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The approach to choosing key phrases for YAN is fundamentally different from that for Yandex.Direct search. It is extremely important to start collecting keys with a preliminary analysis target audience and drawing up a portrait of a potential buyer. Why and why?

If some request seems controversial to you, check it through Wordstat - how much the interests of users in the issue coincide with the offer.

After that, work with the keys to add negative words, but you need to do this very carefully, since the wrong actions can cut off most of the target audience. To do this, we will use Direct's Budget Forecast (

In the window, enter the first key phrase from the HF list and click "calculate".

In the pop-up window, we look through the nested phrases and explicitly (!) mark non-target ones in the checkbox. As a result, a minus word is added to the original key and it will not be shown for this query.

We copy the received from the line and return it back to Excel. Do not add more than 2-3 negative words in one key, otherwise you will significantly reduce the audience of potential buyers by making the wrong decision.

Next, you need to remove the “+” sign before the stop words in all keywords where it is present. To do this, in the upper right corner of the Excel file, click “find and select” - “replace”, write “+” in the upper field, and leave the bottom blank, “replace all” and the pluses will be deleted.

On this HF page is ready. How much can you collect keywords for YAN you have, I don’t know - the more directions you found, the wider the list will be and, accordingly, the coverage of the audience, I did everything just for an example, without working through the phrases properly.

We do the whole operation with a group of the remaining mid-frequency and low-frequency queries up to 50 per month, moving the data to a new page. When viewing the list and deleting non-target keys, transfer related keys that come across to the appropriate page.

After sorting the column by the number of words in the phrase, we leave only those that have no more than 4 words, and delete the rest, as they will only slow down the campaign due to poor response.

For MF and LF keys, you should not add negative words at all, but they must be grouped according to semantic or some other criteria for individual audience segments.

This can be, depending on the offer, the word “male” for targeting by gender, “rubber” for the material of manufacture, “Moscow” for geographic affiliation, etc.

For example, I see the word "buy" in the list - these are hot requests and it is worth combining them into one group. I won’t describe how to do this in Excel, if you don’t know, look for the information yourself.

Thus, we distribute all the MF and LF keys on the page as separate ready-made bundles for setting up ads on them.

YAN target keywords are collected, repeat process #1 with near-topic (related) queries on a separate page, without grouping them into groups yet.

In the next article, we will look at what goals are needed for and group them by type of conversion.

The question is certainly ambiguous, because opinions on this issue are quite polar: someone says that a small number of high-frequency (HF) and mid-frequency (MF) target words are enough, others argue that it is necessary to collect fairly accurate semantics.

To express our opinion on this matter, let's first recall what is Advertising Network Yandex.

As the name implies, YAN is a huge network of sites that place on their pages advertisements Yandex. It can be both sites of your subject, and pages with non-targeted content.

Therefore, do not forget that in the settings of the campaign that you are doing for YAN, there is a checkbox to take into account user preferences or not.

What does it affect?

By default, it is not set in the campaign settings; user preferences are taken into account. Thus, your ads are shown to all visitors on sites whose topics are determined by your key phrases and to those visitors who entered these key phrases into the Yandex search line.

When might you want to disable user preferences? For example, you sell sleeping bags and want to increase the volume of visitors to your site through advertising on related topics. Then you create a campaign with key phrases, for example, "tourist tent" and check the box "Ignore user preferences." Thus, your ads will be shown on sites dedicated to tour tents. But those people who this moment browsing materials about tents, theoretically may be interested in buying a sleeping bag. And as practice shows, they are interested.

Important reminder!

If in a regular YAN campaign (taking into account preferences) you can make 1 ad = several keys, then in a campaign without preferences, we recommend making 1 ad = 1 key! The key phrase in this case is a description of the theme of the site, if there are a lot of them, Yandex will try to select sites suitable for all the keys of this ad, which will significantly reduce the number of sites.

And now back to phrases, which ones to take - common masks (HF) or phrases of 7-8 words (LF)?

First, let's make a reservation right away that there is no generally accepted exact number of requests at which a key is considered high-frequency, medium-frequency or low-frequency. The number of requests is different for different niches and even for different regions in the same niche.

It's just that the entire pool of requests is conditionally divided into parts in accordance with the frequency of requests.

For example, we selected keys with a frequency of up to 1000 as high-frequency

With a frequency less than 200, like woofers

Accordingly, those keywords that are between 1000 and 200 are taken as midrange (MF).

In most niches, especially if you need a quick start, high-frequency and mid-frequency target phrases work better. But of course, here you also need to be smart about choosing keywords, because if you launch a YAN advertising campaign with one high-frequency “sleeping key”, imagine how much junk traffic will get to your site and even, as a rule, a low cost per click in YAN will not save you from "draining" the budget.

Therefore, it is often enough to take a small amount of HF and MF, but targeted, key phrases consisting of 2-3 words. The number again depends on the niche, 30-50 keys are enough for someone, and somewhere you need to take 100-300 to cover most of your topic queries in networks. We take the request “sleeping bags” as a wide mask, but we don’t use this mask itself in advertising, but we launch high-frequency speakers embedded in it in YAN.

Naturally, this strategy implies that you understand what your cost-per-click (CPC) is for you and select high-frequency and mid-range keywords based on this data as well.

As for low-frequency speakers (LF), they are added already in the next turn, with a more in-depth study of the campaign, or, for example, to appear to those users who introduced a particular product model. It turns out a kind of autoretargeting. Again, very narrow target phrases like “where can I buy a sleeping bag with insulation near the Butovo metro station” should not be taken, because. According to the recently introduced Yandex rules, keywords with a display frequency of 1-5 per month receive the "Few Requests" status and are not shown. Therefore, there is no point in messing with them.

