rostelecom Payment Acceptance Agent" means a legal entity entitled to receive payment from Users for the Communication Services provided by Rostelecom on the basis of an agreement concluded with Rostelecom. The list of Rostelecom Payment Accepting Agents indicating the territory served by the Payment Accepting Agent and (or) the categories of Users served by the Agent is communicated to the Users by Rostelecom or the Agent through the mass media and may change from time to time. 1.10. "Payment Acceptance Agent" means a legal entity entitled to receive payment from Users for the Communication Services provided by Rostelecom on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Agent. The list of Payment Accepting Agents indicating the territory served by the Payment Accepting Agent and (or) the categories of Users served by the Agent is communicated to the Users by the Agent through the media and may change from time to time. 1.11. "Rules" means the Rules for the provision of local, intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone services in force on the date of entry into force of the Agreement. 1.12. "Local communication operator" means a legal entity licensed to provide local telephone services in the Russian Federation or part of it, which provides the User with access to the Communication Service, the telecommunications network of which has access to the public telecommunications network of the Russian Federation and the subscriber of which is the User . 2. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT Rostelecom undertakes to provide the User with Communication Services when making calls from the User Equipment, and the User undertakes to pay for the Communication Services on the terms and in the manner set forth in the Agreement. 3. CONCLUSION OF THE AGREEMENT AND TERMS OF PROVISION OF COMMUNICATION SERVICES 3.1. An individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator is considered to have concluded an Agreement with Rostelecom and accepted all the conditions of this public offer (accepted it), in the following cases: 3. 1.1. a) performance by an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator of the following actual sequential actions: dialing "8" from the User Equipment; dialing the code for selecting the telephone network of Rostelecom OJSC for long-distance telephone connection ("55") or for international telephone connection ("10"); dialing the numbering area code of the called subscriber; dialing the subscriber number of the called subscriber; or b) an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator performs the following actual sequential actions: dialing "8" from the User Equipment; access code set ("15"); dialing the code for selecting the operator of the long-distance and international telephone communication network of OJSC Rostelecom ("55"); for long-distance telephone connection - dialing "8", dialing the code of the called subscriber's numbering zone, dialing the subscriber number of the called subscriber; or, in case of an international telephone connection - dial "10", dial the code of the called subscriber's numbering area; dialing the subscriber number of the called subscriber, or c) the following actual sequential actions performed by an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator: dialing "8" and the access number to the Communication Services provided by OJSC Rostelecom with the help of a telephonist, information about which The user can receive through the information and reference service "07" and (or) another service; ordering a long-distance or international telephone connection through a telephonist using an immediate or custom service system, in accordance with the Rules. 3.1.2. Establishment of a telephone connection as a result of the actions specified in subparagraph a), subparagraph b) or subparagraph c) of clause 3.1.1 of the Agreement. 3.2. An individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator, from the moment the telephone connection specified in clause 3.1.2 of the Agreement is established, becomes the User, acquiring all the rights and obligations of the User provided for by the Agreement. 3.3. After the conclusion of the Agreement, the User has the right to receive Communication Services, and Rostelecom, if it is technically possible and if the User has access to long-distance and international telephone services, is obliged to provide Communication Services to the User. 3.4. To receive Communication Services through an automatic service system, the User must perform the actions specified in subparagraph a) or subparagraph b) of clause 3.1.1. Agreement. The dialing procedure specified in subparagraph b) of paragraph 3. 1.1. of the Agreement is applied if there is a technical and organizational feasibility of implementation this format in the networks of the Local Communications Operator. In the absence of technical and organizational feasibility of implementing this format in the networks of the Local Communications Operator, with the automatic method of establishing a telephone connection, the dialing procedure established by subparagraph a) of clause 3.1.1 of the Agreement is applied. To receive Communication Services with the help of a telephonist, the User must perform the actions specified in subparagraph c) of clause 3.1.1. Agreement. 3.5. The communication service is considered to be provided from the moment a telephone connection is established as a result of the User performing the actions specified in subparagraph a), subparagraph b) or subparagraph c) of clause 3.1.1. Agreement. 