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"Game technologies in environmental education"

Various forms and methods of work are used to increase the effectiveness of environmental education. One of the methods is ecological games.

Ecological games are:

  • role-playing;
  • didactic;
  • imitation;
  • competitive;
  • travel games.
  • Role-playing games are based on simulation social content environmental activities, such as the city building game.

    The purpose of the game: to form the idea that construction can only be carried out if environmental standards and rules are observed.

    Competitive games stimulate the activity of their participants in acquiring and demonstrating environmental knowledge, skills and abilities. These include: competitions, KVN, Ecological quiz, "Field of Miracles", etc.

    Travel games are widely used in the practice of preschool institutions, in which children, with the help of TCO, get to the North Pole, to the bottom of the ocean, etc.

    In working with preschoolers, didactic games are of great importance: “Who lives where?”, “Flies, runs, jumps” (about the adaptation of animals to their environment);

    “Who has what house” (about ecosystems); “Living-non-living”, “Birds-fish-animals”, “What first, what then” (growth and development of living organisms); “choose the right path” (about the rules of behavior in nature), etc.

    Each teacher chooses the types of games that suit him best. Selection criteria - the program on which it works, opportunities preschool, the level of readiness of pupils.

    The more varied the content of the game actions, the more interesting and effective the game techniques. Game teaching methods, like other pedagogical methods, are aimed at solving didactic problems and are associated with the organization of the game in the classroom. The game in the lesson is offered by the teacher, and in this it differs from the free game. The teacher plays with the children, teaches them how to play and follow the rules of the game as a leader and its participant.

    The game requires the child to be included in its rules; he must be attentive to the plot that develops in a joint game with peers, he must remember all the designations, he must quickly figure out how to act in an unexpected situation, from which it is necessary to get out correctly. However, the whole complex of practical and mental actions performed by the child in the game is not recognized by him as a process of deliberate learning - the child learns while playing.

    In ecological games, it is advisable to use visual artistically designed material, come up with interesting game moments, actions, and engage all children in solving a single problem. You can get help fairytale heroes, musical accompaniment.

    "Star Zoo"- goal: to introduce the constellations, to form the ability to make constellations; give an idea that a person is connected with the outside world, that observation of starry sky forced to combine the stars into groups (circling their contours, you can see the silhouettes of animals, birds). Children are given sets for the game (a sheet of paper, small stars made of colored paper for making constellations). Children make up constellations based on squares of velvet paper, guess its name. Whoever does everything right and correctly names the constellation, he won.

    The aim of the game "Spread the Animals across the Earth" is: to acquaint children with animals living in different climatic zones of the Earth, to give an idea of ​​the features of adaptation of animals to different climatic conditions.

  • Pick one continent.
  • Select the animals that live there.
  • Who will quickly settle on their mainland the animals that live on it.
  • Come up with a story about the life of animals on your mainland.
  • The one who settled the animals without mistakes, composed an interesting story, gets a token. The one with the most chips wins.

    A game "Fix the mistake" is built on the fact that children can figure it out for themselves and then explain how the environment of animals affects them appearance, habits, food.

    The teacher places pictures or small toys of animals on the world map with errors. Children must find these mistakes and correct them. The one who finds and correctly corrects the most errors wins.

    A game "Who will help the baby?"

    Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge about the adaptation of animals to their environment.

    The facilitator selects a picture with one of the animals and places it in "foreign conditions". The animal goes on a journey - wants to return to its environment, but on the way it encounters many obstacles. To save the traveler, the children must pick up another animal that can help in this situation. You cannot repeat the same name over and over again. The one who finds the most helpers wins.

    Example: The children chose a hare. The cube fell into the sea. Who will help the poor bunny? Helped whale, dolphin, crab. Throw the dice again. Desert. Who will help? Etc. The game can last a long time, depending on what the children's knowledge in this area is.

    Ecological games

    “What would happen if they disappeared from the forest…”

    The teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:
    - What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were gone? What if there were no mushrooms? What if the hares left the forest?