Summing up, we recall that if you want to launch quickly and as efficiently as possible, then at the first stage you should not be smart and fill in tens of thousands of keywords in YAN. Test a niche or destination with 200-300 phrases - often enough to understand if the game is worth the candle. And if so, the further creative process is largely dependent on many variables.

If all our phrases are not "quoted", which is the case in most cases, then we need good list negative keywords. What will happen if it is not done? We will show up on a bunch of non-targeted queries, reducing our CTR. And since Yandex introduced a new search auction on September 1, 2015, the CTR of our ads directly affects how much we will pay per click. And now ads will be sorted in blocks according to the same indicators as selected in them - by a combination of CTR, bid and quality factor. For example - your CTR is 5% - the cost of the third place in the special placement is 10 rubles. If the CTR is 10%, then, all other things being equal, the rate for an ad for the same position will be 5 rubles.

Unfortunately, we cannot see all the requests for which our ads are shown, but we can see the user requests that led to a click on our ad. In order to view them for Direct, we need to go to Yandex.Metrica and open the "Direct - summary" report. For quick and easy viewing of the entire list, click on "Groups" and remove all groups except "Search phrase (Direct)".

To view such a report in Adwords, we need to select the desired advertising campaign, go to the "Keywords" tab and select the "Search queries" report

After looking at these reports, you can find non-target words or phrases that you did not take into account when creating advertising campaign. Don't forget these reports.

One campaign for search and YAN

Why shouldn't you do that? There are several reasons for this. The first is a greatly inflated cost per click for YAN. Since if there is only one campaign, then we can also select only one bid for the keyword, and for the YAN, we can only lower the maximum CPC as a percentage. At the same time, we lose the flexibility of setting rates and do not see the dependence of site coverage on the size of the rate. The second is keywords. For these two types of advertising, they are selected fundamentally differently. Search keys - phrases that best match the user's query in the search bar. Context keys are phrases that reflect the theme of the site or the interests of the user.

Long phrases in YAN

Even if you were not too lazy and made a separate campaign for YAN, you most likely took the phrases for it from the search campaign. Why is this not entirely correct? Phrases for YAN reflect the subject and content of the site and / or the interests of the user. I recommend a key length of 2-3 words. This will make it easier for Yandex to determine where and to whom to show your ads. Therefore, you get more impressions and more clicks. Also in YAN it is permissible to use near-thematic queries. For example, you have an online fitness clothing store. The keys may include such phrases as “seaside fitness club”, “fitness trainer” and “jogging music”, and the ad “Fitness leggings”. Using near-thematic keywords, you can significantly expand the reach of your audience, and also, it is an opportunity to get a lot of clicks at a price much lower than for thematic keywords.

Ads in YAN without images

We made a separate campaign for YAN and even collected a separate list of keys for it. But about the fact that you need to attach an image to ads, we forgot or were too lazy ... Why are images important for YAN? Because the chance to attract the visitor's attention and then click on the ad is incomparably higher for an ad with a beautiful image. How to pick it up? Try to present your product as simply and clearly as possible. Even in Yandex and Google pictures you can find something decent. If possible, choose a picture with a white background - they look much better on sites-platforms.

Goals and events are not configured in Yandex.Metrica and Analytics

Why it is important to set goals and what kind they should be - I told in my previous article - " 3 quick ways to make your advertising in Yandex.Direct more effective". Please don't forget about them.
But what could be the difference between setting goals for Analytics and Metrica? If you have a one-page site, then you definitely need to set an event for the duration of the visit to the site. Since G.A considers a visit to one page of the site as a failure, regardless of how much time the visitor spent on it. And in order to see more or less correct data on failures, this event is useful to us.
To create a goal, we need to go to the tab "Administrator" - Goals and click "+ Goal".

Typically, search advertising campaigns use a one-keyword-one-ad approach. Thus, it turns out to create ad texts that best match the query potential client. What should be done with campaigns created for impressions in YAN, where there are no search queries? Let's clarify that we are talking about YAN campaigns based on thematic (rather than behavioral) targeting.

Initial data:

You can often hear the opinion that an advertising campaign for YAN should contain only high frequency requests, and in phrases it is not recommended to use the syntax (quotes, exclamation mark, + sign) so as not to limit the number of suitable sites. However, the use of special characters will be justified in some cases. For example, if you sell sightseeing tours to St. Petersburg, then you just need to fix the preposition "in" so that your ads are not shown on sites where it is about searching for tours from St. Petersburg.

As we can see, there is no single rule by which the semantic core for YAN is formed - requests (key phrases) for setting up an advertising campaign - does not exist. Each specific case, each individual topic will dictate its own conditions, so you should not blindly rely on random recommendations.


What queries will we include in the semantic core of YAN?

When ads are shown in YAN, the content of the site is analyzed for compliance with the given keywords, so the use of low-frequency queries will not play a big role in the formation of the semantic core. However, high-frequency (HF) and mid-frequency (MF) requests will fit perfectly. To collect HF and MF requests, it is very convenient to use the Yandex.Wordstat service, and be sure to pay attention to the right column as well. If before creating a campaign for YAN you managed to prepare a campaign for search, then you can immediately take the keys from the already collected database.

As for negative keywords, oddly enough, even in the field of bathroom renovation, they will be useful to us:

When forming a group of keywords, we often use the following approach: we divide the semantic core into several thematic groups. For example, bathroom refurbishment services may include plumbing, pipe replacement, tiling, and more. Therefore, in addition to a group of general queries like " bathroom renovation», « renovate the bathroom», « bathroom renovation” and others close to them, it makes sense to single out several small groups of key phrases by name individual services and write different ads for them that are most relevant to the topic.


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