3.6. Access to the Communication Services provided to the User from the User Equipment may be suspended at the initiative of Rostelecom in the cases provided for in clause 6.2 of the Agreement. 3.7. Rostelecom, in the event of a partial lack of technical capability to provide the User with Communication Services, has the right to impose restrictions on the number of calls for calls and on the duration of the conversation, and in the complete absence of technical capability to provide Communication Services, it has the right to refuse to provide Communication Services. The User must be notified about the introduction of restrictions on Communication Services at the time of accepting the order or at the time of providing a telephone connection with a custom service system. In the event of long-term restrictions on the use of telephone communications, Rostelecom must take measures to inform the User about this using the mass media, help desks, announcements in points of collective use of communication services, etc. 3.8. The user agrees to the processing of his personal data by Rostelecom and / or third parties, including representatives of Rostelecom, for the following purposes: - for information and reference services; - to provide the persons making payments for the Services on behalf of Rostelecom, to collect the debt for the Services from the User, or to the persons to whom the right to claim such debt has been transferred. The processing of personal data refers to actions (operations) with personal data, including the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking and destruction of personal data. This consent is given for the period from the moment of conclusion of the Agreement until the moment of termination of the Agreement and / or the full fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under the Agreement, whichever of these circumstances occurs later. 3.9. In case of disagreement of the User - individual with the provision of information about him by Rostelecom in accordance with clause 3.8. these conditions do not apply to the relationship of the Parties, provided that the User - an individual signs an appropriate statement of refusal to apply clause 3.8. and send it to Rostelecom during the term of the Agreement. At the same time, the provisions of clause 3.8. will not be subject to application from the moment Rostelecom receives the relevant application. 3.10. Clause 3.9. The Agreement does not apply to cases where information about the User - an individual is provided for making payments for Services on behalf of Rostelecom, as well as for considering claims of Users - individuals in connection with the Services provided. 4. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 4.1. Rostelecom undertakes: national standards , technical norms and rules, a license, as well as the Agreement (including, within the established time limits, to eliminate malfunctions that arose through the fault of Rostelecom and prevented the use of Communication Services). 4.1.2. If there is a technical possibility, and also subject to access to the Communication Services from the User Equipment, Rostelecom shall provide the User with the opportunity to use the Communication Services 24 hours a day, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.1.3. In accordance with subparagraph d) of paragraph 59 of the Rules, notify the User through the mass media of changes in the Tariffs for telephone services at least 10 days before the introduction of new Tariffs. Changes in the Tariffs are formalized by an Additional Agreement to this Agreement, which is concluded between Rostelecom and the User through the User's acceptance of the relevant public offer of Rostelecom. 4.1.4. Fulfill other obligations of Rostelecom stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. 4.2. The User undertakes: 4.2.1. To make payment for the Communication Services rendered to him within the terms and on the conditions stipulated by the Agreement. The User, which is an organization funded from the budgets of the corresponding level, is obliged to use the Communication Services only within the limits of budget financing established for such User. 4.2.2. Fulfill other obligations of the User provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. 4.3. Rostelecom has the right to: 4.3.1. Change the Tariffs in accordance with clause 4.1.3. Agreement. 4.3.2. Initiate a temporary suspension of providing access to long-distance and international communications to the User in the cases provided for in clause 6.2. Agreement. 4.3.3. Make changes to the terms of the Agreement by sending relevant offers to the User and / or placing relevant public offers to change the terms of the Agreement (including by publishing in the media), containing an indication of the method of accepting such offers (public offers). From the moment the User performs legal or other actions to accept the specified offers (public offers), in accordance with the instructions set forth in them, the Agreement will be considered amended and will be valid in a new edition. 4.3.4 In case of non-payment by the User of the invoices provided for by this Agreement, take the measures provided for by law to recover from the User the amount of unfulfilled obligations and losses. Rostelecom has the right to involve third parties in debt collection, while the provision of information necessary for debt collection is not a violation of the provisions of this Agreement, the Rules and the current legislation on the disclosure of communication secrets and confidential information. 4.4. The User has the right to: 4.4.1. Make claims on the received invoice in the manner provided for in Article 7 of the Agreement. 