    It turns out that it was not by chance that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They cannot do without each other.

    "Which plant is gone?"

    Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

    "Where does it ripen?"

    Target:learn to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.

    Game progress: two branches are laid out on a flannelograph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants. (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks the question: “Which fruits will ripen and which will not?” children correct the mistakes made in drawing up the drawing.

    "Guess what's in your hand?"

    Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher lays out models of fruit in the hands of the children. Then he shows one of the fruits. Then he shows one of the fruits. Children who have identified the same fruit in themselves, on a signal, run up to the teacher. It is impossible to look at what lies in the hand, the object must be recognized by touch.


    Children sit in a circle. The teacher names the vegetables, the children make hand movements: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the hands are lowered down.

    "Recognize and name"

    The teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children. Clarifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you some plant, and you have to tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine) And our guest, Little Red Riding Hood, will play and listen about medicinal herbs with us. For example, chamomile (flowers) is harvested in summer, plantain (only leaves without legs are harvested) in spring and early summer, nettle - in spring, when it is just growing (2-3 children's stories)

    "Not really"

    All questions of the host can be answered only with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree which animal (plant) we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where this animal lives, what it is, what it eats. We will answer him with only two words.

    "Where are the snowflakes?"

    Children walk in a round dance around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict various states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, drop, etc.
    During the movement in a circle, the following words are pronounced:

    Here comes the summer.
    The sun shone brighter.
    It got hotter to bake
    Where can we find a snowflake?

    With the last word, everyone stops. Those in front of whom the necessary pictures are located should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

    Finally, winter has come:
    Cold, blizzard, cold.
    Come out for a walk.
    Where can we find a snowflake?

    Re-select the desired pictures, and the choice is explained.

    Complication: There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should place their cards in hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.

    "Wonderful bag"

    The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc. Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who eats what. Approach the toys and treat them.

    "Where did the fish hide"

    Target:to develop the ability of children to analyze, fix the names of plants, expand vocabulary.

    Material:blue fabric or paper (pond), several types of plants, shell, stick, snag.

    Description:children are shown a small fish (toy), which "wanted to play hide and seek with them." The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the fish behind a plant or any other object. Children open their eyes.
    "How to find a fish?" - asks the teacher. “Now I will tell you where she hid. The teacher tells what the object behind which “hid the fish is like. Children guess.

    "Name the plant"

    The teacher offers to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the game condition changes (“Where is the balsam?” etc.)
    The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the plants have different stems.
    - Name plants with straight stems, with climbing, without a stem. How should you take care of them? How else do plants differ from each other?
    What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

    "The Fourth Extra"

    You already know that not only insects and birds fly in our country, but there are also flying animals. To make sure you don't confuse insects with other animals, we will play the game "Four Extra"

  • hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;
  • wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;
  • butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
  • grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer;
  • bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
  • grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;
  • cockroach, fly, bee, Maybug;
  • dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;
  • frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;
  • dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.
  • "Guess the Plant"

    Now each of you will guess indoor plant will tell us about him without naming him. And we will guess the plant from the story and name it.

    Ball game "I know"

    Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. The teacher throws a ball to the child and names a class of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who caught the ball says: “I know five names of animals” and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the teacher.
    Similarly, other classes of objects of nature are called.

    "Birds, fish, animals"

    The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word "bird". The child who caught the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example, "sparrow", and throw the ball back. The next child should name the bird, but not repeat.
    Similarly, a game is played with the words "animals" and "fish".

    "Air, Earth, Water"

    The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. The child answers the word "dolphin" "water", the word "wolf" - "earth", etc.
    Another version of the game is also possible: the teacher calls the word "air". The child who caught the ball must name the bird. To the word "earth" - an animal that lives on earth: to the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


    The educator has in his hands a subject picture depicting an object of living or inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in a chain, names one attribute of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, a “squirrel” is an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc.

    "Who lives where"

    The educator has pictures depicting animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by showing the card to the teacher.