4.4.2. Refuse to pay for the Communication Services provided to the User without his consent. When using the User Equipment the actions specified in paragraphs. 3.1.1. of the Agreement, the Communication Service is considered provided with the consent of the User. 4.4.3. Use the Communication Services around the clock on all days of the week, subject to the restrictions established by the Agreement. 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURE 5.1. Tariffs for long-distance communication services are established and changed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Tariffs for International Communication Services are set by Rostelecom and may be changed at any time. 5.2. The tariffication unit for a long-distance or international telephone connection is set by Rostelecom and is one minute. If the connection was less than a minute, rounding up is done up to a full minute. Accounting for the duration of a long-distance or international telephone connection is carried out in accordance with the billing unit adopted by Rostelecom. The billing unit may be changed by Rostelecom at any time unilaterally. 5.3. The User is obliged to pay for the Communication Services rendered to him by Rostelecom in cash through the payment points of Rostelecom, the Agent, the Rostelecom Agent for receiving payment or the Agent for receiving payment, or by bank transfer, based on the invoice for payment for the Communication Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Account") issued by Rostelecom or the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom, using the bank details specified in the Invoice. 5.4. An invoice for payment for the Communication Services shall be issued by Rostelecom or the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom before the 8th day of the month following the month in which the Communication Services were provided, indicating the total amount of the payment, as well as indicating each type of Communication Services, their volume and cost. The basis for issuing an Invoice to the User is the data obtained using the equipment used to account for the volume of rendered Communication Services. Payment for the Communication Services is made monthly, within 20 days from the date of the Invoice. 5.5. Delivery of the Account is carried out within the time limits stipulated by the Rules, using one of the methods at the choice of Rostelecom - through the information and reference system "Personal Account" via the Internet, at the e-mail specified by the User, at the Sales and Service Center of Rostelecom or the Agent, at the fax number specified by the User , by mail or courier to the address of installation of the terminal subscriber device, or in any other way. Non-receipt of the Invoice is not grounds for violation by the User of obligations to pay the Invoice. 5.6. If the Invoice is issued by Rostelecom, payment for the Communication Services shall be made by the User to Rostelecom in cash to its payment points, or to the payment points of the Rostelecom Agent for receiving payment, or by transferring funds to the settlement account specified in the Invoice. 5.7. If the Invoice is issued by the Agent on behalf of Rostelecom, payment for the Communication Services is made by the User to this Agent in cash to its payment points, or to the Agent's payment points for receiving payment of the relevant Agent, or by transferring funds to the current account specified in the Invoice. 5.8. When paying for the Communication Services by non-cash funds, the User's financial obligations for the Communication Services provided to him are terminated from the moment the funds are credited to the bank account specified in the invoice issued to the User. When paying for the Communication Services in cash, the User's financial obligations for the Communication Services provided to him terminate from the moment the funds are deposited at the payment points of Rostelecom or the Rostelecom Agent for collection of payment (if the Invoice is issued by Rostelecom), or at the payment points of the Agent or the Agent for receiving payment of the relevant Agent (if the Invoice is issued by the Agent). 5.9. Settlements with a User that is a legal entity can be made in cash, only within the limits established by law for legal entities at the payment acceptance points of the Agent, Rostelecom, the Rostelecom Payment Acceptance Agent or the Payment Acceptance Agent. 6. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 6.1. For non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement, Rostelecom and the User shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including the Rules) and the Agreement. 6.2. In the event of a delay in payment or any other violation by the User of the requirements established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Communications", the Rules or the Agreement, Rostelecom has the right to initiate a unilateral suspension of the provision of access to the Communication Services for a period until the full repayment of the debt by the User, or, accordingly, elimination of other violations committed by the User. The resumption of providing access to the Communication Services is carried out by Rostelecom within 5 working days from the date of fulfillment by the User of the violated obligations. 6.3. In case of non-payment, incomplete or late payment for the Communication Services, Rostelecom has the right to recover from the User a penalty in the form of a penalty in the amount of 1% (one percent) of the cost of services provided in the month preceding the Billing Period, but not paid, not paid in full or late paid Communication services for each day of delay up to the day of debt repayment, but not more than the amount payable. The User is obliged to pay such penalty to Rostelecom within 5 (five) calendar days from the moment Rostelecom presented him with a demand for its payment. 7. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 7.1. In the event of disputes and disagreements under the Agreement, they shall be settled in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Article 7. 7.2. If Rostelecom fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations to provide Communication Services, the User submits a claim to Rostelecom before going to court. Claims of the User shall be presented and considered in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If the User's claim is rejected in whole or in part, or if a response to the claim submitted by the User is not received within the time limits established for its consideration by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the User, who is an individual, has the right to file a lawsuit in court in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated February 7, 1992 (No. 2300-1), and the User, which is a legal entity, has the right to sue the court at the location of the Agent, if settlements with the User for Communication Services are carried out by the Agent, or to the court at the location of Rostelecom (or a branch of Rostelecom , in the zone of action of which the place of residence (location) of the User is located) - if settlements with the User for Communication Services are carried out by Rostelecom. 7.3. In the event that the User fails to fulfill its obligations to pay for the Services, in whole or in part, Rostelecom has the right to sue the User in court at its choice, either at the place of residence (location) of the User, or at the location of Rostelecom (or a branch of Rostelecom, in the coverage area of ​​which the place of residence (location) of the User is located), or at the location of the Agent (or the branch of the Agent, in the coverage area of ​​which the place of residence (location) of the User is located). 8. FORCE MAJOR 8.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement if they prove that proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary, unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions. At the same time, the presence of force majeure extends the period for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement in proportion to the period of its validity. If the effect of force majeure lasts more than six months, the Parties are obliged, at the suggestion of one of the Parties, to agree on further conditions of validity and / or the possibility of terminating the Agreement. 8.2. If the failure to comply with the term for the provision of Communication Services was due to force majeure, the Parties, by agreement among themselves, are obliged to determine new term provision of communication services. 9.TERM OF THE CONTRACT. TERMS OF AMENDING AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 9.1. The Agreement shall enter into force upon the acceptance of this public offer by an individual or legal entity that is a subscriber of the Local Communications Operator in the manner prescribed by Article 3 of the Agreement, and is considered concluded for an indefinite period. 9.2. The Agreement may be terminated or amended in cases and in the manner prescribed by law. Russian Federation and the Agreement. In the event of termination of the Agreement, the Parties must make mutual settlements for all obligations. Rostelecom and the User acknowledge that the Agreement is binding on both Parties in terms of all conditions. 10.2. The User is familiar with and agrees with the characteristics of the provided Communication Services, regarding their quality, reliability and limitations. The User is familiar with the Rules and undertakes to comply with them. 10.3. All of its rights and obligations (or part of them) under the Agreement may be transferred by Rostelecom to a third party without the consent of the User, but with a mandatory prior written warning to the User. 10.4. Since an agreement has been concluded between Rostelecom and the Agent, on the basis of which the Agent has the right to carry out actions to issue invoices to the User for the rendered Communication Services, receive payment from the Users for the rendered Communication Services, as well as actions to conduct claims and lawsuits with the User, the User agrees, respectively , accept invoices issued by the Agent for Communication Services, make payments for Communication Services to the Agent and, in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement, send claims against Rostelecom caused by non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement by Rostelecom to the Agent. 10.5. In the event that the place of residence (place of registration) of the User - an individual, or the location of the User of a legal entity does not coincide with the territory served by the Agent, and (or) the User is not included in the category of Users served by the Agent, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Agent , in the performance of the Agreement by its Parties are not applied. 11. Address and bank details of OJSC "Rostelecom" OJSC "Rostelecom" Legal address: 191002, St. Petersburg, Dostoevsky st. : 044525848 INN: 7707049388 KPP: 771032001 OGRN: 1027700198767 12. Signature from JSC "Rostelecom" From Rostelecom: Provotorov A.Yu. 6


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