    "Flies, swims, runs"

    The teacher shows or names an object of wildlife to the children. Children should depict the way this object moves.

    For example: at the word “bunny”, children begin to run (or jump) in place; at the word "crucian" - they imitate a swimming fish; at the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of a bird.

    "Similar - not similar"

    Purpose of the game: to develop in children the ability to abstract, generalize, highlight objects that are similar in some properties and different in others, compare, compare objects or images.

    Material: game sheet (screen) with three "windows-slots" into which tapes are inserted with symbols properties; ribbon strips with the designation of the properties of objects. Strips with the image of objects are inserted into the first and third "windows", and a strip with the designation of properties is inserted into the second.

    Option 1. The child is asked to set the “screen” so that the first and third windows contain objects that have the property indicated in the second window. On initial stage After mastering the game, the property is set by adults, then the children can independently set the feature they like. For example, the first window is an apple, the second window is a circle, the third window is a ball.

    Option 2. One child sets the first window, the second selects and sets the property that this object has, the third must select an object that fits the first and second windows. For each correct choice, children receive a token. After the first round, the children change places.

    Option 3. Used on final stages development. You can play with a large group of children. The child guesses a “riddle” - he builds images in the first and third windows that have a common property, while the second window is hidden. The rest of the children guess how the objects depicted are similar. The child who correctly named common property, gets the right to open a second window or make a new riddle.

    "Choose what you want"

    Pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or feature, and the children must choose as many items as possible that have this property. For example: “green” - these can be pictures of a leaf, tree, cucumber, cabbage, grasshopper, lizard, etc. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, hoarfrost, etc.

    "Two Baskets"

    On the table are dummies or pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children should arrange them into two baskets. At the same time, objects can be divided not only by belonging to fruits or vegetables, but also by color, shape, hardness - softness, taste or even smell.

    "Protect nature"

    On a table or typesetting canvas, pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, the sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to a person, to plants, etc.

    Podobedova Svetlana Leonidovna

    "Game on ecology in kindergarten"

    Consultation for educators

    Prepared by the teacher Davletbaeva F.F.

    MBDOU kindergarten No. 322

    Ufa urban district

    Republic of Bashkortostan

    Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest inecology and environmental education.

    Man is a partnature: he cannot live outside of it, he cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.

    The ecological attitude to the natural world is formed and develops throughout a person's life.

    Skill"look" And"see" , "listen" And"hear" does not develop by itself, is not given from birth in ready-made, Abrought up. Learning to live in harmony with nature, with the environment should begin at preschool age.

    preschool age- optimal stage in developmentecological culture of the individual. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from environment, an emotional and value attitude to the environment develops, the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. This is what makes it possible to formenvironmental knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature,education of empathy for it, activity in solving some environmental problems.

    The use of game activity in work affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. So, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In conditionsgameschildren concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults.

    In the formation of children's emotional attitude to natureII use many kinds of games. With the kids I spend very simple mobilegames, one way or another based on ideas about nature. Such gamesconsolidate the first grains of knowledge that children receive in observations.

    Great opportunities inenvironmental educationfeelings in relation to the world around are laid, first of all, in didactic games.

    develop positive emotions helping naturetransformation games aimed at developing empathy in a child for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

    Classificationenvironmental games:

      Features of role-playingecological games

    During the role playenvironmentalgames the child has the opportunity to simulate social contentenvironmental activities: "Animal Hospital" , "Shop"Fruits and vegetables" », "Forest Pharmacy" and etc.

    For example, the purpose of the rolegames"City Building" is the formation in children of the idea that construction is carried out only subject toenvironmental standards and regulations.

      Features of competitiveecological games

    Competitiveenvironmental games like: KVN, competitions,"Field of Dreams" , ecologicalquizzes stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstrationenvironmental knowledge, skills and abilities.

      Peculiaritiesecological travel games

    INenvironmentaltravel games for preschoolers with the help of TCO(technical teaching aids) end up on the seabed or the North Pole, etc.

    For example:"Trip to the Zoo" , "Walking in the Forest" , "Visiting an exhibition of paintings about nature" , "A Trip to the Village to Grandma" and etc.

      Features of ecological didactic games

    Didacticgames in environmental educationoccupy one of the main places in my work withpreschoolers:"Who's lost?" , "Know by taste" , "Wonderful bag" , "Two Baskets" , "What happens if?" , "Birds, fish, animals" , "Chain" , "Air, Earth, Water" , "Flies, swims, runs" and etc.

    The following integrated approaches are used in the environmental education of preschoolers:

      suggesting the relationship of research activities,


      visual activity,

      physical culture,


      theater activities,



      TV viewing,


      organization of independent activities of children, i.e.greeningvarious kinds child's activities.

    When using games and game situations onecology, children become more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them.

    Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest in ecology and environmental education. Man is a part nature: he cannot live outside of it, cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.

    ecological attitude to the natural world is formed and develops throughout a person's life. Skill "look" And "see", "listen" And "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up. Learning to live in harmony with nature, with the environment should begin at preschool age.

    Preschool age is the optimal stage in development ecological culture of personality. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude to the environment, forms the foundations of moral and ecological positions of the individual which are manifested in the child's interactions with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. This is what makes it possible to form environmental knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for her, activity in solving some environmental issues.

    Studies by domestic psychologists have shown that the development and upbringing child occurs in all activities, but above all in the game. It is the game that allows you to satisfy children's curiosity, to involve the child in the active development of the surrounding world, helps him to master the ways of knowing the connections between objects and phenomena.

    Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. So, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In conditions games children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults.

    In the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature educator uses many types of games. With kids, he conducts very simple mobile activities. games, one way or another based on ideas about nature. These games consolidate the first grains of knowledge that children receive in observations.

    Great opportunities in environmental education feelings in relation to the world around are laid, first of all, in didactic games.

    Develop positive emotions in relation to nature help transformation games aimed at the emergence of empathy in the child for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

    In physical education classes, children are taught various types of movements and game exercises in the form of imitative and imitative movements and games in which the child must reproduce familiar images of animals, birds, insects, trees, etc.

    Classification ecological games:

    • role-playing;
    • imitation;
    • competitive;
    • didactic;
    • travel games.

    Features of role-playing ecological games

    During the role play environmental games the child has the opportunity to simulate social content environmental activities: "Animal Hospital", "Shop "Fruits and vegetables"», "Forest Pharmacy" and etc.

    For example, the purpose of the role games"City Building" is the formation in children of the idea that construction is carried out only subject to environmental standards and regulations.

    Features of competitive ecological games

    Competitive environmental games like: KVN, competitions, "Field of Dreams", ecological quizzes stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstration environmental knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Peculiarities ecological travel games

    IN environmental travel games for preschoolers with the help of TCO (technical teaching aids) end up on the seabed or the North Pole, etc. For example: "Trip to the Zoo", "Walking in the Forest", "Visiting an exhibition of paintings about nature", "A Trip to the Village to Grandma" and etc.

    Peculiarities ecological didactic games

    Didactic games in environmental education occupy one of the main places in the work with preschoolers: "Who's lost?", "Know by taste", "Wonderful bag", "Two Baskets", "What happens if?", "Birds, fish, animals", "Chain", "Air, Earth, Water", "Flies, swims, runs" and etc.

    Working with preschoolers on their environmental education an integrated approach should be used, involving the relationship of research activities, music, visual activity, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching TV shows, excursions, as well as organizing independent activities for children, i.e. greening various activities for the child.

    When using games and game situations in the classroom for ecology was noted that children have become more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them.

    Consultation for educators

    "Game technologies in environmental education"

    Trusova Elena Sergeevna,
    educator MDOU "CRR-Kindergarten No. 378"
    Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan

    With the publication of the laws of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the natural environment" and "On education" and the Decree "On the environmental education of students in educational institutions Russian Federation” (30.03.1997 No. 4/16), environmental education has gradually become the most important direction in the work of preschool institutions.

    To increase its effectiveness, various forms and methods of work are used. One of the methods is ecological games.

    Ecological games are:

    • role-playing;
    • didactic;
    • imitation;
    • competitive;
    • travel games.

    Role-playing games are based on modeling the social content of environmental activities, such as the city building game.

    Purpose of the game: to form the idea that construction can be carried out only if environmental standards and rules are observed.

    Competitive games stimulate the activity of their participants in acquiring and demonstrating environmental knowledge, skills and abilities. These include: competitions, KVN, Ecological quiz, "Field of Miracles", etc.

    Travel games are widely used in the practice of preschool institutions, in which children, with the help of TCO, get to the North Pole, to the bottom of the ocean, etc.

    In working with preschoolers, didactic games are of great importance: “Who lives where?”, “Flies, runs, jumps” (about the adaptation of animals to their environment); “Who has what house” (about ecosystems); “Living-non-living”, “Birds-fish-animals”, “What first, what then” (growth and development of living organisms); “choose the right path” (about the rules of behavior in nature), etc.

    Each teacher chooses the types of games that suit him best. The selection criteria are the program according to which he works, the possibilities of the preschool institution, the level of preparedness of the pupils.

    The more varied the content of the game actions, the more interesting and effective the game techniques. Game teaching methods, like other pedagogical methods, are aimed at solving didactic problems and are associated with the organization of the game in the classroom. The game in the lesson is offered by the teacher, and in this it differs from the free game. The teacher plays with the children, teaches them how to play and follow the rules of the game as a leader and its participant.

    The game requires the child to be included in its rules; he must be attentive to the plot that develops in a joint game with peers, he must remember all the designations, he must quickly figure out how to act in an unexpected situation, from which it is necessary to get out correctly. However, the whole complex of practical and mental actions performed by the child in the game is not recognized by him as a process of deliberate learning - the child learns while playing.

    In ecological games, it is advisable to use visual artistically designed material, come up with interesting game moments, actions, and engage all children in solving a single problem. You can resort to the help of fairy-tale characters, musical accompaniment.

    In my work with children, I use such didactic games as:
    "Star Zoo" - target: to introduce constellations, to form the ability to make constellations; to give an idea that a person is connected with the outside world, that the observation of the starry sky forced the stars to be combined into groups (circling their contours, you can see the silhouettes of animals, birds). Children are given sets for the game (a sheet of paper, small stars made of colored paper for making constellations). Children make up constellations based on squares of velvet paper, guess its name. Whoever does everything right and correctly names the constellation, he won.

    The aim of the game "Spread the Animals across the Earth" is: to acquaint children with animals living in different climatic zones of the Earth, to give an idea of ​​the features of adaptation of animals to different climatic conditions.

    1. Pick one continent.
    2. Select the animals that live there.
    3. Who will quickly settle on their mainland the animals that live on it.
    4. Come up with a story about the life of animals on your mainland.

    The one who settled the animals without mistakes, composed an interesting story, gets a token. The one with the most chips wins.

    A game "Fix the mistake" It is built on the fact that children can figure it out themselves and then explain how the habitat of animals affects their appearance, habits, nutrition.

    The teacher places pictures or small toys of animals on the world map with errors. Children must find these mistakes and correct them. The one who finds and correctly corrects the most errors wins.

    A game "Who will help the baby?"

    Target: to clarify children's knowledge about the adaptation of animals to their environment.

    The facilitator selects a picture with one of the animals and places it in "foreign conditions". The animal goes on a journey - wants to return to its environment, but on the way it encounters many obstacles. To save the traveler, the children must pick up another animal that can help in this situation. You cannot repeat the same name over and over again. The one who finds the most helpers wins.

    Example: The children chose a hare. The cube fell into the sea. Who will help the poor bunny? Helped whale, dolphin, crab. Throw the dice again. Desert. Who will help? Etc. The game can last a long time, depending on what the children's knowledge in this area is.


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